Device Manager

Device Manager

This chapter contains help information for Device Manager. This chapter contains the following sections:


This section includes the physical attributes for the DCNM SAN setup:


Field Description
Name Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) name.
ModelName Model name identifier.
SerialNumber Primary and secondary serial numbers.
HardwareRevision Hardware revision.
SoftwareRevision The release version of Cisco NX-OS software.
Alias Alias name as specified by a network manager.
AssetID User-assigned asset tracking identifier as specified by a network manager.

Modules - Status and Config

Field Description
Name Module description.
Module Module name identifier.
OperStatus Module's operational state.
Reset Click to reboot the module.
RateModeOverSubscriptionLimit Select this option to control the restriction on the oversubscription ratio on modules that support it. By default, the restriction is enabled. If you disable this option, all the interfaces on the module are capable of operating at maximum admin speed, regardless of the available bandwidth.
BandwidthFairnessConfig Select this option to control bandwidth fairness on modules that support it. By default, bandwidth fairness is enabled.
BandwidthFairnessOper Shows if bandwidth fairness is enabled or disabled. By default, bandwidth fairness is enabled.
X2 xcvrFrequency Config

Specifies the transceiver frequency of the module.

  • notApplicable - Select this when the module does not support this configuration.
  • xcvrFreqX2FC - Select this to set the module’s FC transceiver frequency to10 Gigabyte.
  • xcvrFreqX2Eth - Select this to set the module’s Ethernet transceiver frequency to10 Gigabyte.
ResetReasonDescription Why module was last reset.
Local Switching Mode Shows the status of the local switching modules.
StatusLastChangeTime When OperStatus was changed.
Power Admin Allows you to power on and off the Field Replaceable Unit (FRU).
Power Oper Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) operational power state.
Current Current supplied by the Field Replaceable Unit (FRU).

Power Supplies

Field Description
Name Power supply location.
TotalPowerAvailable Shows the available power. In combined mode, the total available power is twice the lesser of the two power supplies.
Redundant/Combined Select to determine how the power supplies are configured. Redundant mode provides a backup power supply if one should fail, but the total power available is less.
ModelName The model identifier.
OperStatus Operational power state.
TotalAvailable Total power available for power supply usage. When Mode is redundant, the total power available will be the lesser power capacity of the power supplies. When Mode is combined, the total power available will be twice the lesser of the power capacities of the operating power supplies.
TotalReserved Total current drawn by powered-on FRUs


If the power supply to the Uros and Paradise is either interrupted or turned off, the OperStatus in the power supply table displays "offEnvOther". However, the corresponding entry for the powered down device the inventory table will remain.

Temperature Sensors

Field Description
Name Sensor location.
Threshold Major Major temperature threshold.
Threshold Minor Minor temperature threshold.
Current Most recent measurement seen by the sensor.
Status The present operational status of the sensor.


Field Description
Name Fan location.
ModelName The model identifier.
OperStatus The current operating status.


Field Description
Description A description of the switch and software.
UpTime The time since the network management portion of the system was last re-initialized.
Name An administratively-assigned name for this switch.
Location The physical location of this switch (e.g., `telephone closet, 3rd floor').
Contact The contact person for this switch, together with information on how to contact this person.
SwitchWWN The World-Wide Name of this switch.
ClockDateAndTime The current local date and time for the system. Setting this is equivalent to setting an automated clock and calendar.
TimeZone The current local time zone for the system. The time zone must be entered in the format GMT, which is the number of hours difference between your time zone and GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).
ProcessorRAM Total number of bytes of RAM available on the Processor.
NVRAM Total number of bytes of NVRAM in the entity.
NVRAMUsed Number of bytes of NVRAM in use.
FIPSModeActivation Enable or disable FIPS mode on the device. FIPS 140-2 is a set of security requirements for cryptographic modules and it details the U.S. Government requirements for cryptographic modules. A module will comprise both hardware and software such as a data center switching or routing module. The module is said to be in FIP- enabled mode when a request is recieved to enable the FIPS mode and a set of self-tests are successfully run in response to the request. If the self-tests fail, then an appropriate error is returned.
CPUUtilization The average utilization of CPU on the active supervisor.
MemoryUtilization The average utilization of memory on the active supervisor.
FlashPartitionSize Flash partition size.
FlashPartitionFreeSpace Free space within a Flash partition.
Status The overall status of the switch.
Vendor Switch vendor's name, such as Cisco, McData, or Brocade.
Model Switch model name, such as MDS 9134 or MDS 9124.
Release Switch software version.
NumFCPorts Number of physical FC ports in the switch.
WWN MAC address for the Ethernet VDCs that are discovered.
VDCId Unique IDs for the Ethernet VDCs that are discovered.
FCoE Enabled If true, FCoE is enabed for the Ethernet VDCs that are discovered.


Field Description
From Switch The source switch of the link.
From Interface The port index of source E_port of the link.
To Switch The switch on the other end of the link.
To Interface The port index of destination E_port of the link.
Status The operational status of the link.

NP Link

Field Description
NPIV (Core) The NPIV core switch.
F Port The connected F Port on the NPIV core switch.
NPV NPV Switch.
NP Port The connected port on the NPV switch.
Status The operational status of the link.

ISL's Statistics

Field Description
Description An alias name for the interface, as specified by a network manager. For Port Channel and FCIP, this field will always show members if they are available. For FCIP, this field will show compress if compressed.
VSAN(s) VSAN membership.
Mode Operating mode of the port> (See Legend).
Connected To Attached port. This could be a host, storage, or switch port.
Speed Maximum bandwidth in Gbps.

One of the following:

Utilization %

Number of Bytes

Number of Frames

Average Frame Size

Rx Comp The IP Copmression ratio for received packets on the FCIP device.

One of the following:

Utilization %

Number of Bytes

Number of Frames

Average Frame Size

Tx Comp The IP Copmression ratio for transmitted packets on the FCIP device
Errors Total number of Rx and Tx errors on the interface. Types of Rx errors include CRC errors, fragmented framed, unsupported class frames, runt frames, jabber frames, and giant Frames. Types of Tx errors are generally CRC errors, but these are rare. If the Errors field is not empty, there are probably Rx errors. For a more detailed breakdown of the error count, check the Monitor dialog box for appropriate interface.
Discards Total number of Rx and Tx discards on the interface. Rx frames discarded are generally due to protocol errors. On rare occasions, a frame is received without any hardware errors, but a filtering rule set for the MAC address discards the frame due to a mismatch. Discarded Tx frames can be timeout frame discards (port is offline or not up), or timeout frames that are not sent back to the supervisor (class F/2 frames). If the Discards field is not empty, it is probably due to timeout frames.
Log If checked, writes the record into the message log on each poll interval.


Field Description
Enclosure Name The name of the enclosure.
Alias The device alias of this entry.
Port WWN The assigned PWWN for this host.
FcId The FC ID assigned for this host.
Link Status The operational status of the link.
Serial Number Serial number.
Model Model name.
Firmware Ver The version of the firmware executed by this HBA.
Driver Ver The version of the firmware executed by this HBA.
Information The information list corresponding to this HBA.
Switch Interface Interface on the switch that is connected with the end device.


