Global Configuration Mode Commands

Use global configuration mode for setting, viewing, and testing configuration of WAAS software features for the entire device. To enter this mode, enter the configure command from privileged EXEC mode. The prompt for global configuration mode consists of the hostname of the WAE followed by (config) and the pound sign (#). You must be in global configuration mode to enter global configuration commands.

WAE# configure

Commands entered in global configuration mode update the running configuration file as soon as they are entered. These changes are not saved into the startup configuration file until you enter the copy running-config startup-config EXEC mode command. Once the configuration is saved, it is maintained across WAE reboots.

You also can use global configuration mode to enter specific configuration modes. From global configuration mode you can enter the interface configuration mode, standard ACL configuration mode, or the extended ACL configuration mode.

To exit global configuration mode and return to privileged-level EXEC mode, use either the exit or end global configuration command:

WAE(config)# exit

(config) aaa accounting

To configure AAA accounting on a WAAS device, use the aaa accounting global configuration command. To unconfigure AAA, use the no form of this command.

aaa accounting commands {0 | 15} default {start-stop | stop-only | wait-start} tacacs

no aaa accounting commands {0 | 15} default {start-stop | stop-only | wait-start} tacacs

aaa accounting exec default {start-stop | stop-only | wait-start} tacacs

no aaa accounting exec default {start-stop | stop-only | wait-start} tacacs

aaa accounting system default {start-stop | stop-only} tacacs

no aaa accounting system default {start-stop | stop-only} tacacs

Syntax Description


Configures accounting for all commands at the specified privilege level.


Specifies user privilege level for a normal user.


Specifies user privilege level for an administrative user.


Sets AAA accounting to use the default accounting list.


Sends a start accounting notice at the beginning of a process and a stop accounting notice at the end of a process. The start accounting record is sent in the background. The requested user process begins regardless of whether the start accounting notice was received by the accounting server.


Sends a stop accounting notice at the end of the process requested by the user.


Sends both a start and a stop accounting notice to the accounting server. However, the requested user service does not begin until the start accounting notice is acknowledged. The user cannot execute a CLI command or login until the user is on record.

A stop accounting notice is also sent but does not need acknowledgement.


Enables use of TACACS+ for accounting.


Enables accounting for user EXEC processes (user shells). When enabled, the EXEC shell accounting reports EXEC terminal session (user shell) events and login and logout by an administrator to the EXEC shell.


Enables accounting for all system-level events not associated with users, such as reloads.


AAA accounting is disabled by default.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes




The following example shows how to configure TACACS+ on the WAAS device, specify that a start accounting notice should be sent at the beginning of the process and a stop accounting notice at the end of the process, and request that the user process should begin regardless of whether the start accounting notice was received by the accounting server:

WAE(config)# tacacs key abc
WAE(config)# tacacs server primary
WAE(config)# aaa accounting system default start-stop tacacs
WAE# show aaa accounting 
Accounting Type   Record event(s)  Protocol
Exec shell         unknown            unknown
Command level  0   unknown            unknown
Command level 15   unknown            unknown
System             start-stop         TACACS+

The following example shows that the WAAS device is set to record all user EXEC sessions. The command also specifies that a stop accounting notice should be sent to the TACACS+ server at the end of the session.

WAE(config)# aaa accounting exec default stop-only tacacs

The following example shows that the WAAS device is set to record all CLI commands executed by a normal user. The command also specifies that a stop accounting notice should be sent to the TACACS+ server at the end of each CLI command executed by a normal user.

WAE(config)# aaa accounting commands 0 default stop-only tacacs

The following example shows that the WAAS device is set to record all CLI commands executed by an administrative user. The command also specifies that a start accounting notice should be sent to the TACACS+ server at the beginning of the process and a stop accounting notice at the end of the process. The CLI command executed by the administrative user does not proceed until the start accounting notice has been acknowledged.

WAE(config)# aaa accounting commands 15 default wait-start tacacs

The following example shows the EXEC shell accounting report that is available on the TACACS+ server:

Wed Apr 14 11:19:19 2004 super10 pts/0 start
start_time=1081919558 task_id=3028 timezone=PST service=shell
Wed Apr 14 11:19:23 2004 super10 pts/0
stop stop_time=1081919562 task_id=3028 timezone=PST service=shell
Wed Apr 14 11:22:13 2004 normal20 pts/0 start
start_time=1081919732 task_id=3048 timezone=PST service=shell
Wed Apr 14 11:22:16 2004 normal20 pts/0 stop
stop_time=1081919735 task_id=3048 timezone=PST service=shell
Wed Apr 14 11:25:29 2004 admin ftp start start_time=1081919928
task_id=3069 timezone=PST service=shell
Wed Apr 14 11:25:33 2004 admin ftp stop stop_time=1081919931
task_id=3069 timezone=PST service=shell

The following example shows the system accounting report that is available on the TACACS+ server:

Wed Apr 14 08:37:14 2004 unknown unknown start start_time=1081909831
task_id=2725 timezone=PST service=system event=sys_acct reason=reload
Wed Apr 14 10:19:18 2004 admin ttyS0 stop stop_time=1081915955
task_id=5358 timezone=PST service=system event=sys_acct reason=shutdown

The following example shows the command accounting report that is available on the TACACS+ server:

Wed Apr 14 12:35:38 2004 admin ttyS0 start start_time=1081924137
task_id=3511 timezone=PST service=shell -lvl=0 cmd=logging console enable 
Wed Apr 14 12:35:39 2004 admin ttyS0 stop stop_time=1081924137
task_id=3511   timezone=PST service=shell priv-lvl=0 cmd=logging console enable

In addition to command accounting, the WAAS device records any executed CLI command in the system log (syslog.txt). The message format is as follows:

       ce_syslog(LOG_INFO, CESM_PARSER, PARSER_ALL, CESM_350232,
               "CLI_LOG %s: %s \n", __FUNCTION__, pd->command_line);

Related Commands

show aaa accounting

(config) accelerator cifs

To enable the CIFS application accelerator, use the accelerator cifs global configuration command. To disable the CIFS application accelerator, use the no form of this command.

accelerator cifs {[double-byte-unicode] | enable | dynamic-share share | clear cache |
cache server-rename oldname newname | exception {coredump | debug | no-coredump}}

no accelerator cifs {[double-byte-unicode] | enable | dynamic-share share | clear cache |
cache server-rename oldname newname | exception {coredump | debug | no-coredump}}

Syntax Description


Enables support for double-byte Unicode languages for Windows 98 clients.


Enables the CIFS traffic accelerator.

dynamic-share share

Enables support for CIFS dynamic shares and specifies a path in the format: cifs://server/share

clear cache

Clears the CIFS application accelerator cache and restarts the accelerator.

cache server-rename oldname newname

Renames a CIFS file server for the cached data.


(Optional) Configures the action to be taken if an exception occurs.


Writes a core file (default).


Hangs the system until it is explicitly restarted.


Restarts the accelerator and does not write a core file.


The CIFS accelerator is enabled by default and will start automatically if the Enterprise license is installed. The default exception action is coredump.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use the accelerator cifs enable command to enable the acceleration of CIFS traffic with the transparent CIFS accelerator (not the legacy mode of acceleration).

The CIFS application accelerator requires that the WINS server be configured. Use the windows-domain wins-server global configuration command to configure the WINS server.

To configure prepositioning directives, use the accelerator cifs preposition global configuration command.

Use the accelerator cifs dynamic-share command to define a dynamic share, which allows multiple users to access the same share but then be automatically mapped to a different directory based on the user's credentials. Defining a dynamic share allows each user to see a different view of the share, and allows the operation of Access Based Enumeration, if configured on Windows Server.

Use the accelerator cifs cache server-rename command to rename the data in the cache if the name of a file server changed and you do not want to lose the cached data for the server. The renaming applies to prepositioned files and files cached on demand.

Note Do not specify the name of another existing cached file server as the new name. If you do specify an existing name as the new name, the cached contents of this file server are overwritten with the cached contents of the file server you are renaming.


The following example shows how to enable the CIFS application accelerator:

WAE(config)# accelerator cifs enable

Related Commands

show accelerator

show statistics accelerator

(config) windows-domain

(config) accelerator cifs preposition

To configure a CIFS application accelerator preposition directive, use the accelerator cifs preposition global configuration command. To disable the application accelerator, use the no form of this command.

accelerator cifs preposition [remove] directive_id

no accelerator cifs preposition [remove] directive_id

Syntax Description


(Optional) Deletes a preposition directive.


ID of an existing preposition directive that you want to change or delete, or a new directive that you want to create.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use the accelerator cifs preposition command to create and edit preposition directives to be used with the transparent CIFS accelerator. A preposition directive defines a set of files that are to be prepositioned about the WAE device.

The accelerator cifs preposition command invokes the preposition configuration submode. For details on the commands available in this submode to configure a preposition directive, see the "Preposition Configuration Mode Commands" section.

Note We recommend that you use the WAAS Central Manager GUI to configure preposition directives. For more information, see the "Creating a Preposition Directive" section in the Cisco Wide Area Application Services Configuration Guide.

Note If you create a preposition directive from the CLI before the secure store on the WAE is initialized, you must wait at least two datafeed poll cycles (10 minutes by default) before initializing the secure store; otherwise, the preposition directive will not propagate to the Central Manager because the credentials will not be able to be decrypted on the WAE.


The following example shows how to create a new CIFS preposition directive with ID 3:

WAE(config)# accelerator cifs preposition 3

Related Commands

show accelerator

show statistics accelerator

(config) windows-domain

(config) accelerator epm

To enable the Endpoint Mapper (EPM) application accelerator, use the accelerator epm global configuration command. To disable the EPM application accelerator, use the no form of this command.

accelerator cifs preposition [remove] directive_id

no accelerator cifs preposition [remove] directive_id

Syntax Description


(Optional) Enables the EPM application accelerator.


(Optional) Configures the action to be taken if an exception occurs.


Writes a core file (default).


Hangs the system until it is explicitly restarted.


Restarts the accelerator and does not write a core file.


The EPM accelerator is enabled by default and will start automatically if the Enterprise license is installed. The default exception action is coredump.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use the accelerator epm enable command to enable the acceleration of EPM traffic. The EPM accelerator must be enabled for the MAPI accelerator to operate.


The following example shows how to enable the EPM application accelerator:

WAE(config)# accelerator epm enable

Related Commands

(config) accelerator mapi

show accelerator

show statistics accelerator

(config) accelerator http

To enable the HTTP application accelerator, use the accelerator http global configuration command. To disable the HTTP application accelerator, use the no form of this command.

accelerator http {enable | exception {coredump | debug | no-coredump} }

no accelerator http {enable | exception {coredump | debug | no-coredump}}

Syntax Description


(Optional) Enables the HTTP application accelerator.


(Optional) Configures the action to be taken if an exception occurs.


Writes a core file (default).


Hangs the system until it is explicitly restarted.


Restarts the accelerator and does not write a core file.


The HTTP accelerator is enabled by default and will start automatically if the Enterprise license is installed. The default exception action is coredump.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use the accelerator http enable command to enable the acceleration of HTTP traffic.


The following example shows how to enable the HTTP application accelerator:

WAE(config)# accelerator http enable

Related Commands

show accelerator

show statistics accelerator

(config) accelerator mapi

To enable the MAPI application accelerator, use the accelerator mapi global configuration command. To disable the MAPI application accelerator, or one of its options, use the no form of this command.

accelerator mapi {enable | read-opt | write-opt | reserved-pool-size maximum-percent max_percent | exception {coredump | debug | no-coredump}}

no accelerator mapi {enable | read-opt | write-opt | reserved-pool-size maximum-percent max_percent | exception {coredump | debug | no-coredump}}

Syntax Description


Enables the MAPI traffic accelerator.


Enables the read-ahead optimization of the MAPI traffic for mail reading.


Enables the asynchronous write optimization of the MAPI traffic for mail sending.

reserved-pool-size maximum-percent max_percent

Configures the maximum reserved connection pool percent, specified as the percent of the device TFO connection limit, to restrict the maximum connections reserved for MAPI optimization during TFO overload. Range is from 5 to 50. Default is 15.


(Optional) Configures the action to be taken if an exception occurs.


Writes a core file (default).


Hangs the system until it is explicitly restarted.


Restarts the accelerator and does not write a core file.


The MAPI accelerator is enabled by default and will start automatically if the Enterprise license is installed. The read optimization (read-opt) and write optimization (write-opt) features are enabled by default when the MAPI accelerator is enabled. The default maximum reserved connection pool percent is 15. The default exception action is coredump.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use the accelerator mapi enable command to enable MAPI acceleration. This feature supports Microsoft Outlook 2000-2007 clients. Secure connections that use message authentication (signing) or encryption are not accelerated and MAPI over HTTP is not accelerated.

You must enable the EPM accelerator before the MAPI accelerator can operate.

Use the reserved-pool-size keyword to restrict the maximum number of connections reserved for MAPI optimization during TFO overload. It is specified as a percent of the TFO connection limit of the platform. Valid percent ranges from 5%-50%. The default is 15% which would reserve approximately 0.5 connection for each client-server Association Group (AG) optimized by MAPI accelerator.

The client maintains at least one AG per server it connects to with an average of about 3 connections per AG. For deployments that observe a greater average number of connections per AG, or where TFO overload is a frequent occurrence, a higher value for the reserved pool size maximum percent is recommended.

Reserved connections would remain unused when the device is not under TFO overload. Reserved connections are released when the AG terminates.


The following example shows how to enable the MAPI application accelerator:

WAE(config)# accelerator mapi enable

Related Commands

(config) accelerator epm

show accelerator

show statistics accelerator

(config) accelerator nfs

To enable the NFS application accelerator, use the accelerator nfs global configuration command. To disable the NFS application accelerator, use the no form of this command.

accelerator nfs {enable | exception {coredump | debug | no-coredump}}

no accelerator nfs {enable | exception {coredump | debug | no-coredump}}

Syntax Description


(Optional) Enables the EPM application accelerator.


(Optional) Configures the action to be taken if an exception occurs.


Writes a core file (default).


Hangs the system until it is explicitly restarted.


Restarts the accelerator and does not write a core file.


The NFS accelerator is enabled by default and will start automatically if the Enterprise license is installed. The default exception action is coredump.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



The following example shows how to enable the NFS application accelerator:

WAE(config)# accelerator nfs enable

Related Commands

show accelerator

show statistics accelerator

(config) accelerator ssl

To enable the SSL application accelerator, use the accelerator ssl global configuration command. To disable the SSL application accelerator, use the no form of this command.

accelerator ssl {enable | exception {coredump | debug | no-coredump}}

no accelerator ssl {enable | exception {coredump | debug | no-coredump}}

Syntax Description


(Optional) Enables the EPM application accelerator.


(Optional) Configures the action to be taken if an exception occurs.


Writes a core file (default).


Hangs the system until it is explicitly restarted.


Restarts accelerator and does not write a core file.


The SSL accelerator is enabled by default and will start automatically if the Enterprise license is installed. The default exception action is coredump.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use the accelerator ssl enable command to enable the acceleration of SSL traffic. To undo this command, for example to disable SSL acceleration after you have enabled it, use the no version of this command.


The following example shows how to enable the SSL application accelerator:

WAE(config)# accelerator ssl enable

Related Commands

show accelerator

show statistics accelerator

crypto delete

crypto export

crypto generate

crypto import

(config) crypto pki

(config) crypto ssl

(config-ca) ca-certificate

(config-ca) description

(config-ca) revocation-check

(config) accelerator video

To enable the video application accelerator, use the accelerator video global configuration command. To disable the video application accelerator, use the no form of this command.

accelerator video {enable | unaccelerated-traffic type {all | overload} action drop |
max-initial-setup-delay seconds |
windows-media {client idle-timeout seconds | log-forwarding enable}

no accelerator video {enable | unaccelerated-traffic type {all | overload} action drop |
max-initial-setup-delay seconds |
windows-media {client idle-timeout seconds | log-forwarding enable}

accelerator video exception {coredump | debug | no-coredump}

no accelerator video exception {coredump | debug | no-coredump}

Syntax Description


Enables the video traffic accelerator.

unaccelerated-traffic type

Configures the handling of video traffic that is not being accelerated due to overload or unsupported transport or format, including Windows Media video on demand traffic and all RTSP traffic that is not for Windows Media.


Selects all video traffic that is not being accelerated due to overload or unsupported transport or format, including Windows Media video on demand traffic and all RTSP traffic that is not for Windows Media.


Selects video traffic that is not being accelerated due to an overload condition.

action drop

Drops the specified type of video traffic that is not being accelerated. The connection is actually reset. If you do not specify this action, the default is to handle such traffic with the negotiated TCP optimization policy.

max-initial-setup-delay seconds

Sets the maximum number of seconds to wait for the first message from the client and the first response from the server, after the connection is accepted by the video accelerator, and before timing out the connection. Valid values range from 10-180 seconds. The default is 60.


Configures Windows Media-specific settings.

client idle-timeout seconds

Sets the maximum number of seconds to wait after the initial client request, while the client connection is idle, before timing out the connection. Valid values range from 30-300 seconds. The default is 60.

log-forwarding enable

Enables forwarding of Windows Media logs to the upstream Windows Media Server. Log forwarding is enabled by default.


(Optional) Configures the action to be taken if an exception occurs.


Writes a core file (default).


Hangs the system until it is explicitly restarted.


Restarts the accelerator and does not write a core file.


The video accelerator is enabled by default and will start automatically if both the Enterprise and Video licenses are installed. The default exception action is coredump.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use the accelerator video enable command to enable the acceleration of Windows Media live streaming video traffic that uses the RTSP.

You can configure the video accelerator to discard unaccelerated video traffic by using the unaccelerated-traffic type {all | overload} action drop option. If you do not specify this option, the unaccelerated video traffic is handled with the negotiated TCP optimization policy.


The following example shows how to enable the video application accelerator:

WAE(config)# accelerator video enable

Related Commands

show accelerator

show statistics accelerator

(config) accelerator windows-print

To enable the Windows print accelerator, use the accelerator windows-print global configuration command. To disable the Windows print accelerator, use the no form of this command.

accelerator windows-print enable

no accelerator windows-print enable

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


The Windows print accelerator is enabled by default and will start automatically if the Enterprise license is installed.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



The following example shows how to enable the Windows print accelerator:

WAE(config)# accelerator windows-print enable

Related Commands

show statistics windows-print requests

(config) alarm overload-detect

To detect alarm overload situations, use the alarm overload-detect global configuration command. To unconfigure alarm parameters, use the no form of this command.

alarm overload-detect {clear 1-999 [raise 10-1000] | enable | raise 10-1000 [clear 1-999]}

no alarm overload-detect {clear 1-999 [raise 10-1000] | enable | raise 10-1000 [clear 1-999]}

Syntax Description

clear 1-999

Specifies the number of alarms per second at which the alarm overload state on the WAAS device is cleared. When the alarm drops below this threshold, the alarm is cleared and the SNMP traps and alarm notifications are again sent to your NMS.

Note The alarm overload-detect clear value must be less than the alarm overload-detect raise value.

raise 10-1000

(Optional) Specifies the number of alarms per second at which the WAAS device enters an alarm overload state and SNMP traps and alarm notifications to your network management station (NMS) are suspended.


Enables the detection of alarm overload situations.


clear: 1 alarm per second

raise: 10 alarms per second

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

In the alarm overload state, applications continue to raise alarms and these alarms are recorded within the WAAS device. Use the show alarms and show alarms history EXEC commands to display all the alarms in the alarm overload state.


The following example shows how to enable detection of alarm overload:

WAE(config)# alarm overload-detect enable

The following example shows how to set the threshold for triggering the alarm overload at 100 alarms per second:

WAE(config)# alarm overload-detect raise 100

The following example shows how to set the level for clearing the alarm overload at 10 alarms per second:

WAE(config)# alarm overload-detect clear 10

Related Commands

show alarms

(config) asset

To set the tag name for the asset tag string, use the asset global configuration command. To remove the asset tag name, use the no form of this command.

asset tag name

no asset tag name

Syntax Description

tag name

Sets the asset tag name.


No default behaviors or values.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes




The following example shows how to configure a tag name for the asset tag string on a WAAS device:

WAE(config)# asset tag entitymib

(config) authentication configuration

To specify administrative login authorization parameters for a WAAS device, use the authentication configuration global configuration mode command. To selectively disable options, use the no form of this command.

authentication {configuration {local | radius | tacacs | windows-domain}
enable [primary | secondary | tertiary | quaternary]

no authentication {configuration {local | radius | tacacs | windows-domain}
enable [primary | secondary | tertiary | quaternary]

Syntax Description


Sets the administrative login authorization (configuration) parameters for the WAAS device.


Selects the local database method for the WAAS device.


Selects the RADIUS method for the WAAS device.


Selects the TACACS+ method for the WAAS device.


Selects the Windows domain controller method for the WAAS device.


Enables the specified methods for the WAAS device.


(Optional) Specifies the first method that the WAAS device should use.


(Optional) Specifies the second method that the WAAS device should use.


(Optional) Specifies the third method that the WAAS device should use if the primary and secondary methods fail.


(Optional) Specifies the fourth method that the WAAS device should use if the primary, secondary, and tertiary methods all fail.


The local authentication method is enabled by default.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The authentication command configures both the authentication and authorization methods that govern login and configuration access to the WAAS device.

Note We strongly recommend that you use the WAAS Central Manager GUI instead of the WAAS CLI to configure administrative login authentication and authorization for your WAAS devices, if possible. For information about how to use the WAAS Central Manager GUI to centrally configure administrative login authentication and authorization on a single WAE or group of WAEs, which are registered with a WAAS Central Manager, see the Cisco Wide Area Application Services Configuration Guide.

The authentication login command determines whether the user has any level of permission to access the WAAS device. The authentication configuration command authorizes the user with privileged access (configuration access) to the WAAS device.

The authentication login local and the authentication configuration local commands use a local database for authentication and authorization.

The authentication login tacacs and authentication configuration tacacs commands use a remote TACACS+ server to determine the level of user access. The WAAS software supports only TACACS+ and not TACACS or Extended TACACS.

To configure TACACS+, use the authentication and tacacs commands. To enable TACACS+, use the tacacs enable command. For more information on TACACS+ authentication, see the (config) tacacs command.

The authentication login radius and authentication configuration radius commands use a remote RADIUS server to determine the level of user access.

By default, the local method is enabled, with TACACS+ and RADIUS both disabled for login and configuration. Whenever TACACS+ and RADIUS are disabled the local method is automatically enabled. TACACS+, RADIUS, and local methods can be enabled at the same time.

The primary option specifies the first method to attempt for both login and configuration; the secondary option specifies the method to use if the primary method fails. The tertiary option specifies the method to use if both primary and secondary methods fail. The quaternary option specifies the method to use if the primary, secondary, and tertiary methods fail. If all methods of an authentication login or authentication configuration command are configured as primary, or all as secondary or tertiary, local is attempted first, then TACACS+, and then RADIUS.

Enforcing Authentication with the Primary Method

The authentication fail-over server-unreachable global configuration command allows you to specify that a failover to the secondary authentication method should occur only if the primary authentication server is unreachable. This feature ensures that users gain access to the WAAS device using the local database only when remote authentication servers (TACACS+ or RADIUS) are unreachable. For example, when a TACACS+ server is enabled for authentication with a user authentication failover configured and the user tries to log in to the WAAS device using an account defined in the local database, login fails. Login succeeds only when the TACACS+ server is unreachable.

Login Authentication and Authorization Through the Local Database

Local authentication and authorization uses locally configured login and passwords to authenticate administrative login attempts. The login and passwords are local to each WAAS device and are not mapped to individual usernames.

By default, local login authentication is enabled first. You can disable local login authentication only after enabling one or more of the other administrative login authentication methods. However, when local login authentication is disabled, if you disable all other administrative login authentication methods, local login authentication is reenabled automatically.

Specifying RADIUS Authentication and Authorization Settings

To configure RADIUS authentication on a WAAS device, you must first configure a set of RADIUS authentication server settings on the WAAS device by using the radius-server global configuration command. (See the (config) radius-server command.)

Use the authentication login radius global configuration command to enable RADIUS authentication for normal login mode.

Use the authentication configuration radius global configuration command to enable RADIUS authorization.

To disable RADIUS authentication and authorization on a WAAS device, use the no form of the authentication global configuration command (for example, use the no authentication login radius enable command to disable RADIUS authentication).

Specifying TACACS+ Authentication and Authorization Settings

To configure TACACS+ authentication on WAAS devices, you must configure a set of TACACS+ authentication settings on the WAAS device by using the tacacs global configuration command. (See the (config) tacacs command.)

Server Redundancy

Authentication servers can be specified with the tacacs host or radius-server host global configuration commands. In the case of TACACS+ servers, the tacacs host hostname command can be used to configure additional servers. These additional servers provide authentication redundancy and improved throughput, especially when WAAS device load-balancing schemes distribute the requests evenly between the servers. If the WAAS device cannot connect to any of the authentication servers, no authentication takes place and users who have not been previously authenticated are denied access.

Specifying the Windows Domain Login Authentication

You can enable the Windows domain as an administrative login authentication and authorization method for a device or device group. Before you enable Windows authentication, you must first configure the Windows domain controller by using the windows-domain wins-server global configuration command. (See the (config) windows-domain command.)

Note WAAS supports authentication by a Windows domain controller running only on Windows Server 2000 or Windows Server 2003.


The following example shows how to query the secondary authentication database if the primary authentication server is unreachable. This feature is referred to as the failover server-unreachable feature.

WAE(config)# authentication fail-over server-unreachable

If you enable the failover server-unreachable feature on the WAAS device, only two login authentication schemes (a primary and secondary scheme) can be configured on the WAAS device. The WAAS device fails over from the primary authentication scheme to the secondary authentication scheme only if the specified authentication server is unreachable.

To enable authentication privileges using the local, TACACS+, RADIUS, or Windows databases, and to specify the order of the administrative login authentication, use the authentication login global configuration command. In the following example, RADIUS is specified as the primary method, TACACS+ as the secondary method, Windows as the third method, and the local database as the fourth method. In this example, four login authentication methods are specified because the failover server-unreachable feature is not enabled on the WAAS device.

