DualCrypt Encryption Mode Support

The Dualcrypt Encryption feature enables the Session and Resource Manager (SRM) to configure the PowerKey and DVB CAS sessions on the same line card (LC) of the Cisco cBR-8 Converged Broadband Router.

Your software release may not support all the features that are documented in this module. For the latest feature information and caveats, see the release notes for your platform and software release. The Feature Information Table at the end of this document provides information about the documented features and lists the releases in which each feature is supported.

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to http://tools.cisco.com/ITDIT/CFN/. An account on http://www.cisco.com/ is not required.

Hardware Compatibility Matrix for the Cisco cBR Series Routers


The hardware components that are introduced in a given Cisco IOS-XE Release are supported in all subsequent releases unless otherwise specified.
Table 1. Hardware Compatibility Matrix for the Cisco cBR Series Routers

Cisco CMTS Platform

Processor Engine

Interface Cards

Cisco cBR-8 Converged Broadband Router

Cisco IOS-XE Release 16.5.1 and Later Releases

Cisco cBR-8 Supervisor:

  • PID—CBR-SUP-250G


Cisco IOS-XE Release 16.5.1 and Later Releases

Cisco cBR-8 CCAP Line Cards:

  • PID—CBR-LC-8D30-16U30

  • PID—CBR-LC-8D31-16U30







  • PID—CBR-2X100G-PIC

Digital PICs:



Cisco cBR-8 Downstream PHY Module:


Cisco cBR-8 Upstream PHY Modules:



Do not use DPICs (8X10G and 2x100G) to forward IP traffic, as it may cause buffer exhaustion, leading to line card reload.

The only allowed traffic on a DPIC interface is DEPI, UEPI, and GCP traffic from the Cisco cBR-8 router to Remote PHY devices. Other traffic such as DHCP, SSH, and UTSC should flow via another router, since DPICs cannot be used for normal routing.

Information about DualCrypt Encryption Mode

You can use this feature when you want the PowerKey and DVB sessions on the same QAM channel. This feature is applicable only to GQI-based sessions, as it uses the Generic QAM Interface (GQI) protocol.

To configure the dualcrypt encryption mode, you should set up connections with Event Information Scheduler (EIS) and Entitlement Control Message Generator (ECMG).

Prerequisites for Dualcrypt Encryption Mode

  • Ensure that the following components are available on your system before configuring dualcrypt encryption for sessions.

    • Service Distribution Group (SDG)

    • Virtual Carrier Group (VCG) with encrypt

    • Logical Edge Device (LED) with GQI protocol

    • Event Information Scheduler (EIS)

    • Entitlement Control Message Generator (ECMG)

  • Ensure that the VCG is bound to SDG

  • Ensure that the VCG is associated to LED

  • Ensure that the Virtual Edge Input is configured only on LED

  • Ensure that the following configurations are available on your system:

    • The encryption algorithm of the line card is set to DVB-CSA.

      You can set it using the following command:
      linecard <slot>/<bay> ca-system dualcrypt scrambler dvb-csa
    • The virtual port group interface is configured and the same is set for the management interface under cable video, because the DVB requires a management IP address for communicating with external servers.

      Use the following commands to set the virtual port group interface as management interface for cable video:
      configure terminal
      cable video 
      mgmt-intf VirtualPortGroup <id>
    • The CA interface on the line card and the route for reaching the ECMG server are specified for session-based scrambling.

      Use the following commands to specify CA interface and the route:
      ca-interface linecard <slot>/<bay> <IP_Address>
      route-ecmg <ECMG_Server_IP_Address> <Netmask> <Interface> 
    • The vrf <vrf_name> keyword is configured for routes to populate on the respective VRFs, if you are using VRF for traffic or management seperately. Configure the CA interface with specific VRF name.
      ca-interface linecard <slot>/<bay> <IP_Address> vrf <vrf_name>
    • (Optional) The bind option is used to associate EIS with specific IP address or GQI-based LED

      To use a single IP address for GQI (create and delete sessions) and EIS (provision/de-provision SCGs), the operator should bind the EIS with GQI-based LED using the IP option and configure the required IP address. The IP address should be the subnet of the configured virtual port group. By default, the EIS uses the management IP address configured under DVB and the GQI uses the management IP address configured under LED for session control.

