EXEC Mode Commands

Use the EXEC mode for setting, viewing, and testing system operations. In general, the user EXEC commands allow you to connect to remote devices, change terminal line settings on a temporary basis, perform basic tests, and list system information.

The EXEC mode is divided into two access levels: user and privileged.

The user EXEC mode is used by local and general system administrators, while the privileged EXEC mode is used by the root administrator. Use the enable and disable commands to switch between the two levels. Access to the user-level EXEC command line requires a valid password.

The user-level EXEC commands are a subset of the privileged-level EXEC commands. The user-level EXEC prompt is the hostname followed by a right angle bracket (>). The prompt for the privileged-level EXEC command line is the pound sign (#). To execute an EXEC command, enter the command at the EXEC system prompt and press the Return key.

Note You can change the hostname using the hostname global configuration command.

The following example shows how to access the privileged-level EXEC command line from the user level:

WAE> enable

To leave EXEC mode, use the exit command at the system prompt:

WAE# exit


To change from one directory to another directory in the WAAS software, use the cd EXEC command.

cd directoryname

Syntax Description


Directory name.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use this command to navigate between directories and for file management. The directory name becomes the default prefix for all relative paths. Relative paths do not begin with a slash (/). Absolute paths begin with a slash (/).


The following example shows how to change to a directory using a relative path:

WAE(config)# cd local1

The following example shows how to change to a directory using an absolute path:

WAE(config)# cd /local1

Related Commands








clear arp-cache

To clear the ARP cache, use the clear arp-cache EXEC command.

clear arp-cache [ipaddress | interface {GigabitEthernet slot/port | PortChannel index | Standby grpNumber | TenGigabitEthernet slot/port | InlinePort slot/grpnumber {lan | wan}}]

Syntax Description


(Optional) ARP entries for the IP address.


(Optional) Clears all ARP entries on the designated interface.

GigabitEthernet slot/port

Clears the Gigabit Ethernet interface (slot/port).

PortChannel index

Clears the Port channel interface number (1-4).

Standby grpNumber

Clears the Standby group number (1-2).

TenGigabitEthernet slot/port

Clears the 10-Gigabit Ethernet interface (slot/port).

InlinePort slot/grpnumber {lan | wan}

Clears the inline port interface (slot/group). Specify lan for the LAN interface or wan for the WAN interface.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



The following example shows how to clear the ARP cache on the WAAS device:

WAE# clear arp-cache

Related Commands

license add

show interface

show license

show wccp

clear bmc

To clear the BMC logs and events, use the clear bmc EXEC command.

clear bmc [event-log]

Syntax Description


Clears BMC system events and logs.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example shows how to clear the entries recorded in the BMC system event log on the WAAS device:

WAE# clear bmc event-log

Related Commands

show bmc

clear cache

To clear cached objects, use the clear cache EXEC command.

clear cache {cifs | dre}

clear cache http-metadatacache https {conditional-response | redirect-response | unauthorized-response}

clear cache http-metadatacache {all | conditional-response | redirect-response | unauthorized-response} [url]

Syntax Description


Clears the CIFS cache.


Expires the DRE cache.


Clears cache entries for HTTPS metadata cache response types.


Clears cache entries for conditional responses (304).


Clears cache entries for redirect responses (301).


Clears cache entries for authorization required responses (401).


Clears the HTTP accelerator metadata cache.


Clears cache entries for all HTTP metadata cache response types.


Clears cache entries matching only the specified URL. If the URL string contains a question mark (?), it must be escaped with a preceding backslash (for example, \?).


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

After you use the clear cache dre command, the first 1 MB of data is not optimized. The Cisco WAAS software does not optimize the first 1 MB of data after a restart of the tcpproxy service. The data that is transmitted after the first 1 MB of data will be optimized according to the configured policy.

The clear cache dre command may cause the system to reboot, but you are asked to confirm before the command continues and you are given a chance to save any configuration changes that have been made to the running configuration.

The clear cache dre command does not delete the DRE cache contents but expires it by removing markers in the content to prevent reuse. If you want to delete the cache contents, use the disk delete-data-partitions command.


The following example shows how to clear the CIFS cached objects on the WAAS device:

WAE# clear cache cifs

The following example shows how to clear the HTTP metadata cache for conditional responses:

WAE# clear cache http-metadatacache conditional-response

Related Commands

license add

show cache http-metadatacache

show interface

show license

show wccp

clear cdp

To clear Cisco Discovery Protocol statistics, use the clear cdp EXEC command.

clear cdp {counters | table}

Syntax Description


Clears the CDP counters.


Clears the CDP tables.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example shows how to clear the CDP counter statistics on the WAAS device:

WAE# clear cdp counters

Related Commands

license add

show interface

show license

show wccp

clear cifs msg-signing-servers

To clear the list of message signing servers, use the clear cifs msg-signing-servers EXEC command.

clear cifs msg-signing-servers {all | list}

Syntax Description


Clears the full list of message signing servers.


Clears only those servers specified in the colon separated list. Specify servers by IP address or fully qualified domain name.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

This command operates only when the CIFS application accelerator is enabled.


The following example shows how to remove two message signing servers from the list:

WAE# clear cifs msg-signing-servers

Related Commands

show cifs

clear connection

To reset one or more connections, use the clear connection EXEC command.

clear connection [client-ip {ip_address | hostname} | client-port port | flow-id id | server-ip {ip_address | hostname} | server-port port]

Syntax Description


Resets the connections with the specified client IP address or hostname.


IP address of a client or server.


Hostname of a client or server.

client-port port

Resets the connections with the specified client port number. The port number is from 1 to 65535.

flow-id id

Resets the connection with the specified number identifier.


Resets the connections with the specified server IP address or hostname.

server-port port

Resets the connections with the specified server port number. The port number is from 1 to 65535.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example shows how to reset connection number 45 on the WAAS device:

WAE# clear connection flow-id 45

The following example shows how to reset connections with server port 80 on the WAAS device:

WAE# clear connection server-port 80

Related Commands

show statistics connection

clear dre

To clear DRE configurations, use the clear dre EXEC command.

clear dre auto-bypass [{ip_address | hostname} port ]

Syntax Description


(Optional) IP address of a server.


(Optional) Hostname of a server.


(Optional) A port number in the range from 1 to 65535.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes





The following example shows how to clear all DRE auto-bypass entries:

WAE# clear dre auto-bypass

The following example shows how to clear the DRE auto-bypass entry for a specific port on a specific server:

WAE# clear dre auto-bypass server 17

Related Commands

show dre

clear ip

To clear IP access list statistics, use the clear ip EXEC command.

clear ip access-list counters [acl-num | acl-name]

Syntax Description


Clears the access list statistical information.


Clears the IP access list counters.


(Optional) Counters for the specified access list, identified using a numeric identifier (standard access list: 1-99; extended access list: 100-199).


(Optional) Counters for the specified access list, identified using an alphanumeric identifier of up to 30 characters, beginning with a letter.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example shows how to clear the IP access list counters on the WAAS device:

WAE# clear ip access-list counters

Related Commands

license add

show interface

show license

show wccp

clear license

To clear licensing configuration, use the clear license EXEC command.

clear license [license-name]

Syntax Description


Name of the software license to remove. The following license names are supported:

Transport—Enables basic DRE, TFO, and LZ optimization.

Enterprise—Enables the EPM, HTTP, MAPI, NFS, SSL, CIFS, and Windows Print application accelerators, the WAAS Central Manager, and basic DRE, TFO, and LZ optimization. You cannot remove this license if the video or virtualization licenses are installed. You must remove both of those licenses first.

Video—Enables the video application accelerator.

Virtual-Blade—Enables the virtualization feature.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example shows how to clear the licensing configuration on the WAAS device:

WAE# clear license

Related Commands

license add

show interface

show license

show wccp

clear logging

To clear syslog messages saved in a disk file, use the clear logging EXEC command.

clear logging

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The clear logging command removes all current entries from the syslog.txt file but does not make an archive of the file. It puts a "Syslog cleared" message in the syslog.txt file to indicate that the syslog has been cleared.


The following example shows how to clear all entries in the syslog.txt file on the WAAS device:

WAE# clear logging
Feb 14 12:17:18 WAE# exec_clear_logging:Syslog cleared

Related Commands

license add

show interface

show license

show wccp

clear service-policy

To clear class map and policy map counters for AppNav and optimization policies, use the clear service-policy EXEC command.

clear service-policy [type {appnav | waas}] counters

Syntax Description


Specifies the type of counters to clear.


Clears AppNav class map and policy map counters.


Clears WAAS optimization class map and policy map counters.


Clears the class map and policy map counters.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

When specified without the type keyword, this command clears counters for both AppNav and WAAS optimization class maps and policy maps.


The following example shows how to clear both AppNav and WAAS optimization class map and policy map counters:

WAE# clear service-policy counters

The following example shows how to clear only AppNav class map and policy map counters:

WAE# clear service-policy type appnav counters

Related Commands

show class-map

show policy-map

show statistics class-map

show statistics policy-sub-class

clear statistics

To reset statistics data, use the clear statistics EXEC command.

clear statistics {all | aoim | appnav-controller all | authentication | auto-discovery {all | blacklist} | class-map{appnav | waas} | datamover | directed-mode | dre [global] | filtering |
flow monitor tcpstat-v1 | generic-gre | icmp | inline | ip | pass-through | peer dre | punt | radius | service-insertion {appnav-controller ip_address | appnav-controller-group | data-path | service-context | service-node ip_address | service-node-group name} | snmp | synq | tacacs | tcp | tfo | udp | wccp | windows-domain | windows-print}

Syntax Description


Clears all statistics.


Clears all of the application accelerator information manager statistics.

appnav-controller all

Clears all of the AppNav Controller statistics.


Clears authentication statistics.


Clears the auto-discovery statistics.


Clears the auto-discovery statistics for the blacklist.


Clears all class map statistics.


Clears all statistics for AppNav class maps.


Clears all statistics for WAAS class maps.


Clears all of the data mover statistics.


Clears the directed mode statistics.


Clears the Data Redundancy Elimination (DRE) statistics.


(Optional Clears the global DRE statistics.


Clears the filter table statistics.


Clears the network traffic flow statistics.


Clears the monitor flow performance statistics.


Clears the tcpstat-v1 collector statistics.


Clears the generic GRE statistics.


Clears the ICMP statistics.


Clears the inline interception statistics.


Clears the IP statistics.


Clears all of the pass-through statistics.

peer dre

Clears all peer DRE statistics.


Clears all the punt statistics.


Clears the RADIUS statistics.


Clears AppNav service-insertion statistics.

appnav-controller ip_address

Clears statistics for the AppNav Controller with the specified IP address.


Clears statistics for the AppNav Controller group.


Clears statistics for the data path.


Clears statistics for the service context.

service-node ip_address

Clears statistics for the service node (WN) with the specified IP address.

service-node-group name

Clears statistics for the service node group (WNG) with the specified name.


Clears the SNMP statistics.


Clears the SynQ module statistics.


Clears the TACACS+ statistics.


Clears the TCP statistics.


Clears the TCP flow optimization (TFO) statistics.


Clears the UDP statistics.


Clears all of the WCCP statistics.


Clears the Windows domain statistics.


Clears all of the Windows print statistics.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




Usage Guidelines

The clear statistics command clears all statistical counters from the parameters given. Use this command to monitor fresh statistical data for some or all features without losing cached objects or configurations.

Not all command options are applicable for a device in central-manager mode.


The following example shows how to clear all authentication, RADIUS and TACACS+ information on the WAAS device:

WAE# clear statistics radius
WAE# clear statistics tacacs
WAE# clear statistics authentication

Related Commands

clear statistics accelerator

clear statistics connection

clear statistics accelerator

To clear all global statistics, use the clear statistics accelerator EXEC command.

clear statistics accelerator {cifs | epm | generic | http | mapi | nfs | ssl | video}

Syntax Description


Clears the statistics for the CIFS application accelerator.


Clears the statistics for the EPM application accelerator.


Clears the statistics for generic accelerator.


Clears the statistics for the HTTP application accelerator.


Clears the statistics for the MAPI application accelerator.


Clears the statistics for the NFS application accelerator.


Clears the statistics for the SSL application accelerator.


Clears the statistics for the video application accelerator.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



The following example shows how to clear the statistics for the CIFS application accelerator on the WAAS device:

WAE# clear statistics accelerator cifs

Related Commands

clear statistics

clear statistics connection

clear statistics connection

To clear connection statistics, use the clear statistics connection EXEC command.

clear statistics connection conn-id connection_id

clear statistics connection optimized [client-ip {ip_address | hostname} | client-port port | {cifs | epm | http | ica | mapi | nfs | smb | ssl | tfo | video | wansecure} dre | peer-id peer_id | server-ip {ip_address | hostname} | server-port port]

Syntax Description

conn-id connection_id

Clears connection statistics for the connection with the specified number identifier.


Clears connection statistics for optimized connections.


(Optional) Clears connection statistics for the client with the specified IP address or hostname.


IP address of a client or server.


Hostname of a client or server.

client-port port

(Optional) Clears the connection statistics for the client with the specified port number. The port number is from 1 to 65535.


(Optional) Clears connection statistics for connections optimized by the CIFS application accelerator.


(Optional) Clears connection statistics for connections optimized by the EPM application accelerator.


(Optional) Clears connection statistics for connections optimized by the HTTP application accelerator.


(Optional) Clears connection statistics for connections optimized by the ICA application accelerator.


(Optional) Clears connection statistics for connections optimized by the MAPI application accelerator.


(Optional) Clears connection statistics for connections optimized by the NFS application accelerator.


(Optional) Clears connection statistics for connections optimized by the SMB application accelerator.


(Optional) Clears connection statistics for connections optimized by the SSL application accelerator.


(Optional) Clears connection statistics for connections optimized by the TFO application accelerator.


(Optional) Clears connection statistics for connections optimized by the video application accelerator.


(Optional) Clears connection statistics for connections optimized by the WAN secure application accelerator.


(Optional) Clears connection statistics for connections optimized by the DRE feature.

peer-id peer_id

(Optional) Clears the connection statistics for the peer with the specified identifier. The peer ID is from 0 to 4294967295.


(Optional) Clears the connection statistics for the server with the specified IP address or hostname.

server-port port

(Optional) Clears the connection statistics for the server with the specified port number. The port number is from 1 to 65535.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



The following example shows how to clear the connection 1 statistics on the WAAS device:

WAE# clear statistics connection conn-id 1

Related Commands

clear statistics

clear statistics accelerator

clear statistics monitor appnav-controller traffic

To clear traffic monitoring statistics for an AppNav Controller Interface Module, use the clear statistics monitor appnav-controller traffic EXEC command.

clear statistics monitor appnav-controller traffic

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



The following example shows how to clear the traffic monitoring statistics:

ANC# clear statistics monitor appnav-controller traffic

Related Commands

monitor appnav-controller traffic

show statistics monitor appnav-controller traffic

clear statistics vn-service vpath

To clear VPATH statistics for your vWAAS device, use the clear statistics vn-service vpath EXEC command.

clear statistics vn-service vpath

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The clear statistics vn-service vpath command removes all current entries from the syslog.txt file but does not make an archive of the file. It puts a "Syslog cleared" message in the syslog.txt file to indicate that the syslog has been cleared.


The following example shows how to clear all VPATH entries in the syslog.txt file on the vWAAS device:

WAE# clear statistics vn-service vpath

Related Commands

show statistics vn-service vpath

(config) vn-service vpath

clear transaction-log

To archive a working transaction log file, use the clear transaction-log EXEC command.

clear transaction-log {accelerator | flow}

Syntax Description


Clears the accelerator transaction log file.


Clears the TFO transaction log.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



The following example shows how to archive the flow transaction log file on the WAAS device:

WAE# clear transaction-log flow

Related Commands

license add

show interface

show license

show wccp

clear users

To clear user connections or to unlock users that have been locked out, use the clear users EXEC command.

clear users [administrative | locked-out {all | username username}]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Clears the connections (logins) of administrative users authenticated through a remote login service.


(Optional) Unlocks specified locked-out user accounts.


Specifies all user accounts.

username username

Specifies the account username.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The clear users administrative command clears the connections for all administrative users who are authenticated through a remote login service, such as TACACS. This command does not affect an administrative user who is authenticated through the local database. Only locally authenticated administrative users can run this command.

The clear users locked-out command unlocks user accounts that have been locked out. If a strong password policy is enabled (see the (config) authentication strict-password-policy command) a user account will be locked out if the user fails three consecutive login attempts. (This restriction does not apply to the admin account.)


The following example shows how to clear the connections of all authenticated users:

WAE(config)# clear users

The following example shows how to clear the connections of all administrative users authenticated through a remote login service (it does not affect administrative users authenticated through the local database):

WAE(config)# clear users administrative

The following example shows how to unlock all locked-out user accounts:

WAE(config)# clear users locked-out all

The following example shows how to unlock the account for username darcy:

WAE(config)# clear users locked-out username darcy

Related Commands

clear arp-cache

(config) authentication strict-password-policy

clear windows-domain

To clear Windows domain server information for a WAAS device, use the clear windows-domain EXEC command.

clear windows-domain encryption-service blacklist {identity tagName | service spn}

Syntax Description

identity tagName

Clears identity information.

service spn

Clears service information.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




Usage Guidelines

Use the clear windows-domain EXEC command to clear Windows domain server information.


The following example shows how to clear the Windows domain server information:

WAE(config)# clear windows-domain encryption-service blacklist identity some-id

Related Commands

show windows-domain

clear windows-domain-log

To clear the Windows domain server log file, use the clear windows-domain-log EXEC command.

clear windows-domain-log

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example shows how to clear all entries in the Windows domain log file on the WAAS device:

WAE# clear windows-domain-log

Related Commands

license add

show interface

show license

show wccp


To set clock functions or update the calendar, use the clock EXEC command.

clock {read-calendar | set time day month year | update-calendar}

Syntax Description


Reads the calendar and updates the system clock.

set time day month year

Sets the time and date. Current time in hh:mm:ss format (hh: 00-23; mm: 00-59; ss: 00-59). Day of the month (1-31). Month of the year (January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December). Year (1993-2035).