WAE(config)# authentication login radius enable primary
WAE(config)# authentication login tacacs enable secondary
WAE(config)# authentication login windows-domain enable tertiary
WAE(config)# authentication login local enable quaternary

Note If you enable the failover server unreachable feature on the WAAS device, make sure that you specify either TACACS+ or RADIUS as the primary scheme for authentication, and specify local as the secondary scheme for authentication.

To enable authorization privileges using the local, TACACS+, RADIUS, or Windows databases, and to specify the order of the administrative login authorization (configuration), use the authentication configuration global configuration command.

Note Authorization privileges apply to console and Telnet connection attempts, secure FTP (SFTP) sessions, and Secure Shell (SSH, Version 1 and Version 2) sessions.

We strongly recommend that you set the administrative login authentication and authorization methods in the same order. For example, configure the WAAS device to use RADIUS as the primary login method, TACACS+ as the secondary login method, Windows as the tertiary method, and the local method as the quaternary method for both administrative login authentication and authorization.

The following example shows that RADIUS is specified as the primary method, TACACS+ as the secondary method, Windows as the third method, and the local database as the fourth method. In this example, four login authorization (configuration) methods are specified because the failover server-unreachable feature is not enabled on the WAAS device.

WAE(config)# authentication configuration radius enable primary
WAE(config)# authentication configuration tacacs enable secondary
WAE(config)# authentication configuration windows-domain enable tertiary
WAE(config)# authentication configuration local enable quaternary

Note If you enable the failover server unreachable feature on the WAAS device, make sure that you specify either TACACS+ or RADIUS as the primary scheme for authorization (configuration), and specify local as the secondary scheme for authorization (configuration).

The following example shows the resulting output of the show authentication command:

WAE# show authentication user

Login Authentication:         Console/Telnet/Ftp/SSH Session
----------------------------- ------------------------------
local                         enabled (primary)
Windows domain 							 enabled
Radius                        disabled
Tacacs+                       disabled

Configuration Authentication: Console/Telnet/Ftp/SSH Session
----------------------------- ------------------------------
local                         enabled (primary)
Radius                        disabled
Tacacs+                       disabled

Related Commands

(config) radius-server

show authentication

show statistics radius

show statistics tacacs

(config) tacacs


(config) windows-domain

(config) authentication content-request

To authenticate a request for content, use the authentication content-request global configuration mode command. To selectively disable options, use the no form of this command.

authentication content-request windows-domain-ctrl disconnected-mode enable

no authentication content-request windows-domain-ctrl disconnected-mode enable

Syntax Description


Authenticates a request for content.

Note This option is available in the application-accelerator device mode only.


Selects a Windows domain controller for domain server authentication.

disconnected-mode enable

Enables authentication in the disconnected mode.


The local authentication method is enabled by default.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

The authentication command configures both the authentication and authorization methods that govern login and configuration access to the WAAS device.

Note We strongly recommend that you use the WAAS Central Manager GUI instead of the WAAS CLI to configure administrative login authentication and authorization for your WAAS devices, if possible. For information about how to use the WAAS Central Manager GUI to centrally configure administrative login authentication and authorization on a single WAE or group of WAEs, which are registered with a WAAS Central Manager, see the Cisco Wide Area Application Services Configuration Guide.

The authentication login command determines whether the user has any level of permission to access the WAAS device. The authentication configuration command authorizes the user with privileged access (configuration access) to the WAAS device.

The authentication login local and the authentication configuration local commands use a local database for authentication and authorization.

The authentication login tacacs and authentication configuration tacacs commands use a remote TACACS+ server to determine the level of user access. The WAAS software supports only TACACS+ and not TACACS or Extended TACACS.

To configure TACACS+, use the authentication and tacacs commands. To enable TACACS+, use the tacacs enable command. For more information on TACACS+ authentication, see the (config) tacacs command.

The authentication login radius and authentication configuration radius commands use a remote RADIUS server to determine the level of user access.

By default, the local method is enabled, with TACACS+ and RADIUS both disabled for login and configuration. Whenever TACACS+ and RADIUS are disabled the local method is automatically enabled. TACACS+, RADIUS, and local methods can be enabled at the same time.

The primary option specifies the first method to attempt for both login and configuration; the secondary option specifies the method to use if the primary method fails. The tertiary option specifies the method to use if both primary and secondary methods fail. The quaternary option specifies the method to use if the primary, secondary, and tertiary methods fail. If all methods of an authentication login or authentication configuration command are configured as primary, or all as secondary or tertiary, local is attempted first, then TACACS+, and then RADIUS.

Enforcing Authentication with the Primary Method

The authentication fail-over server-unreachable global configuration command allows you to specify that a failover to the secondary authentication method should occur only if the primary authentication server is unreachable. This feature ensures that users gain access to the WAAS device using the local database only when remote authentication servers (TACACS+ or RADIUS) are unreachable. For example, when a TACACS+ server is enabled for authentication with a user authentication failover configured and the user tries to log in to the WAAS device using an account defined in the local database, login fails. Login succeeds only when the TACACS+ server is unreachable.

Login Authentication and Authorization Through the Local Database

Local authentication and authorization uses locally configured login and passwords to authenticate administrative login attempts. The login and passwords are local to each WAAS device and are not mapped to individual usernames.

By default, local login authentication is enabled first. You can disable local login authentication only after enabling one or more of the other administrative login authentication methods. However, when local login authentication is disabled, if you disable all other administrative login authentication methods, local login authentication is reenabled automatically.

Specifying RADIUS Authentication and Authorization Settings

To configure RADIUS authentication on a WAAS device, you must first configure a set of RADIUS authentication server settings on the WAAS device by using the radius-server global configuration command. (See the (config) radius-server command.)

Use the authentication login radius global configuration command to enable RADIUS authentication for normal login mode.

Use the authentication configuration radius global configuration command to enable RADIUS authorization.

To disable RADIUS authentication and authorization on a WAAS device, use the no form of the authentication global configuration command (for example, use the no authentication login radius enable command to disable RADIUS authentication).

Specifying TACACS+ Authentication and Authorization Settings

To configure TACACS+ authentication on WAAS devices, you must configure a set of TACACS+ authentication settings on the WAAS device by using the tacacs global configuration command. (See the (config) tacacs command.)

Server Redundancy

Authentication servers can be specified with the tacacs host or radius-server host global configuration commands. In the case of TACACS+ servers, the tacacs host hostname command can be used to configure additional servers. These additional servers provide authentication redundancy and improved throughput, especially when WAAS device load-balancing schemes distribute the requests evenly between the servers. If the WAAS device cannot connect to any of the authentication servers, no authentication takes place and users who have not been previously authenticated are denied access.

Specifying the Windows Domain Login Authentication

You can enable the Windows domain as an administrative login authentication and authorization method for a device or device group. Before you enable Windows authentication, you must first configure the Windows domain controller by using the windows-domain wins-server global configuration command. (See the (config) windows-domain command.)

Note WAAS supports authentication by a Windows domain controller running only on Windows Server 2000 or Windows Server 2003.


The following example shows how to query the secondary authentication database if the primary authentication server is unreachable. This feature is referred to as the failover server-unreachable feature.

WAE(config)# authentication fail-over server-unreachable

If you enable the failover server-unreachable feature on the WAAS device, only two login authentication schemes (a primary and secondary scheme) can be configured on the WAAS device. The WAAS device fails over from the primary authentication scheme to the secondary authentication scheme only if the specified authentication server is unreachable.

To enable authentication privileges using the local, TACACS+, RADIUS, or Windows databases, and to specify the order of the administrative login authentication, use the authentication login global configuration command. In the following example, RADIUS is specified as the primary method, TACACS+ as the secondary method, Windows as the third method, and the local database as the fourth method. In this example, four login authentication methods are specified because the failover server-unreachable feature is not enabled on the WAAS device.

WAE(config)# authentication login radius enable primary
WAE(config)# authentication login tacacs enable secondary
WAE(config)# authentication login windows-domain enable tertiary
WAE(config)# authentication login local enable quaternary

Note If you enable the failover server unreachable feature on the WAAS device, make sure that you specify either TACACS+ or RADIUS as the primary scheme for authentication, and specify local as the secondary scheme for authentication.

To enable authorization privileges using the local, TACACS+, RADIUS, or Windows databases, and to specify the order of the administrative login authorization (configuration), use the authentication configuration global configuration command.

Note Authorization privileges apply to console and Telnet connection attempts, secure FTP (SFTP) sessions, and Secure Shell (SSH, Version 1 and Version 2) sessions.

We strongly recommend that you set the administrative login authentication and authorization methods in the same order. For example, configure the WAAS device to use RADIUS as the primary login method, TACACS+ as the secondary login method, Windows as the tertiary method, and the local method as the quaternary method for both administrative login authentication and authorization.

The following example shows that RADIUS is specified as the primary method, TACACS+ as the secondary method, Windows as the third method, and the local database as the fourth method. In this example, four login authorization (configuration) methods are specified because the failover server-unreachable feature is not enabled on the WAAS device.

WAE(config)# authentication configuration radius enable primary
WAE(config)# authentication configuration tacacs enable secondary
WAE(config)# authentication configuration windows-domain enable tertiary
WAE(config)# authentication configuration local enable quaternary

Note If you enable the failover server unreachable feature on the WAAS device, make sure that you specify either TACACS+ or RADIUS as the primary scheme for authorization (configuration), and specify local as the secondary scheme for authorization (configuration).

The following example shows the resulting output of the show authentication command:

WAE# show authentication user

Login Authentication:         Console/Telnet/Ftp/SSH Session
----------------------------- ------------------------------
local                         enabled (primary)
Windows domain 							 enabled
Radius                        disabled
Tacacs+                       disabled

Configuration Authentication: Console/Telnet/Ftp/SSH Session
----------------------------- ------------------------------
local                         enabled (primary)
Radius                        disabled
Tacacs+                       disabled

Related Commands

(config) radius-server

show authentication

show statistics radius

show statistics tacacs

(config) tacacs


(config) windows-domain

(config) authentication fail-over

To specify authentication failover if the primary authentication server is unreachable, use the authentication fail-over global configuration mode command. To disable this feature, use the no form of this command.

authentication fail-over server-unreachable

no authentication fail-over server-unreachable

Syntax Description

fail-over server-unreachable

Specifies that the WAAS device is to query the secondary authentication database only if the primary authentication server is unreachable.


This feature is disabled by default. This means that the WAAS device tries the other authentication methods if the primary method fails for any reason, not just if the server is unreachable.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The authentication command configures both the authentication and authorization methods that govern login and configuration access to the WAAS device.

Note We strongly recommend that you use the WAAS Central Manager GUI instead of the WAAS CLI to configure administrative login authentication and authorization for your WAAS devices, if possible. For information about how to use the WAAS Central Manager GUI to centrally configure administrative login authentication and authorization on a single WAE or group of WAEs, which are registered with a WAAS Central Manager, see the Cisco Wide Area Application Services Configuration Guide.

The authentication fail-over server-unreachable global configuration command allows you to specify that a failover to the secondary authentication method should occur only if the primary authentication server is unreachable. This feature ensures that users gain access to the WAAS device using the local database only when remote authentication servers (TACACS+ or RADIUS) are unreachable. For example, when a TACACS+ server is enabled for authentication with a user authentication failover configured and the user tries to log in to the WAAS device using an account defined in the local database, login fails. Login succeeds only when the TACACS+ server is unreachable.


The following example shows how to query the secondary authentication database if the primary authentication server is unreachable. This feature is referred to as the failover server-unreachable feature.

WAE(config)# authentication fail-over server-unreachable

If you enable the failover server-unreachable feature on the WAAS device, only two login authentication schemes (a primary and secondary scheme) can be configured on the WAAS device. The WAAS device fails over from the primary authentication scheme to the secondary authentication scheme only if the specified authentication server is unreachable.

Note If you enable the failover server unreachable feature on the WAAS device, make sure that you specify either TACACS+ or RADIUS as the primary scheme for authentication, and specify local as the secondary scheme for authentication.

Related Commands

(config) radius-server

show authentication

show statistics radius

show statistics tacacs

(config) tacacs


(config) windows-domain

(config) authentication login

To set the administrative login authentication parameters for a WAAS device, use the authentication login global configuration mode command. To selectively disable options, use the no form of this command.

authentication login {local | radius | tacacs | windows-domain}
enable [primary | secondary | tertiary| quaternary]

no authentication login {local | radius | tacacs | windows-domain}
enable [primary | secondary | tertiary| quaternary]

Syntax Description


Sets the administrative login authentication parameters for the WAAS device.


Selects the local database method for the WAAS device.


Selects the RADIUS method for the WAAS device.


Selects the TACACS+ method for the WAAS device.


Selects the Windows domain controller method for the WAAS device.


Enables the specified methods for the WAAS device.


(Optional) Specifies the first method that the WAAS device should use.


(Optional) Specifies the second method that the WAAS device should use.


(Optional) Specifies the third method that the WAAS device should use if the primary and secondary methods fail.


(Optional) Specifies the fourth method that the WAAS device should use if the primary, secondary, and tertiary methods all fail.


The local authentication method is enabled by default.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The authentication command configures both the authentication and authorization methods that govern login and configuration access to the WAAS device.

Note We strongly recommend that you use the WAAS Central Manager GUI instead of the WAAS CLI to configure administrative login authentication and authorization for your WAAS devices, if possible. For information about how to use the WAAS Central Manager GUI to centrally configure administrative login authentication and authorization on a single WAE or group of WAEs, which are registered with a WAAS Central Manager, see the Cisco Wide Area Application Services Configuration Guide.

The authentication login command determines whether the user has any level of permission to access the WAAS device. The authentication configuration command authorizes the user with privileged access (configuration access) to the WAAS device.

The authentication login local and the authentication configuration local commands use a local database for authentication and authorization.

The authentication login tacacs and authentication configuration tacacs commands use a remote TACACS+ server to determine the level of user access. The WAAS software supports only TACACS+ and not TACACS or Extended TACACS.

To configure TACACS+, use the authentication and tacacs commands. To enable TACACS+, use the tacacs enable command. For more information on TACACS+ authentication, see the (config) tacacs command.

The authentication login radius and authentication configuration radius commands use a remote RADIUS server to determine the level of user access.

By default, the local method is enabled, with TACACS+ and RADIUS both disabled for login and configuration. Whenever TACACS+ and RADIUS are disabled the local method is automatically enabled. TACACS+, RADIUS, and local methods can be enabled at the same time.

The primary option specifies the first method to attempt for both login and configuration; the secondary option specifies the method to use if the primary method fails. The tertiary option specifies the method to use if both primary and secondary methods fail. The quaternary option specifies the method to use if the primary, secondary, and tertiary methods fail. If all methods of an authentication login or authentication configuration command are configured as primary, or all as secondary or tertiary, local is attempted first, then TACACS+, and then RADIUS.

Enforcing Authentication with the Primary Method

The authentication fail-over server-unreachable global configuration command allows you to specify that a failover to the secondary authentication method should occur only if the primary authentication server is unreachable. This feature ensures that users gain access to the WAAS device using the local database only when remote authentication servers (TACACS+ or RADIUS) are unreachable. For example, when a TACACS+ server is enabled for authentication with a user authentication failover configured and the user tries to log in to the WAAS device using an account defined in the local database, login fails. Login succeeds only when the TACACS+ server is unreachable.

Login Authentication and Authorization Through the Local Database

Local authentication and authorization uses locally configured login and passwords to authenticate administrative login attempts. The login and passwords are local to each WAAS device and are not mapped to individual usernames.

By default, local login authentication is enabled first. You can disable local login authentication only after enabling one or more of the other administrative login authentication methods. However, when local login authentication is disabled, if you disable all other administrative login authentication methods, local login authentication is reenabled automatically.

Specifying RADIUS Authentication and Authorization Settings

To configure RADIUS authentication on a WAAS device, you must first configure a set of RADIUS authentication server settings on the WAAS device by using the radius-server global configuration command. (See the (config) radius-server command.)

Use the authentication login radius global configuration command to enable RADIUS authentication for normal login mode.

Use the authentication configuration radius global configuration command to enable RADIUS authorization.

To disable RADIUS authentication and authorization on a WAAS device, use the no form of the authentication global configuration command (for example, use the no authentication login radius enable command to disable RADIUS authentication).

Specifying TACACS+ Authentication and Authorization Settings

To configure TACACS+ authentication on WAAS devices, you must configure a set of TACACS+ authentication settings on the WAAS device by using the tacacs global configuration command. (See the (config) tacacs command.)

Server Redundancy

Authentication servers can be specified with the tacacs host or radius-server host global configuration commands. In the case of TACACS+ servers, the tacacs host hostname command can be used to configure additional servers. These additional servers provide authentication redundancy and improved throughput, especially when WAAS device load-balancing schemes distribute the requests evenly between the servers. If the WAAS device cannot connect to any of the authentication servers, no authentication takes place and users who have not been previously authenticated are denied access.

Specifying the Windows Domain Login Authentication

You can enable the Windows domain as an administrative login authentication and authorization method for a device or device group. Before you enable Windows authentication, you must first configure the Windows domain controller by using the windows-domain wins-server global configuration command. (See the (config) windows-domain command.)

Note WAAS supports authentication by a Windows domain controller running only on Windows Server 2000 or Windows Server 2003.


The following example shows how to query the secondary authentication database if the primary authentication server is unreachable. This feature is referred to as the failover server-unreachable feature.

WAE(config)# authentication fail-over server-unreachable

If you enable the failover server-unreachable feature on the WAAS device, only two login authentication schemes (a primary and secondary scheme) can be configured on the WAAS device. The WAAS device fails over from the primary authentication scheme to the secondary authentication scheme only if the specified authentication server is unreachable.

To enable authentication privileges using the local, TACACS+, RADIUS, or Windows databases, and to specify the order of the administrative login authentication, use the authentication login global configuration command. In the following example, RADIUS is specified as the primary method, TACACS+ as the secondary method, Windows as the third method, and the local database as the fourth method. In this example, four login authentication methods are specified because the failover server-unreachable feature is not enabled on the WAAS device.

WAE(config)# authentication login radius enable primary
WAE(config)# authentication login tacacs enable secondary
WAE(config)# authentication login windows-domain enable tertiary
WAE(config)# authentication login local enable quaternary

Note If you enable the failover server unreachable feature on the WAAS device, make sure that you specify either TACACS+ or RADIUS as the primary scheme for authentication, and specify local as the secondary scheme for authentication.

To enable authorization privileges using the local, TACACS+, RADIUS, or Windows databases, and to specify the order of the administrative login authorization (configuration), use the authentication configuration global configuration command.

Note Authorization privileges apply to console and Telnet connection attempts, secure FTP (SFTP) sessions, and Secure Shell (SSH, Version 1 and Version 2) sessions.

We strongly recommend that you set the administrative login authentication and authorization methods in the same order. For example, configure the WAAS device to use RADIUS as the primary login method, TACACS+ as the secondary login method, Windows as the tertiary method, and the local method as the quaternary method for both administrative login authentication and authorization.

The following example shows that RADIUS is specified as the primary method, TACACS+ as the secondary method, Windows as the third method, and the local database as the fourth method. In this example, four login authorization (configuration) methods are specified because the failover server-unreachable feature is not enabled on the WAAS device.

WAE(config)# authentication configuration radius enable primary
WAE(config)# authentication configuration tacacs enable secondary
WAE(config)# authentication configuration windows-domain enable tertiary
WAE(config)# authentication configuration local enable quaternary

Note If you enable the failover server unreachable feature on the WAAS device, make sure that you specify either TACACS+ or RADIUS as the primary scheme for authorization (configuration), and specify local as the secondary scheme for authorization (configuration).

The following example shows the resulting output of the show authentication command:

WAE# show authentication user

Login Authentication:         Console/Telnet/Ftp/SSH Session
----------------------------- ------------------------------
local                         enabled (primary)
Windows domain 							 enabled
Radius                        disabled
Tacacs+                       disabled

Configuration Authentication: Console/Telnet/Ftp/SSH Session
----------------------------- ------------------------------
local                         enabled (primary)
Radius                        disabled
Tacacs+                       disabled

Related Commands

(config) radius-server

show authentication

show statistics radius

show statistics tacacs

(config) tacacs


(config) windows-domain

(config) authentication strict-password-policy

To activate the strong password policy on a WAAS device, use the authentication strict-password-policy global configuration command. To deactivate the strong password policy and use the standard password policy on a WAAS device, use the no form of this command.

authentication strict-password-policy

no authentication strict-password-policy

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


The strong password policy is enabled on the WAAS device.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

When you enable the strong password policy, your user passwords must meet the following requirements:

•The password must be 8 to 31 characters long.

•The password can include both uppercase and lowercase letters (A-Z and a-z), numbers (0-9), and special characters including ~`!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]\{};:,</>.

•The password cannot contain all the same characters (for example, 99999).

•The password cannot contain consecutive characters (for example, 12345).

•The password cannot be the same as the username.

•Each new password must be different from the previous 12 passwords. User passwords expire within 90 days.

•The password cannot contain the characters ' " | (apostrophe, double quote, or pipe) or any control characters.

•The password cannot contain dictionary words.

When you disable the strong password policy, user passwords must meet the following requirements:

•The password must have 1 to 31 characters.

•The password can include both uppercase and lowercase letters (A-Z and a-z), and numbers (0-9).

•The password cannot contain the characters ' " | (apostrophe, double quote, or pipe) or any control characters.

Note When you enable the strong password policy, existing standard-policy passwords will still work. However, these passwords are subject to expiration under the strong password policy.


The following example shows how to enable the strong password policy:

WAE(config)# authentication strict-password-policy

The following example shows how to disable the strong password policy:

WAE(config)# no authentication strict-password-policy

Related Commands

clear users

show authentication

(config) authentication configuration

(config) auto-discovery

To configure a WAE to automatically discover origin servers (such as those servers behind firewalls) that cannot receive TCP packets with setup options and add these server IP addresses to a blacklist for a specified number of minutes, use the auto-discovery global configuration command. To disable auto-discovery, use the no form of this command.

auto-discovery blacklist {enable | hold-time minutes}

no auto-discovery blacklist {enable | hold-time minutes}

Syntax Description


Specifies the TFO auto-discovery blacklist server configuration.


Enables the TFO auto-discovery blacklist operation.

hold-time minutes

Specifies the maximum time to hold the blacklisted server address in the cache. The range is 1-10080 minutes. The default is 60 minutes.


The default auto-discovery blacklist hold time is 60 minutes.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use the auto-discovery blacklist hold-time command to adjust the blacklist hold time for the TFO auto-discovery feature. With auto-discovery, the WAE keeps track of origin servers (such as those servers behind firewalls) that cannot receive TCP packets with options and learns not to send out TCP packets with options to these blacklisted servers. When a server IP address is added to the blacklist, it remains on the blacklist for the configured number of minutes. After the hold time expires, subsequent connection attempts will again include TCP options so that the WAE can redetermine if the server can receive them. Resending TCP options periodically is useful because network packet loss could cause a server to be blacklisted erroneously.


The following example shows how to enable TFO auto-discovery blacklist using the auto-discovery command:

WAE(config)# auto-discovery blacklist enable

Related Commands

show statistics auto-discovery

(config) auto-register

To enable the discovery of a Fast Ethernet or Gigabit Ethernet WAE and its automatic registration with the WAAS Central Manager through the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), use the auto-register global configuration command. To disable the autoregistration feature on a WAE, use the no form of this command.

auto-register enable [FastEthernet slot/port | GigabitEthernet slot/port]

no auto-register enable [FastEthernet slot/port | GigabitEthernet slot/port]

Syntax Description


Enables the automatic registration of devices using DHCP with the WAAS Central Manager.

FastEthernet slot/port

(Optional) Selects a Fast Ethernet interface for automatic registration using DHCP. Slot number and port number of the Fast Ethernet interface. Valid slot values are from 0 to 3.

GigabitEthernet slot/port

(Optional) Selects a Gigabit Ethernet interface for automatic registration using DHCP. Slot number and port number of the Gigabit Ethernet interface. Valid slot values are 1 or 2.


Automatic registration using DHCP is enabled on a WAE by default.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Autoregistration automatically configures network settings and registers WAEs with the WAAS Central Manager. On bootup, devices that run the WAAS software (with the exception of the WAAS Central Manager) automatically discover the WAAS Central Manager and register with it. You do not have to do any manual configuration on the device. Once the WAE is registered, you can approve the device and configure it remotely using the WAAS Central Manager GUI.

You can use the auto-register enable command to allow a Fast Ethernet or Gigabit Ethernet WAE to discover the hostname of the WAAS Central Manager through DHCP and to automatically register the device with the WAAS Central Manager. Discovery and registration occur at bootup.

Note You must disable autoregistration when both device interfaces are configured as port-channel interfaces.

For autoregistration to work, you must have a DHCP server that is configured with the hostname of the WAAS Central Manager and that is capable of handling vendor class option 43.

Note The DHCP that is used for autoregistration is not the same as the interface-level DHCP that is configurable through the ip address dhcp interface configuration command.

To assign a static IP address using the interface GigabitEthernet slot/port command, you must first disable the automatic registration of devices through DHCP by using the no auto-register enable command.


The following example shows how to enable autoregistration on GigabitEthernet port 2/0:

WAE(config)# auto-register enable GigabitEthernet 2/0

The following example shows how to disable autoregistration on all configured interfaces on the WAE:

WAE(config)# no auto-register enable

Related Commands

show auto-register

show running-config

show startup-config

(config) banner

To configure the EXEC, login, and message-of-the-day (MOTD) banners, use the banner global configuration command. To disable the banner feature, use the no form of this command.

banner {enable | {{exec | login | motd} [message text]}}

no banner {enable | {{exec | login | motd} [message text]}}

Syntax Description


Enables banner support on the WAE.


Configures an EXEC banner.

message text

(Optional) Specifies a message to be displayed when an EXEC process is created. The message text is on a single line (980 characters maximum). The WAE translates the \n portion of the message to a new line when the banner is displayed to the user.


Configures a login banner.


Configures an MOTD banner.


Banner support is disabled by default.

