Connecting Cisco Data Center and a Public Cloud
This section explains the functionality that allows public cloud connectivity from a Cisco DCNM provisioned VXLAN EVPN fabric to the Microsoft Azure public cloud. The layer-3 connectivity ensures a seamless and secure communication between the workloads on premise and the Microsoft Azure cloud. The connectivity is provisioned through the Cisco Cloud Services Router 1000v (Cisco CSR 1000v) that is managed by Cisco DCNM. BGP EVPN is employed for the control plane and VXLAN is employed for the data plane. A secure IPsec tunnel is established between the Cisco CSR 1000v in the premise and the Cisco CSR 1000v in the public cloud.
Note |
Cisco DCNM supports discovery and management Cisco CSR 1000v. This functionality is a preview feature in Cisco DCNM Release 11.2(1). After an inline upgrade to Cisco DCNM Release 11.3(1), this feature is enabled by default. |
Topology Overview
The on‐premise data center has the required switches. One of these switches is a border gateway (BGW) that interfaces with an core router for WAN connectivity to the public cloud. The Cisco CSR 1000v is the core router in this use case. You can import this core router into an external fabric in Cisco DCNM. The following figure depicts the sample topology that is employed.
In this example, we list the tasks that are required to provide a layer‐3 connectivity between a VM behind standalone leaf and a VM in the Microsoft Azure cloud in a specific user VNET.
The public cloud has a Cisco CSR 1000v, Microsoft Azure instances, Azure Virtual Networks (Azure VNets), and a VM. The Cisco CSR 1000v in the cloud has an interface with the VM.
We are using eBGP between the two core routers for exchanging underlay routing and reachability. The VXLAN connects the on-premises BGW and the core router on Microsoft Azure, over the IPsec tunnel.
In this use‐case, we are going to configure the setup as follows:
Guidelines and Limitations
The following are the guidelines and limitations for connecting an on-premises data center and a public cloud:
Cisco CSR 1000v Series Routers support route‐based IP Security (IPsec) tunnel interface.
Use Cisco Nexus 9000 Series Switches or Cisco Nexus 3000 Series Switches in the VXLAN EVPN Easy fabric in Cisco DCNM.
The IP addresses specified in this document are sample addresses. Ensure that your setup reflects the IP addresses used in the production network.
Create an account with Microsoft Azure.
Create VNets for the public‐cloud core router in Microsoft Azure.
Deploy a Cisco CSR 1000v in Microsoft Azure. This Cisco CSR 1000v is the public-cloud core router. See the Deploying Cisco CSR 1000v on Microsoft Azure section for more information.
Use switches that support Cisco NX‐OS Release 7.0(3)I7(x) or higher versions as border gateways are required.
Set up the Cisco DCNM, switches, Cisco CSR 1000v, and other devices in a DMZ or equivalent zone to have access to the public internet.
Familiarity with VXLAN BGP EVPN data center fabric architecture and configuration through DCNM.
Familiarity with MSD fabrics.
Note |
Refer to the Control chapter in the Cisco DCNM LAN Fabric Configuration Guide, for information on various tasks that are required in setting up. |
Task Summary
The following sections list the task summary to establish a connection between the on-premises data center and the public cloud.
On-premises Data Center
Set the polling time.
Create a fabric with switches for the on-premises data center, and configure one of the switches with BGW role.
Create an external fabric for the on-premises core router. Discover a Cisco CSR 1000v as the core router.
Simulate an IP address as on-premises host on the BGW.
Public Cloud
Create an external fabric for the public cloud core router.
Discover a Cisco CSR 1000v for the public cloud, which is the core router.
Create an MSD fabric and import the fabrics that were created previously.
Connect the BGW and the on-premises core router.
Create an IPsec tunnel between the on-premises core router and the public-cloud core router.
Create an eBGP underlay connection between the core routers that runs over the IPsec Tunnel.
Connect the BGW and the public cloud core router using VXLAN EVPN.
Extend the VRFs in fabrics.
The procedure that is involved in each task in this section is explained in the following sections.
Setting the Polling Time
Cisco DCNM queries the on-premises core router and updates the state of the routing table depending on the polling time you set. To set the polling time from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:
Step 1 |
Choose Administration > DCNM Server > Server Properties. The Server Properties window appears. |
Step 2 |
Locate the Private and public cloud connectivity properties. |
Step 3 |
Set the polling time in the private_public_cloud_connectivity.stats.polling_time field. The value is in milliseconds. |
Step 4 |
Click Apply Changes. |
Step 5 |
Restart Cisco DCNM using the appmgr restart dcnm command. A warning about the preview features enabled appears after you log in to the Cisco DCNM Web UI.