Field Description
IP Address The IP address of the enclosure.
Elem. Mgr Use HTTP Use HTTP to launch the local enclosure.
Elem. Mgr URL/Path Use a URL to launch the local enclosure
Device Type If host, it is HBA. If storage, it is the SCSI target.
Vendor If host, it is HBA. If storage, it is the SCSI target.
Model If host, it is HBA. If storage, it is the SCSI target.
Firmware Ver The version of the firmware executed by this HBA.
Driver Ver The version level of the driver software controlling this HBA.
OS The type and version of the operating system controlling this HBA
Other Info The information list corresponding to this HBA.

Device Manager - Preferences

Field Description
Retry Requests # time(s) after #sec timeout The number of retries to be attempted after time out (seconds).
Enable Status Polling Check to enables status polling in every (specified number of) seconds
Trace SNMP packets in Message Log Check to enable tracing SNMP packets in the message log.
Register for Events after Open, listen on Port 1163 Check to automatically register for events.
Show WWN Vendor

Check to enable showing the WWN vendor name.

  • Replace - Replace the existing vendor name with the new one.
  • Prepend - Attach the new vendor name to the beginning of the current vendor name.
Show Timestamps as Date/Time Check for displaying the time stamp in the Date/Time format.
Telnet Path Path to the telnet client.
Use Secure Shell instead of Telnet Check to use secure shell.
CLI Session Timeout Time interval for the CLI session (in seconds). Enter ‘0’ to disable CLI timeout.
Show Tooltips in Physical View Check to show tooltips.
Label Physical View Ports with
  • FICON - Displays FICON as label for the ports on the device view.
  • Interface - Displays Interface as label for the ports on the device view.
Export Table
  • Tab-Delimited - Exports the table to tab-delimited text file.
  • XML - Exports the table to xml file.


The following sections:

Virtual Interface Groups

The Bound Ethernet Interface field in the table can be modified. The remaining fields are for information only.

Field Description
Switch Name of the switch hosting this virtual interface group (VIG).
VIG Id Virtual interface group identifier.
Bound Eth Interface Physical Ethernet interface associated with this VIG.
Virtual Eth Interfaces The virtual Ethernet interface bound to this VIG.
Virtual FC Interfaces The virtual FC interface bound to this VIG.
Operational Status The current operational state of the VIG.
CreationTime Date and time when the VIG was created.


This table applies only to N5k switches running version less than 4.0(1a).

Virtual FC Interfaces

The following fields in the table can be modified: Description, Bind Type, Bind Interface, Bind MAC Address, FCF Priority, VSAN ID Port, Mode Admin, Status Admin. The remaining fields are for information only.

Field Description
Switch Name of the switch hosting this interface.
Interface Interface name.
Description Text description of the interface as specified by a network manager.
VIG Id Virtual interface group to which this virtual FC interface is bound.
Bind Type The type of interface associated with this virtual FC interface - physical Ethernet interface or MAC address of the FCoE Node (ENode).
Bind Interface Physical Ethernet interface or Ethernet port channel associated with this virtual FC interface.
Bind MACAddress MAC address of an FCoE Node (ENode) or a remote Fibre Channel Forwarder (FCF) identified by the virtual FC interface.
FCF Priority The FCoE Initialization Protocol (FIP) priority value advertised by the FCF to ENodes.
VSAN ID Port VSAN ID to which this interface is statically assigned.
VSAN Id Dynamic Index of the VSAN to which this interface is statically assigned.
Mode Admin The port mode configured by the user. Virtual FC interfaces support only fabric port (F Port) mode.
Rate Mode Specifies the interface as dedicated mode or shared mode.
Speed Oper Operational speed.
Mode Oper The current operating mode of the port.
Speed Admin The port speed configured by the user.
Status Service Specifies whether the interface is in service or out of service.
Status Admin The desired state of the interface.
Status Oper The current operational state of the interface.
Status FailureCause The cause of current operational state of the port.
Status LastChange When the interface entered its current operational state. If the current state was entered prior to the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this value is N/A.


VIG Id field applies only to N5k switches running version less than 4.0(1a).

Ethernet Interfaces

The Description and Admin fields in the table can be modified. The remaining fields are for information only.

Field Description
Switch Name of the switch hosting this interface.
Interface Interface name.
Description Text description of the interface as specified by a network manager.
VIG Id Virtual interface group to which this virtual interface is bound.
Bound Eth Interface Physical Ethernet interface associated with this virtual Ethernet interface.
Admin The desired state of the interface.
Oper The current operational state of the interface.
LastChange When the interface entered its current operational state. If the current state was entered prior to the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this value is N/A.
CDP (Enable) Indicates whether the Cisco Discovery Protocol is currently running on this interface.
Duplex Status The current mode of operation of the MAC entity. The status 'unknown' indicates that the current duplex mode could not be determined.
Enable Link Trap Specifies whether Link Up or Link Down traps should be generated for this interface.


This table applies only to N5k switches running version less than 4.0(1a).

Virtual FC Ethernet

Field Description
Switch Name of the switch hosting this interface.
Interface Displays the name of the vFC interface and its association with other interfaces.
Description Text description of the interface as specified by a network manager.
Status Admin The desired state of the interface.
Status Oper The current operational state of the interface.
Speed Oper Operational speed of the interface
LastChange When the interface entered its current operational state. If the current state was entered prior to the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this value is N/A.

Quick Configuration Tool

Field Description
Show All Interfaces Check this checkbox to show all the available interfaces including the interfaces that are not available for binding to a vFC.
Auto Assigin vFC Id Check this checkbox to select vFC Id automatically. If you do not select this option you must manually enter a valid vFC Id.
Switch Operational Type Click Ethernet Switch if you are not configuring any Fibre Channel interfaces on the switch. Click FCoE Switch if you are configuring Fibre Channel and FCoE interfaces.
Interface Name of the physical Ethernet interface. If you hover the cursor over a physical Ethernet interface, any associated virtual interfaces are displayed in the tooltip.
FCoE VLAN(VSAN) FCoE VLAN (VSAN) mapping to be used by the interface.
Admin Mode Admin mode of the vFC interface, i.e. F or E
Eth Only Configures the physical Ethernet without any virtual interfaces. Click the Eth Only button in the column header to set all the interfaces to this value.
vEth Only Configures the physical Ethernet to have an associated VIG and a virtual Ethernet interface. Click the vEth Only button in the column header to set all the interfaces to this value.
vFC Only Configures the physical Ethernet to have an associated VIG and a virtual FC interface. Click the vFC Only button in the column header to set all the interfaces to this value.
vFC Configures the physical Ethernet to have an associated VIG and a virtual FC interface. Click the vFC button in the column header to set all the interfaces to this value.
vEth + vFC Configures the physical Ethernet to have an associated VIG, a virtual Ethernet interface and a virtual FC interface. Click the vEth + vFC button in the column header to set all the interfaces to this value.
Configure Action Status Displays the current status of the requested configuration changes.


vEth only, vFC only, vEth + vFC columns are not applicable for N5K switches running version 4.0(1a)N1


vFC column is applicable only for N5K switches running version 4.0(1a)N1


For earlier configured ports, mapping details will not be displayed in VLAN(VSAN) Mapping column.

