AppNav Statistics Service
This chapter describes the AppNav Statistics service, which returns AppNav data and statistics for AppNav and AppNav- XE controllers and clusters.
The AppNav Statistics (AppNavStats Web Service) performs one or more of the following actions:
Note that you can request statistics for multiple clusters/controller in any of the above requests.
Service URL: https:// <host/ip> :8443/ws/ AppNavStats
WSDL URL: https:// <host/ip> :8443/ws/ AppNavStats?wsdl
To obtain a description of all the operations and parameters for the AppNavStats Service, submit a URL to the service with the suffix ?wsdl as follows:
To obtain management information using the Central Manager monitoring API, first call the service by using the service URL for this service as follows:
Next, submit a SOAP request written in an XML format to retrieve the information.
The following example shows an XML-formatted SOAP request to perform the retrieveAppNavPolicyStats action. The request includes the input parameters for this particular action shown in bold. The next example shows the XML response that contains the output values for this action.
Example Request
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ser="" xmlns:xsd="">
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="">
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
Example Response
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<ns:retrieveOverallAppNavPolicyStatsResponse xmlns:ns="" xmlns:ax246="" xmlns:ax248="" xmlns:ax247="" xmlns:ax249="">
<ns:return type="">
<ns:return type="">
<ns:return type="">
<ns:return type="">
<ns:return type="">
<ns:return type="">
<ns:return type="">
<ns:return type="">
<ns:return type="">
<ns:return type="">
Retrieves the pass-through statistics collected on an AppNav controller or cluster.
This API is supported for AppNav-XE device/cluster.
Input Parameters
name |
An array of ser:name elements, each of which is a string that describes the name of the AppNav controller or cluster. |
objType |
An array of ser:objType elements, each of which is a string that describes the object type. Valid values include the following:
timeframe |
A TimeFrameFilter value that includes the time interval, time zone, and frequency. |
The output parameter appNavPTStats[] returns a AppNavPTStats value that provides pass-through statistics.
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveAppNav PassthroughStats: ERROR:Invalid name= |
The controller or cluster name is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveAppNav PassthroughStats: ERROR:Invalid objType= |
The object type name is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveAppNav PassthroughStats: ERROR:Invalid TimeFrame |
The timeframe is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveAppNav PassthroughStats: ERROR:Device does not exist.DeviceName= |
The controller name is not found. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveAppNav PassthroughStats: ERROR:Cluster does not exist.Cluster= |
The cluster name is not found. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveAppNav PassthroughStats: ERROR:Invalid frequency= |
The frequency is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveAppNav PassthroughStats: ERROR:Invalid startTime= |
The start time is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveAppNav PassthroughStats: ERROR:Invalid endTime= |
The end time is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveAppNav PassthroughStats: ERROR:startTime should be less than endTime startTime= |
The start time is less than the end time. |
AxisFault |
AppNavStats:The Method Name is not supported. MethodName= |
The method name is not supported for a given service. |
AxisFault |
AppNavStats:The SOAP Envelope Body is Null |
The SOAP envelope is missing for a given service. |
AxisFault |
AppNavStats:The Requested WebService is not available |
The service requested is not supported. |
AxisFault |
retrieveAppNavPassthroughStats:The SOAP Body doesn’t have all the required elements |
The SOAP body does not have all the required elements. |
Retrieves the AppNav controller or cluster statistics for a specified policy map/class map pair, including the intercepted, distributed, and pass-through traffic for the default policy for that pair.
The parameter classMapName is not supported for IOS-XE devices/Cluster. Please use API without classMapName for IOS-XE devices/Cluster : " + deviceName.
Input Parameters
name |
An array of ser:name elements, each of which is a string that describes the name of the AppNav controller or cluster. |
objType |
An array of ser:objType elements, each of which is a string that describes the object type. Valid values include the following:
timeframe |
A TimeFrameFilter value that includes the time interval, time zone, and frequency. |
policyMapName |
A string that describes the name of the policy map. |
classMapName |
A string that describes the name of the class map. |
The output parameter AppNavPolicyStats[] returns a AppNavStats value that provides information about the intercepted traffic, pass-through traffic, and redirected traffic for the specified policy map/class map pair.