Setting Up the On‐premise External Fabric with CSR 1000v
Create an external fabric for the on-premises edge router.
Creating an External Fabric
To create an external fabric from Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:
Step 1 |
Choose Control > Fabrics > Fabric Builder. The Fabric Builder window appears. |
Step 2 |
Click Create Fabric. The Add Fabric dialog box appears. |
Step 3 |
Enter the fabric name as CSR‐OnPrem in the Fabric Name field. |
Step 4 |
Choose External_Fabric_11_1 from the Fabric Template drop‐down list. |
Step 5 |
Enter the BGP AS number in the BGP AS # field. |
Step 6 |
Uncheck the Fabric Monitor Mode check box. |
Step 7 |
Click Save. A fabric is created and the fabric topology window appears. |
What to do next
Discover the on-premises core router.
Discovering the On-Premises Core Router
Cisco CSR 1000v is used for on-premises core routing. To discover the core router in the fabric topology window, perform the following steps:
Before you begin
Step 1 |
Click Add switches in the Actions pane. The Inventory Management dialog box appears. |
Step 2 |
Enter values for the following fields under the Discover Existing Switches tab:
Step 3 |
Click Start Discovery. The fabric topology window appears, and a pop‐up message appears at the bottom‐right about the discovery. For example: <ip‐address> added for discovery.
Step 4 |
Click Tabular view in the Actions pane. The switches and links window appears, where you can view the scan details. The discovery status is discovering in red with a warning icon next to it if the discovery is in progress. |
Step 5 |
View the details of the core router. After the router is discovered:
Step 6 |
Go back to the fabric topology window and refresh the topology. |
What to do next
Set the role of the router to Core Router. Right-click the router, choose Set role > Core Router.
Set up a VXLAN EVPN fabric for the on-premises data center, which has a BGW.
Setting Up the VXLAN EVPN Fabric
Create a fabric for the BGW.
Creating a VXLAN EVPN Fabric
To create a VXLAN EVPN fabric from Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:
Step 1 |
Choose Control > Fabrics > Fabric Builder. The Fabric Builder window appears. |
Step 2 |
Click Create Fabric. The Add Fabric dialog box appears. |
Step 3 |
Enter the fabric name as site2 in the Fabric Name field. |
Step 4 |
Choose Easy_Fabric_11_1 from the Fabric Template drop-down list. |
Step 5 |
Enter values in all the mandatory fields. |
Step 6 |
Click Save. A fabric is created and the fabric topology window appears. |
What to do next
Assigning the BGW Role
To assign a switch with the BGW role, perform the following steps:
Before you begin
Step 1 |
Right‐click the switch for which you need to set the BGW role. A list of actions that you can perform on the switch appears. |
Step 2 |
Choose Set role > Border Gateway. |
What to do next
Setting Up the External Fabric with CSR in Azure
Create an external fabric for the public cloud core router.
Creating an External Fabric
To create an external fabric from Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:
Step 1 |
Choose Control > Fabrics > Fabric Builder. The Fabric Builder window appears. |
Step 2 |
Click Create Fabric. The Add Fabric dialog box appears. |
Step 3 |
Enter the fabric name as CSR-Azure in the Fabric Name field. |
Step 4 |
Choose External_Fabric_11_1 from the Fabric Template drop-down list. |
Step 5 |
Enter the BGP AS number in the BGP AS # field. |
Step 6 |
Uncheck the Fabric Monitor Mode check box. |
Step 7 |
Click Save. A fabric is created and the fabric topology window appears. |
What to do next
Discover the public-cloud core router in this fabric.
Discovering the Core Router
Cisco CSR 1000v Series router is used for the public-cloud core routing as well. To discover the core router in the fabric topology window, perform the following steps:
Before you begin
Ensure that you know the credentials of the core router.