Updates the calendar with the system clock.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

If you have an outside source on your network that provides time services (such as a NTP server), you do not need to set the system clock manually. When setting the clock, enter the local time. The WAAS device calculates the UTC based on the time zone set by the clock timezone global configuration command.

Two clocks exist in the system: the software clock and the hardware clock. The software uses the software clock. The hardware clock is used only at bootup to initialize the software clock.

The set keyword sets the software clock.


The following example shows how to set the software clock on the WAAS device:

WAE# clock set 13:32:00 01 February 2005

Related Commands

show clock


To configure the Centralized Management System (CMS) embedded database parameters for a WAAS device, use the cms EXEC command.

cms {config-sync | deregister [force] | lcm {enable | disable} | maintenance {full | regular} | recover {identity word} | restore filename | validate}

cms database {backup | create | delete | downgrade [script filename]}

Syntax Description


Sets the node to synchronize configuration with the WAAS Central Manager.


Removes the device registration record and its configuration on the WAAS Central Manager.


(Optional) Forces the removal of the node registration. This option is available only on WAEs and the standby Central Manager. If disk encryption is enabled, it is disabled and encrypted file systems are erased after a reload.


Configures local/central management on a WAAS device that is registered with the WAAS Central Manager.


Enables synchronization of the WAAS network configuration of the device with the local CLI configuration.


Disables synchronization of the WAAS network configuration of the device with the local CLI configuration.


Cleans and reindexes the embedded database tables.


Specifies a full maintenance routine for the embedded database tables.


Specifies a regular maintenance routine for the embedded database tables.


Recovers the identity of a WAAS device.

identity word

Specifies the identity of the recovered device (identification key set on the Central Manager).

restore filename

Restores the database management tables using the backup local filename.


Validates the database files.


Creates, backs up, deletes, restores, or validates the CMS-embedded database management tables or files.


Backs up the database management tables.


Creates the embedded database management tables.


Deletes the embedded database files.


Downgrades the CMS database.

script filename

(Optional) Downgrades the CMS database by applying a downgrade script (filename).


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use the cms config-sync command to enable registered WAAS devices and standby WAAS Central Manager to contact the primary WAAS Central Manager immediately for a getUpdate (get configuration poll) request before the default polling interval of 5 minutes. For example, when a node is registered with the primary WAAS Central Manager and activated, it appears as Pending in the WAAS Central Manager GUI until it sends a getUpdate request. The cms config-sync command causes the registered node to send a getUpdate request at once, and the status of the node changes as Online.

Use the cms database create command to initialize the CMS database for a device that is already registered with the WAAS Central Manager. Then use the cms enable command to enable the CMS. For a device that is not registered with a WAAS Central Manager, use only the cms enable command to initialize the CMS database tables, register the node, and enable the CMS.

Note For a vWAAS device, the model type must be configured before enabling management services.

Before a node can join a WAAS network, it must first be registered and then activated. Activate the node by using the WAAS Central Manager GUI.

The cms deregister command removes the node from the WAAS network by deleting registration information and database tables.

The cms deregister force command forces the removal of the node from the WAAS network by deleting registration information and database tables. If disk encryption is enabled on the device, it is disabled after you confirm this action. All data in encrypted file systems and imported certificates and private keys for the SSL accelerator are lost after a reload.

To back up the existing management database for the WAAS Central Manager, use the cms database backup command. For database backups, specify the following items:

Location, password, and user ID

Dump format in PostgreSQL plain text syntax

The naming convention for backup files includes the time stamp and the WAAS version number.

After the backup is complete, use the copy disk ftp command to move the backup file to a remote system.

Note For information on the procedure to back up and restore the CMS database on the WAAS Central Manager, see the Cisco Wide Area Application Services Configuration Guide.

Note Do not run multiple instances of the cms database backup command simultaneously on a device. If a backup is in progress, you must wait for it to finish before using the command again.

When you use the cms recover identity word command when recovering lost registration information, or replacing a failed node with a new node that has the same registration information, you must specify the device recovery key that you configured in the Modifying Config Property, System.device.recovery.key window of the WAAS Central Manager GUI.

Note All CMS-related commands are disabled when running the cms restore command.

Use the lcm command to configure local/central management (LCM) on a WAE. The LCM feature allows settings that are configured using the device CLI or GUI to be stored as part of the WAAS network-wide configuration data (enable or disable).

When you enter the cms lcm enable command, the CMS process running on WAEs and the standby WAAS Central Manager detects the configuration changes that you made on these devices using CLIs and sends the changes to the primary WAAS Central Manager.

When you enter the cms lcm disable command, the CMS process running on the WAEs and the standby WAAS Central Manager does not send the CLI changes to the primary WAAS Central Manager. Settings configured using the device CLIs will not be sent to the primary WAAS Central Manager.

If LCM is disabled, the settings configured through the WAAS Central Manager GUI will overwrite the settings configured from the WAEs; however, this rule applies only to those local device settings that have been overwritten by the WAAS Central Manager when you have configured the local device settings. If you (as the local CLI user) change the local device settings after the particular configuration has been overwritten by the WAAS Central Manager, the local device configuration will be applicable until the WAAS Central Manager requests a full device statistics update from the WAEs (clicking the Force full database update button from the Device Dashboard window of the WAAS Central Manager GUI triggers a full update). When the WAAS Central Manager requests a full update from the device, the WAAS Central Manager settings will overwrite the local device settings.


The following example shows how to back up the cms database management tables on the WAAS Central Manager named waas-cm:

waas-cm# cms database backup 
creating backup file with label `backup'
backup file local1/acns-db-9-22-2002-17-36.dump is ready. use `copy' commands to move the 
backup file to a remote host.

The following example shows how to validate the cms database management tables on the WAAS Central Manager named waas-cm:

waas-cm# cms database validate 
Management tables are valid

Related Commands

(config) cms

show cms

cms secure-store

To configure secure store encryption, use the cms secure-store EXEC commands.

cms secure-store {init | open | change | clear | reset | mode{user-passphrase | auto-passphrase}}

Syntax Description


Initializes secure store encryption on the WAE device and opens the secure store. This option is valid only on WAE devices.


Activates secure store encryption (the WAAS device encrypts the stored data using secure store encryption). On WAEs, secure store encryption must already be initialized using the cms secure-store init command.

This option is valid on all types of devices. On the Central Manager, this command is valid only when in user-provided passphrase mode and it prompts you to enter the secure store encryption pass phrase.


Changes the secure store encryption pass phrase and encryption key. On the Central Manager, this command prompts you to enter the current pass phrase, new pass phrase, and confirm the new pass phrase. The WAAS device uses the pass phrase to generate the encryption key for secure disk encryption.
After this option is used, the Central Manager is in user-provided passphrase mode.
This option is valid only on the primary Central Manager and WAE devices.


Disables secure store encryption. This option is valid only on WAE devices.


Resets secure store to the uninitialized state. You must initialize but not open secure store encryption and you must be in user-provided passphrase mode, to use this option. This option is valid only on primary Central Manager devices.


Sets the secure store mode of opening. This option is valid only on primary Central Manager devices.


Sets secure store to require a user-provided pass phrase to open after a reboot.


Sets secure store to automatically open after a reboot by using a unique system-generated pass phrase.


A new Central Manager is configured for auto-generated passphrase mode with the secure store open.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Secure store encryption provides strong encryption and key management for your WAAS system. The WAAS Central Manager and WAE devices use secure store encryption for handling passwords, managing encryption keys, and for data encryption.

On a new Central Manager, secure store is initialized and open and in auto-generated passphrase mode. The only options are to change the pass phrase (which sets the secure store to user-provided passphrase mode) or to change to user-provided passphrase mode. To change to user-provided passphrase mode, use the cms secure-store mode user-passphrase command.

For secure store on the Central Manager, the data is encrypted using a key encryption key generated from the pass phrase with SHA-1 hashing and an AES 256-bit algorithm. When you enable secure store on a WAE device, the data is encrypted using a 256-bit key encryption key generated by SecureRandom, a cryptographically strong pseudorandom number. You can use your own password to enable secure store, but it is not necessary in auto-generated passphrase mode (the default), where the Central Manager generates a unique password automatically. A user-supplied password must conform to the following rules:

Be 8 to 64 characters in length

Contain characters only from the allowed set: A-Za-z0-9~%'!#$^&*()|;:,"<>/

Contain at least one digit

Contain at least one lowercase and one uppercase letter

If you are using the user-provided passphrase mode, when you reboot the Central Manager, you must manually reopen secure store using the cms secure-store open command. Until you open the secure store, a critical alarm is displayed on the Central Manager and services that use encryption (such as the SSL application accelerator) are not available. If you are using the auto-generated passphrase mode (the default), the Central Manager automatically opens the secure store after a reboot by using its own generated pass phrase.

The secure store passphrase mode on the primary Central Manager is replicated to the standby Central Manager (within the standard replication time). If the primary Central Manager is switched to auto-generated passphrase mode, the standby Central Manager secure store changes to the open state. If the primary Central Manager is switched to user-provided passphrase mode or the passphrase is changed, the standby Central Manager secure store changes to the initialized but not open state and an alarm is raised. You must manually open the secure store on the standby Central Manager.

When you enable secure store on a WAE, the WAE initializes and retrieves a new encryption key from the Central Manager. The WAE uses this key to encrypt user passwords, CIFS preposition and dynamic share credentials, and CIFS password credentials stored on the WAE. When you reboot the WAE after enabling secure store, the WAE retrieves the key from the Central Manager automatically, allowing normal access to the data that is stored in the WAAS persistent storage. If key retrieval fails, an alarm is raised and secure store will be in the initialized but not open state. You must open secure store manually.

If you have made any other CLI configuration changes on a WAE within the datafeed poll rate time interval (5 minutes by default) before you entered the cms secure-store command, you will lose those prior configuration changes and you will need to redo them.

Use the cms secure-store reset command if you reload a Central Manager that is configured in user-provided passphrase mode and you forget the secure store password. This command deletes all encrypted data, certificate and key files, and key manager keys. The secure store is left in the open state using auto-generated passphrase mode. For the complete procedure for resetting the secure store, see the "Resetting Secure Store Encryption on a Central Manager" section on page 9-17 in the Cisco Wide Area Application Services Configuration Guide.


The following example shows how to change the pass phrase mode of the secure store encryption on the WAAS Central Manager:

waas-cm# cms secure-store mode user-passphrase
Stopping cms.
Do you wish to switch to User-provided passphrase mode? [yes]/no :y
The passphrase must adhere to the following rules
* 1) Must be between 8 to 64 characters in length                 *
* 2) Allowed character set is A-Za-z0-9~%'!#$^&*()|;:,"<>/*
* 3) Must contain at least one digit                              *
* 4) Must contain at least one lowercase and one uppercase letter *
Enter new passphrase:
Confirm passphrase:
Starting cms.

Related CommandsRelated Commands

show cms secure-store


To enter global configuration mode, use the configure EXEC command. You must be in global configuration mode to enter global configuration commands.


To exit global configuration mode, use the end or exit commands. You can also press Ctrl-Z to exit from global configuration mode.

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes





The following example shows how to enable global configuration mode on a WAAS device:

WAE# configure 

Related Commands

(config) end

(config) exit

show running-config

show startup-config

copy cdrom

To copy software release files from a CD-ROM, use the copy cdrom EXEC command.

copy cdrom install filedir filename

Syntax Description

install filedir filename

Installs the software release from the directory location and filename specified.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes





The following example shows how to copy a software release file from a CD-ROM:

WAE# copy cdrom install 

Related Commands



show running-config

show startup-config


copy cdrom wow-recovery

To recover Windows on WAAS on a virtual blade from a CD, use the copy cdrom wow-recovery EXEC command.

copy cdrom wow-recovery filedir filename

Syntax Description

wow-recovery filedir filename

Recovers Windows on WAAS installation files on the virtual blade from the directory location and Windows filename.


No default behaviors or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use the copy cdrom wow-recovery command to recover the Windows on WAAS system files of a virtual blade. This command allows you to recover Windows on your virtual blade while the WAAS software is running, without having to restart your WAE device.

This command is available only on platforms that have a CD-ROM drive. For platforms without a CD-ROM drive, use the copy usb wow-recovery EXEC command.


The following example shows how to recover Windows on a virtual blade from a CD:

WAE# copy cdrom wow-recovery WoW_RECOVERY

Related Commands

copy ftp

copy cdrom

copy usb


(config) virtual-blade

copy compactflash

To copy software release files from a CompactFlash card, use the copy compactflash EXEC command.

copy compactflash install filename

Syntax Description

install filename

Installs a software release from an image filename.


No default behaviors or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes





The following example shows how to copy a software release file from a CompactFlash card:

WAE# copy compactflash install

Related Commands



show running-config

show startup-config


copy disk

To copy the configuration or image data from a disk to a remote location using FTP or to the startup configuration, use the copy disk EXEC command.

copy disk {ftp {hostname | ip-address} remotefiledir remotefilename localfilename | startup-config filename}

Syntax Description


Copies to a file on an FTP server.


Hostname of the FTP server.


IP address of the FTP server.


Directory on the FTP server to which the local file is copied.


Name of the local file once it has been copied to the FTP server.


Name of the local file to be copied.

startup-config filename

Copies the existing configuration file from the disk to the startup configuration (NVRAM).


No default behaviors or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




Usage Guidelines

Use the copy disk ftp EXEC command to copy files from a SYSFS partition to an FTP server. Use the copy disk startup-config EXEC command to copy a startup-configuration file to NVRAM.


The following example shows how to copy a startup-configuration file to NVRAM:

WAE# copy disk startup-config

Related Commands



show running-config

show startup-config


copy ftp

To copy software configuration or image data from an FTP server, use the copy ftp EXEC command.

copy ftp disk {hostname | ip-address} remotefiledir remotefilename localfilename

copy ftp install {hostname | ip-address} remotefiledir remotefilename

copy ftp virtual-blade vb_num disk vb_disk {hostname | ip-address} remotefiledir remotefilename

copy ftp wow-recovery {hostname | ip-address} remotefiledir remotefilename

Syntax Description


Copies a file to a local disk.


Hostname of the specific server.


IP address of the specific server.


Directory on the FTP server where the image file to be copied is located.


Name of the file to be copied.


Name of the copied file as it appears on the local disk.


Copies the file from an FTP server and installs the software release or firmware file to the local device.

virtual-blade vb_num

Specifies the virtual blade number of the virtual blade disk image to copy to.

disk vb_disk

Specifies the virtual blade disk number of the virtual blade disk image to copy to.


Recovers the Windows operating system for use on a virtual blade.


No default behaviors or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




Usage Guidelines

Use the copy ftp disk EXEC command to copy a file from an FTP server to a SYSFS partition on the WAAS device. To show progress, this command prints a number sign (#) for each 1 MB of data that is copied.

Use the copy ftp install EXEC command to install an image file from an FTP server on a WAAS device. Part of the image goes to a disk and part goes to flash memory. This command can also be used to install a BIOS or other firmware update by specifying the appropriate update file.

You can also use the copy ftp install EXEC command to redirect your transfer to a different location. A username and a password have to be authenticated with a primary domain controller (PDC) before the transfer of the software release file to the WAAS device is allowed.

Use the copy ftp wow-recovery EXEC command to copy a Windows operating system image from an FTP server to a virtual blade partition on the WAAS device.

To show progress, this command prints a number sign (#) for each 1 MB of data that is copied.


The following example shows how to copy an image file from an FTP server and install the file on the local device:

WAE# copy ftp install cisco/waas/4.1 WAAS-4.1.1-k9.bin
Enter username for remote ftp server:biff
Enter password for remote ftp server:*****
Initiating FTP download...
printing one # per 1MB downloaded
Sending:USER biff FTP server (Version) Mon Feb 28 10:30:36 EST
2000) ready.
Password required for biff.
Sending:PASS ***** 
User biff logged in.
Sending:TYPE I
Type set to I.
Entering Passive Mode (128,107,193,244,55,156)
Sending:CWD //ftp-sj.cisco.com/cisco/waas/4.0
CWD command successful.
Sending PASV
Entering Passive Mode (128,107,193,244,55,156)
Sending:RETR WAAS-4.1.1-k9.bin
Opening BINARY mode data connection for ruby.bin (87376881 bytes).
writing flash component:
The new software will run after you reload.

The following example shows how to upgrade the BIOS. All output is written to a separate file (/local1/.bios_upgrade.txt) for traceability. The hardware-dependent files that are downloaded from Cisco.com for the BIOS upgrade are automatically deleted from the WAAS device after the BIOS upgrade procedure has been completed.

WAE# copy ftp install upgradeserver /bios/update53/derived/ bios.bin
Enter username for remote ftp server:myusername
Enter password for remote ftp server:*****
Initiating FTP download...
Primary BIOS flashed successfully
Cleanup BIOS related files that were downloaded....
The new software will run after you reload.

The following example shows how to copy a Windows image file from an FTP server and install the file on the virtual blade:

WAE# copy ftp wow-recovery /cisco/waas/4.1 windows.iso
Enter username for remote ftp server:biff
Enter password for remote ftp server:*****
Initiating FTP download...

Related Commands



show running-config

show startup-config


copy http

To copy configuration or image files from an HTTP server to the WAAS device, use the copy http EXEC command.

copy http install {hostname | ip-address}remotefiledir remotefilename [port portnum] [proxy proxy_portnum] [username username password]

Syntax Description


Copies the file from an HTTP server and installs the software release file to the local device.


Name of the HTTP server.


IP address of the HTTP server.


Remote file directory.


Remote filename.

port portnum

(Optional) Specifies the port number (1-65535) to connect to the HTTP server (the default is 80).

proxy proxy_portnum

(Optional) Allows the request to be redirected to an HTTP proxy server. HTTP proxy server port number (1-65535).

username username password

(Optional) Specifies the username and password to access the HTTP proxy server.


HTTP server port: 80

Command Modes


Device Modes




Usage Guidelines

Use the copy http install EXEC command to install an image file from an HTTP server and install it on a WAAS device. It transfers the image from an HTTP server to the WAAS device using HTTP as the transport protocol and installs the software on the device. Part of the image goes to a disk and part goes to flash memory. Use the copy http central EXEC command to download a software image into the repository from an HTTP server.

