Powered by Moogsoft AIOps 7.3
Launch Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager
Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager UI Reference
Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager Notifications
Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager for Mobile
Assign and Acknowledge Situations
Workflow for Resolving Situations
Analyze the Situation Timeline
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
Moogsoft AIOps collects raw data, called events, from your monitoring systems and applies machine learning to deduplicate them into alerts.
Rather than notifying you each time an alert occurs, Moogsoft AIOps analyzes and groups them together based on their similarity. These groups are known as Situations. By identifying Situations, Moogsoft AIOps reduces noise and alert fatigue, granting you the ability to resolve the issues that are most critical to your system as and when they arise.
This Operator Guide covers the essentials of Moogsoft AIOps, from launching the application to finding your way around the UI, and working with situations. It assumes that your Moogsoft AIOps administrator has already set up your Moogsoft AIOps system, and that it integrates with monitor tools that provide event data about the systems you support. For more information, proceed to Getting Started.
If you are an administrator and want information about system setup and configuration, see the Administrator Guide.
For information on setting up Moogsoft AIOps to integrate with your monitoring system, see Integrations.
Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager collects raw data, called events, from your monitoring systems. It applies machine learning to deduplicate events into alerts and to group similar alerts into Situations so that you can focus on resolving critical issues.
This guide assumes that an administrator has already set up your Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager system and that it integrates with monitor tools that provide event data about the systems you support.
Your Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager administrator should provide you with the following so that you can log in to Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager:
· Your username
· Your password
· The Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager server name
If you do not have any of these things then contact your Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager administrator. If you are an administrator and want information about system setup and configuration, see the Administrator Guide.
When you're ready you can access your Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager system at the link provided by your administrator using one of the following browsers:
· Apple Safari, latest version
· Google Chrome, latest version
· Microsoft Edge, latest version
· Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 11
· Mozilla Firefox, latest version
The Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager UI is split into several key components including the top bar, workbench summary and side menu. The sections below give a brief overview and description of these components. Click any of the links on this page for more information.
A. Workbench : The Workbench is the default landing page and working area where you will spend most of your time.
B. Search Bar - Allows you to perform a contextual search for a specific alert or Situation or both alerts and Situations. See further description later in this page or Search Bar for more information.
C. Help & Support - Provides links for help, tutorials and support information such as your version number, database schema and upgrade history.
D. Notifications - Displays notifications about invitations and assignments. See Notifications for more information.
E. User Menu - The User Menu allows you to perform a number of user-related actions such as changing personal details and customizing Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager. Your administrator can reset your password if you forget it.
F. Dashboards - Dashboards are screens comprising of a series of widgets which offer overviews and statistics for different aspects of Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager.
G. Workbench Summary - Displays an overview of statistics for your system, for your teams and for your services. See Workbench Summary
H. Team Rooms - Links to the Team Room(s) for your team(s). See Work in a Team Room for more information.
I. Services Impacted - Displays all services monitored by your team which are impacted by Situations. Services Impacted updates every minute. The Situations and alerts counts update in real time. See Check Impacted Services for more information.
J. Situation and alert Views - Displays Situations and alerts which are assigned to you under My Situations and My Alerts, as well as all unresolved Situations and Alert under Open Situations and Open Alerts.
K. Maintenance Schedule - Allows you to schedule maintenance windows so that Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager ignores new alerts created during these maintenance periods. See Schedule Maintenance Downtime.
You can use the search bar to quickly find alerts or Situations you are interested in.
Once a search has been made, you can narrow down the search results to pinpoint exactly what you are looking for.
Enter any alphanumeric text into the search bar, such a Situation ID or a service name, and then hit Enter to continue.
The search results appear in a new screen, showing all successful results relating to both Situations and alerts by default. Search results appear in the order in which they occurred: oldest to most recent in descending order.
You can narrow the search results using the field options on the right side of the screen:
Field |
Options |
Description |
Search |
Situations & alerts Situations Only alerts Only |
Select whether the search results display Situations and alerts, Situations Only or alerts Only |
Timeframe |
All Time Created Last Updated |
Select whether the results are for all time, from a created date range or last updated date range |
Within |
X Minutes X Days X Weeks X Years |
Select the number of minutes, days, weeks or years |
Between |
Date range and time |
Select two dates and times of the date range |
Results generated from the search bar are static. For example, a search for Situations created within the last hour shows a static list of Situations created within 60 minutes of when the search was carried out. As time progresses, this information becomes out of date. Therefore, to show Situations created within one hour of the present time, carry out the search again to get new results.
See Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager UI Reference for more information identifying key features which can be accessed from the Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager UI.
Notifications keep you informed of your invitations, assignments and any critical Situations in Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager.
You can subscribe to receive Situation notifications about invitations, assignments, critical Situations assigned to your team.
To analyze a Situation in a Situation Room, click the Situation number in the notification.
To mark all notifications as read, click Notifications and then check the icon at the top of the drop-down menu.
To mark one notification as read, click the check icon next to the notification.
A read notification will appear grayed out. Click the check icon again to mark a read notification as unread again.
To configure your notifications, click the Notifications icon on the top bar and then click the Settings cog icon.
You will only receive notifications about invitations and assignments by default.To change the default settings, uncheck Use System Defaults and check one or more of the other Type options from: Invitations, Assignments or Critical Situations Assigned to My Team. Click Done to continue. You must select at least one notification type from the group.
The settings for push notifications differ depending on which browser you are using for Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager and which browser you are using when the notification is sent. Instructions for turning push notifications on or off and examples of notifications for different browsers are shown below:
Google Chrome Push notifications from websites or apps are enabled for Chrome by default. To enable or disable notifications for Windows and Mac, open Chrome and go to Settings > + Show advanced settings. Under 'Privacy' click Content Settings... and under 'Notifications' choose whether to allow or block notifications. |
Apple Safari Notifications from websites and apps are blocked for Safari by default. To enable notifications, got to Safari > Preferences (⌘,). Click Notifications and then Allow for Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager. |
Mozilla Firefox Mozilla Firefox will ask your permission to allow a notification from a website by default. To enable or disable Firefox push notifications go to the top left corner of your browser, click the menu icon and open Preferences. Under 'Privacy & Security' > 'Permissions' allow to notify you. |
Microsoft Edge Microsoft Edge will ask your permission to allow a notification from a website by default. To enable notifications from Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager, go to Advanced Settings > Manage Notifications and set notifications to On for Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager. |
Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager for Mobile enables ITOps and DevOps teams to resolve potential incidents at any time and from anywhere using a mobile device. You can send and receive SMS notifications when you assign Situations to colleagues or invite them to Situation Rooms.
The mobile version of Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager is supported by the following browsers and mobile platforms: Browsers
Browser |
Version |
iOS |
Android |
Chrome |
Latest |
Recommended |
Recommended |
Safari |
Latest |
Recommended |
N/A |
The recommended platforms for Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager for mobile are: iPhone SE, iPhone 6, iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus (iOS 10 or higher). Android phones using OS 6 are also supported. Moogsoft's browser and platform recommendations are defined as follows:
· Recommended: Tested and recommended by Cisco for the optimal solution experience.
· Supported: Smoke tested and supported by Cisco.
The differences between the mobile version and the standard desktop version of Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager are outlined in the sections below.
The Dashboard is divided into two summary screens in mobile, with separate Team Summary and Service Summary screens.
· Tap the Team Summary and Service Summary buttons at the top of the screen to navigate between the screens.
· Swipe up and down on the Service Summary screen to scroll through Services further down on the list.
· Tap any service to view the Situations which are impacting it. The screenshot below shows a single Service view:
Swipe right from any location to open the navigation menu. The navigation menu has links to the Summary home screen, Settings, My Situations, Open Situations and your Team Rooms. Tap the bell icon to access Notifications.
The Notifications is much the same as the tab in the desktop version but you cannot edit the settings.
Tap Mark As Read to mark a notification as read. Notifications marked as read appear grayed out.
You can configure your notifications and determine which actions you receive notifications about under mobile Settings. Alternatively go to the desktop version, click Notifications and click the menu icon to open Notification Settings in the desktop version.
You can choose whether to use the system defaults or configure notifications in mobile Settings.
Touch any of the toggle switches to enable or disable the settings. The toggle switch turns green if the setting is enabled and gray for any setting that is disabled.
The Situations screens behave in the same way as the desktop version of Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager, displaying all open Situations and all assigned Situations:
Tap a Situation number to open the Situation Room, this is very similar to the desktop version.
The Situation Room screen is split into three tabs: Details,AlertsandCollaborate.
The Details tab displays the current status of the Situation, any Services that are impacted, the total number of alerts within the Situation and any users who are in the Situation Room.
Swipe up and down to scroll through the tabs.
You can message other users using the Collaborate tab. Click Write a comment... and type to write a message.
Alerts associated with the Situation appear in the Alerts tab. Each alert is listed along with the time it was created, the host name and a description.
The Collaborate tab displays the all of the latest activity by users who belong to the team.
