RMA Process for Cisco WAVE Devices
ENCS 5400 Series Replacements for WAVE Devices
About the Cisco ENCS 5400 Series
ENCS 5400 Series Hardware Features and Specifications
vWAAS Bundled Image Upgrade on ENCS 5400 Series
vWAAS and Cisco Enterprise NFVIS
vWAAS Bundled Image Upgrade Procedure
Adding or Removing RAID-1 for ENCS 5400 Series
Migrating Equipment from No RAID and 1 SSD to RAID-1 and 2 SSDs
Migrating Equipment from RAID-1 and 2 SSDs to No RAID and 1 SSD
CLI Commands Used with vWAAS with NFVIS on ENCS
Upgrade/Downgrade Guidelines for WAAS Devices on ENCS
Additional Cisco Documentation for ENCS 5400 Series, WAAS, vWAAS, and Enterprise NFVIS
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
This section contains the following topics:
Cisco WAVE appliances have end-of-life (EOL) and end-of-sale dates (EOS), highlighted in the End-of-Sale and End-of-Life Announcement for the Cisco WAVE 294, 594, 694, 7541, 7571 and 8541.
Table 1 shows the ENCS 5400 Series models that replace the EOS/EOL WAVE models, and the supported vWAAS models for each ENCS 5400 model.
Table 1 ENCS 5400 Series Models that Replace WAVE Devices
Note If you need to add or remove RAID-1 for your system, see Adding or Removing RAID-1 for ENCS 5400 Series. Note that the RAID-1 option is available for vWAAS for WAAS Version 6.4.1a and later.
Use the Cisco Product Returns and Replacement Process (RMA) to return your WAVE devices, follow these steps:
Step 1 With your web browser, navigate to the Cisco Product Returns & Replacements (RMA), shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 Product Returns & Replacement (RMA) Page
Step 2 From the Search drop-down list, choose one of the following search options:
Step 3 In the Search field, enter the associated component name or number.
Note You must return devices by individual components of the device, not by the entire device.
Step 4 The default search time range is the past thirty days. To specify a different time range, click Advanced Options, which displays a screen to specify a different start date and end date.
Step 5 Click the search icon or press Enter.
Step 6 If you need to review product specifications before you place your order, click Look Up Products in the Product Information area at the right side of the page.
This section contains the following topics:
The Cisco Enterprise Network Compute System (ENCS) 5400 Series is designed for the Cisco Enterprise Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) solution.
The ENCS 5400 Series—ENCS-5406/K9, 5408/K9, and 5412/K9—is an x86 hybrid platform for branch deployment and for hosting WAAS applications. This high-performance unit achieves this goal by providing the infrastructure to deploy virtualized network functions while at the same time acting as a server that addresses processing, workload, and storage challenges. Figure 2 shows two views of the Cisco ENCS 5400 Series hardware features.
For more information on the Cisco ENCS 5400 series, see the Cisco 5400 Enterprise Network Compute System Data Sheet.
Figure 2 Cisco ENCS 5400 Series Hardware Features
Table 2 shows specifications that apply to all three ENCS 5400 series models. For views of the ENCS 5400 Series models, and further information, see the Cisco 5400 Enterprise Network Compute System Data Sheet.
Table 2 ENCS 5400 Series Features and Specifications
Two DDR4 dual in-line memory module (DIMM) slots, for ENCS models with the following capacities: |
Two Gigabit Ethernet ports—For each RJ45 port, there is a corresponding fiber optic port. At a given time, you can use either the RJ45 connection or the corresponding fiber optic port. |
Ethernet management port for Cisco Integrated Management Controller (CIMC), which monitors the health of the entire system. |
![]() Note |
Optional crypto module to provide offload capabilities to optimize CPU resources like VM-toVM traffic and to maintain open software support. |
This section contains the following topics:
This section provides an overview of vWAAS with Network Functions Virtualization Infrastructure Software (NFVIS) for Cisco Enterprise NFV:
– For more information on Cisco NFVIS, see Cisco Enterprise Network Functions Virtualization Infrastructure Software Configuration Guide and Cisco Enterprise Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) Infrastructure Software Data Sheet.
– For more information on vWAAS with NFVIS, see the see the Cisco Virtual Wide Area Application Services Installation and Configuration Guide.