You can also use the copy http install EXEC commands to redirect your transfer to a different location or HTTP proxy server by specifying the proxy hostname | ip-address option. A username and a password have to be authenticated with a primary domain controller (PDC) before the transfer of the software release file to the WAAS device is allowed.


The following example shows how to copy an image file from an HTTP server and install the file on the WAAS device:

WAE# copy http install //ftp-sj.cisco.com/cisco/waas/4.0 WAAS-4.0.0-k9.bin
Enter username for remote ftp server:biff
Enter password for remote ftp server:*****
Initiating FTP download...
printing one # per 1MB downloaded
Sending:USER biff FTP server (Version) Mon Feb 28 10:30:36 EST
2000) ready.
Password required for biff.
Sending:PASS ***** 
User biff logged in.
Sending:TYPE I
Type set to I.
Entering Passive Mode (128,107,193,244,55,156)
Sending:CWD //ftp-sj.cisco.com/cisco/waas/4.0
CWD command successful.
Sending PASV
Entering Passive Mode (128,107,193,244,55,156)
Sending:RETR WAAS-4.0.0-k9.bin
Opening BINARY mode data connection for ruby.bin (87376881 bytes).
writing flash component:
The new software will run after you reload.

The following example shows how to upgrade the BIOS. All output is written to a separate file (/local1/.bios_upgrade.txt) for traceability. The hardware-dependent files that are downloaded from Cisco.com for the BIOS upgrade are automatically deleted from the WAAS device after the BIOS upgrade procedure has been completed.

WAE# copy ftp install upgradeserver /bios/update53/derived/ bios.bin
Enter username for remote ftp server:myusername
Enter password for remote ftp server:*****
Initiating FTP download...

Related Commands



show running-config

show startup-config


copy monitoring-log

To copy SMB statistics data to the local disk or an FTP server, use the copy monitoring-log EXEC command.

copy monitoring-log {disk filename | ftp {hostname | ip-address} remotefiledir remotefilename}

Syntax Description

disk filename

Copies the statistics in CSV format to the specified local disk file in the /local/local1 directory.


Copies the statistics in CSV format to the specified remote file on an FTP server.


Name of the FTP server.


IP address of the FTP server.


Remote file directory.


Remote filename.


No default behaviors or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




Usage Guidelines

Use this command to write the last 14 days of statistics data that has been collected by the stats-collector logging global configuration command. The data is written as a CSV file compressed in tar archive format.


The following example shows how to copy statistics data to an FTP server:

WAE# copy monitoring-log ftp mydir mystats

Related Commands

(config) stats-collector logging

copy running-config

To copy a configuration or image data from the current configuration, use the copy running-config EXEC command.

copy running-config {disk filename | startup-config | tftp {hostname | ip-address} remotefilename}

Syntax Description

disk filename

Copies the current system configuration to a disk file. Specify the name of the file to be created on a disk.


Copies the running configuration to startup configuration (NVRAM).


Copies the running configuration to a file on a TFTP server.


Hostname of the TFTP server.


IP address of the TFTP server.


Remote filename of the configuration file to be created on the TFTP server. Use the complete pathname.


No default behaviors or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




Usage Guidelines

Use the copy running-config EXEC command to copy the running system configuration of the WAAS device to a SYSFS partition, flash memory, or TFTP server. The copy running-config startup-config EXEC command is equivalent to the write memory EXEC command.


The following example shows how to copy the current system configuration to startup configuration (NVRAM):

WAE# copy running-config startup-config

Related Commands



show running-config

show startup-config


copy startup-config

To copy configuration or image data from the startup configuration, use the copy startup-config EXEC command.

copy startup-config {disk filename | running-config | tftp {hostname | ip-address} remotefilename}

Syntax Description

disk filename

Copies the startup configuration to a disk file. Specify the name of the startup configuration file to be copied to the local disk.


Copies the startup configuration to running configuration.


Copies the startup configuration to a file on a TFTP server.


Hostname of the TFTP server.


IP address of the TFTP server.


Remote filename of the startup configuration file to be created on the TFTP server. Use the complete pathname.


No default behaviors or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




Usage Guidelines

Use the copy startup-config EXEC command to copy the startup configuration file to a TFTP server or to a SYSFS partition.


The following example shows how to copy the startup configuration file to the running configuration:

WAE# copy startup-config running-config

Related Commands



show running-config

show startup-config


copy sysreport

To copy system troubleshooting information from the device, use the copy sysreport EXEC command.

copy sysreport disk filename [start-date {day month | month day} year [end-date {day month | month day} year]]

copy sysreport ftp {hostname | ip-address} remotedirectory remotefilename [start-date {day month | month day} year [end-date {day month | month day} year]]

copy sysreport tftp {hostname | ip-address} remotefilename} [start-date {day month | month day} year [end-date {day month | month day} year]]

copy sysreport usb filename [start-date {day month | month day} year [end-date {day month | month day} year]]

Syntax Description

disk filename

Copies system information to a disk file. Specify the name of the file to be created on a disk. Note that .tar.gz is appended to the filename that you specify.


Copies system information to a FTP server.


Hostname of the server.


IP address of the server.


Remote directory where the system information file is to be created on the server.


Remote filename of the system information file to be created on the server.


Copies system information to a TFTP server.


(Optional) Specifies the start date of the information in the generated system report.

day month

Start date day of the month (1-31) and month of the year (January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December). You can alternately specify the month first, followed by the day.


Start date year (1993-2035).


(Optional) Specifies the end date of information in the generated system report. If omitted, this date defaults to today. The report includes files through the end of this day.

usb filename

Copies system information to a USB flash drive installed in a WAVE-294/594/694/7541/7571/8541 device. Specify the name of the file to be created on the USB flash drive. Note that .tar.gz is appended to the filename that you specify.


If end-date is not specified, today is used.

Command Modes


Device Modes




Usage Guidelines

The copy sysreport command consumes significant CPU and disk resources and can adversely affect system performance while it is running.


The following example shows how to copy system information to the file mysysinfo on the local WAAS device:

WAE# copy sysreport disk mysysinfo start-date 1 April 2006 end-date April 30 2006

The following example shows how to copy system information by FTP to the file foo in the root directory of the FTP server named myserver:

WAE# copy sysreport ftp myserver / foo start-date 1 April 2006 end-date April 30 2006

Related Commands

show running-config

show startup-config

copy system-status

To copy status information from the system for debugging, use the copy system-status EXEC command.

copy system-status disk filename

Syntax Description

disk filename

Specifies the name of the file to be created on the disk.


No default behaviors or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




Usage Guidelines

Use the copy system-status EXEC command to create a file on a SYSFS partition that contains hardware and software status information.


The following example shows how to copy the system status to a disk file:

WAE# copy system-status disk file1

Related Commands



show running-config

show startup-config


copy tech-support

To copy the configuration or image data from the system to use when working with Cisco TAC, use the copy tech-support EXEC command.

copy tech-support {disk filename | ftp {hostname | ip-address} remotedirectory remotefilename | tftp {hostname | ip-address} remotefilename}

Syntax Description

disk filename

Copies system information for technical support to a disk file. Specify the name of the file to be created on disk.


Copies system information for technical support to an FTP server.


Hostname of the server.


IP address of the server.


Remote directory of the system information file to be created on the server. Use the complete pathname.


Remote filename of the system information file to be created on the server.


Copies system information for technical support to a TFTP server.


No default behaviors or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




Usage Guidelines

Use the copy tech-support tftp EXEC command to copy technical support information to a TFTP server or to a SYSFS partition.


The following example shows how to copy system information for tech support to a disk file:

WAE# copy tech-support disk file1

Related Commands



show running-config

show startup-config


copy tftp

To copy configuration or image data from a TFTP server, use the copy tftp EXEC command.

copy tftp disk {hostname | ip-address} remotefilename localfilename

copy tftp running-config {hostname | ip-address} remotefilename

copy tftp startup-config {hostname | ip-address} remotefilename

Syntax Description


Copies an image from a TFTP server to a disk file.


Hostname of the TFTP server.


IP address of the TFTP server.


Name of the remote image file to be copied from the TFTP server. Use the complete pathname.


Name of the image file to be created on the local disk.


Copies an image from a TFTP server to the running configuration.


Copies an image from a TFTP server to the startup configuration.


No default behaviors or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes





The following example shows how to copy configuration or image data from a TFTP server to the running configuration:

WAE# copy tftp running-config

Related Commands



show running-config

show startup-config


copy usb

To copy files from an external USB drive, use the copy usb EXEC command.

copy usb { install | wow-recovery filename}

Syntax Description


Copies the file from an external USB drive


Installs a software release from an image filename.

wow-recovery filename

Restores the Windows on WAAS recovery file on the virtual blade from the specified file on the USB drive. Not available on devices in appnav-controller mode.


No default behaviors or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




Usage Guidelines

Use the copy usb wow-recovery command to recover the Windows on WAAS system files of a virtual blade. This command allows you to recover Windows on your virtual blade while the WAAS software is running, without having to restart your WAE device.

This command is available only on platforms without a CD-ROM drive. For platforms with a CD-ROM drive, use the copy cdrom wow-recovery install EXEC command.


The following example shows how to recover Windows on a virtual blade from an external USB:

WAE# copy usb wow-recovery WoW_RECOVERY

Related Commands

copy cdrom wow-recovery

copy ftp



show running-config

show startup-config


copy virtual-blade

To copy software configuration or image data from a virtual blade disk image to an FTP server, use the copy virtual-blade EXEC command.

copy virtual-blade vb_num disk vb_disk ftp {hostname | ip-address} remotefiledir remotefilename

Syntax Description


Virtual blade number of the virtual blade disk image to copy to.

disk vb_disk

Specifies the virtual blade disk number of the virtual blade disk image to copy to.


Writes to an FTP server.


Hostname of the specific server.


IP address of the specific server.


Directory where the image file to be copied is located.


Name of the file to be copied.


No default behaviors or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example shows how to copy an image file from a virtual blade to an FTP server:

WAE# copy virtual-blade 1 disk 1 ftp / file.img

Related Commands

copy ftp



show running-config

show startup-config



To make a copy of a file, use the cpfile EXEC command.

cpfile oldfilename newfilename

Syntax Description


Name of the file to copy.


Name of the copy to be created.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Only SYSFS files can be copied.


The following example shows how to create a copy of a file:

WAE# cpfile fe512-194616.bin fd512-194618.bin

Related Commands








crypto delete

To remove SSL certificate and key files, use the crypto delete EXEC command.

crypto delete {ca-certificate filename | pkcs12 {filename | admin }}

Syntax Description

ca-certificate filename

Deletes a certificate authority certificate file.

pkcs12 filename

Deletes a PKCS12 format file. (PKCS12 files contain both the private encryption key and the public key certificate.)


Deletes the certificate and key for the Central Manager admin service, if a custom certificate and key were installed. This option can be used only on the Central Manager.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use the crypto delete EXEC command to remove a certificate from your WAE's secure store. If you only want to disassociate a certificate from an accelerated service, use no server-cert-key in crypto ssl services accelerated-service mode.

If you use the crypto delete pkcs12 admin command to delete a custom certificate and key that were installed for the Central Manager admin service, the admin service uses its built-in self-signed certificate.


The following example shows how to delete the CA certificate file mycert.ca:

WAE# crypto delete ca-certificate mycert.ca

Related Commands

crypto export

crypto generate

crypto import

crypto export

To export SSL certificate and key files, use the crypto export EXEC command.

crypto export {ca-certificate filename | pkcs12 {factory-self-signed | admin | filename} {pem-cert-key | pem-cert-only | pem-key-only | pkcs12}}{disk pathname | ftp address | sftp address | terminal | tftp address}

Syntax Description

ca-certificate filename

Exports a certificate authority certificate file.


Exports a PKCS12 format file. (PKCS12 files contain both the private encryption key and the public key certificate.)


Specifies that the SSL PKCS file is to be self-signed.


Specifies that the certificate and key are for the Central Manager admin service. This option can be used only on the Central Manager.


Name of the PKCS12 file to be exported.


Exports both the certificate and key in PEM format.


Exports only the certificate in PEM format.


Exports only the key in PEM format.


Exports both the certificate and key in PKCS12 format.

disk pathname

Exports to a disk. Type the disk filename including the full path.

ftp address

Exports to FTP. Type the FTP server's IP address or hostname.

sftp address

Exports to secure FTP. Type the secure FTP server's IP address or hostname.


Exports to a terminal. (Not available for crypto export pkcs12.)

tftp address

Exports to TFTP. Type the TFTP server's IP address or hostname.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



The following example shows how to export a CA certificate file named mycert.ca to an FTP server:

WAE# crypto export ca-certificate mycert.ca ftp dir1 mycert.ca

The following example shows how to export the certificate and private key from a PKCS12 file named myfile.p12 to a PEM file on the local1 directory on the hard drive:

WAE# crypto export pkcs12 myfile.p12 pkcs12 disk /local1/myfile.p12

Related Commands

crypto delete

crypto generate

crypto import

crypto generate

To generate a self-signed certificate or a certificate signing request, use the crypt generate EXEC command.

crypto generate {csr rsa modulus {1024 | 1536 | 2048 | 512 | 768}{disk pathname | ftp address | sftp address | terminal | tftp address} | self-signed-cert filename [exportable] rsa modulus {1024 | 1536 | 2048 | 512 | 768}}

Syntax Description


Generates a certificate signing request (CSR).

rsa modulus

Specifies the size of the RSA modulus to be used for the CSR.

1024 | 1536 | 2048 | 512 | 768

Specifies the size (number of bits) used for the RSA modulus.

disk pathname

Generates the file to a disk. Type the disk filename including the full path.

ftp address

Generates the file to FTP. Type the FTP server's IP address or hostname.

sftp address

Generates the file to secure FTP. Type the secure FTP server's IP address or hostname.


Generates the file to a terminal.

tftp address

Generates the file to TFTP. Type the TFTP server's IP address or hostname.

self-signed-cert filename

Generates a self-signed SSL encryption certificate. The filename of the self-signed certificate to be generated must have the .p12 file extension.


(Optional) Allows the self-signed certificate to be exported.

rsa modulus

Specifies the size of the RSA modulus to be used when generating the self-signed certificate.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example shows how to create an exportable self-signed certificate. The certificate file is named myfile.p12 and is created using a 512-bit RSA modulus.

WAE# crypto generate self-signed-cert myfile.p12 exportable rsa modulus 512
Generating a 512 bit RSA private key
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [US]:US
State or Province Name (full name) [California]:<cr> (Press Enter to accept the default.)
Locality Name (eg, city) [San Jose]:San Jose
Organization Name (eg, company) [Cisco Systems]:
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) [ADBU]:
Common Name (eg, YOUR name) [www.cisco.com]:
Email Address [tac@cisco.com]:

Related Commands

crypto delete

crypto export

crypto import

crypto import

To import SSL certificates and key files, use the crypto import EXEC command.

crypto import {ca-certificate filename | pkcs12 { filename | admin} [exportable]}{pem-cert-key | pkcs12}}{disk pathname | ftp address | sftp address | terminal | tftp address}

Syntax Description

ca-certificate filename

Imports a certificate authority certificate file. The name of the CA certificate file to be imported (PEM format) must have .ca extension.

pkcs12 filename

Specifies a certificate intended for the management or an accelerated service (PKCS12 format). A PKCS12 file contains both the private encryption key and the public key certificate. The name of the PKCS12 file to be imported must have a .p12 extension.

DSA-encoded certificates are not supported and will not be imported.


Specifies that the certificate and key are for the Central Manager admin service. This option can be used only on the Central Manager.


(Optional) Configures the imported certificate to be exportable.


Imports both the certificate and key in PEM format.

When you use the pem-cert-key keyword, you must specify the pathname and filename or the address and filename for both the certificate file and the key file for disk, ftp, sftp, and tftp.


Imports both the certificate and key in PKCS12 format.

disk pathname

Imports from a disk. Type the disk filename including the full path.

ftp address

Imports from FTP. Type the FTP server's IP address or hostname.

sftp address

Imports from secure FTP. Type the secure FTP server's IP address or hostname.


Imports from a terminal.

tftp address

Imports from TFTP. Type the TFTP server's IP address or hostname.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

The Central Manager admin service uses a self-signed certificate and key by default. You can use the crypto import pkcs12 admin command to import a custom certificate and key in PKCS12 or PEM format. If you delete the custom certificate and key, the self-signed certificate and key again become active.

Note DSA certificates and keys cannot be imported.


The following example shows how to import a CA certificate file named mycert.ca from a TFTP server:

WAE# crypto import ca-certificate mycert.ca tftp

Related Commands

crypto delete

crypto export

crypto generate

crypto pki

To initialize the PKI managed store, use the crypto pki EXEC command.

crypto pki managed-store initialize

Syntax Description


Specifies managed store commands.


