View and Manage Issues

About Issues

Assurance provides both system-guided as well as self-guided troubleshooting. For a large number of issues, Assurance provides a system-guided approach, where multiple Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are correlated, and the results from tests and sensors are used to determine the root cause of the problem, and then possible actions are provided to resolve the problem. The focus is on highlighting an issue rather than monitoring data. Quite frequently, Assurance performs the work of a Level 3 support engineer.

With Cisco DNA Center, you can view and troubleshoot AI-driven issues using Cisco AI Network Analytics. Cisco AI Network Analytics leverages a cloud-based learning platform with advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies to provide intelligent issue detection and analysis. It detects anomalies to determine their root causes and ease troubleshooting.

Cisco AI Network Analytics can detect the following types of cloud-based AI-driven issues:

  • Connection Issues (Onboarding Issues): Excessive Time, Excessive Failures, Excessive Association Time, Excessive Association Failures, Excessive Authentication Time, Excessive Authentication Failures, Excessive DHCP Time, and Excessive DHCP Failures

  • Application Experience Issues: Total Radio Throughput, Media Application Throughput, Cloud Application Throughput, Collab Application Throughput, and Social Application Throughput.

About the Machine Reasoning Engine

The Machine Reasoning Engine (MRE) is a network automation engine that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to automate complex network operation workflows. It encapsulates human knowledge and expertise into a fully automated inference engine to help you perform complex root cause analysis, detect issues and vulnerabilities, and either manually or automatically perform corrective actions. MRE is powered by a cloud-hosted knowledge base, built by Cisco networking experts.

You can use the MRE to troubleshoot wired client, Layer 2 loop, and PoE issues. For the list of issues, see MRE Issues.

For procedures, see Troubleshoot Wired Client Issues Using MRE, Issue Instance Details for Layer 2 Loop Issue, and Issue Instance Details for a PoE Issue.

About the Layer 2 Loop Issue Involving VLANs

A Layer 2 Loop issue occurs when a forwarding loop forms in the path of one or more VLANs. In this case, packets are forwarded and multiplied indefinitely along the affected path, until the links and devices reach maximum capacity. A broadcast storm occurs and the entire Layer 2 network shuts down very quickly. The MRE enables you to troubleshoot the Layer 2 Loop issue by:

  • Viewing the VLANs and ports that are involved in the probable loop.

  • Viewing the devices that are associated with the loop.


The scale constraints for the Layer 2 loop are the following:

  • The number of VLANs is 10.

  • The number of devices per VLAN is 30.


Currently, the MRE does not perform root cause analysis on Layer 2 loops that occur as a result of unmanaged network devices, virtual machines, or other entities that are not part of the topology known to Cisco DNA Center.

View Open Issues

Use this procedure to view all open issues, which fall under the following categories:

  • Threshold-based issues: Issues detected by Assurance.

  • AI-Driven Issues: Issues detected by Cisco AI Network Analytics. These issues are triggered based on deviations from the predicted baseline for your specific network environment.

    If you have installed and configured the Cisco AI Network Analytics application with Cisco DNA Center, you can view the following types of cloud-based, AI-driven issues:

    • Connection Issues (Onboarding Issues): Excessive Time, Excessive Failures, Excessive Association Time, Excessive Association Failures, Excessive Authentication Time, Excessive Authentication Failures, Excessive DHCP Time, and Excessive DHCP Failures.


      For Connection issues to display, make sure that the APs are properly assigned to sites.

    • Application Experience Issues: Total Radio Throughput, Media Application Throughput, Cloud Application Throughput, Collab Application Throughput, and Social Application Throughput.


      For Application Experience issues to display, make sure that Application Visibility and Control (AVC) is enabled on the wireless controllers. The throughput issues rely on the AVC data for baselining and anomaly detection.

  • Layer 2 Loop Issue and PoE Issue: Issues detected by Assurance that you can troubleshoot using the MRE workflow. See About the Machine Reasoning Engine.

Before you begin


Step 1

Do one of the following:

  • From the Cisco DNA Center home page, in the Assurance Summary > Critical Issues area, choose View Details.
  • From the top-left corner, click the menu icon and choose Assurance > Issues and Events.

The Open Issues dashboard appears with the following information:

Figure 1. Open Issues Dashboard
Open Issues Dashboard
Item Description

  • Click in the top menu bar to choose the site, building, or floor from the Site hierarchy.

  • Click next to the location icon and choose Site Details to view the Sites table.

  • Choose Hierarchical Site View or Building View from the drop-down list. Based on what you choose, the table is refreshed.

  • From the Go to sites column, click for a site or building to display data only for that location on the Open Issues dashboard.

Time Range setting

Allows you to display information on the window based on the time range you select. The default is 24 Hours. Do the following:

  1. From the 24 Hours drop-down list, choose a time range: 3 hours, 24 hours, or 7 days.

  2. Specify the Start Date and time, and the End Date and time.

  3. Click Apply.

    This sets the range of the timeline.

Timeline Slider

Allows you to specify a more granular time range. Click and drag the timeline boundary lines to specify the time range.

The colors represent the issue priority:

  • : P1
  • : P2
  • : P3 and P4



The intensity of the color indicates its significance, whether more or fewer issues have occurred for that priority level. For example, a lighter shade of yellow indicates fewer P2 issues (still open) than a deeper shade of yellow.

Most Impacted Areas

Provides information about the areas that are most impacted based on issue priority. Click the hyperlinked location to drill down to the exact building and floor where the issue occurred.

Step 2

Click the All, P1, P2, P3, P4, or AI-Driven tab to display a list of issues in that category in the Issue Type table.

Issue Type Table in the Open Issues Window
Item Description

Total Open

Provides the total count of open issues that require action.

The Total Open value changes depending on the tab you choose. Options are All (the default), P1, P2, P3, P4, and AI-Driven.


Preassigned priority level of the issue type.

Issue Type

Type of issue.



For AI-driven issues, the icon appears in front of the issue type.

Device Role

Role assigned to the device on which the issue was detected. The role is Access, Core, Distribution, Border Router, or Unknown.


Category under which the issue type falls, such as Connectivity, Availability, Onboarding, and Utilization.

Issue Count

Number of times this type of issue occurred.

Site Count (Area)

Number of sites where this type of issue occurred.

Device Count

Number of devices that were impacted by this type of issue.

Last Occurred Time

Most recent date and time this issue occurred.

Step 3

From the Issue Type table, click an issue type.

The first slide-in pane, Issue Instances, lists all the issues for that issue type with the following information:

Issue Instances (First Slide-In Pane)
Item Description

Open Issues

Number of open issues for that issue type.


Number of buildings and floors that are impacted by the issue.


Number of devices that are impacted by the issue.

Actions drop-down list

Allows you to resolve or ignore a single issue or a bulk of issues at a time. See Resolve or Ignore Issues.


Description of the issue.

If you're an admin user, you can add, edit, and delete notes. Click the Note icon ( ) and then click Add. If you're any other type of user, you can only view note information.


Site, building, or floor that was impacted by the issue.


Device that was impacted by the issue. Click the device name to open the Device 360 window.

Device Type

Type of device that was impacted by the issue.

Issue Count

Number of times this type of issue occurred.

Last Occurred Time

Date and time this issue occurred.

Last Updated Time

Date and time this issue was last updated.

Updated By

Name of the entity who updated this issue.

Step 4

From the Issue column in the Issue Instances slide-in pane, click an issue.

A second slide-in pane, Issue Instance Details, provides specific details about the issue. Depending on the issue, the description and suggested actions are displayed. See the following sections for more details about these issues:

Issue Instance Details for AI-Driven Issues


The Issue Instance Details slide-in pane is part of the Open Issues workflow. See Step 4 in View Open Issues.

For AI-driven issues, the Issue Instance Details (second slide-in pane) provides the following information:

Issue Instance Details (Second Slide-In Pane)
Item Description


Description of the issue.

Status drop-down list

Allows you to change the status of the issue. Do the following:

  • To resolve an issue, from the Status drop-down list, choose Resolve.

  • To stop an issue from being reported, do the following:

    1. From the Status drop-down list, choose Ignore.

    2. Set the number of hours to ignore the issue on the slider, and then click Confirm.

Note icon ()

If you're an admin user, you can add, edit, and delete notes. Click the Note icon ( ) and then click Add. If you're any other type of user, you can only view note information.

Summary area

Brief summary of the issue, which can include information such as the radios that are impacted, the location of the radios, the time and date the issue occurred, and the location of the issue.

Impacted Summary for this Network

Displays information about the location that was impacted and the number of clients that were impacted by the issue.

Feedback icon

Click the icon to provide your comments on whether the information on this page was helpful, and then click Submit.


Provides brief text that describes the problem along with a chart that provides a visual of how the actual KPI value deviated from the predicted normal behavior.

By default, the chart is zoomed-in, 6 hours before and 6 hours after the issue, as shown in the following figure:

Figure 2. Problem Chart

The chart details for the AI-driven issues are represented by different colors.

  • Green band: Predicted normal behavior for your network based on machine learning.

  • Solid blue line: Actual KPI value.

  • Vertical red line or bars: Indicates an issue. When the blue line (actual KPI value) falls outside the green band (predicted normal behavior), an issue is raised.