Ethernet Interface

Field Description
Description An `alias' name for the interface as specified by a network manager.
Mtu The size of the largest frame which can be sent/received on the interface, specified in bytes.
Speed Oper Operational speed of the interface.
Speed Admin
  • notApplicable - The Speed change is not applicable for that port.
  • oneGigSpeed - The IPStorage port is configured as 1G.
  • tenGigSpeed - The IPStorage port is configured as 10G.
Failure Cause Causes of the failures.
PhysAddress The interface's MAC address.
Status Admin The desired state of the interface.
Status Oper The current operational state of the interface.
LastChange When the interface entered its current operational state. If the current state was entered prior to the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this value is N/A.
ConnectorPresent True if the connector is detected.
CDP (Enable) An indication of whether the Cisco Discovery Protocol is currently running on this interface.
IscsiAuthMethod The authentication method.
Promiscuous Mode

Checking or unchecking this option dictates the destination of the packets/frames. If this option is checked, then this interface accepts packets/frames that are addressed to this station. If this option is not selected, then packets accepted by the station are transmitted on the media.

Checking or unchecking this option does not affect the reception of broadcast and multicast packets/frames by the interface.

AutoNegotiate Select this option to enable auto negotiation.
Beacon Mode In beacon mode, an interface LED is assigned a flashing mode for identification. Select this option to enable beacon mode.
IPAddress/Mask IP address and subnet mask for the interface.


SAN Admin users cannot change the ethernet interfaces settings in Cisco Nexus 5000 Series switches using Device Manager.

Ethernet Interfaces iSCSI

Field Description
Description An `alias' name for the interface as specified by a network manager.
Speed Operational speed.
PhysAddress The interface's WWN.
Admin The desired state of the interface.
Oper The current operational state of the interface.
LastChange When the interface entered its current operational state. If the current state was entered prior to the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this value contains a N/A value.
PortVSAN The VSAN that the interface belongs to.
ForwardingMode Use Store and Forward if the HBA has problems with Passthrough.
Initiator ID Mode How the initiator is identified on this interface, either by its iSCSI name (name) or by its IP address (ipaddress).
Enable The intiator proxy mode for this interface. If true, then all the initiators coming on this interface would use the intiator configuration provided by this interface. The initiator configuration include port WWN and node WWN.
Assignment How the initiator proxy mode FC addresses are assigned. If `auto', then the FC addresses are automatically assigned. If it is `manual', then they have to be manually configured.
Port WWN The Port FC address used by the intiators on this interface when the intiator proxy mode is on.
Node WWN The Node FC address used by the initiators on this interface when the initiator proxy mode is on.

Ethernet Interfaces iSCSI TCP

Field Description
Local Port Local interface TCP port.
SACK Indicates if the Selective Acknowledgement (SACK) option is enabled or not.
KeepAlive The TCP keep alive timeout for this iSCSI interface. If the value is 0, the keep-alive timeout feature is disabled.
MinTimeout The TCP minimum retransmit time.
Max The TCP maximum retransmissions.
SendBufferSize The TCP send buffer size.
MinBandwidth The TCP minimum bandwidth.
MaxBandwidth The TCP maximum bandwidth.
Estimated Round Trip The estimated round trip delay of network pipe used for B-D product computation. The switch can use this to derive the TCP window to advertise.
QoS The TCP QoS code point.
PMTU Enable Indicates if the Path MTU discovery option is enabled or not.
PMTU Reset Timeout The PMTU reset timeout.
Connections Normal The number of normal iSCSI connections.
Connections Discovered The number of discovery iSCSI connections.
CWM Enable If true, congestion window monitoring is enabled. If false, it is disabled.
CWM Burst Size The maximum burst sent after a TCP sender idle period.
Max Jitter The maximum delay variation (not due to congestion) that can be experienced by TCP connections on this interface.
Port The local TCP port of this interface.

Ethernet Interfaces VLAN

Field Description
Switch Name of the switch.
Interface Name of the interface.
VLAN mode

The mode in which this VLAN is configured.

Static—A port with static VLAN membership directly assigned to a single VLAN.

Dynamic—A port with dynamic VLAN membership assigned to a single VLAN based on the content of packets received on the port via VQP queries to VMPS.

multiVLAN—A port with multiple VLAN memberships that are directly assigned to one or more VLANs.

VLAN list The list of VLANs which are allowed on the switch.

Ethernet VLAN

Field Description
Switch Name of the switch.
ID Switch ID
Trunk Mode Specifies whether the mode is access or trunk.
Trunk Status Ttrunking status of the port.
Native VLAN Native VLANs
Allowed VLAN List The list of VLANs which are allowed to be received/transmitted on the port.
Active VLAN List The list or range of VLANs that are active on the switch.

FC Interface Monitor Traffic

The Monitor dialog boxes have special Monitor Dialog Controls.

Field Description
C3 Rx Bytes The number of Class 3 bytes, including the frame delimiters, received by this port from its attached Nx_Port.
C3 Rx Frames The number of Class 3 frames, including the frame delimiters, received by this port from its attached Nx_Port.
C3 Tx Bytes The number of Class 3 bytes, including the frame delimiters, transmitted by this port to its attached Nx_Port.
C3 Tx Frames The number of Class 3 frames, including the frame delimiters, transmitted by this port to its attached Nx_Port.
CF Rx Bytes The number of Class F bytes, including the frame delimiters, received by this port from its attached Nx_Port.
CF Rx Frames The number of Class F frames, including the frame delimiters, received by this port from its attached Nx_Port.
CF Tx Bytes The number of Class F bytes, including the frame delimiters, transmitted by this port to its a attached Nx_Port.
CF Tx Frames The number of Class F frames, including the frame delimiters, transmitted by this port to its attached Nx_Port.

FC Interface Monitor Protocol

The Monitor dialog boxes have special Monitor Dialog Controls.

Field Description
LRRIn The number of Link reset responses received by the FC-port.
LRROut The number of Link reset responses transmitted by the FC-port.
OlsIns The number of Offline Sequence errors received by the FC-Port.
OlsOuts The number of Offline Sequence errors issued by the FC-Port.
NOSIn The number of Non-Operational Sequences received by the FC-port.
NOSOut The number of Non-Operational Sequences transmitted by the FC-port.
LinkResetIns The number of link reset protocol errors received by the FC-Port from the attached FC-port.
LinkResetOuts The number of link reset protocol errors issued by the FC-Port to the attached FC-Port.
TxWaitCount The number of times the FC-port waited due to lack of transmit credits.
RxBBCredit The maximum number of receive buffers available for holding Class 2, Class 3 received from the logged-in Nx_Port. It is for buffer-to-buffer flow control in the incoming direction from the logged-in Nx_Port to FC-port.
TxBBCredit The total number of buffers available for holding Class 2, Class 3 frames to be transmitted to the logged-in Nx_Port. It is for buffer-to-buffer flow control in the direction from FC-Port to Nx_Port.
BBCreditTransitionFromZero The number of transitions of BB credit out of zero state.

FC Interface Monitor Discards

The Monitor dialog boxes have special Monitor Dialog Controls.

Field Description
Class2 The number of Class 2 frames discarded by this port.
Class3 The number of Class 3 frames discarded by this port.
ClassF The number of Class F frames discarded by this port.
EISL The number of Enhanced Inter Switch Link (EISL) frames discarded by the FC-port. EISL frames carry an EISL header containing VSAN among other information.
InDiscards The total number of inbound frames which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.
OutDiscards The total number of outbound frames which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted.

FC Interface Monitor Link Errors

The Monitor dialog boxes have special Monitor Dialog Controls.

