This document describes the changes that were implemented in CCE while tracking a Consult Transfer of an Agent in the TCD table.
Cisco recommends that you have knowledge of these topics:
- Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise (UCCE)
- Cisco Package Contact Center Enterprise (PCCE)
Components Used
The information in this document is based on these software and hardware versions:
Unified Contact Center Enterprise Version 12.5(1)
Unified Contact Center Enterprise Version 12.6(1)
The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, ensure that you understand the potential impact of any command.
CALLGUID (Global Unique Identification) is a unique value that identifies the call during the different legs of the call. With Contact Center Enterprise (CCE) versions 12.5 and lower, the CallGUID was different whenever the agent made a transfer or conference call. This was seen by the Termination Call Detail (TCD) table, and customers used that for their reporting purposes to know when the agent made those actions. Now CCE version 12.6 implemented a change, and whenever an agent transfers or makes a conference call, the CALLGUID remains the same.
Both agent phones are extensions on a Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CUCM) and the caller is a Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) number.
Agent 1 Extension 1080.
PSTN Caller.
Comprehensive Call Flow:
1) PSTN > CUBE > CVP > ICM > VVB > CUCM > Agent.
2) Agent on call from UCCE --Transfer--> CTI Route Point --> ICM --> CVP Interactive Voice Response (IVR).
High-Level Call Flow
1) PSTN Caller makes a call to the Toll Free Number (TFN) which hits CUBE and then CVP.
2) After going through the Comprehensive Call Flow, call gets routed to Agent 1 with extension 1080.
3) Agent 1 chooses Consult in Finesse and Dials Computer Telephony Integration Route Point (CTI RP) to get the IVR.
4) Agent chooses Conference and now is connected between Agent, PSTN and IVR.
5) IVR finishes and drops the conference. Agent and PSTN caller remain.
Default OPC tracing (Level 0 in Diagnostic Portico) is enough to track the call.
Detailed Call Flow Analysis in Version 12.6
Agent Receiving the Call from ACD (Alerting State)
23:40:48:353 pg3a-opc Trace: DEVICE_TARGET_PRE_CALL_IND(DATA PENDING): PID=5000 RouteID=0 XrefID=0 NetworkTargetID=0 AGInst=1080 DelayQTime=0 SGDelayQTime=0 DelayRtrTime=14 SvcSTID=-1 STargetType=-1 STID=-1 SGSTID=5175 AGSTID=5172 RtrCK=(154322-3327) RtrSeq#=1 ECCSize=617 ANI=9194573990 Dialed#=6016 CED= NICCallID={PCID=0 RCID=0 Remote=0,0 DlgID=0x0 RemDlgID=0x0 Grp=0 Data=0 RtrData=0 CCID=x00000000/x00000000} NIC_CalledPartyNumber=6016 CallTypeID=5040 InvokeID=10697 NetworkCallFlags=0x1 CallGUID=AFC82A800001000000002946038512C6 LocationParam(PKID=,Name=) SIPHeader=Remote-Party-ID~rem AgentGreeting= CustomerDefinitionID=1 ServiceReq=0 ECCPayloadID=1 NumEnabledServices=2 EnabledServiceTypes=[1 2 ] CCAIConfigParam=4f62417b-bbea-44b9-9ba0-ba3e51ad8272 OrigRCCallID={PCID=5002 RCID=5001 DlgID=0x319c} OrigOperationType=0
23:40:48:505 pg3a-opc Trace: CSTA_DELIVERED(PID=5000): Conn=(CID=24247807,Dev=9194573990,Type=Dynamic) AlertingDev=(DEV)1080 CallingDev=(DEV)9194573990 CalledDev=(DEV)1080 LastRedirDev=ID_NOT_KNOWN localConnInfo(2)=CS_ALERTING cause=-1
Call is Established and Connected with the Agent
23:40:50:736 pg3a-opc Trace: CSTA_ESTABLISHED(PID=5000): EstablishedConn=(CID=24247807,Dev=1080,Type=Static) AnsDev=(DEV)1080 CallingDev=(DEV)9194573990 CalledDev=(DEV)1080 LastRedirectDev=ID_NOT_KNOWN localConnInfo(3)=CS_CONNECT cause=-1
23:40:50:736 pg3a-opc Trace: Call::CallConnected - ! CallsAnswered ! - CID:24247807(0x534a498), SkgGrp=11720877, Agent=1080 STID=5172
23:40:50:736 pg3a-opc Trace: Call::SetConnected (PID=5000): agent extension (ext=1080 agent=0x04E5BB70 skillGroup=11720877 line=0 (SrcID=24247807 DestID=24247807).
