End-of-Sale Product Part Number |
Product Description |
Replacement Product Part Number |
Replacement Product Description |
Express Not-For-Resale Kit for Channel Partners Labs |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-2.X-3.1-E-UPG= |
Exp v2.x to v 3.0 Upgrade (price includes server) |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-2.X-3.1-S-UPG= |
Exp v2.x to v 3.0 Upgrade (price server only) |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3.0-3.1-E-UPG= |
Exp v3.0 Enh to v 3.1Enh Upgrade (price includes server) |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3.0-3.1-S-UPG= |
Exp v3.0 Std to v 3.1Std Upgrade (price includes server) |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3.1-E-BS= |
Exp Enh 3.1 Bundle 10CADagts, 10 IVR, 1HR,1Sup,1rec |
NEW 4.0 ENHANCED Deployment |
ICD-3.1-E-BS= |
Exp Enh 3.1 Bundle 10CADagts, 10 IVR, 1HR,1Sup,1rec |
NEW 4.0 PREMIUM Deployment |
ICD-3.1-E-BSPH= |
Exp Enh 3.1 Bundle 10Phone agts,10 IVR, 1HR,1Sup,1rec |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3.1-E-RED= |
Exp Enh 3.1 Cold Standby Server Software |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3.1-E-SERVER1= |
Exp Enh 3.1 Server (server software only) |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3.1-S-BB= |
Exp Std 3.0 Bundle 10CADagts |
NEW 4.0 STANDARD Deployment |
ICD-3.1-S-BBPH= |
Exp Std 3.0 Bundle 10Phone agts |
NEW 4.0 STANDARD Deployment |
ICD-3.1-S-BS= |
Exp Std 3.0 Bundle 10CADagts,1HR,1Sup,1MT,1IPPagt |
NEW 4.0 STANDARD Deployment |
ICD-3.1-S-BSPH= |
Exp Std 3.0 Bundle 10Phone agts,1HR,1Sup,1MT |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3.1-S-CO-BSPH= |
Exp Std 3.0 CallMgr Co-Res ONLY Bundle 3Phone agts |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3.1-S-RED= |
Exp Std 3.1 Cold Standby Server Software (NO hardware) |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3.1-S-SERVER1= |
Exp Std 3.0 Server (server software only) |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
1 Cisco Media Termination ICD 3.X |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3.X-C-MTRM10 |
10 Cisco Media Termination ICD 3.X |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3.X-C-MTRM25 |
25 Cisco Media Termination ICD 3.X |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
5 Cisco Media Termination ICD 3.X |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3.X-C-MTRM50 |
50 Cisco Media Termination ICD 3.X |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
1 Cisco IP Phone Agent ICD 3.X |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3.X-C-PAGT10 |
10 Cisco IP Phone Agent ICD 3.X |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3.X-C-PAGT25 |
25 Cisco IP Phone Agent ICD 3.X |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
5 Cisco IP Phone Agent ICD 3.X |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3.X-C-PAGT50 |
50 Cisco IP Phone Agent ICD 3.X |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3.X-E-AGT1 |
1 Cisco Enhanced Agent Desktop ICD 3.X |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3.X-E-AGT10 |
10 Cisco Enhanced Agent Desktops ICD 3.X |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3.X-E-AGT25 |
25 Cisco Enhanced Agent Desktops ICD 3.X |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3.X-E-AGT5 |
5 Cisco Enhanced Agent Desktops ICD 3.X |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3.X-E-AGT50 |
50 Cisco Enhanced Agent Desktops ICD 3.X |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
1 Cisco Enhanced Historical Reporting ICD 3.X |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
1 ICD 3.X IVR Port Option |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
10 ICD 3.X IVR Port Option |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
25 ICD 3.X IVR Port Option |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
5 ICD 3.X IVR Port Option |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
50 ICD 3.X IVR Port Option |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3.X-E-REC1 |
1 IP ICD On Demand Recording ICD 3.X |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3.X-E-REC10 |
10 IP ICD On Demand Recording ICD 3.X |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3.X-E-REC25 |
25 IP ICD On Demand Recording ICD 3.X |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3.X-E-REC5 |
5 IP ICD On Demand Recording ICD 3.X |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3.X-E-REC50 |
50 IP ICD On Demand Recording ICD 3.X |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3.X-E-SUP1 |
1 Cisco Enhanced Supervisor Desktop ICD 3.X |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3.X-S-AGT1 |
1 Cisco Standard Agent Desktop ICD 3.X |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3.X-S-AGT10 |
10 Cisco Standard Agent Desktops ICD 3.X |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3.X-S-AGT25 |
25 Cisco Standard Agent Desktops ICD 3.X |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3.X-S-AGT5 |
5 Cisco Standard Agent Desktops ICD 3.X |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3.X-S-AGT50 |