Command Modes

global configuration

Usage Guidelines

The message keyword is optional. If you enter a carriage return without specifying the message keyword, you will be prompted to enter your message text. For message text on one or more lines, press the Return key or enter delimiting characters (\n) to specify a message to appear on a new line. You can enter up to a maximum of 980 characters, including new-line characters (\n). Enter a period (.) at the beginning of a new line to save the message and return to the prompt for the global configuration mode.

Note The EXEC banner content is obtained from the command-line input that you enter when prompted for the input.

After you configure the banners, enter the banner enable global configuration command to enable banner support on the appliance. Enter the show banner EXEC command to display information about the configured banners.

Note When you run an SSH version 1 client and log in to the WAE, the MOTD and login banners are not displayed. You need to use SSH version 2 to display the banners when you log in to the WAE.


The following example shows how to use the banner motd message global configuration command to configure the MOTD banner. In this example, the MOTD message consists of a single line of text.

WAE(config)# banner motd message This is a WAAS 4.0.7 device

The following example shows how to use the banner motd message global command to configure a MOTD message that is longer than a single line. In this case, the WAE translates the \n portion of the message to a new line when the MOTD message is displayed to the user.

WAE(config)# banner motd message "This is the motd message. 
\nThis is a WAAS 4.0.7 device\n"

The following example shows how to use the banner login message global configuration command to configure a login message that is longer than a single line. In this case, WAE A translates the \n portion of the message to a new line in the login message that is displayed to the user.

WAE(config)# banner login message "This is login banner. 
\nUse your password to login\n"

The following example shows how to enable banner support:

WAE(config)# banner enable

The following example shows how to use the banner exec global configuration command to configure an interactive banner. The banner exec command is similar to the banner motd message commands except that for the banner exec command, the banner content is obtained from the command-line input that the user enters after being prompted for the input.

WAE(config)# banner exec
Please type your MOTD messages below and end it with '.' at beginning of line:
(plain text only, no longer than 980 bytes including newline)
This is the EXEC banner.\nUse your WAAS username and password to log in to this WAE.\n
Message has 99 characters.

Assume that a WAE has been configured with the MOTD, login, and EXEC banners as shown in the previous examples. When a user uses an SSH session to log in to the WAE, the user will see a login session that includes a MOTD banner and a login banner that asks the user to enter a login password as follows:

This is the motd banner.
This is a WAAS 4.0.7 device
This is login banner.
Use your password to login.

Cisco Wide Area Application Services Engine

admin@wae's password: 

After the user enters a valid login password, the EXEC banner is displayed, and the user is asked to enter the WAAS username and password as follows:

Last login: Fri Oct  1 14:54:03 2004 from client
System Initialization Finished.
This is the EXEC banner.
Use your WAAS username and password to log in to this WAE.

After the user enters a valid WAAS username and password, the WAE CLI is displayed. The CLI prompt varies depending on the privilege level of the login account. In the following example, because the user entered a username and password that had administrative privileges (privilege level of 15), the EXEC mode CLI prompt is displayed:


Related Commands

show banner

(config) bypass

To configure static bypass lists on a WAE, use the bypass global configuration command. To disable the bypass feature (clear the static bypass lists), use the no form of this command.

bypass static {clientip | any-client} {serverip | any-server}

no bypass static {clientip | any-client} {serverip | any-server}

Syntax Description


Adds a static entry to the bypass list.


Requests from this IP address bypass the WAE.


Bypasses the traffic from any client destined to a particular server.


Requests from this IP address bypass the WAE.


Requests from a specified client to any server bypass the WAE.


No default behaviors or values.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

The bypass static command permits traffic from specified sources to bypass the WAE. Wildcards in either the client or server IP addresses are not supported.

Note We recommend that you use IP access lists on the WCCP-enabled router, rather than using the static bypass feature, because access lists are more flexible and give better statistics about passed-through connections.


The following example shows how to force traffic from a specified client to a specified server to bypass the WAE:

WAE(config)# bypass static

The following example shows how to force all traffic destined to a specified server to bypass the WAE:

WAE(config)# bypass static any-client

The following example shows how to force all traffic from a specified client to any file server to bypass the WAE:

WAE(config)# bypass static any-server

A static list of source and destination addresses helps to isolate instances of problem-causing clients and servers. To display static configuration list items, use the show bypass list command as follows:

WAE# show bypass list
Client              Server          Entry type
------              ------          ----------   static-config
any-client:0   static-config         any-server:0    static-config 

Related Commands

show bypass

(config) cdp

To configure the Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) options globally on all WAAS device interfaces, use the cdp global configuration command. To disable CDP, use the no form of this command.

cdp {enable | holdtime seconds | timer seconds}

no cdp {enable | holdtime seconds | timer seconds}

Syntax Description


Enables CDP globally.

holdtime seconds

Sets the length of time in seconds (10-255) that a receiver keeps CDP packets before they are discarded. The default is 180 seconds.

timer seconds

Interval between the CDP advertisements in seconds (5-254). The default is 60 seconds.


holdtime: 180 seconds

timer: 60 seconds

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes




The following example shows that when CDP is first enabled, the hold time is set to 10 seconds for keeping CDP packets, and then the rate at which CDP packets are sent (15 seconds) is set:

WAE(config)# cdp enable
WAE(config)# cdp holdtime 10
WAE(config)# cdp timer 15

Related Commands

(config-if) cdp

clear arp-cache

show cdp

(config) central-manager

To specify the WAAS Central Manager role and port number, use the central-manager global configuration command in central-manager device mode. To specify the IP address or hostname of the WAAS Central Manager with which a WAE is to register, use the central-manager global configuration command in application-accelerator device mode. To negate these actions, use the no form of this command.

central-manager {address {hostname | ip-address} | role {primary | standby} | ui port port-num}

no central-manager {address {hostname | ip-address} | role {primary | standby} | ui port port-num}

Syntax Description


Specifies the hostname or IP address of the WAAS Central Manager with which the WAE should register.


Hostname of the WAAS Central Manager with which the WAE should register.


IP address of the WAAS Central Manager with which the WAE should register.


Configures the WAAS Central Manager role to either primary or standby.


Configures the WAAS Central Manager to be the primary WAAS Central Manager for the WAEs that are registered with it.


Configures the WAAS Central Manager to be the standby WAAS Central Manager for the WAEs that are registered with it.


Configures the WAAS Central Manager GUI port address.

port port-num

Configures the WAAS Central Manager GUI port (1-65535). The default is port 8443.

Note The address option works in the application-accelerator device mode only. The role and ui port options work in the central-manager device mode only.


The WAAS Central Manager GUI is preconfigured to use port 8443.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes




The following example shows how to specify that the WAAS device named waas-cm is to function as the primary WAAS Central Manager for the WAAS network:

waas-cm(config)# central-manager role primary

The following example shows how to specify that the WAE should register with the WAAS Central Manager that has an IP address of This command associates the WAE with the primary WAAS Central Manager so that the WAE can be approved as a part of the WAAS network.

WAE(config)# central-manager address

The following example shows how to configure a new GUI port to access the WAAS Central Manager GUI:

WAE(config)# central-manager ui port 8550

The following example shows how to configure the WAAS Central Manager as the standby WAAS Central Manager:

WAE(config)# central-manager role standby
Switching CDM to standby will cause  all configuration settings made on this CDM to be 
Please confirm you want to continue  [no]?yes
Restarting CMS services

(config) clock

To set the summer daylight saving time and time zone for display purposes, use the clock global configuration command. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.

clock {timezone timezone hoursoffset [minutesoffset]} |
summertime timezone {date startday startmonth startyear starthour endday endmonth endyear offset | recurring {1-4 startweekday startmonth starthour endweekday endmonth endhour offset | first startweekday startmonth starthour endweekday endmonth endhour
| last startweekday startmonth starthour endweekday endmonth endhour offset}}

no clock {timezone timezone hoursoffset [minutesoffset]} |
summertime timezone {date startday startmonth startyear starthour endday endmonth endyear offset | recurring {1-4 startweekday startmonth starthour endweekday endmonth endhour offset | first startweekday startmonth starthour endweekday endmonth endhour
| last startweekday startmonth starthour endweekday endmonth endhour offset}}

Syntax Description

timezone timezone hoursoffset

Configures the name of the standard time zone and hours offset from UTC (-23 to +23). See the Usage Guidelines section for offset.


(Optional) Minutes offset from UTC (0-59). See the Usage Guidelines section for offset.

summertime timezone

Configures the name of the summer or daylight saving time zone.


Configures the absolute summer time.


Date (1-31) to start.


Month (January through December) to start.


Year (1993-2032) to start.


Hour (0-23) to start in hour:minute (hh:mm) format.


Date (1-31) to end.


Month (January through December) to end.


Year (1993-2032) to end.


Hour (0-23) to end in hour:minute (hh:mm) format.


Minutes offset from UTC (0-59). See the Usage Guidelines section for offset.


Configures the recurring summer time.


Configures the starting week number 1-4.


Day of the week (Monday-Friday) to start.


Weekday (Monday-Friday) to end.


Configures the summer time to recur beginning the first week of the month.


Configures the summer time to recur beginning the last week of the month.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

To set and display the local and UTC current time of day without an NTP server, use the clock timezone command with the clock set command. The clock timezone parameter specifies the difference between UTC and local time, which is set with the clock set EXEC command. The UTC and local time are displayed with the show clock detail EXEC command.

Note Unexpected time changes can result in unexpected system behavior. We recommend reloading the system after changing the system clock.

Use the clock timezone offset command to specify a time zone, where timezone is the desired time zone entry listed in the table below and 0 0 is the offset (ahead or behind) UTC is in hours and minutes. (UTC was formerly known as Greenwich mean time [GMT]).

WAE(config)# clock timezone timezone 0 0

Note The time zone entry is case sensitive and must be specified in the exact notation listed in Table 3-1. When you use a time zone entry from the time zone table, the system is automatically adjusted for daylight saving time.

Table 3-1 Time Zone—Offsets from UTC 

Time Zone
Offset from UTC

























































Asia/New Delhi



















































































The following example shows how to specify the local time zone as Pacific Standard Time with an offset of 8 hours behind UTC:

WAE(config)# clock timezone US/Pacific -8 0

The following example shows how to negate the time zone setting on the WAAS device:

WAE(config)# no clock timezone

The following example shows how to configure daylight saving time:

WAE(config)# clock summertime US/Pacific date 10 October 2005 23:59 29 April 2006 23:59 60

Related Commands


show clock

(config) cms

To schedule maintenance and enable the Centralized Management System (CMS) on a WAAS device, use the cms global configuration command. To negate these actions, use the no form of this command.

cms {database maintenance {full {enable | schedule weekday at time}} |
regular {enable | schedule weekday at time}} | enable

no cms {database maintenance {full {enable | schedule weekday at time}} |
regular {enable | schedule weekday at time}} | enable

cms rpc timeout {connection 5-1800 | incoming-wait 10-600 | transfer 10-7200}

no cms rpc timeout {connection 5-1800 | incoming-wait 10-600 | transfer 10-7200}

Syntax Description

database maintenance

Configures the embedded database clean or reindex maintenance routine.


Configures the full maintenance routine and cleans the embedded database tables.


Enables the specified routine or process to be performed on the embedded database tables.

schedule weekday

Sets the schedule for performing the maintenance routine to a day of the week.

every-day Every day
Mon          every Monday
Tue           every Tuesday
Wed          every Wednesday
Thu           every Thursday
Fri             every Friday
Sat             every Saturday
Sun            every Sunday

at time

Sets the maintenance schedule time of day to start the maintenance routine (0-23:0-59) (hh:mm).

at      Maintenance time of day
Mon    every Monday
Tue     every Tuesday
Wed    every Wednesday
Thu     every Thursday
Fri      every Friday
Sat      every Saturday
Sun     every Sunday


Configures the regular maintenance routine and reindexes the embedded database tables.

rpc timeout

Configures the timeout values for remote procedure call connections.

connection 5-1800

Specifies the maximum time to wait when making a connection. The timeout period is in seconds. The default for the WAAS Central Manager is 30 seconds; the default for a WAE is 180 seconds.

incoming-wait 10-600

Specifies the maximum time to wait for a client response. The timeout period is in seconds. The default is 30 seconds.

transfer 10-7200

Specifies the maximum time to allow a connection to remain open. The timeout period is in seconds. The default is 300 seconds.


database maintenance regular: enabled

database maintenance full: enabled

connection: 30 seconds for WAAS Central Manager; 180 seconds for a WAE

incoming wait: 30 seconds

transfer: 300 seconds

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use the cms database maintenance global configuration command to schedule routine full maintenance cleaning (vacuuming) or a regular maintenance reindexing of the embedded database. The full maintenance routine runs only when the disk is more than 90 percent full and only runs once a week. Cleaning the tables returns reusable space to the database system.

The cms enable global configuration command automatically registers the node in the database management tables and enables the CMS process. The no cms enable global configuration command only stops the management services on the WAAS device. Use the cms deregister EXEC command to de-register (remove) a WAAS device from the WAAS network.


The following example shows how to schedule a regular (reindexing) maintenance routine to start every Friday at 11:00 p.m on the WAAS device:

WAE(config)# cms database maintenance regular schedule Fri at 23:00

The following example shows how to enable the CMS process on a WAAS device:

WAE(config)# cms enable
Generating new RPC certificate/key pair
Restarting RPC services

Creating database backup file emerg-debug-db-01-25-2006-15-31.dump
Registering Wide Area Central Manager...
Registration complete.
Please preserve running configuration using 'copy running-config startup-config'.
Otherwise management service will not be started on reload and node will be shown
'offline' in Wide Area Central Manager UI.
management services enabled

Related Commands


show cms

(config) crypto pki

To configure public key infrastructure (PKI) encryption parameters on a WAAS device, use the crypto pki global configuration command. To negate these actions, use the no form of this command.

crypto pki {ca certificate-authority-name | global-settings}

Syntax Description


Configures encryption certificate authority information. Using this command enables certificate authority configuration mode. See PKI Certificate Authority Configuration Mode Commands, page -701.


The name of the certificate authority that you want to edit.


Configures PKI encryption global settings. Using this command enables PKI global settings configuration mode. See PKI Certificate Authority Configuration Mode Commands, page -701.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use the crypto pki global configuration command to enter CA configuration mode or PKI global settings configuration mode.


The following example puts WAAS into CA configuration mode, editing the "my-ca" certification authority. The mode change is indicated by the system prompt:

WAE(config)# crypto pki my-ca

Related Commands

(config) crypto ssl

(config-ca) ca-certificate

(config-ca) description

(config-ca) revocation-check

(config) crypto ssl

To configure secure sockets layer (SSL) encryption parameters on a WAAS device, use the crypto ssl global configuration command. To negate these actions, use the no form of this command.

crypto ssl {cipher-list cipher-list-name | management-service |
services {accelerated-service service-name | global-settings | host-service peering}}

no crypto ssl {cipher-list cipher-list-name | management-service |
services {accelerated-service service-name | global-settings | host-service peering}}

Syntax Description

cipher-list cipher-list-name

Configures the SSL cipher suite list. Using this command enables SSL cipher list configuration mode. See the SSL Cipher List Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


Configures SSL management services. Using this command enables SSL management service configuration mode. See the SSL Management Service Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


Configures other SSL services (accelerated, global, and host peering).

accelerated-service service-name

Configures SSL accelerated services. Using this command enables SSL accelerated service configuration mode. See the SSL Accelerated Service Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


Configures SSL service global settings. Using this command enables SSL service global configuration mode. See the SSL Global Service Configuration Mode Commands chapter.

host-service peering

Configures SSL host peering services. Using this command enables SSL host peering service configuration mode. See the SSL Host Peering Service Configuration Mode Commands chapter.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use the crypto ssl global configuration command to enter SSL cipher list configuration mode, SSL management service configuration mode, SSL accelerated service configuration mode, SSL service global configuration mode, or SSL host peering service configuration mode.


The following example puts the WAAS device into SSL cipher list configuration mode, editing the mylist cipher suite list. The mode change is indicated by the system prompt:

WAE(config)# crypto ssl cipher-list mylist

The following example puts the WAAS device into SSL management service configuration mode. The mode change is indicated by the system prompt:

WAE(config)# crypto ssl management-service


The following example puts the WAAS device into SSL accelerated service configuration mode, editing the myservice accelerated service. The mode change is indicated by the system prompt:

WAE(config)# crypto ssl services accelerated-service myservice


The following example puts the WAAS device into SSL global service configuration mode. The mode change is indicated by the system prompt:

WAE(config)# crypto ssl services global-settings


The following example puts the WAAS device into SSL host peering service configuration mode. The mode change is indicated by the system prompt:

WAE(config)# crypto ssl services host-service peering


Related Commands

(config) crypto pki

(config) device mode

To configure the device mode for the WAAS device, use the device mode global configuration command. To reset the mode of operation on your WAAS device, use the no form of this command.

device mode {application-accelerator | central-manager}

no device mode {application-accelerator | central-manager}

Syntax Description


Configures the WAAS device to function as a WAAS Accelerator. All of your branch and data center WAEs should be operating in this mode.


Configures the WAAS device to function as a WAAS Central Manager.


The default device operation mode is application-accelerator.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes




The following example shows how to specify central manager as the device mode of a WAAS device:

WAE(config)# device mode central-manager

The following example shows how to specify application accelerator as the device mode of a WAAS device:

WAE(config)# device mode application-accelerator

To change the device mode from central-manager to application-accelerator, you must first use the cms deregister command in EXEC mode to disable the Centralized Management System on the Central Manager, and then use the device mode command in global configuration mode, as shown in the following example:

WAE# cms deregister
WAE(config)# device mode application-accelerator
WAE# copy running-config startup-config

Related Commands

show device-mode

(config) directed-mode

To configure the mode by which traffic is sent between two WAEs, use the directed-mode global configuration command. To configure the WAAS device not to use directed mode, use the no form of this command.

directed-mode enable [port udp-port]

no directed-mode enable [port udp-port]

Syntax Description


Enables directed mode.

port udp-port

Sets the UDP port number to use to send traffic between two WAEs. The default port is 4050.


The default communication mode to a peer WAE is transparent mode (not directed mode).

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



The following example shows how to configure a WAE for directed mode on the default UDP port of 4050:

WAE(config)# directed-mode enable

Related Commands

show statistics auto-discovery

show statistics connection closed

(config) disk disk-name

To disable the disk for online removal, use the disk disk-name global configuration command. To reenable the disk, use the no form of this command.

disk disk-name diskxx shutdown [force]

no disk disk-name diskxx shutdown [force]

Syntax Description


Name of the disk (disk00-disk05).


Disables the disk for maintenance.


(Optional) Forces a disk to be reenabled when used with the no form of this command.

This option is not available on RAID-5 systems.


Disks are enabled.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

This command is not available on the WAE-7341 and WAE-7371 models. Instead, use the disk disk-name diskxx replace EXEC mode command.

You can replace a failed disk or perform a scheduled disk maintenance on the WAE-612 and WAE-7326. Use the disk disk-name diskxx shutdown global configuration command to manually shut down a disk for a scheduled disk maintenance, or on the WAE-7341 and WAE-7371, use the disk disk-name diskxx replace EXEC command to manually shut down a disk for scheduled disk maintenance. (For the schedule disk maintenance procedure, see the Cisco Wide Area Application Services Configuration Guide, Chapter 14.)

Note The show disks failed-disk-id EXEC command is not available on WAE-7341 and WAE-7371 models.


The following example shows how to disable disk00 for online removal using the disk disk-name command:

WAE(config)# disk disk-name disk00 shutdown

Related Commands

(config) disk error-handling

(config) disk logical shutdown


show disks

(config) disk encrypt

To enable disk encryption, use the disk encrypt global configuration command. To disable disk encryption, use the no form of this command.

disk encrypt enable

no disk encrypt enable

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Disk encryption is disabled by default.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

To view the encryption status details, use the show disks details EXEC command. While the file system is initializing, you will see the following message: "System initialization is not finished, please wait..." You may also view the disk encryption status to check whether a disk is enabled or disabled in the Central Manager GUI, Device Home window.


The following example shows how to enable disk encryption using the disk encrypt command:

WAE(config)# disk encrypt enable

Related Commands


show disks

(config) disk error-handling

To configure how disk errors are handled on a WAAS device, use the disk error-handling global configuration command. To disable automatic remapping of disk errors, use the no form of this command.

disk error-handling remap

no disk error-handling remap

Syntax Description


Sets the disk to attempt to remap disk errors automatically.


The disk is configured to remap disk errors automatically.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes




The following example shows how to disable automatic remapping of disk errors:

WAE(config)# no disk error-handling remap

Related Commands


show disks

(config) disk logical shutdown

To shut down the RAID-5 logical disk drive, use the disk logical shutdown global configuration command. To reenable the RAID-5 logical disk drive, use the no form of this command.

disk logical shutdown

no disk logical shutdown [force]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Forces RAID Logical drive to be reenabled when used with the no form of this command.


The RAID-5 array is configured by default.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command is supported on WAE-7341, WAE-7371, and WAE-674 models only.

Use this command to operate the WAE in diskless mode. In diskless mode, the partitions and disks are not mounted and cannot be used.

You must reload the device for this command to take effect.

After a multiple disk failure or RAID controller failure, and after the drives are replaced and the RAID disk is rebuilt, the logical disk may remain in the error state. To reenable the disk, use the no disk logical shutdown force command, then reload the WAE.


The following example shows how shutdown the RAID-5 logical disk drive using the disk logical shutdown command:

WAE(config)# disk logical shutdown

Related Commands

(config) disk disk-name

(config) egress-method

To configure the egress method for intercepted connections, use the egress-method global configuration command. To unconfigure the egress method, use the no form of this command.

egress-method {ip-forwarding | negotiated-return | generic-gre} intercept-method wccp

no egress-method {ip-forwarding | negotiated-return | generic-gre} intercept-method wccp

Syntax Description


Configures the IP forwarding egress method.


Configures the WCCP negotiated return egress method.


Configures the generic GRE egress method.


Chooses for which interception method the egress method is being configured.


Configures the egress method for WCCP interception.


The default egress method is IP forwarding.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



The following example shows how to configure the interception and egress method for WCCP GRE packet return from the CLI:

WAE(config)# egress-method negotiated-return intercept-method wccp 

The following example shows how to configure the interception and egress method for IP forwarding from the CLI:

WAE(config)# egress-method ip-forwarding intercept-method wccp 

The following example shows how to configure the interception and egress method for the generic GRE egress method from the CLI by configuring an intercepting router list, and then configuring the generic GRE egress method:

WAE(config)# wccp router-list 1
WAE(config)# egress-method generic-gre intercept-method wccp 

The router list must contain the IP address of each intercepting router. Multicast addresses are not supported. Additionally, you must configure a GRE tunnel interface on each router.

To view the egress method that is configured and that is being used on a particular WAE, use the show egress-methods EXEC command or the show statistics connection egress-methods EXEC command.

To view information about the generic GRE egress method, use the show generic-gre EXEC command. To clear statistics information for the generic GRE egress method, use the clear statistics generic-gre EXEC command.

Related Commands

clear arp-cache

debug egress-method

show egress-methods

show tfo tcp

(config) wccp tcp-promiscuous mask

(config) end

To exit global configuration mode, use the end global configuration command.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use the end command to exit global configuration mode after completing any changes to the running configuration. To save new configurations to NVRAM, use the write command.

In addition, you can press Ctrl-Z to exit global configuration mode.


The following example shows how to exit global configuration mode on a WAAS device:

WAE(config)# end

Related Commands

(config) exit

(config) exec-timeout

To configure the length of time that an inactive Telnet or SSH session remains open on a WAAS device, use the exec-timeout global configuration command. To revert to the default value, use the no form of this command.

exec-timeout timeout

no exec-timeout timeout

Syntax Description


Timeout in minutes (0-44640). A value of 0 sets the logout timeout to infinite.


The default is 15 minutes.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

A Telnet session or Secure Shell (SSH) session with the WAAS device can remain open and inactive for the interval of time specified by the exec-timeout command. When the exec-timeout interval elapses, the WAAS device automatically closes the Telnet or SSH session.


The following example shows how to configure a timeout of 100 minutes:

WAE(config)# exec-timeout 100

The following example shows how to negate the configured timeout of 100 minutes and revert to the default value of 15 minutes:

WAE(config)# no exec-timeout

Related Commands

(config) telnet enable

(config) exit

To terminate global configuration mode and return to the privileged-level EXEC mode, use the exit command.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

All modes

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

This command is equivalent to pressing Ctrl-Z or entering the end command.


The following example shows how to terminate global configuration mode and return to the privileged-level EXEC mode:

WAE(config)# exit

Related Commands

(config) end

(config) flow monitor

To enable network traffic flow monitoring and to register the WAE with the tcpstat-v1 collector for traffic analysis, use the flow monitor global configuration command. To disable the network traffic flow configuration, use the no form of this command.

flow monitor tcpstat-v1 {enable | host ip_address}

no flow monitor tcpstat-v1 {enable | host ip_address}

Syntax Description


Sets the tcpstat-v1 collector configuration.


Enables flow monitoring.

host ip_address

Specifies the IP address of the collection control agent.


The default configuration has no host address configured and the feature is disabled.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

For information about how to configure flow monitoring on the WAE, see the Cisco Wide Area Application Services Configuration Guide, Chapter 15.


The following example shows how to enable flow monitoring using the flow monitor command:

WAE(config)# flow monitor tcpstat-v1 enable

Related Commands

debug flow

(config) help

To obtain online help for the command-line interface, use the help global configuration command. To disable help, use the no form of this command.


no help

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

EXEC and global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

You can obtain help at any point in a command by entering a question mark (?). If nothing matches, the help list will be empty, and you must use the backspace key until entering a ? shows the available options.

Two styles of help are provided:

•Full help is available when you are ready to enter a command argument (for example, show ?) and describes each possible argument.

•Partial help is provided when you enter an abbreviated command and you want to know what arguments match the input (for example, show stat?).


The following example shows the output of the help global configuration command:

WAE# configure
WAE(config)# help
Help may be requested at any point in a command by entering a question mark '?'. If 
nothing matches, the help list will be empty and you must backup until entering a '?' 
shows the available options.