Step 1 |
Click Add switches in the Actions pane. The Inventory Management dialog box appears. |
Step 2 |
Enter values for the following fields under the Discover Existing Switches tab:
Step 3 |
Click Start Discovery. The fabric topology window appears, and a pop-up message appears at the bottom-right about the switch discovery. For example: <ip-address> added for discovery
Step 4 |
Click Tabular view in the Actions pane. The switches and links window appears, where you can view the scan details. The discovery status is discovering in red with a warning icon next to it if the discovery is in progress. |
Step 5 |
View the details of the core router. After the discovery of the router:
Step 6 |
Go back to the fabric topology window and refresh the topology. |
What to do next
Set the role of the router to Core Router. Right-click the router, choose Set role > Core Router.
Create an MSD fabric and import other fabrics, created previously, into it.
Setting Up the MSD Fabric for Connectivity
Create an MSD fabric to bring all the standalone fabrics together for connectivity.
Creating an MSD Fabric
To create an MSD fabric from Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:
Step 1 |
Choose Control > Fabrics > Fabric Builder. The Fabric Builder window appears. |
Step 2 |
Click Create Fabric. The Add Fabric dialog box appears. |
Step 3 |
Enter the fabric name as Cloud-Connect in the Fabric Name field. |
Step 4 |
Choose MSD_Fabric_11_1 from the Fabric Template drop-down list. |
Step 5 |
Enter values in all the mandatory fields. |
Step 6 |
Click Save. A fabric is created and the fabric topology window appears. |
What to do next
Moving Other Fabrics into the MSD Fabric
To move other fabrics into the Cloud-Connect fabric from the fabric topology window, perform the following steps:
Step 1 |
Click Move Fabric in the Actions pane. The Move Fabric dialog box appears. It contains a list of fabrics. |
Step 2 |
Choose CSR-OnPRem, site2, and CSR-Azure fabrics. |
Step 3 |
Click Add. |
Step 4 |
Close the dialog box and refresh the fabric topology. All the member fabrics appear in the Cloud-Connect fabric. |
What to do next
Setting Up Connections
Connect the fabrics that you created previously using different links.
Connecting the On-Premises BGW and the On-Premises Core Router
To add a link between the on-premises BGW and the on-premises core router, perform the following steps:
Step 1 |
Right-click anywhere in the Cloud-Connect topology window. The actions that you can perform in the fabric appears in a list. Alternatively, from the fabric topology window, choose Tabular view in the Actions pane, and click the Links tab. |
Step 2 |
Choose Add Link. The Link Management - Add Link dialog box appears. |
Step 3 |
Enter values for the following fields:
Step 4 |
Enter values for the following fields under the Link Profile area in the General tab:
To verify the IP address from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, choose Control > Fabrics > Interfaces. Choose the fabric from the Scope drop-down list, and search the device. The IP address of the device will be listed in the IP/Prefix column. |
Step 5 |
Click Save. |
What to do next
Connecting the On‐prem Core Router and the Public‐cloud Core Router with IPsec Tunnel
Step 1 |
Right-click anywhere in the Cloud-Connect topology window. The actions that you can perform in the fabric appears in a list. Alternatively, from the fabric topology window, choose Tabular view in the Actions pane, and click the Links tab. |
Step 2 |
Choose Add Link. The Link Management - Add Link dialog box appears. |
Step 3 |
Enter values for the following fields:
Step 4 |
In the Link Profile area under the General tab, enter the the pass key used for IPSec tunnel in the SHARED_KEY field. |
Step 5 |
(Optional) In the Link Profile area, choose the Advanced tab. The fields under this tab have default values populated. Change the values if needed. This will create a loopback for which the eBGP peering is configured between the two core routers. |
Step 6 |
Click Save. The fabric topology window refreshes, and a link is added between the core routers in the CSR-OnPrem fabric and the CSR-Azure fabric.
What to do next
Connecting the On-prem BGW and the Public-cloud Core Router using EVPN Peering
To add a link between the on-prem core router and the public-cloud core router, perform the following steps:
Step 1 |
Right-click anywhere in the Cloud-Connect topology window. The actions that you can perform in the fabric appears in a list. Alternatively, from the fabric topology window, choose Tabular view in the Actions pane, and click the Links tab. |
Step 2 |
Choose Add Link. The Link Management - Add Link dialog box appears. |
Step 3 |
Enter values for the following fields:
Step 4 |
Enter values for the following fields under the Link Profile area in the General tab:
Step 5 |
Click Save. The fabric topology window refreshes, and a link is added between the BGW in the site2 fabric and the core router in the CSR-Azure fabric.
