
This chapter contains the following topics:


The Templates menu includes the following option:

Template Library

Template Library includes the following tabs:

Template Library

You can add, edit, or delete templates that are configured across different Cisco Nexus and Cisco MDS platforms using Cisco DCNM Web client. From Cisco DCNM Web client home page, choose Configure > Templates > Template Library > Templates. The following parameters are displayed for each template that is configured on Cisco DCNM Web client. Templates support JavaScript. You can use the JavaScript function in a template to perform arithmetic operations and string manipulations in the template syntax.

The following table describes the fields that appear on this page.

Table 1. Templates Operations



Add Template

Allows you to add a new template.

Launch job creation wizard

Allows you to create jobs.

Modify/View Template

Allows you to view the template definition and modify as required.

Save Template As

Allows you to save the selected template in a different name. You can edit the template as required.

Delete Template

Allows you to delete a template

Import Template

Allows you to import a template from your local directory, one at a time.

Export template

Allows you to export the template configuration to a local directory location.

Import Template Zip File

Allows you to import .zip file, that contains more than one template that is bundled in a .zip format

All the templates in the ZIP file are extracted and listed in the table as individual templates.


Notifications appear next to Import Template Zip File if there are issues while loading templates after restarting the server. Click the notifications to see the errors in the Issues in loading Template window. Templates with errors are not listed in the Templates window. To import these templates, correct the errors, and import them.

Table 2. Template Properties



Template Name

Displays the name of the configured template.

Template Description

Displays the description that is provided while configuring templates.


Displays the tag that is assigned for the template and aids to filter templates based on the tags.

Supported Platforms

Displays the supported Cisco Nexus platforms compatible with the template. Check the check box of platforms that are supported with the template.



You can select multiple platforms.

Template Type

Displays the type of the template.

Template Sub Type

Specifies the sub type that is associated with the template.

Template Content Type

Specifies if it is Jython or Template CLI.

Table 3. Advanced Template Properties




Displays the abstract template to be implemented.


Specifies the specific feature of a switch.


Specifies if the template is published or not.


Specifies the base template for importing.

In addition, from the menu bar, choose Configure > Templates > Template Library > Templates and you can also:

  • Click Show Filter to filter the templates that is based on the headers.

  • Click Print to print the list of templates.

  • Click Export to Excel to export the list of template to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

This section contains the following:

Template Structure

The configuration template content mainly consists of four parts. Click the Help icon next to the Template Content for information about editing the content of the template.

This section contains the following:

Template Format

This section describes the basic information of the template. The possible fields are as detailed in the table below.

Property Name


Valid Values



The name of the template




Brief description about the template




Indicates whether the user created the template. Value is ‘true’ if user created.

“true” or “false”



List of device platforms supports this configuration template. Specify ‘All’ to support all platforms.

N1K, N3K, N3500, N4K, N5K, N5500, N5600, N6K, N7K, N9K, MDS, VDC, N9K-9000v, IOS-XE, IOS-XR, Others, All Nexus Switches list separated by comma.



Specifies the type of Template used.

  • CLI

  • POAP


  • SHOW






Specifies the sub type associated with the template.

  • CLI

    • N/A

  • POAP

    • N/A

    • VXLAN


    • VLAN

    • PMN


    • VLAN












    • DEVICE

    • FEX




  • SHOW

    • VLAN












    • DEVICE

    • FEX





    • VXLAN


    • NA


    • VLAN












    • DEVICE

    • FEX





  • CLI


  • POAP




    • PYTHON

  • SHOW




    • PYTHON


    • PYTHON



    • PYTHON



Used to implement the abstract template.




Used to select the specific feature of a switch.




Used to Mark the template as read only and avoids changes to it.

“true” or “false”


Template Variables

This section contains declared variables, the data type, default values, and valid values conditions for the parameters that are used in the template. These declared variables are used for value substitution in the template content section during the dynamic command generation process. Also these variables are used in decision making and in iteration blocks in the template content section. Variables have predefined data types. You can also add a description about the variable. The following table describes the syntax and usage for the available datatypes.

Variable Type

Valid Value






Example: running-config, startup-config



Floating number format



Example: 10.1,50.01



Any number



Contiguous numbers separated by “-“

Discrete numbers separated by “,”

Example: 1-10,15,18,20



Format: <if type><slot>[/<sub slot>]/<port>

Example: eth1/1, fa10/1/2 etc.



Example: eth10/1/20-25, eth11/1-5



IPv4 OR IPv6 address



You can have a list of IPv4, IPv6, or a combination of both types of addresses.

Example 1:,
Example 2: 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334, 
Example 3:,,





Example: 1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8



IPv4 address






IPv6 address



Example: 1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8 



IPv6 Address with Subnet



Example: 49.0001.00a0.c96b.c490.00



Example: 100



14 or 17 character length MAC address format



Free text, for example, used for the description of a variable

string scheduledTime



Example: {a,b,c,str1,str2}



Set of parameters that are bundled under a single variable.

struct <structure name declaration > {
<parameter type> <parameter 1>;
<parameter type> <parameter 2>;
} [<structure_inst1>] [, <structure_inst2>] [, <structure_array_inst3 []>];

struct interface_detail {
	string inf_name;
	string inf_description;
	ipAddress inf_host;
	enum duplex {
		validValues = auto, full, half;
 }myInterface, myInterfaceArray[];




If the struct variable is declared as an array, the variable is iterative.


(Available only in Cisco DCNM Web Client)

Example: 20:01:00:08:02:11:05:03


Example: Template Variables

##template variables
integer VSAN_ID;
integerRange PORT_RANGE;
integer VFC_PREFIX;
Variable Meta Property

Each variable that is defined in the template variable section has a set of meta properties. The meta properties are mainly the validation rules that are defined for the variable.

The following table describes the various meta properties applicable for the available variable types.

Variable Type


Variable Meta Property

default Value

valid Values

decimal Length



min Slot

max Slot

min Port

max Port

min Length

max Length

regular Expr


A boolean value.

Example: true





signed real number.

Example: 75.56, -8.5







range of signed real numbers

Example: 50.5 - 54.75







signed number

Example: 50, -75






Range of signed numbers

Example: 50-65






specifies interface/port

Example: Ethernet 5/10















IP address in IPv4 or IPv6 format



You can have a list of IPv4, IPv6, or a combination of both types of addresses.
Example 1:,,,
Example 2: 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334, 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7335, 2001:0db8:85a3:1230:0000:8a2f:0370:7334
Example 3:,, 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334,



Separate the addresses in the list using commas and not hyphens.



IPv4 or IPv6 Address (does not require prefix/subnet).


IPv4 address



IPv4 Address with Subnet



IPv6 address



IPv6 Address with prefix



IPv6 Address with Subnet



Example: 49.0001.00a0.c96b.c490.00


Example: 100





MAC address


literal string

Example for string Regular expression:
string scheduledTime






string literals that are separated by a comma (,)

Example: {string1, string2}



Set of parameters that are bundled under a single variable.

struct <structure name declaration > {
<parameter type> <parameter 1>;
<parameter type> <parameter 2>;
} [<structure_inst1>] [, <structure_inst2>] [, <structure_array_inst3 []>];


WWN address

Example: Meta Property Usage

##template variables

integer VLAN_ID {
min = 100;
max= 200;

string USER_NAME {
defaultValue = admin123;
minLength = 5;

struct interface_a{
	string inf_name;
	string inf_description;
	ipAddress inf_host;
	enum duplex {
		validValues = auto, full, half;

Variable Annotation

You can configure the variable properties marking the variables using annotations.


Variable Annotations are available for POAP only. However, the annotations do not impact on the template type ‘CLI’.

The following annotations can be used in the template variable section.

Annotation Key

Valid Values




Copies values from one field to another





Description of the field appearing in the window




Enclose the text with quotes, if there is space.

Display name of the field appearing in the window


Text1, Text2, Text3, and so on

Lists the text or numeric values to select from


“true” or “false”

Validates if the string is alphanumeric


“true” or “false”


“true” or “false”


“true” or “false”


“true” or “false”


“true” or “false”


“true” or “false”


“true” or “false”


“true” or “false”


“true” or “false”

Validates if the IP address is a gateway


“true” or “false”

Makes the fields internal and does not display them on the window



Use this annotation only for the ipAddress variable.


“true” or “false”


This annotation must be marked only for variable “ipAddress”.


“true” or “false”

Validates if a value should be passed to the field mandatorily


“true” or “false”


“true” or “false”


“true” or “false”

Converts a string field to multiline string text area


“true” or “false”


“true” or “false”


“true” or “false”

Checks if the value is positive


“true” or “false”


“true” or “false”

Displays or hides a field on the window


“true” or “false”


“true” or “false”


“true” or “false”


“true” or “false”


“true” or “false”


“true” or “false”


“true” or “false”


“true” or “false”


“true” or “false”


“true” or “false”


“true” or “false”


“true” or “false”



Validates the password field


“true” or “false”




Displays the username field on the window



Provides text to override the Description annotation

Example: AutoPopulate Annotation
##template variables
string BGP_AS;
  string SITE_ID;
Example: DisplayName Annotation
##template variables
@(DisplayName="Host Name", Description = "Description of the host")
String hostname;
@(DisplayName="Host Address", Description = " test description" IsManagementIP=true)
ipAddress hostAddress;
Example: IsMandatory Annotation
##template variables
ipV4Address ipv4;
ipV6Address ipv6;
Example: IsMultiLineString Annotation
##template variables
IsShow Annotation

##template variables
boolean isVlan;
integer vlanNo;

##template variables
boolean enableScheduledBackup;
@(IsShow="enableScheduledBackup==true",Description="Server time")
string scheduledTime;
The condition "enableScheduledBackup==true" evaluates to true/false
##template variables
@(IsShow="VRF_LITE_AUTOCONFIG!=Manual",  Description="Target Mask")
The condition "VRF_LITE_AUTOCONFIG!=Manual" matches string comparison to evaluate to true or false
Example: Warning Annotation
##template variables
@(Warning="This is a warning msg")
  string SITE_ID;
Templates Content

This section includes the configuration commands and any parameters that you want to include in the template. These commands can include the variables declared in the template variables section. During the command generation process the variable values are substituted appropriately in the template content.


You must specify the commands that you include as if you were entering them in the global configuration command mode on any device. You must consider the command mode when you include commands.

Template content is governed by the usage of variables.

  • Scalar variables: does not take a range or array of values which cannot be used for iteration (In the variable types table those marked iterate-able as 'No'). Scalar variables must be defined inside the template content.

    Syntax: $$<variable name>$$
    Example: $$USER_NAME$$
  • Iterative variables: used for block iteration. These loop variable must be accessed as shown below inside the iteration block.

    Syntax:@<loop variable>
    foreach val in $$INTEGER_RANGE_VALUE$$ {
  • Scalar Structure Variable: Structure member variables can be accessed inside the template content.

    Syntax: $$<structure instance name>.<member variable name>$$
    Example: $$myInterface.inf_name$$
  • Array Structure Variable: Structure member variables can be accessed inside the template content.

    Syntax: $$<structure instance name>.<member variable name>$$
    Example: $$myInterface.inf_name$$

In addition to the template variables, you can use the conditional and iterative command generation using the following statements:

  • if-else if-else Statement: makes a logical decision in inclusion/exclusion of set of configuration command based on the value assigned for the variable in it.