Agent Initiates a Consult Transfer to the IVR Again (Going Through a CUCM CTI RP)
23:41:12:561 pg3a-opc Trace: CSTA_ROUTE_REQUEST(PID=5000): currentRoute=3338 callingDevice=1080 routedCall=(CID=2130706437,Dev=1080,Type=Static) RoutingCrossRefID=65539 RoutedSelAlgorithm=4 Priority=0
23:41:12:561 pg3a-opc Trace: CSTARouteRequest_PD: COC=(CID=24247807 DevID=1080 DevIDType=Static) PrefAGSTID=-1 RouteData=(DevNum=-1 DevIDType=-1 DNIS=)RRType=TRANSFER ECCSize=617
23:41:12:561 pg3a-opc Trace: CSTAUpdateConsultativeCallsContext-UpdateCOCPointers Original(24247807) Consult(2130706437)
23:41:12:561 pg3a-opc Trace: AddRoutedCall:: XrefID=65539 CallID=2130706437
The New Call from the Agent gets Generated, but You can See the CallGUID Remains the Same, Part of the Update You can See the Operation (OperationType=CONSULT)
23:41:12:561 pg3a-opc Trace: SendINRCMessage: NEW_CALL RCID=5000 PID=5000 DID=65539 DIDRelSeq#=0 GrpDelKey=5000 CRS(RtrDate=154322,RtrCID=3327) RCKSeq#=3 NICCallID={N/A} PGCallID={N/A} OperationCode=CLASSIC OperationFlags=COOP_NONE CalledParty#=3338 CallingParty#=1080 CED=3338 MsgOrigin=1 RouteDevType=6 Originator=-1 NICCalledParty#= NetDelay=0 Priority=0 OrigType=0 atVRU=F CLIDRestrict=F PrefAGSTID=-1 MRDomainID=1 LegacyPreCallMsgEnabled=T CID=2130706437, ServiceReq=0 QueueType=-1 QueueID=0 CCAIConfigParam=4f62417b-bbea-44b9-9ba0-ba3e51ad8272 OperationType=CONSULT CallGUID=AFC82A800001000000002946038512C6
23:41:12:561 pg3a-opc Trace: ICR_NEW_CALL_REQ: PID=5000 RCID=5000 CID=2130706437 XRefID=65539 DN=3338 ANI=1080 CED=3338 RouteDevType=6 Orig=-1 Pri=0 RtrCallKey=(154322-3327) Seq#=3 Op=CLASSIC OpFlags=COOP_NONE NICCalledParty#= NICCallID={N/A} PGCallID={N/A} RouteData=(DevNum=-1 DevType=-1 DNIS=) ECCSize=617 PrefAG=-1 CallGUID=AFC82A800001000000002946038512C6 CCAIConfigParam=4f62417b-bbea-44b9-9ba0-ba3e51ad8272, OpType=CONSULT OrigRCCallID={PCID=5002,RCID=5001,DID=0x319c}
23:41:12:577 pg3a-opc Trace: ICR_CONNECT: RCID=5000 CID=2130706437 XRefID=65539 RouteID=-1 RouteSelect=88811110001670 RouteSelectState=0 TRPerTID=-1 ErrorCode=0 RCK=(154322-3327) UUI= ECCSize=613 ECCPayloadID=1 InvokeID=10699 CallGUID=AFC82A800001000000002946038512C6
Agent Choose Conference and Call is Connected Between PSTN Caller, Agent and IVR
23:41:15:097 pg3a-opc Trace: CSTA_CONFERENCED(PID=5000): PrimCall=(CID=24247807,Dev=1080,Type=Static) SecCall=(CID=24247808,Dev=88811110001670,Type=Dynamic) ConfController=(DEV)1080 AddedParty=(EXTRNAL)88811110001670 Party=(CID=24247807,Dev=88811110001670,Type=Dynamic) localConnInfo(3)=CS_CONNECT cause=-1
23:41:15:097 pg3a-opc Trace: Call:SetCallState (PID=5000) - CallID=24247807 CallObj=(0x5cf5510) NewState=CONNECTED OldState=NONE.