  • Vertical yellow bars: Indicates that a similar event has occurred.

Hover and move your cursor over the charts to view synchronized information, such as the KPI value, the predicted lower value, and the predicted upper value at a selected point in time.


Provides information about the connected clients, APs, devices, and applications that are impacted by the issue.

For Excessive Onboarding Time and Failures; and Excessive DHCP, Association, or Authentication Time and Failures, the following tabs are provided: Impacted Clients and Top 10 Impacted APs.

For Total Radio Throughput and Applications Throughput (Cloud, Collab, Media, and Social), the following tabs are provided: Impacted Clients, Device Breakout, and Applications by TX/RX.

Click the tab to update the chart and the table below the chart.

Root Cause Analysis

Provides the issue along with the probable network causes for that issue, displayed in charts, as shown in the following figure:

Figure 3. Root Cause Analysis Charts

For Excessive Onboarding Time and Failures, the following tabs are provided: Network Causes, Failed Distribution, Failed Percentage, and Failed Count.

For Excessive DHCP, Association, or Authentication Time, the following tabs are provided: Network Causes, Top Impacted APs, and Top Impacted Times.

For Excessive DHCP, Association, or Authentication Failures, the following tabs are provided: Network Causes, Top Impacted APs, and Top Impacted Failures.

For Total Radio Throughput and Applications Throughput (Cloud, Collab, Media, and Social), the following tabs are provided: Network Causes.

Click the tab to update the charts below.

To view the charts for additional KPIs, click the KPI icon, choose the KPI, and then click Apply.

Suggested Actions

Provides the actions you can take to resolve the issue.

Issue Instance Details for AP-Disconnect Issues


The Issue Instance Details slide-in pane is part of the Open Issues workflow. See Step 4 in View Open Issues.

For AP-Disconnect issues, the Issue Instance Details (second slide-in pane) provides the following information:

AP-Disconnect Issue Instance Details (Second Slide-In Pane)
Item Description

Status drop-down list

  • To resolve an issue, from the Status drop-down list, choose Resolve.

  • To stop an issue from being reported, do the following:

    1. From the Status drop-down list, choose Ignore.

    2. Set the number of hours to ignore the issue on the slider, and then click Confirm.

Note icon ()

If you're an admin user, you can add, edit, and delete notes. Click the Note icon ( ) and then click Add. If you're any other type of user, you can only view note information.


Provides a brief summary of the issue, which can include information such as the switch that is impacted, the date and time of the issue, and the location of the switch.

Impact Summary

Displays the counts of impacted sites, clients, and APs.

Problem Details

Provides the following details:

  • Description of the devices involved with the issue, if known.

  • Related issue, if any, with a link directly to the issue details.

  • Details about the problem, such as the impacted APs, their location and power information, and the reason for the disconnect.

  • Physical neighbor topology, which includes the switch and the neighboring devices that are connected to it.

Impact Details

Lists the wireless clients that were connected to the impacted APs and their locations.

Suggested Actions

Provides the actions you can take to resolve the issue.

Issue Instance Details for Layer 2 Loop Issue


The Issue Instance Details slide-in pane is part of the Open Issues workflow. See Step 4 in View Open Issues.

To understand the Layer 2 Loop issue and the Machine Reasoning Engine, see About the Machine Reasoning Engine.


The scale constraints for the Layer 2 Loop are the following:

  • Number of VLANS is 10.

  • Number of devices per VLAN is 30.

For the Layer 2 Loop issue, which supports Machine Reasoning, the Issue Instance Details slide-in pane contains the following information:

Issue Instance Details (Second Slide-In Pane)
Item Description

Status drop-down list

Allows you to change the status of the issue. Do the following:

  • To resolve an issue, from the Status drop-down list, choose Resolve.

  • To stop an issue from being reported, do the following:

    1. From the Status drop-down list, choose Ignore.

    2. Set the number of hours to ignore the issue on the slider, and then click Confirm.

Note icon ()

If you're an admin user, you can add, edit, and delete notes. Click the Note icon ( ) and then click Add. If you're any other type of user, you can only view note information.


Brief summary of the issue, which can include information, such as device, role, time, location. and potential root cause. This also provides the initial assessment, such as the VLANs and ports in the potential loop.

Problem Details

Provides a brief text that describes the problem along with the following:

  • Relevant Events drop-down list: Lists the events that occurred during the loop. Click an event to view details in the side pane.

  • Potential Loop Details drop-down list: Provides loop information, such as the device, role, port in the loop, duplex mode, and VLAN that was involved in the loop.

Root Cause Analysis

The Machine Reasoning Engine (MRE) allows you to perform complex root cause analysis and suggests corrective actions.

  1. Click Run Machine Reasoning to allow the MRE to start troubleshooting. After the troubleshooting is completed, the Machine Reasoning Completed pop-up dialog box appears.

  2. In the pop-up dialog box, click View Details. The Root Cause Analysis area appears with the Conclusions tab opened by default providing the details of the root cause analysis.

  3. From the Conclusions area, click View Relevant Activities to view activity details. The activity shows commands that were used at each step of the root cause analysis.

  4. Click the icon to provide your feedback, whether the information on this page was helpful or not, and then click Submit.

  5. Click the Reasoning Activity tab to understand how the MRE reached that conclusion. Each reasoning activity is provided in hexagon shaped blocks as shown in the following figure. Click each hexagon shaped block to view activity details in the right pane.

    To cancel the reasoning activity while it is running, click Stop.



    The check mark indicates that the step is complete.

    Figure 4. Reasoning Activity
  6. Click Run Again if you want to rerun the MRE.

Topology icon

Click the icon to view the topology of the network segment in which the loop occurred.

Issue Instance Details for a PoE Issue


The Issue Instance Details slide-in pane is part of the Open Issues workflow. See Step 4 in View Open Issues.

For a PoE issue, which supports Machine Reasoning, the Issue Instance Details slide-in pane contains the following information:

Issue Instance Details (Second Slide-In Pane)
Item Description

Status drop-down list

Allows you to change the status of the issue. Do the following:

  • To resolve an issue, from the Status drop-down list, choose Resolve.

  • To stop an issue from being reported, do the following:

    1. From the Status drop-down list, choose Ignore.

    2. Using the slider, set the number of hours to ignore the issue and click Confirm.

Note icon ()

If you're an admin user, you can add, edit, and delete notes. Click the Note icon ( ) and then click Add. If you're any other type of user, you can only view note information.


Summary of the issue, which can include information, such as device, role, time, location, and potential root cause.

Problem Details

Provides a brief description of the problem along with the following:

  • Event Types tabs: Contains tabs for the types of events that occurred. Click an event tab to view the list of errors for the event type.

  • Errors: Errors that occurred for each event type. The errors are refreshed based on the Event Types tab you click.

  • Detailed Information Click an error to view additional information about it.

Root Cause Analysis

The Machine Reasoning Engine (MRE) allows you to perform complex root cause analysis and suggests corrective actions.

  1. Click Run Machine Reasoning to allow the MRE to start troubleshooting. After the troubleshooting is completed, the Machine Reasoning Completed dialog box appears.

  2. In the pop-up dialog box, click View Details. The Root Cause Analysis area appears with the Conclusions tab opened by default providing the details of the root cause analysis.

  3. From the Conclusions area, click View Relevant Activities to view activity details. The activity shows commands that were used at each step of the root cause analysis.

  4. Click the icon to provide your feedback, whether the information on this page was helpful or not.

  5. Click the Reasoning Activity tab to understand how the MRE reached that conclusion. Each reasoning activity is provided in hexagon shaped blocks as shown in the following figure. Click each hexagon shaped block to view Activity Details in the right pane.

    To cancel the reasoning activity while it is running, click Stop.



    The check mark indicates that the step is complete.

    Figure 5. Reasoning Activity
  6. Click Run Again if you want to rerun the MRE.

Troubleshoot Wired Client Issues Using MRE

Use this procedure to view wired client issues detected by Assurance and troubleshoot them using the MRE workflow. For a list of wired client issues that support MRE, see MRE Issues.

Before you begin

Make sure that the MRE knowledge base is updated with the latest knowledge packs. See Update the Machine Reasoning Knowledge Base.


Step 1

From the top-left corner, click the menu icon and choose Assurance > Health.

The Overall health dashboard is displayed.

Step 2

Click the Client tab.

The Client health dashboard appears.

Step 3

In the Wired Clients summary area, click View Details to open a slide-in pane.

Step 4

In the slide-in pane, in the Wired Clients chart, click Authentication or DHCP.

If you click Authentication, the following information is displayed below the chart: Top Authentication Failure Reason, Top Location, Top Switch, Top Host Device Type. A table is also displayed, which provides a list of clients that failed authentication.

If you click DHCP, the following information is displayed below the chart: Top DHCP Failure Reason, Top Location, Top Switch, Top Host Device Type. A table is also displayed.

Step 5

Do one of the following:

  • If you are a user with SUPER-ADMIN-ROLE privileges, enter the client's MAC address in the search tool.
  • In the table, from the Identifier column, click the hyperlinked identifier.

The Client 360 window for the client is displayed.

Step 6

In the Client 360 window, from the Issues dashlet, click an authentication or DHCP issue.

