Table 2. Feature History
New RPD location attributes to configure RPD’s description, latitude, and longitude.
Cisco IOS XE Dublin 17.12.1w
You can now configure RPD's description, latitude, and longitude that helps you to track the location attributes of an RPD
You can now configure attributes such as description, latitude, and longitude for an RPD into the cBR8 router using a CLI
command. This helps you to track the location attributes of an RPD seamlessly. The RPD location attributes are saved into
the database and then sent to RPD.
When you receive the location configuration attributes through SNMP, the configured location attributes are updated, received
and saved to the database.
Device Location Description (description)—Allows the RPD to inform the CCAP core about its location. Use the location description
command to configure the RPD location description details. The valid range is 1-255. When you configure the description attribute,
the RPD stores its value in its nonvolatile configuration. The valid range is 1-255.
Geo Location Latitude (latitude)—Allows the RPD to inform the CCAP core about the latitude portion of its geographic location.
Use the location latitude command to configure the RPD location latitude details. The RPD uses 6-digit notation in the format
degree, minute, seconds, ±DDMMSS.S. When you configure the latitude attribute, the RPD stores its value in its nonvolatile
For example: +123254.7.
Geo Location Longitude (longitude)—Allows the RPD to inform the CCAP core about the longitude portion of its geographic location.
Use the location longitude command to configure the RPD location longitude details. The RPD uses 7-digit notation in the format
degree, minute, seconds, ±DDDMMSS.S. When you configure the longitude attribute, the RPD stores its value in its nonvolatile
For example: +2340517.1.
When you get the location configuration attributes through SNMP, you must get the same CLI configured values from the database.
The SNMP set command and the CLI configuration is supported for configuring the RPD location values.
Configuring RDP Location Attributes
To configure the RPD location attributes, execute the following commands:
router#cable rpd <rpd-name>
router#location { description | latitude | longitude }
the device location description for RPD indicates the maximum length which is 255 bytes, geo location latitude +000000.0 for
RPD indicates the maximum length that is 9 bytes, and geo location longitude +0000000.0 for RPD indicates the maximum length
that is 10 bytes.
The following is the sample output of the cable rpd rpd-location command:
router(conf)#cable rpd rpd-location-test
router(conf)#location desc rpd-loc
router(conf)#location latitude +123456.7
router(conf)#location longitude +1234567.8
The following is the sample output of the show cable rpd location command:
router#show cable rpd location
RPD ID : f4db.e6cd.d838
Location Description : RPD_dev3-details
Latitude : +999999.7
Longitude : +8888888.8
RPD ID : f4db.e6cd.d8bc
Location Description : RPD_dev2-details
Latitude : +565656.1
Longitude : +3245432.5
RPD ID : f4db.e6cd.d8c8
Location Description : RPD_dev1-details
Latitude : +123456.7
Longitude : +8978564.1
Verifying the RPD Location Configuration Attributes
The following is the sample output of the show running-config | i location command:
router#show running-config | i location
location description CBR8
location latitude +908070.1
location longitude +1236098.5
Verify the Values Sent to the RPD
To verify the values sent to the RPD, use the show cable rpd gcp-transaction verbose command as shown in the example below:
router#show cable rpd <MAC> <I/F> gcp-transaction verbose
router#show cable rpd gcp-transaction verbose | s TYPE_DEVICE
{ T = TYPE_DEVICEALIAS(8), L = 0, V = }
{ T = TYPE_DEVICELOCATION(24), L = 40, V =
{ T = TYPE_GEO_LOCATION_LATITUDE(2), L = 9, V = +908070.1}
{ T = TYPE_GEO_LOCATION_LOGITUDE(3), L = 10, V = +1236098.5
{ T = TYPE_DEVICEALIAS(8), L = 0, V = }
{ T = TYPE_DEVICELOCATION(24), L = 40, V =
{ T = TYPE_GEO_LOCATION_LATITUDE(2), L = 9, V = +908070.1}
{ T = TYPE_GEO_LOCATION_LOGITUDE(3), L = 10, V = +1236098.5
{ T = TYPE_DEVICEALIAS(8), L = 0, V = }
snmp commands
The SNMP get and SNMP walk commands are used to retrieve the CLI configured values.
The following is an example of SNMP walk on the RPD location:
server > snmpwalk -v2c -c private
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.4491. = ""
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.4491. = STRING: "RPD1"
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.4491. = STRING: “CBR8"
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.4491. = STRING: “+908070.1"
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.4491. = STRING: “+1236098.5“
router#scr f86b.d9ff.fd1e location
RPD ID : f86b.d9ff.fd1e
Location Description : CBR8
Latitude : +908070.1
Longitude : +1236098.5
The following example shows SNMP using the community private using SNMP version 2c:
For Location:
server > snmpget -v2c -c private
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.4491. = STRING: “CBR8"
For Latitude
server > snmpget -v2c -c private
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.4491. = STRING: “+908070.1“
For Longitude
server > snmpget -v2c -c private
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.4491. = STRING: : “+1236098.5“
server > snmpset -v2c -c private
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.4491. s "INDIA"
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.4491. = STRING: "INDIA"
The following is the sample output of the do scr location:
router#do scr location
RPD ID : 0027.900b.0e14
Location Description : Valid
Latitude : +123456.7
Longitude : +1234567.8
The following is the sample output of the show cable rpd <mac> <i/f> gcp-transaction verbose location:
router#show cable rpd <mac> <i/f> gcp-transaction verbose
MAC Address IP Address I/F State Role HA Auth Name
0027.900b.0e14 --- Hu2/1/8 online Pri Act N/A RPD_dev1
0027.900b.0e20 --- Hu2/1/8 online Pri Act N/A RPD_dev2
0027.900b.0e38 --- Hu2/1/8 online Pri Act N/A RPD_dev3
! = PTP clock out of phaselock occurred, ^ = Default password in use
router#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
router#cable rpd RPD_dev1
router#location description ARMY
router#location latitude +123456.7
router#location longitude -9080786.1
router#do scr location
RPD ID : 0027.900b.0e14
Location Description : ARMY
Latitude : +123456.7
Longitude : -9080786.1
RPD ID : 0027.900b.0e20
Location Description : RPD_dev2-info
Latitude : +123123.7
Longitude : +2344321.8
RPD ID : 0027.900b.0e38
Location Description : NA
Latitude : +000000.0
Longitude : +0000000.0