Initializes the PKI managed store.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example shows how to initialize the PKI managed store:

WAE# crypto pki managed-store initialize

Related Commands

crypto export

crypto generate

crypto import

debug aaa accounting

To monitor and record AAA accounting debugging, use the debug aaa accounting EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug aaa accounting

undebug aaa accounting

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable AAA accounting debug monitoring:

WAE# debug aaa accounting

Related Commands

show debugging

debug aaa authorization

To monitor and record AAA authorization debugging, use the debug aaa authorization EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug aaa authorization

undebug aaa authorization

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable AAA authorization debug monitoring:

WAE# debug aaa authorization

Related Commands

show debugging

debug accelerator

To monitor and record accelerator debugging, use the debug accelerator EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug accelerator generic [connection | misc | shell | stats | all]

undebug accelerator generic [connection | misc | shell | stats | all]

debug accelerator http [bypass-list | cli | conditional-response | connection | dre-hints | metadatacache | redirect-response | shell | subnet | supress-server-encoding | transaction | unauthorized-response | all]

undebug accelerator http [bypass-list | cli | conditional-response | connection | dre-hints | metadatacache | redirect-response | shell | subnet | supress-server-encoding | transaction | unauthorized-response | all]

debug accelerator mapi [all | Common-flow | DCERPC-layer | EMSMDB-layer | IO | ROP-layer | ROP-parser | RCP-parser | shell | Transport | Utilities]

undebug accelerator mapi [all | Common-flow | DCERPC-layer | EMSMDB-layer | IO | ROP-layer | ROP-parser | RCP-parser | shell | Transport | Utilities]

debug accelerator ica [all | ao-connectionmgr | ao-parser | cgp | connection | crypto | detectionparser | failure | hash | ica | initialization | io | main | pipe | shell]

undebug accelerator ica [all | ao-connectionmgr | ao-parser | cgp | connection | crypto | detectionparser | failure | hash | ica | initialization | io | main | pipe | shell]

debug accelerator nfs [async-write | attributes-cache | nfs-v3 | read-ahead | rpc | shell | utils | all]

undebug accelerator nfs [async-write | attributes-cache | nfs-v3 | read-ahead | rpc | shell | utils | all]

debug accelerator smb [cli | cmd-close | cmd-create | cmd-lock | cmd-others | cmd-query-info | cmd-read | cmd-set-info | cmd-write | flow | large-data-flush | lock-manager | meta-data | named-pipe | not-found-cache | packeter | parser | read-ahead | shell | vfn | all]

undebug accelerator smb [cli | cmd-close | cmd-create | cmd-lock | cmd-others | cmd-query-info | cmd-read | cmd-set-info | cmd-write | flow | large-data-flush | lock-manager | meta-data | named-pipe | not-found-cache | packeter | parser | read-ahead | shell | vfn | all]

debug accelerator ssl [accelerated-svc | alarm | all | am | am-generic-svc | bio | ca | ca-pool | cipherlist | client-to-server | dataserver | flow-shutdown | generic | ocsp | oom-manager | openssl-internal | parser | peering-svc | session-cache | shell | sm-alert | sm-generic| sm-io | sm-pipethrough | synchronization | verify | waas-to-waas]

undebug accelerator ssl [accelerated-svc | alarm | all | am | am-generic-svc | bio | ca | ca-pool | cipherlist | client-to-server | dataserver | flow-shutdown | generic | ocsp | oom-manager | openssl-internal | parser | peering-svc | session-cache | shell | sm-alert | sm-generic| sm-io | sm-pipethrough | synchronization | verify | waas-to-waas]

debug accelerator video [all | gateway | shell | windows-media
[client-ip ip-addr | server-ip ip-addr]]

undebug accelerator video [all | gateway | shell | windows-media
[client-ip ip-addr | server-ip ip-addr]]

debug accelerator wansecure [all | flow | mux | ocsp | shell | ssl]

undebug accelerator wansecure [all | flow | mux | ocsp | shell | ssl]

Syntax Description


Enables generic accelerator debugging.


Enables accelerator connection debugging.


Enables generic accelerator miscellaneous debugging.


Enables accelerator shell debugging.


Enables generic accelerator statistics debugging.


Enables all accelerator debugging of a specified type.


Enables HTTP accelerator debugging.


Enables HTTP accelerator bypass list debugging.


Enables configuration CLI debugging.


Enables HTTP accelerator metadata cache conditional response debugging.


Enables HTTP accelerator DRE hinting debugging.


Enables HTTP accelerator metadata cache debugging.


Enables HTTP accelerator metadata cache redirect response debugging.


Enables HTTP accelerator subnet configuration debugging.


Enables HTTP accelerator supress-server-encoding debugging.


Enables HTTP accelerator transaction debugging.


Enables HTTP accelerator metadata cache unauthorized response debugging.


Enables ICA accelerator debugging.


Enables ICA AO-ConnectionMgr debugging.


Enables ICA AO-Parser debugging.


Enables ICA CGP debugging.


Enables ICA AO-Connection debugging.


Enables ICA CRYPTO debugging.


Enables ICA detectionparser debugging.


Enables ICA allocation failure debugging.


Enables ICA HASH debugging.


Enables ICA parsing debugging.


Enables ICA initialization debugging.


Enables ICA IO debugging.


Enables ICA main debugging.


Enables ICA pipe debugging.


Enables ICA shell debugging.


Enables MAPI accelerator debugging.


Enables MAPI common flow debugging.


Enables MAPI DCERPC layer flow debugging.


Enables MAPI EMSMDB layer flow debugging.


Enables MAPI IO flow debugging.


Enables MAPI ROP layer flow debugging.


Enables MAPI ROP parser flow debugging.


Enables MAPI RCP parser flow debugging.


Enables MAPI shell flow debugging.


Enables MAPI transport flow debugging.


Enables MAPI utilities flow debugging.


Enables NFS accelerator debugging.


Enables NFS asynchronous write optimization debugging.


Enables NFS attributes cache debugging.


Enables NFS version 3 layer debugging.


Enables NFS read ahead optimization debugging.


Enables NFS RPC layer debugging.


Enables NFS shell debugging.


Enables NFS utilities debugging.


Enables SMB accelerator debugging.


Enables SMB close commands debugging.


Enables SMB create commands debugging.


Enables SMB lock commands debugging.


Enables SMB other commands debugging.


Enables SMB query-info commands debugging.


Enables SMB read commands debugging.


Enables SMB set-info commands debugging.


Enables SMB write commands debugging.


Enables SMB flow debugging.


Enables SMB large data flush debugging.


Enables SMB lock manager debugging.


Enables SMB meta data debugging.


Enables SMB named pipe debugging.


Enables SMB not-found metadata cache debugging.


Enables SMB packeter debugging.


Enables SMB parser debugging.


Enables SMB read-ahead debugging.


Enables SMB shell debugging.


Enables SMB VFN debugging.


Enables SSL accelerator debugging.


Enables accelerated service debugging.


Enables SSL AO alarm debugging.


Enables SSL auth manager debugging.


Enables SSL am generic service debugging.


Enables SSL bio layer debugging.


Enables SSL cert auth module debugging.


Enables SSL cert auth pool debugging.


Enables SSL cipher list debugging.


Enables SSL client-to-server datapath debugging.


Enables SSL dataserver debugging.


Enables SSL flow shutdown debugging.


Enables SSL ocsp debugging.


Enables SSL oom-manager debugging.


Enables SSL openssl internal debugging.


Enables SSL accelerator parser debugging.


Enables SSL peering service debugging.


Enables SSL session cache debugging.


Enables SSL shell debugging.


Enables SSL session manager alert debugging.


Enables SSL session manager generic debugging.


Enables SSL session manager i/o debugging.


Enables SSL session manager pipethrough debugging.


Enables SSL synchronization debugging.


Enables SSL certificate verification debugging.


Enables SSL waas-to-waas datapath debugging.


Enables video accelerator debugging.


Enables debugging of the media independent gateway module of the video accelerator.


Enables debugging of the Windows Media module of the video accelerator.

client-ip ip-addr

Specifies the client IP address.

server-ip ip-addr

Specifies the server IP address.


Enables WANSECURE debugging.


Enables WANSECURE flow debugging.


Enables WANSECURE mux debugging.


Enables WANSECURE ocsp debugging.


Enables WANSECURE shell debugging.


Enables WANSECURE ssl debugging.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

The output associated with the debug accelerator name module command for an application accelerator is written to the file nameao-errorlog.current, where name is the accelerator name. The accelerator information manager debug output is written to the file aoim-errorlog.current.

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable all accelerator debug monitoring:

WAE# debug accelerator all

Related Commands

show debugging

debug all

To monitor and record all debugging, use the debug all EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug all

undebug all

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable all debug monitoring:

WAE# debug all

Related Commands

show debugging

debug appnav-controller connection

To enable connection-specific debugging on an AppNav Controller Interface Module, use the debug appnav-controller connection EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug appnav-controller connection access-list acl-name

undebug appnav-controller connection

Syntax Description

access-list acl-name

Enables access list connection debugging. Access list name is an alphanumeric identifier up to 30 characters, beginning with a letter.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

The ACL specified in this command is shared by the monitor appnav-controller traffic and packet-capture commands.

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable connection-specific debug monitoring for an AppNav Controller Interface Module:

WAE# debug appnav-controller connection access-list myacl

Related Commands

show debugging

debug authentication

To monitor and record authentication debugging, use the debug authentication EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug authentication {user | windows-domain}

undebug authentication {user | windows-domain}

Syntax Description


Enables debugging of the user login against the system authentication.


Enables Windows domain authentication debugging.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable user authentication debug monitoring, verify that it is enabled, and then disable debug monitoring:

WAE# debug authentication user
WAE# show debugging
Debug authentication (user) is ON
WAE# no debug authentication user

Related Commands

show debugging

debug auto-discovery

To trace connections in the auto discovery module, use the debug auto-discovery EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug auto-discoveryconnection

undebug auto-discovery connection

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable auto discovery connection debugging:

WAE# debug auto-discovery connection

Related Commands

show debugging

debug buf

To monitor and record buffer manager debugging, use the debug buf EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug buf {all | dmbuf | dmsg}

undebug buf {all | dmbuf | dmsg}

Syntax Description


Enables all buffer manager debugging.


Enables only dmbuf debugging.


Enables only dmsg debugging.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable all buffer manager debug monitoring:

WAE# debug buff all

Related Commands

show debugging

debug cdp

To monitor and record CDP debugging, use the debug cdp EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug cdp {adjacency | events | ip | packets}

undebug cdp {adjacency | events | ip | packets}

Syntax Description


Enables CDP neighbor information debugging.


Enables CDP events debugging.


Enables CDP IP debugging.


Enables packet-related CDP debugging.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable CDP events debug monitoring:

WAE# debug cdp events

Related Commands

show debugging

debug cli

To monitor and record CLI debugging, use the debug cli EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug cli {all | bin | parser}

undebug cli {all | bin | parser}

Syntax Description


Enables all CLI debugging.


Enables CLI command binary program debugging.


Enables CLI command parser debugging.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable all CLI debug monitoring:

WAE# debug cli all

Related Commands

show debugging

debug cmm

To monitor and record cluster membership manager debugging, use the debug cmm EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug cmm {all | cli | events | ipc | misc | packets | shell | timers}

undebug cmm {all | cli | events | ipc | misc | packets | shell | timers}

Syntax Description


Enables all cluster membership manager (CMM) debugging.


Enables CMM CLI debugging.


Enables CMM state machine event debugging.


Enables CMM ipc message debugging.


Enables CMM miscellaneous debugging.


Enables CMM packet debugging.


Enables CMM infra debugging.


Enables CMM state machine timer debugging.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable all cmm debug monitoring:

WAE# debug cmm all

Related Commands

show debugging

debug cms

To monitor and record CMS debugging, use the debug cms EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug cms

undebug cms

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable CMS debug monitoring:

WAE# debug cms

Related Commands

show debugging

debug connection

To enable connection-specific debugging, use the debug connection EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug connection {all | access-list acl-name}

undebug connection {all | access-list acl-name}

Syntax Description


Enables all connection-specific debugging.

access-list acl-name

Enables access list connection debugging. Access list name is an alphanumeric identifier up to 30 characters, beginning with a letter.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable all connection-specific debug monitoring:

WAE# debug connection all

Related Commands

show debugging

debug controllers

To monitor and record interface controller capture debugging, use the debug controllers EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug controllers NP {crash-dump | dump-cfg}

undebug controllers NP {crash-dump | dump-cfg}

Syntax Description


Requests a crash dump that is saved to a file.


Captures the NP configuration into NPSL format.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to request a crash dump:

WAE# debug controllers NP crash-dump

Related Commands

show debugging

debug dataserver

To monitor and record data server debugging, use the debug dataserver EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug dataserver {all | clientlib | server}

undebug dataserver {all | clientlib | server}

Syntax Description


Enables all data server debugging.


Enables data server client library module debugging.


Enables data server module debugging.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable all data server debug monitoring:

WAE# debug dataserver all

Related Commands

show debugging

debug dhcp

To monitor and record DHCP debugging, use the debug dhcp EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug dhcp

undebug dhcp

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable DHCP debug monitoring:

WAE# debug dhcp

Related Commands

show debugging

debug directed-mode

To trace directed mode connections setup, use the debug directed-mode EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug directed-mode connection

undebug directed-mode connection

Syntax Description


(Optional) Enables directed mode connection debugging.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable directed mode connection debugging:

WAE# debug directed-mode connection

Related Commands

show debugging

debug dre

To monitor and record DRE debugging, use the debug dre EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug dre {aggregation | all | cache | chunking | connection {aggregation [acl] | cache [acl] | chunking [acl] | core [acl] | message [acl] | misc [acl] | acl} | core | lz | message | misc | nack | packet}

undebug dre {aggregation | all | cache | chunking | connection {aggregation [acl] | cache [acl] | chunking [acl] | core [acl] | message [acl] | misc [acl] | acl} | core | lz | message | misc | nack | packet}

Syntax Description


Enables DRE chunk-aggregation debugging.


Enables the debugging of all DRE commands.


Enables DRE cache debugging.


Enables DRE chunking debugging.


Enables DRE connection debugging.


ACL to limit connections traced.


Enables DRE core debugging.


Enables DRE lz debugging.


Enables DRE message debugging for a specified connection.


Enables DRE other debugging for a specified connection.


Enables DRE NACK debugging.


Enables DRE packet debugging.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable all DRE debug monitoring:

WAE# debug dre all

Related Commands

show debugging

debug egress-method

To monitor and record egress method debugging, use the debug egress-method EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug egress-method connection

undebug egress-method connection

Syntax Description


(Optional) Enables egress method connection debugging.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable all egress method debug monitoring:

WAE# debug egress-method connection

Related Commands

show debugging

debug encryption-service

To monitor and record encryption service debugging, use the debug encryption-service EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug encryption-service {all | application-layer | cfgmgr | dcerpc-layer | gss | io | secure-store | server | shell | transport-lib | utilities}

undebug encryption-service {all | application-layer | cfgmgr | dcerpc-layer | gss | io | secure-store | server | shell | transport-lib | utilities}

Syntax Description


Enables debugging of all encryption services components.


Enables debugging of the encryption services application layer.


Enables debugging of the encryption services configuration manager.


Enables debugging of the encryption services dcerpc layer.


Enables debugging of the encryption services gss.


Enables debugging of the encryption services io.


Enables debugging of the encryption services secure store.


Enables debugging of the encryption services server.


Enables debugging of the encryption services shell.


Enables debugging of the encryption services transport library.


Enables debugging of the encryption services utilities.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable debugging of all encryption services components:

WAE# debug encryption-services all

Related Commands

show debugging

debug fda

To monitor and record flow distribution agent debugging, use the debug fda EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug fda {all | events | infra | messages}

undebug fda {all | events | infra | messages}

Syntax Description


Enables all flow distribution agent debugging.


Enables only flow distribution agent event debugging.


Enables only flow distribution agent infra debugging.


Enables only flow distribution agent message debugging.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable all flow distribution agent debug monitoring:

WAE# debug fda all

Related Commands

show debugging

debug fdm

To monitor and record flow distribution manager debugging, use the debug fdm EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug fdm {all | events | infra | messages}

undebug fdm {all | events | infra | messages}

Syntax Description


Enables all flow distribution manager debugging.


Enables only flow distribution manager event debugging.


Enables only flow distribution manager infra debugging.


Enables only flow distribution manager message debugging.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable all flow distribution manager debug monitoring:

WAE# debug fdm all

Related Commands

show debugging

debug filtering

To trace filtering connections setup, use the debug filtering EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug filtering connection

undebug filtering connection

Syntax Description


(Optional) Enables filtering module connection debugging.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable filtering module connection debugging:

WAE# debug filtering connection

Related Commands

show debugging

debug flow

To monitor and record network traffic flow debugging, use the debug flow EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug flow monitor tcpstat-v1

undebug flow monitor tcpstat-v1

Syntax Description


Enables monitor flow performance debugging commands.


Enables tcpstat-v1 debugging.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable network traffic flow debug monitoring:

WAE# debug flow monitor tcpstat-v1

Related Commands

show debugging

debug generic-gre

To monitor and record generic GRE egress method debugging, use the debug generic-gre EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug generic-gre

undebug generic-gre

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable generic GRE egress method debug monitoring:

WAE# debug generic-gre

Related Commands

show debugging

debug hw-raid

To monitor and record hardware RAID debugging , use the debug hw-raid EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug hw-raid {all | cli | daemon}

undebug hw-raid {all | cli | daemon}

Syntax Description


Enables all hardware RAID debug commands.


Enables hardware RAID CLI debugging.


Enables hardware RAID daemon debugging.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable all hardware RAID debug monitoring:

WAE# debug hw-raid all

Related Commands

show debugging

debug imd

To monitor and record interface manager debugging, use the debug imd EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug imd {all | cli | infra | nprm | stats}

undebug fdm {all | cli | infra | nprm | stats}

Syntax Description


Enables all interface manager debugging.


Enables only interface manager cli debugging.


Enables only interface manager infra debugging.


Enables only interface manager nprm debugging.


Enables only interface manager stats debugging.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable all interface manager debug monitoring:

WAE# debug imd all

Related Commands

show debugging

debug inline

To enable inline module debugging, use the debug inline EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug inline {debug | info | warn}

undebug inline {debug | info | warn}

Syntax Description


Sets the debug level to debug.


Sets the debug level to info.


Sets the debug level to warn.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to set the log level for inline modules to warning level:

WAE# debug inline warn

Related Commands

show debugging

debug key-manager

To monitor and record key manager debugging, use the debug key-manager EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug key-manager

undebug key-manager

Syntax Description


(Optional) Enables key manager debugging.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes

central-manager (primary only)

Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable monitoring API debug monitoring:

WAE# debug key-manager

Related Commands

show debugging

debug logging

To monitor and record logging debugging, use the debug logging EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug logging all

undebug logging all

Syntax Description


Enables all logging debugging.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable all logging debug monitoring:

WAE# debug logging all

Related Commands

show debugging

debug monapi

To monitor and record monitor API debugging, use the debug monapi EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug monapi

undebug monapi

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes

central-manager (primary only)

Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable monitoring API debug monitoring:

WAE# debug monapi

Related Commands

show debugging

debug nplogd

To monitor and record NP log daemon debugging, use the debug nplogd EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug nplogd all

undebug nplogd all

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable NP log daemon debug monitoring:

WAE# debug nplogd all

Related Commands

show debugging

debug ntp

To monitor and record NTP debugging, use the debug ntp EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug ntp

undebug ntp

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable NTP debug monitoring:

WAE# debug ntp

Related Commands

show debugging

debug punt

To monitor and record punt handler debugging, use the debug punt EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug punt {all | module | packets | socket}

undebug punt {all | module | packets | socket}

Syntax Description


Enables all punt handler debugging.