The Situations tab displays all Situations which are impacting Services being monitored by the team.
Swipe up and down to scroll.
The Users tab displays all users who are members of the team. In the example below, this displays all members of the Cloud DevOps team.
Swipe up and down to scroll.
Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager uses machine-learning algorithms to cluster alerts together into Situations based on the similarity of their timestamps, language and/or topology.
You can view Situations in filterable lists in the Side Menu, the Search bar, and by looking at which Situations are impacting Services.
You may receive Notifications about Situation assignments if notifications are enabled for assignments.
The Open Situations view displays all open Situations that are currently unresolved.
The My Situations view displays Situations that are assigned to you.
You can find out more about each Situation and open its Situation Room by clicking the colored pill containing the Situation ID. For more information see Situation Rooms and Work with Situations.
You can choose how frequently you want your Situations View to refresh. Click Real Time and select one of the following frequencies in the drop-down list. The refresh rate displays. Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager remembers the refresh rate that you selected when you log in again.
Use the View menu to show Situation row striping or to select which columns are shown:
Select Situation View Striping to show rows in the color of their severity:
Configure which Situation columns are displayed by clicking to select them in the View menu. Available columns include:
Column |
Description |
Category |
Indicates the type and state of the Situation. Categories include: Closed, Created, Detected, Priority, Spam and Superseded. |
Created At |
Time and date when the Situation was created. |
Description |
Text description of the Situation. |
First Event |
Time and date when the first Event was recorded. |
Last Change |
Time that the Alert was last updated in the Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager UI. |
Last Event |
Time and date when the last Event was recorded. |
Owned By |
Situation owner's username. |
Participants |
Number of Users participating in the Situation Rooms. |
Process Impacted |
All processes associated with the Situation that have been impacted. |
Queue |
Queue number the Situation belongs to. |
Rating |
Rating given to the Situation. |
Scope |
Scope of the different source groups affected by the Situation (End-User, All, Network, Applications, Database, Storage, Desktop, Cloud, Other). |
Scope Trend |
Indicates whether the scope is increasing or decreasing/staying the same. |
Service Impacted |
All services associated with the Situation that have been impacted. |
Sev Trend |
Indicates if the severity is becoming more or less severe. |
Status |
The Situation's current status: Opened, Closed, Resolved, Assigned, Acknowledged etc. |
Story |
Story ID number that matches the Situation ID number at the top of the Merge tree. |
Teams |
Teams that the Situation are associated with. |
Total Alerts |
Total number of Alerts associated with the Situation. |
User Comments |
Number of user comments about the Situation. |
You can click the checkboxes in the far left column to select each Situation individually:
To select multiple Situations at once, hold down Shift and then click the checkboxes of the Situations you want to select. If you select one Situation using this method and then click another Situation further down the list, all Situations between the two are selected.
Another method is to left-click and drag down to highlight the Situations you want to select and then right-click to select them and open the Tools Menu (also known as the Right-Click menu).
Click the Select All checkbox in the top left corner to select all Situations. If the checkbox is grayed out, scroll down to load all Situations and activate it.
You can change the width of each column by hovering your mouse cursor over the column order and clicking and dragging it to increase or decrease the width.
To change the order of the columns, click the column title cell of the column you want to move and drag it to a new location in the top row. Two green arrows will indicate if the move is valid:
You can also configure the order in which the Situations are shown by clicking the column title cell to rearrange them in ascending or descending alphabetical or numerical order. For example, click the 'Severity' column to arrange the Situations in ascending or descending order of severity.
Use the Tools menu or right-click menu to perform any other action on one or more selected Situations.
This can be accessed by clicking Tools or by right-clicking on the Situation list.
Select a Situation or multiple Situations by clicking in the checkboxes in the far left column, or use the Select All checkbox. Then click Tools and select one of the following actions:
Action |
Options |
Description |
Create a Situation |
- |
Opens a new pop-up window. From here you can create a new Situation |
Export |
Filename: String Format: CSV (Comma Separated Values) JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) Export: All Rows Selected Rows |
Export a row, multiple selected rows or all rows in CSV or JSON format |
Own |
- |
Makes you the owner of the selected Situation or Situations |
Assign |
- |
Enables you to assign the Situation to a User if you have the correct rights |
De-Assign |
- |
This de-assigns the Situation from its current owner |
De-Acknowledge |
- |
This de-acknowledges the Situation so it is no longer in progress |
Show Details |
- |
This opens Situation Details |
Tools |
- |
This links to any configured Server Tools |
Add to Merge... |
- |
This adds the selected Situation in a new 'Merge Situations' panel. |
Resolve... |
- |
Opens a new pop-up window. From here you can add a Situation Rating and journal entry prior to resolving the Situation* |
Close... |
- |
Opens a new pop-up window. From here you can add a Situation Rating and journal entry prior to closing the Situation* |
Reopen... |
- |
This reopens a resolved or closed Situation |
See Resolve Situations for more information.
There are six default industry-standard severity levels, which are shown and described below:
• Clear: Indicates that one or more alerts have been reported but then subsequently cleared either manually or automatically.
• Indeterminate: Indicates the severity level could not be determined.
• Warning: Indicates that a number of potential or imminent service affecting faults have been detected.
• Minor: Indicates there is a non-service affecting fault but action could be required to prevent it becoming a more serious issue.
• Major: Indicates a service affecting fault has developed and corrective action is urgently required.
• Critical: Indicates that a serious service affecting fault has occurred and corrective action is required immediately.
The color severity of the My Situations and Open Situations icons on the Side Menu indicates the highest severity level of the alerts within each list. A Situation's severity will be determined by its alert with the highest severity level. If this alert is cleared then the Situation adopts the severity level of the alert with the next highest severity.
The Situations Details window allows you to explore the forensic details of a Situation.
The individual column names and their descriptions are listed in the table below:
Name |
Description |
Category |
The category of the Situation. These include: Closed: Situations that are closed Created: Situations created by a User Detected: Situations generated by an algorithm/Sigaliser Priority: An automatically created Situation with Alerts that match a user-defined template Superseded: Situations that have been merged with another Situation |
Created At |
The time the Situation was created (the number of seconds, minutes, hours, days ago) |
Description |
The text description of the Situation |
First Event Time |
The time of the first Event (the number of seconds, minutes, hours, days ago) |
ID |
The Situation ID |
Last Change |
The time of the last change that was made to the Situation |
Last Event |
The time that the last Event was recorded (the number of seconds, minutes, hours, days ago) |
Owned By |
The username of the User who owns the Situation |
Participants |
The number of participants in the Situation. A User becomes a participant after commenting in the Situation Rooms |
Process Impacted |
The number of processes the Situation is impacting |
Scope |
The scope of the different source groups that are affected by the Alert or Situation (End-User, All, Network, Applications, Database, Storage, Desktop, Cloud, Other) |
Scope Trend |
Whether the scope is increasing or decreasing/staying the same. This is indicated by an up or down arrow |
Severity |
The severity of the Situation |
Status |
The status of the Situation |
Story |
The story is the Situation ID at the top of the merge tree |
Teams |
The teams that are impacted by the Situation |
Total Alerts |
The total number of Alerts associated with the Situation |
User Comments |
The number of User comments in the Situation Room |
You can copy out the Situation Details by clicking and dragging across the text to highlight it. You can use Ctrl+C (⌘+c on Mac) to copy the text. This can be pasted in an external editor or tool as required.
Custom Info is where you can view custom fields for the Situation. This will appear in a page tree format. Click the blue-drop down arrows to view the properties beneath each branch.
Administrators can add custom info to alerts during system configuration. You can add custom info using the Situation Client Tool using a JSON snippet under the 'Merge Custom Info' field.
Alerts represent new instances of events or de-duplicated events that have been created by Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager. You can view these in filterable and sortable lists, via the Side Menu links, from the Search bar or by looking within Situation Rooms.
The highest severity alert within a Situation determines the severity of a Situation. Alerts follow the same severity levels as Situations.
The My Alerts View displays all of the alerts that have been assigned to you. The Open Alerts view displays all open alerts that are yet to be resolved.
You can choose how frequently you want your Situations View to refresh. Click on Real Time and select an option from the drop-down list.
Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager remembers the refresh rate that you selected when you log in again.
You can select the columns you want to display using the View menu. See the Configure an Alert View for more information on the different options.