The Issue Details window is displayed with the following information:

Issue Details
Item Description

Status drop-down list

Provides the current status of the issue, which you can change. Do the following:

  • To resolve an issue, from the Status drop-down list, choose Resolve.

  • To stop an issue from being reported, do the following:

    1. From the Status drop-down list, choose Ignore.

    2. Set the number of hours to ignore the issue on the slider, and then click Confirm.

Note icon ()

If you're an admin user, you can add, edit, and delete notes. Click the Note icon ( ) and then click Add. If you're any other type of user, you can only view note information.


Brief summary of the issue, which can include information, such as device, role, time, location. and potential root cause.

Root Cause Analysis

The Machine Reasoning Engine (MRE) allows you to perform complex root cause analysis and suggests corrective actions.

  1. Click Run Machine Reasoning to allow the MRE to start troubleshooting. After the troubleshooting is completed, the Machine Reasoning Completed dialog box appears.

  2. In the dialog box, click View Details. The Root Cause Analysis area appears with the Conclusions tab opened by default providing the details of the root cause analysis.

  3. From the Conclusions area, click View Relevant Activities to view activity details.

  4. Click the icon to provide your feedback, whether the information on this page was helpful or not, and then click Submit.

  5. Click the Reasoning Activity tab to understand how the MRE reached that conclusion. Each reasoning activity is provided in hexagon shaped blocks, as shown in the following figure. Click each hexagon shaped block to view activity details in the right pane.

    To stop the reasoning activity while it is running, click Stop.



    The check mark indicates that the step is complete.

    Figure 6. Reasoning Activity
  6. Click Run Again if you want to rerun the MRE.

View Resolved Issues

Use this procedure to view all resolved issues, which fall under the following categories:

  • Threshold-based issues: Issues detected by Assurance.

  • AI-driven issues: Issues detected by Cisco AI Network Analytics. These issues are triggered based on deviations from the predicted baseline for your specific network environment.

Before you begin

To view AI-driven resolved issues, make sure that you have configured Cisco AI Network Analytics data collection. See Configure Cisco AI Network Analytics.


Step 1

From the top-left corner, click the menu icon and choose Assurance > Issues and Events.

The Open Issues dashboard appears.

Step 2

From the Status drop-down list, choose Resolved.

The Resolved Issues window appears.

Step 3

Use the Resolved Issues window to view the following information:

Resolved Issues Window
Item Description

  • Click in the top menu bar to choose the site, building, or floor from the Site hierarchy.

  • Click next to the location icon and choose Site Details to view the Sites table.

  • Choose Hierarchical Site View or Building View from the drop-down list. Based on what you choose, the table is refreshed.

  • From the Go to sites column, click for a site or building to display data only for that location on the Resolved Issues dashboard.

24 Hours drop-down list

Allows you to display information on the window based on the time range you select. The default is 24 Hours. Do the following:

  1. From the 24 Hours drop-down list, choose a time range: 3 hours, 24 hours, or 7 days.

  2. Specify the Start Date and time and the End Date and time.

  3. Click Apply.

    This sets the range of the timeline.

Timeline slider

Allows you to specify a more granular time range. Click and drag the timeline boundary lines to specify the time range.

Step 4

Click the All, P1, P2, P3, P4, or AI-Driven tab to display a list of issues in that category in the Issue Type table.

Issue Type Table in the Resolved Issues Window
Item Description

Total Resolved

Provides the total count of resolved issues.

The Total Resolved value changes depending on the tab you choose. Options are All (the default), P1, P2, P3, P4, and AI-Driven.


Preassigned priority level of the issue type.

Issue Type

Type of issue.



For AI-driven issues, the icon appears in front of the issue type.

Device Role

Role assigned to the device on which the issue was detected. Roles are Access, Core, Distribution, Border Router, or Unknown.


Category under which the issue type falls, such as Connectivity, Availability, Onboarding, and Utilization.

Issue Count

Number of times this type of issue occurred.

Site Count (Area)

Number of sites where this type of issue occurred.

Device Count

Number of devices that were impacted by this type of issue.

Last Occurred Time

Most recent date and time this issue occurred.

Step 5

From the Issue Type table, click an issue type.

The first slide-in pane, Issue Instances, lists all the resolved issues for that issue type and information such as site, device, device type, occurrence, last occurrence timestamp, last updated timestamp, and the name of the entity that updated the issue. If you're an admin user, you can add, edit, and delete notes. Click the Note icon ( ) and then click Add. If you're any other type of user, you can only view note information.

If the issue condition no longer exists, the system automatically resolves the issue and displays System in the Updated By column. See Automatic Issue Resolution.

Step 6

From the Issue column in the Issue Instances slide-in pane, click an issue.

A second slide-in pane, Issue Instance Details, provides details about the issue, the name of the entity that resolved the issue, and the timestamp. Depending on the issue, the description and suggested actions are displayed. If you're an admin user, you can add, edit, and delete notes. Click the Note icon ( ) and then click Add. If you're any other type of user, you can only view note information.

View Ignored Issues

Use this procedure to view all issues that are marked as ignored. Ignored issues fall under the following categories:

  • Threshold-based issues: Issues detected by Assurance.

  • AI-driven Issues: Issues detected by Cisco AI Network Analytics. These issues are triggered based on deviations from the predicted baseline for your specific network environment.

Before you begin

To view the AI-driven ignored issues, make sure that you have configured Cisco AI Network Analytics data collection. See Configure Cisco AI Network Analytics.


Step 1

From the top-left corner, click the menu icon and choose Assurance > Issues and Events.

The Open Issues dashboard appears.

Step 2

From the Status drop-down list, choose Ignored.

The Ignored Issues window appears.

Step 3

Use the Ignored Issues window to view the following information:

Ignored Issues Window
Item Description

  • Click in the top menu bar to choose the site, building, or floor from the Site hierarchy.

  • Click next to the location icon and choose Site Details to view the Sites table.

  • Choose Hierarchical Site View or Building View from the drop-down list. Based on what you choose, the table is refreshed.

  • From the Go to sites column, click for a site or building to display data only for that location on the Ignored Issues dashboard.

24 Hours drop-down list

Allows you to display information on the window based on the time range you select. The default is 24 Hours. Do the following:

  1. From the 24 Hours drop-down list, choose a time range: 3 hours, 24 hours, or 7 days.

  2. Specify the Start Date and time and the End Date and time.

  3. Click Apply.

    This sets the range of the timeline.

Timeline slider

Allows you to specify a more granular time range. Click and drag the timeline boundary lines to specify the time range.

Step 4

Click the All, P1, P2, P3, P4, or AI-Driven tab to display a list of issues in that category in the Issue Type table.

Issue Type Table in the Ignored Issues Window
Item Description

Total Ignored

Provides the total count of ignored issues.

The Total Ignored value changes depending on the tab you choose. Options are All (the default), P1, P2, P3, P4, and AI-Driven.


Preassigned priority level of the issue type.

Issue Type

Type of issue.



For AI-driven issues, the icon appears in front of the issue type.

Device Role

Role assigned to the device on which the issue was detected. Roles are Access, Core, Distribution, Border Router, or Unknown.


Category under which the issue type falls, such as Connectivity, Availability, Onboarding, and Utilization.

Issue Count

Number of times this type of issue occurred.

Site Count (Area)

Number of sites where this type of issue occurred.

Device Count

Number of devices that were impacted by this type of issue.

Last Occurred Time

Most recent date and time this issue occurred.

Step 5

From the Issue Type table, click an issue type.

The first slide-in pane, Issue Instances lists all the ignored issues for that issue type and information such as site, device, device type, occurrence, and the time stamp of the last occurrence.

Step 6

From the Issue column in the Issue Instances slide-in pane, click an issue.

A second slide-in pane, Issue Instance Details, provides details about the issue. Depending on the issue, the description and suggested actions are displayed. If you're an admin user, you can add, edit, and delete notes. Click the Note icon ( ) and then click Add. If you're any other type of user, you can only view note information.

Resolve or Ignore Issues

Use this procedure to resolve or ignore a bulk of issues or to resolve or ignore a single issue.


Step 1

From the top-left corner, click the menu icon and choose Assurance > Issues and Events.

The Open Issues dashboard appears.

Step 2

To resolve or ignore a bulk of issues, do the following:

  1. From the Issue Type table in the Open Issues dashboard, click an issue type.

    The first slide-in pane, Issue Instances, opens, which lists all the open issues for that issue type. This slide-in-pane allows you to resolve or ignore a bulk of issues. If you're an admin user, you can add, edit, and delete notes. Click the Note icon ( ) and then click Add. If you're any other type of user, you can only view note information.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • To resolve or ignore specific issues, check the check boxes adjacent to those issues.

    • To resolve or ignore all open issues that are displayed in the browser window for an issue type, check the check box adjacent to the Issue column. All the issues that are displayed in the browser window are selected.

    • If the open issue count is more than 25 (for example, 100), the first 25 issues are displayed in the browser window. To select all the open issues, do the following:

      1. Check the check box adjacent to the Issue column.

        The first 25 issues are selected and the Select all number open issues tab appears next to the Actions drop-down list.