What to do next
Saving and Deploying Configurations
To save and deploy the configurations in the fabric topology window, perform the following steps:
Step 1 |
Click Save & Deploy. The Config Deployment dialog box appears, and you will see the Configuration Preview step. The intents for the links created among the BGW, on-prem data center, and the public cloud are generated. |
Step 2 |
(Optional) Click the field against the BGW in the Preview Config column. The Config Preview dialog box appears for the BGW. |
Step 3 |
(Optional) View the configuration details in the Pending Config column. It includes details about the underlay peering and overlay peering. |
Step 4 |
(Optional) Click the field against the on-prem core router in the Preview Config column. The Config Preview dialog box appears for the on-prem core router. |
Step 5 |
(Optional) View the configuration details in the Pending Config column. It includes details about the interfaces, the IPsec tunnel, shared key, BGP peering between the core routers, and EVPN peering. Route maps are added indicating that all the BGP traffic and the data traffic should go through the tunnel. |
Step 6 |
(Optional) Click the field against the public cloud core router in the Preview Config column. The Config Preview dialog box appears for the on-prem core router. |
Step 7 |
(Optional) View the configuration details in the Pending Config column. It includes the details about VTEPs in addition to the details mentioned for the on-prem core router. |
Step 8 |
Click Deploy Config. The Configuration Deployment Status step appears, where you can see the deployment status of the configurations. |
Step 9 |
Click Close after the successful deployment. The fabric topology window appears. The IPsec tunnel will be up and active.
What to do next
Extending VRFs
VRFs are extended so that the workloads can be shared between the data center and the public cloud.
Deploying and Extending the VRF On-prem Core Router
To extend a VRF and deploy it on the on-prem core router from the fabric topology window of the MSD fabric, perform the following steps:
Step 1 |
Click the Total VRF link in the Overlay Fabric Information area, which is below the Save & Deploy icon. The Network / VRF Selection area of the VRFs window appears for the fabric. |
Step 2 |
Choose the VRF for the on-prem core router and click Continue. The Network / VRF Deployment area of the VRFs window appears. The network topology of the fabric appears. You can hide the undiscovered cloud. |
Step 3 |
Double-click the BGW. The VRF Extension Attachment dialog box appears. |
Step 4 |
Choose the BGW and click the edit icon under the Extend column, to enable multi-site on it. A drop-down list appears under the Extend column. |
Step 5 |
Choose MULTISITE from the drop-down list. |
Step 6 |
Enter the loopback ID and the loopback IPv4 address under the respective columns to simulate the host on BGW. |
Step 7 |
Click Save. The network topology of the fabric appears and the BGW will turn blue indicating that the deployment is pending. |
Step 8 |
Click the preview option. The Preview Configuration dialog box appears. The EVPN configurations are pushed and the loopback interface is created. |
Step 9 |
Click Deploy. |
What to do next
Creating and Deploying VRF on Public Cloud
To extend a VRF and deploy it on the public cloud core router from the fabric topology window, perform the following steps:
Before you begin
Step 1 |
Choose the CSR-Azure fabric from the Fabric Builder window. The fabric topology window appears. |
Step 2 |
Right-click the public cloud core router. A list of actions that you can perform on the router appears. |
Step 3 |
Choose View/edit policies from the list. The View/Edit Policies dialog box appears. |
Step 4 |
Click the Add Policy icon. The Add Policy dialog box appears. |
Step 5 |
Choose the csr_vrf_evpn policy from the Policy drop-down list. |
Step 6 |
Enter values in mandatory fields in the General tab. |
Step 7 |
Click Save. The View/Edit Policies dialog box appears. |
Step 8 |
Click View All to view the networks and interfaces created. The Generated Config dialog box appears. Details about the VRF, bridge domain, and the mapped VNI can also be viewed in this dialog box. |
What to do next
Configuring Default Gateway for the VM
Step 1 |
Choose the CSR-Azure fabric from the Fabric Builder window. The fabric topology window appears. |
Step 2 |
Right-click the public-cloud core router. A list of actions that you can perform on the router appears. |
Step 3 |
Choose Manage Interfaces from the list. The Manage Interfaces dialog box appears. |
Step 4 |
Click Edit Configuration to edit the interface for which the policy is created. The Edit Configuration dialog box appears. |