You can explore the forensic details of an alert in Alert Details:
The individual column names and their descriptions are listed in the table below:
Name |
Description |
Active Situations |
All active Situations to which this alert is linked. |
Agent Host |
The IP address or co-ordinates of the geographic location where the events were detected. |
Agent Name |
The name of the monitor that detected the Events. Frequently a sub-category of Manager. |
Alert Id |
This is the numeric identifier given to the alert. |
Class |
The subcategory of the Agent. |
Count |
The number of events in the alert. |
Description |
A text summary or description of the alert. |
Entropy |
The entropy value (between 0 and 1). |
External Id |
The external ID given by another management system to reference the alert. |
First Event Time |
The time of the first event that Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager recorded. |
Host |
The source where the alert originated. |
Internal Last Event Time |
The internal time recorded within the last event itself. |
Last Change |
The time of the last change to the alert. |
Last Event Time |
The time of the last Event that Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager recorded. |
Manager |
The system sending the alert. |
Owned By |
The username of the User who owns the alert. |
Severity |
The severity of the alert. |
Significance |
The significance of the alert. |
Situations |
The Situations that the alert is associated with. |
Source Id |
The unique number of the source being managed. |
Status |
The status of the alert. |
Type |
The alert type. For example, DBFail, HTTPDDown, LinkDown. |
You can copy the Alert Details by clicking and dragging across the text to highlight it. You can use Ctrl+C (⌘+c on Mac) to copy the text. This can be pasted in an external editor or tool as required.
You can view custom fields for the alert in the Custom Info tab. This appears in a page tree format. Click the drop-down arrows to view the properties beneath each branch.
Administrators can add custom info fields during system configuration. They can also add custom info fields with a Situation Client Tool using a JSON snippet under the 'Merge Custom Info' field.
Use the View menu to customize which field columns are displayed in My Alerts or Open Alerts or an Alert filter view. Click View in the top right corner of the screen to view and select the options in the drop-down menu:
The top option, 'Alert Row Striping', changes the filter display and each alert row is colored stripe depending on its severity:
You can add or remove the following alert columns by checking or unchecking the options in the View drop-down menu:
Column |
Description |
Active Situations |
Any active Situations the alerts are linked to. |
Agent Host |
IP address or co-ordinates of the geographic location where the events were detected. |
Agent Name |
Name of the monitor that detected the events, frequently a sub-category of Manager. |
Alert Id |
Numeric alert ID. |
Class |
Subcategory of the Agent. |
Count |
Number of times this alert has been counted. |
Description |
A text summary or description of the alert. |
Entropy |
Entropy value of the alert, a number between 0 and 1. |
External Id |
External ID given by another management system to reference the alert. |
First Event Time |
Time when the alert's first event was recorded. |
Host |
Source where the alert originated. |
Internal Last Event Time |
The last time and date there was an internal change to the alert. |
Last Change |
The last time and date there was a change to the alert. |
Last Event Time |
Time when the alert's last event was recorded. |
Manager |
System sending the alert. |
Owned By |
User that owns the alert. |
Significance |
Significance of an alert, whether it is Collateral, Related, Impacting or Causal). |
Situations |
All of the Situations that the alert is linked to. |
Source Id |
The unique name of the source being managed. |
Status |
Alert status, whether it is Unassigned, Assigned or Acknowledged. |
Type |
Alert type. For example, DBFail, HTTPDDown or LinkDown. |
To change the width of a column:
· Hover your mouse cursor over the line between the columns in the heading row.
· Click and drag it to increase or decrease the width of the column.
To change the order of the columns:
· Click and hold down the heading cell of the column you want to move.
· Drag the heading to a new location in the heading row. Two green arrows indicate if the move is valid.
To change the sort order of the alerts:
· Click the column heading. Click once to display them in ascending alphabetical and numerical order, or click twice to display them in descending order.
You can sort on up to four columns including the ID. In addition to your selected sort columns, Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager automatically adds ID as the final sort priority. For example, to sort on Description and Host:
· Click the Host column heading.
· Then click the Description column heading.
· The alerts are sorted by Description, then Host and then ID.
You can perform other actions on an alert or a group of alerts using the Tools menu or the right-click menu.
To perform an action available on the Tools menu:
1. To select an alert or multiple alerts, click the checkboxes in the far left column.
2. Click Tools or right-click on the alert list.
3. Select the action you want to use.
The following actions are available on the Tools menu:
Action |
Options |
Description |
Export |
Filename: String Format: CSV (Comma Separated Values) JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) Export: All Rows Selected Rows |
Exports a row, multiple selected rows or all rows in CSV or JSON format. |
Own |
- |
Makes you the owner of the selected alert(s). |
Assign |
- |
Assigns the selected alert(s) to a user, subject to permissions. |
De-Assign |
- |
Deassigns the selected alert(s) from a user. |
Acknowledge |
- |
Acknowledges the selected alert(s) and assumes responsibility for it. |
De-Acknowledge |
- |
De-acknowledges the selected alert(s) to indicate that you are no longer responsible for it. |
Set Severity |
Critical Major Minor Warning Indeterminate Clear |
Changes the severity of the selected alert(s). |
Set Significance |
Causal Impacting Related Collateral |
Sets the relative significance of the selected alert(s), initially calculated based on its entropy (a measure of the rarity or uniqueness of this alert) with 'Causal' being the most unique, and 'Collateral' being the least. |
Show Details |
- |
Opens the Alert Details pop-up window with more information about the selected alert(s). |
Copy |
- |
Copies the displayed columns for the selected rows. You can use the copied information to create a comma-separated file. |
Selective Copy |
Dialog box of displayed columns |
Select/deselect columns from the dialog box. Copies the selected rows and columns. You can use the copied information to create a comma-separated file. |
Show Timeline |
- |
Displays the Timeline view for the selected alert(s) showing you the time extent of the alert, from when it was first created to its last change. |
Tools |
Server Tools... SSH to Host |
Lists the client-side alert tools that you can run. Opens the SSH dialog box so that you can connect to the host using Secure Shell (SSH). |
Add to Situation... |
- |
Opens the Add Alerts to Situation dialog box so that you can add the selected alert(s) to a Situation. |
Remove from Situation... |
- |
Opens the Remove Alerts from Situation dialog box so that you can remove the selected alert(s) from a Situation. |
Move to Situation... |
- |
Opens the Move Alerts dialog box so that you can move the alert(s) to a Situation. |
Resolve... |
- |
Opens the Resolve Alerts dialog box so that you can resolve the selected alert(s). It prompts you to submit an entry to the Journal thread of all Situations that the alert is a member of. |
Close... |
- |
Opens the Close Alerts dialog box. It prompts you to submit an entry to the Journal thread of all Situations that the alert is a member of. Once an alert has been changed to a closed state it cannot be revived. |
You can add a single or multiple alerts to a Situation if you think that they are related or it makes sense to do so. To add one or more alerts to a Situation from the alert filter view such as My Alerts or Open Alerts:
1. Select the alert or alerts you want to add to a Situation by clicking the checkbox(es) in the far left column.
2. Right-click on the alerts or click Tools to open the Tools menu and then click Add to Situation.
3. Use the Filter to find the relevant Situations and select the Situation or Situations to add the alert(s) to.
4. Click Done.
Administrators can assign alerts to different Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager users, own alerts and add them to Situations.
The standard method of working with alerts is to have an Administrator who assigns alerts to the Users within a team. An alternative is to have a single Administrator who owns Situations and deals with all of their associated alerts. The sections below outline the standard workflow that can be applied to both of these methods.
Once an alert has been assigned to you, you will either receive a Notification or it will appear in your My Alerts filter.
After identifying which alerts have the highest priority, typically the alerts with the highest severity, the next step is to Acknowledge them to let others know that you are aware of them. A standard way of working would be to work through all of the day's 'Critical' alerts and resolve those first before working on the days 'Major' and then 'Warning' alerts to prevent them becoming 'Critical' alerts.
To do this, right click in the alert's row or tag it using the checkbox in the far left column and then click Tools > Acknowledge.
To access an alert's timeline, right click on it and select Show Timeline.
The timeline shows a graphical view of an alert and a breakdown of the events that were de-duplicated to create the alert. It also displays the severity of each event and the times at which they occurred.
Click the Zoom In or Zoom Out options to focus in on a particular time period or group of events. Alternatively use the blue sliders to focus in on an area of interest. The severity of each event is indicated by the color of the line. For example, the events in the screenshot above are a mixture of indeterminate and critical Events.
The alert's severity is defined by the severity of the latest event rather than the event with the highest severity.
Click any of the colored lines for more information on any event in the timeline. This will open the Event Details window. The Events Details window allows you to explore the forensic details of an event or events.
The individual column names and their descriptions are listed below:
Name |
Description. |
Agent |
The name of the monitor that detected the events. Frequently a sub-category of Manager. |
Agent Location |
The IP address or co-ordinates of the geographic location where the events were detected. |
Alert Id |
This is the numeric identifier given to the alert. |
Class |
The subcategory of the Agent. |
Count |
The number of times this alert has been counted. |
Description |
A text summary or description of the alert. |
Entropy |
The entropy value (between 0 and 1). |
Event Id |
The ID given to the event. |
Event Time |
The time of the event. |
Event Type |
The type of event. |
First Event Time |
The time of the first event that Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager recorded. |
Internal Last Event Time |
The time that the last event was recorded by MoogDb. |
Last Event Time |
The time of the last event that was recorded by the Agent. This may be set by the LAM or the Alert Builder. The default is when the LAM first registered the event. |
Last State Change |
The time of the last event state change. |
Manager |
The system sending the event. |
Owner |
The username of the user who owns the alert and its events. |
Severity |
The severity of the event. |
Significance |
The significance of the alert. |
Source |
The name of the source machine. |
Source Id |
The unique identifier for the source machine. |
State |
The state of the event. |
Type |
The alert type. For example, DBFail, HTTPDDown, LinkDown. |
Go to Collaborate in the Situation Room and share comments or ideas with your colleagues to find a resolution.