    Syntax: if(<operand 1>  <logical operator>  <operand 2>){
    command1 ..
    else  if (<operand 3> <logical operator> <operand 4> )
    Command3 ..
    Command5 ..
    Example: if-else if-else statement
    if($$USER_NAME$$ == 'admin'){
    no shut
    else {
  • foreach Statement: used for iterating a block of commands. The iteration is performed based on the assigned loop variable value.

    foreach <loop index variable> in $$<loop variable>$$ {
    @<loop index variable> ..
    Example: foreach Statement
    foreach ports in $$MY_INF_RANGE$${
    interface @ports
    no shut
  • Optional parameters: By default all parameters are mandatory. To make a parameter optional, you must annotate the parameter.

  • Interactive command handling: Include prompt and response as part of the template content for handling interactive commands.

    ##template variables
    string srcFile;
    string srcDir;
    string password;
    string vrf;
    ##template content
    copy scp://root@$$srcFile$$ bootflash: vrf $$vrf$$ <prompt:'(yes/no)?',
    response:'yes'> <prompt:'(y/n)?[n]',
    response:'y'> <prompt:'password:',

In the variable section, you can include the following command:

  • @(IsMandatory=false)

  • Integer frequency;

    In the template content section, a command can be excluded or included without using “if” condition check, by assigning a value to the parameter. The optional command can be framed as below:

  • probe icmp [frequency frequency-value] [timeout seconds] [retry-count retry-count-value]

Template Content Editor

The template content editor has the following features:

  • Syntax highlighting: The editor highlights the syntax, like different types of statements, keywords, and so on, for Python scripting.

  • Autocompletion: The editor suggests the template datatypes, annotations, or metaproperties when you start typing.

  • Go to line: You can navigate to the exact line in the template content editor instead of scrolling. Press Command-L in Mac or Ctrl-L in Windows, and enter the line number to which you want to navigate to in the pop-up window.

    If you enter a value greater than the number of lines in the editor, you will be navigated to the last line in the editor window.

  • Template search and replace: Press Command-F in Mac or Ctrl-F in Windows, enter the search term in the Search for field, and select the type of search in the search window. You can perform the following searches in the editor:

    • RegExp Search: You can perform the regular expression search in the editor.

    • CaseSensitive Search: You can perform a case-sensitive search in the editor.

    • Whole Word Search: You can perform a whole word search to find the exact words in the editor. For example, a regular search for the word "play" returns results where it is part of words like "display," but the whole word search returns results only when there is an exact match for the word "play".

    • Search In Selection: You can perform a search in the selected content. Select the content to which you want to limit the search and enter the search term.

    Choose the + icon in the search window to use the replace option. Enter the replacing word in the Replace with field. You can replace the selected word once by selecting Replace. To replace all the occurrences of the selected word, select All.

  • Code folding: You can expand or group code blocks in the editor by clicking the arrow next to their line numbers.

  • Other features: The editor automatically indents the code, the closing braces, and highlights the matching parenthesis.

Template Editor Settings

You can edit the following features of a template editor by clicking Template Editor Settings.

  • Theme: Select the required theme for the editor from the drop-down list.

  • KeyBinding: Select the editor mode from the KeyBinding drop-down list to customize the editor. Vim and Ace modes are supported. The default is Ace.

  • Font Size: Select the required font size for the editor.

Advanced Features

The following are the advanced features available to configure templates.

  • Assignment Operation

    Config template supports assignment of variable values inside the template content section. The values are validated for the declared data type of the variable. If there is a mismatch, the value is not assigned.

    Assignment operation can be used under the following guidelines:

    • The operator on the left must be any of the template parameters or a for loop parameter.

    • The operator on the right values can be any of the values from template parameters, for loop parameters, literal string values surrounded by quotes or simple string values.

    If a statement does not follow these guidelines, or if it does not suit this format, it will not be considered as assignment operation. It is substituted during command generation like other normal lines.
    Example: Template with assignment operation
    ##template properties
    name =vlan creation;
    userDefined= true;
    supportedPlatforms = All;
    templateType = CLI;
    published = false;
    ##template variables
    integerRange vlan_range;
    integer vlanName;
    ##template content
    foreach vlanID in $$vlan_range$${
    vlan @vlanID
    name myvlan$$vlanName$$
  • Evaluate methods

    Config template uses the Java runtime provided Java script environment to perform arithmetic operations (such as ADD, SUBTRACT, and so on), string manipulations, and so on.

    Locate the JavaScript file in the template repository path. This file contains primary set of arithmetic, string functions. You can also add custom JavaScript methods.

    These methods can be called from config template content section in below format:
    $$somevar$$ = evalscript(add, "100", $$anothervar$$)
    Also the evalscript can be called inside if conditions as below:
    if($$range$$ > evalscript(sum, $$vlan_id$$,  -10)){
    do something...

    You can call a method that is located at the backend of the Java script file.

  • Dynamic decision

    Config template provides a special internal variable “LAST_CMD_RESPONSE”. This variable stores the last command response from the device during the execution of the command. This can be used in the config template content to make dynamic decisions to deliver the commands that are based on the device condition.


    The if block must be followed by an else block in a new line, which can be empty.

    An example use case to create a VLAN, if it is does not exist on the device.
    Example: Create VLAN
    ##template content
    show vlan id $$vlan_id$$
    if($$LAST_CMD_RESPONSE$$ contains "not found"){
    vlan $$vlan_id$$

    This special implicit variable can be used only in the “IF” blocks.

  • Template referencing

    You can have a base template with all the variables defined. This base template can be imported to multiple templates. The base template content is substituted in the appropriate place of the extending template. The imported template parameters and the contents can be accessed inside the extending template.

    Example: Template Referencing
    Base template:
    ##template properties
    	name =a vlan base;
    	userDefined= true;
    	supportedPlatforms = All;
    	templateType = CLI;
    	published = false;
    	timestamp = 2015-07-14 16:07:52;
    	imports = ;
    ##template variables
    	integer vlan_id;
    ##template content
    	vlan $$vlan_id$$
    Derived Template:
    ##template properties
    	name =a vlan extended;
    	userDefined= true;
    	supportedPlatforms = All;
    	templateType = CLI;
    	published = false;
    	timestamp = 2015-07-14 16:07:52;
    	imports = a vlan base,template2;
    ##template variables
    	interface vlanInterface;
    ##template content
    	<substitute a vlan base>
    	interface $$vlanInterface$$
    	<substitute a vlan base>

    When you launch the extended template, the parameter inputs for the base template are also obtained. In addition, the substituted content is used for complete CLI command generation.

  • Solution POAP Templates for VXLAN and FabricPath

    From Cisco DCNM Release 10.0(1), Cisco provides you a set of defined templates to aid in POAP operations. You can download Cisco-defined templates from

    For instructions on how to download and install POAP templates, see Cisco DCNM Installation Guide, Release 10.0(x).

Adding a Template

To add user-defined templates and schedule jobs from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Choose Configure > Templates > Template Library > Templates.

The Templates window is displayed with the name of the template along with its description, supported platforms, and tags.

Step 2

Click Add to add a new template.

The Template Properties window appears.

Step 3

Specify a template name, description, tags, and supported platforms for the new template.

Step 4

Specify a Template Type for the template. Select POAP to make this template available when you power on the application.



The template is considered as a CLI template if POAP is not selected.

Step 5

Select a Template Sub Type and Template Content Type for the template.

Step 6

Click the Advanced tab to edit other properties like Implements, Dependencies, Published, and Imports. Select Published to make the template read-only. You cannot edit a published template.

Step 7

From the Imports > Template Name list, check the template check box.

The base template content is displayed in the Template Content window. The base template displays the template properties, template variables, and template content. This template can be imported in to another template and the base template content is substituted in the appropriate place of the extending template. When you launch the extended template, the parameter inputs for the base template are also obtained. Also, the substituted content is used for complete CLI command generation.



The base templates are CLI templates.

Step 8

Click OK to save the template properties, or click the cancel icon at the top-right corner of the window to revert the changes.



You can edit the template properties by clicking Template Property.

Step 9

Click Template Content to edit the template syntax. For information about the structure of the Configuration Template, see the Template Structure section.

Step 10

Click Validate Template Syntax to validate the template values.

If an error or a warning message appears, you can check the validation details in Validation Table by clicking the error and warnings field.



You can continue to save the template if there are warnings only. However, if there is an error, you must edit the templates to fix the errors before you proceed. Click the line number under the Start Line column to locate the error in the template content. You will get an error if you validate a template that does not have a template name.

Step 11

Click Save to save the template.

Step 12

Click Save and Exit to save the configuration and go back to the configuring templates screen.

Configuring Template Job

To configure and schedule jobs for individual templates from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Choose Configure > Templates > Template Library > Templates.

Step 2

Select a template.



Config Job wizard is applicable only for CLI templates.

Step 3

Click Launch job creation wizard icon and click Next.

Step 4

Use the drop-down to select Device Scope.

The devices that are configured under the selected Device Scope are displayed.



If no devices are displayed, check if the device LAN credentials are configured by choosing Administration > Credentials Management > LAN Credentials.

Step 5

Use the arrows to move the devices to the right column for job creation and click Next.

Step 6



Based on the selected template, variables vary.

Step 7

In the Edit Variable Per Device section, double click the fields to edit the variables for specific devices and click Next.

Step 8

If you have selected multiple devices, use the drop-down to select a specific device and preview its configuration. Click Back to edit the configuration or click Next.

Step 9

Specify a job name and description.

The Device Credentials are populated from Administration > Credentials Management > LAN Credentials.

Step 10

Use the radio button to select Instant Job or Schedule Job.

If you select Schedule Job, specify the date and time for the job delivery.

Step 11

Use the check box to select Copy Run to Start.

Step 12

If you want to configure more transaction and delivery options, use the check box to select Show more options.

Step 13

Under Transaction Options(Optional), if you have a device with rollback feature support, select Enable Rollback check box and select the appropriate radio button.

You can choose one of the following options by selecting the appropriate radio button:

  • Rollback the configuration on a device if there is any failure on that device

  • Rollback the configuration on all the devices if there is any failure on any device

  • Rollback the configuration on a device if there is any failure on any device and stop further configuration delivery to remaining devices

Step 14

Under Delivery Options (Optional), specify the command response timeout in seconds and use the radio button to select a delivery order. The value of command response timeout ranges from 1 to 180.

You can choose one of the following options by selecting the appropriate radio button:

  • Deliver configuration one device at a time in sequential

  • Delivery configuration in parallel to all devices at the same time

Step 15

Click Finish to create the job.

A confirmation message is displayed that the job has been successfully created. The jobs are listed in the Jobs window.

Modifying a Template

You can edit the user-defined templates. However, the predefined templates and templates that are already published cannot be edited.


Step 1

From Configure > Templates > Template Library > Templates, select a template.

Step 2

Click Modify/View template.

Step 3

Edit the template description and tags.

The edited template content is displayed in a pane on the right.

Step 4

From the Imports > Template Name list, check the template check box.

The base template content is displayed in the Template Content window. You can edit the template content based on your requirement in the Template Content window. Click the help icon next to the Template Content window for information about editing the content of the template.

Step 5

Edit the supported platforms for the template.

Step 6

Click Validate Template Syntax to validate the template values.

Step 7

Click Save to save the template.

Step 8

Click Save and Exit to save the configuration and go back to the configuring templates screen.

Copying a Template

To copy a template from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Choose Configure > Templates > Template Library > Templates, and select a template.

Step 2

Click Save Template As.

Step 3

Edit the template name, description, tags, and other parameters.

The edited template content is displayed in the right-hand pane.