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveAppNav PolicyStats: ERROR:Invalid name= |
The controller or cluster name is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveAppNav PolicyStats: ERROR:Invalid objType= |
The object type name is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveAppNav PolicyStats: ERROR:Invalid TimeFrame |
The timeframe is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveAppNav PolicyStats: ERROR:Device does not exist.DeviceName= |
The controller name is not found. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveAppNav PolicyStats: ERROR:Cluster does not exist.Cluster= |
The cluster name is not found. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveAppNav PolicyStats: ERROR:Invalid frequency= |
The frequency is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveAppNav PolicyStats: ERROR:Invalid startTime= |
The start time is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveAppNav PolicyStats: ERROR:Invalid endTime= |
The end time is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveAppNav PolicyStats: ERROR:startTime should be less than endTime startTime= |
The start time is less than the end time. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveAppNavPolicyStats:ERROR:PolicyMapName does not exist. PolicyMapName : |
The Policy Map Name is not valid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveAppNavPolicyStats:ERROR:The parameter classMapName is not supported for IOS-XE devices/Cluster. Please use API without classMapName for IOS-XE devices/Cluster : |
The Policy Map Name is not supported for IOS-XE devices/Cluster. |
AxisFault |
AppNavStats:The Method Name is not supported. MethodName= |
The method name is not supported for a given service. |
AxisFault |
AppNavStats:The SOAP Envelope Body is Null |
The SOAP envelope is missing for a given service. |
AxisFault |
AppNavStats:The Requested WebService is not available |
The service requested is not supported. |
AxisFault |
retrieveAppNavPolicyStats:The SOAP Body doesn’t have all the required elements |
The SOAP body does not have all the required elements. |
Retrieves the overall AppNav controller or cluster statistics, including the intercepted, distributed, and pass-through traffic for the default policy.
This API is supported for AppNav-XE device/cluster.
Input Parameters
name |
An array of ser:name elements, each of which is a string that describes the name of the AppNav controller or cluster. |
objType |
An array of ser:objType elements, each of which is a string that describes the object type. Valid values include the following:
timeframe |
A TimeFrameFilter value that includes the time interval, time zone, and frequency. |
The output parameter AppNavOverallPolicyStats[] returns a AppNavOverallStats value that provides overall traffic information for the controller or cluster.
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveOverall AppNavPolicyStats: ERROR:Invalid name= |
The controller or cluster name is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveOverall AppNavPolicyStats: ERROR:Invalid objType= |
The object type name is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveOverall AppNavPolicyStats: ERROR:Invalid TimeFrame |
The timeframe is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveOverall AppNavPolicyStats: ERROR:Device does not exist.DeviceName= |
The controller name is not found. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveOverall AppNavPolicyStats: ERROR:Cluster does not exist.Cluster= |
The cluster name is not found. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveOverall AppNavPolicyStats: ERROR:Invalid frequency= |
The frequency is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveOverall AppNavPolicyStats: ERROR:Invalid startTime= |
The start time is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveOverall AppNavPolicyStats: ERROR:Invalid endTime= |
The end time is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveOverall AppNavPolicyStats: ERROR:startTime should be less than endTime startTime= |
The start time is less than the end time. |
AxisFault |
AppNavStats:The Method Name is not supported. MethodName= |
The method name is not supported for a given service. |
AxisFault |
AppNavStats:The SOAP Envelope Body is Null |
The SOAP envelope is missing for a given service. |
AxisFault |
AppNavStats:The Requested WebService is not available |
The service requested is not supported. |
AxisFault |
retrieveOverallAppNavPolicyStats:The SOAP Body doesn’t have all the required elements |
The SOAP body does not have all the required elements. |
Retrieves AppNav controller received and redirected data statistics for a specified WAAS Node Group.
This API is supported for AppNav-XE device/cluster.
Input Parameters
name |
An array of ser:name elements, each of which is a string that describes the name of the AppNav controller or cluster. |
objType |
An array of ser:objType elements, each of which is a string that describes the object type. Valid values include the following:
timeframe |
A TimeFrameFilter value that includes the time interval, time zone, and frequency. |
wngName |
A string that describes the name of the WAAS Node Group. |
The output parameter AppnavWNGDistributionstats[] returns a AppNavRedStats value that provides information about the number of received and redirected bytes for the specified WAAS Node Group. The XML output values will include the WN names only if the WNG name is passed as a parameter.
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveWNG DistributionStats: ERROR:Invalid name= |
The controller, cluster, or WNG name is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveWNG DistributionStats: ERROR:Invalid objType= |
The object type name is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveWNG DistributionStats: ERROR:Invalid TimeFrame |
The timeframe is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveWNG DistributionStats: ERROR:Device does not exist.DeviceName= |
The controller name is not found. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveWNG DistributionStats: ERROR:Cluster does not exist.Cluster= |
The cluster name is not found. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveWNG DistributionStats: ERROR:Invalid frequency= |
The frequency is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveWNG DistributionStats: ERROR:Invalid startTime= |
The start time is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveWNG DistributionStats: ERROR:Invalid endTime= |
The end time is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveWNG DistributionStats: ERROR:startTime should be less than endTime startTime= |
The start time is less than the end time. |
AxisFault |
AppNavStats:The Method Name is not supported. MethodName= |
The method name is not supported for a given service. |
AxisFault |
AppNavStats:The SOAP Envelope Body is Null |
The SOAP envelope is missing for a given service. |
AxisFault |
AppNavStats:The Requested WebService is not available |
The service requested is not supported. |
AxisFault |
retrieveWNGDistributionStats:The SOAP Body doesn’t have all the required elements |
The SOAP body does not have all the required elements. |
Retrieves AppNav-XE controller received and redirected data statistics for a specified WAAS Node Group.