Two styles of help are provided:
1. Full help is available when you are ready to enter a command argument.
2. Partial help is provided when an abbreviated argument is entered.

The following example shows how to use full help to see what WCCP command arguments are available:

WAE# configure
WAE(config)# wccp ?
  access-list      Configure an IP access-list for inbound WCCP encapsulate
  flow-redirect    Redirect moved flows
  router-list      Router List for use in WCCP services
  shutdown         Wccp Shutdown parameters
  slow-start       accept load in slow-start mode
  tcp-promiscuous  TCP promiscuous mode service
  version          WCCP Version Number

The following example shows how to use partial help to determine the syntax of a WCCP argument:

WAE(config)# wccp tcp ?
  mask             Specify mask used for CE assignment
  router-list-num  Router list number

Related Commands

show running-config

(config) hostname

To configure the network hostname on a WAAS device, use the hostname global configuration command. To reset the hostname to the default setting, use the no form of this command.

hostname name

no hostname name

Syntax Description


New hostname for the WAAS device; the name is case sensitive. The name may be from 1 to 30 alphanumeric characters.


The default hostname is the model number of the WAAS device (for example WAE-612 or WAE-7371).

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the hostname for the WAAS device. The hostname is used for the command prompts and default configuration filenames. This name is also used for routing, so it conforms to the following rules:

•It can use only alphanumeric characters and hyphens (-).

•The maximum length is 30 characters.

•The following characters are considered illegal and cannot be used when naming a device: @, #, $,%, ^, &, *, (), |, \""/, <>.


The following example shows how to change the hostname of the WAAS device to sandbox:

WAE-674(config)# hostname sandbox

The following example shows how to remove the hostname:

Sandbox(config)# no hostname

Related Commands


(config) ip

(config-if) ip

show hosts

(config) inetd

To enable FTP and RCP services on a WAAS device, use the inetd enable global configuration command. To disable these same services, use the no form of this command.

inetd enable {ftp | rcp}

no inetd enable {ftp | rcp}

Syntax Description


Enables services.


Enables FTP services.


Enables RCP services.


FTP is enabled; RCP is disabled.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Inetd (an Internet daemon) is a program that listens for connection requests or messages for certain ports and starts server programs to perform the services associated with those ports. Use the inetd enable command with the ftp and rcp keywords to enable and disable services on the WAAS device. To disable the service, enter the no form of the inetd enable command. Use the show inetd EXEC command to see whether current inetd sessions are enabled or disabled.


The following example shows how to enable an FTP service session on the WAAS device:

WAE(config)# inetd enable ftp

The following example shows how to disable FTP services:

WAE(config)# no inetd enable ftp

Related Commands

show inetd

(config) inline vlan-id-connection-check

To enable VLAN ID checking on intercepted traffic, use the inline vlan-id-connection-check global configuration command. To disable VLAN ID checking, use the no form of this command.

inline vlan-id-connection-check

no inline vlan-id-connection-check

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


VLAN ID checking is enabled.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes




The following example shows how to enable VLAN ID checking of the intercepted traffic on the WAAS device:

WAE(config)# inline vlan-id-connection-check

The following example shows how to disable VLAN ID checking:

WAE(config)# no inline vlan-id-connection-check

Related Commands

(config) interface GigabitEthernet

(config-if) encapsulation dot1Q

(config) interface GigabitEthernet

To configure a Gigabit Ethernet interface, use the interface global configuration command. To disable selected options, restore default values, or enable a shutdown interface, use the no form of this command.

interface GigabitEthernet slot/port [autosense | bandwidth {10 | 100 | 1000} | cdp enable | channel-group 1 | description text | full-duplex | half-duplex |
ip {access-group {acl-num | acl_name} {in | out} |
address {ip_address netmask [secondary] | dhcp [client-id id hostname name |
hostname name client-id id]}} | mtu mtusize | shutdown |
standby 1 [primary]]

no interface GigabitEthernet slot/port [autosense | bandwidth {10 | 100 | 1000} | cdp enable | channel-group 1 | description text | full-duplex | half-duplex |
ip {access-group {acl-num | acl_name} {in | out} |
address {ip_address netmask [secondary] | dhcp [client-id id hostname name |
hostname name client-id id]}} | mtu mtusize | shutdown |
standby 1 [primary]]

Syntax Description

GigabitEthernet slot/port

Selects a Gigabit Ethernet interface to configure (slot and port number). The slot range is 0-2; the port range is 0-3. The slot number and port number are separated with a forward slash character (/).


(Optional) Sets the GigabitEthernet interface to automatically sense the interface speed.


(Optional) Sets the bandwidth of the specified interface.


Sets the bandwidth of the interface to 10 megabits per second (Mbps).


Sets the bandwidth of the interface to 100 Mbps.


Sets the bandwidth of the interface to 1000 Mbps. This option is not available on all ports and is the same as autosense.

cdp enable

(Optional) Enables Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) on the specified interface.

channel-group 1

(Optional) Assigns the interface EtherChannel to group 1.

description text

Enters a description of the interface.


(Optional) Sets the interface to full-duplex operation.


(Optional) Sets the interface to half-duplex operation.

Note We strongly recommend that you do not use half duplex on the WAE, routers, switches, or other devices.


(Optional) Enables IP configuration commands for the interface.


Configures access control for IP packets on this interface using access control list (ACL).


Numeric identifier that identifies the ACL to apply to the current interface. For standard ACLs, the valid range is 1-99; for extended ACLs, the valid range is 100-199.


Alphanumeric identifier of up to 30 characters, beginning with a letter that identifies the ACL to apply to the current interface.


Applies the specified ACL to inbound packets on the current interface.


Applies the specified ACL to outbound packets on the current interface.

address ip-address netmask

Sets the interface IP address and netmask.


(Optional) Specifies that the configured address is a secondary IP address. If this keyword is omitted, the configured address is the primary IP address.


(Optional) Sets the IP address to the address that is negotiated over Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP).

client-id id

(Optional) Specifies the client identifier.

hostname name

(Optional) Specifies the hostname.

mtu mtusize

(Optional) Sets the interface Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size in bytes (88-1500).


(Optional) Shuts down this interface.

standby 1

(Optional) Sets the standby group number to 1.


(Optional) Sets this interface as the active interface in the standby group.


The first attached interface in a standby group is defined as the active interface. There are no other default behaviors or values.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Although the CLI contains the no interface option, you cannot apply the no command to an interface. The software displays the following error message: Removing of physical interface is not permitted.

To configure an interface bandwidth on a WAAS device, use the bandwidth interface configuration command. The bandwidth is specified in megabits per second (Mbps). The 1000 Mbps option is not available on all ports. Using this option automatically enables autosense on the interface. You cannot change the interface speed on a WAE-7320 model that has an optical Gigabit Ethernet interface. Gigabit Ethernet interfaces only run at 1000 Mbps for a WAE-7320. For newer models of the WAAS device (for example, the WAE-611 or WAE-7326) that have a Gigabit Ethernet interface over copper, this restriction does not apply; you can configure these Gigabit Ethernet interfaces to run at 10, 100, or 1000 Mbps. On newer WAAS models, the 1000-Mbps setting implies autosense. For example, you cannot configure the Gigabit Ethernet interface to run at 1000 Mbps and half duplex.

Using the cdp enable command in global configuration mode enables CDP globally on all the interfaces. If you want to control CDP behavior per interface, use the cdp enable command in interface configuration mode. The interface level control overrides the global control.

To display the interface identifiers (for example, interface GigabitEthernet 1/0), use the show running-config or show startup-config commands. The autosense, bandwidth, full-duplex, half-duplex, ip, and shutdown commands are listed separately in this command reference.

Note When you use the ip address command to change the IP address of an interface that has been shut down, it automatically brings up that interface by default.

Configuring Multiple Secondary IP Addresses on a Single Physical Interface

Use the interface secondary global configuration command to configure more than one IP address on the same interface. By configuring multiple IP addresses on a single interface, the WAAS device can be present in more than one subnet. This configuration allows you to optimize the response time because the content goes directly from the WAAS device to the requesting client without being redirected through a router. The WAAS device becomes visible to the client because they are configured on the same subnet.

You can assign up to four secondary addresses to an interface. These addresses become active only after you configure the primary address. No two interfaces can have the same IP address in the same subnetwork. To set these secondary IP addresses, use the ip address command.

If a WAAS device has one physical interface that has multiple secondary IP addresses assigned to it, the egress traffic uses the source IP address that is chosen by IP routing. If the secondary IP addresses of a WAAS device in the same subnet as the primary IP address, then the egress traffic uses the primary IP address only. If the secondary IP addresses are in a different subnet than the primary IP address, then the destination IP address determines which IP address on the WAAS device is used for the egress traffic.

Configuring Interfaces for DHCP

When you configure a WAAS device initially, you can configure a static IP address or use interface-level DHCP to dynamically assign IP addresses to the interfaces on the WAAS device.

If you do not enable interface-level DHCP on the WAAS device, you must manually specify a static IP address and network mask for the WAAS device. If the WAAS device moves to another location in another part of the network, you must manually enter a new static IP address and network mask for this WAAS device.

You can enable an interface for DHCP using the ip address dhcp [client_id | hostname] interface configuration command. The client identifier is an ASCII value. The WAAS device sends its configured client identifier and hostname to the DHCP server when requesting network information. You can configure DHCP servers to identify the client identifier and the hostname that the WAAS device is sending and then send the specific network settings that are assigned to the WAAS device.

Note You must disable autoregistration before you can manually configure an interface for DHCP. Autoregistration is enabled by default on the first interface of the device.

Defining Interface Descriptions

You can specify a one-line description for a specific interface on a WAAS device. Use the description text interface configuration command to enter the description for the specific interface. The maximum length of the description text is 240 characters. This feature is supported for the Gigabit Ethernet, port-channel, and Standby interfaces.

Note This feature is not currently supported for the SCSI or IDE interfaces.

After you define the description for an interface, use the show EXEC commands to display the defined interface descriptions. Enter the show interface interface type slot/port EXEC command to display the defined description for a specific interface on the WAE.

Configuring a Standby Group

You can associate an interface with a standby group by using the standby 1 interface configuration command. To make an interface the active interface in a standby group, use the standby 1 primary interface configuration command. If you have already associated an interface with a standby group but have not made it the primary interface, you cannot specify the command again to add the primary designation. First, remove the interface from the standby group, then reassign it, specifying the primary option at the same time.

A physical interface can be a member of a standby group or a port channel, but not both.

You cannot assign an IP address to both a standby group and a port channel. Only one virtual interface can be configured with an IP address.


The following example shows how to configure an attribute of an interface with a single CLI command:

WAE(config)# interface GigabitEthernet 1/0 full-duplex 

The following example shows that an interface can be configured in a sequence of CLI commands:

WAE(config)# interface GigabitEthernet 1/0
WAE(config-if)# full-duplex
WAE(config-if)# exit

The following example shows how to enable a shut down interface:

WAE(config)# no interface GigabitEthernet 1/0 shutdown

The following example shows how to create an EtherChannel. The port channel is port channel 1 and is assigned an IP address of and a netmask of

WAE# configure
WAE(config)# interface PortChannel 1 
WAE(config-if)# ip address
WAE(config-if)# exit 

The following example shows how to remove an EtherChannel:

WAE(config)# interface PortChannel 1 
WAE(config-if)# no ip address
WAE(config-if)# exit
WAE(config)# no interface PortChannel 1 

The following example shows how to add an interface to a channel group:

WAE# configure
WAE(config)# interface GigabitEthernet 1/0
WAE(config-if)# channel-group 1 
WAE(config-if)# exit

The following example shows how to remove an interface from a channel group:

WAE(config)# interface GigabitEthernet 1/0
WAE(config-if)# no channel-group 1 
WAE(config-if)# exit

The following example shows how to assign a secondary IP address on a Gigabit Ethernet interface on a WAAS device:

WAE# configure 
WAE(config)# interface GigabitEthernet 1/0 
WAE(config-if)# ip address secondary

The following example shows how to configure a description for a Gigabit Ethernet interface:

WAE(config)# interface GigabitEthernet 1/0
WAE(config-if)# description This is a GigabitEthernet interface.

Related Commands

show interface

show running-config

show startup-config

(config) interface InlineGroup

To configure an InlineGroup interface, use the interface global configuration command. To disable selected options, restore default values, or enable a shutdown interface, use the no form of this command.

interface InlineGroup slot/grpnumber [autosense | bandwidth {10 | 100 | 1000} | encapsulation dot1q VLAN | failover timeout {1 | 3 | 5} | full-duplex | half-duplex | inline [vlan {all | native | vlan_list}] | shutdown]

no interface InlineGroup slot/grpnumber [autosense | bandwidth {10 | 100 | 1000} | encapsulation dot1q VLAN | failover timeout {1 | 3 | 5} | full-duplex | half-duplex | inline [vlan {all | native | vlan_list}] | shutdown]

Syntax Description

InlineGroup slot/grpnumber

Sets the slot and inline group number for the selected interface. The group number for the inline feature is either 0 or 1 (each adapter has 2 grouped pairs).


(Optional) Sets the Gigabit Ethernet interface to automatically sense the interface speed.


(Optional) Sets the bandwidth of the specified interface.


Sets the bandwidth of the interface to 10 megabits per second (Mbps).


Sets the bandwidth of the interface to 100 Mbps.


Sets the bandwidth of the interface to 1000 Mbps. This option is not available on all ports and is the same as autosense.

encapsulation dot1q VLAN

(Optional) Sets the 802.1Q VLAN ID to be assigned to traffic leaving the WAE through this interface. The VLAN ID can range from 1-4094.


(Optional) Modifies failover parameters.


(Optional) Sets the maximum time for the inline group of interfaces to transfer traffic to another port in the group after a failover event.


Number of seconds before a failover occurs.


Number of seconds before a failover occurs.


Number of seconds before a failover occurs.


(Optional) Sets the interface to full duplex.


(Optional) Sets the interface to half duplex.

Note We strongly recommend that you do not use half duplex on the WAE, routers, switches, or other devices.


(Optional) Enables inline interception for an InlineGroup of interfaces.


(Optional) Modifies the VLAN list parameters.


Applies the command to all tagged and untagged packets.


Specifies untagged packets.


Comma-separated list of VLAN IDs. Restricts the inline feature to the specified set of VLANs.


(Optional) Shuts down this interface.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

An InlineGroup interface is a logical grouping of a pair of Ethernet ports that are physically contained in the optional 4-port Cisco WAE Inline Network Adapter. The inline network adapter is supported on all WAAS appliance platforms beginning with the WAAS 4.0.7 release.

You can have up to two InlineGroup interfaces, which allows for two bypass-enabled paths for traffic to pass through the WAE appliance, making multiple-router deployments possible. The InlineGroup interfaces provide failover capability and can be assigned to any set of VLANs. (For examples of InlineGroup interface configurations, see the (config-if) inline command.)

You can configure the InlineGroup interface for link speed (bandwidth or autosense) and mode of operation (half-duplex or full-duplex).

Note If the VLAN ID that you set with the encapsulation dot1q option does not match the VLAN ID expected by the router subinterface, you may not be able to connect to the inline interface IP address.

The inline adapter supports only a single VLAN ID for each inline group interface. If you have configured a secondary address from a different subnet on an inline interface, you must have the same secondary address assigned on the router subinterface for the VLAN.

Note We strongly recommend that you do not use half duplex on the WAE, routers, switches, or other devices. Use of half-duplex impedes system ability to improve performance and should not be used. Double-check each Cisco WAE interface as well as the port configuration on the adjacent device (router, switch, firewall, WAE) to verify that full-duplex is configured.

Related Commands

show interface

show running-config

show startup-config

(config) interface PortChannel

To configure a port-channel interface, use the interface global configuration command. To disable selected options, restore default values, or enable a shutdown interface, use the no form of this command.

interface PortChannel 1 [description text | ip {access-group {acl-num | acl_name} {in | out} | address ip-address netmask} | shutdown]

no interface PortChannel 1 [description text | ip {access-group {acl-num | acl_name} {in | out} | address ip-address netmask} | shutdown]

Syntax Description

PortChannel 1

Configures an EtherChannel.

description text

(Optional) Enters a description of the interface.


(Optional) Enables IP configuration commands for the interface.


Configures access control for IP packets on this interface using an access control list (ACL).


Numeric identifier that identifies the ACL to apply to the current interface. For standard ACLs, the valid range is 1-99; for extended ACLs, the valid range is 100-199.


Alphanumeric identifier of up to 30 characters, beginning with a letter that identifies the ACL to apply to the current interface.


Applies the specified ACL to inbound packets on the current interface.


Applies the specified ACL to outbound packets on the current interface.

address ip-address netmask

Sets the interface IP address and netmask.


(Optional) Shuts down this interface.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

EtherChannel for the WAAS software supports the grouping of two same-speed network interfaces into one virtual interface. This configuration allows you to set or remove a virtual interface that consists of the two integrated Gigabit Ethernet interfaces. EtherChannel also provides interoperability with Cisco routers, switches, and other networking devices or hosts supporting EtherChannel, load balancing, and automatic failure detection and recovery based on the current link status of each interface. You must configure EtherChannel on the switch or router if you configure it on the WAE.

You cannot remove an EtherChannel that is configured as the primary interface on a WAE.

Note You cannot use the inline Ethernet interfaces that are located on the WAE inline network adapter to form an EtherChannel.

Note No two interfaces can have IP addresses in the same subnet.


The following example shows how to create an EtherChannel. The port channel is port channel 1 and is assigned an IP address of and a netmask of

WAE# configure
WAE(config)# interface PortChannel 1 
WAE(config-if)# ip address
WAE(config-if)# exit 

The following example shows how to remove an EtherChannel:

WAE(config)# interface PortChannel 1 
WAE(config-if)# no ip address
WAE(config-if)# exit
WAE(config)# no interface PortChannel 1 

Related Commands

show interface

show running-config

show startup-config

(config) interface standby

To configure a standby interface, use the interface standby global configuration command. To disable selected options, restore default values, or enable a shutdown interface, use the no form of this command.

interface Standby 1 {description text | ip address ip_address netmask | shutdown}

no interface Standby 1 {description text | ip address ip_address netmask | shutdown}

Syntax Description

Standby 1

Configures a standby interface.

description text

Enters a description of the interface.

ip address ip_address netmask

Specifies the IP address and netmask of the interface.


Shuts down this interface.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

A standby interface cannot be removed if it is configured as the system primary interface.

Note No two interfaces can have IP addresses in the same subnet.

Related Commands

show interface

show running-config

show startup-config

(config) ip

To change the initial network device configuration settings, use the ip global configuration command. To delete or disable these settings, use the no form of this command.

ip {default-gateway ip-address | domain-name name1 name2 name3 |
ip host hostname ip-address | ip name-server ip-addresses |
ip path-mtu-discovery enable | ip route dest_addrs net_addrs gateway_addrs}

no ip {default-gateway ip-address | domain-name name1 name2 name3 |
ip host hostname ip-address | ip name-server ip-addresses |
ip path-mtu-discovery enable | ip route dest_addrs net_addrs gateway_addrs}

Syntax Description

default-gateway ip-address

Specifies the IP address of the default gateway (if not routing IP).

domain-name name1 name2 name3

Specifies domain names (up to three can be specified).

host hostname ip-address

Adds an entry to the /etc/hosts file on the device, mapping the specified hostname to the specified IP address of the host.

name-server ip-addresses

Specifies the address of the name server and IP addresses of the name servers (up to a maximum of eight).

path-mtu-discovery enable

Enables RFC 1191 Path Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) discovery.

route dest_addrs net_addrs gateway_addrs

Specifies the net route (destination route address, netmask address, and gateway address).


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

To define a default gateway, use the ip default-gateway command. You can only configure one default gateway. To remove the IP default gateway, use the no form of this command. The WAAS device uses the default gateway to route IP packets when there is no specific route found to the destination.

To define a default domain name, use the ip domain-name command. To remove the IP default domain name, use the no form of this command. You can enter up to three domain names. If a request arrives without a domain name appended in its hostname, the proxy tries to resolve the hostname by appending name1, name2, and name3 in that order until one of these names succeeds.

To add an entry to the /etc/hosts file on the device, mapping a hostname to an IP address, use the ip host command. A given hostname can be mapped only to a single IP address, while an IP address can have multiple hostnames mapped to it, each one through a separate issuance of this command. To remove the entry from the /etc/hosts file, use the no form of this command. You can use the show hosts EXEC command to display the contents of the /etc/hosts file.

To specify the address of one or more name servers to use for name and address resolution, use the ip name-server ip-addresses command. To disable IP name servers, use the no form of this command. For proper resolution of the hostname to the IP address or the IP address to the hostname, the WAAS device uses DNS servers. Use the ip name-server command to point the WAAS device to a specific DNS server. You can configure up to eight servers.

Path MTU autodiscovery discovers the MTU and automatically sets the correct value. Use the ip path-mtu-discovery enable command to start this autodiscovery utility. By default, this feature is disabled because the WAE does not receive ICMP packets. When this feature is disabled, the sending device uses a packet size that is smaller than 576 bytes and the next hop MTU. Existing connections are not affected when this feature is turned on or off.

Use the ip route command to add a specific static route for a network or host. Any IP packet designated for the specified destination uses the configured route.

To configure static IP routing, use the ip route command. To remove the route, use the no form of this command. Do not use the ip route command to configure the default gateway; use the ip default-gateway command instead.


The following example shows how to configure a default gateway for the WAAS device:

WAE(config)# ip default-gateway

The following example shows how to configure a static IP route for the WAAS device:

WAE(config)# ip route

The following example shows how to configure a default domain name for the WAAS device:

WAE(config)# ip domain-name

The following example shows how to add an entry to the /etc/hosts file on the WAAS device:

WAE(config)# ip host corp-B7

The following example shows how to configure a name server for the WAAS device:

WAE(config)# ip name-server

Related Commands

show hosts

show ip routes

(config) ip access-list

To create and modify access lists on a WAAS device for controlling access to interfaces or applications, use the ip access-list global configuration command. To disable an access list, use the no form of this command.

ip access-list {standard {acl-name | acl-num} | extended {acl-name | acl-num} | logging}

no ip access-list {standard {acl-name | acl-num} | extended {acl-name | acl-num} | logging}

Syntax Description


Enables standard ACL configuration mode. The CLI enters the standard ACL configuration mode in which all subsequent commands apply to the current standard access list. The (config-std-nacl) prompt appears:


See the "Standard ACL Configuration Mode Commands" section for details about working with entries in a standard access list and the commands available from the standard ACL configuration mode (config-std-nacl)#.


Enables extended ACL configuration mode. The CLI enters the extended ACL configuration mode in which all subsequent commands apply to the current extended access list. The (config-ext-nacl) prompt appears:


See the "Extended ACL Configuration Mode Commands" section for details about working with entries in an extended access list and the commands available from the extended ACL configuration mode (config-ext-nacl)#.


Access list to which all commands entered from ACL configuration mode apply, using an alphanumeric string of up to 30 characters, beginning with a letter.


Access list to which all commands entered from access list configuration mode apply, using a numeric identifier. For standard access lists, the valid range is 1 to 99; for extended access lists, the valid range is 100 to 199.


Enables logging for all IP access lists.


An access list drops all packets unless you configure at least one permit entry.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Within ACL configuration mode, you can use the editing commands (list, delete, and move) to display the current condition entries, to delete a specific entry, or to change the order in which the entries will be evaluated. To return to global configuration mode, use the exit command at the ACL configuration mode prompt.

To create an entry, use a the deny or permit keyword and specify the type of packets that you want the WAAS device to drop or to accept for further processing. By default, an access list denies everything because the list is terminated by an implicit deny any entry. You must include at least one permit entry to create a valid access list.

Note IP ACLs that are defined on a router take precedence over the IP ACLs that are defined on the WAE. IP ACLs that are defined on a WAE take precedence over the WAAS application definition policies that are defined on the WAE.

After creating an access list, you can include the access list in an access group using the access-group command, which determines how the access list is applied. You can also apply the access list to a specific application using the appropriate command. A reference to an access list that does not exist is the equivalent of a permit any condition statement.

To work with access lists, enter either the ip access-list standard or ip access-list extended global configuration command. Identify the new or existing access list with a name up to 30 characters long beginning with a letter, or with a number. If you use a number to identify a standard access list, it must be between 1 and 99; for an extended access list, use a number from 100 to 199. You must use a standard access list for providing access to the SNMP server or to the TFTP gateway/server. However, you can use either a standard access list or an extended access list for providing access to the WCCP application.

After you identify the access list, the CLI enters the appropriate configuration mode and all subsequent commands apply to the specified access list. The prompt for each configuration mode is shown in the following examples.

WAE(config)# ip access-list standard test
WAE(config-std-nacl)# exit
WAE(config)# ip access-list extended test2

Use the ip access-list logging command to log denied packets.


The following example shows how to create an access list on the WAAS device. You create this access list to allow the WAAS device to accept all web traffic that is redirected to it but limit host administrative access using SSH:

WAE(config)# ip access-list extended example
WAE(config-ext-nacl)# permit tcp any any eq www
WAE(config-ext-nacl)# permit tcp host any eq ssh
WAE(config-ext-nacl)# exit

The following example shows how to activate the access list for an interface:

WAE(config)# interface gigabitethernet 1/0
WAE(config-if)# ip access-group example in
WAE(config-if)# exit

The following example shows how this configuration appears when you enter the show running-configuration command:

interface GigabitEthernet 1/0
 ip address
 ip access-group example in
. . .
ip access-list extended example
 permit tcp any any eq www
 permit tcp host any eq ssh
. . .

Related Commands

clear arp-cache

(config-if) ip access-group

show ip access-list

(config) kerberos

To authenticate a user that is defined in the Kerberos database, use the kerberos global configuration command. To disable authentication, use the no form of this command.

kerberos {local-realm kerberos-realm | realm {dns-domain | host} kerberos-realm |
server kerberos-realm {hostname | ip-address} [port-number]}

no kerberos {local-realm kerberos-realm | realm {dns-domain | host} kerberos-realm |
server kerberos-realm {hostname | ip-address} [port-number]}

Syntax Description

local-realm kerberos-realm

Displays the default Kerberos realm (IP address or name in uppercase letters) for WAAS. Configures a switch to authenticate users defined in the Kerberos database. The default value is a null string.


