- Preface
- Introduction to the Cisco WAAS Central Manager Monitoring API
- Device Configuration Service
- Traffic Acceleration Service
- Events and Status Service
- AppNav Statistics Service
- CIFS Statistics Service
- SMB Statistics Service
- ICA Statistics Service
- HTTP and HTTPS Statistics Services
- MAPI Statistics Service
- NFS Statistics Service
- SSL Statistics Service
- Video Streaming Statistics Service
- Web Service Objects
- Index
Alarm 14-3
AppNavOverallStats 14-4
AppNavPTStats 14-4
AppNavRedStats 14-7
AppNav Statistics service 5-1
AppNavStats 14-8
AverageThroughputClassStats 14-8
AverageThroughPutStats 14-8
CacheCountStats 14-9
CacheUtilizationStats 14-9
CIFS Statistics service 6-1
CIFSTrafficStats 14-9
ClassifierStats 14-10
ClassMaps 14-11
ClientAvgThroughputStats 14-11
ConnectionStats 14-11
ConnectionTrendStats 14-12
CoreCountStats 14-13
CPUUtilizationStats 14-13
Device 14-13
Device Configuration service 2-1
DeviceGroup 14-14
DeviceStatus 14-14
DiskCapacityStats 14-14
DiskEncryption 14-15
DiskInformation 14-15
DiskStatus 14-15
document conventions iii-2
EdgeCountStats 14-15
FileCountStats 14-15
getAllClassMap section 3-4
getAPIVersion action 2-4
getBypassedReasons section 8-4
getCIFSCoreCount action 6-6
getCM action 2-5
getCMByName action 2-6
getConnOptCount section 7-4
getConnOptRate action 9-4
getConnOptSavingsByType section 7-8
getConnOptType 9-18
getConnStats section 8-6
getDevice action 2-7
getDeviceByName action 2-8
getDeviceGroups action 2-9
getDevices action 2-10
getDevicesInGroup action 2-11
getDevicesInGroupByName action 2-12
getDevicesPerLocation action 2-13
getDeviceStatus action 4-4
getDiskCapacity action 6-14
getDiskEncryptStatus action 4-7
getDiskInformation action 4-6
getDiskStatus action 4-5
getDroppedReasons section 8-8
getEncryptionStats section 8-10
getLocations action 2-14
getMaxConnReuseCount action 9-7
getMonitoredApplications action 3-5
getOpenFileCount action 6-16
getOptCIFSSessionCount action 6-18
getOptConnCount action 9-9
getRequestCount action 6-20
getRequestOptStats section 7-10
getSessionCount action 10-6, 11-6
getTotalConnCount action 9-11
getTotalConnCount section 7-12
getVersionStats section 8-12
getWAE action 2-16
getWAEByName action 2-17
getWAEs action 2-18
getWAEsInGroup action 2-19
getWAEsInGroupByName action 2-20
getWAEsPerLocation action 2-21
getWANInfo action 2-15
HitRateStats 14-16
HttpConnOptRate 14-16
HttpConnOptType 14-16
HttpConnStats 14-17
HttpMaxConnReuseCount 14-17
HttpOptConnCount 14-18
HttpResponseStats 14-18
HttpsConnOptType 14-19
HttpsResponseStats 14-19
HTTPS Service 9-16
HttpsStats 14-20
HttpTotalConnCount 14-18
HttpUnaccelConnCount 14-19
ICABypassedReasons 14-20
ICAConnectionStats 14-21
ICADroppedReasons 14-21
ICAEncryptStats 14-22
ICAVersionStats 14-22
Location 14-23
MapiClientConnCount 14-23, 14-24
MapiDataReadStats 14-24
MapiDroppedConnCount 14-25
MapiEncAndNonEncResponseStats 14-25
MapiOptConnCount 14-24
MapiRequestTypeStats 14-26
MapiResponseStats 14-26
MapiSessionCount 14-27
MAPI Statistics service 10-1
MapiUnaccelConnCount 14-27
MonitoredAO 14-27
MonitoredApps 14-28
NfsDroppedConnCount 14-28
NfsOptConnCount 14-28
NfsReqTypeStats 14-29
NfsSessionCount 14-29
NfsTypeStats 14-29