      The following sample commands show how to bind the EIS:
      configure terminal
          cable video
          eis <name of eis> 
          listening-port <1-65535> bind ip <ip address>
          listening-port <1-65535> bind led <id | name> <led id | led name> 


      • If all configured EIS are bound to a specific IP/LED using the bind option, the configuration of management IP address under DVB is optional.

      • The bind option is not available in Cisco RF Gateway 10.

Restrictions for DualCrypt Encryption Mode

The following restrictions are applicable for configuring DualCrypt encryption mode:

  • The DualCrypt Encryption feature is applicable only to GQI-based remapped sessions.

  • Use this feature only for PowerKey, DVB, and Clear sessions.

  • Do not use this feature along with tier-based scrambling mode.

How to Configure Dualcrypt Encryption Mode

Configuring DVB Session for DualCrypt Encryption

This section explains how to configure the session-based scrambling with DualCrypt encryption mode.


To configure a DVB session for DualCrypt encryption, use the following commands:
configure terminal
cable video
mgmt-intf VirtualPortGroup <group_id>
linecard <lcslot/subslot> ca-system dualcrypt scrambler dvb-csa
  route-ecmg ECMG_Server_IP_Address Netmask Interface Forwarding_Router_IP_Address
  mgmt-ip IP_Address
  eis EIS_Name id EIS_ID
  listening-port port_number [bind {ip <ip address> | led < id <led id >| name <led name>>}]
  ca-interface linecard <slot>/<bay> IP_Address
  ecmg ECMG_Name id ECMG_ID
    mode vod linecard <slot>/<bay>
    type <standard/hitachi/irdeto/nagra/pkey>
    ca-system-id CA_System_ID CA_Subsystem_ID
    ecm-pid-source <sid/auto/ecm-id>
    connection id ID priority connection_priority IP_Address Port

Verifying DVB Session for DualCrypt Encryption

To verify the configuration of the encryption algorithm on the linecard, use the show cable video encryption linecard <slot>/<bay> command as shown in the efollowing xample:
Router#show cable video encryption linecard 8/0 
Line card: 8/0
CA System       Scrambler       DVB-Conformance     
dualcrypt       dvb-csa         Enabled          
To verify the scrambler configuration, use the show cable video encryption scrambler brief command as shown in the following example:
Router#show cable video encryption scrambler brief
Scrambler information
Chassis wide scrambler: none
Linecard    Current        Configured     
            Scrambler      Scrambler
1          Not Ready       None
2          Not Ready       None
3          Not Ready       None
4          Not Ready       None
5          Not Ready       None
6          Not Ready       None
7          dvb-csa         None
8          dvb-csa         dvb-csa
9          des/dvs042      None
To verify the ECMG connection, use the show cable video encryption dvb ecmg id <id> connection command as shown in the following example:
Router#show cable video encryption dvb ecmg id <ID> connection
ECMG ECMG ECMG     CA Sys CA Subsys  PID     Lower  Upper  Streams/ Open Streams/ Auto Chan Slot ECMG         ECMG       
ID   Name Type     ID     ID         Source  limit  limit  ECMG     ECMG          ID             Connections  Application
1    test standard 0x950  0x0        sid     0      0      1        1             Enabled   7   1            VOD        

ECMG Connections for ECMG ID = 1

Conn Conn     IP               Port    Channel Conn       Open    
-ID  Priority Address          Number  ID      Status     Streams 
1    1        9878    1       Open       1       

The Conn Status field shows the status of the connection with the ECMG server and the Open Streams field indicates the number of active ECM streams.
To verify the EIS connection, use the show cable video encryption dvb eis id <id> command as shown in the following example:
Router#show cable video encryption dvb eis id <ID>
EIS EIS  Peer       Management TCP  CP       CP       Overwrite Fail-To-Clear Connection  
ID  Name IP         IP         Port Overrule Duration SCG       Duration      Status      
1   test  9898 DISABLED 0        DISABLED  0             Connected 

Verifying the GQI Configuration

To verify the GQI connection, use the show cable video gqi connection command, as shown in the following example:
Router>show cable video gqi connection
LED Management Server      Connection Version Event   Reset      Encryption
ID  IP         IP          Status             Pending Indication Discovery 
2 Connected  2       0       ACKED      Sent  
To verify the statistics of GQI, use the show cable video logical-edge-device id <ID> statistics command, as shown in the following example:
Router>show cable video logical-edge-device id <ID> statistics