      2. Click the Select all number open issues to select all open issues for that issue type (for example, all 100 issues).

      3. (Optional) To view the next 25 issues in the browser window, click Show More located on the bottom of the page. The next 25 issues are appended to the browser window increasing the displayed issue count to 50. Click Show More to view the next 25 issues on the browser window, and so on.

  3. To resolve the issues, from the Actions drop-down list, choose Resolve.

    A Warning dialog box appears. Click Yes in the Warning dialog box to proceed with the action.

    After the issues are resolved, the View resolved issues tab is displayed. Click the View resolved issues to open the Resolved Issues window.

  4. To ignore the issues, from the Actions drop-down list, choose Ignore.

    Set the number of hours to ignore the issues on the slider, and then click Confirm.

    After the issues are ignored, the View ignored issues tab is displayed. Click the View ignored issues tab to open the Ignored Issues window.



If you try to resolve or ignore more than 750 issues, a warning message appears letting you know that it might take up to a minute to complete the action.

Step 3

To resolve or ignore a single issue, do the following:

  1. From the Issue column in the Issue Instances slide-in pane (first slide-in pane), click an issue.

    A second slide-in pane, Issue Instance Details, opens, which provides details about the issue. This second slide-in-pane allows you to resolve or ignore the issue that you are viewing. If you're an admin user, you can add, edit, and delete notes. Click the Note icon ( ) and then click Add. If you're any other type of user, you can only view note information.

  2. To resolve an issue, from the Status drop-down list, choose Resolve.

  3. To stop an issue from being reported, do the following:

    1. From the Status drop-down list, choose Ignore.

    2. Set the number of hours to ignore the issue on the slider, and then click Confirm.

No Activity on Radio Issue Triggers

A "No Activity on Radio" issue is triggered when all of the following conditions are met for 60 minutes, which is the default trigger time.


To change the default trigger time, choose Assurance > Manage > Issue Settings. See Manage Global Issue Settings.

  • The AP radio operation state is up.

  • The AP mode is Local or FlexConnect.

  • The client count on this radio is equal to 0.

  • The RX data or management frame count is not increasing.

  • The AP radio channel utilization is equal to 0.

  • The AP is not an isolated AP.

Automatic Issue Resolution

For the following issues, if the issue condition no longer exists, the system automatically resolves the issue:

Issue Name

Wireless Controller/Switch/Router unreachable.

Switch fan failure.

Switch power failure.

Interface is down.

Stack Member Removal.

Stack Port Link has failed

AP Disconnect from wireless controller.

No activity on radio.

The following issues are auto resolved based on time duration since the last occurrence:

Issue Name

Time Duration to Auto Resolve

Network Device Interface Connectivity - BGP Flap

24 hours

Interface is Flapping On Network Device

24 hours

Network Device HA Switchover

24 hours

WLC Reboot Unexpectedly

24 hours

AP Reboot Crash

24 hours

Device Reboot

24 hours

AP Anomaly

24 hours

AP Flap

24 hours

Poor RF (5 GHz) on a floor

24 hours

Radio Poor RF (6 GHz)

24 hours

Poor RF (2.4 GHz) on a floor

24 hours

AP CPU High Utilization

24 hours

AP Memory High Utilization

24 hours

AP License Exhausted on WLC

24 hours

Switch experiencing high memory utilization

24 hours

Device experiencing high memory utilizatio

24 hours

Switch experiencing high CPU utilization

24 hours

Router experiencing high CPU utilization

24 hours

High input/output utilization on Switch interfaces

24 hours

High input/output error on Switch interfaces

24 hours

High input/output discard on Switch interfaces

24 hours

High input/output discard on Switch WAN interfaces

24 hours

High input/output utilization on Switch WAN interfaces

24 hours

High input/output utilization on Router interfaces

24 hours

High input/output utilization on Router WAN interfaces

24 hours

High input/output discard on Router interfaces

24 hours

High input/output discard on Router WAN interfaces

24 hours

High input/output utilization on Router WAN interfaces

24 hours

Fabric BGP session from Border node to Transit Control Plane node is down

6 hours

Fabric BGP session status is down with Peer Device (per VN)

6 hours

BGP session from Border node to Control Plane node is down

6 hours

Fabric Border node internet is unavailable (per VN)

6 hours

Fabric Border node remote internet is unavailable (per VN)

6 hours

Fabric AAA Server Status

6 hours

Fabric LISP Session Status to Control Plane node

6 hours

Fabric LISP PubSub session status per VN is dow

6 hours

Cisco TrustSec Environment data is not complete on Fabric node

6 hours

Fabric LISP Extranet policy status is down

6 hours

High input/output utilization on Third Party Device interfaces

24 hours

High input/output error on Third Party Device interfaces

24 hours

High input/output discard on Third Party Device interfaces

24 hours

High input/output utilization on Third Party Device WAN interfaces

24 hours

High input/output discard on Third Party Device WAN interfaces

24 hours

TCAM Utilization High Issues

24 hours

Fabric Devices Connectivity - Border Underlay

6 hours

Fabric Devices Connectivity - Border Overlay

6 hours

Fabric Devices Connectivity - Multicast RP

6 hours

Fabric Devices Connectivity - Control Underlay

6 hours

Fabric Devices Connectivity - Control Border Underlay

6 hours

Fabric Devices Connectivity - AAA Server

6 hours

Fabric Devices Connectivity - DHCP Overlay

6 hours

Fabric Devices Connectivity - DHCP Underlay

6 hours

Fabric Devices Connectivity - DNS Overlay

6 hours

Fabric Devices Connectivity - DNS Underlay

6 hours

Fabric WLC to MapServer Connectivity

6 hours

Fabric LISP session status on Control Plane node

6 hours

Fabric LISP PubSub session status is down

6 hours

Fabric Border node internet is unavailable

6 hours

Fabric Border node remote internet is unavailable

6 hours

Fabric BGP session status is down with Peer Device

6 hours

You can view whether an issue is resolved automatically or manually. In the Issue Settings > Global Profile window, the Issue Resolution column displays either Auto for issues that are resolved by the system or Manual for issues that you must resolve.

After the issue is resolved, the Updated By column in the Resolved Issues > Issue Instance slide-in pane displays System. See View Resolved Issues.

Manage Global Issue Settings

Use this procedure to manage the settings for issues. You can enable or disable specific issues that can be triggered, change the priority for issues, change the threshold for when an issue is triggered, and subscribe to external notifications for issues when they are triggered.


Step 1

From the top-left corner, click the menu icon and choose Assurance > Issue Settings.

The Issue Settings window appears, with the Global Profile tab selected.

Step 2

Set the DEVICE TYPE and CATEGORY filters to view the type of issues you want to configure.

To view the AI-driven issues, click the AI-Driven tab in the CATEGORY filter.

Step 3

Click an issue in the Issue Name column to open a slide-in pane with the following settings:



For some issues, changes made to the settings are shared across multiple device types. In the slide-in pane, hover your cursor over the information icon () to display the affected device types.

  1. To enable or disable if the issue can be triggered, click the Enabled toggle.

  2. To set the issue priority, click the Priority drop-down list and select the priority. The options are:

    • P1: A critical issue that needs immediate attention which can result in wider impact on network operations.

    • P2: A major issue that can potentially impact multiple devices or clients.

    • P3: A minor issue that has a localized or minimal impact.

    • P4: A warning issue that may not be an immediate problem but addressing it can optimize the network performance.

  3. (For certain issues) In the Trigger Condition area, you can change the threshold value for when the issue is reported.



    For "No Activity on Radio" trigger conditions, see No Activity on Radio Issue Triggers.

    Examples of a trigger condition:

    No Activity on Radio(2.4 GHz) >= 60 minutes.
    Memory Utilization of Access Points greater than 90%
  4. (Optional) If there are any changes to the settings, you can hover your cursor over View Default Settings to display the default issues. Click Use Default to restore all the issue settings to the default values.

  5. Click Apply.

Step 4

(For certain issues) Click Manage Subscription to subscribe to external notifications for supported issues when they are triggered. See Enable Issue Notifications.

Manage User-Defined Issue Settings

Use this procedure to manage user-defined issue settings. You can create user-defined issues, enable or disable specific issues that can be triggered, change the priority for issues, change the threshold for when an issue is triggered, and subscribe to external notifications for issues when they are triggered.


Step 1

From the top-left corner, click the menu icon and choose Assurance > Issue Settings.

The Issue Settings window appears, with the Global Profile tab selected.

Step 2

Click the User Defined tab to view the list of user-defined issues.

Step 3

Click an issue in the Issue Name column to open the Create an Issue slide-in pane.

Step 4

To configure user-defined issues based on the syslog details, do the following in the Create an Issue slide-in pane:

  1. In the Issue Name field, enter the issue name.

  2. In the Description field, enter the description of the issue.

  3. In the Syslog Details, from the Severity drop-down list, choose a severity from 0 to 6.

  4. In the Facility field, enter the facility name.

  5. In the Mnemonic field, enter the mnemonic name and click Next.

  6. In the Message Pattern field, enter the syslog message. You can preview the syslog message below the message pattern.

  7. In the Occurrences field, enter the value for occurrences.

  8. In the Duration drop-down list, choose the duration of an issue.

  9. To enable or disable if the issue can be triggered, click the Enabled toggle.

  10. To set the issue priority, click the Priority drop-down list and choose a priority level:

    • P1: A critical issue that needs immediate attention and can have a wide impact on network operations.