Step 4

From the Imports > Template Name list, check the template check box.

The base template content is displayed in the Template Content window. You can edit the template content that is based on your requirement in the Template Content window. Click the help icon next to the Template Content window for information about editing the content of the template.

Step 5

Edit the supported platforms for the template.

Step 6

Click Validate Template Syntax to validate the template values.

Step 7

Click Save to save the template.

Step 8

Click Save and Exit to save the configuration and go back to the configuring templates screen.

Deleting a Template

You can delete the user-defined templates. However, you cannot delete the predefined templates. From Cisco DCNM Release 11.0(1), you can delete multiple templates at once.

To delete a template from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Choose Configure > Templates > Template Library > Templates.

Step 2

Use the check box to select a template and click Remove template icon.

The template is deleted without any warning message.

What to do next

The template is deleted from the list of templates on the DCNM Web UI. When you restart the DCNM services, the deleted templates are displayed on the Configure > Templates > Template Library > Templates page.

To delete the template permanently, delete the template that is located in your local directory: Cisco Systems\dcm\dcnm\data\templates\.

Importing a Template

To import a template from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Choose Configure > Templates > Template Library > Templates and click Import Template.

Step 2

Browse and select the template that is saved on your computer.

You can edit the template parameters, if necessary. For information, see Modifying a Template.



The “\n” in the template is considered as a new line character when imported and edited, but it works fine when imported as a ZIP file.

Step 3

Click Validate Template Syntax to validate the template.

Step 4

Click Save to save the template or Save and Exit to save the template and exit.



You can import Cisco-defined FabricPath and IP VXLAN Programmable Fabric POAP Templates to the Cisco DCNM Web Client. For more information, see Installing POAP Templates.

Exporting a Template
To export a template from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Choose Configure > Templates > Template Library > Templates.

Step 2

Use the check box to select a template and click Export Template.

The browser requests you to open or save the template to your directory.

Installing POAP Templates

Cisco DCNM allows you to add, edit, or delete user-defined templates that are configured across different Cisco Nexus platforms. From Cisco DCNM Release 10.0(x), Cisco-defined FabricPath and IP VXLAN Programmable Fabric POAP Templates are provided as a separate download on the official Cisco website. These templates are compatible for use with the DCNM Virtual Appliance (OVA or ISO) for use with Nexus 2000, Nexus 5000, Nexus 6000, Nexus 7000, and Nexus 9000 Series switches.

You can download the Cisco-defined templates from

Perform the following task to install the POAP templates from the Cisco DCNM.


Step 1

Navigate to, and download the file.

You can choose one of the following:


  • file

Step 2

Unzip and extract the files to the local directory on your computer.

Step 3

Choose Configure > Templates > Template Library > Templates.

Step 4

Click Import Template.

Step 5

Browse and select the template that is saved on your computer. You can edit the template parameters, if necessary.

Step 6

Check POAP and Publish check box to designate these templates as POAP templates.

Step 7

Click Validate Template Syntax to validate the template.

Step 8

Click Save to save the template or Save and Exit to save the template and exit.

Configuring Jobs

To configure jobs from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Choose Configure > Templates > Templates Library > Jobs.

The jobs are listed along with the Job ID, description and status. The latest task will be listed at the top.



If failover is triggered in Native HA, the Job ID sequence number is incremented by 32.

Step 2

Click Show Filter to filter the list.

In the Status column, use the drop-down to select the job status.

Step 3

Select a job and click the Delete icon to delete the job.

Step 4

To view the status of a job, click the Job ID radio button and click Status.

Step 5

To view the command execution status for a device, click the radio button of a device name from the Devices table in the Job Execution Status window.


You can delete multiple jobs at once, but you cannot view the status of multiple jobs at once.


The Backup menu includes the following submenus:

Switch Configuration

This feature allows you to backup device configurations from running configuration as a regular text file in the file system. However, you can also perform operations on startup configuration. The backup files can be stored in the DCNM server host or on a file server.

You can also configure the archive system to support scheduling of jobs for the selected list of devices. You can configure only one job for a switch.

The following tables describe the icons and fields that appear on Configure > Backup > Switch Configuration.

Table 4. Switch Configuration Operations



Copy Configuration to bootflash

Allows you to copy a configuration file of a switch to the bootflash of the selected destination switches.

View Configuration

Allows you to view the configuration file.

Delete Configuration

Allows you to delete the configuration file.

Compare Configuration

Allows you to compare two configuration files, from different devices or on the same device.

Export Configuration

Allows you to export a configuration file from the DCNM server.

Import User-Defined Configuration

Allows you to import a user-defined configuration file to the DCNM server.

Restore Configuration to devices

Allows you to restore configuration from the selected devices.

Archive Jobs

Allows you to add, delete, view, or modify the jobs.
Table 5. Switch Configuration Field and Description



Device Name

Displays the device name

Click the arrow next to the device to view the configuration files.

IP Address

Displays the IP address of the device.


Displays the group of the device.


Displays the configuration files that are archived for that device.

Archive Time

Displays the time when the device configuration files were archived.

The format is Day:Mon:DD:YYYY HH:MM:SS.


Displays the size of the archived file.

This section contains the following:

Copy Configuration

You can copy the configuration files to the same device, to another device, or multiple devices concurrently.

Perform the following task to view the status of tasks.


Step 1

From Cisco DCNM home page, choose Configure > Backup > Switch Configuration. Select any startup/running/archive configuration of the device that you must copy.

Step 2

Click Copy Configuration to bootflash.

Copy Configuration to bootflash page appears, displaying the Source Configuration Preview and Selected Devices area.

Source Configuration Preview area shows the contents of running/startup/version configuration file which is copied to the devices.

Step 3

In the Selected Devices area, check the device name check box to copy the configuration to the device.



You can select multiple destination devices to copy the configuration.

The selected devices area shows the following fields:

  • Device Name—Specifies the target device name to which the source configuration is copied.

  • IP Address—Specifies the IP Address of the destination device.

  • Group—Specifies the group to which the device belongs.

  • Status—Specifies the status of the device.

Step 4

Click Copy.

A confirmation window appears.

Step 5

Click Yes to copy the configuration to the destination device configuration.

View Configuration

You can view or edit the configuration file on the device.

Perform the following task to view or edit the configuration file for the devices.


Step 1

From Cisco DCNM home page, choose Configure > Backup > Switch Configuration. Click the arrow next to the device name to view the configuration files on the device. Select the configuration file radio button to view the configuration file.

Step 2

Click the View Configuration.

The View Configuration window appears showing the configuration file content.

Delete Configuration

Perform the following task to delete the configuration file from the device.


Ensure that you take a backup of the configuration file before you delete.


Step 1

From Cisco DCNM home page, choose Configure > Backup > Switch Configuration. Click the arrow next to the device name to view the configuration files on the device.

Step 2

Click the configuration file radio button to be deleted.



You can delete multiple configuration files. However, you cannot delete startup, or running configuration files.

Step 3

Click Yes to delete the configuration file.

Compare Configuration Files

This feature allows you to compare the configuration file with another version of the same device or with the configuration file of another device.

Perform the following task to compare the configuration files.


Step 1

Navigate to Configure > Backup > Switch Configuration. Click the arrow next to the device name to view the configuration files on the device.

Step 2

Check the check box and select two configuration files to compare.

The first file that you selected is designated as Source and the second configuration file is designated as the Target file.

Step 3

Click Compare Configuration.

View Config Diff page appears, displaying the difference between the two configuration files.

The Source and Target configuration files content is displayed in two columns. From the drop-down list in the right-top corner, choose All to view the entire configuration. You can also choose Changed to view the configuration differences of the configuration files.

The differences in the configuration file are show in the table, with legends.

  • Red: Deleted configuration details.

  • Green: New added configuration.

  • Blue: Modified configuration details.

Step 4

Click Copy to Target to copy the source configuration to the target configuration file. Click Cancel to revert to the configuration details page.

The Copy Configuration window displays the source configuration preview and the target device of the destination configuration. The selected devices area shows the following fields:

  • Device Name—Specifies the target device name to which the source configuration is copied.

  • IP Address—Specifies the IP Address of the destination device.

  • Group—Specifies the group to which the device belongs.

  • Status—Specifies the status of the device.

Step 5

Click Yes to copy the configuration to the destination device configuration.

Export Configuration

You can export a configuration file from the Cisco DCNM server. Perform the following task to export a configuration file.


Step 1

From Cisco DCNM home page, choose Configure > Backup, select a configuration to export.

Step 2

Click Export Configuration.

The files are downloaded in your local system. You can use the third-party file transfer tools to transfer these files to an external server.

Import Configuration File

You can import the configuration file from the file server to the Cisco DCNM.

Perform the following task to import a single or multiple configuration files.


Step 1

From Cisco DCNM home page, choose Configure > Backup > Switch Configuration and click Import User-Defined Configuration.

The file server directory opens.

Step 2

Browse the directory and select the configuration file that you want to import. Click Open.

A confirmation screen appears.



The file name should not contain forward slash (/) or backward slash (\).

The file name can be alphanumeric. It can also have a period (.), underscore (_), and a space. You can import only files with the .cfg extension.

Step 3

Click Yes to import the selected file.

The imported configuration file appears as a User Imported file.

Restore Configuration

You can restore the configuration file from the selected switches. From Cisco DCNM Release 11.0(1), you can restore configuration based on the selected date as well.


You cannot restore the configuration for SAN switches and FCoE-enabled switches.

Perform the following task to restore the configuration from the selected devices.


Step 1

From Cisco DCNM home page, choose Configure > Backup > Switch Configuration, and click Restore.

Step 2

Select the type of restore from the drop-down list. You can choose Version-based or Date-based.


  • If you choose date-based restore, you have to select the date and time. The configuration available before the mentioned time is restored.

  • If you choose version-based restore, you have to choose a configuration from the Configuration column. You can view the configuration details in the View column.

Step 3

Check the Device Name check box from which you want to restore the configuration. Click Restore.

The Devices area shows the following fields:

  • Device Name—Specifies the device name from which the configuration file is restored.

  • IP Address—Specifies the IP Address of the device.

  • Group—Specifies the group to which the device belongs.

  • Status—Specifies the status of the device.



You can restore the configuration only from the same device. If you select user-imported configuration files, you can restore configuration for any number of devices.

Archive Jobs

This section contains context-sensitive online help content under Cisco DCNM Configure > Backup > Switch Configuration >Archive Jobs.

DCNM switch archive jobs list SNMPv3 as a requirement. Error cause in job execution is "Switch is not managed using SNMPv3", status is "Not Eligible". This is not documented.


The configuration files from the archived jobs are located in the DCNM Server directory: \dcm\dcnm\data\archive\<dcnm-ip-address>\. You can use the third-party file transfer tools or file transfer commands to transfer these files to an external server.

The following table describes the fields that appear on the Archive Jobs window.




Specifies who created this job.


Specifies the group to which this job belongs.

Group Job

Specifies whether it is a group job or a per-device job. The values are true or false.


Specifies the schedule of the job. Also show the recurrence information.

Last Execution

Specifies the date and time at which this job was last executed.

Job Status

Specifies if the job was successful, scheduled, running, or failure.



Running and Scheduled status is not applicable for existing jobs in an upgraded Cisco DCNM.

Status shows Not Eligible and an error appears Switch is not managed using SNMPv3, when SNMPv3 is not enabled on DCNM.