        Create  Delete  Insert Cancel Switch Reset      Encryption Event
        Session Session Packet Packet Source Indication Discovery  Notification
Success 4       0       0      0      0      3          7          0         
Error   0       0       0      0      0      0          0          0         
Total   4       0       0      0      0      3          7          0         

Verifying the GQI Sessions for Encryption

To verify whether the sessions are encrypted, use the show cable video session logical-edge-device id <ID> command, as shown in the following example, and check the Encrypt Status field.
Router>show cable video session logical-edge-device id <ID>
Total Sessions = 4

Session Output Streaming Session Session Source               UDP   Output  Input      Output Input    Output  Encrypt Encrypt   Low     Session
Id      Port   Type      Type    Ucast Dest IP/Mcast IP (S,G) Port  Program State      State  Bitrate  Bitrate Type    Status    Latency Name
1048580 20     Passthru  UDP                  49152 -       ACTIVE-PSI ON     1713128  1698122 CLEAR   -         N        0x00000000000000000001 
1048581 20     Remap     UDP                  49153 2       ACTIVE-PSI ON     1711859  1707422 DVB     Encrypted N         0x00000000000000000002 
1048582 23     Passthru  UDP                  49154 -       ACTIVE-PSI ON     1711962  1699101 CLEAR   -         N         0x00000000000000000003 
1048583 23     Remap     UDP                  49155 4       ACTIVE-PSI ON     1712498  1707834 DVB     Encrypted N         0x00000000000000000004 

The session's Encrypt Status should be Encrypted. The Output State should be ON to show the proper Encrypt Status for DVB sessions. If the Output State is Pending, the Encrypt Status will be shown as Pending.

To get a list of SCGs, use the show cable video scg all command as shown in the following example:
Router>show cable video scg allq
SCGs: 4    Carriers with SCGs: 3
SCG        ON    TS  SCG Ref Activation CP Duration SCG    Sess LED/
ID         ID    ID  ID      Time       (msec)      Status Id   EIS 
900        1     20  65535   Immediate  10000       Active N/A  1    
     Service IDs : 2
     ES PIDs : NA
9001       1     20  65535   Immediate  10000       Active N/A  1    
     Service IDs : 1
     ES PIDs : NA
9006       1     22  65535   Immediate  10000       Active N/A  1    
     Service IDs : 1
     ES PIDs : NA
9002       1     23  65535   Immediate  10000       Active N/A  1    
     Service IDs : 4
     ES PIDs : NA
Number of SCGs = 4

Verifying ONID and TSID of the QAMs Configured for Specific LED

To get the details of ONID and TSID configured for QAMs configured under LED, use the show cable video logical-edge-device id 1 , as shown in the following example, and verify the ONID and TSID details:
Logical Edge Device: led1
Id: 1
Protocol: GQI
Service State: Active
Discovery State: Disable
Management IP:
MAC Address:
Number of Servers: 1
   Server 1:
Reset Interval: 5
Keepalive Interval: 5    Retry Count:3
Number of Virtual Carrier Groups: 1
Number of Share Virtual Edge Input: 1
Number of Physical Qams: 39
Number of Sessions: 4
No Reserve PID Range

Virtual Edge Input:
Input Port   VEI                  Slot/Bay     Bundle       Gateway         
ID           IP                                ID           IP              
1            7/0          -            -               

Virtual Carrier Group:
ID Name Total Total      Service-Distribution-Group Service-Distribution-Group      
        VEI   RF-channel Name                       ID                              
1  vcg1 0     39         sdg1                       1                               

