Troubleshooting Log Files

The following log files are available to assist in troubleshooting any issues with the Cisco APIC-EM:

Root Log Files

The following table lists log files located on the Grapevine root that can be used to troubleshoot the Cisco APIC-EM.

Table 1 Root Log Files






This log file provides you with the details of the boot process and any errors that may occur during this process. Use this log file to troubleshoot any of the following problems:

  • Why did the Grapevine client fail to communicate with the Grapevine root?

  • Why did the Grapevine client fail to upgrade?



Use this log file to determine if there were any errors during the initial Grapevine configuration and deployment.



Use this log file to determine if there were any errors during a manual file update using the Software Update fields in the controller's UI.



Use this log file to determine if there were any errors during an update using the Software Update fields in the controller's UI.



Use this log file to determine whether any of the Grapevine root core services unexpectedly expired.



Use this log file to determine whether the Grapevine database is healthy.



Use this log file to troubleshoot any of the following problems:

  • Why did Grapevine fail to grow or harvest a service instance?

  • Why did an automatic service update fail?

  • Why did Grapevine fail to communicate with a Grapevine client?



Use this log file to determine why Grapevine failed to grow or harvest a Grapevine client.

Client Log Files

The following table lists log files located on the Grapevine client that can be used to troubleshoot the Cisco APIC-EM.

Table 2 Client Log Files






Use this log file to determine the following:

  • Why did this Grapevine client fail to communicate with the root?

  • Why did this Grapevine client fail to upgrade?



Use this log file to determine if any of the Grapevine client core services unexpectedly died?



This log file provides you with the details of the Grapevine client daemon bootstrap process and any errors that may occur during this process.

Use this log file to determine the following:

  • Why did this Grapevine client fail to grow or harvest a service instance?

  • Why did this Grapevine client fail to communicate to the Grapevine root?



Use this log file to determine why did a service fail to perform some operation?