    • P2: A major issue that can potentially impact multiple devices or clients.

    • P3: A minor issue that has a localized or minimal impact.

    • P4: A warning issue that may not be an immediate problem but addressing it can optimize the network performance.

  11. To enable or disable the issue notification, click the Notification toggle.

  12. Click Save.

Step 5

Click Manage Subscription to subscribe to external notifications for issues when they are triggered. See Enable Issue Notifications. You will create a subscription for the User Defined Issue Notification event, shown as follows:

Figure 7. User Defined Issue Notification event

Manage Custom Issue Settings

You can create custom issue settings for a specific site or group of sites. These settings are called network profiles for Assurance and can be managed from both Assurance and Cisco DNA Center.

By creating a network profile for Assurance, you can control which issue settings are monitored, and you can change the issue priority.


  • Synchronization to the network device health score is available only for global issue settings, not custom issue settings. For information, see Monitor and Troubleshoot the Health of a Device.

  • Some global issues are not customizable. These issues are not displayed in the list of custom issues for you to modify.

  • To display modified issues at the top of the list, sort by Last Modified.

  • To delete custom settings, you need to unassign all the sites first.


Step 1

From the top-left corner, click the menu icon and choose Assurance > Issue Settings.

The Issue Settings window appears, with the Global Profile tab selected.

Step 2

Click the Custom Profile tab.

Step 3

Click +Add a Profile.

Step 4

In the Profile Name field, enter a valid profile name and click Next.

Cisco DNA Center adds the profile and the profile table is displayed with Profile Name, Sites, and Action.

Step 5

To assign the profile to sites, click Assign Sites in the Sites column name to open a Add Sites to Profile slide-in pane. Check the check box next to the sites that you want to associate with this profile and click Save.

The Edit Profile window appears.



You can select a parent node or the individual sites. If you select a parent node, all the children under the parent node are also selected. You can uncheck the check box to deselect a site.

Step 6

Set the DEVICE TYPE and CATEGORY filters to view the type of issues you want to configure.

Step 7

Click the User Defined tab to view the list of user-defined issues.

Step 8

Click an issue in the Issue Name column to open a slide-in pane with the settings.



For some issues, changes made to the settings are shared across multiple device types. In the slide-in pane, Cisco DNA Center displays a caution that indicates the affected device types.

Step 9

To enable or disable whether Cisco DNA Center monitors the issue, click the Enabled toggle button.

Step 10

To set the issue priority, click the Priority drop-down list and select the priority. The options are:

  • P1: A critical issue that needs immediate attention which can result in wider impact on network operations.

  • P2: A major issue that can potentially impact multiple devices or clients.

  • P3: A minor issue that has a localized or minimal impact.

  • P4: A warning issue that may not be an immediate problem but addressing it can optimize the network performance.

Step 11

(For certain issues) In the Trigger Condition area, you can change the threshold value for when the issue is reported.

Examples of a trigger condition:

No Activity on Radio(2.4 GHz) >= 60 minutes.
Memory Utilization of Access Points greater than 90%

Step 12

(Optional) If there are any changes to the settings, you can hover your cursor over View Default Settings to display the default settings. Click Use Default to restore all the issue settings to the default values.

Step 13

Click Apply.

Step 14

(For certain issues) Click Manage Subscription to subscribe to external notifications for supported issues when they are triggered.

Step 15

Click Edit in the issue syslog message to edit a user-defined issue and click Save.

Step 16

Click Done.

The newly added profile appears on the Issue Settings window, in the Custom Profile tab.

Enable Issue Notifications

Use this procedure to receive external notifications for when specific issues are triggered in Assurance. When an issue is triggered and there is a status change, Assurance can generate a REST or email notification.


Step 1

From the top-left corner, click the menu icon and choose Assurance > Issue Settings.

The Issue Settings window is displayed.

Step 2

Click Manage Subscription.

The Platform > Developer Toolkit > Event Notifications window is displayed.

Each notification is represented by a tile and contains a link to view notification details.

Step 3

From the CHANNELS area in the left pane, click the radio button next to the channels for which you want to view the respective notification tiles.

The supported channels are REST, PAGERDUTY, SNMP, SYSLOG, WEBEX and EMAIL. Assurance events do not support SNMP.


  • You must create a notification for an event with respective channels and trigger the notification. For more information, see Create an Event Notification in the Cisco DNA Center User Guide.

  • One event notification supports more than one channel.

Step 4

Click a notification tile link for which you want to view the notification details.

The Notification Details slide in pane displays the following notification details based on the selected channel:

  • Name: Name of the event.

  • Description: Event description

  • Sites

  • Events

  • REST: Appears only when you want to view REST notification details. The REST area shows the following information:

    • URL: URL address of the REST API endpoint that event will be sent to.

    • Method: Either the PUT or POST method.

    • Trust certificate: Whether a trust certificate is required for REST API endpoint notification.

    • Headers: The Header Name and Header Value.

  • PAGERDUTY: Appears only when you want to view PAGERDUTY notification details. The PAGERDUTY area shows the following information:

    • PagerDuty Events API URL

    • PagerDuty Integration Key

    • PagerDuty Events API Version

  • SNMP: Appears only when you want to view SNMP notification details.

  • SYSLOG: Appears only when you want to view SYSLOG notification details.

  • WEBEX: Appears only when you want to view WEBEX notification details.

  • EMAIL: Appears only when you want to view EMAIL notification details. The EMAIL area shows the email recipients From and To along with email Subject.

Step 5

In the Notification Details slide-in pane, click the toggle button at the top-right corner to enable or disable the respective notification.

Step 6

To edit a particular notification, click the Actions drop-down list and choose Edit.

Step 7

In the EDIT NOTIFICATION window, configure the following based on the selected channel:

  1. In the Name field, enter a unique name.

  2. In the Description field, enter the description of respective event.

  3. Expand the Site and Events and choose a site from the Select a site drop-down list.

  4. Click the plus icon next to an event, or click Add All to add all the events to the respective notification.

  5. To remove an event from the notification, click the cross icon next to an event that you want to remove, or click Remove All to remove all events from the respective notification.

  6. Expand Configuration to edit the configuration of the selected notification channel.

    To specify details in the Configuration area, see Create an Event Notification in the Cisco DNA Center User Guide.



    In the Configuration area, the fields shown depend on the type of selected notification channel.

Step 8

Click the toggle button at the top-right corner to toggle between the tile view and list view.

Step 9

Click the Event Catalog tab to view the list of created events.



You can adjust the events that are displayed by entering a keyword in the Search field.

Step 10

Review the data on an individual event within the table.

The following Event Details tab data is displayed:

  • Description: Brief description of the event and how it is triggered.

  • Event ID: Identification number of the event.

  • Version: Version number of the event.

  • Namespace: Namespace of the event.

  • Severity: 1 through 5.



    Severity 1 is the most important or critical priority and should be assigned for this type of an event.

  • Domain: REST API domain to which the event belongs.

  • Subdomain: Subgroup under the REST API domain to which the event belongs.

  • Category: Error, Warn, Info, Alert, Task Progress, Task Complete.

  • Note: Additional information about the event or to assist in further understanding the event.

  • Event Link: Event broadcast using REST URL.

  • Tags: Tags indicate what Cisco DNA Center component is affected by the event.

  • Channels: What channels are supported for the event notifications (REST API, email, webex, and so on).

  • Model Schema: Presents model schema about the event:

    • Details: Example of model schema detail for the event.

    • REST Schema: REST schema format for the event.

Step 11

Click the Notifications tab to view the active notification associated to the respective event.

Assurance, Cisco AI Network Analytics, and MRE Issues

Router Issues

The following table lists the router issues detected by Assurance:

Router Issues
Category Issue Name Summary


BGP tunnel connectivity

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) connectivity failure with peer due to wrong autonomous system (AS) number.


Interface connecting network devices is down

An interface connecting to network devices is down.


Layer 2 loop symptoms

Host MAC address flapping seen on network device.


Network device Interface connectivity - BGP Flap

Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) connectivity is flapping with neighbor.


Network Device Interface Connectivity - BGP Down

BGP connectivity is down with neighbor.


Network device interface connectivity - EIGRP adjacency failure

Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) adjacency failed with neighbor.


Network device interface connectivity - Interface down

Interface on device is down.


Network device interface connectivity - ISIS adjacency failure

Intermediate System Intermediate System (ISIS) adjacency failed on device.


Network device interface connectivity - OSPF adjacency failure

Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) adjacency failed with neighbor.


WAN Interface Down

A WAN interface is down.


Failure to install an access policy for SGT

Failure to install a Security Group Access Control List (SGACL) access policy for a Security Group Tag (SGT).


High input/output error on router interfaces

A high input or output error is detected on the router interfaces. The threshold values can be customized.


High input/output discards on router interfaces

A high input or output discard is detected on the router interfaces. The threshold values can be customized.


High input/output utilization on router interfaces

High input or output utilization is detected on the router interfaces. The threshold values can be customized.