Maps a hostname or DNS domain name to a Kerberos realm.


DNS domain name to map to the Kerberos realm.

Note The name must begin with a leading dot (.).


Host IP address or name to map to Kerberos host realm.


Kerberos realm (IP address or name in uppercase letters). The default value is a null string.


Specifies the Key Distribution Center (KDC) to use in a given Kerberos realm and, optionally, the port number that the KDC is monitoring.


Name of the host running the KDC.


IP address of the host running the KDC.


(Optional) Number of the port on the KDC server.


kerberos-realm: NULL string

port-number: 88

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

All Windows 2000 domains are also Kerberos realms. Because the Windows 2000 domain name is also a DNS domain name, the Kerberos realm name for the Windows 2000 domain name is always in uppercase letters. This capitalization follows the recommendation for using DNS names as realm names in the Kerberos Version 5 protocol document (RFC-1510) and affects only interoperability with other Kerberos-based environments.

Note Your Windows domain server must have a Reverse DNS Zone configured for this command to execute successfully.

The KDC server and all hosts with Kerberos authentication configured must interact within a 5-minute window or authentication will fail. All hosts, especially the KDC, should be running NTP. For information about configuring NTP, see the (config) ntp command.

The KDC server and Admin server must have the same IP address. The default port number for both servers is port 88.

The kerberos command modifies the krb5.conf file.


The following example shows how to configure the WAAS device to authenticate with a specified KDC in a specified Kerberos realm. The configuration is then verified.

WAE(config)# kerberos ?
  local-realm  Set local realm name
  realm        Add domain to realm mapping
  server       Add realm to host mapping
WAE(config)# kerberos local-realm WAE.ABC.COM
WAE(config)# kerberos realm WAE.ABC.COM
WAE(config)# kerberos server
WAE(config)# exit
WAE# show kerberos
  Kerberos Configuration:
    Local Realm: WAE.ABC.COM
    DNS suffix:
    Realm for DNS suffix: WAE.ABC.COM
    Name of host running KDC for realm:
    Master KDC:
    Port: 88

Related Commands

show kerberos

(config) kernel kdb

To enable access to the kernel debugger (kdb), use the kernel kdb global configuration command. To disable access to the kernel debugger, use the no form of this command.

kernel kdb

no kernel kdb

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


The kernel debugger is disabled by default.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Once enabled, kdb is automatically activated if kernel problems occur, or you can manually activate it from the local console for the WAAS device. Once activated, all normal functioning of the WAAS device is suspended until kdb is manually deactivated. The kdb prompt looks like this:


To deactivate kdb, enter the go command at the kdb prompt. If kdb was automatically activated because of kernel problems, the system generates a core dump and restarts. If you activated kdb manually for diagnostic purposes, the system resumes normal functioning in whatever state it was when you activated kdb. In either case, if you enter the reboot command, the system restarts and normal operation resumes.

kdb is disabled by default and you must enter the kernel kdb command in global configuration mode to enable it. If kdb has been previously enabled, you can enter the no kernel kdb global configuration command to disable it. When kdb is enabled, you can activate it manually from the local console by pressing Ctrl-_ followed by Ctrl-B.

The WAAS device is often unattended at many sites, and it is desirable for the WAAS device to automatically reboot after generating a core dump instead of requiring user intervention. Disabling the kernel debugger allows automatic recovery.


The following example shows how to enable, and then disable, access to the kernel debugger:

WAE(config)# kernel kdb
WAE(config)# no kernel kdb

Related Commands

(config) kernel kdump

(config) kernel kdump

To enable the kernel crash dump mechanism, use the kernel kdump enable global configuration command. To disable the kernel crash dump mechanism, use the no form of this command.

kernel kdump enable

no kernel kdump enable

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


The kernel crash dump mechanism is enabled by default.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

A kernal crash dump file is stored in the following disk location:

The analysis of the kernal crash dump file is stored in the following file:


The following example shows how to enable, and then disable, the kernel crash dump mechanism:

WAE(config)# kernel kdump enable
WAE(config)# no kernel kdump enable

Related Commands

(config) kernel kdb

show kdump

(config) line

To specify terminal line settings, use the line global configuration command. To configure the WAAS device to not check for the carrier detect signal, use the no form of this command.

line console carrier-detect

no line console carrier-detect

Syntax Description


Configures the console terminal line settings.


Sets the device to check the carrier detect signal before writing to the console.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes




The following example shows how to set the WAAS device to check for the carrier detect signal:

WAE(config)# line console carrier-detect

(config) logging console

To set system logging to console, use the logging console global configuration command. To disable logging functions, use the no form of this command.

logging console {enable | priority loglevel}

no logging console {enable | priority loglevel}

Syntax Description


Sets system logging to a console.


Enables system logging.

priority loglevel

Sets which priority level messages to send. Use one of the following keywords or you can specify the numeric priority:

•alert—Immediate action needed. Priority 1.

•critical—Immediate action needed. Priority 2.

•debug—Debugging messages. Priority 7.

•emergency—System is unusable. Priority 0.

•error—Error conditions. Priority 3.

•information—Informational messages. Priority 6.

•notice—Normal but significant conditions. Priority 5.

•warning—Warning conditions. Priority 4.


Logging: on

Priority of message for console: warning (4)

Log file: /local1/syslog.txt

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use the logging command to set specific parameters of the system log file.

You can configure logging to send various levels of messages to the console using the logging console priority option.


The following example shows how to send messages that have a priority code of "error" (Level 3) to the console:

WAE(config)# logging console priority error

The following example shows how to disable sending of messages that have a priority code of "error" (level 3) to the console:

WAE(config)# no logging console error

Related Commands

clear arp-cache

show logging

(config) logging disk

To system logging to a disk file, use the logging disk global configuration command. To disable logging functions, use the no form of this command.

logging disk {enable | filename filename | priority loglevel | recycle size}

no logging disk {enable | filename filename | priority loglevel | recycle size}

Syntax Description


Sets system logging to a disk file.


Enables system logging.

filename filename

Sets the name of the syslog file.

priority loglevel

Sets which priority level messages to send. Use one of the following keywords or you can specify the numeric priority:

•alert—Immediate action needed. Priority 1.

•critical—Immediate action needed. Priority 2.

•debug—Debugging messages. Priority 7.

•emergency—System is unusable. Priority 0.

•error—Error conditions. Priority 3.

•information—Informational messages. Priority 6.

•notice—Normal but significant conditions. Priority 5.

•warning—Warning conditions. Priority 4.

recycle size

Overwrites syslog.txt when it surpasses the recycle size (1000000-50000000 bytes).


Logging: on

Priority of message for disk log file: debug (7)

Log file: /local1/syslog.txt

Log file recycle size: 10,000,000 bytes

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use the logging command to set specific parameters of the system log file.

The no logging disk recycle size command sets the file size to the default value. Whenever the current log file size surpasses the recycle size, the log file is rotated. The log file cycles through at most five rotations, and they are saved as [log file name].[1-5] under the same directory as the original log. The rotated log file is the one configured using the logging disk filename command.


The following example shows how to send messages that have a priority code of "error" (level 3) to a file:

WAE(config)# logging disk priority error

Related Commands

clear arp-cache

show logging

(config) logging facility

To set the facility parameter for system logging, use the logging facility global configuration command. To disable logging functions, use the no form of this command.

logging facility facility

no logging facility facility

Syntax Description

facility facility

Sets the facility parameter for syslog messages. Use one of the following keywords:

•auth—Authorization system

•daemon—System daemons


•local0—Local use

•local1—Local use

•local2—Local use

•local3—Local use

•local4—Local use

•local5—Local use

•local6—Local use

•local7—Local use

•mail—Mail system

•news—USENET news

•syslog—Syslog itself

•user—User process

•uucp—UUCP system


Logging: on

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes




The following example shows how to set the facility parameter to authorization system for syslog messages:

WAE(config)# logging facility auth

Related Commands

clear arp-cache

show logging

(config) logging host

To configure system logging to a remote host, use the logging host global configuration command. To disable logging functions, use the no form of this command.

logging host {hostname | ip-address} [port port_num | priority loglevel | rate-limit message_rate]

no logging host {hostname | ip-address} [port port_num | priority loglevel | rate-limit message_rate]

Syntax Description


Sets system logging to a remote host.


Hostname of the remote syslog host. Specify up to four remote syslog hosts.

Note To specify more than one syslog host, use multiple command lines; specify one host per command.


IP address of the remote syslog host. Specify up to four remote syslog hosts.

Note To specify more than one syslog host, use multiple command lines; specify one host per command.

port port_num

(Optional) Specifies the port to be used when logging to a host. The default port is 514.

priority loglevel

Sets which priority level messages to send. Use one of the following keywords or you can specify the numeric priority:

•alert—Immediate action needed. Priority 1.

•critical—Immediate action needed. Priority 2.

•debug—Debugging messages. Priority 7.

•emergency—System is unusable. Priority 0.

•error—Error conditions. Priority 3.

•information—Informational messages. Priority 6.

•notice—Normal but significant conditions. Priority 5.

•warning—Warning conditions. Priority 4.

rate-limit message_rate

(Optional) Sets the rate limit (in messages per second) for sending messages to a host. Rate limit is 0-10000 (in messages per second). Setting the rate limit to 0 disables rate limiting.


Logging: on

Priority of message for a host: warning (4)

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use the logging command to set specific parameters of the system log file.

To configure the WAAS device to send varying levels of event messages to an external syslog host, use the logging host option.

You can configure a WAAS device to send varying levels of messages to up to four remote syslog hosts using the logging host hostname command.


The following example shows how to send messages that have a priority code of "error" (level 3) to the remote syslog host that has an IP address of

WAE(config)# logging host priority error

Related Commands

clear arp-cache

show logging

(config) ntp

To configure the NTP server and to allow the system clock to be synchronized by a time server, use the ntp global configuration command. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.

ntp [authenticate | authentication-key key-num [md5 authentication-key] |
server {ip-address | hostname} [ip-addresses | hostnames] |
server-with-authentication {ip-address | hostname} key key-num]

ntp [authenticate | authentication-key authentication-key [md5 encryption-type] |
server {ip-address | hostname} [ip-addresses | hostnames] |
server-with-authentication {ip-address | hostname} key authentication-key]

no ntp [authenticate | authentication-key key-num [md5 authentication-key] |
server {ip-address | hostname} [ip-addresses | hostnames] |
server-with-authentication {ip-address | hostname} key key-num]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Authenticates the NTP server.

authentication-key key-num

(Optional) Sets the ID of the NTP authentication key. Maximum of 4 authentication keys can be configured. The ID must be a positive integer.

md5 authentication-key

(Optional) Sets the value for the NTP authentication key (type MD5). The key value must be from 0 to 4294967295.


(Optional) Sets the NTP server IP address for the WAAS device.


NTP server IP address.


NTP server hostname.


(Optional) IP address of the time server that provides the clock synchronization (maximum of 4).


(Optional) Hostname of the time server that provides the clock synchronization (maximum of 4).


(Optional) Sets the authentication NTP server IP address for the WAAS device.

key key-num

(Optional) Sets the NTP authentication key ID for the authentication NTP server.


The default NTP version number is 3.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Note Unexpected time changes can result in unexpected system behavior. We recommend reloading the system after enabling an NTP server.


The following example shows how to specify the NTP server IP address as the time source for a WAAS device. It also removes this configuration.

WAE(config)# ntp 
WAE(config)# no ntp 


(config) clock

show clock

show ntp

(config) policy-engine application classifier

To create or edit an existing application classifier on a WAE, use the policy-engine application classifier global configuration command. To delete an application classifier or a condition, use the no form of this command.

policy-engine application
classifier classifier-name [list | match
{all | dst {host hostname | ip ip_address | port {eq port | range port1 port2}} |
src {host hostname | ip ip_address | port {eq port | range port1 port2}}}]

no policy-engine application classifier classifier-name

Syntax Description

classifier classifier-name

Classifier name (up to 30 characters). The name must start with a letter representing the application class.


(Optional) Lists the conditions contained in the specified classifier.


(Optional) Specifies the criteria for matching traffic.


Matches any type of traffic.


Specifies the criteria for identifying the destination host.

host hostname

Specifies the hostname of the system that is the source or destination of the traffic.

ip ip_address

Specifies the IP address of the system that is the source or destination of the traffic.


Specifies the criteria for identifying the port or ports used by the source or destination hosts.

eq port

Specifies the source or destination port number.

range port1 port2

Specifies a range of source or destination port numbers.


Specifies the criteria for identifying the source host.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

You can use this command to add or modify rules, also known as match conditions, to identify specific types of traffic. You can also use this command to list the classifier match conditions.

You cannot delete a classifier if any policies are using it. When creating a new application classifier or adding an existing application classifier, the WAAS CLI enters into a submode allowing you to specify one or more conditions. However, if the condition specified matches an already existing condition in the classifier conditions list, no action is taken. You can delete a condition by using the no form of this command. When creating a new classifier, you must add at least one condition.

Note You cannot have more than 512 different application classifiers.

The WAAS software comes with over 150 default application policies that help your WAAS system classify and optimize some of the most common traffic on your network. Before you create a new application policy, we recommend that you review the default policies and modify them as appropriate. It is usually easier to modify an existing policy than to create a new one. For a list of the default applications and classifiers that WAAS will either optimize or pass through based on the policies that come bundled with the system, see the Cisco Wide Area Application Services Configuration Guide.

Note We strongly recommend that you use the WAAS Central Manager GUI to centrally configure application policies for your WAEs. For more information, see the Cisco Wide Area Application Services Configuration Guide.

Related Commands

(config) policy-engine application map adaptor EPM

(config) policy-engine application map adaptor WAFS transport

(config) policy-engine application map basic

(config) policy-engine application map other optimize DRE

(config) policy-engine application map other optimize full

(config) policy-engine application map other pass-through

(config) policy-engine application name

(config) policy-engine application map adaptor EPM

To configure the application policy with advanced policy map lists of the EndPoint Mapper (EPM) service on a WAE, use the policy-engine application map adaptor EPM global configuration command. To disable the EPM service in the application policy configuration, use the no form of this command.

policy-engine application map adaptor EPM epm-map {

line-number |

line-number |

{first | last | pos line-number} name app-name {All | classifier classifier-name} [disable] action {optimize {DRE {yes | no} compression {LZ | none} | full} |
pass-through} [accelerate {cifs | http | mapi | MS-port-mapper | nfs | video}]
set-dscp dscp-marking] |

[from line-number [to line-number] | to line-number [from line-number]] |

move from
line-number to line-number |

app-name {All | classifier classifier-name} [disable] action {optimize {DRE {yes | no} compression {LZ | none} | full} | pass-through} [accelerate {cifs | http | mapi | MS-port-mapper | nfs | video}] [set-dscp dscp-marking]}

no policy-engine application map adaptor EPM epm-map disable line-number

Syntax Description

EPM epm-map

Specifies the messaging Application Programming Interface (MAPI) or Universal Unique ID (UUID).

delete line-number

Deletes the application policy map specified by the line number.

disable line-number

Disables the application policy map specified by the line number.


Inserts or adds a new policy map at the specified position.


Inserts the new application policy map at the beginning of the list.


Inserts the new application policy map at the end of the list.

pos line-number

Inserts the new application policy map at the specified line number.

name app-name

Specifies the name of the application.


Specifies all traffic.

classifier classifier-name

Specifies the name of the application traffic classifier.


(Optional) Disables optimization or pass through.


Specifies whether to optimize the traffic or let it pass through.


Applies general optimization.


Enables or disables DRE optimization.


Enables DRE optimization.


Disables DRE optimization.


Applies Lempel-Ziv (LZ) compression or no compression.


Applies LZ compression.


Applies no compression.


Applies full generic optimization.


Allows traffic to pass through without any optimization.


(Optional) Accelerates the traffic using a special adapter.


Accelerates the traffic using the CIFS accelerator.


Accelerates the traffic using the HTTP accelerator.


Accelerates the traffic using the MAPI accelerator.


Accelerates the traffic using the Microsoft EndPoint Port Mapper (EPM).


Accelerates the traffic using the NFS accelerator.


Accelerates the traffic using the video accelerator.

set-dscp dscp-marking

(Optional) Sets the DSCP marking value (Table 3-2) to be applied to the traffic classified in the policy. Applies only if the action includes the optimize or accelerate keywords.


Lists the specified application policy maps.

from line-number

(Optional) Specifies the line number of the first application policy map to list.

to line-number

(Optional) Specifies the line number of the last application policy map to list.


Moves the specified application policy map from one line to another.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Note We strongly recommend that you use the WAAS Central Manager GUI to centrally configure application policies for your WAEs. For more information, see the Cisco Wide Area Application Services Configuration Guide.

Related Commands

(config) policy-engine application classifier

(config) policy-engine application map adaptor WAFS transport

(config) policy-engine application map basic

(config) policy-engine application map other optimize DRE

(config) policy-engine application map other optimize full

(config) policy-engine application name

(config) policy-engine application set-dscp

(config) policy-engine application map adaptor WAFS transport

To configure application policies with the Wide Area File Services (WAFS) transport option, use the policy-engine application map adaptor WAFS transport global configuration command. To disable the WAFS transport policy map in the application policy configuration, use the no form of this command.

policy-engine application map adaptor WAFS transport {

line-number |

line-number |

{first | last | pos line-number} name app-name {All | classifier classifier-name} [disable] action {optimize {DRE {yes | no} compression {LZ | none} | full} | pass-through} [accelerate {cifs | http | mapi | MS-port-mapper | nfs | video}] [set-dscp dscp-marking] |

[from line-number [to line-number] | to line-number [from line-number]] |

move from
line-number to line-number |

app-name {All | classifier classifier-name} [disable] action {optimize {DRE {yes | no} compression {LZ | none} | full} | pass-through} [accelerate {cifs | http | mapi | MS-port-mapper | nfs | video}] [set-dscp dscp-marking]}

no policy-engine application map adaptor WAFS transport disable line-number

Syntax Description

delete line-number

Deletes the application policy map specified by the line number.

disable line-number

Disables the application policy map specified by the line number.


Inserts or adds a new policy map at the specified position.


Inserts the new application policy map at the beginning of the list.


Inserts the new application policy map at the end of the list.

pos line-number

Inserts the new application policy map at the specified line number.

name app-name

Specifies the name of the application.


Specifies all traffic.

classifier classifier-name

Specifies the name of the application traffic classifier.


(Optional) Disables optimization or pass through.


Specifies whether to optimize the traffic or let it pass through.


Applies general optimization.


Enables or disables DRE optimization.


Enables DRE optimization.


Disables DRE optimization.


Applies Lempel-Ziv (LZ) compression or no compression.


Applies LZ compression.


Applies no compression.


Applies full generic optimization.


Allows traffic to pass through without any optimization.


(Optional) Accelerates the traffic using a special adapter.


Accelerates the traffic using the CIFS accelerator.


Accelerates the traffic using the HTTP accelerator.


Accelerates the traffic using the MAPI accelerator.


Accelerates the traffic using the Microsoft EndPoint Port Mapper (EPM).


Accelerates the traffic using the NFS accelerator.


Accelerates the traffic using the video accelerator.

set-dscp dscp-marking

Sets the DSCP marking value (Table 3-2) to be applied to the traffic classified in the policy. Applies only if the action includes the optimize or accelerate keywords.


Lists the specified application policy maps.

from line-number

(Optional) Specifies the line number of the first application policy map to list.

to line-number

(Optional) Specifies the line number of the last application policy map to list.


Moves the specified application policy map from one line to another.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Note We strongly recommend that you use the WAAS Central Manager GUI to centrally configure application policies for your WAEs. For more information, see the Cisco Wide Area Application Services Configuration Guide.

Related Commands

(config) policy-engine application classifier

(config) policy-engine application map adaptor EPM

(config) policy-engine application map basic

(config) policy-engine application map other optimize DRE

(config) policy-engine application map other optimize full

(config) policy-engine application map other pass-through

(config) policy-engine application name

(config) policy-engine application set-dscp

(config) policy-engine application map basic

To configure the application policy with the basic policy map, use the policy-engine application map basic global configuration command. To disable the EPM service in the application policy configuration, use the no form of this command.

policy-engine application map basic {

line-number |

line-number |

{first | last | pos line-number} name app-name classifier classifier-name [disable] action {optimize {DRE {yes | no} compression {LZ | none} | full} | pass-through} [accelerate {cifs | http | mapi | MS-port-mapper | nfs | video}] [set-dscp dscp-marking] |

[from line-number [to line-number] | to line-number [from line-number]] |

move from
line-number to line-number |

app-name classifier classifier-name {[disable] action {optimize {DRE {yes | no} compression {LZ | none} | full} | pass-through} [accelerate {cifs | http | mapi | MS-port-mapper | nfs | video}] [set-dscp dscp-marking]}

no policy-engine application map basic disable line-number

Syntax Description

delete line-number

Deletes the application policy map specified by the line number.

disable line-number

Disables the application policy map specified by the line number.


Inserts or adds a new policy map at the specified position.


Inserts the new application policy map at the beginning of the list.


Inserts the new application policy map at the end of the list.

pos line-number

Inserts the new application policy map at the specified line number.

name app-name

Specifies the name of the application traffic classifier.

classifier classifier-name

Specifies the name of the application traffic classifier.


(Optional) Disables optimization or pass-through.


Specifies whether to optimize the traffic or let it pass through.


Applies general optimization.


Enables or disables DRE optimization.


Enables DRE optimization.


Disables DRE optimization.


Applies Lempel-Ziv (LZ) compression or no compression.


Applies LZ compression.


Applies no compression.


Applies full generic optimization.


Allows traffic to pass through without any optimization.


(Optional) Accelerates the traffic using a special adapter.


Accelerates the traffic using the CIFS accelerator.


Accelerates the traffic using the HTTP accelerator.


Accelerates the traffic using the MAPI accelerator.


Accelerates the traffic using the Microsoft EndPoint Port Mapper (EPM).


Accelerates the traffic using the NFS accelerator.


Accelerates the traffic using the video accelerator.

set-dscp dscp-marking

(Optional) Sets the DSCP marking value (Table 3-2) to be applied to the traffic classified in the policy. Applies only if the action includes the optimize or accelerate keywords.


Lists the specified application policy maps.

from line-number

(Optional) Specifies the line number of the first application policy map to list.

to line-number

(Optional) Specifies the line number of the last application policy map to list.


Moves the specified application policy map from one line to another.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

A policy map consists of a set of application policies and the order in which they are checked.

Use the policy-engine application map basic insert global configuration command to insert a new basic (static) application policy map to the list of application policy maps on a WAE.

To view WAFS dynamic accept or deny list entries, use the show policy-engine application dynamic command.

Note We strongly recommend that you use the WAAS Central Manager GUI to centrally configure application policies for your WAEs. For more information, see the Cisco Wide Area Application Services Configuration Guide.

Related Commands

(config) policy-engine application classifier

(config) policy-engine application map adaptor EPM

(config) policy-engine application map adaptor WAFS transport

(config) policy-engine application map basic

(config) policy-engine application map other optimize DRE

(config) policy-engine application map other optimize full

(config) policy-engine application map other pass-through

(config) policy-engine application name

show policy-engine application

(config) policy-engine application map other optimize DRE

To configure the optimize DRE action on nonclassified traffic on a WAE, use the policy-engine application map other optimize DRE global configuration command.

policy-engine application map other optimize DRE {yes | no} compression {LZ | none} [set-dscp dscp-marking]

Syntax Description


Applies the optimize DRE action on nonclassified traffic.


Specifies not to apply the optimize DRE action on nonclassified traffic.


Applies the specified compression.


Applies the Lempel-Ziv (LZ) compression.


Applies no compression.

set-dscp dscp-marking

(Optional) Sets the DSCP marking value (Table 3-2) to be applied to the traffic classified in the policy.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use the policy-engine application map other optimize DRE global configuration command to configure the optimize DRE action on nonclassified traffic on a WAE.

Note We strongly recommend that you use the WAAS Central Manager GUI to centrally configure application policies for your WAEs. For more information, see the Cisco Wide Area Application Services Configuration Guide.


The following example shows how to configure the optimize DRE action on nonclassified traffic with no compression:

WAE(config)# policy-engine application map other optimize DRE yes compression none

Related Commands

(config) policy-engine application classifier

(config) policy-engine application map adaptor EPM

(config) policy-engine application map adaptor WAFS transport

(config) policy-engine application map basic

(config) policy-engine application map other optimize full

(config) policy-engine application map other pass-through

(config) policy-engine application name

(config) policy-engine application set-dscp

(config) policy-engine application map other optimize full

To configure the application policy on nonclassified traffic with the optimize full action, use the policy-engine application map other optimize full global configuration command.

policy-engine application map other optimize full [set-dscp dscp-marking]

Syntax Description

set-dscp dscp-marking

(Optional) Sets the DSCP marking value (Table 3-2) to be applied to the traffic classified in the policy.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use the policy-engine application map other optimize full global configuration command to configure the application policy on nonclassified traffic with the optimize full action.

Note We strongly recommend that you use the WAAS Central Manager GUI to centrally configure application policies for your WAEs. For more information, see the Cisco Wide Area Application Services Configuration Guide.

Related Commands

(config) policy-engine application classifier

(config) policy-engine application map adaptor EPM

(config) policy-engine application map adaptor WAFS transport

(config) policy-engine application map basic

(config) policy-engine application map other optimize DRE

(config) policy-engine application map other pass-through

(config) policy-engine application name

(config) policy-engine application set-dscp

(config) policy-engine application map other pass-through

To configure the application policy on nonclassified traffic with the pass-through action on a WAE, use the policy-engine application map other pass-through global configuration command.

policy-engine application map other pass-through

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use the policy-engine application map other pass-through global configuration command to configure the application policy on nonclassified traffic with the pass-through action on a WAE.

Note We strongly recommend that you use the WAAS Central Manager GUI to centrally configure application policies for your WAEs. For more information, see the Cisco Wide Area Application Services Configuration Guide.

