About Data Platform
Data Platform provides tools that can help you monitor and troubleshoot Cisco DNA Center applications. Data Platform displays synthesized data from various inputs to help you identify patterns, trends, and problem areas in your network. For example, if something goes wrong in your network, you can quickly get answers to questions such as whether a pipeline is in an error state and what is the real-time traffic flow in a particular area. The main areas of Data Platform are:
Analytics Ops Center: Provides a graphical representation of how data is streamed through collectors and pipelines and provides Grafana dashboards, which can help you identify patterns, trends, and problem areas in your network. See Troubleshoot Using the Analytics Ops Center.
Collectors: Collects a variety of network telemetry and contextual data in real time. As data is ingested, Cisco DNA Center correlates and analysis the data. You can view the status of collectors and quickly identify any problem areas. See View or Update Collector Configuration Information.
Store Settings: Allows you to view how long data is stored for an application. See View Data Retention Settings.
Pipelines: Allows Cisco DNA Center applications to process streaming data. A data pipeline encapsulates an entire series of computations that accepts input data from external sources, transforms that data to provide useful intelligence, and produces output data. You can view the status of pipelines and quickly identify any problem areas. See View Pipeline Status.
Task Managers: Allows you to view the list of Task Managers along with details such as Last Heart Beat, All Slots, and Free Slots. You can export the details as a CSV file.