Enables only punt handler module debugging.


Enables only punt handler packet debugging.


Enables only punt handler socket call debugging.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable all punt handler debug monitoring:

WAE# debug punt all

Related Commands

show debugging

debug rbcp

To monitor and record RBCP debugging, use the debug rbcp EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug rbcp

undebug rbcp

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable RBCP debug monitoring:

WAE# debug rbcp

Related Commands

show debugging

debug rmd

To monitor and record route manager debugging, use the debug rmd EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug rmd {all | cli | infra | nprm}

undebug rmd {all | cli | infra | nprm}

Syntax Description


Enables all route manager debugging.


Enables only route manager cli debugging.


Enables only route manager infra debugging.


Enables only route manager nprm debugging.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable all route manager debug monitoring:

WAE# debug rmd all

Related Commands

show debugging

debug rpc

To monitor and record remote procedure calls (RPC) debugging, use the debug rpc EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug rpc {detail | trace}

undebug rpc {detail | trace}

Syntax Description


Displays RPC logs of priority detail or higher.


Displays RPC logs of priority trace or higher.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable RPC detail debug monitoring:

WAE# debug rpd detail

Related Commands

show debugging

debug service-insertion

To trace connections in the service-insertion module, use the debug service-insertion EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug service-insertion connection

undebug service-insertion connection

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable all service-insertion module debug monitoring:

WAE# debug service-insertion connection

Related Commands

show debugging

debug service-policy

To monitor and record service policy debugging, use the debug service-policy EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug service-policy type {appnav | waas}

undebug service-policy type {appnav | waas}

Syntax Description


Enables AppNav service policy debugging.


Enables WAAS service policy debugging.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable WAAS service policy debug monitoring:

WAE# debug service-policy waas

Related Commands

show debugging

debug snmp

To monitor and record SNMP debugging , use the debug snmp EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug snmp {all | cli | main | mib | traps}

undebug snmp {all | cli | main | mib | traps}

Syntax Description


Enables all SNMP debug commands.


Enables SNMP CLI debugging.


Enables SNMP main debugging.


Enables SNMP MIB debugging.


Enables SNMP trap debugging.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable all SNMP debug monitoring:

WAE# debug snmp all

Related Commands

show debugging

debug standby

To enable standby debugging, use the debug standby EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug standby [all]

undebug standby [all]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Enables standby debugging using all debug features.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable all standby debug monitoring:

WAE# debug standby all

Related Commands

show debugging

debug statistics

To monitor and record statistics debugging, use the debug statistics EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug statistics {all | ao | client | collector | ipc | messages | serializer | sqm}

undebug statistics {all | ao | client | collector | ipc | messages | serializer | sqm}

Syntax Description


Enables all statistics debug commands.


Enables statistics acceleration debugging.


Enables statistics client debugging.


Enables statistics collector debugging.


Enables statistics IPC debugging.


Enables statistics messages/buffers debugging.


Enables statistics serializer debugging.


Enables statistics computation debugging.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable all statistics debug monitoring:

WAE# debug statistics all

Related Commands

show debugging

debug synq

To trace synq connections setup, use the debug synq EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug synq connection

undebug synq connection

Syntax Description


Enables synq module connection debugging.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable synq module connection debugging:

WAE# debug synq connection

Related Commands

show debugging

debug tfo

To monitor and record TFO flow optimization debugging, use the debug tfo EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug tfo {all | buffer-mgr | dre-flow | netio | scheduler}

undebug tfo {all | buffer-mgr | dre-flow | netio | scheduler}

Syntax Description


Enables all TFO debugging.


Enables TFO data-buffer from buffer manager debugging.


Enables TFO DRE flow debugging for all connections.


Enables TFO connection debugging for the network input/output module.


Enables TFO scheduler debugging.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable all TFO flow optimization debug monitoring:

WAE# debug tfo all

Related Commands

show debugging

debug translog

To monitor and record transaction logging debugging, use the debug translog EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug translog {detail | export | info}

undebug translog {detail | export | info}

Syntax Description


Enables transaction log detailed debugging.


Enables transaction log FTP export debugging.


Enables transaction log high level debugging.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable transaction logging detail debug monitoring:

WAE# debug translog detail

Related Commands

show debugging

debug wafs

To set the log level of the WAFS Device Manager component, use the debug wafs EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug wafs manager {debug | error | info | warn}

undebug wafs manager {debug | error | info | warn}

Syntax Description


Sets the logging level for the Device Manager.


Specifies debug.


Specifies error.


Specifies info.


Specifies warn.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to set the log level for all WAFS components to error level:

WAE# debug wafs manager error

Related Commands

show debugging

debug wccp

To monitor and record WCCP information debugging, use the debug wccp EXEC command. To disable debugging, use the undebug form of this command.

debug wccp {all | detail | error | events | keepalive | packets}

undebug wccp {all | detail | error | events | keepalive | packets}

Syntax Description


Enables all WCCP debugging functions.


Enables the WCCP detail debugging.


Enables the WCCP error debugging.


Enables the WCCP events debugging.


Enables the debugging for WCCP keepalives that are sent to the applications.


Enables the WCCP packet-related information debugging.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Because the performance of the WAAS device degrades when you use the debug command, we recommend that you use this command only at the direction of Cisco TAC. For more information, see the "Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request" section.

If the watchdog utility is not running, the message "WAAS is not running" appears.

Use the show debugging command to display enabled debug options.

The output associated with the debug command is written to either the syslog file in /local1/syslog.txt or the debug log associated with the module in the file /local1/errorlog/module_name-errorlog.current.

The debug log file associated with a module will be rotated to a backup file when the current file reaches its maximum size. The backup files are named as follows: name-errorlog.#, where # is the backup file number.

For any debug command, system logging must be enabled. The command to enable logging is the logging disk enable global configuration command, which is enabled by default.

If a debug command module uses the syslog for debug output, then you must use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command (the default is logging disk priority notice).

If a debug command module uses the debug log for output, then the output can be filtered based on the priority level configuration for the four different levels of debug log output, as follows:

For filtering on critical debug messages only, use the logging disk priority critical global configuration command.

For filtering on critical and error level debug messages, use the logging disk priority error global configuration command.

For filtering on critical, error, and trace debug level debug messages, use the logging disk priority debug global configuration command.

For seeing all debug log messages, which include critical, error, trace and detail messages, use the logging disk priority detail global configuration command.

Regardless of the priority level configuration, any syslog messages at the LOG_ERROR or higher priority will be automatically written to the debug log associated with a module.

We recommend that you use the debug and undebug commands only at the direction of Cisco Systems technical support personnel.


The following example shows how to enable WCCP information debug monitoring:

WAE# debug wccp all

Related Commands

show debugging


To delete a file from the current directory, use the delfile EXEC command.

delfile filename

Syntax Description


Name of the file to delete.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use the delfile EXEC command to remove a file from a SYSFS partition on the disk drive of the WAAS device.


The following example shows how to delete a temporary file from the /local1 directory using an absolute path:

WAE# delfile /local1/tempfile

Related Commands









To remove a directory with all of its subdirectories and files, use the deltree EXEC command.

deltree directory

Syntax Description


Name of the directory tree to delete.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use the deltree EXEC command to remove a directory and all files within the directory from the WAAS SYSFS file system. No warning is given that you are removing the subdirectories and files.

Note Make sure that you do not remove files or directories required for the WAAS device to function properly.


The following example shows how to delete the testdir directory from the /local1 directory:

WAE# deltree /local1/testdir

Related Commands









To view details of one file or all files in a directory, use the dir EXEC command.

dir [directory]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Name of the directory to list.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use the dir EXEC command to view a detailed list of files contained within the working directory, including information about the file name, size, and time created. The lls EXEC command produces the same output.


The following example shows how to create a detailed list of all the files for the current directory:

WAE# dir   
size          time of last change             name
-------------  -------------------------          -----------
         4096  Fri Feb 24 14:40:00 2006  <DIR>    actona
         4096  Tue Mar 28 14:42:44 2006  <DIR>    core_dir
         4096  Wed Apr 12 20:23:10 2006  <DIR>    crash
         4506  Tue Apr 11 13:52:45 2006           dbupgrade.log
         4096  Tue Apr  4 22:50:11 2006  <DIR>    downgrade
         4096  Sun Apr 16 09:01:56 2006  <DIR>    errorlog
         4096  Wed Apr 12 20:23:41 2006  <DIR>    logs
        16384  Thu Feb 16 12:25:29 2006  <DIR>    lost+found
         4096  Wed Apr 12 03:26:02 2006  <DIR>    sa
        24576  Sun Apr 16 23:38:21 2006  <DIR>    service_logs
         4096  Thu Feb 16 12:26:09 2006  <DIR>    spool
      9945390  Sun Apr 16 23:38:20 2006           syslog.txt
     10026298  Thu Apr  6 12:25:00 2006           syslog.txt.1
     10013564  Thu Apr  6 12:25:00 2006           syslog.txt.2
     10055850  Thu Apr  6 12:25:00 2006           syslog.txt.3
     10049181  Thu Apr  6 12:25:00 2006           syslog.txt.4
         4096  Thu Feb 16 12:29:30 2006  <DIR>    var
          508  Sat Feb 25 13:18:35 2006           wdd.sh.signed

The following example shows how to display the detailed information for only the logs directory:

WAE# dir logs
size          time of last change             name
-------------  -------------------------          -----------
         4096  Thu Apr  6 12:13:50 2006  <DIR>    actona
         4096  Mon Mar  6 14:14:41 2006  <DIR>    apache
         4096  Sun Apr 16 23:36:40 2006  <DIR>    emdb
         4096  Thu Feb 16 11:51:51 2006  <DIR>    export
           92  Wed Apr 12 20:23:20 2006           ftp_export.status
         4096  Wed Apr 12 20:23:43 2006  <DIR>    rpc_httpd
            0  Wed Apr 12 20:23:41 2006           snmpd.log
         4096  Sun Mar 19 18:47:29 2006  <DIR>    tfo

Related Commands




To turn off privileged EXEC commands, use the disable EXEC command.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use the WAAS software CLI EXEC mode for setting, viewing, and testing system operations. This command mode is divided into two access levels, user and privileged. To access privileged-level EXEC mode, enter the enable EXEC command at the user access level prompt and specify the admin password when prompted for a password.

WAE> enable

The disable command places you in the user-level EXEC shell (notice the prompt change).


The following example shows how to enter the user-level EXEC mode from the privileged EXEC mode:

WAE# disable

Related Commands



To configure disks on a WAAS device, use the disk EXEC command.

disk delete-partitions diskname

disk delete-data-partitions

disk disk-name diskxx replace

disk insert diskname

disk recreate-raid

disk scan-errors diskname

Syntax Description

delete-partitions diskname

Deletes data on the specified logical disk drive. After using this command, the WAAS software treats the specified disk drive as blank. All previous data on the drive is inaccessible.

Specify the name of the disk from which to delete partitions (disk00, disk01). For RAID-5 systems, this option is not available because only one logical drive is available.


Deletes all data partitions on all logical drives. Data partitions include the CONTENT, PRINTSPOOL, and GUEST partitions. These partitions include all DRE and CIFS cache files, print spool files, and any virtual blade images.

disk-name diskxx replace

Shuts down the physical disk with the name diskxx (disk00, disk01, etc.) so that it can be replaced in the RAID-5 array.

Note This option is available only on RAID-5 systems.

insert diskname

Instructs the SCSI host to rescan the bus to detect and mount the newly inserted disk. Specify the name of the disk to be inserted (disk00, disk01).

Note This option is available only on WAE-612 models.


Recreates the RAID-5 array.

Note This option is available only on RAID-5 systems.

scan-errors diskname

Scans SCSI or IDE disks for errors and remaps the bad sectors if they are unused. Specify the name of the disk to be scanned (disk00, disk01).

For RAID-5 systems, this command scans the logical RAID device for errors. On these systems, there is no diskname option.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The WAAS software supports hot-swap functionality for both failed disk replacement and scheduled disk maintenance. On the WAE-612, use the disk disk-name diskxx shutdown global configuration command to shut down a disk for scheduled disk maintenance. On the WAE-7341 and WAE-7371, use the disk disk-name diskxx replace EXEC command to shut down a disk. (For the scheduled disk maintenance procedure, see the chapter "Maintaining Your WAAS System" in the Cisco Wide Area Application Services Configuration Guide.)

The disk hot-swap functionality automatically disables a failed disk if the system detects one critical disk alarm. The software removes the failed disk automatically regardless of the setting for disk error-handling.

For WAE-7341 and WAE-7371 models, when you replace a failed disk that was automatically disabled by the software, the disk automatically returns to service. For WAE-612 models, when you replace a failed disk that was automatically disabled by the software, use the disk insert EXEC command to bring the disk back into service. For all other models, see the (config) disk disk-name command section.

To identify which disks have been identified as failed or bad, use the show disks failed-disk-id EXEC command. Do not reinsert any disk with a serial number shown in this list.

Note The show disks failed-disk-id command is not available on WAE-7341 and WAE-7371 models.

Use the disk delete-partitions EXEC command to remove all disk partitions on a single disk drive on a WAAS device or to remove the disk partition on the logical drive for RAID-5 systems.

Caution Be careful when using the disk delete-partitions EXEC command because the WAAS software treats the specified disk drive as blank. All previous data on the drive will become inaccessible.

Note When you use the disk delete-partitions EXEC command on the WAE-7341 or WAE-7371 models, the command deletes the entire logical volume. The individual disk name option is not available on these platforms.

The disk delete-data-partitions command deletes the DRE and CIFS caches and all installed virtual blade images. If you want to keep virtual blade images, back them up before using this command by using the copy virtual-blade EXEC command.

After using the disk delete-data-partitions command, you must reload the device and the data partitions are automatically recreated and the caches are initialized, which can take several minutes. DRE optimization is not done until the DRE cache has finished initializing. The show statistics dre EXEC command reports "TFO: Initializing disk cache" until then. It is best not to interrupt DRE cache initialization by reloading the device again until after cache initialization has finished. However, if DRE cache initialization is interrupted, on the next reboot the disk is checked, which takes extra time, and DRE initialization is completed again.


The following example shows how to recreate the RAID-5 array:

WAE# disk recreate-raid

Related Commands

(config) disk disk-name

(config) disk error-handling

(config) disk logical shutdown

show disks


To resolve a host or domain name to an IP address, use the dnslookup EXEC command.

dnslookup {hostname | domainname}

Syntax Description


Name of DNS server on the network.


Name of domain.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example shows how the dnslookup command is used to resolve the hostname myhost to IP address

WAE# dnslookup myhost
official hostname: myhost.abc.com

The following example shows how the dnslookup command is used to resolve the hostname abd.com to IP address

WAE# dnslookup abc.com
official hostname: abc.com

The following example shows how the dnslookup command is used to resolve an IP address used as a hostname to

WAE# dnslookup
official hostname:


To access privileged EXEC commands, use the enable EXEC command.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use the WAAS software CLI EXEC mode for setting, viewing, and testing system operations. This command mode is divided into two access levels: user and privileged. To access privileged-level EXEC mode, enter the enable EXEC command at the user access level prompt and specify the admin password when prompted for a password.

If using TACACS+ authentication, there is an enable password feature in TACACS+ that allows an administrator to define a different enable password for each user. If a TACACS+ user enters the enable EXEC command to access privileged EXEC mode, that user must enter the admin password defined by the TACACS+ server.

The disable command takes you from privileged EXEC mode to user EXEC mode.


The following example shows how to access privileged EXEC mode:

WAE> enable

Related Commands




To terminate privileged-level EXEC mode and return to the user-level EXEC mode, use the exit command.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

All modes

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The exit EXEC command is equivalent to pressing Ctrl-Z or entering the end command. Entering the exit command in the user level EXEC shell terminates the console or Telnet session.


The following example shows how to terminate privileged-level EXEC mode and return to the user-level EXEC mode:

WAE# exit

Related Commands

(config) exit


To search for a particular pattern in a file, use the find-pattern command in EXEC mode.

find-pattern {binary reg-express filename | count reg-express filename | lineno reg-express filename | match reg-express filename | nomatch reg-express filename | recursive reg-express filename}

find-pattern case {binary reg-express filename | count reg-express filename | lineno reg-express filename | match reg-express filename | nomatch reg-express filename | recursive reg-express filename}

Syntax Description

binary reg-express filename

Does not suppress the binary output. Specifies the regular expression to be matched and the filename.

count reg-express filename

Prints the number of matching lines. Specifies the regular expression to be matched and the filename.

lineno reg-express filename

Prints the line number with output. Specifies the regular expression to be matched and the filename.

match reg-express filename

Prints the matching lines. Specifies the regular expression to be matched and the filename.

nomatch reg-express filename

Prints the nonmatching lines. Specifies the regular expression to be matched and the filename.

recursive reg-express filename

Searches a directory recursively. Specifies the regular expression to be matched and the filename.


Matches a case-sensitive pattern.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example shows how to search a file recursively for a case-sensitive pattern:

WAE# find-pattern case recursive admin removed_core
-rw-------    1 admin    root     95600640 Oct 12 10:27 /local/local1/core_dir/
-rw-------    1 admin    root     97054720 Jan 11 11:31 /local/local1/core_dir/
-rw-------    1 admin    root     96845824 Jan 11 11:32 /local/local1/core_dir/
-rw-------    1 admin    root     101580800 Jan 11 12:01 /local/local1/core_dir/
-rw-------    1 admin    root     96759808 Jan 11 12:59 /local/local1/core_dir/
-rw-------    1 admin    root     97124352 Jan 11 13:26 /local/local1/core_dir/

The following example shows how to search a file for a pattern and print the matching lines:

WAE# find-pattern match 10 removed_core
Tue Oct 12 10:30:03 UTC 2004
-rw-------    1 admin    root     95600640 Oct 12 10:27 /local/local1/core_dir/
-rw-------    1 admin    root     101580800 Jan 11 12:01 /local/local1/core_dir/

The following example shows how to search a file for a pattern and print the number of matching lines:

WAE# find-pattern count 10 removed_core

Related Commands






To obtain online help for the command-line interface, use the help EXEC command.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

EXEC and global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

You can obtain help at any point in a command by entering a question mark (?). If nothing matches, the help list will be empty, and you must back up until entering a ? shows the available options.