This API is supported only for IOS-XE devices/Cluster. Please use API without context for non IOS-XE devices/Cluster : " + deviceName.
Input Parameters
name |
An array of ser:name elements, each of which is a string that describes the name of the AppNav-XE controller or cluster. |
objType |
An array of ser:objType elements, each of which is a string that describes the object type. Valid values include the following:
timeframe |
A TimeFrameFilter value that includes the time interval, time zone, and frequency. |
wngName |
A string that describes the name of the WAAS Node Group. |
context |
A string that describes the name of the Service Context. |
The output parameter AppnavWNGDistributionstats[] returns a AppNavRedStats value that provides information about the number of received and redirected bytes for the specified WAAS Node Group.
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveWNGDistributionStatsXe:ERROR:WNG does not exist for the given context. WNGName : |
Wrong WNG Name has been given for the context. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveWNGDistributionStatsXe:ERROR:Service Context does not exist. Service Context : |
The Service context name is not valid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveWNGDistributionStatsXe:ERROR:WNG does not exist. WNGName : |
The WNG Name is not valid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveWNG DistributionStatsXe: ERROR:Invalid name= |
The controller, cluster, or WNG name is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveWNG DistributionStatsXe: ERROR:Invalid objType= |
The object type name is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveWNG DistributionStatsXe: ERROR:Invalid TimeFrame |
The timeframe is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveWNG DistributionStatsXe: ERROR:Device does not exist.DeviceName= |
The controller name is not found. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveWNG DistributionStatsXe: ERROR:Cluster does not exist.Cluster= |
The cluster name is not found. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveWNG DistributionStatsXe: ERROR:Invalid frequency= |
The frequency is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveWNG DistributionStatsXe: ERROR:Invalid startTime= |
The start time is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveWNG DistributionStatsXe: ERROR:Invalid endTime= |
The end time is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveWNG DistributionStatsXe: ERROR:startTime should be less than endTime startTime= |
The start time is less than the end time. |
AxisFault |
AppNavStats:The Method Name is not supported. MethodName= |
The method name is not supported for a given service. |
AxisFault |
AppNavStats:The SOAP Envelope Body is Null |
The SOAP envelope is missing for a given service. |
AxisFault |
AppNavStats:The Requested WebService is not available |
The service requested is not supported. |
AxisFault |
retrieveWNGDistributionStatsXe:The SOAP Body doesn’t have all the required elements |
The SOAP body does not have all the required elements. |
Retrieves the pass-through statistics collected on an AppNav-XE controller or cluster.
This API is supported only for IOS-XE devices/Cluster. Please use API without context for non IOS-XE devices/Cluster : " + deviceName.
Input Parameters
name |
An array of ser:name elements, each of which is a string that describes the name of the AppNav-XE controller or cluster. |
objType |
An array of ser:objType elements, each of which is a string that describes the object type. Valid values include the following:
timeframe |
A TimeFrameFilter value that includes the time interval, time zone, and frequency. |
context |
A string that describes the name of the Service Context. |
The output parameter appNavPTStats[] returns a AppNavPTStats value that provides pass-through statistics.
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveAppNavPassthroughStatsXe:ERROR:Service Context does not exist. Service Context : |
The Service context name is not valid |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveAppNav PassthroughStatsXe: ERROR:Invalid name= |
The controller or cluster name is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveAppNav PassthroughStatsXe: ERROR:Invalid objType= |
The object type name is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveAppNav PassthroughStatsXe: ERROR:Invalid TimeFrame |
The timeframe is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveAppNav PassthroughStatsXe: ERROR:Device does not exist.DeviceName= |
The controller name is not found. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveAppNav PassthroughStatsXe: ERROR:Cluster does not exist.Cluster= |
The cluster name is not found. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveAppNav PassthroughStatsXe: ERROR:Invalid frequency= |
The frequency is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveAppNav PassthroughStatsXe: ERROR:Invalid startTime= |
The start time is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveAppNav PassthroughStatsXe: ERROR:Invalid endTime= |
The end time is invalid. |
RemoteException |
AppNavStatsService.retrieveAppNav PassthroughStatsXe: ERROR:startTime should be less than endTime startTime= |
The start time is less than the end time. |
AxisFault |
AppNavStats:The Method Name is not supported. MethodName= |
The method name is not supported for a given service. |
AxisFault |
AppNavStats:The SOAP Envelope Body is Null |
The SOAP envelope is missing for a given service. |
AxisFault |
AppNavStats:The Requested WebService is not available |
The service requested is not supported. |
AxisFault |
retrieveAppNavPassthroughStatsXe: The SOAP Body doesn’t have all the required elements |
The SOAP body does not have all the required elements. |