Policy Map Class Configuration Mode Commands
To configure a service policy in an AppNav or optimization policy map, use the class policy map configuration command. To unconfigure settings, use the no form of this command.
class classmap-name [insert-before [existing_class]]
no class classmap-name [insert-before [existing_class]]
Syntax Description
classmap-name |
Class map name (up to 40 alpha-numeric characters and hyphen, beginning with a letter). |
insert-before existing_class |
Inserts a new class, or moves an existing class, before the specified class. If you do not specify an existing class name, the class is moved to the last position in the policy map. |
No default behavior or values.
Command Modes
Policy map configuration
Device Modes
Usage Guidelines
Use the class command to add or modify a service policy (policy rule) for traffic identified by a class map. This command invokes the Policy Map Class configuration mode, which is indicated by a different prompt (config-pmap-c). To return to global configuration mode, enter the exit command.
You can delete a policy rule by using the no form of this command.
The WAAS software comes with many class maps and policy rules that help your WAAS system classify and optimize some of the most common traffic on your network. Before you create a new class map or policy rule, we recommend that you review the default class map and policy rules and modify them as appropriate. It is usually easier to modify an existing class map or policy rule than to create a new one. For a list of the default applications, class maps, and policy rules, see the Cisco Wide Area Application Services Configuration Guide.
Note We strongly recommend that you use the WAAS Central Manager GUI to centrally configure policy maps for your WAAS devices. For more information, see the Cisco Wide Area Application Services Configuration Guide.
The following example shows how to configure an AppNav policy rule in a policy map:
wae(config)# policy-map type appnav mypolicy
wae(config-pmap)# class httpx
wae(config-pmap-c)# distribute service-node-group wng3
wae(config-pmap-c)# monitor-load http
The following example shows how to configure a policy rule in an optimization policy map:
wae(config)# policy-map waas WAAS-GLOBAL
wae(config-pmap)# class httpx
wae(config-pmap-c)# optimize full accelerate http application Web
Related Commands
(config-pmap-c) distribute
(config-pmap-c) monitor-load
(config-pmap-c) optimize
(config-pmap-c) pass-through
(config-pmap-c) service-policy
(config-pmap-c) set ip dscp
(config-pmap-c) distribute
To configure the WAAS node group to which to distribute traffic in an AppNav policy rule, use the distribute policy class map configuration command. To unconfigure the distribution policy, use the no form of this command.
distribute service-node-group node-group-name [insert-before [existing-node-group]]
no distribute service-node-group node-group-name [insert-before [existing-node-group]]
Syntax Description
service-node-group node-group-name |
Name of a configured service node group (WAAS node group) to which you want to distribute traffic in the class. |
insert-before existing-node-group |
Inserts the new distribute action before an existing distribute action to the specified service node group. |
No default behavior or values.
Command Modes
Policy map class configuration
Device Modes
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to add a distribute action to an AppNav policy rule. One or two distribute actions are allowed in an AppNav policy rule, which specify primary and secondary WAAS node groups to which traffic in the class is to be distributed.
If one distribute action already exists, you can use the insert-before option to add the new distribute action before the existing one. If you do not specify the insert-before option, the new distribute action is placed after the existing one.
If you specify the distribute action in a policy, any pass-through action is removed.
The following example shows how to configure traffic distribution in a policy rule:
wae(config)# policy-map type appnav mypolicy
wae(config-pmap)# class httpx
wae(config-pmap-c)# distribute service-node-group wng3
Related Commands
(config-pmap-c) monitor-load
(config-pmap-c) pass-through
(config-pmap-c) service-policy
(config-pmap-c) monitor-load
To configure the application accelerator to monitor in an AppNav policy rule, use the monitor-load policy class map configuration command. To unconfigure monitoring, use the no form of this command.
monitor-load {cifs | http | ica | mapi | MS-port-mapper | nfs | ssl | video}
no monitor-load {cifs | http | ica | mapi | MS-port-mapper | nfs | ssl | video}
Syntax Description
monitor-load {cifs | http | ica | mapi | MS-port-mapper | nfs | ssl | video} |
Monitors the load on the specified application accelerator, as follows: •cifs—CIFS or SMB accelerator •http—HTTP accelerator •ica—ICA accelerator •mapi—MAPI accelerator •MS-port-mapper—EPM accelerator •nfs—NFS accelerator •ssl—SSL accelerator •video—Video accelerator |
No default behavior or values.
