Information About Low Latency VOD Support
Overview of Low Latency VOD Support
Each Cisco cBR-8 RF linecard supports up to 1280 low latency VOD gaming sessions and up to 64 unique low latency QAMs. These numbers are applicable to both Annex A and B.
An output QAM is treated as low latency if it is associated with a virtual carrier group (VCG) that is configured as low-latency.
A table-based input session is treated as low latency if the session jitter <= 50 ms and output QAM is low latency.
A GQI input session is treated as low latency if the session type is gaming and output QAM is low latency.
Low latency VOD gaming, normal VOD, and Switched Digital Video (SDV) can share the same low latency QAM.
Each Cisco cBR-8 RF linecard supports up to 384 unique normal latency Annex B video QAMs (288 Annex A). Each QAM used for low latency reduces the number of remaining available QAMs by two. For example, the linecard can support up to 256 normal latency and 64 low latency Annex B QAMs.
The average latency of a low latency session is approximately 13 ms plus 50% of the jitter buffer size.