NfsUnaccelConnCount 14-30
PeakThroughPutClassStats 14-30
PeakThroughPutStats 14-31
RequestCountStats 14-31
retrieveAlarmByName action 4-11
retrieveAlarmBySeverity action 4-12
retrieveAllAlarms action 4-10
retrieveAppNavPassthroughStats 5-5
retrieveAppNavPolicyStats action 5-7
retrieveAppTrafficStats action 3-6
retrieveAverageThroughPutClassStats section 3-8
retrieveCacheObjectCount action 6-22
retrieveCacheUtilization action 6-24
retrieveClassTrafficStats section 3-12
retrieveClientConnCount action 10-9, 11-9
retrieveClientSecuredConnCount 10-11
retrieveConnection action 3-14
retrieveConnectionTrendClassStats section 3-16
retrieveCPUUtilization action 3-20
retrieveCurrentStats action 13-6
retrieveDataReadStats action 10-13
retrieveEncAndNonEncResponseStats 10-15
retrieveEncryptedAndNonEncryptedOptimizedConnCount 10-17
retrieveHistoricalStats action 13-7
retrieveOverallAppNavPolicyStats action 5-9
retrievePeakThroughPutClassStats section 3-22
retrieveRequestHitRate action 6-26
retrieveRequestTypeStats 10-19, 11-11
retrieveResponseStats 9-20
retrieveResponseStats action 10-21, 11-13
retrieveStats 9-22
retrieveStats action 9-15
retrieveStats section 7-14
retrieveTrafficStats action 3-26, 13-7
retrieveWNGDistributionStats action 5-11
SessionCountStats 14-32
SmbConnOptRate 14-32
SmbConnOptSavings 14-32
SmbConnOptStats 14-33
SmbConnStats 14-33
SmbOptConnCount 14-33
SmbRequestOptStats 14-33
SMB Statistics service 7-1, 8-1
SmbTotalConnCount 14-34
SSLActiveConnCount 14-34
SSLBytesCount 14-34
SSLErrorConnCount 14-35
SSLOptConnCountl 14-35
SSLTotalConnCount 14-36
SSLUnAccelConnCount 14-36
String 14-36
TimeFrameFilter 14-37
Traffic Acceleration service 3-1
TrafficStats 14-37
VideoAccelBypassReasons 14-38
VideoActiveConnCount 14-39
VideoClient 14-39
VideoStats 14-39
Video Streaming Statistics service 13-1
VideoStreamStats 14-40
Alarm 14-3
AppNavOverallStats 14-4
AppNavPTStats 14-4
AppNavRedStats 14-7
AppNav Statistics service 5-1
AppNavStats 14-8
AverageThroughputClassStats 14-8
AverageThroughPutStats 14-8
CacheCountStats 14-9
CacheUtilizationStats 14-9
CIFS Statistics service 6-1
CIFSTrafficStats 14-9
ClassifierStats 14-10
ClassMaps 14-11
ClientAvgThroughputStats 14-11
ConnectionStats 14-11
ConnectionTrendStats 14-12
CoreCountStats 14-13
CPUUtilizationStats 14-13
Device 14-13
Device Configuration service 2-1
DeviceGroup 14-14
DeviceStatus 14-14
DiskCapacityStats 14-14
DiskEncryption 14-15
DiskInformation 14-15
DiskStatus 14-15
document conventions iii-2
EdgeCountStats 14-15
FileCountStats 14-15
getAllClassMap section 3-4
getAPIVersion action 2-4
getBypassedReasons section 8-4
getCIFSCoreCount action 6-6
getCM action 2-5
getCMByName action 2-6
getConnOptCount section 7-4
getConnOptRate action 9-4
getConnOptSavingsByType section 7-8
getConnOptType 9-18
getConnStats section 8-6
getDevice action 2-7
getDeviceByName action 2-8
getDeviceGroups action 2-9
getDevices action 2-10
getDevicesInGroup action 2-11
getDevicesInGroupByName action 2-12
getDevicesPerLocation action 2-13
getDeviceStatus action 4-4
getDiskCapacity action 6-14
getDiskEncryptStatus action 4-7
getDiskInformation action 4-6
getDiskStatus action 4-5
getDroppedReasons section 8-8
getEncryptionStats section 8-10
getLocations action 2-14