Field Description
LinkFailures The number of link failures detected by the FC-Port.
SigLosses The number of signal losses detected by the FC-Port.
SyncLosses The number of loss of synchronization failures detected by the FC-Port.
InvalidTxWords The number of invalid transmission words detected by the FC-Port.
DelimiterErrors The number of Delimiter Errors detected by the FC-Port.
AddressIdErrors The number of address identifier errors detected by the FC-Port.

FC Interface Monitor Frame Errors

The Monitor dialog boxes have special Monitor Dialog Controls.

Field Description
InvalidCrcs The number of invalid CRCs detected by the FC-Port. Loop ports should not count CRC errors passing through when monitoring.
ELPFailures The number of Exchange Link Parameters Switch Fabric Internal Link service request failures detected by the FC-Port. This is applicable to only Interconnect_Port, which are E_Port or B_Port.
Frags The number of fragmented frames received by the FC-port.
Runts The number of frames received by the FC-port that are shorter than the minimum allowable frame length regardless if the CRC is good or not.
Jabbers The number of frames received by the FC-port that are longer than a maximum frame length and also have a CRC error.
TooLongs The number of frames received by the FC-port where the frame length was greater than what was agreed to in FLOGI/PLOGI. This could be caused by losing the end of frame delimiter.
TooShorts The number of frames received by the FC-port where the frame length was less than the minimum indicated by the frame header (normally 24 bytes), but it could be more if the DFCTL field indicates an optional header should be present.
Unknowns The number of unknown class frames received by FC-port.
EOFa The number of frames received by FC-port with EOF aborts.
Framing The number of framing errors. This denotes that the FC-port detected an inconsistency of frame structure.

FC Interface Monitor Class 2 Traffic

The Monitor dialog boxes have special Monitor Dialog Controls.

Field Description
In Octets/In Frames The number of Class 2 frame bytes and frames, including the frame delimiters, received by this port from its attached Nx_Port.
Out Octets/Out Frames The number of Class 2 frame bytes and frames, including the frame delimiters, delivered through this port to its attached Nx_Port.

FC Interface Monitor Class 2 Errors

The Monitor dialog boxes have special Monitor Dialog Controls.

Field Description
FBSY The number of busy frame responses.
FRJT The number of F_RJT frames generated by this port against Class 2 frames.
PBSY The number of times that port busy was returned to this port as result of a class 2 frame that could not be delivered to the other end of the link. This occurs if the destination Nx_Port is temporarily busy. PBSY can only occur on SOFc1 frames (the frames that establish a connection).
PRJT The number of times that port reject was returned to this port as a result of a class 2 frame that was rejected at the destination Nx_Port.

FC Interface Monitor FICON

The Monitor dialog boxes have special Monitor Dialog Controls.

Field Description
FramePacingTime Number of 2.5 microsecond units that frame transmission is blocked due to zero credit.
DispErrorsInFrame Number of frames with disparity errors.
EOFErrs Number of frames with EOF errors.
DispErrsOutOfFrame Number of frames with OOF errors.
InvalidOrderSets Number of invalid or unrecognizable Order Sets outside of frames.

Check Oversubscription

Field Description
Elapsed Time elapsed.
Interface Name of the interface

Virtual FC Interface Monitor Traffic

The Monitor dialog boxes have special Monitor Dialog Controls.

Field Description
RxBytes The number of bytes, including the frame delimiters, received by this port from its attached N_Port.
RxFrames The number of frames, including the frame delimiters, received by this port from its attached N_Port.
TxBytes The number of bytes, including the frame delimiters, transmitted by this port to its attached N_Port.
TxFrames The number of frames, including the frame delimiters, transmitted by this port to its attached N_Port.

Virtual FC Interface Monitor Discards

The Monitor dialog boxes have special Monitor Dialog Controls.

Field Description
InDiscards The total number of inbound frames which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.
OutDiscards The total number of outbound frames which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted.

Virtual FC Interface Monitor Errors

The Monitor dialog boxes have special Monitor Dialog Controls.

Field Description
InErrors The number of incoming errors detected by the virtual FC port.
OutErrors The number of outgoing errors detected by the virtual FC port.

Ethernet Interface Dot3Stats

Field Description
Interface Name of the interface.
Alignment Errors The count of frames received on a particular interface that are an integral number of octets in length but do not pass the FCS check.
FCS Errors The count of frames received on a particular interface that are an integral number of octets in length but do not pass the FCS check. This count does not include frames received with frame-too-long or frame-too-short error.
Single Collision Frames The count of successfully transmitted frames on a particular interface for which transmission is inhibited by a single collision.
Multiple Collision Frames The count of successfully transmitted frames on a particular interface for which transmission is inhibited by more than one collisions.
SQE Test Errors The number of times the PLS sublayer generated the SQE TEST ERROR message for a particular interface.
Deferred Transmissions The count of the number of frames for which the first transmission attempt on a particular interface is delayed because the medium is busy.
Late Collisions The number of times that a collision is detected on a particular interface later than one slot time into the transmission of a packet.
Excessive Collisions The count of the number of frames for which transmission on a particular interface failes because of excessive collisions. This counter does not increment when the interface is operating in full-duplex mode.
Internal Mac Transmit Errors The count of the number of frames for which transmission on a particular interface fails because of an internal MAC sublayer transmit error.
Carrier Sense Errors The number of times that a carrier sense condition was lost or never asserted when attempting to transmit a frame on a particular interface.
Frame Too Longs The count of number of frames received on a particular interface that exceed the maximum permitted frame size.
Internal Mac Receive Errors The count of number of frames for which reception on a particular interface fails because of an internal MAC sublayer receive error.
Symbol Errors For an interface operating at 100 Mb/s, the number of times there was an invalid data symbol when a valid carrier was present

Interface Monitor

The Monitor dialog boxes have special Monitor Dialog Controls.

Field Description
Rx Bytes The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters.
RxFrames The number of frames received on the interface.
Rx Multicast Frames (Nexus 5000 Series only) The number of multicast frames received on the interface.
Rx Broadcast Frames (Nexus 5000 Series only) The number of broadcast frames received on the interface.
TxBytes The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.
TxFrames The total number of frames transmitted out of this interface.
Tx Multicast Frames (Nexus 5000 Series only) The number of multicast frames transmitted out of this interface.
Tx Broadcast Frames (Nexus 5000 Series only) The number of multicast frames transmitted out of this interface.
RxErrors The number of inbound frames that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.
TxErrors The number of outbound frames that could not be transmitted because of errors.
RxDiscards The number of inbound frames which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.
TxDiscards The number of outbound frames which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted.

Ethernet PortChannels

Field Description
Description Alias name for the interface as specified by a network manager.
Members Members of this Ethernet port channel.
Oper Speed Operational speed of the interface.
Mtu The size of the largest frame which can be sent/received on the interface, specified in bytes.
PhysAddress The interface's MAC address.
Status Admin The desired state of the interface.
Status Oper The current operational state of the interface.
LastChange When the interface entered its current operational state. If the current state was entered prior to the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this value is N/A.

Ethernet Interface Monitor iSCSI Connections

Field Description
RxBytes Total number of bytes received on an iSCSI session.
TxBytes Total number of bytes transmitted on an iSCSI session.
IPSEC A collection of objects for iSCSI connection statistics.