High input/output discards on router WAN interfaces

A high input or output discard is detected on the router's WAN interface. The threshold values can be customized.


High input/output utilization on router WAN interfaces

High input/output utilization on WAN interfaces.

High input or output utilization is detected on the router's WAN interfaces. The threshold values can be customized.


SGT access policy download failed on the device

Failed to download the Security Group Access Control List (SGACL) access control entries ACEs for a Security Group Tag (SGT).


SGT access policy installation failed on the device

Failure to install an access policy for a Security Group Tag (SGT). Policy rule error found in Role Based Access Control List (RBACL).


Unable to download SGT access policy from the policy server

Failure to download the source list for access policy for Security Group Tag (SGT).


Uninstall of SGT access policy failed on the device

Failure to uninstall an Security Group Access Control List (SGACL) access policy for Security Group Tag (SGT).


DNA Center and network device time has drifted

Excessive time lag between Cisco DNA Center and device.


Issues based on syslog events - High temperature

Issues created by single occurrence of syslog event related to high temperature.


Router experiencing high CPU utilization

The router is experiencing high CPU utilization. The threshold values can be customized.


Router experiencing high memory utilization

The router is experiencing high memory utilization. The threshold values can be customized.


Network device HA switchover

The network device went through an High Availability (HA) switchover.


Router unreachable

The router is unreachable from Cisco DNA Center through ICMP or SNMP.

Core, Distribution, and Access Issues

The following table lists the core, distribution, and access issues detected by Assurance:

Core, Distribution, and Access Issues
Category Issue Name Summary


BGP tunnel connectivity

BGP connectivity failure with peer due to wrong autonomous system (AS) number.


Interface connecting network devices is down

An interface connecting to network devices is down.


Layer 2 loop symptoms

Host MAC address flapping seen on a network device.


Network Device Interface Connectivity- BGP Down

BGP connectivity is down with neighbor.


Network device Interface connectivity - BGP Flap

BGP connectivity is flapping with neighbor.


Network device interface connectivity - EIGRP adjacency failure

EIGRP (Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol) adjacency failed with neighbor.


Network device interface connectivity - Interface down

Interface on device is down.


Network device interface connectivity - ISIS adjacency failure

Intermediate System Intermediate System (IS-IS) adjacency failed on the device.


Network device interface connectivity - OSPF adjacency failure

Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) adjacency failed with neighbor.


WAN Interface Down

A WAN interface is down.


Dual Active Detection link failed on network device

The Dual Active Detection link has failed on the network device Switch Name.


StackWise Virtual link failed on network device

The StackWise Virtual link has failed on the network device Switch Name.


StackWise link failed on network device

The StackWise link has failed on the network device Switch Name.


Fabric devices connectivity - Border overlay

The fabric edge lost connectivity to the fabric border in the virtual network.


Fabric devices connectivity - Border underlay

The fabric edge lost connectivity to the fabric border in the physical network.


Fabric devices connectivity - Control border underlay

The fabric node lost connectivity to the co-located fabric border and control plane in the physical network.


Fabric devices connectivity - Control underlay

The fabric node lost connectivity to the fabric control plane device in the physical network.


Fabric devices connectivity - DHCP overlay

The fabric node lost connectivity to the DHCP server in the virtual network.


Fabric devices connectivity - DHCP underlay

The fabric node lost connectivity to the DHCP server in the physical network.


Fabric devices connectivity - DNS overlay

The fabric node lost connectivity to the DNS server in the virtual network.


Fabric devices connectivity - DNS underlay

The fabric node lost connectivity to the DNS server in the physical network.


Fabric devices connectivity - External URL

The fabric border cannot reach the user-provisioned external URL.


Fabric devices connectivity - ISE server

The fabric edge lost connectivity to the ISE server in the physical network.


Fabric WLC to MapServer connectivity

The fabric wireless controller lost connectivity to the fabric control plane node.


Fabric facing port channel connectivity

The fabric node connecting the port channel is down.


Fabric AAA Server Status

The AAA server status on the fabric node is down.


Fabric devices connectivity - Multicast RP

The fabric border node lost connectivity to the multicast rendezvous point (RP).


BGP session Status to Fabric Control Plane

The BGP session is down on the border with the control plane in the fabric site.


Fabric Control Plane - LISP Session Status

The LISP session to the control plane node is down.


Fabric Devices Connectivity - Internet Availability

The internet is unavailable because the default route on the control plane node is lost.


Fabric Extranet policy status

The fabric extranet policy status is down.


Fabric Control Plane - LISP Pubsub Session Status

The LISP PubSub session to the control plane node is down.


Fabric devices connectivity - AAA server

The fabric edge node lost connectivity to the AAA server in the physical network.


Fabric Devices Connectivity - Remote Internet Availability

The remote internet service on the control plane node is lost.


BGP session Status to Peer Device

The BGP session is down on the border for the IP transit peer in the site.


BGP session Status to Transit Control Plane

The BGP session is down on the border connected to the SD-Access transit.


Fabric devices connectivity - Border anchored

The fabric border node lost connectivity to the fabric anchored border node in the physical network.


Failure to install an access policy for SGT

Failure to install an SGACL access policy for SGT.


High input/output error on switch interfaces

A high input or output error is detected on the switch interfaces. The threshold values can be customized.


High input/output discard on switch interfaces

A high input or output discard is detected on the switch interfaces. The threshold values can be customized.


High input/output utilization on switch interfaces

High input or output utilization is detected on the switch interfaces. The threshold values can be customized.


SGT access policy download failed on the device

Failed to download SGACL ACEs for SGT.


SGT access policy installation failed on the device

Failure to install an access policy for SGT. Policy rule error found in RBACL.


Unable to download SGT access policy from the policy server

Failure to download the source list for access policy for SGT.


Uninstall of SGT access policy failed on the device

Failure to uninstall an SGACL access policy for SGT.


Device reboot crash

Device has rebooted due to a hardware or software crash.


Device time has drifted from Cisco DNA Center

Excessive time lag between Cisco DNA Center and the device network.


Interface is flapping on network device

A port interface is flapping on a switch.

By default, this issue is triggered when the interface flaps three or more times within a 30-minute period. You can change the default flap trigger.


Issues based on syslog events - High temperature

Issues created by single occurrence of syslog event related to high temperature.


Issues based on syslog events - POE

Issues created by single occurrence of syslog event related to power.


PoE port in error state

PoE port is error disabled as reported by a syslog event.


PoE powered device flagged faulty

PoE-capable device connected to a PoE port has been flagged faulty as reported by a syslog event.


Power denied for PoE powered device

PoE-capable device connected to a PoE port has been power denied as reported by a syslog event.


Stack member removal

Stack member was removed.


Stack member running incompatible image

Stack member is running an incompatible image.


Switch experiencing high CPU utilization

The switch is experiencing high CPU utilization. The threshold values can be customized.


Switch experiencing high memory utilization

The switch is experiencing high memory utilization. The threshold values can be customized.


Switch fan failure

Fan failure on the switch.


Switch power failure

Power supply failure on the switch.


TCAM utilization high issues

Issues for TCAM exhaustion in Layer 2, Layer 3, QoS, and SGACL.


Network device HA switchover

The network device went through an HA switchover.


Switch unreachable

The switch is unreachable from Cisco DNA Center through ICMP or SNMP.


Map cache limit reached

Map cache entries have exceeded the limit on the map server.

Third-Party Device Issues

The following table lists the third-party device issues detected by Assurance:

Third-Party Device Issues

Category Issue Name Summary


Third Party Device unreachable

The Third-Party device is unreachable from the Cisco DNA Center via ICMP or SNMP.

Connected High input/output error on Third-Party Device interfaces High input or output error is detected on the third-party device interfaces. The threshold values can be customized.
Connected High input/output discard on Third-Party Device interfaces A high input or output discard is detected on the third-party device interfaces. The threshold values are customized.
Connected High input/output utilization on Third-Party Device interfaces High input or output utilization is detected on the third-party device interfaces. The threshold values can be customized.
Connected High input/output discards on Third-Party Device WAN interfaces A high input or output discard is detected on the third-party device WAN interfaces. The threshold values can be customized.
Connected High input/output utilization on Third-Party Device WAN interfaces

High input or output utilization is detected on the third-party device WAN interfaces. The threshold values can be customized.

Controller Issues

The following table lists the controller issues detected by Assurance:

Controller Issues
Category Issue Name Summary


Interface connecting network devices is down

An interface connecting to network devices is down.


Fabric WLC to MapServer connectivity

The fabric wireless controller lost connectivity to the fabric control plane node.


Device time has drifted from Cisco DNA Center

Excessive time lag between Cisco DNA Center and the network device.


Network device HA switchover

The network device went through an HA switchover.


WLC monitor

The network controller is not receiving data from the wireless controller.


WLC power supply failure

The power supply failed on this wireless controller.


WLC reboot crash

A wireless controller reboot crash occurred.


WLC unreachable

The wireless controller is unreachable from Cisco DNA Center through ICMP or SNMP.


AP license exhausted on WLC

The wireless controller currently has no free AP licenses.


WLC memory high utilization

The wireless controller is experiencing high memory utilization.

Access Point Issues

The following table lists the access point issues detected by Assurance:

Access Point Issues
Category Issue Name Summary


AP coverage hole

The wireless LAN controller detected a coverage hole around the AP.


