Core Peak Bandwidth License
The CPB licensing plan functions on a quarterly basis. In this plan, you pay for additional Core Peak Bandwidth licenses that you require. The cost of the CPB licenses is proportional to the number of subscribers on the Cisco cBR-8 router, as the network traffic through a CCAP core is proportional to the number of subscribers on the router.
In each quarter, as the CPB grows, additional CPB licenses equal to the growth are automatically billed and added to your existing CPB license inventory.
CPB Calculation
The total CPB is calculated by measuring the core traffic through all the CCAP cores, taking the 95th percentile of the monthly peak, and reporting the quarterly value on the first day of the next quarter to the Smart License server to automatically manage the licensing process. The Smart License server automatically invoices for additional licensing needs and then delivers the licenses when you pay.
The traffic rate is measured every 5 minutes. Cisco cBR-8 routers save this data for a minimum of three months. The monthly CPB value is calculated and the maximum monthly value is considered as the quarterly CPB.
When you enable CPB on Cisco cBR-8, the initial CPB value is measured as 1.
For measuring the CPB, 12 samples are collected in every hour, which is one sample every 5 minutes. Due to a maintenance window or a shutdown, which approximately is less than 5 hours, if samples are lost and the number of lost samples is more than 60 in a month, the cable operator is notified with an error message. If the chassis serial number does not match the local chassis serial number, these sample records are deleted when starting the router or rebooting it. The sample history is also cleared when a Supervisor card is replaced.
To calculate the monthly CPB value, the Cisco cBR router rates all samples collected in one month based on the speed. For example, if 8767 samples are collected in a month, and the 8767th sample is the fastest, then the 95th percentile is the 8329th sample rated by speed (consider the first sample as the slowest and the 8767th the fastest). Hence, the CPB value for that month is the value of the 8329th sample divided by 100 (100Mbps).