Ethernet Interface Monitor TCP

Field Description
Opens The number of times connections have been opened.
Accepts The number of times connections have been accepted.
Failed The number of times connections have failed.
RxResets The number of times connections have been reset.
Est The number of connections that have been established.
RxSegs The total number of segments received on established connections, including those received in error.
TxSegs The total number of segments sent, except for those containing retransmitted bytes.
ReTxSegs The total number of segments retransmitted.
BadSegs The total number of segments received in error (e.g., bad checksums).
TxSegResets The number of segments sent containing the "reset" flag.
SplitSeg The number of segments sent which were less than the minimum.
DupACKs The number of duplicate ACKs received.
RxBytes The number of header and data bytes received.
TxBytes The number of header and data bytes sent.

FCIP Monitor

The Monitor dialog boxes have special Monitor Dialog Controls.

Field Description
C3 Rx Bytes The number of incoming bytes of data traffic.
C3 Tx Bytes The number of outgoing bytes of data traffic.
CF Rx Bytes The number of incoming bytes of control traffic.
CF Tx Bytes The number of outgoing bytes of control traffic.
Rx Error The number of inbound frames that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.
Tx Error The number of outbound frames that could not be transmitted because of errors.
RxDiscard The number of inbound frames which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.
TxDiscard The number of outbound frames which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted.

Monitor SVC Interface

The Monitor dialog boxes have special Monitor Dialog Controls.

Field Description
Rx Bytes Number of incoming bytes.
Rx Frames Number of incoming frames.
Tx Bytes Number of outgoing bytes.
Tx Frames Number of outgoing frames.
Rx Errors Number of incoming errors.
Tx Errors Number of outgoing errors.
Rx Discards Number of incoming discards.
Tx Discards Number of outgoing discards.

Monitor SVC NPorts

The Monitor dialog boxes have special Monitor Dialog Controls.

Field Description
Rx Bytes Number of incoming bytes on this virtual N-port.
Rx Frames Number of incoming frames on this virtual N-port.
Tx Bytes Number of outgoing bytes on this virtual N-port.
Tx Frames Number of outgoing frames on this virtual N-port.
Rx Bytes Number of incoming bytes on this virtual N-port.
Rx Frames Number of incoming frames on this virtual N-port.
Tx Bytes Number of outgoing bytes on this virtual N-port.
Tx Frames Number of outgoing frames on this virtual N-port.

Monitor SVC Session FCP

The Monitor dialog boxes have special Monitor Dialog Controls.

Field Description
Cmds Number of incoming FCP Command frames in this session.
XferRdys Number of incoming FCP Transfer Ready frames in this session.
DataFrames Number of incoming FCP Data frames.
Status Number of incoming FCP status frames.
DataBytes Number of incoming FCP Data bytes.
OverRuns Number of incoming FCP Overrun frames in this session.
UnderRuns Number of incoming FCP Underrun frames in this session.
Cmds Number of outgoing FCP Command frames in this session.
XferRdys Number of outgoing FCP Transfer Ready frames in this session.
DataFrames Number of outgoing FCP Data frames.
Status Number of outgoing FCP status frames.
DataBytes Number of outgoing FCP Data bytes.
OverRuns Number of outgoing FCP OverRun frames in this session.
UnderRuns Number of outgoing FCP UnderRun frames in this session.

Monitor SVC Session Other

The Monitor dialog boxes have special Monitor Dialog Controls.

Field Description
InELSFrames Number of incoming Extended Link Service frames in this session.
InBLSFrames Number of incoming Basic Link Service frames in this session.
OutELSFrames Number of outgoing Extended Link Service frames in this session.
OutBLSFrames Number of outgoing Basic Link Service frames in this session.
InAborts Number of incoming aborted frames in this session.
OutAborts Number of outgoing aborted frames in this session.
OpenXchanges Number of Open Exchanges in this session.
InBadFc2Drops Number of FC2 dropped frames in this session.
InBadFcPDrops Number of FCP dropped frames.
InFCPDataExcess Number of FCP Data Excess frames in this session.

FCIP Interfaces

Field Description
Description Alias name for the interface as specified by a network manager.
PortVsan The VSAN ID to which this interface is statically assigned.
Oper Mode The current operating mode of the port.
AutoChannelCreate If checked, automatically create the PortChannel.
Admin The desired state of the interface.
Oper Status The current operational state of the interface.
FailureCause The cause of current operational state of the port.
LastChange When the interface entered its current operational state. If the current state was entered prior to the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this value is N/A.
FICON Address The FICON port address of this port.

System Timeout

If frames residing in the switch for a long time, they should be regarded as congestion drop. If there is continuously no tx/rx credits received, it should be regarded as no credit drop. You can configure the timeout value of congestion drop and no credit drop in the Device Manager client. To configure the slow port monitor timeout, please go to Admin > System Timeout.

Field Description
E port Congestion Drop

Specify the time for E port congestion drop. Or click on default to input a default value.

The unit is ms.

F port Congestion Drop

Specify the time for F port congestion drop. Or click on default to input a default value.

The unit is ms.

F port NoCredit Drop

Specify the time for no credit drop.

Click on disable if you do not want to drop the frames without tx/rx credits or click on default to input a default value.

The unit is ms.

E Port slowport-monitor

Specify the slowport-monitor timeout value for E port.

Click on disable to disable slowport monitoring. Or click on default to input a default value.

The unit is ms.

F Port slowport-monitor

Specify the slowport-monitor timeout value for F port.

Click on disable to disable slowport monitoring. Or click on default to input a default value.

The unit is ms.


To configure the slow port monitor time out values from SAN client, go to Physical Attributes > Switches > System> Timeout.

Interface License

Field Description
Type Specifies the license that can be acquired for a given interface. Currently, the Port Activation license can be defined.
Config Displays the license for which an interface is eligible. An interface which is not eligible for any type of license will not be displayed.
Oper The current state of port license on the interface is displayed.


Field Description
Description An `alias' name for the interface as specified by a network manager.
Mtu The size of the largest frame which can be sent/received on the interface, specified in bytes.
Oper Operational speed
PhysAddress The interface's MAC address.
Admin State of the admin.
Oper The current operational state of the interface.
LastChange When the interface entered its current operational state.
CDP Enable or disable CDP.
Default Gateway The IP address of the default gateway.

FC Interfaces General

The following variables are not supported by all interfaces: PortVSAN, Port Mode Admin and Oper, Admin Speed, and FailureCause.

Field Description
Description Alias name for the interface as specified by a network manager.
VSAN Id Port VSAN ID to which this interface is statically assigned.
VSAN Id Dynamic The VSAN ID that this interface has been dynamically assigned (see DPVM).
CDP (Enable) An indication of whether the Cisco Discovery Protocol is currently running on this interface.
Promiscuous Mode

Checking or unchecking this option dictates the destination of the packets/frames. If this option is checked, then this interface accepts packets/frames that are addressed to this station. If this option is not selected, then packets accepted by the station are transmitted on the media.

Checking or unchecking this option does not affect the reception of broadcast and multicast packets/frames by the interface9.