Related Commands

(config) policy-engine application map basic

(config) policy-engine application map other optimize full

(config) policy-engine application name

To create a new application definition that specifies general information about an application on a WAE, use the policy-engine application name global configuration command. To delete the application definition, use the no form of this command.

policy-engine application name app-name [set-dscp dscp-marking]

no policy-engine application name app-name [set-dscp dscp-marking]

Syntax Description

application name app-name

Application name (up to 30 characters). The name cannot contain spaces or special characters. Specify the reserved name Other to set the DSCP marking value on nonclassified traffic.

set-dscp dscp-marking

(Optional) Sets the DSCP marking value (Table 3-2) to be applied to the application traffic.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use this command to create a new application name that can be used later to gather statistics about an application or to apply a DSCP marking value to the application traffic. You cannot delete an application name if other policies are using this name. Successful deletion clears all statistics that were once associated with this application.

Note There is a limitation of 255 different application names.

You cannot delete the application definition named Other.

A DSCP value that you specify in the policy-engine application name command applies to all traffic associated with the application, unless it is overridden by a DSCP marking value that you specify in a specific map by one of the policy-engine application map commands. If a DSCP marking value is not assigned or defined, the default DSCP marking value (defined by the policy-engine application set-dscp command) is applied to traffic.

Note We strongly recommend that you use the WAAS Central Manager GUI to centrally configure application policies for your WAEs. For more information, see the Cisco Wide Area Application Services Configuration Guide.


The following example shows how to create an application definition for the Payroll application:

WAE(config)# policy-engine application name Payroll

The following example shows how to assign a DSCP marking value to traffic associated with the Payroll application:

WAE(config)# policy-engine application name Payroll set-dscp cs1

Related Commands

(config) policy-engine application classifier

(config) policy-engine application map adaptor EPM

(config) policy-engine application map adaptor WAFS transport

(config) policy-engine application map basic

(config) policy-engine application map other optimize DRE

(config) policy-engine application map other optimize full

(config) policy-engine application map other pass-through

(config) policy-engine application set-dscp

To set the default DSCP marking value for use with applications, use the policy-engine application set-dscp global configuration command. To set the default DSCP marking value to its default value, use the no form of this command.

policy-engine application set-dscp dscp-marking

no policy-engine application set-dscp dscp-marking

Syntax Description

set-dscp dscp-marking

Specifies the DSCP marking value, as shown in Table 3-2.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

The DSCP field in an IP packet enables different levels of service to be assigned to network traffic. Levels of service are assigned by marking each packet on the network with a DSCP code. DSCP is the combination of IP Precedence and Type of Service (ToS) fields. For more information, see RFC 2474.

A DSCP value is assigned in an application definition or an application policy map and applies to all traffic associated with the application or policy map. If a DSCP value is not assigned or defined, the default DSCP value is applied to traffic. The global default DSCP value is copy, which copies the DSCP value from the incoming packet and uses it for the outgoing packet.

Table 3-2 lists the valid DSCP marking values that you can specify.

Table 3-2 DSCP Marking Values 


0 - 63

Sets packets with a numeric dscp from 0 to 63.


Sets packets with AF11 dscp (001010).


Sets packets with AF11 dscp (001100).


Sets packets with AF13 dscp (001110).


Sets packets with AF21 dscp (010010).


Sets packets with AF22 dscp (010100).


Sets packets with AF23 dscp (010110).


Sets packets with AF31 dscp (011010).


Sets packets with AF32 dscp (011100).


Sets packets with AF33 dscp (011110).


Sets packets with AF41 dscp (100010).


Sets packets with AF42 dscp (100100).


Sets packets with AF43 dscp (100110).


Sets packets with CS1 (precedence 1) dscp (001000).


Sets packets with CS2 (precedence 2) dscp (010000).


Sets packets with CS3 (precedence 3) dscp (011000).


Sets packets with CS4 (precedence 4) dscp (100000).


Sets packets with CS5 (precedence 5) dscp (101000).


Sets packets with CS6 (precedence 6) dscp (110000).


Sets packets with CS7 (precedence 7) dscp (111000).


Copies the DSCP value from the incoming packet to the outgoing packet. (default)


Sets packets with default dscp (000000).


Sets packets with EF dscp (101110).


The following example shows how to set the default DSCP marking value to copy:

WAE(config)# policy-engine application set-dscp copy

Related Commands

(config) policy-engine application name

(config) policy-engine config

To remove application policy configurations or replace application policy configurations with factory defaults on a WAE, use the policy-engine config global configuration command.

policy-engine config {remove-all | restore-predefined}

Syntax Description


Removes the application policy configurations and resets other changed configurations.

Note: This does not apply to applications defined in the WAAS Central Manager, which are global, including the applications defined in device/device group level. They will be propagated to all devices that are registered with the Central Manager.


Replaces application policy configurations (including the application names, classifiers, and policy maps) with factory defaults.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

This action includes but is not limited to the following:

•Remove all application names except "other."

•Remove all classifiers.

•Remove all policy maps.

•Reset the default action to pass-through.

Note We strongly recommend that you use the WAAS Central Manager GUI to centrally configure application policies for your WAEs. For more information, see the Cisco Wide Area Application Services Configuration Guide.


The following example shows how to remove all application policy configurations on a WAE using the policy-engine config command:

WAE#(config) policy-engine config remove-all

Related Commands

show policy-engine status

show statistics auto-discovery

show statistics connection closed

(config) port-channel

To configure the port channel load-balancing options on a WAAS device, use the port-channel global configuration command. To set load balancing on the port channel to its default method, use the no form of this command.

port-channel load-balance {src-dst-ip-port | round-robin}

no port-channel load-balance {src-dst-ip-port | round-robin}

Syntax Description


Configures the load-balancing method.


Specifies the load-balancing method based on a combination of source and destination IP addresses/ports. This load-balancing method has replaced the dst-ip method on devices running WAAS version 4.1.3 or later.


Specifies the load-balancing method using a round-robin resource allocation.


Round-robin is the default load-balancing method.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The port-channel load-balance command configures one of two load-balancing algorithms and provides flexibility in choosing interfaces when an Ethernet frame is sent. The round-robin option allows evenly balanced usage of identical network interfaces in a channel group. Because this command takes effect globally, if two channel groups are configured, they must use the same load-balancing option.


The following example shows how to configure IP load balancing on a port channel and then disable it:

WAE(config)# port-channel load-balance src-dst-ip-port
WAE(config)# no port-channel load-balance

(config) primary-interface

To configure the primary interface for a WAAS device, use the primary-interface global configuration command. To remove the configured primary interface, use the no form of this command.

primary-interface {GigabitEthernet 1-2/port | PortChannel 1| Standby 1| inlineGroup slot/grpnumber}

no primary-interface {GigabitEthernet 1-2/port | PortChannel 1 | Standby 1 | inlineGroup slot/grpnumber}

Syntax Description

GigabitEthernet 1-2/port

Selects a Gigabit Ethernet interface as the primary interface of the WAAS device. Slot number 1 or 2 and port number.

PortChannel 1

Selects a port channel interface as the primary interface of the WAAS device. (Only one port channel interface is supported.)

Standby 1

Selects a standby group as the primary interface of the WAAS device. (Only one standby group is supported.)

inlineGroup slot/grpnumber

Selects an interface on the Cisco WAE Inline Network Adapter as the primary interface of the WAAS device. The group number for the inline feature is either 0 or 1 (each adapter has 2 grouped pairs).


The default primary interface is the Gigabit Ethernet 1/0 interface. If this interface is not configured, then the first operational interface on which a link beat is detected becomes the default primary interface. Interfaces with lower number IDs are polled first (for example, Gigabit Ethernet 1/0 is checked before 2/0). The Gigabit Ethernet interfaces are polled before the port-channel interfaces.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

You can change the primary interface without disabling the WAAS device. To change the primary interface, reenter the command string and specify a different interface.

Note If you use the restore factory-default preserve basic-config command, the configuration for the primary interface is not preserved. If you want to reenable the WAAS device after using the restore factory-default preserve basic-config command, make sure to reconfigure the primary interface after the factory defaults are restored.

Setting the primary interface to be a Standby group does not imply that Standby functionality is available. You must configure Standby interfaces using the interface standby global configuration command.


The following example shows how to specify the Gigabit Ethernet slot 1, port 0 as the primary interface on a WAAS device:

WAE(config)# primary-interface GigabitEthernet 1/0

The following example shows how to specify the Gigabit Ethernet slot 2, port 0 as the primary interface on a WAAS device:

WAE(config)# primary-interface GigabitEthernet 2/0

The following example shows how to specify the inline interface slot 1, group 0 as the primary interface on a WAAS device:

WAE(config)# primary-interface inlineGroup 1/0

Related Commands

(config) interface GigabitEthernet

(config) print-services

To enable legacy print services and designate a group name for administrators who are allowed configuration access on a WAAS device, use the print-services global configuration command. To disable print services on a WAAS device or to clear the administrative group, use the no form of this command.

print-services {enable | admin-group admin-group-name | guest-print enable}

no print-services {enable | admin-group admin-group-name | guest-print enable}

Syntax Description


Enables legacy print services on the WAAS device.

admin-group admin-group-name

Configures a group of administrators with print services configuration privileges. You can enter a maximum of 127 characters. No spaces are allowed.

guest-print enable

Enables the guest print service. Guest printing allows any user to print to the WAAS print server.

Note This option is available only in the application-accelerator device mode.


By default, legacy print services are disabled and no administrative group is defined (admin-group-name is null).

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes




The following example shows how to enable print services on a WAAS device:

WAE(config)# print-services enable

The following example shows how to add a print services administrative group called printAdmins:

WAE(config)# print-services admin-group printAdmins
The new print-services administrator group is configured successfully. Please restart 
print services for the change to take effect.
WAE(config)# no print-services enable
WAE(config)# print-services enable

The following example removes the print service administrative group from the WAAS device:

WAE(config)# no print-services admin-group printAdmins
The print-services administrator group is removed successfully. Please restart print 
services for the change to take effect.
WAE(config)# no print-services enable
WAE(config)# print-services enable

Related Commands

(config) accelerator windows-print

show print-services

show running-config

show startup-config

(config) radius-server

To configure a set of RADIUS authentication server settings on the WAAS device, use the radius-server global configuration command. To disable RADIUS authentication server settings, use the no form of this command.

radius-server {host hostname | hostipaddr [primary] | key keyword | retransmit retries |
timeout seconds}

no radius-server {host hostname | hostipaddr [primary] | key keyword | retransmit retries |
timeout seconds}

Syntax Description

host hostname

Specifies a RADIUS server. You can have a maximum of 5 servers.


IP address of the RADIUS server.


(Optional) Sets the server as the primary server.

key keyword

Specifies the encryption key shared with the RADIUS servers. You can have a maximum of 15 characters.

retransmit retries

Specifies the number of transmission attempts (1-3) to an active server for a transaction. The default is 2.

timeout seconds

Specifies the time to wait for a RADIUS server to reply. The range is from 1 to 20 seconds. The default is 5 seconds.


retransmit retries: 2

timeout seconds: 5

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

RADIUS authentication is disabled by default. You can enable RADIUS authentication and other authentication methods at the same time. You can also specify which method to use first. (See the (config) authentication configuration command.)


The following example shows how to specify a RADIUS server, specify the RADIUS key, and accept retransmit defaults. You can verify the configuration using the show radius-server command.

WAE(config)# radius-server host 
WAE(config)# radius-server key myradiuskey
WAE# show radius-server
Radius Configuration:
Radius Authentication is on
    Timeout       = 5
    Retransmit    = 3
    Key           = ****

Related Commands

show radius-server

(config) smb-conf

To manually configure the parameters for a WAAS device Samba configuration file, smb.conf, use the smb-conf global configuration command. To return a parameter to its default value, use the no form of this command.

smb-conf section {global | print$ | printers} name attr-name value attr-value [service print]

no smb-conf section {global | print$ | printers} name attr-name value attr-value [service print]

Syntax Description


Specifies one of the global print parameters.


Specifies one of the print$ parameters.


Specifies the parameters for one of the printers.

name attr-name

Specifies the name of the parameter in the specified section that you want to manually configure (up to 80 characters).

value attr-value

Specifies the value of the parameter (up to 255 characters).

service print

(Optional) Updates the Samba configuration file for legacy print services. Without this option, the smb-conf command updates the Samba configuration file that is used for windows authentication.

See Table 3-3 for a description of the parameters for the global, print$, and printers, including the names and default values.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The smb.conf file contains a variety of print-related parameters. Global parameters apply to the server. Service level parameters, which define default settings for all other sections and shares, allow you to avoid the need to set the same value repeatedly. You can override these globally set share settings and specify other values for each individual section or share. Print$ parameters apply to the printers. Printers parameters, which apply to the shares, make it possible to share all printers with a minimal configuration. These parameters apply as defaults to all printers.

Table 3-3 describes the print-related parameters.

Table 3-3 Print-Related Parameters 

Parameter Name
Default Value
Parameter Description
global parameters

idmap uid


Range of user IDs allocated for mapping UNIX users to NT user SIDs.

idmap gid


Range of group IDs allocated for mapping UNIX groups to NT group SIDs.

winbind enum users


Parameter that does not enumerate domain users using MSRPC.

winbind enum groups


Parameter that does not enumerate domain groups using MSRPC.

winbind cache time


Time that a domain user or group information remains in the cache before expiring.

winbind use default domain


Use the default domain for users and groups.

printcap name


Use CUPS to determine available printer names.

load printers


Automatically creates all available printer shares.



Parameter that uses CUPS-compatible print commands.

cups options


Parameter that sets the format of the print output to raw.

force printername


Parameter that enforces the same printer name specified in the CUPS GUI to be used as the printer name in Samba.

lpq cache time


Cache time for the results of the lpq command.

log file


Location where print-related errors are logged.

max log size


Maximum number of errors the log file can contain. After 50 errors, for each new error logged, the oldest error is removed.

socket options


Controls on the network layer of the operating system that allows the connection with the client to be tuned. This option is typically used to tune your Samba server for optimal performance for your local network.

smb ports


Available ports on the Samba server.

local master


Parameter that sets nmbd to be a local master browser on a subnet.

domain master


Parameter that sets nmbd to be a domain master browser for its given workgroup.

preferred master


Parameter that sets nmbd to be a preferred master browser for its workgroup

dns proxy


DNS proxy that is not enabled.

template homedir


Home directory on File Engine or WAE.

template shell


Directory of the administrative shell.



Optional description of the print server (or share) that is visible when a client queries the server. This parameter can also be set by the windows-domain comment command.

netbios name


Name of the Samba server hosting print services. This parameter can also be set by the windows-domain netbios-name command.



Active Directory domain name. Always uppercase. This parameter can also be set by the windows-domain realm command.

wins server

IP address of the Windows domain server used to authenticate user access to print services. This parameter can also be set by the windows-domain wins-server command.

password server

Optional IP address of the password server used for authentication of users. This parameter can also be set by the windows-domain password-server command.



Use Windows domain server for authentication. This parameter can also be set by the windows-domain security command.

client schannel


Secure channel indicator used for Windows domain server authentication.

ldap ssl


Defines whether or not Samba should use SSL when connecting to the LDAP server. The default is to always use SSL when contacting the LDAP server. If set to "off," SSL is never used when querying the directory server. If set to "start_tls," LDAPv3 StartTLS extended operation (RFC2830) is used for communicating with the directory server.

print$ Parameters



Location of printer list.

guest ok


Parameter that does not require a password to connect to the printer.



Parameter that allows the printer to be visible in the list of printers.

read only


Parameter that prevents users from creating or modifying the printer list.

write list


Parameter that allows the printer administrator (root user) to modify the printer list.

printers Parameters



Location where incoming files are spooled for printing.



Parameter that always sets to no if printable = yes. It makes the printer share invisible in the list of available shares.

guest ok


Parameter that does not require a password to connect to the printer's service.



Parameter that prevents users from creating or modifying files in the print service directory.



Parameter that allows connected clients to open, write to and submit spool files into the directory specified with the path parameter for printing. Used by Samba to differentiate printer shares from file shares. If this is set to no, printing is not allowed.

printer admin


Parameter that allows the print administrator (root user) to add drivers and to set the printer properties.


The following example shows how to change the maximum size of the Samba error log file from the default of 50 errors to 75 errors:

WAE# smb-conf global max log size 75

The following example shows how to change the realm from the default of CISCO to MYCOMPANYNAME:

WAE# smb-conf global realm MYCOMPANYNAME

The following example shows how to enable and then disable LDAP server signing:

WAE# smb-conf global name "ldap ssl" value "start_tls"

Related Commands

show smb-conf


(config) accelerator windows-print

(config) windows-domain

(config) snmp-server access-list

To configure a standard access control list on a WAAS device to allow access through an SNMP agent, use the snmp-server access-list global configuration command. To remove a standard access control list, use the no form of this command.

snmp-server access-list {num | name}

no snmp-server access-list {num | name}

Syntax Description


Standard access list number (1-99).


Standard access list name. You can use a maximum of 30 characters.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes




The following example shows how to allow the SNMP agent to check against access control list 12 before accepting or dropping packets:

WAE(config)# snmp-server access-list 12

Note You must first create access list 12 using the ip access-list standard global configuration command.

Related Commands

(config) ip access-list

show running-config

(config) snmp-server community

To enable the SNMP agent on a WAAS device and to set up the community access string to permit access to the SNMP agent, use the snmp-server community global configuration command. To disable the SNMP agent and remove the previously configured community string, use the no form of this command.

snmp-server community string [group groupname | rw]

no snmp-server community string [group groupname | rw]

Syntax Description


Community string that acts like a password and permits access to the SNMP agent. You can use up to a maximum of 64 characters.

group groupname

(Optional) Specifies the group name to which the community string belongs. You can use a maximum of 64 characters.


(Optional) Enables read-write access to this community string.


The SNMP agent is disabled and a community string is not configured. When configured, an SNMP community string by default permits read-only access to all objects.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes




The following example shows how to enable the SNMP agent and assign the community string comaccess to SNMP:

WAE(config)# snmp-server community comaccess

The following example shows how to disable the SNMP agent and remove the previously defined community string:

WAE(config)# no snmp-server community

Related Commands

(config) snmp-server community

(config) snmp-server contact

(config) snmp-server enable traps

(config) snmp-server group

(config) snmp-server host

(config) snmp-server location

(config) snmp-server mib

(config) snmp-server notify inform

(config) snmp-server user

(config) snmp-server view

snmp trigger

(config) snmp-server contact

To set the system server contact string on a WAAS device, use the snmp-server contact global configuration command. To remove the system contact information, use the no form of this command.

snmp-server contact line

no snmp-server contact line

Syntax Description

contact line

Specifies the text for MIB-II object sysContact. This is the identification of the contact person for this managed node.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes




No system contact string is set.

Usage Guidelines

The system contact string is the value stored in the MIB-II system group sysContact object.


The following example shows how to set a system contact string and then remove it:

WAE(config)# snmp-server contact Dial System Operator at beeper # 27345

WAE(config)# no snmp-server contact

Related Commands

(config) snmp-server community

(config) snmp-server enable traps

(config) snmp-server group

(config) snmp-server host

(config) snmp-server location

(config) snmp-server mib

(config) snmp-server notify inform

(config) snmp-server user

(config) snmp-server view

snmp trigger

(config) snmp-server enable traps

To enable the WAAS device to send SNMP traps, use the snmp-server enable traps global configuration command. To disable all SNMP traps or only SNMP authentication traps, use the no form of this command.

snmp-server enable traps [alarm [clear-critical | clear-major | clear-minor | raise-critical | raise-major | raise-minor]

snmp-server enable traps config | entity | event

snmp-server enable traps content-engine [disk-fail | disk-read | disk-write | overload-bypass | transaction-log]

snmp-server enable traps snmp [authentication | cold-start]

snmp-server enable traps wafs [cslog | eslog | mgrlog]

Syntax Description


Enables WAAS alarm traps.


(Optional) Enables clear-critical alarm traps.


(Optional) Enables clear-major alarm traps.


(Optional) Enables clear-minor alarm traps.


(Optional) Enables raise-critical alarm traps.


(Optional) Enables raise-major alarm traps.


(Optional) Enables raise-minor alarm traps.


Enables CiscoConfigManEvent traps.


Enables SNMP entity traps.


Enables Event MIB traps.


Enables SNMP WAAS traps.


(Optional) Enables disk failure error traps.


(Optional) Enables disk read error traps.


(Optional) Enables disk write error traps.


(Optional) Enables WCCP overload bypass error traps.


(Optional) Enables transaction log write error traps.


Enables SNMP-specific traps.


(Optional) Enables authentication trap.


(Optional) Enables cold start trap.


Enables all WAFS-specific traps.


(Optional) Enables the WAFS core server error log traps.


(Optional) Enables the WAFS edge server error log traps.


(Optional) Enables the WAFS Central Manager error log traps.


This command is disabled by default. No traps are enabled.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

In the WAAS software the following six generic alarm traps are available in the CISCO-CONTENT-ENGINE-MIB:

Name of Alarm Trap



















Note By default, these six general alarm traps are disabled.

These six general alarm traps provide SNMP and Node Health Manager integration. You can enable or disable each of these six alarm traps through the WAAS CLI.

To configure traps, you must enter the snmp-server enable traps command. If you do not enter the snmp-server enable traps command, no traps are sent.

The snmp-server enable traps command is used with the snmp-server host command. Use the snmp-server host command to specify which host or hosts receive SNMP traps. To send traps, you must configure at least one host using the snmp-server host command.

To allow a host to receive a trap, you must enable both the snmp-server enable traps command and the snmp-server host command for that host.

You must enable SNMP with the snmp-server community command.

To disable the sending of the MIB-II SNMP authentication trap, you must enter the command no snmp-server enable traps snmp authentication.


The following example shows how to enable the WAAS device to send all traps to the host using the community string public:

WAE(config)# snmp-server enable traps
WAE(config)# snmp-server host public

The following example shows how to disable all traps:

WAE(config)# no snmp-server enable traps

Related Commands

(config) snmp-server community

(config) snmp-server contact

(config) snmp-server group

(config) snmp-server host

(config) snmp-server location

(config) snmp-server mib

(config) snmp-server notify inform

(config) snmp-server user

(config) snmp-server view

snmp trigger

(config) snmp-server group

To define a user security model group for a WAAS device, use the snmp-server group global configuration command. To remove the specified group, use the no form of this command.

snmp-server group name {v1 [notify name] [read name] [write name] |
v2c [notify name] [read name] [write name] |
v3 {auth [notify name] [read name] [write name] |
noauth [notify name] [read name] [write name] |
priv [notify name] [read name] [write name]}}

no snmp-server group name {v1 [notify name] [read name] [write name] |
v2c [notify name] [read name] [write name] |
v3 {auth [notify name] [read name] [write name] |
noauth [notify name] [read name] [write name] |
priv [notify name] [read name] [write name]}}

Syntax Description

group name

Specifies the SNMP group. You can enter a maximum of 64 characters.


Specifies the group using the Version 1 Security Model.

notify name

(Optional) Specifies a notify view name for the group that enables you to specify a notify, inform, or trap. You can enter a maximum of 64 characters.

read name

(Optional) Specifies a read view name for the group that enables you to view only the contents of the agent. You can enter a maximum of 64 characters.


(Optional) Specifies a write view name for the group that enables you to enter data and configure the contents of the agent. You can enter a maximum of 64 characters.


Specifies the group using the Version 2c Security Model.


Specifies the group using the User Security Model (SNMPv3).


Specifies the group using the AuthNoPriv Security Level.


Specifies the group using the noAuthNoPriv Security Level.


Specifies the group using the AuthPriv Security Level.


The default is that no user security model group is defined.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The maximum number of SNMP groups that can be created is 10.

Select one of three SNMP security model groups: Version 1 (v1) Security Model, Version 2c (v2c) Security Model, or the User Security Model (v3 or SNMPv3). Optionally, you then specify a notify, read, or write view for the group for the particular security model chosen. The v3 option allows you to specify the group using one of three security levels: auth (AuthNoPriv Security Level), noauth (noAuthNoPriv Security Level), or priv (AuthPriv Security Level).


The following example shows how to define a user security model group named acme that uses the SNMP version 1 security model and a view name of mymib for notifications:

WAE(config)# snmp-server group acme v1 notify mymib

Related Commands

(config) snmp-server community

(config) snmp-server contact

(config) snmp-server enable traps

(config) snmp-server host

(config) snmp-server location

(config) snmp-server mib

(config) snmp-server notify inform

(config) snmp-server user

(config) snmp-server view

snmp trigger

(config) snmp-server host

To specify the recipient of a host SNMP trap operation, use the snmp-server host global configuration command. To remove the specified host, use the no form of this command.

snmp-server host {hostname | ip-address} communitystring
[v2c [retry number] [timeout seconds] |
v3 {auth [retry number] [timeout seconds] |
noauth [retry number] [timeout seconds] |
priv [retry number] [timeout seconds]}]

no snmp-server host {hostname | ip-address} communitystring
[v2c [retry number] [timeout seconds] |
v3 {auth [retry number] [timeout seconds] |
noauth [retry number] [timeout seconds] |
priv [retry number] [timeout seconds]}]

Syntax Description


Hostname of the SNMP trap host that will be sent in the SNMP trap messages from the WAAS device.


IP address of the SNMP trap host that will be sent in the SNMP trap messages from the WAAS device.


Password-like community string sent in the SNMP trap messages from the WAE. You can enter a maximum of 64 characters.


(Optional) Specifies the Version 2c Security Model.

retry number

(Optional) Sets the count for the number of retries (1-10) for the inform request. (The default is 2 tries.)

timeout seconds

(Optional) Sets the timeout for the inform request (1-1000 seconds). The default is 15 seconds.


(Optional) Specifies the User Security Model (SNMPv3).


Sends a notification using the AuthNoPriv Security Level.


Sends a notification using the noAuthNoPriv Security Level.


Sends a notification using the AuthPriv Security Level.


This command is disabled by default. No traps are sent. If enabled, the default version of the SNMP protocol used to send the traps is SNMP Version 1.

retry number: 2 retries

timeout: 15 seconds

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

If you do not enter an snmp-server host command, no traps are sent. To configure the WAAS device to send SNMP traps, you must enter at least one snmp-server host command. To enable multiple hosts, you must enter a separate snmp-server host command for each host. The maximum number of snmp-server host commands is four.