AP Disconnect from Cisco WLC

The AP is disconnected from the wireless LAN controller. The AP's CAPWAP link to the wireless LAN controller is down.


AP flap

The AP has flapped. The AP disconnected from the wireless LAN controller and then connected back to the wireless LAN controller.

This issue is triggered when the AP flaps more than two times within a 15-minute period.


AP reboot crash

AP has rebooted due to a hardware or software crash.


AP CPU high utilization

AP is experiencing high CPU utilization.


AP memory high utilization

AP is experiencing high memory utilization.


Radio high utilization (2.4GHz)

2.4-GHz radios on APs are experiencing high utilization.


Radio high utilization (5GHz)

5-GHz radios on APs are experiencing high utilization.


Radio high utilization (6GHz)

6-GHz radios on APs are experiencing high utilization.


No activity on radio (2.4GHz)

No activity on 2.4-GHz radio on AP.


No activity on radio (5GHz)

No activity on 5-GHz radio on AP.


No activity on radio (6GHz)

No activity on 6-GHz radio on AP.

AP Anomaly

AP anomaly

AP encountered anomaly issue.


Poor RF (2.4 GHz) on a floor

This issue is triggered when APs have a poor wireless experience. The poor RF issue occurs when at least one AP has interference or noise above the threshold within a 30-minute timeframe.


Poor RF (5 GHz) on a floor

This issue is triggered when APs have a poor wireless experience. The poor RF issue occurs when at least one AP has interference or noise above the threshold within a 30-minute timeframe.


Poor RF (6 GHz) on a floor

This issue is triggered when APs have a poor wireless experience. The poor RF issue occurs when at least one AP has interference or noise above the threshold within a 30-minute timeframe.


Radio Down (2.4GHz)

2.4-GHz radio is down on AP.


Radio Down (5GHz)

5-GHz radio is down on AP.


Radio Down (6GHz)

6-GHz radio is down on AP.

Wired Client Issues

The following table lists the wired client issues detected by Assurance:

Wired Client Issues
Category Issue Name Summary


Client DHCP reachability issue

The client has failed to obtain an IP address from DHCP server.


Client DNS reachability issue

The client failed to obtain a response from the DNS server.


Wired client authentication failures - Dot1.x failure

The wired client failed authentication due to Dot1.x problems.



This issue is applicable only for single wired clients.


Wired client authentication failures - MAB failure

The wired client failed authentication due to MAC authentication bypass problems.



This issue is applicable only for single wired clients.

Wireless Client Issues

The following table lists the wireless client issues detected by Assurance:


These issues are applicable for both single clients and multiple clients.

Wireless Client Issues
Category Issue Name Summary


802.11r client roaming slowly

While roaming, a wireless client capable of fast roaming is doing full authentication instead of fast authentication.


Client DHCP reachability issue

The client has failed to obtain an IP address from DHCP server.


Client DNS reachability issue

The client failed to obtain a response from the DNS server.


Wireless client excluded - Client was excluded before roaming

Wireless client excluded - Client was excluded before roaming.


Wireless client failed to connect - Client timeout

Wireless client failed to connect - Failed to authenticate due to client timeout.


Wireless client failed to connect - DHCP timeout

Wireless clients took longer than 10 seconds to connect. The delay was in the IP Learning phase due to DHCP server or client timeout.


Wireless client failed to connect - Incorrect PSK

Multiple wireless clients failed to connect and were excluded by the wireless controller. They were excluded because the client's PSK did not match the configured WLAN PSK.


Wireless client failed to connect - WLC internal error

Wireless client failed to connect - wireless controller internal error.


Wireless client failed to roam - AAA server rejected client

Wireless client failed to roam - AAA server rejected client.


Wireless client failed to roam - AAA server timeout

Wireless client failed to roam - AAA server timeout.


Wireless client failed to roam - Client PMK not found

Wireless client failed to roam - Client PMK not found.


Wireless client failed to roam - Client timeout

Wireless client failed to roam - Failed to authenticate due to client timeout.


Wireless client failed to roam - Security parameter mismatch

Wireless client failed to roam - Security parameter mismatch.


Wireless client failed to roam - WLC configuration error

Wireless client failed to roam - wireless controller configuration error.


Wireless client failed to roam - WLC internal error

Wireless client failed to roam - wireless controller internal error.


Wireless client failed to roam between APs - External error

Wireless client failed to roam between APs - External error.


Wireless client failed to roam between APs - WLC configuration mismatch

Multiple wireless clients failed to roam between APs due to a wireless LAN controller configuration mismatch.


Wireless clients took a long time to connect - Excessive time due to authentication timeouts

Multiple wireless clients took a long time to connect. The excessive onboarding time was due to authentication timeouts. The clients that run into this problem are grouped by AAA server or wireless controller.


Wireless clients took a long time to connect - Excessive time due to DHCP server failures

Multiple wireless clients took a long time to connect. The excessive onboarding time is due to DHCP server failures. The clients that run into this problem are grouped by the DHCP server or wireless controller.


Wireless clients took a long time to connect - Excessive time due to failed credentials

Multiple wireless clients took a long time to connect. The excessive onboarding time was due to authentication delays caused by failed credentials. The clients that run into this problem are grouped by AAA server or wireless controller.


Wireless clients took a long time to connect - Excessive time due to WLC failures

Multiple wireless clients took a long time to connect. The excessive onboarding time was due to wireless LAN controller failures during authentication. The clients that run into this problem are grouped by wireless controller.


Wireless clients took a long time to connect - Excessive time for authentication due to AAA server or network delays

Multiple wireless clients took a long time to connect. The excessive onboarding time was due to authentication delays. The authentication delays were caused by AAA server or network delays.


Wireless clients excluded - IP theft issue

Multiple wireless clients have been excluded from connecting to the wireless network. IP theft issues were detected on the clients. The clients that run into this problem are grouped by wireless controller.


Wireless clients failed to connect - AAA server rejected clients

Multiple wireless clients failed during authentication with a AAA Server Reject failure reason. The AAA server rejected the client's authentication requests. The clients that run into this problem are grouped by AAA server or wireless controller.


Wireless clients failed to connect - AAA server timeout

Multiple wireless clients failed during authentication with a AAA Server Timeout failure. This failure occurs when the wireless controller doesn't receive a response from the AAA to the client's authentication messages and times out after retries. The clients that run into this problem are grouped by AAA server or wireless controller.


Wireless clients failed to connect - Client PMK not found

Multiple wireless clients failed to connect due to authentication problems. The client's PMK was not found.


Wireless clients failed to connect - DHCP server timeout

Multiple wireless clients failed to connect. The failure was in the IP Learning phase due to DHCP server timeout. The DHCP server timed out and did not respond to DHCP messages. The clients that run into this problem are grouped by DHCP server or wireless controller.


Wireless clients failed to connect - Failed to authenticate due to client timeouts

Multiple wireless clients failed to connect. They failed to authenticate due to client timeouts. The clients failed to respond in time to authentication messages. The clients that run into this problem are grouped by site or AP group.


Wireless clients failed to connect - Failed to get an IP address due to client timeouts

Multiple wireless clients failed to connect. They failed to get an IP address due to client timeouts. The clients failed to respond in time to DHCP messages. The clients that run into this problem are grouped by site or AP group.


Wireless clients failed to connect - Failed to get an IP address due to DHCP server or client timeouts

Multiple wireless clients failed to connect. They failed to get an IP address due to DHCP server timeouts or client timeouts. Either the DHCP server or the clients failed to respond in time to DHCP messages. The clients that run into this problem are grouped by site or AP group.


Wireless clients failed to connect - Security parameter mismatch

Multiple wireless clients failed to connect due to authentication problems caused by a security parameter mismatch.


Wireless clients failed to connect - WLC configuration error

Multiple wireless clients failed to connect due to authentication problems. There are wireless LAN controller configuration errors. The clients that run into this problem are grouped by wireless controller.


Wireless clients failed to roam - Client exclusion policies on the WLC

Multiple wireless clients failed to roam. Clients were excluded due to client exclusion policies on the wireless LAN controller. The clients that run into this problem are grouped by wireless controller.


Wireless clients failed to roam - Clients were excluded before roaming

Multiple wireless clients failed to roam. The clients were excluded on the wireless LAN controller before roaming. The clients that run into this problem are grouped by wireless controller.


Wireless clients failed to roam - WLC configuration mismatch

Multiple wireless clients failed to roam between APs due to a wireless LAN controller configuration mismatch.


Wireless clients took a long time to connect - WLC failures

Multiple wireless clients took a long time to connect. The excessive onboarding time was due to wireless LAN controller failures during authentication. The clients that run into this problem are grouped by wireless controller.


Dual band capable client prefers 2.4 GHz over 5 GHz

Dual-band capable client is consistently connecting to a 2.4-GHz radio, even though a 5-GHz radio that provides a better experience is available.


Wireless client has poor RF

Wireless client is experience poor RF condition because the client has no better neighboring APs to roam to.


Wireless client shows sticky behavior

Wireless client is maintaining an association with an AP that has a weaker signal. It should roam to an available AP that has the stronger signal.