Command Modes
Policy map class configuration
Device Modes
Usage Guidelines
Use this command to monitor the load on an application accelerator in an AppNav policy rule. When you monitor an application accelerator, the AppNav Controller checks for overload on that application accelerator and does not send new flows to a WAAS node that is overloaded.
If you specify the monitor-load action in a policy, any pass-through action is removed.
The following example shows how to configure monitoring in a policy rule:
wae(config)# policy-map type appnav mypolicy
wae(config-pmap)# class httpx
wae(config-pmap-c)# monitor-load http
Related Commands
(config-pmap-c) distribute
(config-pmap-c) pass-through
(config-pmap-c) service-policy
(config-pmap-c) optimize
To configure optimization actions in a WAAS optimization policy, use the optimize policy class map configuration command. To unconfigure optimization actions, use the no form of this command.
optimize {tfo-only | {[DRE {bidirectional | adaptive | unidirectional}] [LZ] | full} [accelerate {cifs | http | ica | mapi | MS-port-mapper | nfs | ssl | video}] [application app-name]
no optimize {tfo-only | {[DRE {bidirectional | adaptive | unidirectional}] [LZ] | full} [accelerate {cifs | http | ica | mapi | MS-port-mapper | nfs | ssl | video}] [application app-name]
Syntax Description
tfo-only |
Optimize with transport flow optimizations (TFO) and not data redundancy elimination (DRE) or Lempel-Ziv (LZ) compression. |
Optimize with DRE of the specified type. |
bidirectional |
Optimize with bidirectional caching DRE. |
adaptive |
Optimize with adaptive caching DRE. |
unidirectional |
Optimize with unidirectional caching DRE. |
LZ |
Apply LZ compression. |
full |
Apply full Layer 4 optimization; this keyword is equivalent to DRE bidirectional LZ. |
accelerate {cifs | http | ica | mapi | MS-port-mapper | nfs | ssl | video} |
Accelerate the traffic using the specified application accelerator, as follows: •cifs—CIFS or SMB accelerator •http—HTTP accelerator •ica—ICA accelerator •mapi—MAPI accelerator •MS-port-mapper—EPM accelerator •nfs—NFS accelerator •ssl—SSL accelerator •video—Video accelerator |
application app-name |
Assign the specified application identifier to connections matching the class for statistics collection. |
No default behavior or values.
Command Modes
Policy map class configuration
Device Modes
Usage Guidelines
This command configures the optimization actions in a WAAS optimization policy.
You may specify only a single optimize or pass-through action for a particular class. If one of these actions is already present and you specify a new action, the new action replaces the existing action. If neither of these actions is specified, the default is pass-through.
The following DRE caching modes are supported:
•Bidirectional—The peer WAEs maintain identical caches for inbound and outbound traffic. This caching mode is best suited where a significant portion of the traffic seen in one direction between the peers is also seen in the reverse direction.
•Unidirectional—The peer WAEs maintain different caches for inbound and outbound traffic. This caching mode is best suited where a significant portion of the traffic seen in one direction between the peers is not seen in the reverse direction.
•Adaptive—The peer WAEs negotiate either bidirectional or unidirectional caching based on the characteristics of the traffic seen between the peers.
The following example shows how to configure the optimization action in a policy:
wae(config)# policy-map waas WAAS-GLOBAL
wae(config-pmap)# class httpx
wae(config-pmap-c)# optimize full accelerate http application Web
Related Commands
(config-pmap-c) pass-through
(config-pmap-c) set ip dscp
(config-pmap-c) pass-through
To configure the pass-through action in an AppNav or optimization policy rule, use the pass-through policy class map configuration command. To unconfigure the pass-through action, use the no form of this command.
pass-through [application app-name]
no pass-through [application app-name]
Syntax Description
application app-name |
(Optional) Assign the specified application identifier to connections matching the class for statistics collection. Available only for WAAS optimization class maps. |
No default behavior or values.
