- Command Summary by Mode
- Preface
- Using the WAAS Command-Line Interface
- Cisco WAAS Software Command Summary
- CLI Commands
- EXEC Mode Commands
- Global Configuration Mode Commands
- Interface Configuration Mode Commands
- Standard ACL Configuration Mode Commands
- Extended ACL Configuration Mode Commands
- Preposition Configuration Mode Commands
- Virtual Blade Configuration Mode Commands
- PKI Certificate Authority Configuration Mode Commands
- PKI Global Settings Configuration Mode Commands
- SSL Accelerated Service Configuration Mode Commands
- SSL Cipher List Configuration Mode Commands
- SSL Global Service Configuration Mode Commands
- SSL Host Peering Service Configuration Mode Commands
- SSL Management Service Configuration Mode Commands
- WCCP Configuration Mode Commands
- AppNav Controller Group Configuration Mode Commands
- Service Node Group Configuration Mode Commands
- Service Node Configuration Mode Commands
- Service Context Configuration Mode Commands
- Class Map Configuration Mode Commands
- Policy Map Configuration Mode Commands
- Policy Map Class Configuration Mode Commands
- Acronyms and Abbreviations
Virtual Blade Configuration Mode Commands
To configure virtual blades on a WAE device, use the virtual-blade global configuration command. To disable a virtual blade, use the no form of this command.
virtual-blade [virtual-blade-number]
no virtual-blade [virtual-blade-number]
Syntax Description
virtual-blade-number |
Number of the virtual blade that you want to configure. The range of valid values depends on the number of virtual blades that your WAE or WAVE appliance can support. |
No default behavior or values.
Command Modes
global configuration
Device Modes
Usage Guidelines
Use the virtual-blade command to configure virtual blades on a WAAS device that supports virtual blades. This command initiates the virtual blade configuration mode as indicated by the (config-vb) prompt.
Within virtual blade configuration mode, you can use the various commands (device, disk, interface, and so on) to define the resource parameters for the virtual blade. To return to global configuration mode, enter the exit command.
The following example shows how to edit virtual blade 2 and put your WAE into virtual blade configuration mode:
WAE(config)# virtual-blade 2
The following example shows that the prompt changes to (config-vb) to indicate virtual blade mode.
WAE(config-vb)# description This-is-my-virtual-blade-description
WAE(config-vb)# exit
Related Commands
(config-vb) autostart
To set a virtual blade to automatically start when the WAE is started, use the autostart virtual blade configuration command. To prevent a virtual blade from starting automatically, use the no form of this command.
no autostart
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
No default behavior or values.
Command Modes
virtual blade configuration mode
Device Modes
The following example shows how to configure virtual blade 2 to start automatically when the WAE restarts:
WAE(config)# virtual-blade 2
WAE(config-vb)# autostart
Related Commands
(config-vb) boot
To configure the boot image location and source for a virtual blade, use the boot virtual blade configuration command.
boot {cd-image {cd-rom | disk location} | fd-image disk location |
from {cd-rom | disk | network}}
Syntax Description
No default behavior or values.
Command Modes
virtual blade configuration mode
Device Modes
Usage Guidelines
The floppy disk image and bootable CD-ROM image must be located in the /local1/vbs directory. The path used with the boot cd-image disk and boot fd-image disk commands must be /local1/vbs/filename. The CD-ROM image can be used to boot the operating system running on the virtual blade. The floppy disk image reserves resources for an emulated floppy disk drive on the virtual blade.
Use the boot from cd-rom option before you have installed a guest OS, to boot from a guest OS installer CD (a physical CD or an .iso file located in /local1/vbs).
Use the boot from disk option after you have installed a guest OS, to boot from the installed guest OS.
If you specified boot from disk, the cd-image keyword is optional and configures the location of a CD-ROM image that is made available to the guest OS (but is not used for booting). The CD image can be changed during operation, by using the virtual-blade n cd eject EXEC command followed by the virtual-blade n cd disk /local1/vbs/newimage.iso or the virtual-blade n cd cd-rom EXEC command.
The boot from network option requires PXE to be enabled on your network. A DHCP broadcast message with PXE boot options is sent, and the DHCP server provides the location of files to download for boot.
Use the boot from network option to install the same version of software to many virtual blades, or to boot each virtual blade with a complete OS stored and managed in a centralized network location. If you are network booting to install the guest OS, then you may want to configure the virtual blade to boot from the disk on subsequent boots. You can do this by modifying the boot from parameter while the virtual blade is running.
The following example shows how to configure virtual blade 2 to boot from a CD image file (such as a guest OS installer CD) located on the WAE hard disk:
WAE(config)# virtual-blade 2
WAE(config-vb)# boot from cd-rom
WAE(config-vb)# boot cd-image disk /local1/vbs/windows_2003.iso
The following example shows how to configure virtual blade 1 to boot from a CD-ROM located in the WAE optical drive:
WAE(config)# virtual-blade 1
WAE(config-vb)# boot from cd-rom
WAE(config-vb)# boot cd-image cd-rom
The following example shows how to configure virtual blade 1 to boot from a previously installed guest OS installed on the WAE hard disk:
WAE(config)# virtual-blade 1
WAE(config-vb)# boot from disk
The following example shows how to configure virtual blade 1 to boot from a network location:
WAE(config)# virtual-blade 1
WAE(config-vb)# boot from network
Related Commands
(config-vb) cpu-list
To configure the CPU assignments that the virtual blade runs on, use the cpu-list virtual blade configuration command. To remove the virtual blade CPU list configuration, use the no form of this command.
cpu-list cpu1 [cpu2]
no cpu-list cpu1 [cpu2]
Syntax Description
cpu-list cpu1 [cpu2] |
Specifies the CPUs that are available for this virtual blade. The virtual blade may run on a single CPU or both, if available. |
A single CPU is assigned per virtual blade by default. If more than one CPU is available, odd numbered virtual blades will use CPU 1, and even numbered virtual blades will use CPU 2.