Ultimately, the aim is to resolve high severity alerts before you resolve the Situation. If anyone proposes a solution, this can be tested using Tools or going back to the My Alerts view and clicking on the Host column to SSH into it.
If you or another user finds a solution that fixes the problem, the comment should be marked as the Resolving Step. To do this, click the check icon next to the post in Comments or under Collaborate:
The comment which has been marked as the Resolving Step will be highlighted with a green line. Now a resolution has been found, this Situation can be resolved.
To do this click on the Resolve button under Status in the Situation Room. The 'Resolve Situation' pop-up window will appear:
Add a star rating to indicate the relevance and quality of information given in the Situation along with a journal entry comment. Click Done to continue.
After Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager creates and opens a Situation, the next steps are:
· A user goes to the Situation Room and assigns the Situation.
· The assigned user acknowledges the Situation.
To assign to a user, go to the Situation Room, click Assign, and choose the relevant user.
The Team Room shows all Situations assigned to that team. Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager assigns each situation to teams automatically based on the current Service Filters and Situation Filters defined for each team. Note the following:
· If a team has no Service or Situation filters defined, Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager assigns all open Situations to that team.
· If a team has both Service and Situation filters defined, Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager assigns a Situation only if the team has both a matching Service Filter and a matching Situation Filter.
· You can manually override the default team assignments for a specific Situation. Go to the Situation Room and click Teams.
· If you override the team assignment for a Situation, automatic team assignment is permanently disabled for that situation.
· If you unassign a Situation from your team, based upon your role, you might be unable to access the Situation afterwards.
You should receive a Notification when you are assigned to a Situation. You need to acknowledge the assignment before you investigate and resolve it. Go to the Situation Room and click Acknowledge.
Go to the Situation Room and click More Actions. You can:
· Own: Re-assign to your self and acknowledge.
· De-Assign: Set status to Open.
· De-Acknowledge: Available only if the Situation is assigned to you and you have acknowledged the current assignment.
For information about other actions, see Take Additional Actions.
After Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager creates Situations from the alerts ingested from your monitoring systems, you can use various tools to resolve them. When you resolve the Situation, you can provide feedback to help with the resolution of similar Situations that arise.
This topic guides you through the various steps in the workflow to resolve Situations.
The following workflow represents the typical steps to resolve a Situation. You may not need to execute every step for every Situation. As you become more experienced with Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager you may develop your own workflow to suit your requirements.
· Check for Impacted Services in the Services Overview. In the Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager workbench, the Services Overview section indicates which of your Services are impacted by Situations.
· Click on the Team Room name in the Side Menu to open your Team Room. The Team room is a good place to collaborate with the colleagues in your Team to find a resolution to your Situations. Click the Team Room name in the Side Menu. The Team Room displays all recent activity, such as Situations your team has been assigned, new comments that have been posted, and any Resolving Steps that have been created. You can also see which members of your Team are currently logged into Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager on the right side of the screen.
· Click the Task Board tab to view Situations in a Kanban-style board. You can see which Situations have been assigned to you in the "Assigned" column.
· Click Acknowledge on any Situation that has been assigned to you. This changes the status to "In Progress" and alerts your team to the fact that you are working on a situation.
· Click on your assigned Situation. The Situation Room opens to display key information about the Situation including:
— The Situation status.
— The number of alerts.
— Impacted services.
— Next steps to resolve the Situation.
The following workflow represents the typical method to resolve a Situation. You may not need to execute every step for every Situation. As you become more experienced with Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager you may develop your own workflow to suit your requirements.
Below are the steps a user may take to identify Situations after they have been generated:
· Check for Impacted Services in the Services Overview. In the Cisco Crosswork Situation Managerworkbench, the Services Overview section indicates which of your Services are impacted by Situations. See /document/preview/2152#UUID5305add5921280acecc682d0530a256f to find out more how to identify what server and severity of impact it has experienced.Check Impacted Services
· Click on the Team Room name in the Side Menu. The Team Room displays all recent activity, such as Situations your team has been assigned, new comments that have been posted, and any Resolving Steps that have been created. See Work in a Team Room for more information.
· Click the Task Board tab to view Situations in a Kanban-style board. You can see which Situations have been assigned to you in the "Assigned" column.
· Click Acknowledge on any Situation that has been assigned to you. This changes the status to "In Progress" and alerts your team to the fact that you are working on a Situation.
· Click on your assigned Situation. The Situation Room opens to display key information about the Situation including:
— The Situation status.
— The number of alerts.
— Impacted services.
— Next steps to resolve the Situation.
Once you have fixed a Situation, you can then mark it as resolved.
A Resolving Step is the comment, suggestion or action in the Collaborate tab of a Situation Room or Team Room that has been marked as the solution to a Situation. A Situation can be resolved once a Resolving Step has been found.
If a Situation has a Resolving Step, it is indicated by a check icon next to the Situation ID. If this icon is clicked on it will expand to show the reveal the resolving step as shown below:
If you find a comment or suggestion has helped to resolve the root cause of the Situation then you should mark it as a Resolving Step. To do this, click the gray check icon in the top right corner of the comment:
When a comment has been marked as a Resolving Step, a green line appears along the top of the comment to highlight it. It is also pinned under the Next Steps in the Situation Room.
Multiple comments can be marked as Resolving Steps. It does not have to be a single comment or action. Other users can subsequently approve or disapprove of the Resolving Step using the upvote and downvote icons. The number next to each icon indicates the number of votes it has had.
A comment that has been made a Resolving Step can be unmarked at any point. To do this, click the check icon on the comment under Next Steps or Collaborate. This action appears on the Collaborate tab in the Team Room.
A Situation can be resolved once a Resolving Step has been found.
To do this, click Resolve under Status in the Situation Room or change its status on the Team Room Task Board. The 'Resolve Situation' pop-up window then appears:
If Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager warns you that you have unmarked PRC alerts, click the Mark Alerts button to return to the Alerts list and mark the appropriate alerts. Click the stars to give it a star rating out of five to indicate the relevance and quality of information given in the Situation along with a journal entry comment.
It is important to reflect an accurate rating, particularly if you are using the Feedback Sigaliser which takes information such as Situation ratings into account. When you have entered your rating and journal entry, click Done to continue.
You can give ratings directly from the Situation Room or when resolving or closing a Situation from any Situation filter or from the Task Board.
When you resolve a Situation from either a filter or the Task Board, the 'Resolve Situation' pop-up window appears. You can rate the relevance and quality of the information given in a Situation each time you resolve one by giving it a star rating between 1 and 5. Each Situation rating is always followed by a journal entry or comment, where you can provide any additional information.
Click on the appropriate star rating depending on how relevant or accurate the Situation was. It is important to reflect an accurate rating, particularly if you are using the Feedback Sigaliser which takes information such as Situation ratings into account. For example, the default rating threshold for Feedback Sigaliser is 3 so it learns from any Situations with a rating of 3 stars or more.
The Situation rating scores are:
Rating |
Definition |
- |
Not yet rated |
* |
Bad |
** |
Poor |
*** |
Adequate |
**** |
Good |
***** |
Excellent |
Next type in the 'Journal Entry' box to provide a comment about why the Situation was resolved or closed and a description of the resolution (if applicable). This can be as long as required. When you have finished writing the entry, click Done to continue.
To prioritize which Situations to deal with first, check for impacted services with the highest severity. Typically you should deal with services impacted by critical Situations first. You can check for impacted services in Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager in three different ways: in the Services Overview, by creating a filter, and in the Services Impacted menu.
The Services Overview section displays any Services which are assigned to your Team or which are impacted by Situations assigned to your Team.
To assign Services to your Team, go to System Settings > Security > Teams and add the required Services to your Service Filter.
Each Service panel also includes the amount of time it has been impacted for, the number of open Situations which are impacting it, and the MTTA and the MTTR in minutes.
The color of the Service indicates the highest severity level of the Situations that are impacting it.
This panel automatically updates every minute by default. Click the text alongside 'Last Updated' for the exact time the update occurred.
Click any Service for more information about the impacting Situations. These Situations are displayed in a Situation filter, allowing you to identify those which you want to prioritize. For example, those with the highest severity or the number of high severity alerts.
You can see which other Services each Situation is impacting by referring to the 'Services Impacted' column.
A list of all Services that have been impacted will appear in the Side Menu on the left side of the Workbench.
Click any of the Service names to view the Situations that are impacting it. Alternatively click Services Impacted to view all Situations that are impacting your Services in a Situation Filter.