Enable AAA Failure Root Cause Analysis Issues

Cisco DNA Center integrates with Cisco ISE syslogs to troubleshoot the following issues:

  • Wireless clients failed to connect: AAA server rejected clients

  • Wireless clients failed to connect: AAA server timeout

The troubleshooting workflow is an MRE workflow that you access from a single client issue in the Client 360 window, or from wireless client issues in the Issues dashboard.

Cisco DNA Center shows the syslogs generated by Cisco ISE for client authentication failures, enabling you to determine the root cause of the client authentication failure without having to log in to Cisco ISE and search for clients there.

To enable AAA Failure Root Cause Analysis issues in Assurance, do the following:


Step 1

In Cisco DNA Center, choose System > Settings > External Services > Authentication and Policy Servers and add and configure Cisco ISE to the Cisco DNA Center cluster. This step adds the Cisco ISE policy service node (PSN) to the syslog allowed list.

Step 2

In Cisco ISE, choose Administration > System > Logging > Remote Logging Targets and add Cisco DNA Center as a syslog destination.

Step 3

In Cisco ISE, choose Administration > System > Logging > Logging Categories and add the target that you added in the previous step to the following logging categories: Failed Attempts, Authentication Flow Diagnostics, and RADIUS Diagnostics.

Cisco ISE syslogs can now be sent to Cisco DNA Center. Cisco DNA Center processes and saves the Cisco ISE syslogs for client onboarding problems.

Application Issues

The following table lists the application issues detected by Assurance:

Application Issues
Category Issue Name Summary


Application experience issues

All issues pertaining to Application Experience.

Sensor Issues

The following table lists the sensor issues detected by Assurance.

When two or more sensors on the same floor fail a test in a 30-minute period, the sensor can raise an issue based on the failed root cause. These sensor issues are all global issues, meaning that the sensor issue from any floor is escalated and shown in the Issues dashboard.

Sensor Issues
Category Issue Name Summary

Sensor Test

Sensors - Speed test HTTP error

Multiple sensors are reporting speed test HTTP error while accessing query server.

Sensor Test

Sensors - DHCP failures

Multiple sensors failed to get an IPv4 address.

Sensor Test

Sensors - DNS resolution failed

Multiple sensors failed to resolve domain name with DNS server.

Sensor Test

Sensors - Failed association during onboarding

Multiple sensors failed to associate during onboarding.

Sensor Test

Sensors -Failed authentication during onboarding

Multiple sensors failed to authenticate during onboarding.

Sensor Test

Sensors - FTP test fail

Multiple sensors are reporting unable to connect to FTP server.

Sensor Test

Sensors - FTP transfer fail

Multiple sensors are reporting failed to transfer file with FTP server.

Sensor Test

Sensors - FTP unreachable

Multiple sensors are reporting unreachable FTP server.

Sensor Test

Sensors - IPerf invalid config error

Multiple sensors have failed to conduct the iPerf test due to receiving invalid iPerf configurations.

Sensor Test

Sensors - IPerf server busy

Multiple sensors have failed to conduct the iPerf test due to an iPerf busy error.

Sensor Test

Sensors - IPerf test network error

Multiple sensors have failed to conduct the iPerf test due to an iPerf network error.

Sensor Test

Sensors - IPerf undefined error

Multiple sensors have failed to conduct the iPerf test due to an undefined error.

Sensor Test

Sensors - IPSLA no IP address

Multiple sensors are reporting IPSLA test IP address not received from Cisco DNA Center.

Sensor Test

Sensors - IPSLA no response

Multiple sensors are reporting IPSLA test - no response from IPSLA responder.

Sensor Test

Sensors - IPSLA socket error

Multiple sensors are reporting IPSLA test socket error.

Sensor Test

Sensors - IPSLA test fail

Multiple sensors are reporting IPSLA test failed.

Sensor Test

Sensors - IPSLA unsupported probe type

Multiple sensors are reporting IPSLA test unsupported probe type.

Sensor Test

Sensors - Mail server test fail

Multiple sensors are reporting failed to connect to mail server.

Sensor Test

Sensors - Mail server unreachable

Multiple sensors are reporting unreachable mail server.

Sensor Test

Sensors - No NDT server

Multiple sensors are reporting speed test NDT server does not exist.

Sensor Test

Sensors - Onboarding failures

Sensors failed to connect to the wireless network.

Sensor Test

Sensors - Outlook server test fail

Multiple sensors are reporting failed to connect to Outlook Web Access.

Sensor Test

Sensors - Outlook server unreachable

Multiple sensors are reporting unreachable Outlook Web Access host.

Sensor Test

Sensors - Query server timeout

Multiple sensors are reporting speed test query server timeout.

Sensor Test

Sensors - RADIUS authentication fail

Multiple sensors are reporting failed to authenticate with RADIUS server.

Sensor Test

Sensors - Speed test fail

Multiple sensors are reporting speed test failed.

Sensor Test

Sensors - Speed test generic error

Multiple sensors are reporting speed test generic failure.

Sensor Test

Sensors - Speed test uplink timeout

Multiple sensors are reporting speed test uplink test timeout.

Sensor Test

Sensors - Speed test URL error

Multiple sensors are reporting speed test URL error while accessing query server.

Sensor Test

Sensors - Unreachable host

Multiple sensors are reporting ping failure to the host. Unreachable host.

Sensor Test

Sensors - Unreachable RADIUS

Multiple sensors are reporting unreachable RADIUS server.

Sensor Test

Sensors - Web authentication fail

Multiple sensors are reporting clients are failing web authentication test.

Sensor Test

Sensors - Web server test failed

Multiple sensors are reporting failed to load page from web server.

Sensor Test

Sensors - Web server unreachable

Multiple sensors are reporting unreachable web server.

Sensor Test

Sensors - Web socket error

Multiple sensors are reporting speed test websocket error during the test.

Sensor Test

Sensors - Speed test uplink proxy error

Multiple sensors are reporting speed test uplink test proxy error.

The following table contains all the rows in the preceding table, plus rows that we were asked to remove during Cyclops. The following table has the dnac_hide_content FID applied to it. We wanted to retain the rows (but keep everything hidden) in case we ever need to readd this information.

Sensor Issues
Category Issue Name Summary

AI-Driven Issues

The following table lists the AI-Driven issues detected by Cisco AI Network Analytics:

AI-Driven Issues

Connection Issues


Excessive time to connect - High deviation from baseline

The network is experiencing excessive onboarding time compared to usual. Clients are taking longer than the usual time to connect to SSID.


Excessive failures to connect - High deviation from baseline

The network is experiencing excessive onboarding failures compared to usual. Clients are taking longer than the usual time to connect to SSID.


Wireless clients took a long time to connect - Total time above baseline

Wireless clients took longer to connect to SSID at location.


Excessive time to get Associated - High deviation from baseline

Excessive time to get associated - At least value% increase in time on SSID.


Excessive failures to Associate - High deviation from baseline

Excessive failures to get associated - At least value% increase in failures on SSID.


Excessive time to get Authenticated - High deviation from baseline

Excessive time to get authenticated - At least value% increase in time on SSID.


Excessive failures to get Authenticated - High deviation from baseline

Excessive failures to get authenticated - At least value% increase in failures on SSID.


Excessive time to get an IP Address - High deviation from baseline

Excessive time to get an IP address - At least value% increase in time from server_IP.


Excessive failures to get an IP address - High deviation from baseline

Excessive failures to get an IP address - At least value% increase in failures from server_IP.

Network Connectivity Issue


Host MAC address flapping seen on network device

Network is experiencing Layer 2 loop symptoms.

Roaming Issues


Excessive time to connect - High deviation from baseline

The network is experiencing excessive onboarding time compared to usual.


Excessive failures to roam - High deviation from baseline

The network is experiencing excessive roaming time compared to usual.

Application Experience Issues


Drop in total radio throughput for All Applications

APs in network are experiencing a drop in total radio throughput for all applications. These radios are in the frequency band. These radios are located at location.


Drop in radio throughput for Cloud Applications

APs in network are experiencing a drop in Cloud Applications throughput. These radios are in the frequency band. These radios are located at location.


Drop in radio throughput for Social Applications

APs in network are experiencing a drop in Social Applications throughput. These radios are in the frequency band. These radios are located at location.


Drop in radio throughput for Media Applications

APs in network are experiencing a drop in Media Applications throughput. These radios are in the frequency band. These radios are located at location.


Drop in radio throughput for Collab Applications

APs in network are experiencing a drop in Collab Applications throughput. These radios are in the frequency band. These radios are located at location.

MRE Issues

The following table lists the issues detected by Assurance that you can troubleshoot using the MRE workflow:

MRE Issues
Category Issue Name Summary

Wired Client Issues


Client DHCP reachability issue

The client has failed to obtain an IPv4 address from the DHCP server.


Wired client authentication failures - Dot1.x failure

The wired client failed authentication due to Dot1.x problems.



This issue is applicable only for single wired clients.


Wired client authentication failures - MAB failure

The wired client failed authentication due to MAC authentication bypass problems.



This issue is applicable only for single wired clients.

PoE Issue


PoE powered device flagged faulty

Syslog event flagged a PoE-capable device connected to a PoE port as faulty.