50 Cisco Standard Agent Desktops ICD 3.X |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
1 Cisco Standard Historical Reporting ICD 3.X |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3.X-S-SUP1 |
1 Cisco Standard Supervisor Desktop ICD 3.X |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
Exp Upg from one 3.X Std to later 3.X Enh (includes server) |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-30-31-STOEUPG= |
Exp v3.0 Std to v 3.1Enh Upgrade (price includes server) |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
01 Exp Upg 3.X Std to later 3.X Std Media Termination |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
10 Exp Upg 3.X Std to later 3.X Std Media Termination |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
25 Exp Upg 3.X Std to later 3.X Std Media Termination |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
05 Exp Upg 3.X Std to later 3.X Std Media Termination |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
50 Exp Upg 3.X Std to later 3.X Std Media Termination |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
01 Exp Upg 3.X Std to later 3.X Std IP Phone Agent |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
10 Exp Upg 3.X Std to later 3.X Std IP Phone Agent |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
25 Exp Upg 3.X Std to later 3.X Std IP Phone Agent |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
05 Exp Upg 3.X Std to later 3.X Std IP Phone Agent |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
50 Exp Upg 3.X Std to later 3.X Std IP Phone Agent |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
01 Exp Upg Enh 3.X Enh to later 3.X Enh Agent Desktop |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3X-3X-EAGT10 |
10 Exp Upg Enh 3.X Enh to later 3.X Enh Agent Desktop |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3X-3X-EAGT25 |
25 Exp Upg Enh 3.X Enh to later 3.X Enh Agent Desktop |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
05 Exp Upg Enh 3.X Enh to later 3.X Enh Agent Desktop |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3X-3X-EAGT50 |
50 Exp Upg Enh 3.X Enh to later 3.X Enh Agent Desktop |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
01 Exp Upg Enh 3.X Enh to later 3.X Enh Hist Rpt Client |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
01 Exp Upg Enh 3.X Enh to later 3.X Enh IVR Option |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3X-3X-EIVR10 |
10 Exp Upg Enh 3.X Enh to later 3.X Enh IVR Option |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3X-3X-EIVR25 |
25 Exp Upg Enh 3.X Enh to later 3.X Enh IVR Option |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
05 Exp Upg Enh 3.X Enh to later 3.X Enh IVR Option |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3X-3X-EIVR50 |
50 Exp Upg Enh 3.X Enh to later 3.X Enh IVR Option |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
01 Exp Upg Enh 3.X Enh to later 3.X Enh Record Option |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3X-3X-EREC10 |
10 Exp Upg Enh 3.X Enh to later 3.X Enh Record Option |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3X-3X-EREC25 |
25 Exp Upg Enh 3.X Enh to later 3.X Enh Record Option |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
05 Exp Upg Enh 3.X Enh to later 3.X Enh Record Option |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3X-3X-EREC50 |
50 Exp Upg Enh 3.X Enh to later 3.X Enh Record Option |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
01 Exp Upg Enh 3.X Enh to later 3.X Enh Supervisor Desktop |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
01 Exp Upg Std 3.X Std to later 3.X Std Agent Desktop |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3X-3X-SAGT10 |
10 Exp Upg Std 3.X Std to later 3.X Std Agent Desktop |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3X-3X-SAGT25 |
25 Exp Upg Std 3.X Std to later 3.X Std Agent Desktop |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
05 Exp Upg Std 3.X Std to later 3.X Std Agent Desktop |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-3X-3X-SAGT50 |
50 Exp Upg Std 3.X Std to later 3.X Std Agent Desktop |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
01 Exp Upg Std 3.X Std to later 3.X Std Hist Rpt Client |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
01 Exp Upg Std 3.X Std to later 3.X Std Supervisor Desktop |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-UPG-2.X-3.1-S= |
SAS/SASU Upg from 2.x to 3.1 Std |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-UPG-3.0-3.1-E= |
SAS/SASU Upg from 3.0 Enh to 3.1 Enh |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
ICD-UPG-3.0-3.1-S= |
SAS/SASU Upg from 3.0 Std to 3.1 Std |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
1 Processor MS SQL Server for Express/IVR |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
2 Processor MS SQL Server for Express/IVR |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |
Generic Feature Server for Exp and IVR 3.1 |
There is currently no replacement product available for this product. |