Auto Negotiate An indication of whether auto-negotiation of speed and duplex mode should be used on this interface.
Beacon Mode In beacon mode, an interface LED is assigned a flashing mode for identification. Select this option to enable beacon mode.
Mode Admin

The port mode configured by the user. Modes are:

  • auto - If the user configured the port as auto, then the port initialization scheme determines the mode of the port.
  • F Port - In fabric port mode, an interface functions as a fabric port. This port may be connected to a peripheral device (host or disk) operating as an N port.
  • FL Port - In fabric loop port mode, an interface functions as a fabric loop port. This port may be connected to one or more NL ports (including FL ports in other switches) to form a public arbitrated loop.
  • E Port - In expansion port mode, an interface functions as a fabric expansion port. This port may be connected to another E port to create an Inter-Switch Link (ISL) between two switches. E ports carry frames between switches for configuration and fabric management.
  • FX Port - Interfaces configured as Fx ports can operate in either F port or FL port mode. The Fx port mode is determined during interface initialization depending on the attached N port or NL port. This administrative configuration disallows interfaces to operate in any other mode—for example, preventing an interface to connect to another switch.
  • SD Port - In SPAN destination port mode, an interface functions as a switched port analyzer (SPAN). The SPAN feature is specific to switches in the Cisco MDS 9000 Family. It monitors network traffic that passes though a Fibre Channel interface.
  • TL Port - In translative loop port mode, an interface functions as a translative loop port. It may be connected to one or more private loop devices. TL port mode is specific to Cisco MDS 9000 family switches and have similar properties as FL ports.
  • ST Port - In the SPAN tunnel port (ST port) mode, an interface functions as an entry point port in the source switch for the RSPAN Fibre Channel tunnel. The ST port mode and the remote SPAN (RSPAN) feature are specific to switches in the Cisco MDS 9000 Family. When configured in ST port mode, the interface cannot be attached to any device, and thus cannot be used for normal Fibre Channel traffic.
  • TE Port - In trunking E port mode, an interface functions as a trunking expansion port. It may be connected to another TE port to create an Extended ISL (EISL) between two switches. TE ports are specific to Cisco MDS 9000 family switches.
  • B Port - While E ports typically interconnect Fibre Channel switches, some SAN extender devices, such as Cisco's PA-FC-1G Fibre Channel port adapter, implement a bridge port model to connect geographically dispersed fabrics. The oper mode on this port type is "read only" and it cannot be set.
  • TF Port - Trunking f_Port
  • TNP Port - Trunking N Proxy port mode applicable only to N-port Virtualizer (NPV)
  • NP Port - N Proxy port mode applicable only to N-port Virtualizer (NPV)
Mode Oper The current operating mode of the port.

Specifies the current speed group configuration on the given interface.

  • None—The interface speed group configuration on this interface is not applicable. It is a read-only value.
  • 10G—The interface speed group configuration on this interface is 10G.
  • 1/2/4/8G—The interface speed group configuration on this interface as 1G-2G-4G-8G.
Speed Admin

The port speed configured by the user. The port speed values are auto, 1Gb, 2Gb, 4Gb, 8Gb, 10Gb, autoMax2G, and autoMax4G.

Note On a Cisco Nexus 5000 Series switch that runs Cisco NX-OS Release 4.2(2), you can configure the 8-Gbps administrative speed only on an M1060 switch module. You can configure the speed to 1 Gbps, 2 Gbps, or 4 Gbps on all switch modules on a Cisco Nexus 5000 Series switch that runs Cisco NX-OS Release 4.2(2) or earlier releases.

Speed Oper Operational speed.
RateMode Specifies the interface as dedicated mode or shared mode.
Status Service Specifies whether the interface is in service or out of service.
Status Admin The desired state of the interface.
Status Oper The current operational state of the interface.
Status FailureCause The cause of current operational state of the port.
StatusWasEnabled If true, this port successfully completed a link initialization.
Status LastChange When the interface entered its current operational state. If the current state was entered prior to the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this value is N/A.
Port Owner Administratively assigned name of the current owner of the interface resource.

FC Interfaces Rx BB Credit

Field Description
Oper The receive buffer-to-buffer credits configured for the operational port mode.
Model The BB_Credit model used by the FC-port. The alternate BB_Credit management model can be used in the arbitrated loop topology to manage the flow of frames between the two ports participating in the current loop circuit. Since this is a characteristic of a physical port, this is not applicable for Port Channel ports.
Admin The receive buffer-to-buffer credits configured for this port.
Extended The extended BB credits that can be configured on an FC port (in the range 256 through 4095). The acceptable value depends on the BB credit configuration of other ports on the module. This value can only be modified on modules that support the extended BB credit feature.
AdminISL The receive buffer-to-buffer credits configured for this port to be used if it is operating in xE_port mode.
AdminFx The receive buffer-to-buffer credits configured for this port to be used if it is operating in Fx mode.
PerfBuffer Admin The performance buffers configured for this port. These buffers in addition to the buffer-to-buffer credits are used to improve the performance of a port. If a value of 0 is set, then the module uses the built-in algorithm to calculate the number of performance buffers to be used.
PerfBuffer Oper The performance buffers presently operational on this port.
Oper Rx The maximum number of receive buffers available for holding Class 2, Class 3, Class F frames received from the peer Interconnect_Port.
Oper Tx The total number of buffers available for holding Class 2, Class 3, Class F frames to be transmitted to the peer Interconnect_Port.
Current Rx The current value of receive buffer-to-buffer credits for this port.
Current Tx The current value of transmit buffer-to-buffer credits for this port.
BbScn Notify Indicates whether the Buffer-to-buffer State Change Number (BB_SC_N) mode is enabled. If checked, BB_SC_N mode is enabled. If unchecked, BB_SC_N mode is disabled.

FC Interfaces Other

Field Description
PortChannel Id The port channel that this interface belongs to.
Fabric WWN The world wide name given to this interface.
Mtu bytes The size of the largest frame which can be sent/received on the interface, specified in bytes.
RxDataFieldSize bytes The largest Data_Field size for an FT_1 frame that can be received by this port.
HoldTime us The maximum time that the FC-Port shall hold a frame in the transmitter buffer before discarding it, if it is unable to deliver the frame.
Auto Port Channel Check if you want the PortChannel to be created automatically.
FEC Admin Specifies the port FEC state configured.
FEC Oper Specifies the current operating FEC state of the port.

FC Interfaces FLOGI

Field Description
FcId The address identifier that has been assigned to the logged-in Nx_Port.
PortName The world wide name of the logged-in Nx_Port.
NodeName The world wide name of the Remote Node the logged-in Nx_Port belongs to.
Original PWWN The original port WWN for this interface
Version The version of FC-PH that the Fx_Port has agreed to support from the Fabric Login.
BBCredit Rx The maximum number of receive buffers available for holding Class 2, Class 3 received from the logged-in Nx_Port. It is for buffer-to-buffer flow control in the incoming direction from the logged-in Nx_Port to FC-port.
BBCredit Tx

The total number of buffers available for holding Class 2, Class 3 frames to be transmitted to the logged-in Nx_Port. It is for buffer-to-buffer flow control in the direction from FC-Port to Nx_Port.

The buffer-to-buffer flow control mechanism is indicated in the respective BbCreditModel.

CoS The classes of services that the logged-in Nx_Port has requested the FC-Port to support and the FC-Port has granted the request.
Class2 RxDataSize The Class 2 Receive Data Field Size of the logged-in Nx_Port. Specifies the largest Data Field Size for an FT_1 frame that can be received by the Nx_Port.
Class2 SeqDeliv Whether the FC-Port has agreed to support Class 2 sequential delivery during the Fabric Login. This is meaningful only if Class 2 service has been agreed. This is applicable only to Fx_Ports.
Class3 RxDataSize The Class3 Receive Data Field Size of the logged-in Nx_Port. Specifies the largest Data Field Size for an FT_1 frame that can be received by the Nx_Port.
Class3 SeqDeliv Whether the FxPort has agreed to support Class 3 sequential delivery during the Fabric Login. This is meaningful only if Class 3 service has been agreed. This is applicable only to Fx_Ports.