QAM        Port    Physical Admin Operational TSID ONID Output VCG SDG Encryption  
Controller Type    QAM ID   State State                 Port   ID  ID  Capable     
7/0/0:0    RF Port 0        ON    UP          1    1    1      1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:1    RF Port 1        ON    UP          2    1    2      1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:2    RF Port 2        ON    UP          3    1    3      1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:3    RF Port 3        ON    UP          4    1    4      1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:4    RF Port 4        ON    UP          5    1    5      1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:5    RF Port 5        ON    UP          6    1    6      1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:6    RF Port 6        ON    UP          7    1    7      1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:7    RF Port 7        ON    UP          8    1    8      1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:8    RF Port 8        ON    UP          9    1    9      1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:9    RF Port 9        ON    UP          10   1    10     1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:10   RF Port 10       ON    UP          11   1    11     1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:20   RF Port 20       ON    UP          20   1    20     1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:21   RF Port 21       ON    UP          21   1    21     1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:22   RF Port 22       ON    UP          22   1    22     1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:23   RF Port 23       ON    UP          23   1    23     1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:24   RF Port 24       ON    UP          24   1    24     1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:25   RF Port 25       ON    UP          25   1    25     1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:26   RF Port 26       ON    UP          26   1    26     1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:27   RF Port 27       ON    UP          27   1    27     1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:28   RF Port 28       ON    UP          28   1    28     1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:29   RF Port 29       ON    UP          29   1    29     1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:30   RF Port 30       ON    UP          30   1    30     1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:31   RF Port 31       ON    UP          31   1    31     1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:32   RF Port 32       ON    UP          32   1    32     1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:33   RF Port 33       ON    UP          33   1    33     1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:34   RF Port 34       ON    UP          34   1    34     1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:35   RF Port 35       ON    UP          35   1    35     1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:36   RF Port 36       ON    UP          36   1    36     1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:37   RF Port 37       ON    UP          37   1    37     1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:38   RF Port 38       ON    UP          38   1    38     1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:39   RF Port 39       ON    UP          39   1    39     1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:40   RF Port 40       ON    UP          40   1    40     1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:41   RF Port 41       ON    UP          41   1    41     1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:42   RF Port 42       ON    UP          42   1    42     1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:43   RF Port 43       ON    UP          43   1    43     1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:44   RF Port 44       ON    UP          44   1    44     1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:45   RF Port 45       ON    UP          45   1    45     1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:46   RF Port 46       ON    UP          46   1    46     1   1   dualcrypt   
7/0/0:47   RF Port 47       ON    UP          47   1    47     1   1   dualcrypt   

Troubleshooting Tips

If some configuration errors occur, see the following troubleshooting tips:

  • The Management IP must be unique and in the subnet of virtual port group.

  • Ensure that the ECMG Server is pingable with source interface as the virtual port group from the Cisco cBR-8 console. This indicates that the ECMG Server is reachable and route is valid.

  • Ensure that the TCP port number configured for the ECMG Server in the Cisco cBR-8 is the same as that of the ECMG Server listening port.

  • Ensure that the management IP is pingable from the EIS Server. Otherwise, check the routing between the cBR-8 chassis and the EIS server.

  • Ensure that the listening port that is configured for the EIS is used for establishing the connection from the EIS Server.

  • Ensure that the Virtual Port Group interface is active.

  • Ensure that the TenGigabitEthernet interface using which the management traffic reaches the Cisco cBR-8 and the interface through which the CA interface route is configured are active.

  • Ensure that the GQI connection is active and sessions are available to be set up.

  • Ensure that the EIS connection is active and SCG is available in the Cisco cBR-8.

  • Ensure that the CAS configured for ECMG matches the ECM group in SCG.

  • Ensure that the ONID, TSID, and Program Number are synchronized with the configured sessions and SCG.

Configuration Examples

This section provides examples for configuring DualCrypt Encryption Mode:

Example: Basic Session-based Scrambling Configuration

cable video
mgmt-intf VirtualPortGroup 0
linecard 8/0 ca-system dualcrypt scrambler dvb-csa
route-ecmg Port-channel26
eis test id 1
  listening-port 9898
ca-interface linecard 8/0 
ecmg test id 1
mode vod linecard 8/0
type standard
ca-system-id 950 0
ecm-pid-source sid
connection id 1 priority 1 9878
service-distribution-group sdg1 id 1
  rf-port integrated-cable 8/0/0
virtual-carrier-group vcg1 id 1
service-type narrowcast
rf-channel 20-47 tsid 20-47 output-port-number 20-47
vcg vcg1 sdg sdg1
logical-edge-device led1 id 1
protocol gqi
virtual-edge-input-ip input-port-number 1
vcg vcg1