– For more information on Cisco NFVIS and Cisco NFV, see the Cisco Intelligent WAN - An SD-WAN Solution.
Note If you need to upgrade to NFVIS 3.9.1, please the “Upgrading to Cisco NFVIS 3.9.1” section in the Cisco Virtual Wide Area Application Services Installation and Configuration Guide.
Table 3 shows Cisco Enterprise NFVIS 3.9.1 specifications used with vWAAS on the Cisco ENCS 5400 Series.
Table 3 Cisco Enterprise NFVIS 3.9.1 Components and Specifications
Table 4 shows Cisco Enterprise NFVIS system requirements.
Table 4 Cisco Enterprise NFVIS System Requirements
Table 5 shows memory and disk requirements for vWAAS on ENCS with Akamai Connect, by vWAAS model.
Table 5 Memory and Disk Requirements for vWAAS on ENCS with Akamai Connect
For more information on vWAAS with NFVIS, or vWAAS with other hypervisors, see the Cisco Virtual Wide Area Application Services Installation and Configuration Guide.
For more information on Cisco NFVIS see the Cisco Enterprise Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) Infrastructure Software Data Sheet.
For more information on vWAAS with NFVIS, see chapter in the
To install vWAAS with NFVIS on an ENCS 5400 Series device on your WAAS system, follow these steps:
Step 1 Download the WAAS Appliance bundled image (an ISO file that contains the NFVIS 3.7.1 image and WAAS 6.4.1 image) from the Cisco Software Download page and copy it on your laptop.
Step 2 Connect your laptop’s Ethernet port to the ENCS device’s Cisco Integrated Management Controller (CIMC) port.
Step 3 Configure your laptop with a static IP address; for example, and
Note By default, the IP address on the ENCS device’s CIMC port is configured as
Step 4 Open your web browser and enter
The CIMC console login page appears (Figure 3).
Figure 3 Sample CIMC Login Page
Step 5 Log in with your user name and password.
Note The Change Password dialog box appears the first time, only, that you log into the CIMC console. Change the password as needed and click Save.
Step 7 The CIMC Home page is displayed.
Step 8 Navigate to Home > Compute > BIOS > Configure Boot Order (Figure 4).
Figure 4 Configure Boot Order Pane
The Configure Boot Order dialog box appears (Figure 5).
Figure 5 Configure Boot Order Dialog Box
Step 9 At the Device Types listing, select CD/DVD as Cisco vKVM-Mapped vDVD1.22.
Step 10 At the Device Type listing, select HDD as HDD/Slot.
Step 11 Using the Up and Down options, set the boot order sequence.
Step 12 CD/DVD Cisco vKVM-Mapped vDVD1.22 must be the first list in the boot order.
Step 13 To complete the boot order setup, click Apply.
Step 14 Launch the KVM console. You can launch the KVM console from CIMC Home page or the Remote Management area.
After the KVM console is initialized, map the vWAAS bundled image through the Server > Remote Presence > Virtual Media tab on the KVM console (Figure 6).
Figure 6 KVM Console Virtual Media Tab
Step 16 To load the mapped image, at the KVM Console Power tab, use the Power Cycle System [cold boot] option to power off and then power on the device (Figure 7).
Figure 7 KVM Console Power Tab
Step 17 Use SSH to connect to CIMC default IP (
Step 18 At your ENCS 5400 device:
Enable and connect to the SOL connection by using the following commands:
Step 19 After the installation is successful, the ENCS device reboots.
Step 20 The ENCS device boots up and displays options to install vWAAS. Depending on your ENCS model, one of the following choices is displayed:
In the following example, a vWAAS-6000-R is selected for an ENCS-5412:
Table 6 shows installation times by vWAAS model/number of connections:
Table 6 Installation Time by vWAAS Model/Number of Connections
Step 22 After installation is complete, the Cisco WAAS login prompt appears.
Step 23 You can verify the installation using the System API or by viewing the system information from the Cisco Enterprise NFVIS portal.
Using the internal interface, the vWAAS can communicate directly with the NFVIS manager using the Representative State Transfer (REST) API. The internal interface is used for communication between the NFVIS host and the WAAS guest. The IP address associated with this interface (virtual 0/0) is assigned automatically by NFVIS while booting up, and cannot be modified.
For more information on the REST API, see the Cisco APIC REST API Configuration Guide.