FC Interfaces ELP

Field Description
Neighbor Port The port world wide name of the peer Interconnect_Port.
Neighbor Switch The node world wide name of the peer Node.
BBCredit Rx

The maximum number of receive buffers available for holding Class 2, Class 3, Class F frames received from the peer Interconnect_Port. It is for buffer-to-buffer flow control in the incoming direction from the peer Interconnect_Port to local Interconnect_Port.

The buffer-to-buffer flow control mechanism is indicated in the respective BbCreditModel.

BBCredit Tx

The total number of buffers available for holding Class 2, Class 3, Class F frames to be transmitted to the peer Interconnect_Port. It is for buffer-to-buffer flow control in the direction from the local Interconnect_Port to peer Interconnect_Port.

The buffer-to-buffer flow control mechanism is indicated in the corresponding BbCreditModel.

CoS The classes of services that the peer Interconnect_Port has requested the local Interconnect_Port to support and the local Interconnect_Port has granted the request.
Class2 SeqDeliv Whether the local Interconnect_Port has agreed to support Class 2 sequential delivery during the Exchange Link Parameters Switch Fabric Internal Link Service request. This is meaningful only if Class 2 service has been agreed.
Class2 RxDataSize The Class 2 Receive Data Field Size of the peer Interconnect_Port. Specifies the largest Data Field Size for an FT_1 frame that can be received by the Interconnect_Port. This is meaningful only if Class 2 service has been agreed.
Class3 SeqDeliv Whether the local Interconnect_Port has agreed to support Class 3 sequential delivery during the Exchange Link Parameters Switch Fabric Internal Link Service request. This is meaningful only if Class 3 service has been agreed.
Class3 RxDataSize The Class 3 Receive Data Field Size of the peer Interconnect_Port. Specifies the largest Data Field Size for an FT_1 frame that can be received by the Interconnect_Port. This is meaningful only if Class 3 service has been agreed.
ClassF X_ID When true indicates that the peer Interconnect_Port supplying this parameter requires that an interlock be used during X_ID assignment in Class F. This is meaningful only if Class F service has been agreed.
ClassF RxDataSize The Class F Receive Data Field Size of the peer Interconnect_Port. Class F service is always agreed between two Interconnect_Ports. Specifies the largest Data Field Size for an FT_1 frame that can be received by the Interconnect_Port.
ClassF ConSeq The number of sequence status blocks provided by the Interconnect_Port supplying the parameters for tracking the progress of a sequence as a sequence recipient. The maximum number of concurrent sequences that can be specified is 255. A value of N/A in this field is reserved.
ClassF EECredit The maximum number of Class F data frames which can be transmitted by an Interconnect_Port without receipt of accompanying ACK or Link_Response frames. The minimum value of end-to-end credit is one. The end-to-end credit field specified is associated with the number of buffers available for holding the Data_Field of a Class F frame and processing the contents of that Data_Field by the Interconnect_Port supplying the parameters.
ClassF OpenSeq The open sequences per exchange shall specify the maximum number of sequences that can be open at one time at the recipient between a pair of Interconnect_Ports for one exchange. This value is used for exchange and sequence tracking.

FC Interfaces Trunk Config

Field Description

The trunking mode configured by the user.

  • When set to nonTrunk, the port negotiates and converts the link into non-trunking mode. This port and the peer port's OperTrunkMode will not carry multiple VSAN traffic.
  • When set to trunk, the port negotiates and converts the link into trunking mode only if the peer port is trunk or auto.
  • When set to auto, the port is willing to convert the link to a trunk link only if the peer port is trunk.
Oper The current trunking mode of the port.
Allowed VSANs The list of VSANs which are allowed to be received/transmitted on the port when the port is operating in trunking mode. Only ports operating in trunk mode can belong to multiple VSANs.
Up VSANs The list of VSANs whose operational state is up, that this port is associated with. Only ports operating in trunk mode can be associated to multiple VSANs. This is applicable to only ports operating in trunk mode.

FCIP Interfaces Trunk Failures

Field Description
FailureCause An entry is shown in this table if there is an error in the trunk status for the given VSAN.

FC Interfaces IP

Field Description
Switch The name of the switch.
Ethernet Interface A unique value that identifies the ethernet interface.
Ethernet Status The current operational state of the ethernet interface.
Ethernet IP Address The Internet address for this entity.
Peer IP Address The Internet address for this entity
Port The Port ID string as reported in the most recent CDP message.
Peer Interface A unique value that identifies the peer interface on this device to which this link pertains.
Peer Device Id The Peer Device ID string as reported in the most recent CDP message.
IP Security Enabled Specifies whether the IP Security is turned on or not.

FC Interfaces Physical

Field Description
BeaconMode If enabled, an interface LED is put into flashing mode for easy identification of a particular interface.
ConnectorPresent If true, there is a physical connector.
ConnectorType The module type of the port connector.
TransmitterType The technology of the port transceiver.
Vendor The connector unit vendor.
PartNumber The connector unit part number.
Revision The port revision of the connector unit.
SerialNo The serial number of the connector unit.

FC Interfaces Capability

Field Description
FC-PH Vers Low The lowest version of FC-PH that the FC-Port is capable of supporting.
FC-PH Vers High The highest version of FC-PH that the FC-Port is capable of supporting.
RxDataSize Min The minimum size in bytes of the Data Field in a frame that the FC-Port is capable of receiving from its attached FC-port.
RxDataSize Max The maximum size in bytes of the Data Field in a frame that the FC-Port is capable of receiving from its attached FC-port.
HoldTime Min The minimum holding time (in microseconds) that the FC-Port is capable of supporting.
HoldTime Max The maximum holding time (in microseconds) that the FC-Port is capable of supporting.
CoS The Bit mask indicating the set of Classes of Service that the FC-Port is capable of supporting.
ServiceStateCapable Indicates whether this interface is capable of handling service state change.
PortRateMode Capable Indicates whether this interface is capable of being configured as dedicated or shared port rate modes.
AdminRxBbCreditExtendedCapable If true, it is capable of changing the extended buffer-to-buffer credits on the interface. The user can configure the object fcIfAdminRxBbCreditExtended on this interface
Class2Seq Deliv The flag indicating whether or not the FC-Port is capable of supporting Class 2 Sequential Delivery.
Class3Seq Deliv The flag indicating whether or not the FC-Port is capable of supporting Class 3 Sequential Delivery.

FC Interfaces FICON Peer

Field Description
TypeNumber The type number of the peer node. For example, the type number could be 002105.
SerialNumber The sequence number assigned to the peer node during manufacturing. For example, the serial number could be 000000023053.
Tag The identifier of the port in the peer node connected to this port.
FcId Address Identifier assigned to NX-Port
Status Specifies the status of the row, is valid, invalid or old.
Name Name of this port.
Manufacturer The name of the company that manufactured the peer node. For example, the manufacturer info could be HTC.
ModelNumber The model number of the peer node. For example, the model number could be F20.
PlantOfMfg The plant code that identifies the plant of manufacture of the peer node. For example, the plant code of manufacture could be 00.
UnitType The type of the peer node that this port is communicating.
Alert The type of link incident that occurred on this interface.

