Step 1 |
From Devices or Device Groups, choose Configure > Caching > Akamai Connect.
The Akamai Connect window appears, with two tabs: Cache Settings and Cache Prepositioning.
Step 2 |
Choose the Cache Prepositioning tab.
At this tab, you can add, edit, or delete cache prepositioning tasks, as well as monitor cache preposition task status.
Step 3 |
(Optional) To enable DRE for preposition connections, check the Preposition with DRE check box. The default is disabled, to
prevent negative impact to the DRE byte cache for data that will be stored at the object level.
Step 4 |
At the Cache Prepositioning table listing, click Add Cache Preposition Task.
The Cache Prepositioning Task dialog box appears.
Step 5 |
In the Name field, enter the name of the preposition task.
Preposition task name is an alphanumeric identifier up to 47 characters. Special characters like ‘,/,\,{,},(,),?,",<,>,[,],&,*,
are not allowed.
You can configure up to 10 URLs per task.
You can configure up to 10 schedules per task.
You can configure up to 50 tasks per device or device group.
Step 6 |
In the URLs field, enter the base URLs for prepositioning.
The maximum length for the URL is 900 characters. Characters that are not allowed in the URL are space, double quotes (“).
ASCII characters are allowed in the range of ASCII 33 through ASCII 125.
Use a space to separate multiple URLs.
You can configure up to 10 URLs per task.
Step 7 |
In the Exclude Types field, enter the object types to exclude from caching, such as .jsp or .asp, each separated by a comma.
The list of object name patterns to be excluded has a total pattern field limit of 47 characters.
Step 8 |
In the Download Rate field, enter the maximum download rate, in KBps. Select any value between 0 to 10,000,000 KBps.
Step 9 |
To enable recursion for this cache preposition task, check the Recursive Task check box. To have recursion disabled for this
cache preposition task, leave the Recursive Task check box unchecked. The default is unchecked.
Step 10 |
If you have checked the Recursive Task check box, from the Recursion Depth drop-down list, choose the depth of the link level at which content is retrieved: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, or 21. You can also
enter a custom value from 1 to 1000. The default recursion depth value is 1.
The Recursion Depth drop-down list is active only if you check the Recursive Task check box.
A greater number of specified levels of links means a greater amount of data stored in the cache, sometimes exponentially
more. If the amount of requested prefetched data becomes larger than the cache, the newly requested data will flush all previously
stored data, and may slow down other operations that attempt to use the cache.
Step 11 |
To enable this cache preposition task, check the Enable Task check box. The task must specify at least one URL (specified in the URLs field) and one schedule, specified in the next step.
Step 12 |
At the Cache Prepositioning Schedule table listing, click Add Schedule.
The Cache Prepositioning Schedule dialog box appears.
In the Schedule Name field, enter the name of the schedule of this cache preposition task, up to 256 alphanumeric characters. The schedule name
allows you to provide your own representation of a schedule. For example, you can name a schedule that occurs every Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday at 10:30 a.m. as Weekly MWF 10:30AM or as Every Week - Mon-Wed-Fri at 10:30AM.
From the Frequency drop-down list, choose the specified time for prepositioning: yearly, daily, weekly, or monthly days.
For example, if you choose you choose monthly days, a calendar with check boxes opens for you to check one, some, or all the
days in a month for this schedule.
From the Start Time (HH:MM) drop-down lists, choose the hour and minute at which this cache prepositioning task should start.
Click OK.
Step 13 |
At the Advanced Settings section of the Cache Prepositioning Task dialog box, you can specify recursion delay time and recursion hostnames.
In the Recursion Delay Time field, enter the delay time, in seconds, between requests during recursive download. This simulates user wait time. Recursive
delay time is necessary because some servers use the lack of time between requests to detect and restrict web crawlers.
Step 14 |
In the Recursion Domains field, enter the list of server domain suffixes for which recursive web crawling is permitted. If this list is empty, then
web crawling is only permitted within the same domain as the specified URL.
You can configure up to ten servers:
Step 15 |
Click OK.
Step 16 |
In the Cache Prepositioning Schedule dialog box, click OK.
Step 17 |
In the Cache Prepositioning Task dialog box, click OK.
Step 18 |
Click Submit.
The new cache prepositioning task is added as a line item in the Cache Prepositioning table listing.