Registering your Device

Cisco UDN application enables you to register the devices you want to bring to the premises.

Adding Devices on Android Application

Accessing your Device Location

While launching the Cisco UDN mobile application for the first time, you will need to permit the Cisco UDN network to access the location of the device. The location permission is necessary to access the current Wi-Fi name.

On the Add Devices page, tap ALLOW to permit the Cisco UDN network to access your device location.

Figure 1. Device Location


This location permission alert is mandatory as per the new OS restrictions.

Registering your Device with Random MAC Address

Random MAC address is a special MAC address generated by OS to prevent user tracking using MAC address.

Random MAC is differentiated by the second from the last bit of the first octet.

Figure 2. Random MAC

A MAC address that contains 2, 6, A, E, a, e in the second letter of the MAC address, refers to the random MAC address.

The following snippet refers to the universally defined random MAC address:
Figure 3. Universally Defined Random MAC Address

Use cases with random MAC address:

  • Devices with random MAC address can only be added when connected to an on-premise network.

  • Devices with random MAC address will not display Add This Device option.

  • Android 10+ devices generate random MAC addresses. These addresses can only be added when connected to an on-premise network.

  • When an on-premise user tries to add a device other than the current device and it has random MAC, the user needs to check, if the device is connected to an on-premise network or not. If the user then tries to add the device, he/she will be able to add the device.

Auto-Registering Random MAC Address


The Auto-Registering Random MAC Address applies to Android devices lesser than version 11.

If your current device is in UDN-enabled SSID and you want to move to another UDN-enabled SSID, due to MAC randomisation on android, the MAC address of the device changes. The current device is then registered to the current UDN-enabled SSID using the auto-register process.


  • If the current device is in user's room, you will be notified with the following banner message:

    'Device name' network changed, re-registering.

  • If the device is in other's room, you will get the following banner message:

    'Device name' network changed, device reclaimed.

You can add devices in the Android application in the following ways:

Figure 4. Add Devices

Adding Device by Scanning the Wi-Fi Network


Step 1

On the Add Devices page, tap Scan The Network to scan your Wi-Fi network for connected devices.


You will be able to view Scan The Network on Android devices lesser than version 11.

Step 2

Select the device to be added to your private network.

Step 3

Tap Next.

The device type, device name, and MAC address details are displayed.

Step 4

From the Device Type drop-down list, choose one of the following device types:

  • Computer

  • Tablet

  • Printer

  • Streaming/Entertainment

  • Mobile Phone

  • Speaker

  • Other

Step 5

Tap Next.

The Summary page is displayed.


If you want to add more devices to the list of devices to be registered, tap Add More Devices and repeat Step 1 through Step 5.

Step 6

Tap Submit.

The device is registered on the Cisco UDN mobile application.

Adding Device Manually

You can add devices manually in the following ways:

Scanning MAC Address Using Camera


Step 1

On the Add Devices page, tap Manual Entry.

Step 2

Tap Scan MAC Address to view the scan options.

Step 3

Tap Use camera to scan your MAC address.

Step 4

Select your device’s Wi-Fi MAC address and tap Next.

Scanning Image for MAC Address


Step 1

On the Add Devices page, tap Manual Entry.

Step 2

Tap Scan MAC Address to view the scan options.

Step 3

Tap Scan a picture of your MAC address.


Your system requests for permission to access your image gallery.

Step 4

Tap OK.

Step 5

Select an image from your gallery and tap Next.

Adding Your Current Device

You will be able to detect the MAC address of your current device on an Android application.


Step 1

On the Add Devices page, tap Add This Device.


You will be able to view Add This Device on Android devices lesser than version 11.

Step 2

From the Device Type drop-down list, choose one of the following device types:

  • Computer

  • Tablet

  • Printer

  • Streaming/Entertainment

  • Mobile Phone

  • Speaker

  • Other

Step 3

Enter the device name.


The MAC address of your device is pre-filled by the application.

Step 4

Update the MAC address.

Step 5

Tap Next and then Submit.

Adding Devices on iOS Application

Adding Device Manually

You can add devices manually in the following ways:

Scanning MAC Address Using Camera


Step 1

On the Add Devices page, tap Manual Entry.

Step 2

Tap Scan MAC Address to view the scan options.

Step 3

Tap Use camera to scan your MAC address.

Step 4

Select your device’s Wi-Fi MAC address and tap Next.

Scanning Image for MAC Address


Step 1

On the Add Devices page, tap Manual Entry.

Step 2

Tap Scan MAC Address to view the scan options.

Step 3

Tap Scan a picture of your MAC address.


Your system requests for permission to access your image gallery.

Step 4

Tap OK.

Step 5

Select an image from your gallery and tap Next.