- Command Summary by Mode
- Preface
- Using the WAAS Command-Line Interface
- Cisco WAAS Software Command Summary
- CLI Commands
- EXEC Mode Commands
- Global Configuration Mode Commands
- Interface Configuration Mode Commands
- Standard ACL Configuration Mode Commands
- Extended ACL Configuration Mode Commands
- Preposition Configuration Mode Commands
- Virtual Blade Configuration Mode Commands
- PKI Certificate Authority Configuration Mode Commands
- PKI Global Settings Configuration Mode Commands
- SSL Accelerated Service Configuration Mode Commands
- SSL Cipher List Configuration Mode Commands
- SSL Global Service Configuration Mode Commands
- SSL Host Peering Service Configuration Mode Commands
- SSL Management Service Configuration Mode Commands
- WCCP Configuration Mode Commands
- AppNav Controller Group Configuration Mode Commands
- Service Node Group Configuration Mode Commands
- Service Node Configuration Mode Commands
- Service Context Configuration Mode Commands
- Class Map Configuration Mode Commands
- Policy Map Configuration Mode Commands
- Policy Map Class Configuration Mode Commands
- Acronyms and Abbreviations
AppNav Controller Group Configuration Mode Commands
(config-scg) appnav-controller 3-919
(config-scg) description 3-920
Class Map Configuration Mode Commands
(config) class-map 3-598
(config-cmap) description 3-945
(config-cmap) match peer 3-946
(config-cmap) match protocol 3-947
(config-cmap) match tcp 3-949
(config) aaa accounting 3-540
(config) aaa authorization commands 3-543
(config) accelerator cifs 3-544
(config) accelerator cifs preposition 3-546
(config) accelerator epm 3-548
(config) accelerator http 3-549
(config) accelerator ica 3-552
(config) accelerator mapi 3-554
(config) accelerator nfs 3-556
(config) accelerator smb 3-557
(config) accelerator ssl 3-560
(config) accelerator video 3-562
(config) accelerator windows-print 3-564
(config) alarm overload-detect 3-565
(config) asset 3-567
(config) authentication configuration 3-568
(config) authentication content-request 3-574
(config) authentication enable 3-573
(config) authentication fail-over 3-578
(config) authentication login 3-580
(config) auto-discovery 3-587
(config) auto-register 3-588
(config) banner 3-590
(config) bridge 3-592
(config) cdp 3-595
(config) central-manager 3-596
(config) clock 3-600
(config) cms 3-604
(config) crypto pki 3-607
(config) crypto ssl 3-609
(config) device mode 3-611
(config) directed-mode 3-613
(config) disk disk-name 3-614
(config) disk encrypt 3-616
(config) disk error-handling 3-617
(config) disk logical shutdown 3-618
(config) disk object-cache extend 3-619
(config) dre 3-620
(config) end 3-621
(config) exec-timeout 3-622
(config) exit 3-623
(config) flow monitor 3-624
(config) help 3-625
(config) hostname 3-627
(config) inetd 3-629
(config) inline 3-630
(config) inline vlan-id-connection-check 3-631
(config) interception 3-632
(config) interception-method 3-634
(config) interface bvi 3-636
(config) interface GigabitEthernet 3-638
(config) interface InlineGroup 3-643
(config) interface PortChannel 3-646
(config) interface standby 3-648
(config) interface TenGigabitEthernet 3-650
(config) interface virtual 3-654
(config) ip 3-657
(config) ip access-list 3-660
(config)ip icmp rate-limit unreachable 3-663
(config)ip unreachables df 3-665
(config) kerberos 3-666
(config) kernel kdb 3-668
(config) kernel kdump 3-670
(config) line 3-671
(config) logging console 3-672
(config) logging disk 3-674
(config) logging facility 3-676
(config) logging host 3-678
(config) ntp 3-680
(config) peer 3-682
(config) policy-map 3-683
(config) port-channel 3-685
(config) primary-interface 3-686
(config) radius-server 3-688
(config) service-insertion 3-690
(config) service-policy 3-693
(config) smb-conf 3-695
(config) snmp-server access-list 3-698