User Comments

Specifies the comments or description provided by the user.
Archive Jobs

To add, delete or view the job from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


You must set the SFTP/TFTP/SCP credentials before you configure jobs. On the DCNM Web Client, navigate to Administration > DCNM Server > Archive FTP Credentials to set the credentials.


Step 1

Choose Configure > Backup > Switch Configuration > Archive Jobs > Archive Jobs tab, and click Add Job.

The Create Job screen displays the Schedule, Device Selection and Selected Devices.

A backup is scheduled as defined.

  1. In the Schedule area, configure the start time, repeat interval and repeat days.

    • Start At: Configure the start time using the hour:minutes:second drop-down lists.

      • Once: Configure the job to be executed once, on the particular day. The time at which this job will be executed is determined by the Start At field.

      • Now—Configure the job to be executed immediately. Cisco DCNM will consider the default date and time as configured on the server.



        You can schedule a job to run Now even if a job is already scheduled.

      • Daily: Check the check box on the days you want this job to be executed. The time at which this job will be executed is determined by the Start At field.

      • Real Time: Configure the job to be executed if there is any configuration changes in the device. The device must be quiet for 5 minutes, after which the DCNM Sever will execute this job.

    • Repeat Interval: Check the Repeat Interval check box to repeat the job at scheduled intervals. Configure the intervals using either days or hours drop-down list.

    • Comments: Enter your comments, if any.

  2. In the Device Selection area, use the radio button to choose one of the following:

    • Device Group: Click the Device Group radio button to select the entire group of devices for this job.

      Select the Device Group from the drop-down list.



      When the devices are not licensed, they will not be shown under the group on the Cisco DCNM Configure > Backup > Switch Configuration > Archive Jobs. When none of the devices under a group is licensed, the group alone will be shown with no devices, until a device under that group is licensed.

    • Selected Devices: Click the Selected Devices radio button to select one of multiple devices from various groups for this job.

      Select the devices from the drop-down list.

      From Cisco DCNM Release 11.2(1), you can apply VRF for all the selected devices simultaneously. You can either apply Management VRFs or Default VRFs.



    When the SAN and LAN credentials are not configured for a switch, it will not be listed in the Selected Devices drop-down list. To configure, navigate to Administration > Credentials Management > SAN Credentials and Administration > Credentials Management > LAN Credentials.

  3. In the Selected Devices area, the following fields are shown:

    • Name: Specifies the name of the device on which the job is scheduled.

    • IP Address: Specifies the IP Address of the device.

    • Group: Specifies the group to which the device belongs.

    • VRF: Specifies the virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) instance.

      Select a VRF type to modify the existing VRF type to the specified device. You can either apply Management VRFs or Default VRFs.



    If a job for a device exists under device level, you can create a group level job which includes this switch as part of that group. However, this switch will be excluded during the execution of the job.

  4. Click Create to add a new job.

Step 2

To delete a job, from the Cisco DCNM home page, choose Configure > Backup > Switch Configuration > Archive Jobs > Archive Jobs, and select a job.

  1. Click Delete Job.

    The Schedule, Device Selection and the Selected devices for this job is displayed.

  2. Click Delete.

Step 3

To view the details of the job, from the Cisco DCNM home page, choose Configure > Backup > Switch Configuration > Archive Jobs > Archive Jobs, and check the job check box.

  1. Click View/Modify Job.

    The Schedule, Device Selection and the Selected devices for this job is displayed.

  2. Modify the required details. Click OK to revert to view the list of jobs.


    • You cannot modify a job that is scheduled to be run Now to one that is scheduled to be run Daily.

    • You cannot modify the repeat interval duration for an archive job. When you try to modify, the operation fails and the job is deleted. You must delete existing repeat interval archive job and create a new job.

What to do next

You can also configure the Cisco DCNM to retain the number of archived files per device. Choose Administration > DCNM Server > Server Properties, and update the archived.versions.limit field.

Job Execution Details

The Cisco DCNM Web Client > Configure > Backup > Switch Configuration > Archive Jobs > Archive Jobs > Job Execution Details tab shows the following tabs in the Job Execution History table.



Job Name

Displays the system-generated job name.


Specifies the persona of the person who created the job.

Device Group

Specifies fabric or the LAN group under which the job was created.


Specifies the IP Address of the Device.


Specifies the IP Address of the DCNM Server to which the device is associated with.


Specifies if the SFTP, TFTP, or SCP protocol is applied.

Execution time

Specifies the time at which the job was last executed.


Specifies the status of the job.

  • Skipped

  • Failed

  • Successful

Error Cause

Specifies the error if the job has failed. The categories are as follows:

  • No change in the configuration.

  • Switch is not managed by this server.



If the error cause column is empty, it implies that the job was executed successfully.

Hover over the error cause to view the complete description.


A user with network operator role can view configuration archives for a switch and their details in the Archives window.

The following tables describe the icons and fields that are displayed in this window.

Table 6. Archive Operations




Allows you to compare two configuration files either from different devices or on the same device.


Allows you to view a configuration file.

Table 7. Archive Field and Description

Field Name


Device Name

Displays the device name

Click on the arrow next to the device to view the configuration files.

IP Address

Displays the IP address of the device.


Displays the group of the device.


Displays the configuration files that are archived for that device.

Archive Time

Displays the time at which the device configuration files were archived.

The format is Day:Mon:DD:YYYY HH:MM:SS.


Displays the size of the archived file.

This section contains the following:

Compare Configuration Files

You can compare one version of a configuration file with another version of the same configuration file in the same device, or the configuration files of two different devices.

To compare the configuration files from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Choose Configure > Backup > Archives.

Step 2

In the Archives area, click the arrow that is adjacent the name of the device whose configuration files you want to view. The list of configuration files is displayed.

Step 3

Check the check box next to configuration files and select two configuration files to compare.

The first file that you select is designated as the source and the second configuration file is designated as the target file.

Step 4

Click Compare.

The View Config Diff page displays the difference between the two configuration files.

The Source and Target configuration files content are displayed in two columns. Choose All from the drop-down list in the right-top corner to view the entire configuration. Choose Changed to view the configuration differences between the configuration files.

The differences in the configuration files are shown in a table, with legends.

  • Red: Deleted configuration details.

  • Green: New added configuration.

  • Blue: Modified configuration details.

View Configuration

You can view an archived configuration file.

To view or edit the configuration file for the devices from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Choose Configure > Backup > Archives.

The Archives window is displayed.

Step 2

Click the arrow that is next to the name of the device whose configuration files you want to view.

The list of configuration files are displayed.

Step 3

Select the radio button that is next to the corresponding file you want to view.

Step 4

Click the View configuration icon.

The View configuration window appears showing the configuration file content in the right column.

Network Config Audit

Cisco DCNM provides auditing for the configuration changes across the network switches. The Network Audit Reporting feature enables you to a generate audit report so that you can track the added, deleted, or modified configurations. You will be able to generate the network audit reports only when you have existing archival jobs. Using the generated reports, you can view the config differences on a device for a specified period.

This section contains the following:

Generating Network Config Audit Reports

To generate the network config audit reports from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Choose Configure > Backup > Network Config Audit.

The Network Audit Report window is displayed.

Step 2

In the Devices drop-down list, choose the devices to generate a report.

Step 3

Specify the Start Date and the End Date.

Step 4

Click Generate Report to view the configuration differences. The configuration differences are color-coded.

  • Red: Deleted Configuration
  • Green: Newly Added Configuration
  • Blue: Changed configuration
  • Strikethrough: Old configuration

After you generate a report, you can export the configuration reports into an HTML file.

Creating a Network Config Audit Report
To create a network config audit job and view the configuration differences between the devices from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Choose Monitor > Report > Generate.

The left pane shows various reports that you can create.

Step 2

Choose Common > Network Config Audit.

Step 3

In the Report Name field, enter the name of the report.

Step 4

In the Repeat field, choose the appropriate repeat interval, that is, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.

Daily job generates a report of configuration differences for all the selected devices for last 1 day. Weekly job generates a report for the last 7 days, and the monthly job generates a report for the last 30 days.

Step 5

In the Start and End date fields, specify the start and end date for the report.

Step 6

In the Email Report field, specify the email delivery options.

  • No: Select this option if you do not want to send the report through email.
  • Link Only: Select this option if you want to send the link to the report.
  • Contents: Select this option if you want to send the report content.

If you select Link Only or the Contents option, enter the email address and subject in the To and Subject fields.

Monitoring Network Config Audit Report
To monitor the network config audit report from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Choose Monitor > Report > View.

Step 2

Choose Common > Network Config Audit in the left pane to the network config audit reports.

Deleting a Network Config Audit Report
To delete a network config audit report from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:

Step 1

Choose Monitor > Report > View.

Step 2

Choose Common > Network Config Audit.

The View Reports window is displayed with the reports that you have created.

Step 3

Select the reports that you want to delete, and click the Delete icon.

Image Management

Upgrading your devices to the latest software version manually might take a long time and prone to error, which requires a separate maintenance window. To ensure rapid and reliable software upgrades, image management automates the steps associated with upgrade planning, scheduling, downloading, and monitoring. Image management is supported only for Cisco Nexus switches and Cisco MDS switches.


Before you upgrade, ensure that the POAP boot mode is disabled for Cisco Nexus 9000 Series switches and Cisco Nexus 3000 Series switches. To disable POAP, run the no boot poap enable command on the switch console. You can however, enable it after the upgrade.

The Image Management menu includes the following submenu:

Upgrade [ISSU]

The Upgrade [ISSU] menu includes the following submenus:

Upgrade History [ISSU]

This feature enables you to upgrade the Cisco Nexus Platform Switches using In-Service Software Upgrade (ISSU). This upgrade procedure may be disruptive or non-disruptive based on the device configuration. You can select the Kickstart, System, or SSI images required for the upgrade from a remote server using SFTP, SCP, TFTP, FTP or from image repository or the file system on the device. Image repository can use SCP, SFTP, FTP, or TFTP as file transfer protocol. To select the images from the repository, the same needs to be uploaded from Configure > Image Management > Repositories tab.

The following table describes the fields that appear on Configure > Image Management > Upgrade [ISSU] > Upgrade History.



Task Id

Specifies the serial number of the task. The latest task will be listed in the top.


If Failover is triggered in Native HA, the Task Id sequence number is incremented by 32.

Task Type

Specifies the type of task.

  • Compatibility

  • Upgrade


Based on the Role-Based Authentication Control (RBAC), specifies the owner who initiated this task.


Displays all the devices that were selected for this task.

Job Status

Specifies the status of the job.

  • Planned

  • In Progress

  • Completed

  • Completed with Exceptions



    If the job fails on a single or multiple devices, the status field shows COMPLETED WITH EXCEPTION indicating a failure.

Created Time

Specifies the time when the task was created.

Scheduled At

Specifies the time when the task is specified to be executed. You can also choose to schedule a task to be executed at a later time.

Completed Time

Specifies the time when the task was completed.


Shows any comments that the Owner has added while performing the task.


After a fresh Cisco DCNM installation, this page will have no entries.

You can perform the following:

New Installation

To upgrade the devices that are discovered from the Cisco DCNM, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Choose Configure > Image Management > Upgrade [ISSU] > Upgrade History.

Step 2

Choose New Installation to install, or upgrade the kickstart and the system images on the devices.

The devices with default VDCs are displayed in the Select Switches window.

Step 3

Select the check box to the left of the switch name.

You can select more than one switch and move the switches to the right column.

Step 4

Click Add or Remove icons to include the appropriate switches for upgrade.

The selected switches appear in a column on the right.

