ICA Statistics Service
This chapter describes the ICAStatistics service, which returns ICA accelerator data and statistics for individual WAEs, device groups, and for the WAAS network.
The ICA Statistics (ICA Web Service) performs one or more of the following actions:
Service URL: https:// <host/ip> :8443/ws/ ICAStats
WSDL URL: https:// <host/ip> :8443/ws/ ICAStats?wsdl
To obtain a description of all the operations and parameters for the ICAStats Service, submit a URL to the service with the suffix ?wsdl as follows:
To obtain management information using the Central Manager monitoring API, first call the service by using the service URL for this service as follows:
Next, submit a SOAP request written in an XML format to retrieve the information.
The following example shows an XML-formatted SOAP request to perform the retrieveAppNavPolicyStats action. The request includes the input parameters for this particular action shown in bold. The next example shows the XML response that contains the output values for this action.
Example Request
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope">
- <wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd">
<wsse:Password Type="http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-username-token-profile-1.0#PasswordText">default</wsse:Password>
- <ns2:getConnStats xmlns:ns2="http://service.stats.ws.waas.cisco.com">
<ns1:endTime xmlns:ns1="http://util.ws.waas.cisco.com/xsd">2008-01-30T08:00:00.000Z</ns1:endTime>
<ns1:frequency xmlns:ns1="http://util.ws.waas.cisco.com/xsd">lasthour</ns1:frequency>
<ns1:startTime xmlns:ns1="http://util.ws.waas.cisco.com/xsd">2012-04-16T17:59:24.000Z</ns1:startTime>
<ns1:timezone xmlns:ns1="http://util.ws.waas.cisco.com/xsd">UTC</ns1:timezone>
Example Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope">
- <ns:getConnStatsResponse xmlns:ns="http://service.stats.ws.waas.cisco.com" xmlns:ax225="http://io.java/xsd" xmlns:ax227="http://stats.ws.waas.cisco.com/xsd" xmlns:ax226="http://util.ws.waas.cisco.com/xsd" xmlns:ax224="http://rmi.java/xsd">
- <ns:return type="com.cisco.waas.ws.stats.ICAConnectionStats">
Retrieves statistics about why connections were bypassed for ICA optimization.
Input Parameters
name |
A string that describes the name of the WAE, WAE group, or system. |
objType |
A string that describes the object type. Valid values include the following:
- wae
- waegroup
- device
- devicegroup
- system
timeframe |
A TimeFrameFilter value that includes the time interval, time zone, and frequency. |
The output parameter ICABypassedReasons[] returns a ICABypassedReasons value that provides the statistics about why connections were bypassed, including a client being on the denied list, resource limitations, unrecognized protocols, and other reasons.
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getBypassedReasons: ERROR:Invalid name= |
The device name is invalid. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getBypassedReasons: ERROR:Invalid objType= |
The object type name is invalid. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getBypassedReasons: ERROR:Invalid TimeFrame |
The timeframe is invalid. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getBypassedReasons: ERROR:Device does not exist.DeviceName= |
The device name is not found. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getBypassedReasons: ERROR:Device Group does not exist.DeviceGroup= |
The device group name is not found. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getBypassedReasons: ERROR:Invalid frequency= |
The frequency is invalid. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getBypassedReasons: ERROR:Invalid startTime= |
The start time is invalid. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getBypassedReasons: ERROR:Invalid endTime= |
The end time is invalid. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getBypassedReasons: ERROR:startTime should be less than endTime startTime= |
The start time is less than the end time. |
AxisFault |
IcaStats:The Method Name is not supported. MethodName= |
The method name is not supported for a given service. |
AxisFault |
IcaStats:The SOAP Envelope Body is Null |
The SOAP envelope is missing for a given service. |
AxisFault |
IcaStats:The Requested WebService is not available |
The service requested is not supported. |
AxisFault |
getBypassedReasons:The SOAP Body doesn’t have all the required elements |
The SOAP body does not have all the required elements. |
Retrieves statistics about the numbers of connections handled by the ICA AO.
Input Parameters
name |
A string that describes the name of the WAE, WAE group, or system. |
objType |
A string that describes the object type. Valid values include the following:
- wae
- waegroup
- device
- devicegroup
- system
timeframe |
A TimeFrameFilter value that includes the time interval, time zone, and frequency. |
The output parameter ICAConnectionsStats[] returns a ICAConnectionStats value that provides statistical information about various connection values, including the number of ICA connections, the number of acdtive connections, the number of dropped connections, and others.
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getConnStats: ERROR:Invalid name= |
The device name is invalid. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getConnStats: ERROR:Invalid objType= |
The object type name is invalid. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getConnStats: ERROR:Invalid TimeFrame |
The timeframe is invalid. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getConnStats: ERROR:Device does not exist.DeviceName= |
The device name is not found. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getConnStats: ERROR:Device Group does not exist.DeviceGroup= |
The device group name is not found. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getConnStats: ERROR:Invalid frequency= |
The frequency is invalid. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getConnStats: ERROR:Invalid startTime= |
The start time is invalid. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getConnStats: ERROR:Invalid endTime= |
The end time is invalid. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getConnStats: ERROR:startTime should be less than endTime startTime= |
The start time is less than the end time. |
AxisFault |
IcaStats:The Method Name is not supported. MethodName= |
The method name is not supported for a given service. |
AxisFault |
IcaStats:The SOAP Envelope Body is Null |
The SOAP envelope is missing for a given service. |
AxisFault |
IcaStats:The Requested WebService is not available |
The service requested is not supported. |
AxisFault |
getConnStats:The SOAP Body doesn’t have all the required elements |
The SOAP body does not have all the required elements. |
Retrieves information about how many connections were dropped for each of a variety of reasons.