Two styles of help are provided:

Full help is available when you are ready to enter a command argument (for example, show ?) and describes each possible argument.

Partial help is provided when you enter an abbreviated command and you want to know what arguments match the input (for example, show stat?).


The following example shows how to display the output of the help EXEC command:

WAE# help
Help may be requested at any point in a command by entering a question mark '?'. If 
nothing matches, the help list will be empty and you must backup until entering a '?' 
shows the available options.
Two styles of help are provided:
1. Full help is available when you are ready to enter a command argument.
2. Partial help is provided when an abbreviated argument is entered.

Related Commands

(config) help


To install a new software image (such as the WAAS software) on the WAAS device, use the install EXEC command.

install filename

Syntax Description


Specifies the name of the .bin file you want to install.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




Usage Guidelines

The install command loads the system image into flash memory and copies the disk-based software component to the software file system (swfs) partition. This command can also be used to install a BIOS or other firmware update by specifying the appropriate update file.

Note If you are installing a system image that contains optional software, make sure that an SWFS partition is mounted.

To install a system image, copy the image file to the SYSFS directory local1. Before executing the install command, change the present working directory to the directory where the system image resides. When the install command is executed, the image file is expanded. The expanded files overwrite the existing files on the WAAS device. The newly installed version takes effect after the system image is reloaded.

Note The install command does not accept .pax files. Files should be of the type .bin (for example, cache-sw.bin). Also, if the release being installed does not require a new system image, then it may not be necessary to write to flash memory. If the newer version has changes that require a new system image to be installed, then the install command may result in a write to flash memory.

Close your browser and restart the browser session to the WAAS Central Manager, if you installed a new software image to the primary WAAS Central Manager.


The following example shows how to load the system image contained in the wae512-cache-300.bin file:

WAE# install wae512-cache-300.bin 

Related Commands

copy disk



To display a file using the Less application, use the less EXEC command.

less file_name

Syntax Description


Name of the file to be displayed.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Less is a pager application that displays text files one page at a time. You can use Less to view the contents of a file, but not edit it. Less offers some additional features when compared to conventional text file viewer applications such as Type. These features include the following:

Backward movement—Allows you to move backward in the displayed text. Use k, Ctrl-k, y, or Ctrl-y to move backward. See the summary of Less commands for more details; to view the summary, press h or H while displaying a file in Less.

Searching and highlighting—Allows you to search for text in the file that you are viewing. You can search forward and backward. Less highlights the text that matches your search to make it easy to see where the match is.

Multiple file support—Allows you to switch between different files, remembering your position in each file. You can also do a search that spans all the files you are working with.


The following example shows how to display the text of the syslog.txt file using the Less application:

WAE# less syslog.txt

Related Commands


license add

To add a software license to a device, use the license add EXEC command.

license add license-name

Syntax Description


Name of the software license to add. The following license names are supported:

Transport—Enables basic DRE, TFO, and LZ optimization.

Enterprise—Enables the EPM, HTTP, MAPI, NFS, SSL, CIFS, and Windows Print application accelerators, the WAAS Central Manager, and basic DRE, TFO, and LZ optimization.

Video—Enables the video application accelerator. Requires the Enterprise license to be configured first.

Virtual-Blade—Enables the virtualization feature. Requires the Enterprise license to be configured first.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example shows how to install the enterprise license:

WAE# license add Enterprise

Related Commands

clear arp-cache license

show license


To view a long list of directory names, use the lls EXEC command.

lls [directory]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Name of the directory for which you want a long list of files.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The lls command provides detailed information about files and subdirectories stored in the present working directory (including the size, date, time of creation, SYSFS name, and long name of the file). This information can also be viewed with the dir command.


The following example shows how to display a detailed list of the files in the current directory:

WAE# lls 
size          time of last change             name
--------------  -------------------------          -----------
          4096  Fri Feb 24 14:40:00 2006  <DIR>    actona
          4096  Tue Mar 28 14:42:44 2006  <DIR>    core_dir
          4096  Wed Apr 12 20:23:10 2006  <DIR>    crash
          4506  Tue Apr 11 13:52:45 2006           dbupgrade.log
          4096  Tue Apr  4 22:50:11 2006  <DIR>    downgrade
          4096  Sun Apr 16 09:01:56 2006  <DIR>    errorlog
          4096  Wed Apr 12 20:23:41 2006  <DIR>    logs
         16384  Thu Feb 16 12:25:29 2006  <DIR>    lost+found
          4096  Wed Apr 12 03:26:02 2006  <DIR>    sa
         24576  Sun Apr 16 23:54:30 2006  <DIR>    service_logs
          4096  Thu Feb 16 12:26:09 2006  <DIR>    spool
       9951236  Sun Apr 16 23:54:20 2006           syslog.txt
      10026298  Thu Apr  6 12:25:00 2006           syslog.txt.1
          4096  Thu Feb 16 12:29:30 2006  <DIR>    var
           508  Sat Feb 25 13:18:35 2006           wdd.sh.signed

Related Commands





To view a list of files or subdirectory names within a directory on the device hard disk, use the ls EXEC command.

ls [directory]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Name of the directory for which you want a list of files.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use the ls directory command to list the filenames and subdirectories within a particular directory.

Use the ls command to list the filenames and subdirectories of the current working directory.

Use the pwd command to view the present working directory.


The following example shows how to display the files and subdirectories that are listed within the root directory:

WAE# ls

Related Commands





To view a list of files or subdirectory names within a directory on a USB storage device, use the lsusb EXEC command.

lsusb [directory]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Name of the directory for which you want a list of files.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use the lsusb directory command to list the filenames and subdirectories within a particular directory on the USB device.

Use the lsusb command to list the filenames and subdirectories of the current working directory on the USB device.

This command is available only on WAAS devices that support external USB storage devices.


The following example shows how to display the files and subdirectories that are listed within the root directory of a USB device:

WAE# lsusb

Related Commands






To create a directory, use the mkdir EXEC command.

mkdir directory

Syntax Description


Name of the directory to create.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example shows how to create a new directory, oldpaxfiles:

WAE# mkdir /oldpaxfiles

Related Commands









To create a new file, use the mkfile EXEC command.

mkfile filename

Syntax Description


Name of the file that you want to create.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use the mkfile EXEC command to create a new file in any directory of the WAAS device.


The following example shows how to create a new file, traceinfo, in the root directory:

WAE# mkfile traceinfo

Related Commands








monitor appnav-controller traffic

To enable traffic monitoring on an AppNav Controller Interface Module, use the monitor appnav-controller traffic EXEC command.

monitor appnav-controller traffic {access-list acl-name | disable}

Syntax Description

access-list acl-name

Name of the access list that determines which flows are monitored.


Disables flow monitoring.


Monitoring is disabled.

Command Modes


Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable the AppNav Controller Interface Module to supply monitoring statistics for traffic flows that match the specified ACL. The ACL must be defined by the ip access-list global configuration command.

The ACL specified in this command is shared by the packet-capture and debug appnav-controller commands.

Use the show statistics monitor appnav-controller traffic EXEC command to display the monitoring statistics.

Use the show monitor EXEC command to display the status of traffic monitoring.


The following example shows how to enable traffic monitoring with an ACL:

ANC# monitor appnav-controller traffic access-list myacl

Related Commands

clear statistics monitor appnav-controller traffic

show monitor

show statistics monitor appnav-controller traffic


To set the software clock (time and date) on a WAAS device using an NTP server, use the ntpdate EXEC command.

ntpdate {hostname | ip-address} [key {authentication-key}]

Syntax Description


NTP hostname.


NTP server IP address.


(Optional) Specifies to use authentication with the NTP server.


Authentication key string to use with the NTP server authentication. This value must be between 0 and 4294967295.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use the ntpdate command to find the current time of day and set the current time on the WAAS device to match. You must save the time to the hardware clock using the clock save command if you want to restore the time after a reload.


The following example shows how to set the software clock on the WAAS device using a NTP server:

WAE# ntpdate

Related Commands


(config) clock

(config) ntp

show clock

show ntp


To capture packets on a device interface, use the packet-capture EXEC command.

packet-capture appnav-controller {access-list {acl-name | acl-num} | interface {GigabitEthernet slot/port | TenGigabitEthernet slot/port | PortChannel index | standby grpnumber} access-list {acl-name | acl-num}} [file-size size [number-of-files num | stop-after-num-files num] ] [capture-filename]

packet-capture interface {GigabitEthernet slot/port | TenGigabitEthernet slot/port | PortChannel index | standby grpnumber} {access-list {acl-name | acl-num} | destination-ip {hostname | ip-address} | destination-port port | source-ip {hostname | ip-address} | source-port port} [file-size size [number-of-files num | stop-after-num-files num] ] [capture-filename]

packet-capture decode [destination-ip {hostname | ip-address} | destination-port port | source-ip {hostname | ip-address} | source-port port] [file-size size [number-of-files num | stop-after-num-files num] ] capture-filename

Syntax Description


Capture packets on an AppNav Controller Interface Module interface.


Specifies an access list for which to capture packets across all AppNav Controller Interface Module interfaces. Applicable only if the appnav-controller keyword is specified.


(Optional) Access list name.


(Optional) Access list numeric identifier (0-99 for standard access lists and100-199 for extended access lists).


Specifies the source interface from which to capture packets.

GigabitEthernet slot/port

Specifies a Gigabit Ethernet interface. The slot number and port number are separated with a forward slash character (/).

TenGigabitEthernet slot/port

Specifies a 10-Gigabit Ethernet interface. The slot number and port number are separated with a forward slash character (/).

PortChannel index

Specifies a port channel interface (1-4).

standby grpnumber

Specifies a standby group (1-2).


Specifies an access list for which to capture packets on the specified interface.

file-size size

(Optional) Specifies the maximum file size for captured output, from 1-100000 KB. After a file fills to capacity, another output file is created according to the following keywords.

number-of-files num

(Optional) Specifies the maximum number of output files to create (1-500), after which earlier files are overwritten as needed for more captured data.

stop-after-num-files num

(Optional) Specifies the maximum number of output files to create (1-500), after which packet capture is stopped.


(Optional) Specifies the name of a file to which output is saved. If no file is specified, output is sent to the console.


Captures packets matching the specified destination IP address.


Captures packets matching the specified destination or source hostname.


Destination or source IP address.

destination-port port

Captures packets matching the specified destination port.


Captures packets matching the specified source IP address.

source-port port

Captures packets matching the specified source port.


Decodes captured packets.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Either packet capture or debug capture can be active, but not both simultaneously.

The packet-capture command is preferred over the deprecated commands tcpdump and tethereal, and is required to capture data plane traffic on an AppNav Controller Interface Module interface.


The following example shows how to capture packets on a normal interface:

WAE(config)# ip access-list extended 100 permit tcp any any range 23 35
WAE(config)# exit
WAE# packet-capture interface gig 0/1 access-list 100 mycapture

The following example shows how to capture packets on all interfaces on an AppNav Controller Interface Module:

WAE# packet-capture appnav-controller access-list 100 mycapture

Related Commands




To send echo packets for diagnosing basic network connectivity on networks, use the ping EXEC command.

ping [management] {hostname | ip-address}

Syntax Description


Uses the designated management interface for the ping.


Hostname of system to ping.


IP address of system to ping.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




Usage Guidelines

To use the ping command with the hostname argument, make sure that DNS functionality is configured on the WAAS device. To force the timeout of a nonresponsive host, or to eliminate a loop cycle, press Ctrl-C.


The following example shows how to send echo packets to a machine with address to verify its availability on the network:

WAE# ping
PING ( from : 56(84) bytes of
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=249 time=613 usec
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=249 time=485 usec
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=249 time=494 usec
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=249 time=510 usec
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=249 time=493 usec
--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/mdev = 0.485/0.519/0.613/0.047 ms

Related Commands



To view the present working directory on a WAAS device, use the pwd EXEC command.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example shows how to display the current working directory:

WAE# pwd

Related Commands






To halt the operation and perform a cold restart on a WAAS device, use the reload EXEC command.

reload [force | in m | cancel]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Forces a reboot without further prompting.

in m

(Optional) Schedules a reboot after a specified interval (1-10080 minutes).


(Optional) Cancels a scheduled reboot.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

To reboot a WAAS device, use the reload command. If no configurations are saved to flash memory, you are prompted to enter configuration parameters upon a restart. Any open connections are dropped after you enter the reload command, and the file system is reformatted upon restart.

The reload command can include the option to schedule a reload of the software to take effect in a specified number of minutes. After entering this command, you are asked to confirm the reload by typing y and then confirm WCCP shutdown by typing y again (if WCCP is active).

You can use the cancel option to cancel a scheduled reload.


The following example shows how to halt the operation of the WAAS device and reboot with the configuration saved in flash memory. You are not prompted for confirmations during the process.

WAE# reload force

Related Commands



To rename a file on a WAAS device, use the rename EXEC command.

rename oldfilename newfilename

Syntax Description


Original filename.


New filename.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use the rename command to rename any SYSFS file without making a copy of the file.


The following example shows how to rename the errlog.txt file to old_errlog.txt:

WAE# rename errlog.txt old_errlog.txt

Related Commands



To restore the device to its manufactured default status by removing the user data from the disk and flash memory, use the restore EXEC command.

restore {factory-default [preserve basic-config] | rollback}

Syntax Description


Resets the device configuration and data to their manufactured default status.


(Optional) Preserves certain configurations and data on the device.


(Optional) Selects basic network configurations.


Rolls back the configuration to the last functional software and device configuration.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use the restore EXEC command to restore data on a disk and in flash memory to the factory default, while preserving particular time-stamp evaluation data, or to roll back the configuration to the last functional data and device configuration.

This command erases all existing content on the device; however, your network settings are preserved and the device is accessible through a Telnet and Secure Shell (SSH) session after it reboots.

Backing up the Central Manager Database

Before you use the restore factory-default command on your primary WAAS Central Manager or change over from the primary to a standby WAAS Central Manager, make sure that you back up the WAAS Central Manager database and copy the backup file to a safe location that is separate from the WAAS Central Manager. You must halt the operation of the WAAS Central Manager before you enter the backup and restore commands.

Caution The restore command erases user-specified configuration information stored in the flash image and removes data from a disk, user-defined disk partitions, and the entire Central Manager database. User-defined disk partitions that are removed include the SYSFS, WAAS, and PRINTSPOOLFS partitions. The configuration that is removed includes the starting configuration of the device.

By removing the WAAS Central Manager database, all configuration records for the entire WAAS network are deleted. If you do not have a valid backup file or a standby WAAS Central Manager, you must reregister every WAE with the WAAS Central Manager because all previously configured data is lost.

If you used your standby WAAS Central Manager to store the database while you reconfigured the primary, you can register the former primary as a new standby WAAS Central Manager.

If you created a backup file while you configured the primary WAAS Central Manager, you can copy the backup file to this newly reconfigured WAAS Central Manager.

Rolling Back the Configuration

You can roll back the software and configuration of a WAAS device to a previous version using the restore rollback command. You would roll back the software only in cases in which a newly installed version of the WAAS software is not functioning properly.

The restore rollback command installs the last saved WAAS.bin image on the system disk. A WAAS.bin image is created during software installation and stored on the system disk. If the WAAS device does not have a saved version, the software is not rolled back.

Note WAFS to WAAS migration is supported. Rollback from WAAS to WAFS is not supported.


The following examples show how to use the restore factory-default and restore factory-default preserve basic-config commands. Because configuration parameters and data are lost, prompts are given before initiating the restore operation to ensure that you want to proceed.

WAE# restore factory-default 
This command will wipe out all of data on the disks
and wipe out WAAS CLI configurations you have ever made. 
If the box is in evaluation period of certain product,
the evaluation process will not be affected though.
It is highly recommended that you stop all active services
before this command is run.
Are you sure you want to go ahead?[yes/no]
WAE# restore factory-default preserve basic-config 
This command will wipe out all of data on the disks
and all of WAAS CLI configurations except basic network 
configurations for keeping the device online.
The to-be-preserved configurations are network interfaces,
default gateway, domain name, name server and hostname.
If the box is in evaluation period of certain product,
the evaluation process will not be affected.
It is highly recommended that you stop all active services
before this command is run.
Are you sure you want to go ahead?[yes/no]

Note You can enter basic configuration parameters (such as the IP address, hostname, and name server) at this point, or you can enter these parameters later through entries in the command-line interface.

The following example shows how to verify that the restore command has removed data from the SYSFS, WAAS, and PRINTSPOOLFS partitioned file systems:

WAE# show disks details
Physical disk information:
  disk00: Normal                (h00 c00 i00 l00 - DAS)    140011MB(136.7GB)
  disk01: Normal                (h00 c00 i01 l00 - DAS)    140011MB(136.7GB)
Mounted filesystems:
  MOUNT POINT       TYPE       DEVICE           SIZE    INUSE     FREE USE%
  /                 root       /dev/root        35MB     30MB      5MB  85%
  /swstore          internal   /dev/md1        991MB    333MB    658MB  33%
  /state            internal   /dev/md2       3967MB     83MB   3884MB   2%
  /disk00-04        CONTENT    /dev/md4     122764MB     33MB 122731MB   0%
  /local/local1     SYSFS      /dev/md5       3967MB    271MB   3696MB   6%
  .../local1/spool  PRINTSPOOL /dev/md6        991MB     16MB    975MB   1%
  /sw               internal   /dev/md0        991MB    424MB    567MB  42%
Software RAID devices:
  /dev/md0     RAID-1   NORMAL OPERATION      disk00/00[GOOD]  disk01/00[GOOD]
  /dev/md1     RAID-1   NORMAL OPERATION      disk00/01[GOOD]  disk01/01[GOOD]
  /dev/md2     RAID-1   NORMAL OPERATION      disk00/02[GOOD]  disk01/02[GOOD]
  /dev/md3     RAID-1   NORMAL OPERATION      disk00/03[GOOD]  disk01/03[GOOD]
  /dev/md4     RAID-1   NORMAL OPERATION      disk00/04[GOOD]  disk01/04[GOOD]
  /dev/md5     RAID-1   NORMAL OPERATION      disk00/05[GOOD]  disk01/05[GOOD]
  /dev/md6     RAID-1   NORMAL OPERATION      disk00/06[GOOD]  disk01/06[GOOD]
Currently content-filesystems RAID level is not configured to change.

