Service Context Configuration Mode Commands

To configure a service context for an AppNav Cluster, use the service-insertion service-context global configuration command. To unconfigure settings, use the no form of this command.

service-insertion service-context contextname { authentication sha1 key authkey | description description | enable [ graceful ] | appnav-controller-group ancgroupname | service-node-group sngroupname | service-policy policyname }

no service-insertion service-context contextname { authentication sha1 key authkey | description description | enable | appnav-controller-group ancgroupname | service-node-group sngroupname | service-policy policyname }

Syntax Description


Specifies the service context name to configure and enters service context group configuration mode to configure service context settings. If the service context does not exist, this command creates it.

authentication sha1 key authkey

(Optional) Enables authentication between devices in the AppNav Cluster and specifies an authentication key of up to 64 alphanumeric characters. This key must match the key configured on the WNs in the cluster.

description description

(Optional) Specifies a description of the service context with up to 200 alphanumeric and space characters.


(Optional) Enables the service context for operation immediately.


(Optional) Enables the service context for operation in a graceful way that does not enable interception on this device until all cluster devices have agreed that this device has joined the cluster.

appnav-controller-group ancgroupname

Specifies the name of the ANCG to add to the service context. The ANCG must have been previously configured by the service-insertion appnav-controller-group command.

service-node-group sngroupname

Specifies the name of a WNG to add to the service context. The WNG must have been previously configured by the service-insertion service-node-group command.

service-policy policyname

Specifies the name of the AppNav policy to add to the service context. The policy must have been previously configured.


There is no authentication key and no other settings are configured.

Command Modes

global configuration

Device Modes



Usage Guidelines

Use the service-insertion service-context command to configure a service context for an AppNav Cluster. This command initiates the service context configuration mode, which is indicated by a different prompt (config-scxt). To return to global configuration mode, enter the exit command.

Each ANC in the AppNav Cluster must be configured with the settings for the service context by using the service-insertion service- context command.

An AppNav Cluster can have up to 32 member WNGs and a maximum of 32 WNs.


The following example shows how to configure and enable a service context:

WAE(config)# service-insertion service-context mycontext
WAE(config-scxt)# description My service context
WAE(config-scxt)# authentication sha1 key myauthkey
WAE(config-scxt)# appnav-controller-group myControllerGroup
WAE(config-scxt)# service-node-group LondonNodeGroup
WAE(config-scxt)# service-node-group ChicagoNodeGroup
WAE(config-scxt)# service-policy myAppNavPolicy
WAE(config-scxt)# enable

Related Commands

(config-scxt) appnav-controller-group

(config-scxt) authentication

(config-scxt) description

(config-scxt) enable

(config-scxt) service-node-group

(config-scxt) service-policy

(config) service-insertion

show service-insertion

(config-scxt) appnav-controller-group

To configure the name of the ANCG to be used in a service context, use the appnav-controller-group service context configuration command. To unconfigure the ANCG, use the no form of this command.

appnav-controller-group ancgroupname

no appnav-controller-group ancgroupname

Syntax Description

appnav-controller-group ancgroupname

Specifies the name of the ANCG to add to the service context. The ANCG must have been previously configured by the service-insertion appnav-controller-group command.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Service context configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

A service context can have only one member ANCG.


The following example shows how to add the ANCG to the service context:

WAE(config)# service-insertion service-context mycontext
WAE(config-scxt)# appnav-controller-group myControllerGroup

Related Commands

(config-scxt) authentication

(config-scxt) description

(config-scxt) enable

(config-scxt) service-node-group

(config-scxt) service-policy

(config) service-insertion

show service-insertion

(config-scxt) authentication

To configure the service context authentication key, use the authentication service context configuration command. To unconfigure the authentication key, use the no form of this command.

authentication sha1 key authkey

no authentication sha1 key authkey

Syntax Description

sha1 key authkey

Enables authentication between devices in the AppNav Cluster and specifies an authentication key of up to 64 alphanumeric characters. This key must match the key configured on the WNs in the cluster.


No key is defined and authentication is not enabled.

Command Modes

Service context configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

The specified key must match the key configured on the other devices in the cluster.


