- Index
- Preface
- Introduction to the Cisco WAAS Central Manager Monitoring API
- Device Configuration Service
- Traffic Acceleration Service
- Video Streaming Statistics Service
- HTTP Statistics Service
- MAPI Statistics Service
- NFS Statistics Service
- SSL Statistics Service
- CIFS Statistics service
- Events and Status Service
- Web Service Objects
Traffic Acceleration Service
This chapter describes the Traffic Acceleration service, which returns traffic and application statistics for individual WAEs, device groups, and for the WAAS network.
The Traffic Acceleration service (TrafficStats Web Service) performs one or more of the following actions:
Service URL: https://<host/ip>:8443/ws/TrafficStats
WSDL URL: https://<host/ip>:8443/ws/TrafficStats?wsdl
To obtain a description of all the operations and parameters for the TrafficStats service, submit a URL to the service with the suffix ?wsdl as follows:
To obtain management information using the Central Manager monitoring API, first call the service by using the service URL for this service as follows:
Next, submit a SOAP request written in XML format to retrieve the information.
The following example shows an XML-formatted SOAP request to perform the retrieveTrafficStats action. The request includes the input parameters for this particular action shown in bold. The next example shows the XML response that contains the output values for this action.
Example Request
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope">
- <soapenv:Header>
- <wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0. xsd">
- <wsse:UsernameToken>
<wsse:Password Type="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-username-token-profile-1.0#P asswordText">default</wsse:Password>
- <soapenv:Body>
- <ns2:retrieveTrafficStats xmlns:ns2="http://service.stats.ws.waas.cisco.com">
- <ns2:timeframe>
<ns5:endTime xmlns:ns5="http://util.ws.waas.cisco.com/xsd">2008-01-25T08:00:00.000Z</ns5:endTime>
<ns5:frequency xmlns:ns5="http://util.ws.waas.cisco.com/xsd">lastday</ns5:frequency>
<ns5:startTime xmlns:ns5="http://util.ws.waas.cisco.com/xsd">2008-01-25T08:00:00.000Z</ns5:startTime>
<ns5:timezone xmlns:ns5="http://util.ws.waas.cisco.com/xsd">UTC</ns5:timezone>
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope">
- <soapenv:Body>
- <ns:retrieveTrafficStatsResponse xmlns:ns="http://service.stats.ws.waas.cisco.com" xmlns:ax25="http://io.java/xsd" xmlns:ax24="http://rmi.java/xsd" xmlns:ax26="http://util.ws.waas.cisco.com/xsd" xmlns:ax27="http://stats.ws.waas.cisco.com/xsd">
- <ns:return type="com.cisco.waas.ws.stats.TrafficStats">
<ax27:applicationname xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:nil="true" />
. . . </ns:retrieveTrafficStatsResponse>
Retrieves the overall statistics collected on either a WAE device, WAEs within a device group, or all WAEs system wide.
Input Parameters
name |
A string that describes the name of the WAE, WAE group, or system. |
objType |
A string that describes the object type. Valid values include the following: • • • • • |
trafficType |
A string that describes the type of traffic. Valid values include the following: • • Note: trafficType is not used in filtering the data. |
direction |
A string that describes the direction of the traffic. Valid values include the following: • • • Note: direction is not used in filtering the data. |
timeframe |
A TimeFrameFilter value that includes the time interval, time zone, and frequency. |
The output parameter TrafficStats[] returns a TrafficStats value that provides an array of traffic statistics.
Retrieves a list of all types of applications known in the scope of the system.
Input Parameter
The keyword name requires a string that describes the name application. Note: The input parameter name is optional and is not used.
The output parameter MonitoredApps[] returns a list of all applicable application names and the monitoring status.
Retrieves overall traffic statistics collected on either a WAE device, WAEs within a device group, or all WAEs system wide. The traffic is further filtered based on the specified application names.
Input Parameters
name |
A string that describes the name of the WAE, WAE group, or system. Note: name is not used for filtering the data. |
objType |
A string that describes the object type. Valid values include the following: • • • • • |
trafficType |
A string that describes the type of traffic. Valid values include the following: • • Note: trafficType is not used for filtering the data. |
direction |
A string that describes the direction of the traffic. Valid values include the following: • • • Note: direction is not used for filtering the data. |
timeframe |
A TimeFrameFilter value that includes the time interval, time zone, and frequency. |
applicationName |
A string value that specifies an application. Each application should be specified in an <serv:appName> element. |
The output parameter TrafficStats[] returns a TrafficStats value that provides an array of traffic statistics.
Retrieves the CPU utilization information for a specified WAE.
Input Parameters
name |
A string that describes the name of the WAE, WAE group, or system. |
timeframe |
A TimeFrameFilter value that includes the time interval, time zone, and frequency. |
The output parameter CPUUtilizationStats[] returns a CPUUtilizationStats value that provides an array of CPU utilization statistics for various time points.
Retrieves overall connection details for the current time.
Input Parameters
The output parameter ConnectionStats[] returns a ConnectionStats value that provides a list of connections.
Retrieves overall connection trend details of applications collected on a device.
Input Parameters
name |
A string that describes the name of the device, device group, or system. |
objType |
A string that describes the object type. Valid values include the following: • • • • • • |
timeframe |
A TimeFrameFilter value that includes the time interval, time zone, and frequency. |
applicationName |
A string value that includes a comma-separated list of all required application names. |
The output parameter ConnectionTrendStats[] returns a ConnectionTrendStats value that provides connection trend details.
Retrieves the peak throughput values collected on a device.
Input Parameters
name |
A string that describes the name of the WAE, WAE group, or system. |
objType |
A string that describes the object type. Valid values include the following: • • • • |
timeframe |
A TimeFrameFilter value that includes the time interval, time zone, and frequency. |
applicationName |
A string value that includes a comma-separated list of all required application names. |
The output parameter PeakThroughPutStats[] returns a PeakThroughPutStats value for the traffic processed on the WAE device.
Retrieves the average throughput values collected on a device.
Input Parameters
name |
A string that describes the name of the WAE, WAE group, or system. |
objType |
A string that describes the object type. Valid values include the following: • • • • |
timeframe |
A TimeFrameFilter value that includes the time interval, time zone, and frequency. |
applicationName |
A string value that includes a comma-separated list of all required application names. |
The output parameter AverageThroughPutStats[] returns the AverageThroughPutStats value for the traffic processed on the WAE device.