About Administrator User Accounts
Your Cisco WAAS system comes with an administrator account already created, which you can use to access the Cisco WAAS Central Manager GUI as well as the Cisco WAAS CLI. This account has the username of admin and the password default. You can use the Cisco WAAS Central Manager GUI to change the password of this account.
If you want to create additional administrator user accounts, see the following list for a description of the two types of accounts you can create from the Cisoc WAAS Central Manager GUI.
Roles-based account
Allows you to create accounts that manage and configure specific Cisco WAAS services. For example, you may want to delegate the configuration of application acceleration to a specific administrator. In this case, you could create a roles-based account that only has access to the Acceleration windows in the Cisco WAAS Central Manager GUI.
You can create a role-based account that also is a local user account.
You create roles-based accounts from the Admin menu in the Cisco WAAS Central Manager GUI.
Local account
Provides CLI access to Cisco WAE devices. A user with this account type can log in to the Cisco WAAS Central Manager but they have the access rights assigned to the default account, which initially has no access to GUI functionality.
We recommend that you create a local account if there is an administrator that only needs CLI access to Cisco WAE devices.
You should create local accounts the same way as roles-based accounts, but you should check the Local User check box when creating the account.