Command Modes
virtual blade configuration mode
Device Modes
Usage Guidelines
If the CPU list contains a single entry, then only that CPU will be used. If the CPU list contains two entries, then both CPUs will be used in SMP mode.
You may configure any combination of CPUs, however enabling a virtual blade to use more than one core in SMP mode may interfere with another virtual blade using the same core. In this case, a warning is displayed.

Note A running virtual blade can be moved between CPUs, but the virtual blade must be stopped to add or remove CPUs.
The number of CPUs available for virtual blades depends on the device. On a device with two CPUs, one CPU is always reserved for the WAAS software. On a device with four CPUs, two are reserved for the WAAS software. If no virtual blades are started, all CPUs are used for the WAAS software.
The following example shows how to configure CPU 1 and CPU 2 for virtual blade 2:
WAE(config)# virtual-blade 2
WAE(config-vb)# cpu-list 1 2
Related Commands
(config-vb) description
To enter a description for a virtual blade on your WAE, use the description virtual blade configuration command.
description description-text
Syntax Description
description-text |
Text to briefly describe the virtual blade. |
No default behavior or values.
Command Modes
virtual blade configuration mode
Device Modes
The following example shows how to define the descriptive text for virtual blade 2 as "Windows Server 2003":
WAE(config)# virtual-blade 2
WAE(config-vb)# description Windows Server 2003
Related Commands
(config-vb) device
To set the device emulation parameters used by the virtual blade on your WAE, use the device virtual blade configuration command.
device {cpu {qemu64 | qemu32} | nic {rtl8139 | E1000 | virtio} | disk {IDE | virtio} |
keyboard {emulation}}
Syntax Description
The default values are as follows:
•device cpu qemu64
•device nic rtl8139
•device disk IDE
•device keyboard en-us
Command Modes
virtual blade configuration mode
Device Modes
Usage Guidelines
Table 3-1 shows valid values for keyboard device emulation.
The following example shows how to set the device emulation parameters for virtual blade 2. The CPU emulator is set to qemu64, the NIC emulator is set to rtl8139, and the disk type emulator is set to IDE.
WAE(config)# virtual-blade 2
WAE(config-vb)# device cpu qemu64
WAE(config-vb)# device nic rtl8139
WAE(config-vb)# device disk IDE
Related Commands
(config-vb) disk
To allocate disk space for a virtual blade on the WAE hard drive, use the disk virtual blade configuration command.
disk disk1-size disk2-size disk3-size disk4-size
Syntax Description
No default behavior or values.
Command Modes
virtual blade configuration mode
Device Modes
Usage Guidelines
You can configure up to four virtual hard disks on the virtual blade.
The following example shows how to allocate 40 GB of disk space for a single virtual hard disk in virtual blade 1:
WAE(config)# virtual-blade 1
WAE(config-vb)# disk 40
The following example shows how to allocate four virtual hard disks in virtual blade 2:
WAE(config)# virtual-blade 2
WAE(config-vb)# disk 10 30 0 15
Related Commands
(config-vb) interface
To bridge a virtual blade interface to an interface on your WAE, use the interface virtual blade configuration command.
interface vb-interface bridge-group bridge-id [mac-address mac]
Syntax Description
No default behavior or values.
Command Modes
virtual blade configuration mode
Device Modes
Usage Guidelines
The virtual blade requires bridging of its virtual interface to a bridge group on the WAE so that it can connect to the network defined in the bridge group. You must have previously defined the bridge group and bridge virtual interface by using the bridge and interface bvi global configuration commands.
The following example shows how to bridge interface 1 on virtual blade 2 to bridge group 3:
WAE(config)# bridge 3 protocol ieee
interface GigabitEthernet 1/0 bridge-group 3
interface bvi 3 ip address
virtual-blade 2
interface 1 bridge-group 3
Related Commands
(config-vb) memory
To allocate memory for a virtual blade from the WAE system, use the memory virtual blade configuration command.
memory memory-allocation
Syntax Description
memory-allocation |
Amount of memory allocated for the virtual memory of a virtual blade, in megabytes. |
No default behavior or values.
Command Modes
virtual blade configuration mode
Device Modes
Usage Guidelines
The amount of memory that can be allocated for a virtual blade depends on the amount of memory in your WAE or WAVE appliance, and on the amount of memory that is assigned to other virtual blades. The minimum amount of memory that you can allocate for a single virtual blade is 512 MB.
The following example shows how to allocate 4 MB of memory for virtual blade 2:
WAE(config)# virtual-blade 2
WAE(config-vb)# memory 4
Related Commands
(config-vb) vnc
To enable the VNC server for a virtual blade, use the vnc virtual blade configuration command. To disable the VNC server for a virtual blade, use the no form of this command.
no vnc
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
The VNC server is enabled by default.
Command Modes
virtual blade configuration mode
Device Modes
Usage Guidelines
The VNC server is enabled by default.
When you disable the VNC server, any active VNC connections are closed.
The following example shows how to disable the VNC server for virtual blade 2:
WAE(config)# virtual-blade 2
WAE(config-vb)# no vnc