(config) snmp-server community 3-699
(config) snmp-server contact 3-701
(config) snmp-server enable traps 3-702
(config) snmp-server group 3-705
(config) snmp-server host 3-707
(config) snmp-server location 3-709
(config) snmp-server mib 3-710
(config) snmp-server notify inform 3-712
(config) snmp-server trap-source 3-713
(config) snmp-server user 3-715
(config) snmp-server view 3-717
(config) sshd 3-718
(config) ssh-key-generate 3-720
(config) stats-collector logging 3-721
(config) system jumbomtu 3-722
(config) tacacs 3-723
(config) tcp 3-726
(config) telnet enable 3-728
(config) tfo exception 3-729
(config) tfo optimize 3-730
(config) tfo tcp adaptive-buffer-sizing 3-731
(config) tfo tcp keepalive 3-732
(config) tfo tcp optimized-mss 3-733
(config) tfo tcp optimized-receive-buffer 3-734
(config) tfo tcp optimized-send-buffer 3-735
(config) tfo tcp original-mss 3-736
(config) tfo tcp original-receive-buffer 3-737
(config) tfo tcp original-send-buffer 3-738
(config) threshold-monitor 3-739
(config) transaction-logs 3-741
(config) username 3-744
(config) virtual-blade 3-746
(config) vn-service vpath 3-748
(config) wccp access-list 3-749
(config) wccp flow-redirect 3-751
(config) wccp router-list 3-753
(config) wccp shutdown 3-755
(config) wccp tcp-promiscuous service-pair 3-757
(config) windows-domain 3-759
authentication strict-password-policy 3-585
cd 3-4
clear arp-cache 3-5
clear bmc 3-6
clear cache 3-7
clear cdp 3-9
clear cifs msg-signing-servers 3-10
clear connection 3-11
clear dre 3-12
clear ip 3-13
clear license 3-14
clear logging 3-15
clear service-policy 3-16
clear statistics 3-17
clear statistics accelerator 3-19
clear statistics connection 3-20
clear statistics vn-service vpath 3-22, 3-23
clear transaction-log 3-24
clear users 3-25
clear windows-domain 3-27
clear windows-domain-log 3-28
clock 3-29
cms 3-30
cms secure-store 3-33
configure 3-36
copy cdrom 3-37
copy cdrom wow-recovery 3-38
copy compactflash 3-39
copy disk 3-40
copy ftp 3-41
copy http 3-44
copy monitoring-log 3-46
copy running-config 3-47
copy scp 3-49
copy startup-config 3-51
copy sysreport 3-52
copy system-status 3-54
copy tech-support 3-55
copy tftp 3-57
cpfile 3-60
crypto delete 3-61
crypto export 3-62
crypto generate 3-64
crypto import 3-66
crypto pki 3-68
debug aaa accounting 3-69
debug accelerator 3-73
debug all 3-79
debug appnav-controller connection 3-81
debug authentication 3-85
debug auto-discovery 3-87
debug buf 3-89
debug cdp 3-91
debug cli 3-93
debug cmm 3-95
debug cms 3-97
debug connection 3-99
debug controllers 3-101
debug dataserver 3-103
debug dhcp 3-105
debug directed-mode 3-107
debug dre 3-109
debug egress-method 3-111
debug encryption-service 3-113
debug fda 3-115
debug fdm 3-117
debug filtering 3-119
debug flow 3-121
debug generic-gre 3-123
debug hw-raid 3-125
debug imd 3-127
debug inline 3-129
debug logging 3-133
debug nplogd 3-137
debug ntp 3-139
debug punt 3-141
debug rbcp 3-143
debug rmd 3-145
debug rpc 3-147
debug service-insertion 3-149
debug service-policy 3-151
debug snmp 3-153
debug standby 3-155
debug statistics 3-157
debug synq 3-159
debug tfo 3-161
debug translog 3-163
debug wafs 3-165
debug wccp 3-167
delfile 3-169
deltree 3-170
dir 3-171
disable 3-173
disk 3-174
dnslookup 3-177
enable 3-178
exit 3-179
find-pattern 3-180
help 3-182
install 3-183
less 3-185
license add 3-186
lls 3-187
ls 3-188
lsusb 3-190
mkdir 3-191
mkfile 3-192
monitor appnav-controller traffic 3-193
ntpdate 3-194
packet-capture 3-195
ping 3-197
pwd 3-198
reload 3-199
rename 3-200
restore 3-201
rmdir 3-205
scp 3-206
script 3-208
setup 3-209
show aaa accounting 3-210
show aaa authorization 3-212
show accelerator 3-213
show alarms 3-217
show appnav-controller flow-distribution 3-220
show arp 3-222
show authentication 3-223
show auto-discovery 3-225
show auto-register 3-226
show banner 3-227