The Services Impacted link from the Side Menu will open all Situations which are impacting your system's services in a new Situation Filter:
This screen offers a useful overview of the Situations which are affecting the most of your Services and can help you identify and prioritize which Situations to deal with first. It also allows you to see the Situations with impacting Services which are not associated with your team.
The Team Room is the first place you should go for a general overview of the latest Situation activity in your team. This is where you can discuss issues with team members and collaborate to find a resolution to alerts and Situations.
There are two key components to the Team Room screen: Collaborate and Task Board.
The Collaborate tab is where you can view the latest activity and communicate with members of your team to find resolutions to Situations.
You can post questions, ideas, general comments and attach files so that they appear on the Collaborate news feed in chronological order.
The Task Board is a Kanban-style board where you can see an overview of the team's Situations, where they are in the workflow, how much work is in progress and in the queue. A Kanban board is a visualization tool which can be used to see an overview of your workload and optimize the flow of your work.
This is a useful screen to see your assigned Situations and manage what work you and your team mates have to do. It is also where Administrators can assign Situations to different users.
Team Insights shows Situation summary data and Situation Severity data from two time frames: the last week and the last day.
Use the drop-down to choose from the last week or the last day. The default is the last week.
Highlight a line in a graph with your mouse pointer. Dots denote data points.
Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager collects data at a specific time in each 24 hour period and this may not reflect the highest number or severity of Situations during that period.
The Situations appear in columns arranged in order of status: opened, assigned, in progress and resolved.
Each Situation appears with a colored pill-shaped marker displaying the Situation ID number, the severity color, the user who is assigned to the Situation, the time the Situation was created, the description, and the action that can be performed:
If you are a standard operator User, you can perform the following actions to Situations that have been assigned to you:
Assigned -> |
In Progress -> |
Resolved |
Click Acknowledge to inform others you have seen the Situation and are investigating. This moves the Situation to In Progress. |
Click Resolve when an initial resolution to the Situation or a Resolving Step has been found. This moves the Situation to Resolved. |
Click Close if the resolution fixes the root cause and the moderator or end user is satisfied. This removes the Situation from the Task Board. |
When resolving or closing a Situation, you can give it a Situation Rating and add a journal entry in the pop-up window as normal. Once a Situation is closed, it no longer appears on the board.
The Collaborate tab is where you can view the latest activity and communicate with members of your team to find resolutions to Situations.
Users can post questions, ideas, general comments and attach files that will appear on the Collaborate news feed in chronological order.
The Situations listed on the right side of the screen are all of the Situations which are impacting services included in the team's service filter. The 'People' panel beneath that lists all team members who are currently logged into Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager.
Note: A team's Service Filter can be configured by a user with Administrator rights. This can be found under General > Teams > System Settings.
There are several ways to view a Situation from the Collaborate screen. One way is to click on the Situation ID in the Collaborate wall. Alternatively click the View button in the top corner of each panel:
Both of these options open the Situation Room for the Situation.
You can comment in a Team Room by clicking Write a comment at the top of the screen and starting to type.
When you have finished, you can click one of the icons to indicate the type of comment you are posting. The speech bubble icon is for general comments, the question mark is for questions and the lightbulb is for ideas.
Next click Post to add the comment to the Collaborate wall. Alternatively use the Ctrl+↵ or ⌘+↵ keyboard shortcut.
You can make additional comments in a comment thread. To do this, click Add a comment, type your message and press Enter to submit.
You can up vote or down vote comments using the buttons in the top right corner of the primary comment. You can only vote on Situation Room comment entries. You cannot vote on your own comments, only on comments made by other users.
You can mark any suggestion from another user, such as tools which were run to resolve a Situation, as a 'Resolving Step'.
To do this, click the Resolving Step icon in the top right corner of the comment. This will highlight the comment with a green line:
The Resolving Step icon subsequently appears on any similar Situations. By default, similar Situations are deemed to be all those which share at least 50% of the same alerts.
A comment can be deselected as a Resolving Step at any time by clicking on the check icon again.
You can attach a file such as a screenshot, error message or log file to any Collaborate wall.
To do this, click Attach File and select the file from any location on your local machine. Next create a comment as normal to accompany the attachment and then click Post.
The attachment appears in blue text alongside the file size in brackets.
You can identify the recommended actions to take with a Situation under Next Steps. This tab is open by default when you first look at a Situation.
The next steps depend on the current status of the Situation and may include similar Situations with Resolving Steps or the alerts which are most likely to be the root cause of the Situation.
In the example above, the first required step is to acknowledge the Situation. To do this, click the Acknowledge button under 'Status' or Next Steps.
You can also see there is a similar situation with 70% similarity. If this had a Resolving Step, indicated by a check icon, you could click this to see what action was taken to resolve the similar Situation.
You can collapse any of the items in the Next Steps tab by clicking on the down arrow to the left of the item name. You can expand an item by clicking on the right arrow beside its name.
If you have been training your Probable Root Cause model, you will see up to three alerts likely to be the root cause of the Situation. For more information about marking alerts for PRC and training your model see Check Situation Alerts.
Click Go To PRC Alerts to view these alerts in more detail.
There are no PRC alerts in this section if:
· You have not trained your model.
· You do not have any alerts with PRC equal to or greater than 50%.
If you enable Situation topology, you can see a visual representation of the connections within the Situation, based on topological data for the relevant nodes. You can put the Situation into context and gain a better understanding of its impact. The most important nodes in the Situation topology are listed together with Vertex Entropy data if available.
Click View in the Vertex Entropy column or Go to Topology View to display the Situation Topology tab. See View Situation Topology for more information.
Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager identifies if two or more Situations are similar and groups them in a subsection of Next Steps called Similar Situations. You can use Next Steps to identify trends and reduce the number of escalations. For example, if a current Situation is similar to one that was previously resolved then the resolution information might be re-useable. Alternatively, if Situations recur at regular intervals, steps can be taken to prevent future occurrences.
To generate similar Situations, Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager analyzes all Situations, calculates their similarity and highlights those with a similarity of 50% or above. This means at least half of the alerts are shared between two similar Situations.
For each similar Situation, Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager displays the Situation ID, similarity (%), the creation time, a description, any impacted services and the Situation Rating.
Click the date beneath 'Created at' for an exact time and date that the Situation was created.
Click 'Description', 'Impacted Services' and 'Rating' to make edits. Only users with the correct Role permissions can make edits to 'Description' and 'Impacted Services'.
Alternatively, click the Situation ID or View to open the Situation Room for the Similar Situation.
If a number of Situations share a high similarity and alerts, Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager merges them together automatically to create a new Situation.
By default, Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager carries out an automatic merge when Situations share a 70% similarity. If a Situation has been merged automatically or manually there will be a merge icon alongside the Situation ID:
Click the icon to show or hide the merge history. In this example, Situation #8 had an 90% similarity so was merged into Situation #24.
For more information about merging Situations see Merge Situations.
If a Similar Situation has a Resolving Step, this is indicated by the check icon:
Click the check icon to reveal any Resolving Steps, which are comments that appeared in the Collaborate tab that led to or provided a resolution. Click the Resolving Step icon at the top of the panel again to close it. Alternatively you can add a comment or a vote if it was helpful or not.
The Situation Room is the virtual meeting place for all users involved in finding the resolution to a Situation and its alerts. As an operator, you spend much of your time in Situation Rooms investigating the cause of a Situation. Your goal is to find a way to resolve the alerts and subsequently the Situation.
The Situation Room header shows important details about the Situation:
· When the Situation was created.
· Any impacted services.
· Teams assigned to this Situation.
· Number of alerts it contains.
· Rating it was given at resolution.
This is the default configuration and your Administrator can change it. See Customize User Experience and Workflow.
This shows a list of the services that are impacted by the Situation.
To add or remove impacted services, click the pencil icon to edit the list.
This shows the teams that are assigned to the Situation. You can assign any number of teams to a Situation. You can also assign one primary team. This is the team that has overall responsibility for resolving that Situation.
To go to a Team Room, click the team name. The Team Room for that team displays, showing all the Situations assigned to that team.
You can add or remove teams that are assigned to a Situation, or you can set or remove a primary team:
· To add or remove a team, click the pencil icon next to the Teams heading, to edit the list.
· To set a primary team, click the radio button next to the team that you want to make the primary team and click Done. You can only have one primary team assigned to a Situation.
· To remove a primary team, highlight the primary team, click x Unset Primary, and click Done. The team still remains assigned to the Situation but it is no longer the primary team.
This shows the total number of alerts in the Situation. You can click on the number of alerts under the "Total Alerts" heading to display a list of alerts in the Situation on the Alerts tab.
The Situation Room tabs along the top of the screen provide links to the Next Steps, Alerts, Timeline, Collaborate, Topology, and Visualize tabs.
Note: You can add tabs that link to third-party tools in the form of Situation Room plugins.