23:41:15:097 pg3a-opc Trace: Call::AddConferenceParty - Conference party (callID=24247807(0x5cf5510) Device=9194573990 DevType=Dynamic) ADDED to call 24247807 CallObj=(0x5c9e238)(numParties=1).
23:41:15:097 pg3a-opc Trace: Call::AddConferenceParty - Conference party (callID=24247807(0x534a498) Device=1080 DevType=Static) ADDED to call 24247807 CallObj=(0x5c9e238)(numParties=2).
23:41:15:097 pg3a-opc Trace: Call::AddConferenceParty - Conference party (callID=24247807(0x5cf5a98) Device=88811110001670 DevType=Dynamic) ADDED to call 24247807 CallObj=(0x5c9e238)(numParties=3).
23:41:15:097 pg3a-opc Trace: CSTAConferencedEvent - Updated conference party (callID=24247807 Device=88811110001670 DevType=Dynamic) with
From the Termination Call Detail (TCD) Table, You can See the Same CALLGUID

Detailed Call Flow Analysis in Version 12.5 and Lower
Agent Receiving the Call from ACD (Alerting State)
14:16:28:908 PG1A-opc Trace: DEVICE_TARGET_PRE_CALL_IND(DATA PENDING): PID=5000 RouteID=5000 XrefID=0 NetworkTargetID=0 AGInst=7311 DelayQTime=0 SGDelayQTime=0 DelayRtrTime=31 SvcSTID=-1 STargetType=1 STID=5007 SGSTID=5007 AGSTID=5001 RtrCK=(154323-330) RtrSeq#=1 ECCSize=38 ANI=5150000 Dialed#=3000 CED= NICCallID={PCID=0 RCID=0 Remote=0,0 DlgID=0x0 RemDlgID=0x0 Grp=0 Data=0 RtrData=0 CCID=x00000000/x00000000} NIC_CalledPartyNumber=3000 CallTypeID=5000 InvokeID=32 NetworkCallFlags=0x1 CallGUID=F9EDF200000100000000001A07990A0E LocationParam(PKID=,Name=) SIPHeader= AgentGreeting= CustomerDefinitionID=1 ServiceReq=0 ECCPayloadID=1
14:16:29:002 PG1A-opc Trace: CSTA_DELIVERED(PID=5000): Conn=(CID=16799324,Dev=5150000,Type=Dynamic) AlertingDev=(DEV)7311 CallingDev=(DEV)5150000 CalledDev=(DEV)7311 LastRedirDev=ID_NOT_KNOWN localConnInfo(2)=CS_ALERTING cause=-1
Call is Established and Connected with the Agent
14:16:35:247 PG1A-opc Trace: CSTA_ESTABLISHED(PID=5000): EstablishedConn=(CID=16799324,Dev=7311,Type=Static) AnsDev=(DEV)7311 CallingDev=(DEV)5150000 CalledDev=(DEV)7311 LastRedirectDev=ID_NOT_KNOWN localConnInfo(3)=CS_CONNECT cause=-1
14:16:35:247 PG1A-opc Trace: Call::CallConnected - ! CallsAnswered ! - CID:16799324(0x4b760d8), SkgGrp=13659151, Agent=6093048 STID=5001
14:16:35:247 PG1A-opc Trace: Call::SetConnected (PID=5000): agent extension (ext=7311 agent=0x04AF0040 skillGroup=13659151 line=0 (SrcID=16799324 DestID=16799324).