Example: Session-based Configuration with EIS Binding to LED using LED ID

cable video
mgmt-intf VirtualPortGroup 0
linecard 8/0 ca-system dualcrypt scrambler dvb-csa
route-ecmg Port-channel26
eis test id 1
  listening-port 9898 bind led id 1
ca-interface linecard 8/0 
ecmg test id 1
mode vod linecard 8/0
type standard
ca-system-id 950 0
ecm-pid-source sid
connection id 1 priority 1 9878
service-distribution-group sdg1 id 1
onid 1
rf-port integrated-cable 8/0/0
virtual-carrier-group vcg1 id 1
service-type narrowcast
rf-channel 20-47 tsid 20-47 output-port-number 20-47
vcg vcg1 sdg sdg1
logical-edge-device led1 id 1
protocol gqi
virtual-edge-input-ip input-port-number 1
vcg vcg1

Example: Configuration with EIS Binding to LED using LED Name

cable video
mgmt-intf VirtualPortGroup 0
linecard 8/0 ca-system dualcrypt scrambler dvb-csa
route-ecmg Port-channel26
eis test id 1
  listening-port 9898 bind led name led1
ca-interface linecard 8/0 
ecmg test id 1
mode vod linecard 8/0
type standard
ca-system-id 950 0
ecm-pid-source sid
connection id 1 priority 1 9878
service-distribution-group sdg1 id 1
onid 1
rf-port integrated-cable 8/0/0
virtual-carrier-group vcg1 id 1
service-type narrowcast
rf-channel 20-47 tsid 20-47 output-port-number 20-47
  vcg vcg1 sdg sdg1
logical-edge-device led1 id 1
protocol gqi
virtual-edge-input-ip input-port-number 1
vcg vcg1

Example: EIS Binding to IP Address Other than Default DVB Management IP Address

cable video
mgmt-intf VirtualPortGroup 0
linecard 8/0 ca-system dualcrypt scrambler dvb-csa
route-ecmg Port-channel26
eis test id 1
  listening-port 9898 bind ip
ca-interface linecard 8/0 
ecmg test id 1
  mode vod linecard 8/0
  type standard
  ca-system-id 950 0
  ecm-pid-source sid
  connection id 1 priority 1 9878
service-distribution-group sdg1 id 1
onid 1
rf-port integrated-cable 8/0/0
virtual-carrier-group vcg1 id 1
service-type narrowcast
rf-channel 20-47 tsid 20-47 output-port-number 20-47
  vcg vcg1 sdg sdg1
logical-edge-device led1 id 1
protocol gqi
virtual-edge-input-ip input-port-number 1
vcg vcg1

Example: Session-based Configuration with VRF

cable video
  multicast-uplink Loopback410 access-list all-multicast vrf vrf_script_red_1 next-hop
  mgmt-intf VirtualPortGroup 0
    linecard 1/0 ca-system dvb scrambler dvb-csa
      route-ecmg Port-channel21
      route-ecmg Port-channel21
      eis pytool1 id 1
        listening-port 2500
        cp-overrule 6
      ca-interface linecard 1/0 vrf vrf_script_red_1
      ecmg emcg1 id 1
        mode vod linecard 1/0
        type standard
        ca-system-id 952 0
        ecm-pid-source sid
        connection id 1 priority 1 5678
        connection id 2 priority 1 8765
      ecmg emcg2 id 2
        mode vod linecard 1/0
        type standard
        ca-system-id 951 0
        ecm-pid-source sid
        connection id 1 priority 1 8765
      ecmg emcg3 id 3
        mode vod linecard 1/0
        type standard
        ca-system-id 950 0
        ecm-pid-source sid
        connection id 1 priority 1 5678
interface VirtualPortGroup0
   vrf forwarding vrf_script_red_1
   ip address
   no mop enabled
   no mop sysid

Feature Information for DualCrypt Encryption Mode

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about the platform support and software image support. Cisco Feature Navigator enables you to determine which software images support a specific software release, feature set, or platform. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to the O: https://cfnng.cisco.com/ WL: https://cfnng.cisco.com/ link. An account on the Cisco.com page is not required.


The following table lists the software release in which a given feature is introduced. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.

Table 2. Feature Information for DualCrypt Encryption Mode

Feature Name


Feature Information

DualCrypt Encryption Mode

Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.6.1

This feature was integrated on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.