show bmc 3-228
show bridge 3-230
show cache http-metadatacache 3-232
show cdp 3-234
show cifs 3-240
show class-map 3-242
show clock 3-244
show cms 3-246
show cms secure-store 3-249
show crypto 3-251
show debugging 3-253
show device-id 3-254
show device-mode 3-255
show directed-mode 3-257
show disks 3-258
show dre 3-265
show filtering list 3-266
show flash 3-268
show hardware 3-269
show hosts 3-272
show inetd 3-273
show interception-method 3-274
show interface 3-275
show inventory 3-279
show ip access-list 3-280
show ip routes 3-282
show kdump 3-283
show kerberos 3-284
show key-manager 3-285
show license 3-286
show logging 3-287
show memory 3-288
show monitor 3-289
show ntp 3-290
show peer optimization 3-292
show policy-map 3-293
show policy-sub-class 3-294
show processes 3-296
show radius-server 3-298
show reload 3-300
show running-config 3-301
show service-insertion 3-303
show service-policy 3-309
show services 3-312
show smb-conf 3-313
show snmp 3-315
show ssh 3-321
show startup-config 3-322
show statistics accelerator 3-324
show statistics aoim 3-373
show statistics application 3-377
show statistics appnav-controller 3-380
show statistics authentication 3-382
show statistics auto-discovery 3-383
show statistics cifs 3-386
show statistics class-default 3-388
show statistics class-map 3-389
show statistics connection 3-391
show statistics connection auto-discovery 3-395
show statistics connection closed 3-397
show statistics connection conn-id 3-400
show statistics connection egress-methods 3-403
show statistics connection optimized 3-407
show statistics connection pass-through 3-410
show statistics crypto ssl ciphers 3-412
show statistics datamover 3-413
show statistics directed-mode 3-415
show statistics dre 3-416
show statistics filtering 3-419
show statistics flow 3-422
show statistics generic-gre 3-425
show statistics icmp 3-426
show statistics ip 3-428
show statistics monitor appnav-controller traffic 3-431
show statistics netstat 3-433
show statistics pass-through 3-434
show statistics peer 3-436
show statistics policy-sub-class 3-439
show statistics punt 3-441
show statistics radius 3-442
show statistics service-insertion 3-444
show statistics services 3-445
show statistics sessions 3-446
show statistics snmp 3-447
show statistics synq 3-449
show statistics tacacs 3-450
show statistics tcp 3-452
show statistics tfo 3-456
show statistics udp 3-460
show statistics vn-service vpath 3-461
show statistics wccp 3-463
show statistics windows-domain 3-468
show statistics windows-print requests 3-470
show synq list 3-472
show sysfs volumes 3-473
show tacacs 3-474
show tcp 3-476
show tech-support 3-478
show telnet 3-481
show tfo tcp 3-482
show transaction-logging 3-484
show user 3-486
show users administrative 3-487
show version 3-489
show virtual-blade 3-490
show wccp 3-493
show windows-domain 3-500
shutdown 3-502
snmp trigger 3-505
ssh 3-509
tcpdump 3-510
telnet 3-512
terminal 3-513
test 3-514
tethereal 3-517
top 3-520
traceroute 3-522
transaction-log 3-524
type 3-525
type-tail 3-526
virtual-blade 3-528
vm 3-530
waas-tcptrace 3-532
whoami 3-534
windows-domain 3-535
write 3-538
Extended ACL Configuration Mode Commands
(config-ext-nacl) delete 3-805
(config-ext-nacl) deny 3-806
(config-ext-nacl) exit 3-811
(config-ext-nacl) list 3-812
(config-ext-nacl) move 3-813
(config-ext-nacl) permit 3-814
Interface Configuration Mode Commands
(config-if) autosense 3-764
(config-if) bandwidth 3-765
(config-if) bridge-group 3-767
(config-if) cdp 3-769
(config-if) channel-group 3-770
(config-if) description 3-771
(config-if) encapsulation dot1Q 3-772
(config-if) exit 3-773
(config-if) failover timeout 3-774
(config-if) full-duplex 3-776
(config-if) half-duplex 3-778
(config-if) inline 3-780
(config-if) ip 3-782
(config-if) ip access-group 3-784
(config-if) load-interval 3-786