When multiple snmp-server host commands are given for the same host, the community string in the last command is used.

The snmp-server host command is used with the snmp-server enable traps command to enable SNMP traps.

You must enable SNMP with the snmp-server community command.


The following example shows how to send the SNMP traps defined in RFC 1157 to the host specified by the IP address The community string is comaccess:

WAE(config)# snmp-server enable traps
WAE(config)# snmp-server host comaccess

The following example shows how to remove the host from the SNMP trap recipient list:

WAE(config)# no snmp-server host

Related Commands

(config) snmp-server community

(config) snmp-server contact

(config) snmp-server enable traps

(config) snmp-server group

(config) snmp-server location

(config) snmp-server mib

(config) snmp-server notify inform

(config) snmp-server user

(config) snmp-server view

snmp trigger

(config) snmp-server location

To set the SNMP system location string on a WAAS device, use the snmp-server location global configuration command. To remove the location string, use the no form of this command.

snmp-server location line

no snmp-server location line

Syntax Description

location line

Specifies text for MIB-II object sysLocation. This string describes the physical location of this node.


No system location string is set.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The system location string is the value stored in the MIB-II system group system location object. You can see the system location string with the show snmp EXEC command.


The following example shows how configure a system location string:

WAE(config)# snmp-server location Building 3/Room 214

Related Commands

(config) snmp-server community

(config) snmp-server contact

(config) snmp-server enable traps

(config) snmp-server group

(config) snmp-server host

(config) snmp-server mib

(config) snmp-server notify inform

(config) snmp-server user

(config) snmp-server view

snmp trigger

(config) snmp-server mib

To configure persistence for the SNMP Event MIB, use the snmp-server mib global configuration command. To disable the Event MIB, use the no form of this command.

snmp-server mib persist event

no snmp-server mib persist event

Syntax Description


Configures MIB persistence.


Enables MIB persistence for the Event MIB.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The Event MIB can set the threshold on any MIB variables supported by the WAAS software and store the threshold permanently on the disk.

The WAAS software implementation of SNMP supports the following MIBs:



















Note The WAAS software supports six generic alarm traps in the CISCO-CONTENT-ENGINE-MIB for SNMP and Node Health Manager integration.


The following example shows how to set persistence for the Event MIB:

WAE(config)# snmp-server mib persist event

Related Commands

(config) snmp-server community

(config) snmp-server contact

(config) snmp-server enable traps

(config) snmp-server group

(config) snmp-server host

(config) snmp-server location

(config) snmp-server notify inform

(config) snmp-server user

(config) snmp-server view

snmp trigger

(config) snmp-server notify inform

To configure the SNMP notify inform request on a WAAS device, use the snmp-server notify inform global configuration command. To return the setting to the default value, use the no form of this command.

snmp-server notify inform

no snmp-server notify inform

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


If you do not enter the snmp-server notify inform command, the default is an SNMP trap request.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes




The following example shows how to configure an SNMP notify inform request versus the default SNMP trap:

WAE(config)# snmp-server notify inform

Related Commands

(config) snmp-server community

(config) snmp-server contact

(config) snmp-server enable traps

(config) snmp-server group

(config) snmp-server host

(config) snmp-server location

(config) snmp-server mib

(config) snmp-server user

(config) snmp-server view

snmp trigger

(config) snmp-server trap-source

To set the source interface from which SNMP traps are sent on a WAAS device, use the snmp-server trap-source global configuration command. To remove the trap source configuration, use the no form of this command.

snmp-server trap-source {GigabitEthernet slot/port | PortChannel 1| Standby grpnumber}

no snmp-server trap-source {GigabitEthernet slot/port | PortChannel 1| Standby grpnumber}

Syntax Description

GigabitEthernet slot/port

Selects a Gigabit Ethernet interface to configure as the trap source. The slot range is 1-2; the port must be 0. The slot number and port number are separated with a forward slash character (/).

PortChannel 1

Selects a port channel to configure as the trap source. There is only port channel 1.

Standby grpnumber

Selects a standby group to configure as the trap source. The group number value is 1.


No system trap source is set.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes




The following example shows how to configure gigabit Ethernet interface 1/0 as the trap source:

WAE(config)# snmp-server trap-source gigabitethernet 1/0

Related Commands

(config) snmp-server community

(config) snmp-server contact

(config) snmp-server enable traps

(config) snmp-server group

(config) snmp-server host

(config) snmp-server mib

(config) snmp-server notify inform

(config) snmp-server user

(config) snmp-server view

snmp trigger

(config) snmp-server user

To define a user who can access the SNMP server, use the snmp-server user global configuration command. To remove access, use the no form of this command.

snmp-server user name group
auth {md5 password [priv password] |
sha password [priv password]} |
remote octetstring [auth {md5 password [priv password] |
sha password [priv password]}]]

no nmp-server user name group
auth {md5 password [priv password] |
sha password [priv password]} |
remote octetstring [auth {md5 password [priv password] |
sha password [priv password]}]]

Syntax Description

user name group

Specifies the name and group of the SNMP user. Use letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores, but no blanks. The name specifies the user on the SNMP host who wants to communicate with the SNMP agent on the WAAS device. You can enter a maximum of 64 characters for the name. The group specifies the group to which the SNMP user belongs. You can enter a maximum of 64 characters for the group.


(Optional) Configures user authentication parameters.

md5 password

Configures HMAC MD5 user authentication password.

priv password

(Optional) Configures authentication HMAC-MD5 user private password. You can enter a maximum of 256 characters.

sha password

Configures the HMAC-SHA authentication password. You can enter a maximum of 256 characters.

remote octetstring

(Optional) Specifies the globally unique identifier (engineID) for a remote SNMP entity (for example, the SNMP network management station) for at least one of the SNMP users.

To send an SNMPv3 inform message, you must configure at least one SNMPv3 user with a remote SNMP ID option on the WAAS device. The SNMP ID is entered in octet string form. For example, if the IP address of a remote SNMP entity is, then the octet string would be 00:00:63:00:00:00:a1:c0:93:8e:81.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes




The following example shows how to create an SNMPv3 user account on the WAAS device. The SNMPv3 user is named acme and belongs to the group named admin. Because this SNMP user account has been set up with no authentication password, the SNMP agent on the WAAS device does not perform authentication on SNMP requests from this user.

WAE(config)# snmp-server user acme admin

Related Commands

(config) snmp-server community

(config) snmp-server contact

(config) snmp-server enable traps

(config) snmp-server group

(config) snmp-server host

(config) snmp-server location

(config) snmp-server mib

(config) snmp-server notify inform

(config) snmp-server view

snmp trigger

(config) snmp-server view

To define an SNMPv2 MIB view on a WAAS device, use the snmp-server view global configuration command. To remove the MIB view definition, use the no form of this command.

snmp-server view viewname MIBfamily {excluded | included}

no snmp-server view viewname MIBfamily {excluded | included}

Syntax Description

viewname MIBfamily

Name of this family of view subtrees and a subtree of the MIB. You can enter a maximum of 64 characters.


Excludes the MIB family from the view.


Includes the MIB family in the view.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes




The following example shows how to define an SNMPv2 MIB view:

WAE(config)# snmp-server view fileview ciscoFileEngineMIB included

Related Commands

(config) snmp-server community

(config) snmp-server contact

(config) snmp-server enable traps

(config) snmp-server group

(config) snmp-server host

(config) snmp-server location

(config) snmp-server mib

(config) snmp-server notify inform

(config) snmp-server user

snmp trigger

(config) sshd

To enable the SSH daemon on a WAAS device, use the sshd global configuration command. To disable the SSH daemon on a WAAS device, use the no form of this command.

sshd {allow-non-admin-users | enable | password-guesses number | timeout seconds |
version {| 2}}

no sshd {allow-non-admin-users | enable | password-guesses number | timeout seconds |
version {| 2}}

Syntax Description


Allows nonadministrative users to gain SSH access to the chosen device (or device group). By default, this option is disabled.

Note Nonadministrative users are nonsuperuser administrators. All nonsuperuser administrators have restricted access to a WAAS device because their login accounts have a privilege level of 0. Superuser administrators have full access to a WAAS device because their login accounts have the highest level of privileges, a privilege level of 15.


Enables the SSH daemon on a WAAS device.

password-guesses number

Specifies the maximum number of allowable password guesses per connection (1-99). The default is 3.

timeout seconds

Configures the number of seconds for which an SSH session will be active during the negotiation (authentication) phase between the client and server before it times out. The SSH login grace time value in seconds is 1-99999. The default is 300.

If you have established an SSH connection to the WAAS device but have not entered the username when prompted at the login prompt, the connection will be terminated by the WAAS device if the grace period expires even after a successful login.


Configures the SSH version to be supported on the WAAS device.


Specifies that SSH Version 1 is supported on the WAAS device.


Specifies that SSH Version 2 is supported on the WAAS device.


By default, the SSH daemon is disabled on a WAAS device. If you use the sshd enable command to enable the SSH daemon on a WAAS device, the following default settings are used:

password-guesses number: 3 guesses

timeout seconds: 300 seconds

version: Both SSH Version 1 and 2 are enabled.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Before you enable the sshd command, use the ssh-key-generate command to generate a private and a public host key, which the client uses to verify the server identity.

Although the sshd password-guesses command specifies the number of allowable password guesses from the SSH server side, the actual number of password guesses for an SSH login session is determined by the combined number of allowable password guesses of the SSH server and the SSH client. Some SSH clients limit the maximum number of allowable password guesses to three (or to one in some cases), even though SSH server side allows more than this number of guesses.

When you enter the sshd password-guesses command and speciry n allowable password guesses, certain SSH clients interpret this number as n+1. For example, when configuring the number of guesses to two by issuing the command sshd password-guesses 2 for a particular device, SSH sessions from some SSH clients will allow three password guesses.

You can enable both SSH Version 1 and Version 2, or you can enable one version and not the other. When you enable the SSH daemon using the sshd enable global configuration command, support for both SSH Version 1 and SSH Version 2 is enabled. If you want the WAAS device to support only one version of SSH (for example SSH version 2), you must disable the other version. For example, to disable SSH Version 1, enter the no sshd version 1 command.

If the SSH daemon is currently enabled on a WAAS device, at least one version of SSH must be enabled on the device. Before you can disable both versions of SSH, you must enter the no sshd enable command to disable the SSH daemon on the WAAS device. If you attempt to disable both versions of SSH before you have disabled the SSH daemon, the following message will appear on your console informing you that you must disable the SSH daemon before you can disable both versions of SSH:

WAE(config)# no sshd version 1
WAE(config)# no sshd version 2
Atleast SSHv1 or SSHv2 must be enabled with sshd enabled.
Disable sshd to disable both SSHv1 and SSHv2.
Did not update ssh version support. Please retry.

When support for both SSH version 1 and SSH version 2 are enabled in the WAAS device, the show running-config EXEC command output does not display any SSHD configuration.

If you have disabled the support for one version of SSH, the show running-config EXEC command output contains the following line:

no sshd version version_number

Note You can use the Telnet daemon with the WAAS device. SSH does not replace Telnet.


The following example shows how to enable and configure a Secure Shell daemon on the WAAS device:

WAE(config)# sshd enable
WAE(config)# sshd password-guesses 4
WAE(config)# sshd timeout 20

The following example shows how to disable the support for SSH Version 1 in the WAAS device:

WAE(config)# no sshd version 1

Related Commands

(config) ssh-key-generate

(config) ssh-key-generate

To generate the SSH host key for a WAAS device, use the ssh-key-generate global configuration command. To remove the SSH key, use the no form of this command.

ssh-key-generate [key-length length]

no ssh-key-generate [key-length length]

Syntax Description

key-length length

(Optional) Configures the length of the SSH key. The number of bits is 512-2048.


key-length length: 1024 bits

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Before you enter the sshd enable command, enter the ssh-key-generate command to generate a private and a public host key, which the client programs use to verify a server identity.

When you use an SSH client and log in to a WAAS device, the public key for the SSH daemon that is running on the device is recorded in the client machine known_hosts file in your home directory. If you regenerate the host key by specifying the number of bits in the key-length command option, you must delete the old public key entry associated with the WAAS device in the known_hosts file before running the SSH client program to log in to the WAAS device. When you use the SSH client program after deleting the old entry, the known_hosts file is updated with the new SSH public key for the WAAS device.


The following example shows how to generate an SSH public key and then enables the SSH daemon on the WAAS device:

WAE(config)# ssh-key-generate
Ssh host key generated successfully
Saving the host key to box ...
Host key saved successfully
WAE(config)# sshd enable
Starting ssh daemon ...
Ssh daemon started successfully

Related Commands

(config) sshd

(config) tacacs

To configure TACACS+ server parameters on a WAAS device, use the tacacs global configuration command. To disable individual options, use the no form of this command.

tacacs {host {hostname | ip-address} [primary] | key keyword | password ascii | retransmit retries | timeout seconds}

no tacacs {host {hostname | ip-address} [primary] | key keyword | password ascii | retransmit retries | timeout seconds}

Syntax Description


Specifies a server address.


Hostname of the TACACS+ server.


IP address of the TACACS+ server.


(Optional) Sets the server as the primary server.

key keyword

Sets the security word. An empty string is the default.

password ascii

Specifies ASCII as the TACACS+ password type.

retransmit retries

Sets the number of times that requests are retransmitted to a server. The number of retry attempts allowed is 1-3. The default is 2 retry attempts.

timeout seconds

Sets the number of seconds to wait before a request to a server is timed out. The timeout is in seconds (1-20). The default is 5 seconds.


keyword: none (empty string)

timeout seconds: 5

retries: 2

password: The default password type is PAP.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

To enable user authentication with a TACACS+ server, use the authentication global configuration command. (See the (config) authentication configuration command.)

You can use the TACACS+ remote database to maintain login and configuration privileges for administrative users. The tacacs host command allows you to configure the network parameters required to access the remote database.

Use the tacacs key command to specify the TACACS+ key, used to encrypt the packets transmitted to the server. This key must be the same as the one specified on the server daemon. The maximum number of characters in the key should not exceed 99 printable ASCII characters (except tabs). An empty key string is the default. All leading spaces are ignored; spaces within and at the end of the key string are not ignored. Double quotes are not required even if there are spaces in the key, unless the quotes themselves are part of the key.

The tacacs timeout is the number of seconds that the WAAS device waits before declaring a timeout on a request to a particular TACACS+ server. The range is from 1 to 20 seconds, with 5 seconds as the default. The number of times that the WAAS device repeats a retry-timeout cycle before trying the next TACACS+ server is specified by the tacacs retransmit command. The default is two retry attempts.

Three unsuccessful login attempts are permitted. TACACS+ logins may appear to take more time than local logins depending on the number of TACACS+ servers and the configured timeout and retry values.

Use the tacacs password ascii command to specify the TACACS+ password type as ASCII. The default password type is PAP (Password Authentication Protocol).When the no tacacs password ascii command is used to disable the ASCII password type, the password type is once again reset to PAP.


The following example shows how to configure the key used in encrypting packets:

WAE(config)# tacacs key human789

The following example shows how to configure the host named spearhead as the primary TACACS+ server:

WAE(config)# tacacs host spearhead primary

The following example shows how to set the timeout interval for the TACACS+ server:

WAE(config)# tacacs timeout 10

The following example shows how to set the number of times that authentication requests are retried (retransmitted) after a timeout:

WAE(config)# tacacs retransmit 5

The following example shows the password type to be PAP by default:

WAE# show tacacs 
    Login Authentication for Console/Telnet Session: enabled (secondary)
    Configuration Authentication for Console/Telnet Session: enabled (secondary)

    TACACS+ Configuration:
    TACACS+ Authentication is off
    Key        = *****
    Timeout    = 5
    Retransmit = 2
    Password type: pap

    Server                         Status
    ----------------------------   ------                primary                              

You can configure the password type to be ASCII using the tacacs password ascii command. You can then verify the changes using the show tacacs command.

WAE(config)# tacacs password ascii 
WAE(config)# exit
WAE# show tacacs 
    Login Authentication for Console/Telnet Session: enabled (secondary)
    Configuration Authentication for Console/Telnet Session: enabled (secondary)

    TACACS+ Configuration:
    TACACS+ Authentication is off
    Key        = *****
    Timeout    = 5
    Retransmit = 2
    Password type: ascii

    Server                         Status
    ----------------------------   ------                primary                              

Related Commands

(config) authentication configuration

show authentication

show statistics authentication

show statistics tacacs

show tacacs

(config) tcp

To configure TCP parameters on a WAAS device, use the tcp global configuration command. To disable TCP parameters, use the no form of this command.

tcp {cwnd-base segments | ecn enable | increase-xmit-timer-value value |
init-ss-threshold value | keepalive-probe-cnt count | keepalive-probe-interval seconds |
keepalive-timeout seconds}

no tcp {cwnd-base segments | ecn enable | increase-xmit-timer-value value |
init-ss-threshold value | keepalive-probe-cnt count | keepalive-probe-interval seconds |
keepalive-timeout seconds}

Syntax Description

cwnd-base segments

Sets initial send congestion window in segments (1-10).

ecn enable

Enables TCP explicit congestion notification.

increase-xmit-timer-value value

Specifies the factor (1-3) used to modify the length of the retransmit timer by 1 to 3 times the base value determined by the TCP algorithm.

Note Use this keyword with caution. The keyword can improve throughput when TCP is used over slow reliable connections but should never be changed in an unreliable packet delivery environment.

init-ss-threshold value

Sets initial slow-start threshold value (2-100).

keepalive-probe-cnt count

Specifies the length of time that the WAAS device keeps an idle connection open. The number of probe counts is 1-10.

keepalive-probe-interval seconds

Specifies the number of times that the WAAS device retries a connection. The keepalive probe interval is in seconds (1-300).

keepalive-timeout seconds

Specifies the length of time that the WAAS device keeps a connection open before disconnecting. The keepalive timeout is in seconds (1-3600).


tcp cwnd-base: 2

tcp increase-xmit-timer-value: 1

tcp init-ss-threshold: 100 segments

tcp keepalive-probe-cnt: 4

tcp keepalive-probe-interval: 75 seconds

tcp keepalive-timeout: 90 seconds

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The following are the usage guidelines for this command:

Caution Be careful using these parameters. In nearly all environments, the default TCP settings are adequate. Fine tuning of TCP settings is for network administrators who are experienced and have a full understanding of TCP operation details. See the Cisco Wide Area Application Services Configuration Guide for more information.

Use the tcp keepalive-probe-cnt global configuration command to specify how many times the WAAS device should attempt to connect to the device before closing the connection. The count can be from 1 to 10. The default is 4 attempts.

Use the tcp keepalive-probe-interval global configuration command to specify how often the WAAS device is to send out a TCP keepalive. The interval can be from 1 to 120 seconds. The default is 75 seconds.

Use the tcp keepalive-timeout global configuration command to wait for a response (the device does not respond) before the WAAS device logs a miss. The timeout can be from 1 to 120 seconds. The default is 90 seconds.


The following example shows how to enable a TCP explicit congestion notification:

WAE(config)# tcp ecn enable

Related Commands

clear arp-cache

show statistics tcp

show tcp

(config) telnet enable

To enable Telnet on a WAAS device, use the telnet enable global configuration command. To disable this feature, use the no form of this command.

telnet enable

no telnet enable

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


By default, the Telnet service is enabled on a WAAS device.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use terminal emulation software to start a Telnet session with a WAAS device.

You must use a console connection instead of a Telnet session to define device network settings on the WAAS device. However, after you have used a console connection to define the device network settings, you can use a Telnet session to perform subsequent configuration tasks.

Note Messages transported between the client and the device are not encrypted.


The following example shows how to enable the use of Telnet on the WAAS device:

WAE(config)# telnet enable

Related Commands


show telnet

(config) tfo exception

To configure exception handling for Traffic Flow Optimization (TFO), use the tfo exception global configuration command. To disable TFO exception handling configuration, use the no form of this command.

tfo exception {coredump | debug | no-coredump}

no tfo exception {coredump | debug | no-coredump}

Syntax Description


Writes a core file (default).


Hangs the system until it is explicitly restarted.


Restarts the accelerator and does not write a core file.


The default is coredump.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



The following example shows how to write TFO exeption handling to a core file using the tfo exception command:

WAE(config)# tfo exception coredump

Related Commands

(config) tfo optimize

(config) tfo optimize

To configure a WAE for Traffic Flow Optimization (TFO), use the tfo optimize global configuration command. To disable TFO optimization, use the no form of this command.

tfo optimize {DRE {yes | no} compression {LZ | none} | full}

no tfo optimize {DRE {yes | no} compression {LZ | none} | full}

Syntax Description


Configures TFO optimization with or without Data Redundancy Elimination (DRE).


Enables DRE.


Disables DRE.


Configures TFO optimization with or without generic compression.


Configures TFO optimization with Lempel-Ziv (LZ) compression.


Configures TFO optimization with no compression.


Configures TFO optimization with DRE and LZ compression. Using this keyword is the same as specifying the tfo optimize DRE yes compression LZ command.


The default TFO optimization on a WAAS device is tfo optimize full.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



The following example shows to configures TFO optimization with DRE and full compression using the tfo optimize command:

WAE(config)# tfo optimize DRE yes compression full

Related Commands

show statistics tfo

(config) tfo tcp adaptive-buffer-sizing

To configure a WAE for Traffic Flow Optimization (TFO) with TCP adaptive buffering, use the tfo tcp adaptive-buffer-sizing global configuration command. To disable adaptive buffer sizing or to unconfigure the buffer size, use the no form of this command.

tfo tcp adaptive-buffer-sizing {enable | receive-buffer-max size | send-buffer-max size}

no tfo tcp adaptive-buffer-sizing {enable | receive-buffer-max size | send-buffer-max size}

Syntax Description


Enables TCP adaptive buffer sizing.

receive-buffer-max size

Sets the maximum size of the receive buffer. Valid values range from 1 to 8192 KB.

send-buffer-max size

Sets the maximum size of the send buffer. Valid values range from 1 to 8192 KB.


Adaptive buffering is enabled by default. The default maximum send and receive buffer sizes depend on the WAE device model.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

If you would rather use preallocated and unchanging send and receive buffers, you can configure them with the following global configuration commands: tfo tcp optimized-receive-buffer, tfo tcp optimized-send-buffer, tfo tcp original-receive-buffer, and tfo tcp original-send-buffer. You can turn off adaptive buffer sizing by using the no tfo tcp adaptive-buffer-sizing command.


The following example shows how to configure a WAE for Traffic Flow Optimization (TFO) with TCP adaptive buffering using the tfo tcp adaptive-buffer-sizing command:

WAE(config)# tfo tcp adaptive-buffer-sizing enable

Related Commands

(config) tfo tcp optimized-mss

(config) tfo tcp optimized-receive-buffer

(config) tfo tcp optimized-send-buffer

(config) tfo tcp original-receive-buffer

(config) tfo tcp original-send-buffer

show tfo tcp

(config) tfo tcp keepalive

To configure a WAE for Traffic Flow Optimization (TFO) with TCP keepalives, use the tfo tcp keepalive global configuration command. To disable TFO TCP keepalives, use the no form of this command.

tfo tcp keepalive

no tfo tcp keepalive

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Keepalives are disabled by default.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command enables TCP keepalives on the TFO optimized sockets (the connection between two peer WAEs).


The following example shows how to configure a WAE for Traffic Flow Optimization with TCP keepalives using the tfo tcp keepalive command:

WAE(config)# tfo tcp keepalive

Related Commands

(config) tfo tcp optimized-mss

(config) tfo tcp optimized-receive-buffer

(config) tfo tcp optimized-send-buffer

(config) tfo tcp original-mss

(config) tfo tcp original-receive-buffer

(config) tfo tcp original-send-buffer

(config) tfo tcp optimized-mss

To configure a WAE for Traffic Flow Optimization (TFO) with an optimized-side TCP maximum segment size, use the tfo tcp optimized-mss global configuration command. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.

tfo tcp optimized-mss segment-size

no tfo tcp optimized-mss segment-size

Syntax Description


Optimized side TCP max segment size (512-1460).


The default value of the segment size is 1432 bytes.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

This command sets the TCP maximum segment size on TFO optimized sockets (the connection between two peer WAEs).


The following example shows how to configure a WAE for Traffic Flow Optimization with an optimized-side TCP maximum segment size of 512 using the tfo tcp optimized-mss command:

WAE(config)# tfo tcp optimized-mss 512

Related Commands

(config) tfo tcp keepalive

(config) tfo tcp optimized-receive-buffer

(config) tfo tcp optimized-send-buffer

(config) tfo tcp original-mss

(config) tfo tcp original-receive-buffer

(config) tfo tcp original-send-buffer

(config) tfo tcp optimized-receive-buffer

To configure a WAE for Traffic Flow Optimization (TFO) with an optimized-side receive buffer, use the tfo tcp optimized-receive-buffer global configuration command. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.

tfo tcp optimized-receive-buffer buffer-size

no tfo tcp optimized-receive-buffer buffer-size

Syntax Description


Receive buffer size in kilobytes. Valid values range from 1 to 8192 KB.


32 KB

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



The following example shows how to configure a WAE for Traffic Flow Optimization with a 32 KB optimized-side receive buffer using the tfo tcp optimized-receive-buffer command:

WAE(config)# tfo tcp optimized-receive-buffer 32 

Related Commands

(config) tfo tcp keepalive

(config) tfo tcp optimized-mss

(config) tfo tcp optimized-send-buffer

(config) tfo tcp original-mss

(config) tfo tcp original-receive-buffer

(config) tfo tcp original-send-buffer

(config) tfo tcp optimized-send-buffer

To configure a WAE for Traffic Flow Optimization (TFO) with an optimized-side send buffer, use the tfo tcp optimized-send-buffer global configuration command. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.

tfo tcp optimized-send-buffer buffer-size

no tfo tcp optimized-send-buffer buffer-size

Syntax Description


Send buffer size in kilobytes. Valid values range from 1 to 8192 KB.


