Cache Statistics Service

This chapter describes the Cache Statistics service, which returns the overall Cache statistics collected on either a WAE device, WAEs within a device group, or all WAEs system wide. This service returns statistics for devices running in Cache accelerator.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Cache Statistics Service Syntax

This section contains the following topics:

CacheHits Statistics Informational URLs

This section provides informational URLs for the CacheHits Statistics service.

  • Service URL— https://<host/ip>:8443/ws/CacheHitStats
  • WSDL URL— https://<host/ip>:8443/ws/CacheHitStats?wsdl
  • To obtain a description of all the operations and parameters for the CacheHitsStats Web Service, submit a URL to the service with the suffix ?wsdl as follows:


  • To obtain management information using the Central Manager monitoring API, first call the service by using the service URL for this service as follows:


Next, submit a SOAP request written in XML format to retrieve the information.

Cache Statistics Example Request

The following example shows an XML-formatted SOAP request to perform the retrieveRequestHitRate action. The request includes the input parameters shown in bold.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <con:soapui-project xmlns:con="" runType="SEQUENTIAL" abortOnError="false" soapui-version="5.2.1" resourceRoot="" name="Allaps_CacheHitStats" activeEnvironment="Default" id="25549496-b467-4cb3-8be0-d5765696eb36">
- <con:interface name="CacheHitStatsSOAP12Binding" id="9bf3f4c4-e2d5-4267-aaf6-ad7f49d71ec9" xmlns:xsi="" definition="" anonymous="optional" soapVersion="1_2" bindingName="{}CacheHitStatsSOAP12Binding" type="wsdl" xsi:type="con:WsdlInterface" wsaVersion="NONE">
- <con:endpoints>
- <con:operation name="getCacheHits" id="9f9126cd-1a8c-48a1-9696-9fa2c40bc765" anonymous="optional" type="Request-Response" sendsAttachments="false" receivesAttachments="false" inputName="" bindingOperationName="getCacheHits" action="urn:getCacheHits" isOneWay="false">
-<con:call name="Request 1" id="a2a9aa07-dc11-490e-8d35-05e6f6cafdc3">
<![CDATA[<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:ser="" xmlns:xsd="">\r <soap:Header/>\r <soap:Body>\r <ser:getCacheHits>\r <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->\r <ser:name>?</ser:name>\r <!--Optional:-->\r <ser:objType>?</ser:objType>\r <!--Optional:-->\r <ser:timeframe>\r <!--Optional:-->\r <xsd:endTime>?</xsd:endTime>\r <!--Optional:-->\r <xsd:frequency>?</xsd:frequency>\r <!--Optional:-->\r <xsd:startTime>?</xsd:startTime>\r

Cache Statistics Example Response

The following example shows the XML response that contains the output values for the retrieveRequestHitRate action.

<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
<!--Optional:--> <xsd:timezone>UTC</xsd:timezone>