This document defines the different CUSP license states and describes how each license state affects call handling. CUSP uses Cisco Smart Manager to register and authorize licenses.
You must have a valid account in Cisco Smart Manager to configure smart licensing for CUSP.
The CUSP license has different states, and each state causes CUSP to handle calls differently. Enforcement modes are described below.
Enforcement Modes
Enforcement modes determine the mode of license usage after the entitlement (license count) is requested.
Eval: When the CUSP state is unidentified or registered, the enforcement mode is Eval. The evaluation period is 90 days by default. Calls are allowed in this state. The evaluation period starts the moment that smart licensing is enabled. If registration or authorization requests fail, CUSP moves to Eval mode.
InCompliance: The license count requested to the server is within the purchased limits.
OutOfCompliance: The license count that was requested is more than the license count that is available (that is, more than the license count that was purchased in Cisco Smart Manager). The request is honored here and calls are allowed. There is no impact on call handling.
EvalExpired: The evaluation period has expired. Calls are not allowed in this mode.
AuthorizationExpired: The authorization period has expired. Calls are not allowed in this mode.
This image summarizes the CUSP license states and the effect of each state.
License States diagram
The Check License Usage state is based on the sum of the CUSP server's configured counts compared to the purchased license count. The Check License Usage state is not the real-time Call Per Second (CPS) count.
You must check the number of licenses purchased and the usage from the Cisco Smart License website:

This image shows where to check the current CUSP license state from the CUSP Admin page.

CPS Mechanism
The CPS check is different than the license usage check. For releases earlier than vCUSP 9.1.5, CUSP rejects calls immediately if the CPS check is over the configured license count. The response messages are either 500 or 503 error messages.
CUSP keeps count of the calls and records a snapshot every 30 seconds for a window time of five minutes. The average CPS for these five-minute records must be well under the license's limit. If the average goes higher than the limit, CUSP starts rejecting the calls. If the call volume stays consistently high, CUSP does not resume service until the CPS drops to the limit.
You must enable failed call logging to see rejected calls. This image shows where to enable the Failed Call Log.
Enable Failed Call logging
Message Flow and Contents

Registration Request
Token [ hash generated for the customer account in Smart Manager ]
Software Tag Identifier (CUSP software ID)
[UDI|SN#*] (CUSP generates an 11-character random string for SN)
Certificate Signing Request
Registration Message Response
PEM-encoded Device ID certificate
Product Instance Identifier
Cisco Signing Certificate
Signature [signed by Cisco Signing Cert]
Device ID Certificate
CommonName = GUID
Domain=has(logical account name)
Validity Period =360 days
MMI (Mother May I Request) Message
Capability [Entitlement tags and counts]
Client Nonce
Product Instance Identifier
Cisco Signing Cert SN#
Signature [MMI signed by ID cert]
MMI Response
Entitlement Tag
Logs Analysis
23:43:53,400 277058 [RubyThread-6: file:/opt/CUSP/dsnrs/lib/cisco/ruby-gems-1.0.jar!/smart_agent.rb:161] DEBUG root - register received: id_cert_sn:970857, signing_cer:sub_ca_cert:2, renew_interval:15552000000
23:43:53,421 277079 [RubyThread-6: file:/opt/CUSP/dsnrs/lib/cisco/ruby-gems-1.0.jar!/smart_agent.rb:161] DEBUG root - Registration success with response: {"signature"=>{"type"=>"SHA256",
<this registration signed by Cisco cloud , and will renew after 1 year >
13:48:25,614 1461205341 [RubyThread-1275: jar:file:/opt/CUSP/dsnrs/lib/cisco/ruby-gems-1.0.jar!/gems/rufus-scheduler-2.0.23/lib/rufus/sc/scheduler.rb:464] DEBUG root - Sending auth request msg with sudi:#<Sudi:0x531d9e>, hostname:se-10-66-75-64, signing_cert_sn:3, id_cert_sn:969365,product_instance_id:c2d100c0-c268-49ad-ad8c-9519d2b823c2, entitlements:[#<LicenseEntitlement:0x1de5cd2 @listener=#<Java::ComCiscoNeslaSmartLicense::EntitlementNotificationListenerImpl:0x16c1b44>, @entitlement_tag=",1.0_8f106f12-4d11-44b7-8f36-f7aeaee3dfaa", @requested_count=2, @vendor="8f106f12-4d11-44b7-8f36-f7aeaee3dfaa", @requested_date=#<Date: 49322-04-19 ((19735659j,0s,0n),+0s,-Infj)>, @entitlement_version="9.0", @display_name="ICV CUSP-5 calls per second", @description="ICV CUSP-5 calls per second", @enforce_mode=:out_of_compliance, @days_left=-17206>]
13:48:28,516 1461208243 [RubyThread-6: file:/opt/CUSP/dsnrs/lib/cisco/ruby-gems-1.0.jar!/smart_agent.rb:161] DEBUG root - auth request received: start_date:1494337382539, compliance_status:OOC,expiry:7775673, retry_interval:43200
FTP to Collect Logs from CUSP
Create a username and assign privilege in CUSP CLI.
Username cisco create
Username cisco password cisco
Username cisco group pfs-privusers
Use a browser and type FTP:<CUSP SERVER IP ADDRESS>.
Navigate to CUSP/log/sml.log to access the logs.

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