The Next Steps tab offers you a suggested action step to take in relation to the Situation. The suggestions depends on the Situation's status, if it has similar Situations or if there are Resolving Steps. See Identify Next Steps for more information.
You can review the alerts associated with a Situation on the Alerts tab. On this tab, you can filter and identify the alerts of interest and then seek a resolution.
To activate the Select All checkbox, scroll down to load all alerts.
Once you have resolved the Situation, you can use this tab to identify the alerts which were the probable root cause of the Situation.
The Timeline tab provides a graphical view displaying the progression of a Situation with a breakdown of its associated alerts in the order they occurred. Alongside the alerts, you can also inspect the markers where activity took place. See Analyze the Situation Timeline for more information.
You can collaborate with other users by looking at the comments and talking to colleagues. See Collaborate on a Situation for more information.
The Topology tab depicts the relationship between the nodes affected by the Situation. This may be a representation of the network nodes or the services in your organization. See View Situation Topology for more information.
This tab is only available if your administrator or implementer has loaded the topology of your system.
The Visualize tab enables you to view the clustering algorithm or method that created the Situation. See /document/preview/99363#UUIDaf9b0e905ff9fa4210e70b137915b79b for further information.Situation Visualization
You can invite team members who you think might be able to help resolve a Situation using the + invite button. You can only invite users who are members of your team by default.
Type the name of the user you want to invite, add a note if required and click Done. The invited user will receive the invitation as a notification. You can only invite other users to a Situation Room if you are assigned to the Situation.
Note: You may only be able to invite members of your team to a Situation Room if your administrator has configured team access only.
You can use the Tools and More Actions drop-down menus on the top bar of the Situation Room to perform a number of other actions. See Take Additional Actions for more information.
There are two ways you can view a Situation's alerts:
· Alerts tab on the Situation Room.
· Preview mode on the My Situations or Open Situations windows.
To view the Situation's associated alerts from the Situation Room, click the Alerts tab.
You can filter and identify the alerts of interest, typically those with the highest severity or that are impacting services, and then seek a resolution. See Filter Search Data for how to create filters.
You can switch between viewing all alerts and all unique alerts. Click View and then either Show All Alert or Show Unique Alerts to toggle between the alerts you want to display.
To view a Situation's associated alerts on the My Situations or Open Situation windows:
1. Click the Preview button.
2. Select a Situation and the alerts associated with that Situation in a panel in the lower part of the window.
3. You can enter a filter to identify the alerts of interest. See Filter Search Data for how to create filters.
4. You can click the Go To Situation button to view the Situation Room for the selected Situation.
To return to standard mode showing the Situations only, click the Standard button.
The timeline offers a powerful graphical view displaying the progression of a Situation with a breakdown of its associated alerts in the order they occurred alongside key activity markers.
Use the timeline to analyze the Situation, see how it developed and determine the hotspots where there are higher volumes of more severe alerts.
Situation severity is determined by the highest severity of its alerts. In the example above, the Situation is critical because it contains Critical alerts, which is the highest severity.
There are several components to the timeline tab which allow you to zoom in on a specific time, view Situation activity and display when alerts occurred.
The Situation Activity panel will show activity markers at times where different things happened following the creation of the Situation.
The number indicates how many Situation activities occurred. Click on any of the activity markers for more details of what happened at that time.
In the screenshot above there are two notifications for the situation. The activity marker icons will differ depending on the type of activity that occurred.
The alerts are displayed in graphical form on the bottom of the Timeline tab, with each alert represented by a rectangular block the color of its severity.
Each alert contains details of the events within it. Click on one of the timeline blocks to open the Event Details window for that event.
The Collaborate tab provides a chat environment where you can talk to your team members and resolve a Situation.
You can add comments, attach files, and view activity such as which teams are impacted and when the Situation was created or assigned to a user.
To view all previous comments and Situation activity, scroll down to the bottom of the Collaborate view.
It works much like a social media news feed wall with the oldest comments and activity at the bottom and the latest at the top.
To create a comment, click in the Write a comment box and start typing.
When you have finished, click Post to add the comment to the Collaborate wall.
Submit your post using the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+Enter or Command+Enter.
To make additional comments in a comment thread, click Add a comment, type your message and press Enter.
You can up-vote or down-vote comments using the thumbs-up and thumbs-down buttons in the top right corner of the primary comment.
You can run a number of custom tools in the Situation Room that an Administrator has configured for you and your team. These might include client tools, URL tools and tools triggered by ChatOps commands. See /document/preview/35158#UUIDdcf225818566668212be8e8663045737 for more information.Troubleshooting and Diagnostic Tools
You can run ChatOps tools to try and find a resolution to the issue. You can run generic server tools, alert and Situation server tools, or Alert and Situation client tools using the @moog or @bot command following by the configured ChatOps shortcut.
If you need to enter ChatOps command arguments when you run a tool, you must escape most special characters. Only the following special characters are supported in arguments:
· Dash -: For command arguments.
· Dollar $: For variable substitution.
· Forward slash /: For paths.
· Backslash \: For paths/escaping.
· Tilde ~: For references to home directory.
· Underscore _
· Period .
If the ChatOps tool was successful in resolving the issue, you can mark it as a Resolving Step.
If a user makes a suggestion that resolves the Situation or its alerts, you can mark it as a Resolving Step. To do this, click the Resolving Step icon in the top right corner of the comment. This highlights the comment with a green line:
The Resolving Step icon will subsequently appear on any Similar Situations.
Click the icon again to remove a Resolving Step.
You can use the Show filter to filter which types of activity and comments appear in the Collaborate tab.
You can add or exclude the different types by checking or unchecking the boxes. These types include: workflow, tools, alerts, impact, modifications, invitations and posts.
Issues affecting different systems in your network can frequently be related to the same Situation. Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager uses topological data to present a visual representation of connections between the hosts impacted by a Situation.
The topology is host-based. Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager identifies hosts using the "host" field from alerts. Each host in your system is a potential node in the topology.
When a Situation affects more than one node and Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager has topological data for those nodes, you can use the Situation Room Topology tab.
Your Administrator must follow these steps to enable the topology view in the Situation Room:
· Run the topology builder utility to generate the topology data.
· Optionally run the graph analyser utility if you want to generate Vertex Entropy data.
Once the topology builder utility has been run, the Situation topology automatically renders based on the contents of the Situation.
While in a Situation Room, click the Topology tab. You can toggle full screen view to hide the other elements on the screen and focus on the topology. Use the zoom buttons on the right side of the topology to zoom in and out. Node labels appear as you zoom in. Click and drag the nodes to rearrange the topology view. Hover your mouse cursor over a node to display its name, description and service data.Open the Display Options window to access options for relative node size, neighbor node selection and a description of the severity colors.
For example, consider the following topology that indicates a potentially serious Situation that requires immediate investigation. Two nodes (red) are critical, another two nodes (orange) are major and they are connected to other nodes that are as yet unaffected.
The following example shows a Situation with many involved nodes, some of which are critical:
· A: The node with the highest Vertex Entropy value is critical in this Situation.
· B: A solid line indicates a link between affected nodes. The higher severity determines the color of the line.
· C: Several other nodes are involved in the Situation with varying levels of severity.
· D: A dotted gray line indicates a link between unaffected nodes.
· E: Gray nodes are not involved in the Situation but appear on the topology depending on the Neighbor Nodes selection.
The topology displays affected nodes and their immediate neighbors, even if the neighbors are not involved in the Situation. Neighbor nodes provide context about the nodes in the Situation, relative to their location in the topology. For example, if you increase the number of neighbor nodes you may see that two nodes in the Situation are connected to the same switch, that is not part of the Situation.
Open the Display Options window on the left side of the topology view and use the neighbor nodes slider to control the number of neighbor nodes on display. You can show:
· A maximum of 4 neighbors.
· Up to 150 uninvolved neighbor nodes in total.
The maximum number of neighbor nodes on the slider corresponds to the total number of uninvolved nodes in the topology. For example, if a neighbor node level of 4 includes 151 uninvolved nodes, the slider maximum is automatically set to 3. There is no limit on the number of affected nodes you can display, however large topologies of 500+ affected nodes can take more than a minute to load.
The color of the node reflects the highest severity of its alerts. Open the Display Options window to see a description of the severity colors. Neighbor nodes that are not involved in the Situation are gray.
Click a colored node to display its related alerts in the alerts list beneath the topology. The selected node and its links are highlighted in the topology view and alerts affecting the selected node appear in the list. The alerts display with the same layout as the Situation Room alert list.
You can add filters to refine the list of alerts using full or partial matching. Nodes matching the filter are highlighted in the topology. For example, the filter "Host: web" will display all alerts with host names that include the string "web".
If you want the topology to indicate Vertex Entropy, your Administrator must run the graph analyser utility to generate the data. Open the Tools window and select Vertex Entropy. The size of the node indicates its Vertex Entropy. The larger the node, the higher the Vertex Entropy value.