The following example shows how to upgrade or restore an older version of the WAAS software. In the example, version Y of the software is installed (using the copy command), but the administrator has not switched over to it yet, so the current version is still version X. The system is then reloaded (using the reload command), and it verifies that version Y is the current version running.

The following example shows how to roll back the software to version X (using the restore rollback command), and reload the software:

WAE# copy ftp install server path waas.versionY.bin
WAE# show version
Cisco Wide Area Application Services Software (WAAS)
Copyright (c) 1999-2006 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Cisco Wide Area Application Services Software Release 4.0.0 (build b340 Mar 25 2
Version: oe612-
Compiled 17:26:17 Mar 25 2006 by cnbuild
System was restarted on Mon Mar 27 15:25:02 2006.
The system has been up for 3 days, 21 hours, 9 minutes, 17 seconds.
WAE# show version last
	Nothing is displayed.
WAE# show version pending
WAAS 4.0.1 Version Y
WAE# reload
...... reloading ......
WAE# show version
Cisco Wide Area Application Services Software (WAAS)
WAE# restore rollback
WAE# reload
...... reloading ......

Because flash memory configurations were removed after the restore command was used, the show startup-config command does not return any flash memory data. The show running-config command returns the default running configurations.

Related Commands


show disks

show running-config

show startup-config

show version


To delete a directory on a WAAS device, use the rmdir EXEC command.

rmdir directory

Syntax Description


Name of the directory that you want to delete.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use the rmdir EXEC command to remove any directory from the WAAS file system. The rmdir command only removes empty directories.


The following example shows how to delete the oldfiles directory from the local1 directory:

WAE# rmdir /local1/oldfiles

Related Commands









To copy files between network hosts, use the scp command.

scp [4][6][B][C][p][q][r][v] [c cipher] [F config-file] [i id-file] [o ssh_option] [P port] [S program]
user @] host : file] [...] [[user-n @] host-n : file-n]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Forces this command to use only IPv4 addresses.


(Optional) Forces this command to use only IPv6 addresses.


(Optional) Specifies the batch mode. In this mode, the scp command does not ask for passwords or passphrases.


(Optional) Enables compression. The scp command passes this option to the ssh command to enable compression.


(Optional) Preserves the following information from the source file: modification times, access times, and modes.


(Optional) Disables the display of progress information.


(Optional) Recursively copies directories and their contents.


(Optional) Specifies the verbose mode. Causes the scp and ssh commands to print debugging messages about their progress. This option can be helpful when troubleshooting connection, authentication, and configuration problems.

c cipher

(Optional) Specifies the cipher to use for encrypting the data being copied. The scp command directly passes this option to the ssh command.

F config-file

(Optional) Specifies an alternative per-user configuration file for Secure Shell (SSH). The scp command directly passes this option to the ssh command.

i id-file

(Optional) Specifies the file containing the private key for RSA authentication. The scp command directly passes this information to the ssh command.

o ssh_option

(Optional) Passes options to the ssh command in the format used in ssh_config5. See the ssh command for more information about the possible options.

P port

(Optional) Specifies the port to connect to on the remote host.

S program

(Optional) Specifies the program to use for the encrypted connection.


(Optional) Username.


(Optional) Hostname.


(Optional) Name of the file to copy.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The scp command uses SSH for transferring data between hosts.

This command prompts you for passwords or pass phrases when needed for authentication.

Related Commands



To execute a script provided by Cisco or check the script for errors, use the script EXEC command.

script {check | execute} file_name

Syntax Description


Checks the validity of the script.


Executes the script. The script file must be a SYSFS file in the current directory.


Name of the script file.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The script EXEC command opens the script utility, which allows you to execute Cisco-supplied scripts or check errors in those scripts. The script utility can read standard terminal input from the user if the script you run requires input from the user.

Note The script utility is designed to run only Cisco-supplied scripts. You cannot execute script files that lack Cisco signatures or that have been corrupted or modified.


The following example shows how to check for errors in the script file test_script.pl:

WAE# script check test_script.pl


To configure basic configuration settings (general settings, device network settings, interception type, disk configuration, and licenses) on the WAAS device or to complete basic configuration after upgrading to the WAAS software, use the setup EXEC command.


Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

For instructions on using the setup command, see the Cisco Wide Area Application Services Quick Configuration Guide.

For proper display of the setup command, leave the terminal length set to the default value of 24 lines.

show aaa accounting

To display the AAA accounting configuration information for a WAAS device, use the show aaa accounting EXEC command.

show aaa accounting

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use the show aaa accounting EXEC command to display configuration information for the following AAA accounting types:

Exec shell

Command (for normal users and superusers)



Table 3-1 describes the fields shown in the show aaa accounting command display.

Table 3-1 Field Descriptions for the show aaa accounting Command 


Accounting Type

AAA accounting configuration for the following types of user accounts:


Command level 0

Command level 15


Record Event(s)

Configuration of the AAA accounting notice that is sent to the accounting server.


WAAS device that sends a stop record accounting notice at the end of the specified activity or event to the TACACS+ accounting server.


WAAS device that sends a start record accounting notice at the beginning of an event and a stop record at the end of the event to the TACACS+ accounting server.

The start accounting record is sent in the background. The requested user service begins regardless of whether the start accounting record was acknowledged by the TACACS+ accounting server.


WAAS device that sends both a start and a stop accounting record to the TACACS+ accounting server. The requested user service does not begin until the start accounting record is acknowledged. A stop accounting record is also sent.


Accounting that is disabled for the specified event.


Accounting protocol that is configured.

Related Commands

(config) aaa accounting

show aaa authorization

To display the AAA authorization configuration information for a WAAS device, use the show aaa authorization EXEC command.

show aaa authorization

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use the show aaa authorizaiton EXEC command to display configuration and state information related to AAA authorization.


Table 3-2 describes the fields shown in the show aaa authorization command display.

Table 3-2 Field Descriptions for the show aaa authorization Command 


Authorization Type

AAA authorization configuration for the following types of user accounts:

Command level 0

Command level 15


Authorization protocol that is configured.

Related Commands

(config) aaa authorization commands

show accelerator

To display the status and configuration of the application accelerators, use the show accelerator EXEC command.

show accelerator [cifs | detail | epm | http [debug]| ica | mapi | nfs | smb | ssl | video | wansecure]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays the status for the CIFS application accelerator.


(Optional) Displays the license information, configuration state, and operational state for all accelerators, and additional accelerator and policy engine configuration.


(Optional) Displays the status for the EPM application accelerator.


(Optional) Displays the status for the HTTP application accelerator.


(Optional) Displays more detailed status for the HTTP application accelerator.


(Optional) Displays the status for the ICA application accelerator.


(Optional) Displays the status for the MAPI application accelerator.


(Optional) Displays the status for the NFS application accelerator.


(Optional) Displays the status for the SMB application accelerator.


(Optional) Displays the status for the SSL application accelerator.


(Optional) Displays the status for the video application accelerator.


(Optional) Displays the status for the WAN secure application accelerator.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




The following example displays the output for the show accelerator http command:

wae# show accelerator http
Accelerator     Licensed        Config State    Operational State
-----------     --------        ------------    -----------------
http            Yes             Enabled         Running
   Accelerator Config Item            Mode        Value
   -----------------------            ----        ------
   Suppress Server Encoding           Default     Disabled
                 Access-List          Default     All
   DRE Hints                          User        Enabled
                 Access-List          Default     All
   Metadatacache                      User        Enabled
                 Access-List          Default     All
   HTTPS Metadatacache                User        Enabled
                 Access-List          Default     All
                 MaxAge               Default     86400
                 MinAge               Default     60
                 Filter-extension     Default     All
                 Redirect             Default     Enabled
                 Unauthorized           Default        Enabled
                 Conditional            Default        Enabled
   Policy Engine Config Item            Value
   -------------------------            -----
   State                                Registered
   Default Action                       Use Policy
   Connection Limit                     200
   Effective Limit                      200
   Keepalive timeout                    5.0 seconds
The following example displays the output for the show accelerator smb command:
wae# show accelerator smb
Accelerator     Licensed        Config State    Operational State
-----------     --------        ------------    -----------------
smb             Yes             Disabled        Shutdown
   Accelerator Config Item              Mode           Value
   -----------------------              ----           ------
   Digital signing alarm                Default        Enabled
   Change Notification size             Default        10
   DRE hints                            Default        Enabled
   Highest dialect                      Default        smb2-1
       Exceed action                    Default        handoff
   Named pipe optimization              Default        Enabled
       Resp. cache lifetime (s)         Default        20
       Sess. cache lifetime (s)         Default        30
       NamedPipe-cache size (KB)        Default        160         (default: 160
 maximum: 480)
   NF metadata cache opt                Default        Enabled
       Max size (MB)                    Default        32
       Aging (s)                        Default        30
       Bypass patterns                  Default
   Microsoft Office optimization        Default        Enabled
   Optimization bypass pattern          User
   Read-ahead opt                       Default        Enabled
       Buffer size (MB)                 Default        50          (default: 50
maximum: 100)
   Directory listing opt                Default        Enabled
   Async-write opt                      Default        Enabled
       Quota threshold (MB)             Default        20
       Quota aging time (s)             Default        60
   Metadata-opt                         Default        Enabled
       Metadata-cache size (MB)         Default        50          (default: 50
maximum: 50)
   Batch-close-opt                      Default        Enabled
   Invalid-fid-opt                      Default        Enabled
   Iobuf size (MB)                      Default        50          (default: 50
maximum: 100)
       Max iobuf size for 1 pkt(KB)     Default        65
       Directory aging time             Default        30
   Dynamic share                        User           //
   Policy Engine Config Item            Value
   -------------------------            -----
   State                                Registered
   Default Action                       Use Policy
   Connection Limit                     50
   Effective Limit                      40
   Keepalive timeout                    0.0 seconds

Table 3-3 describes the fields shown in the show accelerator command display for all application accelerators. Specific application accelerators display additional configuration status information.

Table 3-3 Field Description for the show accelerator Command 



Name of the accelerator.


Yes or No.

Config State

Accelerator is Enabled or Disabled.

Operational State

Shutdown, Initializing, Running, Cleaning Up, or Expired License.

Policy Engine Config Item: State

Registered (policy engine is communicating with the accelerator) or Not Registered (policy engine is not communicating with the accelerator; seen when the accelerator is disabled).

Policy Engine Config Item: Default Action

Drop or Use. Specifies the action to be taken if the accelerator refuses to handle the connection (because of overload or other reasons). Drop means the connection is dropped, and Use means the connection uses a reduced set of policy actions (such as TFO and DRE).

Policy Engine Config Item: Connection Limit

Connection limit. The limit configured by the accelerator which states how many connections may be handled before new connection requests are rejected.

Policy Engine Config Item: Effective Limit

Effective connection limit. The dynamic limit relating to how many connections may be handled before new connection requests are rejected. This limit is affected by resources that have been reserved, but not yet used.

Policy Engine Config Item: Keepalive timeout

Connection keepalive timeout in seconds. Keepalive messages are sent by each accelerator.

If you use the show accelerator http or the show accelerator smb command, the output contains an extra section called Accelerator Config Item, which appears before the Policy Engine Config Item section. In the Accelerator Config Item section, each item shows the status of an HTTP accelerator configuration item. The Mode column shows Default if the item is configured with the default setting or User if the item is configured with a different setting by the user. The Value column shows the current value of the item (Enabled, Disabled, or an alpha-numeric setting).

Related Commands

(config) accelerator cifs

(config) accelerator epm

(config) accelerator http

(config) accelerator ica

(config) accelerator mapi

(config) accelerator nfs

(config) accelerator smb

(config) accelerator ssl

(config) accelerator video

show statistics accelerator

show alarms

To display information about various types of alarms, their status, and history on a WAAS device, use the show alarms EXEC command.

show alarms critical [detail [support]]

show alarms detail [support]

show alarms history [start_num [end_num [detail [support]]]] | critical [start_num [end_num [detail [support]]]]

show alarms major [start_num [end_num [detail [support]]]]

show alarms minor [start_num [end_num [detail [support]]]]

show alarms status

Syntax Description


Displays critical alarm information.


(Optional) Displays detailed information for each alarm.


(Optional) Displays additional information about each alarm.


Displays information about the history of various alarms.


(Optional) Alarm number that appears first in the alarm history.


(Optional) Alarm number that appears last in the alarm history.


Displays information about major alarms.


Displays information about minor alarms.


Displays the status of various alarms and alarm overload settings.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The Node Health Manager in the WAAS software enables WAAS applications to raise alarms to draw attention in error/significant conditions. The Node Health Manager, which is the data repository for such alarms, aggregates the health and alarm information for the applications, services, and resources (for example, disk drives) that are being monitored on the WAAS device. For example, this feature gives you a mechanism to determine if a WAE is receiving overwhelming number of alarms. These alarms are referred to as WAAS software alarms.

The WAAS software uses SNMP to report error conditions by generating SNMP traps. The following WAAS applications can generate a WAAS software alarm:

Node Health Manager (alarm overload condition)

System Monitor (sysmon) for disk failures

The three levels of alarms in the WAAS software are as follows:

Critical—Alarms that affect the existing traffic through the WAE and are considered fatal (the WAE cannot recover and continue to process traffic).

Major—Alarms that indicate a major service (for example, the cache service) has been damaged or lost. Urgent action is necessary to restore this service. However, other node components are fully functional and the existing service should be minimally impacted.

Minor—Alarms that indicate that a condition that will not affect a service has occurred, but that corrective action is required to prevent a serious fault from occurring.

You can configure alarms using the snmp-server enable traps alarms global configuration command.

Use the show alarms critical EXEC command to display the current critical alarms being generated by WAAS software applications. Use the show alarms critical detail EXEC command to display additional details for each of the critical alarms being generated. Use the show alarms critical detail support EXEC command to display an explanation about the condition that triggered the alarm and how you can find out the cause of the problem. Similarly, you can use the show alarms major and show alarms minor EXEC commands to display the details of major and minor alarms.

Use the show alarms history EXEC command to display a history of alarms that have been raised and cleared by the WAAS software on the WAAS device since the last software reload. The WAAS software retains the last 100 alarm raise and clear events only.

Use the show alarms status EXEC command to display the status of current alarms and the alarm overload status of the WAAS device and alarm overload configuration.


Table 3-4 describes the fields shown in the show alarms history command display.

Table 3-4 Field Descriptions for the show alarms history Command



Operation status of the alarm. Values are R-Raised or C-Cleared.


Severity of the alarm. Values are Cr-Critical, Ma-Major, or Mi-Minor.

Alarm ID

Type of event that caused the alarm.


Software module affected.


Object that this alarm event is associated with. For example, for an alarm event with the Alarm ID disk_failed, the instance would be the name of the disk that failed. The Instance field does not have predefined values and is application specific.

Table 3-5 describes the fields shown in the show alarms status command display.

Table 3-5 Field Descriptions for the show alarms status Command 


Critical Alarms

Number of critical alarms.

Major Alarms

Number of major alarms.

Minor Alarms

Number of minor alarms.

Overall Alarm Status

Aggregate status of alarms.

Device is NOT in alarm overload state.

Status of the device alarm overload state.

Device enters alarm overload state @ 999 alarms/sec.

Threshold number of alarms per second at which the device enters the alarm overload state.

Device exits alarm overload state @ 99 alarms/sec.

Threshold number of alarms per second at which the device exits the alarm overload state.

Overload detection is ENABLED.

Status of whether overload detection is enabled on the device.

Related Commands

(config) alarm overload-detect

(config) snmp-server enable traps

show appnav-controller flow-distribution

To display ANC flow distribution information, use the show appnav-controller flow-distribution EXEC command.

show appnav-controller flow-distribution [client-ip ip_address | client-port port | peer-id peer_id | server-ip ip_address | server-port port]

Syntax Description

client-ip ip_address

(Optional) Displays the flow information for the client with the specified IP address.

client-port port

(Optional) Displays the flow information for the client with the specified port number (1-65535).

peer-id peer_id

(Optional) Displays the flow information for the peer with the specified identifier. The peer ID is from 0 to 4294967295 identifying a peer.

server-ip ip_address

(Optional) Displays the flow information for the server with the specified IP address.

server-port port

(Optional) Displays the flow information for the server with the specified port number (1-65535).


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

This command can be used to determine how a flow would be classified and redirected.


The following is sample output from the show appnav-controller flow-distribution command that shows how a flow would be redirected:

ANC# show appnav-controller flow-distribution peer-id 58:8d:01:02:04:3a client-ip server-ip server-port 443
WARNING: One or more inputs are wildcards. The flow distribution lookup may not
be accurate
Did not find existing application, session or connection
Policy lookup results
Connection will be redirected
Matched class: class-default:HTTPS
Monitored Accl: SSL
Configured redirect SNG: WNG-Default
Selected SNG: WNG-Default
Bucket #: 4
Selected SN:

Related Commands

(config) service-insertion

show arp

To display the ARP table for a WAAS device, use the show arp EXEC command.

show arp

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use the show arp command to display the Internet-to-Ethernet address translation tables of the Address Resolution Protocol. Without flags, the current ARP entry for the host name is displayed.


Table 3-6 describes the fields shown in the show arp command display.

Table 3-6 Field Descriptions for the show arp Command



Type of protocol.


IP address of the hostname.


Current ARP flag status.

Hardware Addr

Hardware IP address given as six hexadecimal bytes separated by colons.


Type of wide-area network.


Name and slot/port information for the interface.

show authentication

To display the authentication configuration for a WAAS device, use the show authentication EXEC command.

show authentication {user | strict-password-policy}

Syntax Description


Displays authentication configuration for user login to the system.