Command Modes
Policy map class configuration
Device Modes
Usage Guidelines
In an optimization policy, this command prevents the traffic in the class from being optimized and instead the traffic is passed through unoptimized. You can optionally specify an application name with which to associate the traffic in the class for statistics collection purposes.
You may specify only a single optimize or pass-through action for a particular class. If one of these actions is already present and you specify a new action, the new action replaces the existing action. If neither of these actions is specified, the default is pass-through.
In an AppNav policy rule, this command prevents the traffic in the class from being distributed to WAAS nodes and instead the traffic is passed through unoptimized.
This command is useful in a nested policy to override a distribute action specified in the parent policy.
If you specify the pass-through action in a policy, any distribute or monitor-load actions are removed.
The following example shows how to configure the pass-through action in an optimization policy:
wae(config)# policy-map waas WAAS-GLOBAL
wae(config-pmap)# class httpx
wae(config-pmap-c)# pass-through
The following example shows how to configure the pass-through action in an AppNav policy rule:
wae(config)# policy-map type appnav mypolicy
wae(config-pmap)# class httpx
wae(config-pmap-c)# pass-through
Related Commands
(config-pmap-c) distribute
(config-pmap-c) monitor-load
(config-pmap-c) optimize
(config-pmap-c) service-policy
(config-pmap-c) set ip dscp
(config-pmap-c) service-policy
To configure a nested policy map in an AppNav policy rule, use the service-policy policy class map configuration command. To unconfigure a nested policy map, use the no form of this command.
service-policy policymap-name
no service-policy policymap-name
Syntax Description
policymap-name |
Name of an existing policy map to nest under this policy rule. |
No default behavior or values.
Command Modes
Policy map class configuration
Device Modes
Usage Guidelines
This command specifies another policy map that is applied as a nested policy to the traffic in the class. Policy rules in the nested policy map override policy rules in the parent policy map.
Only one nested policy is allowed in a class. If you specify this command when an existing nested policy exists in the class, the new nested policy replaces the existing one.
You can specify the same nested policy in multiple classes, which allows you to apply the same nested policy action, such as monitoring application accelerators, to many classes of traffic.
A policy map used as a nested policy may not contain classes that use match peer conditions.
The following example shows how to configure nested policy map for a policy rule:
wae(config)# policy-map type appnav mypolicy
wae(config-pmap)# class httpx
wae(config-pmap-c)# distribute service-node-group wng3
wae(config-pmap-c)# service-policy npolicymonitor
Related Commands
(config-pmap-c) distribute
(config-pmap-c) monitor-load
(config-pmap-c) pass-through
(config-pmap-c) set ip dscp
To configure the DSCP marking in a WAAS optimization policy, use the set ip dscp policy class map configuration command. To unconfigure DSCP marking, use the no form of this command.
set ip dscp dscp-marking
no set ip dscp dscp-marking
Syntax Description
dscp-marking |
Assign the specified DSCP marking value (Table 3-2) to the connections in the class. |
The default DSCP marking value is copy.
Command Modes
Policy map class configuration
Device Modes
Usage Guidelines
This command overrides the global default DSCP marking value, which is set to copy by default.
If you do not specify the set ip dscp command, the class uses the global default DSCP marking, which is set by the service-policy type waas set ip dscp command.
You can specify the set ip dscp command only when the optimize action has been configured for a class.
The following example shows how to configure the DSCP marking value for connections in the class:
wae(config)# policy-map waas WAAS-GLOBAL
wae(config-pmap)# class httpx
wae(config-pmap-c)# optimize full accelerate http application Web
wae(config-pmap-c)# set ip dscp 10
Related Commands
(config-pmap-c) optimize
(config-pmap-c) pass-through
(config) service-policy