Step 5

Click Next.

The Pre-Post ISSU Reports window appears.



Pre-Post ISSU Reports are not supported in SAN and Media Controller installations.

Step 6

Click Next.

The Specify Software Images window appears. This tab displays the switches that you selected in the previous screen. You can choose the images for upgrade as well.

  • The Auto File Selection check box enables you to specify a file server, an image version, and a path where you can apply the upgraded image to the selected devices.
  • In the Select File Server drop-down list, select the one of the file servers that is created in the Cisco DCNM repositories.

  • In the Image Version field, specify the image version. For example, enter 7.3.9.D1.1 in the Image Version field if you have selected m9700-sf3ek9-kickstart-mz.7.3.0.D1.1.bin as the image version.
  • In the Path field, specify the image path. Specify an absolute path if you choose SCP or SFTP. For example, //root/images/. Specify a relative path to the FTP or TFTP home directory if you choose FTP or TFTP. Specify the absolute path of the image if you’re using TFTP server that is provided by Cisco DCNM, local DCNM TFTP. You can’t use the same DCNM TFTP server for creating another job when the current job is in progress.

Step 7

Click Select Image in the Kickstart image column.

The Software Image Browser dialog box appears.


  • Cisco Nexus 3000 Series and 9000 Series Switches require only the system image to load the Cisco NX-OS operating system. Therefore, the option to select kickstart images for these devices is disabled.

  • If there’s an issue in viewing the Software Image Browser dialog box, reduce the font size of your browser and retry.

Step 8

Click Select Image in the System Image column.

The Software Image Browser dialog box appears.

Step 9

On the Software Image Browser dialog box, you can choose the image from File Server or Switch File System.

If you choose File Server:

  1. From the Select the File server list, choose the appropriate file server on which the image is stored.

    The servers at Configure > Image Management > Repositories are displayed in the drop-down list.

  2. From the Select Image list, choose the appropriate image. Check the check box to use the same image for all other selected devices of the same platform.

    Example: For platform types N7K-C7009 and N7K-C7010, logic matches platform (N7K) and three characters (C70) from subplatform. The same logic is used across all platform switches.



    Only files with BIN extension are listed if you select File Server. To view other files, choose Administration > DCNM Server > Server Properties, set FILE_SELECTION_FILTER to false, and restart the server. It is set to true by default.

  3. Choose a VRF from the Select Vrf drop-down list.



    This field does not appear for Cisco MDS switches.

    This VRF is selected for other selected devices by default. The default value is management.

  4. Click OK.

    If the file server selected is either ftp or tftp, in the text box, enter the relative path of the file from the home directory.

    This image is selected for all other selected devices of same platform type.

If you choose Switch File System:

  1. From the Select Image list, choose the appropriate image that is located on the flash memory of the device.



    Only files with BIN extension are listed if you select Switch File System. To view other files, choose Administration > DCNM Server > Server Properties, set FILE_SELECTION_FILTER to false, and restart the server. It is set to true by default.

  2. Click OK to choose the kickstart image or Cancel to revert to the Specify Software Images dialog box.

Step 10

The Vrf column indicates the name of the virtual routing and forwarding (VRF).

VRF is not applicable for Cisco MDS devices.

Step 11

In the Available Space column, specify the available space for the Primary Supervisor and Secondary Supervisor modules of the switch.

Available Space column shows the available memory in MB on the switch (for less than 1 MB, it’s shown and marked as KB).

Bootflash browser shows the filename, size, and last modified date for all the files and directories on the switch bootflash. You can delete files by selecting them and clicking Delete to increase the available space on the switch.

Step 12

Selected Files Size column shows the size of images that are selected from the SCP or SFTP server.

If the total size of selected images is greater than available space on a switch, the file size is marked in red. We recommend that you create more space on the switch to copy images to it and install.

Step 13

Drag and drop the switches to reorder the upgrade task sequence.

Step 14

(Optional) Uncheck Skip Version Compatibility check box if you want to check the compatibility of Cisco NX-OS software version on your device with the upgraded images that you chose.

Step 15

Select Select Parallel Line Card upgrade to upgrade all the line cards at the same time.

Upgrading a parallel line card isn’t applicable for Cisco MDS devices.

Step 16

Click Options under the Upgrade Options column to choose the type of upgrade.

Upgrade Options window appears with two upgrade options. The drop-down list for Upgrade Option 1 has the following options:

  • Disruptive

  • Bios force

  • Allow non-disruptive

  • Force non-disruptive

Disruptive is the default value for Cisco Nexus 9000 Series switches. The upgrade option is Not Applicable for other switches.

When you choose Allow non-disruptive under Upgrade Option 1 and if the switch does not support non-disruptive upgrade, then it will go through a disruptive upgrade.

When you choose Force non-disruptive under Upgrade Option 1, the Skip Version Compatibility check box will be unchecked because compatibility check is mandatory for non-disruptive upgrade. If the switches you choose do not support non-disruptive upgrade, a warning message appears asking you to review the switch selection. Use the check boxes to choose or remove switches.

The drop-down list for Upgrade Option 2 has the following options when you choose Allow non-disruptive or Force non-disruptive under Upgrade Option 1:

  • NA

  • bios-force

When you choose Disruptive or Bios-force under Upgrade Option 1, Upgrade Option 2 is disabled.

Check the Use this Option for all other selected devices check box to use the selected option for all the selected devices and click OK.


  • The upgrade options are applicable only for Cisco Nexus 3000 Series and 9000 Series switches.

  • Selecting the Allow non-disruptive option for upgrading does not ensure a non-disruptive upgrade. Perform a compatibility check to ensure that the device supports non-disruptive upgrade.

Step 17

Click Next.

If you didn’t select Skip Version Compatibility, the Cisco DCNM performs a compatibility check.

You can choose to wait until the check is complete or click Finish Installation Later.

The installation wizard is closed and a compatibility task is created in Configure > Image Management > Upgrade [ISSU] > Upgrade History tasks.

The time that is taken to check the image compatibility depends on the configuration and the load on the device.

The Version Compatibility VerificationCompatibility Verification status column displays the status of verification.

If you skip the version compatibility check by choosing Skip Version Compatibility, Cisco DCNM displays only the name of the device. The Current Action column displays Completed, and the Compatibility Verification column displays Skipped.

You can review the switch selection and check or uncheck the switches for upgrading accordingly.

Step 18

Click Finish Installation Later to perform the upgrade later.

Step 19

Click Next.

Step 20

Check the Next check box to put a device in maintenance mode before upgrade.

Step 21

Check the check box to save the running configuration to the startup configuration before upgrading the device.

Step 22

You can schedule the upgrade process to occur immediately or later.

  1. Select Deploy Now to upgrade the device immediately.

  2. Select Choose time to Deploy and specify the time in MMM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS format to perform the upgrade later.

    This value is relative to the server time. If the selected time to deploy is in the past, the job is executed immediately.

Step 23

You can choose the execution mode based on the devices and the line cards you have chosen to upgrade.

  1. Select Sequential to upgrade the devices in the order you chose them.



    This option is disabled if you put the device in maintenance mode.

  2. Select Concurrent to upgrade all the devices at the same time.

Step 24

Click Finish to begin the upgrade process.

The Installation wizard closes and a task to upgrade is created on the Configure > Image Management > Upgrade [ISSU] > Upgrade History page.

What to do next
After you complete the ISSU on the switch, ensure that you wait for 20 minutes to allow the switch to reboot, and stabilize the SNMP agent. DCNM discovers polling cycles in order to display the new version of the switch on the Cisco DCNM Web UI.
Finish Installation

You can choose to complete the installation for tasks which was completed on the Compatibility Check page. Perform the following task to complete the upgrade process on the devices.


Step 1

Choose Configure > Image Management > Upgrade [ISSU] > Upgrade History, select a task for which the compatibility check is complete.

Select only one task at a time.

Step 2

Click Finish Installation.

Software Installation Wizard appears.

Step 3

Review the switch selection and check or uncheck the switches for upgrading accordingly.

Step 4

Check the check box to save the running configuration to the startup configuration before upgrading the device.

Step 5

Check the check box to put a device in maintenance mode before upgrade. This option is valid only for the devices that support maintenance mode.

Step 6

You can schedule the upgrade process to occur immediately or later.

  1. Select Deploy Now to upgrade the device immediately.

  2. Select Choose time to Deploy and specify the time in DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS format to perform the upgrade later.

Step 7

You can choose the execution mode that is based on the devices and the line cards that you have chosen to upgrade.

  1. Select Sequential to upgrade the devices in the order in which they were chosen.



    This option is disabled if you put the device in maintenance mode.

  2. Select Concurrent to upgrade the devices at the same time.

Step 8

Click Finish to complete the upgrade process.


To view the image upgrade history from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Choose Configure > Image Management > Upgrade [ISSU] > Upgrade History, check the task ID check box.

Select only one task at a time.

Step 2

Click View.

The Installation Task Details window appears.

Step 3

Click Settings. Expand the Columns menu and choose the details you want to view.

You can view the following information in this window:

  • Location of the kickstart and system images

  • Compatibility check status

  • Installation status

  • Descriptions

  • Logs

Step 4

Select the device.

The detailed status of the task appears. For the completed tasks, the response from the device appears.

If the upgrade task is in progress, a live log of the installation process appears.


  • This table autorefreshes every 30 secs for jobs in progress, when you’re on this window.

  • The switch-level status for an ongoing upgrade on a Cisco MDS switch doesn't appear for other users without SAN credentials. To apply SAN Credentials, choose Administration > Credentials Management > SAN Credentials.


To delete a task from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Choose Configure > Image Management > Upgrade [ISSU] > Upgrade History, and check the Task ID check box.

Step 2

Click Delete.

Step 3

Click OK to confirm deletion of the job.

Switch Level History

You can view the history of the upgrade process at a switch level. You can view the current version of the switch and other details.

The following table describes the fields that appear on Configure > Image Management > Upgrade [ISSU] > Switch Level History.



Switch Name

Specifies the name of the switch

IP Address

Specifies the IP Address of the switch


Specifies the Cisco Nexus switch platform

Current Version

Specifies the current version on the switch software

Click the radio button next to a switch name to select the switch and view its upgrade history. Click View to view the upgrade task history for the selected switch.

The following table describes the fields that appear on Configure > Image Management > Upgrade [ISSU] > Switch Level History > View Device Upgrade Tasks:




Specifies the owner who initiated the upgrade.

Job Status

Specifies the status of the job.

  • Planned

  • In Progress

  • Completed

KickStart Image

Specifies the kickStart image that is used to upgrade the Switch.

System Image

Specifies the system image that is used to upgrade the switch.

Completed Time

Specifies the date and time at which the upgrade was successfully completed.

Status Description

Specifies the installation log information of the job.

Patch [SMU]

The Patch [SMU] menu includes the following submenus:

Installation History

This feature allows you to activate or deactivate packages using Software Maintenance Update (SMU). Personnel with Admin privileges can perform this operation.

The following table describes the fields that appear on Configure > Image Management > Patch [SMU] > Installation History.



Task Id

Specifies the serial number of the task. The latest task is listed at the top.

The tasks are performed in the sequential order.

Switch Name

Specifies the name of the switch for which the patch file is installed.

IP Address

Specifies the IP Address of the device.


Specifies if the patch is installed or uninstalled on this device.


Specifies the name of the patch file.


Specifies the status of installation or uninstallation of the patch files.

Status Description

Describes the status of installation or uninstallation of the patch files.