The following example shows how to configure an authentication key:

WAE(config)# service-insertion service-context mycontext
WAE(config-scxt)# authentication sha1 key myauthkey

Related Commands

(config-scxt) appnav-controller-group

(config-scxt) description

(config-scxt) enable

(config-scxt) service-node-group

(config-scxt) service-policy

(config) service-insertion

show service-insertion

(config-scxt) description

To configure the service context description, use the description service context configuration command. To unconfigure the description, use the no form of this command.

description description

no description description

Syntax Description


Specifies a description of the service context with up to 200 alphanumeric and space characters.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Service context configuration

Device Modes



The following example shows how to configure a description:

WAE(config)# service-insertion service-context mycontext
WAE(config-scxt)# description My service context

Related Commands

(config-scxt) appnav-controller-group

(config-scxt) authentication

(config-scxt) enable

(config-scxt) service-node-group

(config-scxt) service-policy

(config) service-insertion

show service-insertion

(config-scxt) enable

To enable the service context for operation, use the enable service context configuration command. To disable the service context, use the no form of this command.

enable [ graceful ]

no enable

Syntax Description


(Optional) Enables the service context for operation on a new device in a graceful way that does not enable interception on the device until all cluster devices have agreed that this device has joined the cluster. Use this option only when adding a new device to an existing cluster.



Command Modes

Service context configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

A service context must be enabled before it can operate to distribute and optimize traffic.

If you use the graceful option when enabling a service context on a new ANC, the new ANC is added to the cluster only after all devices and the new ANC have agreed that they can all communicate with each other and the addition of the new ANC has no negative impact on the existing cluster.

If you do not use the graceful option when enabling a service context on a new ANC, the new ANC is added immediately. You have the responsibility to ensure that the new ANC has network connectivity and can communicate with all other devices in the cluster. If some devices cannot communicate with the new ANC, its addition to the cluster can degrade the cluster and result in pass-through traffic.

Use the graceful option only when adding a new device to an existing cluster, not when enabling a new cluster for the first time.


The following example shows how to enable a service context:

WAE(config)# service-insertion service-context mycontext
WAE(config-scxt)# enable

Related Commands

(config-scxt) appnav-controller-group

(config-scxt) authentication

(config-scxt) description

(config-scxt) service-node-group

(config-scxt) service-policy

(config) service-insertion

show service-insertion

(config-scxt) service-node-group

To configure the name of a WNG to be used in a service context, use the service-node-group service context configuration command. To unconfigure the WNG, use the no form of this command.

service-node-group sngroupname

no service-node-group sngroupname

Syntax Description

service-node-group sngroupname

Specifies the name of a WNG to add to the service context. The WNG must have been previously configured by the service-insertion service-node-group command.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Service context configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

An AppNav Cluster can have up to 32 member WNGs and a maximum of 32 WNs.


The following example shows how to add two WNGs to the service context:

WAE(config)# service-insertion service-context mycontext
WAE(config-scxt)# service-node-group LondonNodeGroup
WAE(config-scxt)# service-node-group ChicagoNodeGroup

Related Commands

(config-scxt) appnav-controller-group

(config-scxt) authentication

(config-scxt) description

(config-scxt) enable

(config-scxt) service-policy

(config) service-insertion

show service-insertion

(config-scxt) service-policy

To configure the name of the AppNav policy to be used in a service context, use the service-policy service context configuration command. To unconfigure the AppNav policy, use the no form of this command.

service-policy policyname

no service-policy policyname

Syntax Description

service-policy policyname

Specifies the name of the AppNav policy to add to the service context. The policy must have been previously configured.


No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Service context configuration

Device Modes


Usage Guidelines

A service context can have only one configured AppNav policy.


The following example shows how to add the AppNav policy to the service context:

WAE(config)# service-insertion service-context mycontext
WAE(config-scxt)# service-policy myAppNavPolicy

Related Commands

(config-scxt) appnav-controller-group

(config-scxt) authentication

(config-scxt) description

(config-scxt) enable

(config-scxt) service-node-group

(config) service-insertion

show service-insertion