If you want the topology to indicate Probable Root Cause (PRC), ensure that PRC data exists for one or more alerts in the Situation. Open the Display Options window and select Probable Root Cause. The size of the node indicates PRC. The larger the node, the higher the PRC value.
Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager does not automatically update the topology when alert details change. Click the Refresh button on the right side of the topology view to update the topology.
You might want to merge multiple Situations into one Situation if they share a significant number of alerts, or if you think they all share the same root cause. Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager merges Situations automatically if they share 70% of the same alerts. You can also merge Situations manually from any of the Situation filter views and from a Situation Room.
To merge Situations from a Situations view:
· Select the Situations you want to merge: click the boxes in the far-left column.
· Click Tools or right-click on the Situations to open the Tools Menu.
· Click Add to Merge... to open the Merge Situations panel displaying the selected Situations. This appears at the top of the Situations view.
· To add more Situations, repeat these steps. To remove Situations, click the x icons.
· To complete the merge, click Merge Situations. A message appears with a link to the new Situation.
By merging Situations, you are combining all of the Situations' alerts so that the severity of the new Situation reflects the highest severity of those alerts.
Click Open Situation to open the Situation Room for the new Situation. From here you can click the merge icon to show the Situation's merge history and see the Situations which were merged to create it.
You can use the menus and icons at the top of the Situation Room in Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager to perform additional actions on a Situation.
The Tools menu links to any Client Tools, Generic Server Tools and Situation Server Tools which have been set up by your Administrator. Client tools use Situation and alert data to carry out actions through a specified URL. Generic, Alert and Situation Server Tools allow a user to execute a utility on a remote host.
There are a number of actions under the More Actions menu:
The default Hotkeys can be changed and unused keys can be assigned to other Actions. Learn more about how to Configure Hotkeys in the Admin Guide.
Action |
Description |
Show details... |
Opens the Situation Details pop-up window. |
Own (M) |
Makes you the owner of the Situation. This also automatically acknowledges the Situation. * |
Assign (A) |
Allows you to assign the Situation to a user. * |
De-Assign |
De-assigns the Situation from a user. |
De-Acknowledge |
De-acknowledges the Situation. |
Add to Merge... |
Adds the Situation to the merge panel (where multiple Situations can be merged). See Merge Situations. |
Invite (I) |
Allows you to search for and send other users in your team an invite to collaborate on the situation. |
Resolve... |
Opens the Situation Rating dialog where you can resolve the Situation. |
Close... |
Opens the Situation Rating dialog where you can close the Situation. |
Reopen... |
Reopens the Situation if it has been resolved or closed. |
Note: Only users with the correct permissions can 'Own' or 'Assign' a Situation. See Situation Status to find out more on changing a Situation status.
The Situation status shows the Situation's workflow journey. The highlighted item furthest to the right indicates the current status. For example, the status for the Situation below is "In Progress":
Click any of the subsequent statuses or actions in the row to change the Situation's status or perform an action. See Take Additional Actions to find out more on the other actions that can be performed.
When Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager creates a Situation, it is "Opened" by default to begin with. The following table below reveals all of the statuses that a situation will go through after being "Opened" in order descending:
Status |
Description |
Opened |
Situation is open but not yet owned or assigned. |
Assigned |
Situation is assigned to a user but not yet acknowledged. |
In Progress |
The assignment has been acknowledged and the Situation is being worked on. |
Resolved |
Operator has found a resolution to the Situation and has marked it as Resolved. |
Closed |
The resolution has been confirmed by the person or system who reported the issue and they are satisfied with the resolution. |
Dormant |
The Situation has been merged with a newer Situation. The older Situation adopts the dormant status. |
As an Operator, there are a number of procedures you can use to enhance your ability to work with Situations. You can use filters to search for specific alerts, Situations, and Impacted Services. You can also identify alerts that are the Probable Root Cause of a Situation to improve the resolution of similar Situations that occur in the future.
You can search for specific alerts, Situations, and Impacted Services in Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager using filters. The default filter views that you can access from the Workbench are Impacted Services, My Situations, Open Situations, My Alerts, and Open Alerts.
There are two types of filter: basic filter and advanced filter. Click the funnel filter icon to open the drop-down menu and switch between the filter types.
Note: Cisco recommends that you use the basic filter in most cases but, if you want more flexibility or need to filter for something more complex, then use the advanced filter.
You can also use SQL-like queries in the Workflow Engine filter fields. See Create an advanced filter for more information. You can also use the event_handler field as part of filters in the Workflow Engine. See Using the event_handler field in Workflow Engine entry filters for more information.
To use the basic filter:
· Click in the "Filter" bar. A drop-down menu appears with available fields.
· Select a field and any values as required; then click Apply or click away from the menu.
· Repeat this for as many fields as you want to add to your filter.
· Alternatively, type the name of the fields you want to apply to the filter.
· Once you have entered one or more fields, click away from the menu to apply the filter.
You can use the following columns and operators in your basic filter in the Alert View:
Column Display Name |
Associated Operators |
Active Situations |
IN |
Alert Id |
> >= < <= != = |
Agent Name |
=!=INMATCHESCisco recommends using =, !=, and IN where possible, because their performance is much better than MATCHES. |
Agent Host |
=!=INMATCHESCisco recommends using =, !=, and IN where possible, because their performance is much better than MATCHES. |
Class |
=!=INMATCHESCisco recommends using =, !=, and IN where possible, because their performance is much better than MATCHES. |
Count |
> >= < <= != = |
Description |
=!=INMATCHESCisco recommends using =, !=, and IN where possible, because their performance is much better than MATCHES. |
Entropy |
> >= < <= != = |
External ID |
=!=INMATCHESCisco recommends using =, !=, and IN where possible, because their performance is much better than MATCHES. |
First Event Time |
>= AND <= |
Host |
=!=INMATCHESCisco recommends using =, !=, and IN where possible, because their performance is much better than MATCHES. |
Internal Last Event Time |
>= AND <= |
Last Change |
>= AND <= |
Last Event Time |
>= AND <= |
Manager |
=!=INMATCHESCisco recommends using =, !=, and IN where possible, because their performance is much better than MATCHES. |
Owned By |
IN |
Severity |
IN |
Significance |
IN |
Situations |
IN |
Source ID |
=!=INMATCHESCisco recommends using =, !=, and IN where possible, because their performance is much better than MATCHES. |
Status |
IN |
Type |
=!=INMATCHESCisco recommends using =, !=, and IN where possible, because their performance is much better than MATCHES. |
You can use the following columns and operators in your basic filter in the Situation View:
Column Display Name |
Associated Operators |
Category |
=!=INMATCHESCisco recommends using =, !=, and IN where possible, because their performance is much better than MATCHES. |
Created At |
>= AND <= |
Description |
=!=INMATCHESCisco recommends using =, !=, and IN where possible, because their performance is much better than MATCHES. |
First Event Time |
>= AND <= |
ID |
> >= < <= != = |
Last Change |
>= AND <= |
Last Event Time |
>= AND <= |
Owned By |
IN |
Participants |
> >= < <= != = |
Process Impacted |
Scope Trend |
>0 <=0 |
Services Impacted |
Sev Trend |
>0 <=0 |
Severity |
IN |
Status |
IN |
Story |
> >= < <= != = |
Teams |
IN |
Total Alerts |
> >= < <= != = |
User Comments |
> >= < <= != |
The advanced filter is for complex queries and operates in a similar way to the basic filter but uses the Cisco filter query language which uses SQL-like queries. For example, to show all Situations with a 'Severity' of 'Warning' and a 'Description' of 'SocketLam Sigalised', the correct syntax would be:
(Internal Severity IN ("Warning")) AND (Description MATCHES "SocketLam Sigalised")
For more information on the query language syntax, see the tables of available operators and the examples below.
Click the Pause button to temporarily stop alerts or Situations being added to the Alert or Situation View.
Note: When paused, Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager does not update the list with the latest data unless you apply a new filter which triggers a one-time load of data.
After you have made any edits, you can reactivate the live feed of data by clicking the Play button.
You can use the advanced filter query syntax to create more complex filters for Alerts and Situations. This syntax uses column display name parameters alongside common query operators used in filters. The column parameters and their associated operators are listed in the sections below.
Note: The advanced filter query syntax uses the display column names (those shown in the UI) rather than the database column names.