Step 24 The new OE-ENCS device will be displayed in the WAAS Central Manager Devices > All Devices listing table (Figure 8).
Figure 8 New OE-ENCS Device Displayed in WAAS CM All Devices Page
Step 25 You can view detailed information on the new OE-ENCS device by navigating to Devices > DeviceName > Dashboard (Figure 9).
Figure 9 ENCS Device Dashboard
Note The RAID-1 option is available for vWAAS for WAAS Version 6.4.1a and later.
Note Do not swap or replace a drive used by another ENCS system without reformatting it beforehand.
This section contains the following topics:
Note For further information on RAID and the ENCS 5400 Series, see the Cisco 5400 Enterprise Network Compute System Hardware Installation Guide.
Note The RAID-1 option is available for vWAAS for WAAS Version 6.4.1a and later.
a. Navigate to Storage tab > Physical Drive Info tab.
b. In the Actions area, choose Set State as Unconfigured Good.
c. Confirm that disk is in Unconfigured Good state.
If disk is in Foreign Config state:
a. Navigate to Storage tab > Controller Info tab.
b. In the Actions area, choose Clear Foreign Config.
c. In the Actions area, choose Unconfigured Good.
d. Confirm that disk is in Unconfigured Good state.
To create the virtual disk, follow these steps:
Step 1 Log in to the CIMC console.
Step 2 In the CIMC console left pane, click the Storage tab.
Step 3 In the CIMC console middle pane, click the Controller Info tab.
Step 4 In the Action area, click Create Virtual Drive from Unused Physical Drives.\
The Create Virtual Drive from Unused Physical Drives Wait dialog box is displayed.
Step 5 In the Create Virtual Drive from Unused Physical Drives dialog box, choose the following:
a. At the RAID Level drop-down box, choose 1.
b. In the Create Drive Groups area:
Select physical drives for your system from the Physical Drives pane and click >> to add these to the Drive Groups pane.
c. In the Virtual Drive Properties area:
Step 6 Click Create Virtual Drive. Use the boot order shown in Figure 10.
Note Because the disk will be part of RAID-1, to migrate from no RAID to RAID-1, you must perform a new image installation as described in vWAAS Bundled Image Upgrade on ENCS 5400 Series.
Figure 10 Create Virtual Drive Boot Order
Note The RAID-1 option is available for vWAAS for WAAS Version 6.4.1a and later.
To remove a RAID-1 disk, follow these steps:
Step 1 Remove the RAID card. Verify that the device is completely shut down before you remove the RAID card from the device.
Step 2 Replace the RAID card with one disk in Slot 1 alone.
Note After removing the RAID card and replacing it with one disk on Slot 1 alone,you must perform a new image installation as described in vWAAS Bundled Image Upgrade on ENCS 5400 Series.
Step 3 When the RAID removal process is complete, WAAS generates a disk failure alarm and trap. In addition, a syslog error message is logged.
Note We recommend that you disable the disk error-handling reload option if it is enabled because it is not necessary to power down the system to remove a disk.
Step 4 After migration, verify that boot order is as shown in Figure 11.
Figure 11 Migration Equipment Configure Boot Order
Table 7 shows the CLI commands used to display information about vWAAS on ENCS.
Table 7 CLI Commands Used with vWAAS with NFVIS on ENCS
Consider the following for upgrading or downgrading a WAAS device on ENCS:
1. Telnet to the vWAAS device.
2. Update the Central Manager IP address.
3. Login to the Central Manager.
If you try to downgrade a WAAS device on ENCS to a version earlier than WAAS Version 6.4.1, the WAAS Central Manager displays the following warning message:
Device Group has unsupported devices ENCS-DeviceName to the selected version. The image installation will not be applied on such devices.
Do you still want to proceed with the downgrade?
For example, if you are downgrading a device group that has a physical WAE, a virtual WAE, and an ENCS platform to a version earlier than WAAS Version 6.4.1, the Central Manager will initiate the downgrade process only for the physical and virtual WAEs, but not for the ENCS platform.
Table 8 provides additional Cisco documentation for topics included in this document:
In addition to this document, the WAAS documentation set includes the following publications:
For information on obtaining documentation, submitting a service request, and gathering additional information, see the monthly What’s New in Cisco Product Documentation, which also lists all new and revised Cisco technical documentation, at:
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