Step 5 |
Edit the freeform config, click Save, and close the Manage Interfaces dialog box. The fabric topology window appears. |
Step 6 |
Right-click the public-cloud core router and choose Deploy Config from the list. The Config Deployment dialog box appears. |
Step 7 |
Click the value under the Preview Config column to check the preview configuration. |
Step 8 |
Click Deploy Config to deploy the configuration. The configuration will be pushed and deployed. |
Step 9 |
Click Close. |
Step 10 |
Log on to the CLI to view the traffic flow. The traffic flows between the core routers and through the VRF. |
Verifying the Connectivity
Step 1 |
Choose Control > Fabrics > VRFs. The VRFs window appears. |
Step 2 |
Choose the Cloud-Connect fabric. VRFs in this fabric are listed. |
Step 3 |
Choose the VRF and click Continue. |
Step 4 |
Right-click the BGW. The VRF Extension Attachment dialog box appears. |
Step 5 |
Uncheck the check box and click Save. The network topology window appears. |
Step 6 |
Click Deploy to push the configurations. The VRF is disabled on the BGW. |
Step 7 |
Check the CLI. The traffic will stop. |
Step 8 |
Enable the VRF again on BGW. |
Step 9 |
Check the CLI. The traffic will flow. Alternatively, access the HTTP address of the web server in the public cloud. You will get a Database Reachable message. |
Deploying Cisco CSR 1000v on Microsoft Azure
Step 1 |
From the Microsoft Azure UI, choose Virtual Machines. The Virtual Machines window appears. |
Step 2 |
Click Add. The Create a virtual machine window appears. |
Step 3 |
Click the Create VM from Azure Marketplace hyperlink. The Marketplace window appears, where you can search for the standard classic VMs. |
Step 4 |
Search for the CSR deployments in the marketplace. |
Step 5 |
Choose Cisco Cloud Services Router (CSR) 1000V from the search results. |
Step 6 |
Choose Cisco CSR 1000V Bring Your Own License – XE 16.9 or higher versions from the Select a software plan drop-down list. |
Step 7 |
Click Create. |
Step 8 |
Enter the project details and instance details in the Create a virtual machine window. |
Step 9 |
Choose the Password authentication type in the administrator account section. Cisco DCNM does not support the SSH public key. |
Step 10 |
Create a username and password. |
Step 11 |
Click Next : Disks >. |
Step 12 |
Choose the Standard HDD option from the OS disk type drop-down list. |
Step 13 |
Click Next : Networking >. |
Step 14 |
Enter values in the required fields. |
Step 15 |
Choose a public IP for the network. |
Step 16 |
Use the default values in other fields. |
Step 17 |
Click Review + create. A VM will be created for Cisco CSR 1000v in Microsoft Azure with a public IP address. |
What to do next
Attach network interfaces:
Choose the Networking setting of the VM.
Choose Attach network interface to add a Nic.
Attach one Nic each for both the subnets. IP addresses are automatically assigned.
Add an SSH rule using the port 22 to enable the SSH access of the core router.
Cisco DCNM discovers the core router using this SSH access.
Two UDP rules using the ports 500 and 4500 to enable the IPsec tunnel are added automatically.
Create routes in the Routes setting of the VM to create traffic routes between the on-prem data center and Microsoft Azure. You can use the default route to redirect traffic from the VNet to Cisco CSR 1000v.
See Cisco CSR 1000v Deployment Guide for Microsoft Azure for more information.
Viewing Links and Core Routers Details
Step 1 |
From the Actions pane, choose Tabular view > Links. The Links window appears. |
Step 2 |
Refresh the window. The three links that you created will appear in the list. |
Step 3 |
(Optional) Double-click the on-prem core router to view the IP route information. The IP Route Information dialog box appears. |
Step 4 |
(Optional) Click the Crypto Session tab to view the details about the IPsec tunnel. |
Step 5 |
(Optional) Click the BGP Session tab to view the details about the BGP session. |
Step 6 |
(Optional) Click the Packet Counter tab to view the packet counter details. You can reset the counter value you see in the Packet Counter tab. See the Resetting Packet Counter Using API section more information. |
Resetting Packet Counter Using API
Step 1 |
Log into Cisco DCNM. |
Step 2 |
Navigate to the https://DCNM-IP/api-docs URL. |
Step 3 |
Expand the GET /cloud-extension/status/{ipAddress} API under cloud extension. |
Step 4 |
Enter the IP address of the on-prem core router. |
Step 5 |
Set the fetchLatestFromSwitch value to true. |
Step 6 |
Click Try it out. The packet counter is cleared and the count drops to zero. |