Displays strict password policy configuration information.



No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

When the WAAS device authenticates a user through an NTLM, LDAP, TACACS+, RADIUS, or Windows domain server, a record of the authentication is stored locally. As long as the entry is stored, subsequent attempts to access restricted Internet content by the same user do not require additional server lookups. To display the local and remote authentication configuration for user login, use the show authentication user EXEC command.

To display the strict password policy configuration information , use the show authentication strict-password-policy EXEC command.


Table 3-7 describes the fields shown in the show authentication user command display.

Table 3-7 Field Descriptions for the show authentication user Command 


Login Authentication: Console/Telnet/Ftp/SSH Session

Authentication service that is enabled for login authentication and the configured status of the service.

Windows domain




Operation status of the authentication service. Values are enabled or disabled.

Priority status of each authentication service. Values are primary, secondary, or tertiary.

Configuration Authentication: Console/Telnet/Ftp/SSH Session

Authentication service that is enabled for configuration authentication and the configured status of the service.

Windows domain




Operation status of the authentication service. Values are enabled or disabled.

Priority status of each authentication service. Values are primary, secondary, or tertiary.

Table 3-8 describes the fields in the show authentication strict-password-policy command display. If the strict password policy is not enabled, the command displays, "Strict password policy is disabled."

Table 3-8 Field Description for the show authentication strict-password-policy Command


Password validity

Number of days for which strict passwords are valid.

Password expiry warning

Number of days in advance that users are warned before strict passwords expire.

Maximum login retry attempts

Number of login retry attempts allowed before the user is locked out.

Related Commands

(config) authentication configuration

(config) authentication strict-password-policy

clear arp-cache

show statistics authentication

show auto-discovery

To display Traffic Flow Optimization (TFO) auto-discovery information for a WAE, use the show auto-discovery EXEC command.

show auto-discovery {blacklist [netmask netmask] | list [| {begin regex [regex] | exclude regex [regex] | include regex [regex]}] | asymmetric-connections}

Syntax Description


Displays the entries in the blacklist server table.

netmask netmask

(Optional) Displays the network mask to filter the table output (A.B.C.D/).


Lists TCP flows that the WAE is currently optimizing or passing through.


(Optional) Specifies the output modifier.

begin regex

Begins with the line that matches the regular expression. You can enter multiple expressions.

exclude regex

Excludes lines that match the regular expression. You can enter multiple expressions.

include regex

Includes lines that match the regular expression. You can enter multiple expressions.


Displays asymmetric connections.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The asymmetric-connections option displays the last 1000 asymmetric connections seen on the device.


The following is sample output from the show auto-discovery list command:

WAE# show auto-discovery list
E: Established, S: Syn, A: Ack, F: Fin, R: Reset
s: sent, r: received, O: Options, P: Passthrough
      Src-IP:Port           Dst-IP:Port     Orig-St  Term-St

Related Commands

show statistics auto-discovery

show statistics filtering

show statistics tfo

show statistics connection closed

show auto-register

To display the status of the automatic registration feature on a WAE, use the show auto-register EXEC command.

show auto-register

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Table 3-9 describes the output in the show auto-register command display.

Table 3-9 Field Description for the show auto-register Command


Auto registration is enabled.

Configuration status of the autoregistration feature.

Auto registration is disabled.

Configuration status of the autoregistration feature.

Related Commands

(config) auto-register

show banner

To display the message of the day (MOTD), login, and EXEC banner settings, use the show banner EXEC command.

show banner

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes




Table 3-10 describes the fields shown in the show banner command display.

Table 3-10 Field Descriptions for the show banner Command


Banner is enabled

Configuration status of the banner feature.

MOTD banner is: abc

Configured message of the day.

Login banner is: acb

Configured login banner.

Exec banner is: abc

Configured EXEC banner.

Related Commands

(config) auto-register

show bmc

To display the Baseboard Management Controller (BMC) system event log, use the show bmc EXEC command.

show bmc {info | fru | event-log [all | event | range | |] | management |}

Syntax Description


Displays the BMC information.


Displays the BMC Field Replaceable Unit.


Displays the BMC system event log (by default, the last 10 events).


Displays all events from the BMC system event log.


Displays a single event number from the BMC system event log.


Displays the range of events from the BMC system event log.


Displays the BMC management related information.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



The following is a sample output from the show bmc command:

WAE#show bmc ?
event-log   Display BMC System Event Log (default is the last 10 events)
fru         Display BMC Field Replaceable Unit
info        Display BMC information
management  Display BMC management information
WAVE-694-K9#sh bmc info
Device ID                 : 32
Device Revision           : 1
Firmware Revision         : 0.44
IPMI Version              : 2.0
Manufacturer ID           : 5771
Manufacturer Name         : Unknown (0x168B)
Product ID                : 161 (0x00a1)
Product Name              : Unknown (0xA1)
Device Available          : yes
Provides Device SDRs      : no
Additional Device Support :
    Sensor Device
    SDR Repository Device
    SEL Device
    FRU Inventory Device
Aux Firmware Rev Info     : 
SEL Information
Version          : 1.5 (v1.5, v2 compliant)
Entries          : 4
Free Space       : 9136 bytes 
Percent Used     : 0%
Last Add Time    : 05/20/2011 05:26:56
Last Del Time    : 05/20/2011 05:26:55
Overflow         : false
Supported Cmds   : 'Delete' 'Reserve' 
Self Test Results    : passed
System Power         : on
Power Overload       : false
Power Interlock      : inactive
Main Power Fault     : false
Power Control Fault  : false
Power Restore Policy : always-off
Last Power Event     : 
Chassis Intrusion    : inactive
Front-Panel Lockout  : inactive
Drive Fault          : false
Cooling/Fan Fault    : false
Current Time     : 05/24/2011 06:45:29
WAVE-694-K9#sh bmc fru
FRU Device Description : Builtin FRU Device (ID 0)
 Chassis Type          : Rack Mount Chassis
 Chassis Part Number   : 800-34889-01          
 Chassis Serial        : FCH1445V03Y
 Board Mfg Date        : Mon May  2 22:00:00 2011
 Board Mfg             : CISCO
 Board Serial          : FCH1448709T
 Board Part Number     : 74-7814-01          
 Product Manufacturer  : CISCO
 Product Name          : WAVE-694-K9     
 Product Version       : V01 
 Product Extra         : Wide Area Virtualization Engine 
 Product Extra         : Small fan: FAN-WAVE-40MM=
 Product Extra         : Big fan: FAN-WAVE-60MM=
WAE#show bmc event-log
all    Display all events from BMC System Event Log
event  Display a single event number from BMC System Event Log
range  Display the range of events from BMC System Event Log
|      Output Modifiers
WAE#show bmc manangement
Watchdog Timer Use:     SMS/OS (0x44)
Watchdog Timer Is:      Started/Running
Watchdog Timer Actions: Power Cycle (0x03)
Pre-timeout interval:   0 seconds
Timer Expiration Flags: 0x00
Initial Countdown:      900 sec
Present Countdown:      740 sec

Related Commands

clear bmc

show bridge

To display bridge interface information for an AppNav Controller using inline interception, use the show bridge EXEC command.

show bridge index

Syntax Description


Bridge group index from 1-5.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Table 3-11 describes the fields shown in the show bridge command display.

Table 3-11 Field Descriptions for the show bridge Command



Displayed only if interface is configured with link state propagation.

flow sync

Flow synchronization status.

Member Interfaces

Lists the member interfaces in the bridge group.

Link state propagation

Status of link state propagation setting (enabled or disabled).

VLAN interception

Lists the VLANs intercepted by this bridge group.

Interception Statistics (for each member interface)

Operation State

Operational state of the interface.

Input Packets Forwarded/Bridged

Number of incoming packets bridged.

Input Packets Redirected

Number of incoming packets redirected.

Input Packets Punted

Number of incoming packets punted.

Input Packets Dropped

Number of incoming packets dropped.

Output Packets Forwarded/Bridged

Number of outgoing packets bridged.

Output Packets Injected

Number of outgoing packets injected.

Output Packets Dropped

Number of outgoing packets dropped.

Related Commands

(config) bridge

show cache http-metadatacache

To display HTTP metadata cache information for a WAE, use the show cache http-metadatacache EXEC command.

show cache http-metadatacache https {conditional-response | redirect-response | unauthorized-response}

show cache http-metadatacache {all | conditional-response | redirect-response | unauthorized-response} [url]

Syntax Description


Displays cache entries for HTTPS metadata cache response types. This includes the active entries only, not the URLs.


Displays cache entries for conditional responses (304).


Displays cache entries for redirect responses (301).


Displays cache entries for authorization required responses (401).


Displays cache entries for all HTTP metadata cache response types.


Displays cache entries matching only the specified URL. If the URL string contains a question mark (?), it must be escaped with a preceding backslash (for example, \?).


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Table 3-12 describes the fields shown in the show cache http-metadatacache all command display.

Table 3-12 Field Descriptions for the show cache http-metadatacache all Command


Redirect Cache

Active HTTP entries

Number of current HTTP redirect cache entries.

Active HTTPS entries

Number of current HTTPS redirect cache entries.

Max Entries

Maximum number of redirect cache entries allowed.


URL and expiration time (in seconds) for each redirect cache entry.

Conditional Cache

Active HTTP entries

Number of current HTTP conditional cache entries.

Active HTTPS entries

Number of current HTTPS conditional cache entries.

Max Entries

Maximum number of conditional cache entries allowed.


URL and expiration time (in seconds) for each conditional cache entry.

Unauthorized Cache

Active HTTP entries

Number of current HTTP unauthorized cache entries.

Active HTTPS entries

Number of current HTTPS unauthorized cache entries.

Max Entries

Maximum number of unauthorized cache entries allowed.


URL and expiration time (in seconds) for each unauthorized cache entry.

Related Commands

(config) accelerator http

clear cache

show cdp

To display CDP configuration information, use the show cdp EXEC command.

show cdp entry {* | neighbor} [protocol | version]

show cdp interface
[GigabitEthernet slot/port | TenGigabitEthernet slot/port | InlinePort slot/port {lan | wan}]

show cdp neighbors
[detail | GigabitEthernet slot/port [detail] | TenGigabitEthernet slot/port [detail] | InlinePort slot/port/{lan/wan}[detail]]

show cdp {holdtime | run | timer | traffic}

Syntax Description


(Optional) Displays information for a specific CDP neighbor entry.


Specifies all neighbors.


CDP neighbor entry to display.


(Optional) Displays the CDP protocol information.


(Optional) Displays the CDP version.


Displays the interface status and configuration.

GigabitEthernet slot/port

(Optional) Displays the Gigabit Ethernet configuration for the designated interface.

TenGigabitEthernet slot/port

(Optional) Displays the 10-Gigabit Ethernet configuration for the designated interface.

InlinePort slot/port {lan | wan}

(Optional) Displays Inline Port configuration for the designated interface.


Displays CDP neighbor entries.


(Optional) Displays detailed information.


Displays the length of time that CDP information is held by neighbors.


Displays the CDP process status.


Displays the time when CDP information is resent to neighbors.


Displays CDP statistical information.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes


Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

The show cdp command displays information about how frequently CDP packets are resent to neighbors, the length of time that CDP packets are held by neighbors, the disabled status of CDP Version 2 multicast advertisements, CDP Ethernet interface ports, and general CDP traffic information.


Table 3-13 describes the fields shown in the show cdp command display.

Table 3-13 Field Descriptions for the show cdp Command


Sending CDP packets every XX seconds

Interval (in seconds) between transmissions of CDP advertisements. This field is controlled by the cdp timer command.

Sending a holdtime value of XX seconds

Time (in seconds) that the device directs the neighbor to hold a CDP advertisement before discarding it. This field is controlled by the cdp holdtime command.

Sending CDPv2

advertisements is XX

Transmission status for sending CDP Version-2 type advertisements. Possible values are enabled or not enabled.

Table 3-14 describes the fields shown in the show cdp entry neighbor command display.

Table 3-14 Field Descriptions for the show cdp entry Command 


Device ID

Name of the neighbor device and either the MAC address or the serial number of this device.

Entry address(es)

IP address

IP address of the neighbor device.

CLNS address

Non-IP network address. The field depends on the type of neighbor.

DECnet address

Non-IP network address. The field depends on the type of neighbor.


Product name and number of the neighbor device.


Protocol being used by the connectivity media.

Port ID (outgoing port)

Port number of the port on the neighbor device.


Capability code discovered on the neighbor device. This is the type of the device listed in the CDP Neighbors table. Possible values are as follows:


T—Transparent bridge

B—Source-routing bridge



I—IGMP device



Time (in seconds) that the current device will hold the CDP advertisement from a transmitting router before discarding it.


Software version running on the neighbor device.

Table 3-15 describes the fields shown in the show cdp entry neighbor protocol command display.

Table 3-15 Field Descriptions for the show cdp entry protocol Command


Protocol information for XX

Name or identifier of the neighbor device.

IP address

IP address of the neighbor device.

CLNS address

Non-IP network address. The field depends on the type of neighbor.

DECnet address

Non-IP network address. The field depends on the type of neighbor.

Table 3-16 describes the fields shown in the show cdp entry neighbor version command display.

Table 3-16 Field Descriptions for the show cdp entry version Command


Version information for XX

Name or identifier of the neighbor device.

Software, Version

Software and version running on the neighbor device.


Copyright information for the neighbor device.

Table 3-17 describes the field in the show cdp holdtime command display.

Table 3-17 Field Descriptions for the show cdp holdtime Command


XX seconds

Time, in seconds, that the current device will hold the CDP advertisement from a transmitting router before discarding it.

Table 3-18 describes the fields shown in the show cdp interface command display.

Table 3-18 Field Descriptions for the show cdp interface Command


Interface_slot/port is XX

Operation status of the CDP interface. Values are up or down.



Sending CDP packets every XX seconds

Time interval at which CDP packets are sent.


Time, in seconds, that the current device will hold the CDP advertisement from a transmitting router before discarding it.

CDP protocol is XX

Protocol being used by the connectivity media.

Table 3-19 describes the fields shown in the show cdp neighbors command display.

Table 3-19 Field Descriptions for the show cdp neighbors Command 


Device ID

Configured ID (name), MAC address, or serial number of the neighbor device.

Local Intrfce

Local interface where the device is connected. Gig refers to a Gigabit Ethernet interface, Ten refers to a 10 Gigabit Ethernet interface, and Inline refers to an inline interface.


Time, in seconds, that the current device will hold the CDP advertisement from a transmitting router before discarding it.


Capability code discovered on the device. This is the type of the device listed in the CDP Neighbors table. Possible values are as follows:


T—Transparent bridge

B—Source-routing bridge



I—IGMP device



Product number of the device.

Port ID (outgoing port)

Port number of the device.

Table 3-20 describes the fields shown in the show cdp neighbors detail command display.

Table 3-20 Field Descriptions for the show cdp neighbors detail Command 


Device ID

Configured ID (name), MAC address, or serial number of the neighbor device.

Entry address (es)

List of network addresses of neighbor devices.


Product name and number of the neighbor device.


Device type of the neighbor. This device can be a router, a bridge, a transparent bridge, a source-routing bridge, a switch, a host, an IGMP device, or a repeater.


Protocol being used by the connectivity media.

Port ID (outgoing port)

Port number of the port on the neighbor device.


Time, in seconds, that the current device will hold the CDP advertisement from a transmitting router before discarding it.


Software version running on the neighbor device.


Copyright information for the neighbor device.

advertisement version

Version of CDP being used for CDP advertisements.

VTP Management Domain

VLAN trunk protocol management domain. The VLAN information is distributed to all switches that are part of the same domain.

Native VLAN

VLAN to which the neighbor interface belongs.

Table 3-21 describes the field in the show cdp run command display.

Table 3-21 Field Description for the show cdp run Command


CDP is XX.

Whether CDP is enabled or disabled.

Table 3-22 describes the field in the show cdp timer command display.

Table 3-22 Field Description for the show cdp timer Command


cdp timer XX

Time when CDP information is resent to neighbors.

Table 3-23 describes the fields shown in the show cdp traffic command display.

Table 3-23 Field Descriptions for the show cdp traffic Command 


Total packets Output

(Total number of packets sent) Number of CDP advertisements sent by the local device. This value is the sum of the CDP Version 1 advertisements output and CDP Version 2 advertisements output fields.


(Total number of packets received) Number of CDP advertisements received by the local device. This value is the sum of the CDP Version-1 advertisements input and CDP Version 2 advertisements input fields.

Hdr syntax

(Header Syntax) Number of CDP advertisements with bad headers received by the local device.

Chksum error

(CheckSum Error) Number of times that the checksum (verifying) operation failed on incoming CDP advertisements.

Encaps failed

(Encapsulations Failed) Number of times that CDP failed to transmit advertisements on an interface because of a failure caused by the bridge port of the local device.

No memory

Number of times that the local device did not have enough memory to store the CDP advertisements in the advertisement cache table when the device was attempting to assemble advertisement packets for transmission and parse them when receiving them.

Invalid packet

Number of invalid CDP advertisements received and sent by the local device.


Number of times fragments or portions of a single CDP advertisement were received by the local device instead of the complete advertisement.

CDP version 1 advertisements Output

Number of CDP Version 1 advertisements sent by the local device.


Number of CDP Version 1 advertisements received by the local device.

CDP version 2 advertisements Output

Number of CDP Version 2 advertisements sent by the local device.


Number of CDP Version 2 advertisements received by the local device.

Related Commands

(config) cdp

(config-if) cdp

clear arp-cache

debug cdp

show cifs

To display CIFS application accelerator information, use the show cifs EXEC command.

show cifs cache {disk-use | entry-count}

show cifs msg-signing-servers

show cifs requests {count | waiting}

show cifs sessions {count | list}

Syntax Description



Displays CIFS cache information.


Displays the total disk usage for CIFS cache.


Displays the count of internal cache resources used for cached files.


Displays a list of the IP addresses of servers requiring message signing.


Displays run-time information on active CIFS requests.


Displays the number of pending CIFS requests.


Displays the number of waiting CIFS requests.


Displays run-time information on active CIFS sessions.