This section contains the following:

Install Patch

To install the patch on your devices from Cisco DCNM Web Client, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Choose Configure > Image Management > Patch [SMU] > Installation History, click Install.

The Select Switches window appears. All the Cisco Nexus switches that are discovered by Cisco DCNM are displayed.

Step 2

Select the check box to the left of a switch name.

You can select more than one device.

Step 3

Click Add or Remove icons to include the appropriate switches for installing the patch.

The selected switches appear in the right column.

Step 4

Click Next.

Step 5

Click Select Packages in the Packages column.

The SMU Package Browser dialog box appears.

Step 6

In the SMU Package Browser dialog box, you can choose the patch file from File Server or Switch File System.

If you choose File Server:

  1. From the Select the file server list, choose the appropriate file server on which the patch is stored.

    The servers, which are listed in the Repositories window, are displayed in the drop-down list. Choose Configure > Image Management > Repositories to view the Repositories window.

  2. From the Select Image list, choose the appropriate patch that must be installed on the device.

    You can select more than one patch file to be installed on the device.



    If the patch installation results in the restart of the device, select only one patch file.

    Check the check box to use the same patch for all other selected devices of the same platform.

    Only files with BIN extension are listed if you select File Server. To view other files, choose Administration > DCNM Server > Server Properties, set FILE_SELECTION_FILTER to false, and restart the server. It is set to true by default.

  3. From the Select Vrf list, choose the appropriate virtual routing and forwarding (VRF).

    The two options in the drop-down list are management and default.

    Check the check box to use the same VRF for all other selected devices.

  4. Click OK to choose the patch image or Cancel to revert to the SMU installation wizard.

If you choose Switch File System:

  1. From the Select Image list, choose the appropriate patch file image that is located on the flash memory of the device.

    You can select more than one patch file to be installed on the device.

    Only files with BIN extension are listed if you select Switch File System. To view other files, choose Administration > DCNM Server > Server Properties, set FILE_SELECTION_FILTER to false, and restart the server. It is set to true by default.

  2. Click OK to choose the image, Clear Selections to uncheck all the check boxes, or Cancel to revert to the SMU Package Browser dialog box.

Step 7

Click Finish.

You will get a confirmation window. Click OK.



SMU installation may reload the switch if the SMU is reloaded.

You can view the list of patches that are installed on the switch in the Switches window by choosing DCNM > Inventory > Switches.

Uninstall Patch

To uninstall the patch on your devices from Cisco DCNM Web Client, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Choose Configure > Image Management > Patch [SMU] > Installation History, click Uninstall.

The Select Switches page appears. The discovered Cisco Nexus switches are displayed.

Step 2

Check the check box on the left of the switch name.

You can select more than one image device.

Step 3

Click Add or Remove icons to include the appropriate switches for installing the patch.

The selected switches appear in a column on the right.

Step 4

Click Next.

The Active Packages page appears.

Step 5

Click Select Packages under the Installed Packages column.

The Packages Installed window appears, which lists the patches that are applied to the switch.

Step 6

Select the patches that you want to uninstall from this device.

You can select more than one patch that is applied on the device.



If the patch uninstallation results in the restart of the device, select only one patch.

Step 7

Click Finish to uninstall the patch from the device.

You will get a confirmation window. Click OK.

You can uninstall more than one patch at a time.



SMU uninstallation may reload the switch if the SMU is reloaded.

Delete Patch Installation Tasks

To delete the patch installation tasks from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Choose Configure > Image Management > Patch [SMU] > Installation History, check the task ID check box.

Step 2

Click Delete.

Step 3

Click OK to confirm deletion of the patch installation task.

Switch Installed Patches

You can view the patches that are installed on all the switches in the network. You can refresh the view to see the latest installed patches.

The following table describes the fields that appear on Configure > Image Management > Patch [SMU] > Switch Installed Patches.



Switch Name

Specifies the name of the switch.

IP Address

Specifies the IP address of the switch.


Specifies the Cisco Nexus switch platform.

Installed Patches

Specifies the currently installed patches on switches.

Click Refresh to refresh the table.

Package [RPM]

The Package [RPM] menu includes the following submenus:

Package Installation [RPM]

The package [RPM] feature allows you to install RPM packages. This feature is available for the Cisco Nexus 9000 Series and 3000 Series Switches.

The following table describes the fields that appear on Configure > Image Management > Package [RPM] > Installation History.



Task Id

Specifies the serial number of the task. The latest task is listed in the top.

The tasks are performed in the sequential order.

Switch Name

Specifies the name of the switch for which the package file is installed.


Specifies the IP address of the device.


Specifies if the package is installed or uninstalled on this device.


Specifies the name of the package file.


Specifies the status of installation or uninstallation of the package files.

Completed Time

Specifies the time at which the installation or uninstallation task completed.

Status Description

Describes the status of installation or uninstallation of the package files.

This section contains the following:

Install Package [RPM]

Perform the following task to install the package on your devices using Cisco DCNM Web client.


Step 1

Choose Configure > Image Management > Package [RPM] > Installation History, click Install.

The Select Switches page appears.

Step 2

Check the check box on the left of the switch name.

You can select more than one device.

Step 3

Click Add or Remove to include appropriate switches for installing packaging.

The selected switches appear in a column on the right.

Step 4

Click Next.

Step 5

Click Select Packages in the Packages column.

The RPM Package Browser screen appears.

Step 6

Choose the package file from File Server or Switch File System.

If you choose File Server:

  1. From the Select the file server list, choose the appropriate file server on which the package is stored.

    The servers at Configure > Image Management > Repositories are displayed in the drop-down list.

  2. From the Select Image list, choose the appropriate package that must be installed on the device.

    You can select more than one package file to be installed on the device.

    Only files with RPM extension are listed if you select File Server. To view other files, choose Administration > DCNM Server > Server Properties, set FILE_SELECTION_FILTER to false, and restart the server. It is set to true by default.

    Check the check box to use the same package for all other selected devices of the same platform.

  3. Click OK to choose the patch image or Cancel to revert to the RPM Installation Wizard.

If you choose Switch File System:

  1. From the Select Image list, choose the appropriate package file image that is located on the flash memory of the device.

    You can select more than one package file to be installed on the device.

    Only files with RPM extension are listed if you select Switch File System. To view other files, choose Administration > DCNM Server > Server Properties, set FILE_SELECTION_FILTER to false, and restart the server. It is set to true by default.

  2. Click OK.

Step 7

In the Installation Type column, choose one of the installation types:

  • Normal—Fresh installation
  • Upgrade—Upgrading the existing RPM
  • Downgrade—Downgrading the existing RPM

Step 8

Click Finish.

You can view the list of packages that are installed on the switch, on the Web Client > Inventory > Switches page.



If you are using Cisco DCNM Release 10.1(2), in case of installation of reload RPMs, perform a manual install commit on the switch after it switch reloads.

Uninstall Package [RPM]

To uninstall the RPM on your devices from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Choose Configure > Image Management > Package [RPM] > Installation History, click Uninstall.

The Select Switches window appears.

Step 2

Check the check box on the left of the switch name.

You can select more than one switch.

Step 3

Click the Add or Remove icons to include the appropriate switches for uninstalling the package.

The selected switches appear in a column on the right.

Step 4

Click Next.

The Active Packages page appears.

Step 5

Click Select Packages under the Installed Packages column.

The Packages Installed window appears, which lists the packages that are installed in the switch.

Step 6

Click Finish to uninstall the package from the device.

You will get a confirmation window. Click OK.

You can uninstall more than one package at a time.


  • If you are using Cisco DCNM Release 10.1(2), in case of uninstallation of reload RPMs, a manual install commit needs to be performed on the switch once the switch is reloaded.

  • RPM uninstallation may reload the switch if the RPM is reload RPM.

Delete Package Installation Tasks

To delete the package installation tasks from the history view from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Choose Configure > Image Management > Package [RPM] > Installation History, select the task ID check box.

Step 2

Click Delete.

Step 3

Click OK to confirm deletion of the task.

Switch Installed Packages

You can view the RPM packages that are installed on all Switches in the network. You can refresh the view to see the latest installed packages.

The following table describes the fields that appear on Configure > Image Management > Packages [RPM] > Switch Installed Packages.



Switch Name

Specifies the name of the switch.

IP Address

Specifies the IP address of the switch.


Specifies the Cisco Nexus switch platform.

Installed Packages

Specifies the currently installed packages on the switches and the type of package. The installed packages can be base packages or non-base packages.

Click Refresh to refresh the table.

Maintenance Mode [GIR]

The Maintenance Mode [GIR] menu includes the following submenus:

Maintenance Mode

The maintenance mode allows you to isolate the Cisco Nexus Switch from the network to perform an upgrade or debug, using Graceful Insertion and Removal (GIR). When the switch maintenance is complete, you can return the switch to normal mode. When the switch is in the maintenance mode, all protocols are gracefully brought down and all physical ports are shut down. When the normal mode is restored, all the protocols and ports are initiated again.

Perform the following to change the system mode of the devices.


Step 1

Choose Configure > Image Management > Maintenance Mode [GIR] > Maintenance Mode, check the switch name check box.

You can select multiple switches.

Step 2

Choose one of the following options under the Mode Selection column:

  • Shutdown

  • Isolate



Click the appropriate option before you change the mode.

Step 3

Click Change System Mode.

A confirmation message appears.

Step 4

Click OK to confirm to change the maintenance mode of the device.

The status of operation can be viewed in the System Mode and the Maintenance Status.

Switch Maintenance History

You can view the history of the maintenance mode changes executed from the Cisco DCNM.

The following table describes the fields that appear on Configure > Image Management > Maintenance Mode [GIR] > Switch Maintenance History.



Task Id

Specifies the serial number of the task. The latest tasks that are listed in the top.

Switch Name

Specifies the name of the switch for which the maintenance mode was changed.

IP Address

Specifies the IP address of the switch.


Specifies the name of the user who initiated the maintenance.

System Mode

Specifies the mode of the system.

Maintenance Status

Specifies the mode of the maintenance process.


Specifies the status of the mode change.

Completed Time

Specified the time at which the maintenance mode activity was completed.

Click the radio button next to the switch name to select the switch for which you need to view the upgrade history. Click View to view the upgrade task history for the selected switch.

The following table describes the fields that appear on Configure > Image Management > Upgrade [ISSU] > Switch Level History > View > Upgrade Tasks History




Specifies the owner who initiated the upgrade.

Job Status

Specifies the status of the job.

  • Planned

  • In Progress

  • Completed

KickStart Image

Specifies the kickstart image that is used to upgrade the Switch.

System Image

Specifies the system image that is used to upgrade the switch.

Completed Time

Specifies the date and time at which the upgrade was successfully completed.

Image and Configuration Servers

To view the Image and Configuration Servers window from the Cisco DCNM Web UI homepage, choose Configure > Image Management > Repositories.

You can view the following details in the Image and Configuration Servers window.




Specifies the name of the repository you upload.


Specifies the path where you uploaded the repository.


Specifies the username of the remote server.

Last Modified

Specifies the date and timestamp of the last modification.

Add Image or Configuration Server URL

To add an image or a configuration server URL to the repository from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

On the Image and Configuration Servers window, click the Add icon.

The Add Image or Configuration Server URL window is displayed.

Step 2

Specify a name for the image.

Step 3

Click the radio button to select the protocol.

The available protocols are SCP, FTP, SFTP, and TFTP. Use the SCP protocol for POAP and Image Management.

You can use IPv4 and IPv6 addresses with these protocols.