getMaxConnReuseCount action 9-7
getMonitoredApplications action 3-5
getOpenFileCount action 6-16
getOptCIFSSessionCount action 6-18
getOptConnCount action 9-9
getRequestCount action 6-20
getRequestOptStats section 7-10
getSessionCount action 10-6, 11-6
getTotalConnCount action 9-11
getTotalConnCount section 7-12
getVersionStats section 8-12
getWAE action 2-16
getWAEByName action 2-17
getWAEs action 2-18
getWAEsInGroup action 2-19
getWAEsInGroupByName action 2-20
getWAEsPerLocation action 2-21
getWANInfo action 2-15
HitRateStats 14-16
HttpConnOptRate 14-16
HttpConnOptType 14-16
HttpConnStats 14-17
HttpMaxConnReuseCount 14-17
HttpOptConnCount 14-18
HttpResponseStats 14-18
HttpsConnOptType 14-19
HttpsResponseStats 14-19
HTTPS Service 9-16
HttpsStats 14-20
HttpTotalConnCount 14-18
HttpUnaccelConnCount 14-19
ICABypassedReasons 14-20
ICAConnectionStats 14-21
ICADroppedReasons 14-21
ICAEncryptStats 14-22
ICAVersionStats 14-22
Location 14-23
MapiClientConnCount 14-23, 14-24
MapiDataReadStats 14-24
MapiDroppedConnCount 14-25
MapiEncAndNonEncResponseStats 14-25
MapiOptConnCount 14-24
MapiRequestTypeStats 14-26
MapiResponseStats 14-26
MapiSessionCount 14-27
MAPI Statistics service 10-1
MapiUnaccelConnCount 14-27
MonitoredAO 14-27
MonitoredApps 14-28
NfsDroppedConnCount 14-28
NfsOptConnCount 14-28
NfsReqTypeStats 14-29
NfsSessionCount 14-29
NfsTypeStats 14-29
NfsUnaccelConnCount 14-30
PeakThroughPutClassStats 14-30
PeakThroughPutStats 14-31
RequestCountStats 14-31
retrieveAlarmByName action 4-11
retrieveAlarmBySeverity action 4-12
retrieveAllAlarms action 4-10
retrieveAppNavPassthroughStats 5-5
retrieveAppNavPolicyStats action 5-7
retrieveAppTrafficStats action 3-6
retrieveAverageThroughPutClassStats section 3-8
retrieveCacheObjectCount action 6-22
retrieveCacheUtilization action 6-24
retrieveClassTrafficStats section 3-12
retrieveClientConnCount action 10-9, 11-9
retrieveClientSecuredConnCount 10-11
retrieveConnection action 3-14
retrieveConnectionTrendClassStats section 3-16
retrieveCPUUtilization action 3-20
retrieveCurrentStats action 13-6
retrieveDataReadStats action 10-13
retrieveEncAndNonEncResponseStats 10-15
retrieveEncryptedAndNonEncryptedOptimizedConnCount 10-17
retrieveHistoricalStats action 13-7
retrieveOverallAppNavPolicyStats action 5-9
retrievePeakThroughPutClassStats section 3-22
retrieveRequestHitRate action 6-26
retrieveRequestTypeStats 10-19, 11-11
retrieveResponseStats 9-20
retrieveResponseStats action 10-21, 11-13
retrieveStats 9-22
retrieveStats action 9-15
retrieveStats section 7-14
retrieveTrafficStats action 3-26, 13-7
retrieveWNGDistributionStats action 5-11
SessionCountStats 14-32
SmbConnOptRate 14-32
SmbConnOptSavings 14-32
SmbConnOptStats 14-33
SmbConnStats 14-33
SmbOptConnCount 14-33
SmbRequestOptStats 14-33
SMB Statistics service 7-1, 8-1
SmbTotalConnCount 14-34
SSLActiveConnCount 14-34
SSLBytesCount 14-34
SSLErrorConnCount 14-35
SSLOptConnCountl 14-35
SSLTotalConnCount 14-36
SSLUnAccelConnCount 14-36
String 14-36
TimeFrameFilter 14-37
Traffic Acceleration service 3-1
TrafficStats 14-37
VideoAccelBypassReasons 14-38
VideoActiveConnCount 14-39
VideoClient 14-39
VideoStats 14-39
Video Streaming Statistics service 13-1
VideoStreamStats 14-40