Define Map Display Settings
The network topology can be displayed on a logical map or a geographical map (geo map), where the devices and links are shown in their geographic context. The logical map shows devices and their links, positioned according to an automatic layout algorithm, ignoring their geographical location. The geo map shows single devices, device clusters, links, and tunnels, superimposed on a map of the world. Each device location on the map reflects the device's GPS coordinates (longitude and latitude).
The logical map is automatically rendered with no intervention required. The geographical map is rendered by default using map tiles from an external map provider (Mapbox). Internet access is required when using an external map provider. If there is no Internet access, you can download map files from and upload them into the system. These map files will be accessed internally in order to render the geo map. See Use Internal Maps Offline for Geographical Map Display.
When setting up maps, administrators can also define display settings, for example, colors representing changes in link bandwidth utilization.
To set up your maps and define display settings, see: