Video Services Provisioning Model

The Cisco cBR-8 router offers the next generation CCAP platform supporting converged CMTS and EQAM functionality. The redesigned video data model supports the creation of virtual edge devices within the platform. This data model simplifies the provisioning procedure and enables seamless migration to virtualized video service management in the future.

The video provisioning constructs of the new data model provide hardware abstraction and divides services into virtual edge devices for easier provisioning at scale. It also provides isolation between the service applications at the software layer. A bind-operation connects these constructs to the physical resources.

Video Provisioning Constructs

The Video Services Provisioning Model has the following elements:

  • Logical Edge Device (LED)—a virtual edge device in the Cisco cBR-8 chassis that can be provisioned for static or dynamic sessions.

  • Virtual Carrier Group (VCG)—a collection of Virtual QAM Carriers (RF channels) provisioned on an LED.

  • Virtual Edge Input (VEI)—assigned either globally to all VCGs in the LED or optionally assigned uniquely to an individual VCG.

  • Service Distribution Group (SDG)—a collection of one or more RF ports that define the physical slot/bay/port to be used in a video service.

Connection of Virtual and Physical Constructs

The VCGs are bound to an SDG using a bind command (bind-vcg). This connects the virtual carriers to the physical ports listed in the SDG. After binding, a path from the VEI is mapped to the RF ports.

The image below shows the elements in the Video Provisioning Construct.

Feature Information for Video Services Provisioning

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about the platform support and software image support. Cisco Feature Navigator enables you to determine which software images support a specific software release, feature set, or platform. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to the O: WL: link. An account on the page is not required.


The following table lists the software release in which a given feature is introduced. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.

Table 1. Feature Information for Video Services Provisioning

Feature Name


Feature Information

Video Services Provisioning

Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.6.1

This feature was integrated on the Cisco cBR Series Converged Broadband Routers.