(config-if) mtu 3-787
(config-if) shutdown 3-788
(config-if) standby 3-789
PKI Certificate Authority Configuration Mode Commands
(config-ca) ca-certificate 3-855
(config-ca) description 3-856
(config-ca) revocation-check 3-857
PKI Global Settings Configuration Mode Commands
(config-pki-global-settings) ocsp 3-860
(config-pki-global-settings) revocation-check 3-861
Policy Map Class Configuration Mode Commands
(config-pmap-c) distribute 3-957
(config-pmap-c) monitor-load 3-958
(config-pmap-c) optimize 3-960
(config-pmap-c) pass-through 3-962
(config-pmap-c) service-policy 3-964
(config-pmap-c) set ip dscp 3-965
Policy Map Configuration Mode Commands
(config-pmap) class 3-953
(config-pmap) description 3-954
Preposition Configuration Mode Commands
(config-preposition) credentials 3-821
(config-preposition) dscp 3-822
(config-preposition) duration 3-823
(config-preposition) enable 3-824
(config-preposition) ignore-hidden-dir 3-825
(config-preposition) max-cache 3-826
(config-preposition) max-file-size 3-827
(config-preposition) min-file-size 3-828
(config-preposition) name 3-829
(config-preposition) recursive 3-831
(config-preposition) root 3-832
(config-preposition) scan-type 3-830, 3-833
(config-preposition) schedule 3-834
(config-preposition) server 3-836
Service Context Configuration Mode Commands
(config-scxt) appnav-controller-group 3-935
(config-scxt) authentication 3-936
(config-scxt) description 3-937
(config-scxt) enable 3-938
(config-scxt) service-node-group 3-940
(config-scxt) service-policy 3-941
Service Node Configuration Mode Commands
(config-sn) authentication 3-927
(config-sn) description 3-928
(config-sn) enable 3-929
(config-sn) node-discovery 3-930
(config-sn) shutdown 3-932
Service Node Group Configuration Mode Commands
(config-sng) description 3-923
(config-sng) service-node 3-924
SSL Accelerated Service Configuration Mode Commands
(config-ssl-accelerated) cipher-list 3-865
(config-ssl-accelerated) client-cert-verify 3-866
(config-ssl-accelerated) client-version-rollback-check 3-867
(config-ssl-accelerated) description 3-868
(config-ssl-accelerated) inservice 3-869
(config-ssl-accelerated) server-cert-key 3-870
(config-ssl-accelerated) server-cert-verify 3-871
(config-ssl-accelerated) server-domain 3-872
(config-ssl-accelerated) server-ip 3-873
(config-ssl-accelerated) server-name 3-874
(config-ssl-accelerated) version 3-875
SSL Cipher List Configuration Mode Commands
(config-cipher-list) cipher 3-878
SSL Global Service Configuration Mode Commands
(config-ssl-global) cipher-list 3-883
(config-ssl-global) machine-cert-key 3-884
(config-ssl-global) version 3-885
SSL Host Peering Service Configuration Mode Commands
(config-ssl-peering) cipher-list 3-889
(config-ssl-peering) peer-cert-verify 3-890
(config-ssl-peering) version 3-891
SSL Management Service Configuration Mode Commands
(config-ssl-mgmt) cipher-list 3-895
(config-ssl-mgmt) peer-cert-verify 3-896
(config-ssl-mgmt) version 3-897
Standard ACL Configuration Mode Commands
(config-std-nacl) delete 3-794
(config-std-nacl) deny 3-795
(config-std-nacl) exit 3-797
(config-std-nacl) list 3-798
(config-std-nacl) move 3-799
(config-std-nacl) permit 3-800
Virtual Blade Configuration Mode Commands
(config-vb) autostart 3-839
(config-vb) boot 3-840
(config-vb) cpu-list 3-842
(config-vb) description 3-844, 3-845
(config-vb) disk 3-848
(config-vb) interface 3-850
(config-vb) memory 3-851
(config-vb) vnc 3-852
WCCP Configuration Mode Commands
(config-wccp-service) assignment-method 3-901
(config-wccp-service) egress-method 3-903
(config-wccp-service) enable 3-905
(config-wccp-service) exit 3-906
(config-wccp-service) failure-detection 3-907
(config-wccp-service) password 3-909
(config-wccp-service) redirect-method 3-910
(config-wccp-service) router-list-num 3-912
(config-wccp-service) weight 3-914