Column Display Name |
Associated Operators |
Active Situations |
Alert Id |
> >= < <= != = IN |
Agent Name |
=!=INMATCHESCisco recommends using =, !=, and IN where possible, because their performance is much better than MATCHES. |
Agent Host |
=!=INMATCHESCisco recommends using =, !=, and IN where possible, because their performance is much better than MATCHES. |
Class |
=!=INMATCHESCisco recommends using =, !=, and IN where possible, because their performance is much better than MATCHES. |
Count |
> >= < <= != = |
Description |
=!=INMATCHESCisco recommends using =, !=, and IN where possible, because their performance is much better than MATCHES. |
Entropy |
> >= < <= != = |
External ID |
=!=INMATCHESCisco recommends using =, !=, and IN where possible, because their performance is much better than MATCHES. |
First Event Time |
> >= < <= |
Host |
=!=INMATCHESCisco recommends using =, !=, and IN where possible, because their performance is much better than MATCHES. |
Internal Last Event Time |
> >= < <= |
Last Change |
> >= < <= |
Last Event Time |
> >= < <= |
Manager |
=!=INMATCHESCisco recommends using =, !=, and IN where possible, because their performance is much better than MATCHES. |
Owned By |
IN = != |
Severity |
IN = != |
Significance |
IN = != |
Situations |
=!=INMATCHESCisco recommends using =, !=, and IN where possible, because their performance is much better than MATCHES. |
Source ID |
=!=INMATCHESCisco recommends using =, !=, and IN where possible, because their performance is much better than MATCHES. |
Status |
IN = != |
Type |
=!=INMATCHESCisco recommends using =, !=, and IN where possible, because their performance is much better than MATCHES. |
Column Display Name |
Associated Operators |
Category |
MATCHES = != |
Created At |
> >= < <= |
Description |
MATCHES = != |
First Event Time |
> >= < <= |
ID |
> >= < <= != = IN |
Last Change |
> >= < <= |
Last Event Time |
> >= < <= |
Owned By |
IN = != |
Participants |
> >= < <= != = |
Process Impacted |
Scope Trend |
>0 <=0 |
Services Impacted |
Sev Trend |
>0 <=0 |
Severity |
IN = != |
Status |
IN = != |
Story |
> >= < <= != = |
Teams |
Total Alerts |
> >= < <= != = |
User Comments |
> >= < <= != |
When creating an advanced filter, it should contain at least one column name, an associated operator, and a value. As a general rule, the column name should always be to the left of the operator.
If the column name or the value contains a space, it needs to be surrounded by single or double quotation marks (both " " and ' ' are accepted). This applies to columns such as External ID, Last Event Time, Last Change, Scope Trend etc. For example, 'External ID' MATCHES 01 or "External ID" MATCHES 01 are both valid.
Column names are case insensitive but the values are case sensitive. For example, 'severity' = 'Critical' is valid but 'severity' = 'critical' is not.
If you want to create a filter where the owner is empty, enter 'Owned By' = 'Moog'.
If the syntax is incorrect or invalid then the filter bar flashes, see screenshot below:
For reference, please see the examples and screenshots displayed below.
You can filter on custom info columns in Alert and Situation Views. The syntax for advanced filters uses the CONTAINS keyword. The following is an example for a custom info column named "servers.kingston":
custom_info.servers.kingston CONTAINS "kngstn::webserver::HR"
You must use full matching, rather than partial matching, which means that the whole value in the filter must appear in the list. For example, the above filter requires the list to have a "kngstn::webserver::HR" element. It does not, for example, match "kngstn::webserver".
Quotes are optional for both strings and number values. Note that no brackets are allowed around the filter value.
For this feature to work, the custom info column (in this example, "servers.kingston") must be added as a filterable column. This can be done in the UI, under System Settings > Alert / Situation Columns, or via the utilities: moog_add_alert_custom_info_field and moog_add_situation_custom_info_field. The column type must be a list (in the UI) or JSON (via a utility).
Severity = 'Minor' AND Description = 'Web Situation'
In this example, the filter shows all alerts with 'Minor' severity and with the description 'Web Situation':
Severity = 'Critical' OR (Severity = 'Major' AND description = 'SocketLam Sigalised')
In this example, the filter shows all alerts with 'Critical' severity, or 'Major' severity and with a type of 'SocketLam Sigalised':
Type MATCHES 'Anomalyflag' AND Count = 1
In this example, the filter shows all alerts which match the 'Anomalyflag' type and have a count of 1:
The operators that you can use in filters are described in the tables below.
Operator |
Description |
Example |
Result |
= |
Equal to |
Alert ID = 120 |
Alerts which have an Alert Id of 120 |
<> |
Not equal to |
Alert ID <> 120 |
Alerts which do not have an Alert Id of 120 |
> |
Greater than |
ID > 100 |
Situations where the Situation Id is greater than 100 |
< |
Less than |
ID < 100 |
Situations where the Situation Id is less than 100 |
>= |
Greater than or equal to |
ID >= 100 |
Situations where the Situation Id is greater than or equal to 100 |
<= |
Less than or equal to |
ID <= 100 |
Situations where the Situation Id is less than or equal to 10 |
Operator |
Description |
Example |
Result |
' ' or " " |
Single or double quotations indicate the start and end of a string value |
description = "test" |
Situations with 'test' as the description |
( ) |
List of items |
teams = (1,2,3) |
Situations that are assigned to teams 1, 2 and 3 (and only 1, 2 and 3) |
Operator |
Description |
Example |
Result |
AND allows the existence of multiple conditions |
ID < 100 AND queue=4 |
Situations where the Situation Id is less than 100 and the queue is 4 (both must be true) |
OR |
OR is used to combine multiple conditions |
ID < 100 OR queue=4 |
Situations where either the Situation Id is less than 100 or the queue is 4 |
Reverses the meaning of the logical operator used. E.g. NOT IN, IS NOT NULL etc. |
queue NOT IN (1,2,3) |
Situations where the queue is not 1, 2 or 3 |
Operator |
Description |
Example |
Result |
IN |
Compares a value to a list of specified values |
queue IN (1,2,3) |
Situations where the queue is 1, 2 or 3 |
Compares with a NULL value |
queue IS NULL |
Situations where there is no queue |
Matches the regular expression |
description MATCHES "test" |
Situations where the description matches the regular expression "test" |
Any matches of the regular expression |
teams ANY_MATCH "team[0-9]+" |
Situations where one of the teams names match the regular expression team[0-9]+ |
All matches of the regular expression |
teams ALL_MATCH "team[0-9]+" |
Situations where all of teams names match the regular expression team[0-9]+ |
Contains the value |
teams CONTAINS (1,2,3) |
Situations where the teams contain 1, 2 and 3 |
You can use the event_handler field as part of an Entry Filter in the Workflow Engine. For example, an alert
Valid values in Alert Workflows are:
Field |
Description |
Alert |
Alert was created. |
AlertUpdate |
Alert was updated. |
AlertClose |
Alert was closed. |
ArchivedAlert |
Alert was moved to the historic database. |
Valid values in Situation Workflows are:
Field |
Description |
Sig |
Situation was created. |
SigUpdate |
Situation was updated. |
SigClose |
Situation was closed. |
ArchivedSig |
Situation was moved to the historic database. |
Probable Root Cause (PRC) is a machine learning process in Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager that identifies which alerts are responsible for causing a Situation. PRC looks for patterns in user supplied feedback. It does not use 'Root Cause Analysis' techniques. Probable Root Cause offers the following benefits:
· You can immediately determine where to begin troubleshooting and diagnosis as soon as you open a Situation by looking at the Probable Root Cause alerts.
· You can resolve Situations quickly by examining the top 3 Probable Root Cause alerts that appear under Next Steps in a Situation Room.
You manually label alerts as either a Root Cause Alert or a Symptom alert, the Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager PRC Model uses this data to predict Situation root causes. Watch the following video for more information on labelling alerts:
When Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager generates Situations, it labels an alert or alerts as having a Root Cause Estimate. A Root Cause Estimate is always assigned even if the data set is small. The more data Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager has, the more accurate it is.
Note: The data needs to be consistent and the model is only as effective as the data you supply. For example, two conflicting labels will confuse the model. If you do not know the status of an alert, do not label it.
Machine Learning uses features like Severity, Host, Description and Class and takes the values of those features for all labelled alerts and uses a Neural Network to estimate the Root Cause for all the alerts in a newly created Situation. It does this even if that Situation has not been seen before based on the model and labelled data.
See Configure and Retrain Probable Root Cause for more information on training your model.
The PRC column, on Situation and the alerts tabs, shows the Probable Root Cause Estimate as a percentage of the alerts in that Situation and is useful as a prioritization aid. For example, the higher the value an alert has, the higher the probability that the alert is the root cause of the Situation.
As alerts are added to a Situation, the Root Cause is recalculated on the Situation and alerts lists, so the PRC values may change. The more accurate and consistent data you feed your model is, the more accurate the estimate.
Follow the steps below to mark individual alerts as a Probable Root Cause (PRC):
1. Click the circular PRC icon to mark an alert as a Probable Root Cause alert.
2. When selected, the PRC icon turns blue. Cisco Crosswork Situation Manager also reports that PRC feedback is in progress.
3. If there are any alerts you know are not the root cause of the Situation, click the cross icon. This turns red when selected.
4. Click the Save button. The % PRC is indicated by the bars in the PRC column.
Note: If you do not know the status of an alert do not label it. You do not have to label every alert: PRC is effective with consistent data.
5. Open another Situation and look at the alerts. The PRC column automatically populates with estimated PRC values based on the user feedback.
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