32 KB

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

The buffer should be equal to or greater than the Bandwidth Delay Product (BDP). The BDP is equivalent to the bandwidth (in bits per second) * latency (in seconds). For example, for a 45-Mbps link with a 150-ms (0.15 sec) round-trip delay, the BDP is 45 Mbps * 0.15 sec = 6.75 Mb, or 0.844 MB (844 KB). In this case, you could set the buffer size to 1024 KB.


The following example shows how to configure a WAE for Traffic Flow Optimization with a 32 KB optimized-side send buffer using the tfo tcp optimized-send-buffer command:

WAE(config)# tfo tcp optimized-send-buffer 32

Related Commands

(config) tfo tcp keepalive

(config) tfo tcp optimized-mss

(config) tfo tcp optimized-receive-buffer

(config) tfo tcp original-mss

(config) tfo tcp original-receive-buffer

(config) tfo tcp original-send-buffer

(config) tfo tcp original-mss

To configure a WAE for Traffic Flow Optimization (TFO) with an unoptimized-side TCP maximum segment size, use the tfo tcp original-mss global configuration command. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.

tfo tcp original-mss segment-size

no tfo tcp original-mss segment-size

Syntax Description


Specifies original (end-point) side TCP max segment size (512-1460).


1432 bytes

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



The following example shows how to configure a WAE for Traffic Flow Optimization with a 1432 byte unoptimized-side TCP maximum segment size using the tfo tcp original-mss command:

WAE(config)# tfo tcp original-mss 1432

Related Commands

(config) tfo tcp keepalive

(config) tfo tcp optimized-mss

(config) tfo tcp optimized-receive-buffer

(config) tfo tcp optimized-send-buffer

(config) tfo tcp original-receive-buffer

(config) tfo tcp original-send-buffer

(config) tfo tcp original-receive-buffer

To configure a WAE for Traffic Flow Optimization (TFO) with an unoptimized-side receive buffer, use the tfo tcp original-receive-buffer global configuration command. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.

tfo tcp original-receive-buffer buffer-size

no tfo tcp original-receive-buffer buffer-size

Syntax Description


Receive buffer size in kilobytes. Valid values range from 1 to 8192 KB.


32 KB

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



The following example shows how to configure a WAE for Traffic Flow Optimization with a 32 KB unoptimized-side receive buffer using the tfo tcp original-receive-buffer command:

WAE(config)# tfo tcp original-receive-buffer 32

Related Commands

(config) tfo tcp keepalive

(config) tfo tcp optimized-mss

(config) tfo tcp optimized-receive-buffer

(config) tfo tcp optimized-send-buffer

(config) tfo tcp original-mss

(config) tfo tcp original-send-buffer

(config) tfo tcp original-send-buffer

To configure a WAE for Traffic Flow Optimization (TFO) with an unoptimized-side send buffer, use the tfo tcp original-send-buffer global configuration command. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.

tfo tcp original-send-buffer buffer-size

no tfo tcp original-send-buffer buffer-size

Syntax Description


Send buffer size in kilobytes. Valid values range from 1 to 8192 KB.


32 KB

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



The following example shows how to configure a WAE for Traffic Flow Optimization with a 32 KB unoptimized-side receive buffer using the tfo tcp original-send-buffer command:

WAE(config)# tfo tcp original-send-buffer 32

Related Commands

(config) tfo tcp keepalive

(config) tfo tcp optimized-mss

(config) tfo tcp optimized-receive-buffer

(config) tfo tcp optimized-send-buffer

(config) tfo tcp original-mss

(config) tfo tcp original-receive-buffer

(config) transaction-logs

To configure and enable transaction logging on a WAE, use the transaction-logs global configuration command. To disable a transaction logging option, use the no form of this command.

transaction-logs {accelerator video windows-media | flow} enable

transaction-logs flow access-list acl-name

transaction-logs {accelerator video windows-media | flow} archive interval seconds

transaction-logs {accelerator video windows-media | flow} archive interval every-day
at hour:minute | every hours}

transaction-logs {accelerator video windows-media | flow} archive interval every-hour
at minute | every minutes}

transaction-logs {accelerator video windows-media | flow} archive interval every-week
[on weekdays at hour:minute]

transaction-logs {accelerator video windows-media | flow} archive max-file-size filesize

transaction-logs {accelerator video windows-media | flow} export compress

transaction-logs {accelerator video windows-media | flow} export enable

transaction-logs {accelerator video windows-media | flow} export ftp-server
hostname | servipaddrs} login passw directory

transaction-logs {accelerator video windows-media | flow} export interval minutes

transaction-logs {accelerator video windows-media | flow} export interval every-day
{at hour:minute | every hours}

transaction-logs {accelerator video windows-media | flow} export interval every-hour
{at minute | every minutes}

transaction-logs {accelerator video windows-media | flow} export interval every-week
[on weekdays at hour:minute]

transaction-logs {accelerator video windows-media | flow} export sftp-server
hostname | servipaddrs} login passw directory

Syntax Description

accelerator video windows-media

Specifies the video accelerator transaction log feature for Windows Media transactions.


Specifies the TFO flow transaction log feature.


Enables the transaction log feature.

access-list acl-name

Configures an access list name to restrict logged traffic. Only traffic that is included in the access list is logged.


Configures archive parameters.

interval seconds

Determines how frequently the archive file is to be saved. Value is in seconds (120-604800).


Archives using intervals of 1 day or less.

at hour:minute

Specifies the local time at which to archive each day (hh:mm).

every hours

Specifies the interval in hours. The interval aligns with midnight. The intervals are as follows:

1    Hourly
12  Every 12 hours
2    Every 2 hours
24  Every 24 hours
3    Every 3 hours
4    Every 4 hours
6    Every 6 hours
8    Every 8 hours


Specifies intervals of 1 hour or less.

at minute

Sets the time at each hour. The minute alignment for the hourly task is from 0 to 59.

every minutes

Specifies the interval in minutes for hourly task that aligns with the top of the hour. The intervals are as follows:

10  Every 10 minutes
15  Every 15 minutes
2    Every 2 minutes
20  Every 20 minutes
30  Every 30 minutes
5    Every 5 minutes


Specifies intervals of 1 or more times a week.

on weekdays

(Optional) Sets the day of the week and the weekdays on which to perform the task. You can specify one or more weekdays:

Fri    Every Friday
Mon  Every Monday
Sat    Every Saturday
Sun   Every Sunday
Thu   Every Thursday
Tue   Every Tuesday
Wed  Every Wednesday

max-file-size filesize

Specifies the maximum size in kilobytes (1000-2000000) of the archive file to be maintained on the local disk.


Configures file export parameters. The FTP export feature can support up to four servers. Each server must be configured with a username, password, and directory that are valid for that server.


Enables compression of archived log files into a zip format before exporting them to external FTP servers.


Sets the FTP server to receive exported archived files.


Hostname of the target server.


IP address of the target server.


User login to target server (1-10080).


User password to target server (less than 40 characters).


Target directory path for exported files on the server.

interval minutes

Specifies the interval in minutes (1-10080) at which to export a file.


Sets the Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) server to receive exported archived files.


The default settings for the logging feature are as follows:

archive: disabled

enable: disabled

export compress: disabled

export: disabled

archive interval: every day, every one hour

archive max-file-size: 2,000,000 KB

export interval: every day, every one hour

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Related Commands

clear arp-cache

show transaction-logging


(config) username

To establish username authentication on a WAAS device, use the username global configuration command. To disable this feature, use the no form of this command.

username name {password {0 plainword | 1 cryptoword | plainword} [uid uid] | print-admin-password {0 plainword | 1 cryptoword plainword | plainword} |
privilege {0 | 15}}

no username name {password {0 plainword | 1 cryptoword | plainword} [uid uid] | print-admin-password {0 plainword | 1 cryptoword plainword | plainword} |
privilege {0 | 15}}

Syntax Description




Specifies the password for the user.


Specifies an unencrypted user password.


Clear-text user password. Passwords are case sensitive, must be 1 to 31 characters, and cannot contain the characters ' " | (apostrophe, double quote, or pipe) or any control characters.


Specifies a hidden user password.


Encrypted user password.

uid uid

(Optional) Sets the text user ID for the password (2001-65535).


Sets the user print administration password.


Sets the user privilege level.


Specifies the user privilege level for the normal user.


Specifies the user privilege level for the superuser.


The password value is set to 0 (clear text) by default.

The default administrator account is as follows:

•Uid: 0

•Username: admin

•Password: default

•Privilege: superuser (15)

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Note We strongly recommend that you use the WAAS Central Manager GUI instead of the WAAS CLI to configure passwords and privilege levels for users on your WAAS devices, if possible. For information about how to use the WAAS Central Manager GUI to centrally configure and administer users on a single WAE or group of WAEs, which are registered with a WAAS Central Manager, see the Cisco Wide Area Application Services Configuration Guide.


The following example demonstrates how passwords and privilege levels are reconfigured:

WAE# show user username abeddoe
Uid                 : 2003
Username            : abeddoe
Password            : ghQ.GyGhP96K6
Privilege           : normal user

WAE# show user username bwhidney
Uid                 : 2002
Username            : bwhidney
Password            : bhlohlbIwAMOk
Privilege           : normal user 

WAE(config)# username bwhidney password 1 victoria

WAE(config)# username abeddoe privilege 15
User's privilege changed to super user (=15) 

WAE# show user username abeddoe
Uid                 : 2003
Username            : abeddoe
Password            : ghQ.GyGhP96K6
Privilege           : super user 

WAE# show user username bwhidney
Uid                 : 2002
Username            : bwhidney
Password            : mhYWYw.7P1Ld6
Privilege           : normal user 

Related Commands

show user

(config) virtual-blade

To configure virtual blades on your WAAS device, use the virtual-blade global configuration command. To negate these actions, use the no form of this command.

virtual-blade {virtual-blade-number | enable}

no virtual-blade {virtual-blade-number | enable}

Syntax Description


Number of the virtual blade that you want to edit. This value can be from 1 through 6, depending on the number of virtual blades supported on the device. Using this command enables virtual blade configuration mode. See the "Virtual Blade Configuration Mode Commands" section for more information.


Enables the virtual blade feature on your WAAS device. You must reboot the device after executing this command.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use the virtual-blade global configuration command to enter virtual blade configuration mode. This command is available only on WAAS devices that support virtual blades.


The following example shows how to enable the virtual blade feature on your device:

WAE(config)# virtual-blade enable
WAE(config)# exit

The following example shows that after a reload, you can enter show EXEC command to see the new virtual blade resource allocation:

# show virtual-blade
Virtual-blade resources:
  VB Memory: 299MiB configured, 1749MiB available.
  VB Disk space: 0GiB configured, 204GiB available.
  /local1/vbs: 128MiB used, 214203MiB available
  CPU(s) assigned: 3 4
Virtual-blade(s) state:
  virtual-blade 2 has incomplete configuration

The following example puts your device into virtual blade configuration mode, editing virtual blade 2. The mode change is indicated by the system prompt:

WAE(config)# virtual-blade 2

Related Commands

show virtual-blade

(config-vb) autostart

(config-vb) boot

(config-vb) description

(config-vb) device

(config-vb) disk

(config-vb) interface

(config-vb) memory

(config-vb) vnc

(config) wccp access-list

To configure an IP access list on a WAE for inbound WCCP GRE encapsulated traffic, use the wccp access-list global configuration command. To disable this feature, use the no form of this command.

wccp access-list {acl-number | ext-acl-number | acl-name}

no wccp access-list {acl-number | ext-acl-number | acl-name}

Syntax Description


Standard IP access list number (1-99).


Extended IP access list number (100-199).


Name of the access list. You can use a maximum of 30 characters.


WCCP access lists are not configured by default.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

The wccp access-list number global configuration command configures an access control list to allow access to WCCP applications. See the Cisco Wide Area Application Services Configuration Guide for a detailed description of how to use standard IP ACLs to control WCCP access on a WAE.

Note WCCP works only with IPv4 networks.


The following example shows how to configure the WAE to apply IP access list number 10 to the inbound WCCP traffic:

WAE(config)# wccp access-list 10

The following example shows sample output from the show ip access-list EXEC command from a WAE that has several WCCP access lists configured:

WAE(config)# show ip access-list
Space available:
    40 access lists
   489 access list conditions

Standard IP access list 10
   1 deny
   2 deny any
     (implicit deny any: 0 matches)
   total invocations: 0
Standard IP access list 98
   1 permit any
     (implicit deny any: 0 matches)
   total invocations: 0
Extended IP access list 100
   1 permit icmp any any
     (implicit fragment permit: 0 matches)
     (implicit deny ip any any: 0 matches)
   total invocations: 0
Extended IP access list 101
   1 permit ip any any
     (implicit fragment permit: 0 matches)
     (implicit deny ip any any: 0 matches)
   total invocations: 0
Extended IP access list 102
   1 permit icmp any
     (implicit fragment permit: 0 matches)
     (implicit deny ip any any: 0 matches)
   total invocations: 0
Extended IP access list 111
   1 permit gre any
     (implicit fragment permit: 0 matches)
     (implicit deny ip any any: 0 matches)
   total invocations: 0
Extended IP access list 112
   1 permit ip any any
     (implicit fragment permit: 0 matches)
     (implicit deny ip any any: 0 matches)
   total invocations: 0
Extended IP access list 113
   1 permit gre any
     (implicit fragment permit: 0 matches)
     (implicit deny ip any any: 0 matches)
   total invocations: 0
Extended IP access list ext_acl_2
   1 permit gre any any
     (implicit fragment permit: 0 matches)
     (implicit deny ip any any: 0 matches)
   total invocations: 0
Extended IP access list extended_ip_acl
   1 permit tcp any eq 2 any eq exec
     (implicit fragment permit: 0 matches)
     (implicit deny ip any any: 0 matches)
   total invocations: 0

Interface access list references:
  PortChannel     2    inbound   extended_ip_acl
  PortChannel     2    outbound  101

Application access list references:
  snmp-server                     standard  2
    UDP ports: none (List Not Defined)
  WCCP                            either    10
    Any IP Protocol

The following example shows sample output from the show wccp gre EXEC command when WCCP access lists are defined on the WAE:

WAE# show wccp gre
Transparent GRE packets received:           366
Transparent non-GRE packets received:       0
Transparent non-GRE packets passed through: 0
Total packets accepted:                     337
Invalid packets received:                   0
Packets received with invalid service:      0
Packets received on a disabled service:     0
Packets received too small:                 0
Packets dropped due to zero TTL:            0
Packets dropped due to bad buckets:         0
Packets dropped due to no redirect address: 0
Packets dropped due to loopback redirect:   0
Connections bypassed due to load:           0
Packets sent back to router:                0
Packets sent to another CE:                 0
GRE fragments redirected:                   0
Packets failed GRE encapsulation:           0
Packets dropped due to invalid fwd method:  0
Packets dropped due to insufficient memory: 0
Packets bypassed, no conn at all:           0
Packets bypassed, no pending connection:    0
Packets due to clean wccp shutdown:         0
Packets bypassed due to bypass-list lookup: 0
Packets received with client IP addresses:  0
Conditionally Accepted connections:         0
Conditionally Bypassed connections:         0
L2 Bypass packets destined for loopback:    0
Packets w/WCCP GRE received too small:      0
Packets dropped due to IP access-list deny: 29
L2 Packets fragmented for bypass:           0

Related Commands

(config) egress-method

show ip access-list

show wccp

(config) wccp flow-redirect

To enable WCCP flow redirection on a WAE, use the wccp flow-redirect global configuration command. To disable flow redirection, use the no form of this command.

wccp flow-redirect enable

no wccp flow-redirect enable

Syntax Description


Enables flow redirection.



Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use the wccp flow-redirect global configuration command to implement WCCP flow protection. Flow protection is designed to keep the TCP flow intact as well as to not overwhelm WAEs when they are first started up or are reassigned new traffic. This feature also has a slow start mechanism where the WAEs try to take a load appropriate for their capacity.

Note When you enable bypass, the client tries to reach the origin web server. You must disable all bypass options to eliminate an unnecessary burden on the network.

WCCP works only with IPv4 networks.


The following example shows how to enable WCCP flow protection on a WAE:

WAE(config)# wccp flow-redirect enable

Related Commands

show wccp

(config) wccp router-list

To configure a router list for WCCP Version 2, use the wccp router-list global configuration command. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.

wccp router-list number ip-address

no wccp router-list number ip-address

Syntax Description


Router list number (1-8).


IP address of the router to add to the list.



Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Each router list can contain up to 32 routers and you can have up to 8 router lists.

Note Do not create or modify router list number 8. The WAAS Central Manager uses router list number 8 for a default router list that contains the default gateway.

Note The ip wccp global configuration command must be used to enable WCCP on each router that is included on the router list.

WCCP works only with IPv4 networks.


The following example shows how that router list number 7 is created and contains a single router (the WCCP Version 2-enabled router with IP address

WAE(config)# wccp router-list 7

The following example shows how to delete the router list number 7 created in the previous example:

WAE(config)# no wccp router-list 7

The following example shows how to create a router list (router list 1) and then configure the WAE to accept redirected TCP traffic from the WCCP Version 2-enabled router on router list 1:

WAE(config)# wccp router-list 1
WAE(config)# wccp tcp-promiscuous router-list 1
WAE(config)# wccp version 2

Related Commands

(config) wccp version

(config) wccp shutdown

To set the maximum time interval after which the WAE will perform a clean shutdown of the WCCP, use the wccp shutdown global configuration command. To disable the clean shutdown, use the no form of this command.

wccp shutdown max-wait seconds

no wccp shutdown max-wait seconds

Syntax Description

max-wait seconds

Sets the clean shutdown time interval. The time is in seconds (0-86400). The default is 120 seconds


The maximum time interval before a clean shutdown is 120 seconds by default.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

To prevent broken TCP connections, the WAE performs a clean shutdown of the WCCP after you enter the reload or wccp version command. The WAE does not reboot until either all connections have been serviced or the configured max-wait interval has elapsed.

Note WCCP works only with IPv4 networks.


The following example shows how to configure the WAE to wait 1000 seconds:

WAE(config)# wccp shutdown max-wait 1000 

The following example shows how to shut down WCCP Version 2 on the WAE by entering the no wccp version 2 command. In this case, after you enter the no wccp version 2 command, the WAE waits 1000 seconds before it shuts down WCCP Version 2.

WAE(config)# no wccp version 2

A countdown message appears, indicating how many seconds remain before WCCP will be shut down on the WAE:

Waiting (999 seconds) for WCCP shutdown. Press ^C to skip shutdown

The clean shutdown can be aborted while in progress by simultaneously pressing ^C after 
the countdown message appears.

Related Commands

(config) wccp flow-redirect

(config) wccp version

(config) wccp tcp-promiscuous mask

To configure the Web Cache Coordination Protocol (WCCP) Version 2 TCP promiscuous mode service (WCCP Version 2 services 61 and 62) mask on a WAE, use the wccp tcp-promiscuous mask global configuration command. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.

wccp tcp-promiscuous mask {dst-ip-mask mask | src-ip-mask mask}

no wccp tcp-promiscuous mask {dst-ip-mask mask | src-ip-mask mask}

Syntax Description


Specifies the mask used for WAE assignment.

dst-ip-mask mask

Specifies the IP address mask defined by a hexadecimal number (for example, 0xFE000000) used to match the packet destination IP address. The range is 0x0000000-0xFE000000. The default is 0x00000000.

src-ip-mask mask

Specifies the IP address mask defined by a hexadecimal number (for example, 0xFE000000) used to match the packet source IP address. The range is 0x00000000-0xFE000000. The default is 0x00001741.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

In a service farm where the WAEs have different masks, the first WAE to establish two-way communication with the router(s) determines the farm's mask. All other WAEs cannot join the farm unless they are configured with the same mask.


The following example shows how to set a TCP promiscuous mode service mask on the source IP address:

WAE # wccp tcp-promiscuous mask src-ip-mask 0xFC0

Related Commands

(config) egress-method

(config) wccp router-list

show wccp

(config) wccp tcp-promiscuous router-list-num

To configure the Web Cache Coordination Protocol (WCCP) Version 2 TCP promiscuous mode service (WCCP Version 2 services 61 and 62) on a WAE, use the wccp tcp-promiscuous router-list-num global configuration command. To disable this function, use the no form of this command.

wccp tcp-promiscuous router-list-num number [assign-method-strict | hash-destination-ip | hash-source-ip | l2-redirect | l2-return | mask-assign | password password | weight weight]}

no wccp tcp-promiscuous router-list-num number [assign-method-strict | hash-destination-ip | hash-source-ip | l2-redirect | l2-return | mask-assign | password password | weight weight]}

Syntax Description

router-list-num number

Specifies the number of the WCCP router list (1-8) that should be associated with the TCP promiscuous mode service. (These WCCP Version 2-enabled routers will transparently redirect TCP traffic to the WAE.)


(Optional) Specifies that only the configured assignment method be used.


(Optional) Specifies that the load-balancing hash method should make use of the destination IP address. You can specify both the hash-destination-ip option and the hash-source-ip option.


(Optional) Specifies that the load-balancing hash method should make use of the source IP address. This is the default.


(Optional) Specifies that Layer 2 redirection be used for packet forwarding. If the WAE has a Layer 2 connection with the device, and the device is configured for Layer 2 redirection, Layer 2 redirection permits the WAE to receive transparently redirected traffic from a WCCP Version 2-enabled switch or router.


(Optional) Specifies that Layer 2 rewriting be used for packet return.


(Optional) Specifies that the mask method be used for WAE assignment.

password password

(Optional) Specifies the WCCP service password to be used for secure traffic between the WAEs within a cluster and the router for a specified service. Be sure to enable all other WAEs and routers within the cluster with the same password. You can use a maximum of 8 characters.

weight weight

(Optional) Specifies that a weight percentage be used. The weight represents a percentage of the total load redirected to the device for load-balancing purposes (for example, a WAE with a weight of 30 receives 30 percent of the total load).

The weight value ranges from 0 to 100 percent. By default, weights are not assigned and the traffic load is distributed evenly between the WAEs in a service groups.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

To configure the egress method for WCCP intercepted connections, use the egress-method global configuration command.

Note WCCP works with IPv4 networks only.


The following example shows how to turn on the TCP promiscuous mode service and associate this service with the router list:

WAE # wccp tcp-promiscuous router-list-num 1
WCCP configuration for TCP Promiscuous service 61 succeeded.
WCCP configuration for TCP Promiscuous succeeded.
Please remember to configure WCCP service 61 and 62 on the corresponding router.

Related Commands

(config) egress-method

(config) wccp router-list

show wccp

(config) wccp version

To specify the version of WCCP that the WAE should use, enter the wccp version global configuration command. To disable the currently running version, use the no form of this command.

wccp version 2

no wccp version 2

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

You must configure a WAE to use WCCP Version 2 instead of WCCP Version 1 because WCCP Version 1 only supports web traffic (port 80).

The WAE performs a clean shutdown after a reload or no wccp version 2 command is entered. A clean shutdown prevents broken TCP connections.

Note WCCP works only with IPv4 networks.


The following example shows how to enable WCCP Version 2 on a WAE:

WAE(config)# wccp version 2

Related Commands

(config) wccp tcp-promiscuous mask

(config) wccp router-list

(config) windows-domain

To configure Windows domain server options on a WAAS device, use the windows-domain global configuration command. To disable this feature, use the no form of this command.

windows-domain {administrative group {normal-user | super-user} groupname |
comment string | netbios-name name | password-server {hostname | ipaddress} |
realm kerberos-realm | wins-server {hostname | ipaddress} | workgroup name |
security ADS}

no windows-domain {administrative group {normal-user | super-user} groupname |
comment string | netbios-name | password-server {hostname | ipaddress} |
realm kerberos-realm | wins-server {hostname | ipaddress} | workgroup name |
security ADS}

Syntax Description


Sets administrative options.


Sets an administrative group name.


Sets the administrative group name for the normal user (privilege 0).


Sets the administrative group name for the superuser (privilege 15).


Name of the administrative group.

comment string

Specifies a comment for the Windows domain server. This is a text string.

netbios-name name

Specifies the NetBIOS name of the WAE. This name is provided when the Edge FE announces its availability for print services.


Specifies the password server used to verify a client password.


Hostname of the password server.


IP address of the password server.

realm kerberos-realm

Specifies the Kerberos realm to use for authentication. The realm is used as the Active Directory Service (ADS) equivalent of the NT4 domain. This argument is valid only when Kerberos ADS mode is used.

The value is an IP address or name (in uppercase letters) of the Kerberos realm. The Kerberos realm is typically set to the DNS name of the Kerberos server or Active Directory domain. The default value is a null string.

Example: kerberos-realm = MYBOX.MYCOMPANY.COM


Specifies the Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) server.


Hostname of the WINS server.


IP address of the WINS server.

workgroup name

Specifies the name of the workgroup (or domain) in which the WAAS device resides.


Sets Kerberos authentication.


Specifies the Active Directory Service.


Windows domain options are disabled by default.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use this global configuration command to set the Windows domain server parameters for a WAAS device.

When you enable Kerberos authentication, the default realm is DOMAIN.COM and the security is ADS. If you disable Kerberos authentication, the security is domain.

Note WAAS supports authentication by a Windows domain controller running only on Windows Server 2000 or Windows Server 2003.


The following example shows how to configure the Windows domain server at for an Edge FE with a NetBIOS name of myFileEngine in the ABD domain. It also identifies the password server:

WAE(config)# windows-domain wins-server
WAE(config)# windows-domain password-server
WAE(config)# windows-domain netbios-name myFileEngine
WAE(config)# windows-domain workgroup ABC

The following example shows how to configure the windows domain server when Kerberos authentication is enabled using the kerberos command:

WAE(config)# windows-domain realm ABC.COM
WAE(config)# windows security ADS

 =============== checking new config using testparm ===================

Load smb config files from /state/actona/conf/smb.conf
Processing section "[print$]"
Processing section "[printers]"
Loaded services file OK.

WAE(config)# exit
WAE# show windows-domain
  Login Authentication for Console/Telnet Session: enabled

  Windows domain Configuration:
    Comment: Comment:
    Realm: ABC
    WINS Server:
    Password Server:
    Security: ADS

Related Commands

(config) kerberos

show windows-domain