Agent Initiates a Consult Transfer to the IVR Again (Going Through a CUCM CTI RP)
14:16:44:414 PG1A-opc Trace: CSTA_ROUTE_REQUEST(PID=5000): currentRoute=111 callingDevice=7311 routedCall=(CID=2130706434,Dev=7311,Type=Static) RoutingCrossRefID=65540 RoutedSelAlgorithm=4 Priority=0
14:16:44:414 PG1A-opc Trace: CSTARouteRequest_PD: COC=(CID=16799324 DevID=7311 DevIDType=Static) PrefAGSTID=-1 RouteData=(DevNum=-1 DevIDType=-1 DNIS=)RRType=TRANSFER ECCSize=38
14:16:44:414 PG1A-opc Trace: CSTAUpdateConsultativeCallsContext-UpdateCOCPointers Original(16799324) Consult(2130706434)
14:16:44:414 PG1A-opc Trace: AddRoutedCall:: XrefID=65540 CallID=2130706434
The New Call from the Agent gets Generated, but Here you can See the Difference on Versions 12.5 and Lower There is no CALLGUID Information. A New CALLGUID gets Generated as There is no OperationType.
14:16:44:414 PG1A-opc Trace: SendINRCMessage: NEW_CALL RCID=5000 PID=5000 DID=65540 DIDRelSeq#=0 GrpDelKey=5000 CRS(RtrDate=154323,RtrCID=330) RCKSeq#=3 NICCallID={N/A} PGCallID={N/A} OperationCode=CLASSIC OperationFlags=COOP_NONE CalledParty#=111 CallingParty#=7311 CED=111 MsgOrigin=1 RouteDevType=6 Originator=-1 NICCalledParty#= NetDelay=0 Priority=0 OrigType=0 atVRU=F CLIDRestrict=F PrefAGSTID=-1 MRDomainID=1 LegacyPreCallMsgEnabled=T CID=2130706434, ServiceReq=0 QueueType=-1 QueueID=0
14:16:44:414 PG1A-opc Trace: ICR_NEW_CALL_REQ: PID=5000 RCID=5000 CID=2130706434 XRefID=65540 DN=111 ANI=7311 CED=111 RouteDevType=6 Orig=-1 Pri=0 RtrCallKey=(154323-330) Seq#=3 Op=CLASSIC OpFlags=COOP_NONE NICCalledParty#= NICCallID={N/A} PGCallID={N/A} RouteData=(DevNum=-1 DevType=-1 DNIS=) ECCSize=38 PrefAG=-1
14:16:44:414 PG1A-opc Trace: ICR_CONNECT: RCID=5000 CID=2130706434 XRefID=65540 RouteID=-1 RouteSelect=88888888881024 RouteSelectState=0 TRPerTID=-1 ErrorCode=0 RCK=(154323-330) UUI= ECCSize=38 ECCPayloadID=1
Agent Chose Conference and Call is Connected Between PSTN Caller Agent, and IVR
14:16:54:577 PG1A-opc Trace: CSTA_CONFERENCED(PID=5000): PrimCall=(CID=16799324,Dev=7311,Type=Static) SecCall=(CID=16799325,Dev=55500088888888881024,Type=Dynamic) ConfController=(DEV)7311 AddedParty=(EXTRNAL)55500088888888881024 Party=(CID=16799324,Dev=55500088888888881024,Type=Dynamic) localConnInfo(3)=CS_CONNECT cause=-1
14:16:54:577 PG1A-opc Trace: Call:SetCallState (PID=5000) - CallID=16799324 CallObj=(0x4b705b0) NewState=CONNECTED OldState=NONE.
14:16:54:577 PG1A-opc Trace: Call::AddConferenceParty - Conference party (callID=16799324(0x4b705b0) Device=5150000 DevType=Dynamic) ADDED to call 16799324 CallObj=(0x4b70ae8)(numParties=1).
14:16:54:577 PG1A-opc Trace: Call::AddConferenceParty - Conference party (callID=16799324(0x4b760d8) Device=7311 DevType=Static) ADDED to call 16799324 CallObj=(0x4b70ae8)(numParties=2).
14:16:54:577 PG1A-opc Trace: Call::AddConferenceParty - Conference party (callID=16799324(0x4b791a0) Device=55500088888888881024 DevType=Dynamic) ADDED to call 16799324 CallObj=(0x4b70ae8)(numParties=3).
14:16:54:577 PG1A-opc Trace: CSTAConferencedEvent - Updated conference party (callID=16799324 Device=55500088888888881024 DevType=Dynamic) with
From the Termination Call Detail (TCD) Table, You Can See Different CALLGUID

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