Input Parameters
name |
A string that describes the name of the WAE, WAE group, or system. |
objType |
A string that describes the object type. Valid values include the following:
- wae
- waegroup
- device
- devicegroup
- system
timeframe |
A TimeFrameFilter value that includes the time interval, time zone, and frequency. |
The output parameter ICADroppedReasons[] returns a ICADroppedReasons value that provides information about how many connections were dropped for various reasons.
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getDroppedReasons: ERROR:Invalid name= |
The device name is invalid. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getDroppedReasons: ERROR:Invalid objType= |
The object type name is invalid. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getDroppedReasons: ERROR:Invalid TimeFrame |
The timeframe is invalid. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getDroppedReasons: ERROR:Device does not exist.DeviceName= |
The device name is not found. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getDroppedReasons: ERROR:Device Group does not exist.DeviceGroup= |
The device group name is not found. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getDroppedReasons: ERROR:Invalid frequency= |
The frequency is invalid. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getDroppedReasons: ERROR:Invalid startTime= |
The start time is invalid. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getDroppedReasons: ERROR:Invalid endTime= |
The end time is invalid. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getDroppedReasons: ERROR:startTime should be less than endTime startTime= |
The start time is less than the end time. |
AxisFault |
IcaStats:The Method Name is not supported. MethodName= |
The method name is not supported for a given service. |
AxisFault |
IcaStats:The SOAP Envelope Body is Null |
The SOAP envelope is missing for a given service. |
AxisFault |
IcaStats:The Requested WebService is not available |
The service requested is not supported. |
AxisFault |
getDroppedReasons:The SOAP Body doesn’t have all the required elements |
The SOAP body does not have all the required elements. |
Retrieves statistics about the number of ICA sessions using different encryption protocols.
Input Parameters
name |
A string that describes the name of the WAE, WAE group, or system. |
objType |
A string that describes the object type. Valid values include the following:
- wae
- waegroup
- device
- devicegroup
- system
timeframe |
A TimeFrameFilter value that includes the time interval, time zone, and frequency. |
The output parameter ICAEncyptStats[] returns a ICAEncryptStats value that provides information about how many sessions were encrypted using different encryption protocols, including RC5128, RC540, and RC556.
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getEncryptionStats: ERROR:Invalid name= |
The device name is invalid. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getEncryptionStats: ERROR:Invalid objType= |
The object type name is invalid. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getEncryptionStats: ERROR:Invalid TimeFrame |
The timeframe is invalid. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getEncryptionStats: ERROR:Device does not exist.DeviceName= |
The device name is not found. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getEncryptionStats: ERROR:Device Group does not exist.DeviceGroup= |
The device group name is not found. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getEncryptionStats: ERROR:Invalid frequency= |
The frequency is invalid. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getEncryptionStats: ERROR:Invalid startTime= |
The start time is invalid. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getEncryptionStats: ERROR:Invalid endTime= |
The end time is invalid. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getEncryptionStats: ERROR:startTime should be less than endTime startTime= |
The start time is less than the end time. |
AxisFault |
IcaStats:The Method Name is not supported. MethodName= |
The method name is not supported for a given service. |
AxisFault |
IcaStats:The SOAP Envelope Body is Null |
The SOAP envelope is missing for a given service. |
AxisFault |
IcaStats:The Requested WebService is not available |
The service requested is not supported. |
AxisFault |
getEncryptionStats:The SOAP Body doesn’t have all the required elements |
The SOAP body does not have all the required elements. |
Retrieves information about how many sessions are using different virtualization software versions.
Input Parameters
name |
A string that describes the name of the WAE, WAE group, or system. |
objType |
A string that describes the object type. Valid values include the following:
- wae
- waegroup
- device
- devicegroup
- system
timeframe |
A TimeFrameFilter value that includes the time interval, time zone, and frequency. |
The output parameter ICAVersionStats[] returns a ICAVersionStats value that provides details of how many sessions are using each of several different session management software, including Citrix Receiver 13.0 and four different versions (11.0, 11.2, 12.0, and 12.2) of the Citrix online plug-in.
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getVersionStats: ERROR:Invalid name= |
The device name is invalid. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getVersionStats: ERROR:Invalid objType= |
The object type name is invalid. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getVersionStats: ERROR:Invalid TimeFrame |
The timeframe is invalid. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getVersionStats: ERROR:Device does not exist.DeviceName= |
The device name is not found. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getVersionStats: ERROR:Device Group does not exist.DeviceGroup= |
The device group name is not found. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getVersionStats: ERROR:Invalid frequency= |
The frequency is invalid. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getVersionStats: ERROR:Invalid startTime= |
The start time is invalid. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getVersionStats: ERROR:Invalid endTime= |
The end time is invalid. |
RemoteException |
IcaStatsService.getVersionStats: ERROR:startTime should be less than endTime startTime= |
The start time is less than the end time. |
AxisFault |
IcaStats:The Method Name is not supported. MethodName= |
The method name is not supported for a given service. |
AxisFault |
IcaStats:The SOAP Envelope Body is Null |
The SOAP envelope is missing for a given service. |
AxisFault |
IcaStats:The Requested WebService is not available |
The service requested is not supported. |
AxisFault |
getVersionStats:The SOAP Body doesn’t have all the required elements |
The SOAP body does not have all the required elements. |