Step 4

Enter the hostname or IP address and the path to download or upload files.



If you choose SCP or SFTP protocol and the path is root or /directory, adding an image or configuration server will not be successful.

Step 5

Specify the username and password.

Step 6

Click OK to save.

Deleting an Image

To delete an image from the repository from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

Choose Configure > Image Management > Repositories.

The Image and Configuration Servers window appears.

Step 2

Choose an existing image from the list and click the Delete Image icon.

A confirmation window appears.

Step 3

Click Yes to delete the image.

Editing an Image or Configuration Server URL

To edit an image or a configuration server URL to the repository from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Step 1

On the Image and Configuration Servers window, select an existing image and configuration server from the list, and click Edit.

Step 2

In the Edit Image or Configuration Server URL window, edit the required fields.

Step 3

Click OK to save or click Cancel to discard the changes.

File Browser

You can view the contents of the server on the Image and Configuration Servers page.

  1. In the Image and Configurations page, check the Server Name check box to view the content.

  2. Click File Browser to view the contents of this server.

Image Upload

To upload different types of images to the server from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:


Devices use these images during POAP or image upgrade.

Your user role should be network-admin to upload an image. You can’t perform this operation with the network-stager user role.


Step 1

Choose Configure > Image Management > Repositories.

The Image and Configuration Servers window appears.

Step 2

Click Image Upload.

The Select File to Upload dialog box appears.

Step 3

Click Choose file to choose a file from the local repository of your device.

Step 4

Choose the file and click Upload.

Step 5

Click OK.

The upload takes some time depending on the file size and network bandwidth.

LAN Telemetry Health

Starting from DCNM 11.2(1), Streaming LAN Telemetry preview feature in DCNM is obsolete and is replaced by Network Insights Resources (NIR) application. NIR can be deployed using Cisco DCNM Applications Framework on Web UI > Applications. After the NIR is enabled on a fabric, you can monitor the status on the window in the Cisco DCNM Web UI.

When the connection status is shown as Disconnected the port configuration may not be accepted by the switch correctly. On the switch image 7.0(3)I7(6), if a switch already had nxapi configuration, and later it was managed by DCNM and telemetry was enabled on that fabric, DCNM pushes http port 80 configuration so that it could query some NXAPI commands such as show telemetry transport and show telemetry data collector details , to monitor telemetry connection statistics. In this case, the switch does not update http port 80 in its configuration even though the command was executed correctly. In such a scenario, issue the following commands on the switch:

switch# configure
switch(config)# no feature nxapi
switch(config)# feature nxapi
switch(config)# http port 80


ICAM telemetry commands such as forwarding TCAM and ACL TCAM are not supported on Cisco Nexus C9504, C9508, and C9516 Series platforms for switch images 7.0(3)I7(5) and 7.0(3)I7(6)

LAN Telemetry has the following topics:


Cisco DCNM allows you to monitor the configuration health attributes of Software Telemetry and Flow Telemetry for each fabric. The attributes are displayed for a particular fabric or all fabrics based on the selected SCOPE. Data Center scope displays all fabrics by default.

Software Telemetry

The following table describes the fields that appear in the LAN Telemetry > Health > Software Telemetry window.

Field Description
Fabric Name

Displays the fabric name.

Switch Name

Displays the switch name.

Switch IP

Displays the switch management IP address.

Switch Serial

Displays the switch serial number.

This column is hidden by default. Click the Settings icon, and check the Switch Serial check box to add it to the columns displayed.

Switch Model

Displays the switch model.

This column is hidden by default. Click the Settings icon, and check the Switch Model check box to add it to the columns displayed.

Switch Version

Displays the switch image version.

This column is hidden by default. Click the Settings icon, and check the Switch Version check box to add it to the columns displayed.

Receiver IP Port

Displays the receiver IP and port assigned to a switch to transport telemetry data.

The assigned IP and port will be based on the configured telemetry network, out-of-band or in-band, and the corresponding receiver microservice that is running in NIR application.

Receiver Status

Displays the status of the connection used to transport telemetry data between the switch and the receiver running in the NIR application.

The telemetry manager polls the switch for the connection status every 5 mins.

The valid values are:

  • Connected: The status is Connected when the telemetry manager is able to poll the receiver connection status from the switches.

  • Disconnected: If the status is Disconnected, the reason is mentioned in the Status Reason column.

  • Null: The status is Null when the telemetry manager in DCNM has not polled the receiver connection status from the switches or when it has not received any response from the switch for that request. When the receiver status is Null and if the configuration status is MONITOR or SUCCESS, log into the switch and check the nxapi configuration.

When you enable telemetry on a fabric that is managed by DCNM, the telemetry manager pushes the httpport 80 configuration. If the switch does not have httpport 80 configuration, run the following commands on the switch:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# no feature nxapi 
switch(config)# feature nxapi 
switch(config)# http port80
Configuration Type Displays the connection type ex: gRPC as reported by the switch. This value is obtained as part of the receiver connection status response from the switch. This column is hidden by default. It can be selected by clicking on the settings button.
Expected Config

Click the Expected Config icon to view the expected configuration for the switch in a dialog box. In case of error, the error reason will be displayed in the output.

Configuration Status

Displays the telemetry configuration switch summary status.

The valid values are:

  • MONITOR: Implies that the switch in the fabric was configured as Monitored in the NIR app. In this case, configure these switches manually with the telemetry configurations as displayed in the Expected Config column.

  • PROCESSING: Implies that the switch belonging to the fabric was configured as Managed in the NIR app. In this case, the telemetry manager will configure the switches and when configuration is in progress, it is displayed as PROCESSING.

  • SUCCESS: Implies that the switches were successfully configured.

  • PARTIAL SUCCESS: Implies that some of the telemetry configurations could not be pushed to the switches. The Status Reason column will indicate the failure reason.

  • FAILED: Implies that the DCNM job failed to configure the switches. It could happen that some configuration did get pushed to the switches while some did not, in that case also DCNM marks the whole job as Failed. The Status Reason column will indicate the failure reason.

You can filter the switches based on a particular status using the search option or you can sort the switches based on the status.

Sensor Status

Displays the sensor configuration status in a distributed color format. The sensor count is divided into three categories:

  • Green color (Success): Number of sensor paths that got configured successfully

  • Yellow color (Pending): Number of sensor paths that are pending to be configured

  • Red color (Failed): Number of sensor paths that could not be configured

Status Reason Displays the failure reasons for telemetry configuration status and receiver connection status or other information.
Sensor Details

Displays the following sensor details:

  • Group ID: The group ID to which the sensor path belongs

  • Name: The sensor path name as seen on the switch, for example: show processes cpu

  • Cadence (Seconds): The sample interval, in seconds, at which the switch streams that sensor path. For example: If the value is 60, every 60 seconds the switch shall stream that sensor metric.

  • Packets: Specifies the number of metric samples that is collected till time.

  • Job ID: This is the DCNM telemetry job ID that was used to configure the sensor path on the switch.

  • Status: The status of the job.

  • Status Reason: The status reason of the job. In case the job failed, it specifies the failure reason of that job.

Flow Telemetry

The following icons appear in the LAN Telemetry > Health > Flow Telemetry window.

  • Retry All: Click the Retry All icon to retry the failed configurations on the switches. However, this option does not fix the issue for the unsupported configurations automatically.

  • Export: Click the Export icon to download the data in a spreadsheet.

  • Settings: Click the Settings icon to add or delete the columns you want to view.

The following table describes the columns in the LAN Telemetry > Health > Flow Telemetry tab.

Table 8. Fields and Description on Flow Telemetry Health tab



Fabric Name

Displays the name of the fabric.

Switch Name

Displays the name of the switch.

Switch IP

Displays the switch management IP address.

Switch Serial

Displays the serial number of the switch. By default, this column is hidden. It can be selected by clicking the Settings button.

Switch Model

Displays the switch model. By default, this column is hidden. It can be selected by clicking the Settings button.

Switch Version

Displays the switch image version. By default, this column is hidden. It can be selected by clicking the Settings button.

Exporter ID

Displays the exporter ID that is configured on the switch as part of the flow analytics configuration.

Receiver IP Port

Displays the comma-separated list of receiver IP addresses and ports assigned to a switch to transport flow telemetry data. The assigned IP addresses and ports will be that of the corresponding receiver microservices that are running in the NIR application and listening on the in-band network.

Expected Config

On clicking, it displays the expected configuration for the switch in a pop-up window. In case of an error, the reason for the error is displayed in the output.

Overall Status

The flow telemetry configuration involves 2 components namely the Flow telemetry setup and Flow ACL configurations. The overall status column displays the summary of both these statuses. The following statuses are displayed:

MONITOR: Implies that the switch in the fabric was configured as "Monitored" in the NIR app. In this case, it is your responsibility to configure these switches manually with the telemetry configurations as displayed in the Expected Config column.

PROCESSING: This indicates that the switch belonging to the fabric was configured as "Managed" in the NIR app. In this case, the telemetry manager will configure the switches and when configuration is in progress, it is displayed as "PROCESSING".

SUCCESS: This indicates that the switches were successfully configured.

PARTIAL SUCCESS: This indicates that some of the telemetry configurations could not be pushed to the switches. The Status Reason column will indicate the failure reason.

FAILED: This indicates that the DCNM job failed to configure the switches. It could happen that some configuration did get pushed to the switches while some did not, in that case also DCNM marks the whole job as Failed. The Status Reason column will indicate the failure reason.

You can filter the switches based on a particular status using the search option (or) you can sort the switches based on the status.

FT Setup Status

Displays the Flow telemetry setup status. If this shows Failed, it indicated that the flow analytics could not be enabled on the switches correctly and hence, the flow data cannot be exported from the switches.

Flow Rules Status (or) Flow ACL Status

Displays the Flow ACL configuration status in a color-coded format.

The flow rules status count is divided into 3 categories:

  • Green (Success): Number of flow rules (ACEs) that got configured successfully.

  • Yellow (Pending): Number of flow rules (ACEs) that are pending to be configured.

  • Red (Failed): Number of flow rules (ACEs) that could not be configured.

Status Reason

Displays the failure reasons for the flow telemetry configuration (or) other information.

Flow Rules

Displays the following flow rule details:

  • ACL Name: The name of the access-list as configured on the switch. Only 2 ACLs get created namely telemetryipv4acl for IPv4 and telemetryipv6acl for IPv6.

  • Flow Rule#: This is the ACE rule number as configured within a particular ACL.

  • Flow Rule: This is the ACE rule that indicates the flow details like the protocol, source IP, source port, destination IP, destination port that should be exported.

  • Job ID: This is the DCNM telemetry job id that was used to configure the flow rules on the switch.

  • Status: The status of the job.

  • Reason: The status reason of the job. In case the job failed, it displays the failure reason of that job. If successful, it may show compliance and deployment successful in the case of Lan Fabric deployments.


In case of MONITOR mode, you can configure flow telemetry on the switches using the following API that is available at https://<dcnm-ip>/api-docs: /telemetry/switches/{serialNumber}/flow-analytics-config -> where serialNumber is the switch serial number as a string.

The Health table data gets refreshed every 70 seconds automatically. It can be manually refreshed by clicking the Refresh icon.


The SAN menu includes the following submenus:


Beginning with Cisco DCNM Release 11, you can configure and manage Virtual SANs (VSANs) from the Cisco DCNM. From the menu bar, choose Configure > SAN > VSAN to view VSAN information. You can view or configure VSAN for the discovered fabrics, with either Manageable or Manage Continuously status. For the selected fabric, a VSAN Scope tree is displayed in the left panel.

You can achieve higher security and greater stability in Fibre Channel fabrics by using virtual SANs (VSANs) on Cisco Data Center Switches and Cisco MDS 9000 Family switches. VSANs provide isolation among devices that are physically connected to the same fabric. With VSANs, you can create multiple logical SANs over a common physical infrastructure. Each VSAN can contain up to 239 switches and has an independent address space that allows identical Fibre Channel IDs (FC IDs) to be used simultaneously in different VSANs.


Cisco DCNM doesn’t discover, nor display any suspended VSAN.


When changing VSAN of the Switch port in DCNM, If the port was associated with Isolated VSAN, then the previous VSAN column will be blank.

The information that is associated with the selected VSAN scope appears in the right panel. If a VSAN is segmented, each individual segmented VSAN is a VSAN scope. For every selected VSAN scope, you can view information in tabs.

For description on all fields that appear on the tabs, refer Field and Descriptions for VSANs.

Information About VSANs

With the introduction of VSANs, the network administrator can build a single topology containing switches, links, and one or more VSANs. Each VSAN in this topology has the same behavior and property of a SAN. A VSAN has the following additional features:

  • Multiple VSANs can share the same physical topology.

  • The same Fibre Channel IDs (FC IDs) can be assigned to a host in another VSAN, thus increasing VSAN scalability.

  • Every instance of a VSAN runs all required protocols such as FSPF, domain manager, and zoning.

  • Fabric-related configurations in one VSAN don’t affect the associated traffic in another VSAN.

  • Events causing traffic disruptions in one VSAN are contained within that VSAN and aren’t propagated to other VSANs.

A VSAN is in the operational state if the VSAN is active and at least one port is up. This state indicates that traffic can pass through this VSAN. This state can’t be configured.

Interoperability enables the products of multiple vendors to come into contact with each other. Fibre Channel standards guide vendors towards common external Fibre Channel interfaces. You can enable FICON in up to eight VSANs.

This section describes VSANs and includes the following topics:

VSAN Topologies

The following figure shows a fabric with three switches, one on each floor. The geographic location of the switches and the attached devices is independent of their segmentation into logical VSANs. No communication between VSANs is possible. Within each VSAN, all members can talk to one another.

Figure 1. Logical VSAN Segmentation

The following shows a physical Fibre Channel switching infrastructure with two defined VSANs: VSAN 2 (dashed) and VSAN 7 (solid). VSAN 2 includes hosts H1 and H2, application servers AS2 and AS3, and storage arrays SA1 and SA4. VSAN 7 connects H3, AS1, SA2, and SA3.

The four switches in this network are interconnected by trunk links that carry both VSAN 2 and VSAN 7 traffic. The inter-switch topology of both VSAN 2 and VSAN 7 are identical. This isn’t a requirement and a network administrator can enable certain VSANs on certain links to create different VSAN topologies.

Figure 2. Example of Two VSANs

Without VSANs, a network administrator would need separate switches and links for separate SANs. By enabling VSANs, the same switches and links may be shared by multiple VSANs. VSANs allow SANs to be built on port granularity instead of switch granularity. The above figure illustrates that a VSAN is a group of hosts or storage devices that communicate with each other using a virtual topology defined on the physical SAN.

The criteria for creating such groups differ based on the VSAN topology:

  • VSANs can separate traffic based on the following requirements:

    • Different customers in storage provider data centers

    • Production or test in an enterprise network

    • Low and high security requirements

    • Back up traffic on separate VSANs

    • Replicating data from user traffic

  • VSANs can meet the needs of a particular department or application.

VSAN Advantages

VSANs offer the following advantages:

  • Traffic isolation—Traffic is contained within VSAN boundaries and devices reside only in one VSAN ensuring absolute separation between user groups, if desired.

  • Scalability—VSANs are overlaid on top of a single physical fabric. The ability to create several logical VSAN layers increases the scalability of the SAN.

  • Per VSAN fabric services—Replication of fabric services on a per VSAN basis provides increased scalability and availability.

  • Redundancy—Several VSANs created on the same physical SAN ensure redundancy. If one VSAN fails, redundant protection (to another VSAN in the same physical SAN) is configured using a backup path between the host and the device.

  • Ease of configuration—Users can be added, moved, or changed between VSANs without changing the physical structure of a SAN. Moving a device from one VSAN to another only requires configuration at the port level, not at a physical level.

Up to 256 VSANs can be configured in a switch. Of these, one is a default VSAN (VSAN 1), and another is an isolated VSAN (VSAN 4094). User-specified VSAN IDs range 2–4093.

VSAN Configuration

VSANs have the following attributes:

  • VSAN ID—The VSAN ID identifies the VSAN as the default VSAN (VSAN 1), user-defined VSANs (VSAN 2–4093), and the isolated VSAN (VSAN 4094).

  • State—The administrative state of a VSAN can be configured to an active (default) or suspended state. Once VSANs are created, they may exist in various conditions or states.

    • The active state of a VSAN indicates that the VSAN is configured and enabled. By enabling a VSAN, you activate the services for that VSAN.

    • The suspended state of a VSAN indicates that the VSAN is configured but not enabled. If a port is configured in this VSAN, it’s disabled. Use this state to deactivate a VSAN without losing the VSAN’s configuration. All ports in a suspended VSAN are disabled. By suspending a VSAN, you can preconfigure all the VSAN parameters for the whole fabric and activate the VSAN immediately.

  • VSAN name—This text string identifies the VSAN for management purposes. The name can be 1–32 characters long and it must be unique across all VSANs. By default, the VSAN name is a concatenation of VSAN and a four-digit string representing the VSAN ID. For example, the default name for VSAN 3 is VSAN0003.


    A VSAN name must be unique.
  • Load balancing attributes—These attributes indicate the use of the source-destination ID (src-dst-id) or the originator exchange OX ID (src-dst-ox-id, the default) for load-balancing path selection.


    OX ID-based load balancing of IVR traffic from IVR-enabled switches isn’t supported on Generation 1 switching modules. OX ID-based load balancing of IVR traffic from a non-IVR MDS 9000 Family switch should work. Generation 2 switching modules support OX ID-based load balancing of IVR traffic from IVR-enabled switches.
  • Load-balancing attributes indicate the use of the source-destination ID (src-dst-id) or the originator exchange OX ID (src-dst-ox-id, the default) for load-balancing path selection.

Port VSAN Membership

Port VSAN membership on the switch is assigned on a port-by-port basis. By default, each port belongs to the default VSAN. You can assign VSAN membership to ports using one of two methods:

  • Statically—By assigning VSANs to ports

  • Dynamically—By assigning VSANs based on the device WWN

    This method is referred to as dynamic port VSAN membership (DPVM).

Types of VSAN

The following are the different types of VSAN:

Default VSAN

The factory settings for switches in the Cisco MDS 9000 Family have only the default VSAN 1 enabled. We recommend that you don’t use VSAN 1 as your production environment VSAN. If no VSANs are configured, all devices in the fabric are considered part of the default VSAN. By default, all ports are assigned to the default VSAN.


VSAN 1 can’t be deleted, but it can be suspended.

Up to 256 VSANs can be configured in a switch. Of these, one is a default VSAN (VSAN 1), and another is an isolated VSAN (VSAN 4094). User-specified VSAN IDs range 2–4093.

Isolated VSAN

VSAN 4094 is an isolated VSAN. All nontrunking ports are transferred to this VSAN when the VSAN to which they belong is deleted. This avoids an implicit transfer of ports to the default VSAN or to another configured VSAN. All ports in the deleted VSAN are isolated (disabled).


When you configure a port in VSAN 4094 or move a port to VSAN 4094, that port is immediately isolated.


Don’t use an isolated VSAN to configure ports.

Up to 256 VSANs can be configured in a switch. Of these, one is a default VSAN (VSAN 1), and another is an isolated VSAN (VSAN 4094). User-specified VSAN IDs range 2–4093.

Static VSAN Deletion

When an active VSAN is deleted, all of its attributes are removed from the running configuration. VSAN-related information is maintained by the system software as follows:

  • VSAN attributes and port membership details are maintained by the VSAN manager. This feature is affected when you delete a VSAN from the configuration. When a VSAN is deleted, all the ports in that VSAN are made inactive and the ports are moved to the isolated VSAN. If the same VSAN is recreated, the ports don’t automatically get assigned to that VSAN. Reconfigure the port VSAN membership explicitly (see the following figure).

    Figure 3. VSAN Port Membership Details –
  • VSAN-based runtime (name server), zoning, and configuration (static routes) information is removed when the VSAN is deleted.

  • Configured VSAN interface information is removed when the VSAN is deleted.


The allowed VSAN list isn’t affected when a VSAN is deleted.

Any commands for a non-configured VSAN are rejected. For example, if VSAN 10 isn’t configured in the system, then a command request to move a port to VSAN 10 is rejected.

Feature Information for Configuring and Managing VSANs

The following table shows the licensing requirements for this feature:

License Description

ENTERPRISE_PKG The enterprise license is required to enable VSAN. For a complete explanation of the licensing scheme, see the Cisco DCNM Licensing Guide.


License Description


The enterprise license is required to enable VSAN. For a complete explanation of the licensing scheme, see the Cisco DCNM Licensing Guide.

Default VSAN Settings

The following table lists the default settings for all configured VSANs.



Default VSAN



Active State


Concatenation of VSAN and a four-digit string representing the VSAN ID. For example, VSAN 3 is VSAN0003.

Load-balancing attribute

OX ID (src-dst-ox-id).

Create VSAN Wizard

VSAN Creation Wizard Work flow includes:

  • Specify VSAN ID and name.

  • Select Switches.

  • Specify VSAN attributes.

  • Specify VSAN Domain.

  • Specify VSAN Members.

Beginning with Release 11, you can configure VSAN using a wizard that facilitates creating VSANs on multiple switches in a managed Fabric. Choose Configure > SAN > VSAN. After you select a Fabric from the drop-down list, click Create VSAN Wizard icon. The Welcome screen of the wizard is displayed.


Ensure that the VSAN isn’t already created.


Ensure that you provide Switch credentials, if you are different from the Discover user. To provide SAN credentials, navigate to Administration > Credentials Management > SAN Credentials.

To create and configure VSANs from the Cisco DCNM Web UI, perform the following steps:

Before you begin

You cannot configure any application-specific parameters for a VSAN before creating the VSAN.

Ensure that the VSAN isn’t already created. Do not create the VSAN in suspended state.


The suspended VSANs aren’t managed.


Step 1

On the Create VSAN Wizard Welcome screen, click Next.

The Select VSAN ID and Name window is displayed.

Step 2

In the Select VSAN ID and Name window, perform the following steps:

  1. Ensure that the correct Fabric is against the Fabric field.

  2. In the VSAN ID field, select VSAN ID from the drop-down list.

    The range is 2–4094. Create the list of VSAN ID in at least one Switch in the Fabric. VSAN ID 4079 is for reserved VSAN.

  3. In the Name field, enter a name for VSAN.


    If the field is left blank, the Switch assigns a default name to the VSAN.
  4. Click FICON checkbox to enable FICON on the switch.

  5. Click Next.

Step 3

In the Select Switches screen, click the checkbox next to the Switch Name, to create the VSAN.

If the switch name is grayed out, it implies that the switch is already a part of VSAN. It may also imply that the switch doesn’t have FICON feature enabled, if FICON is checked in the previous step.

Click Next.