Interfaces NPorts (SVC)

Field Description
Pwwn The WWN (Worldwide Name) of the virtual N-port.
FcId Fibre Channel Identifier of the virtual N-port.
State The operational state of the virtual N-port.
DownReason If the state of the N-port is 'down' as depicted by the instance of State, this value denotes the reason why this N-port is 'down'.

Interfaces Sessions

Field Description
NportPwwn The WWN of the N-port that belongs to this session.
PeerPwwn The WWN of the remote N-port for this session.
PeerNwwn The WWN of the remote N-port for this session.
PeerFcId Fibre Channel Identifier of the remote port for this session.

IP Statistics TCP

Field Description
AttemptFails The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the SYN-SENT state or the SYN-RCVD state, plus the number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the LISTEN state from the SYN-RCVD state.
InErrs The total number of segments received in error (e.g., bad TCP checksums).
ActiveOpens The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the SYN-SENT state from the CLOSED state.
PassiveOpens The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the SYN-RCVD state from the LISTEN state.
EstabResets The number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the ESTABLISHED state or the CLOSE-WAIT state.
InSegs The total number of segments received, including those received in error. This count includes segments received on currently established connections.
OutSegs The total number of segments sent, including those on current connections but excluding those containing only retransmitted bytes.
RetransSegs The total number of segments retransmitted - that is, the number of TCP segments transmitted containing one or more previously transmitted bytes.
OutRsts The number of TCP segments sent containing the RST flag.

Port Channels Ethernet Interfaces

Field Description
Description Alias name for the interface as specified by a network manager.
Mtu The size of the largest frame which can be sent/received on the interface, specified in bytes.
PhysAddress The interface's address at its protocol.
Admin The desired state of the interface.
Oper The current operational state of the interface.
LastChange When the interface entered its current operational state. If the current state was entered prior to the last re-initialization of the local network management subsystem, then this value is N/A.
IPAddress/Mask The IP address and mask of the interface.
iSCSI AuthMethod The authentication method for this interface.
iSNS ProfileName The iSNS server profile name for this interface.

Port Channels FC Interfaces

Field Description
PortVsan VSAN to which this interface is statically assigned.
Description Alias name for the interface as specified by a network manager.
Admin Mode The port mode configured by the user. If the user configured the port as auto(1), then the port initialization scheme determines the mode of the port. In this case the user can look at OperMode to determine the current operating mode of port. Only auto(1) or ePort(4) is allowed.
Oper Mode The current operating mode of the port.
Admin Speed The port speed configured by the user.
Oper Speed The interface's current bandwidth per second.
Admin Status The desired state of the interface.
Oper Status The current operational state of the interface.
FailureCause The cause of current operational state of the port.
LastChange The time the interface entered its current operational state. If the current state was entered prior to the last re-initialization of the switch, then this is a zero or N/A value.

Port Channels General

Field Description
Admin Mode The channel mode desired by the network manager.
Oper Mode The current operating channel mode of the port.

The method to add port(s) to a Port Channel port.

  • If unchecked, then a compatibility check is done on the parameters of the port(s) being added to this Port Channel. The port(s) being added must have the same physical and configured parameters as the Port Channel port.
  • If checked, a compatibility check is done on only physical parameters. The port(s) being added to this Port Channel port must have same physical parameters. The operation will fail only if the physical parameters are not same. The configured parameters of the port(s) being added are overwritten by configured parameters of this Port Channel port.
MemberList By Interface The list of the E_ports that are members of this Port Channel port.
MemberList By FICON The list of the E_ports that are members of this Port Channel port.
MemberList LoadBalanced Those ports which are actively participating in the PortChannel.
LastAction Status The status of the last operation (add or remove a member) done to change the member list of a Port Channel Port. When no ports are added or the last operation is successful then this value is successful. If this value is failed then the user can look at LastAddStatusCause to find the reason of failure.
LastAction FailureCause The cause of failure to last operation (add or remove a member) done to change the member list of a Port Channel port.
LastAction Time The timestamp indicating the time of last action performed on this entry.
CreationTime The timestamp of this entry's creation time.
FICON Address The FICON port address. If empty, then this channel is not used by FICON. (This column is displayed if FICON is enabled. This column is grayed out if the Port Channel is auto-created.)

FlexAttach Global

Field Description
VirtualPwwnauto Enables automatic generation of Virtual WWNs on all the F_port interfaces. If the value of VirtualPWWNauto is set to 'true', the value of VirtualWWN Auto of all the entries in the VirtualWWN table is implicitely set to true.

FlexAttach Virtual PWWN

Field Description
virtual pWWN This is the virtual port WWN for this interface. If the value of VirtualWwnAuto is 'true', then value of this virtual pWWWN is automatically generated by the device.If value of this pWWWN is set explicitely, then value of VirtualWwnAuto is implicitely set to 'false'. If length of pWWWN is zero, then automatic virtual WWN generation is disabled. This pWWWN can not be set to length zero
Auto Enable automatic generation of Virtual WWNs on this interface.If the value of VirtualWwnPwwn is set explicitely, then the value of Auto will be implicitely set to false. Also, if this Auto is set to 'true', then value of VirtualWwnPwwn is overwritten with auto generated virtual port WWN.
LastChange The value of sysUpTime at the time of the last change to this Virtual WWN Entry.

FlexAttach Physical to Virtual WWNs

Field Description
virtual pWWN

This is the virtual port WWN for this device port WWN. In order to minimize WWN collision, no two instances of this Virtual pWWN can have same value.

Note :The Virtual pWWN cannot be changed when corresponding device is logged in.

LastChange The value of sysUpTime at the time of the last change to this Virtual WWN Entry.


Field Description

To enable/disable FIPS mode on the device. FIPS 140-2 is a set of security requirements for cryptographic modules and it details the U.S. Government requirements for cryptographic modules. A module will comprise both hardware and software, eg a datacenter switching or routing module.

The module is said to be in FIPS enabled mode when a request is recieved to enable the FIPS mode and a set of self-tests are successfully run in response to the request. If the self-tests fail, then an appropriate error is returned

FCIP FICON Configuration

Field Description
Interface This is a unique value that identifies the interface on this FCIP device to which this link pertains.
VSAN List Admin This is the list of VSANs (in the range 1 through 2047) for which Ficon Tape Acceleration is configured. Only VSANs with a cficonVsanEntry of CISCO-FICON-MIB present can be configured for Ficon Tape Acceleration.
VSAN List Oper This is the list of VSANs (in the range 1 through 2047) for which Ficon Tape Acceleration is operationally "ON".

Port Channels AutoCreate

Field Description
Channel The channel group mode of this PortChannel.
Persistent True if the PortChannel is persistent.

SPAN Sessions

Field Description
Dest Interface The Span Destination port interface.
Filter VSAN List The VSANs that are assigned to this session.
Status Admin Suspend an active session or activate an inactive session.
Status Oper The current state of the session.
Description The description of the session status.
VSAN List The VSANs that are assigned to this session.
Or Interface (Direction) The destination port ID to be configured for the session.
Inactive Reason Description of the reason why this session is not active.

Span Global

Field Description
MaxQueuedSpanPackets This field specifies the drop threshold packets for all span sessions.The MaxQueuedSpanPackets field is only available when no session is active.

SPAN Source Interfaces

Field Description
Interface, Direction The destination port ID configured for the session, and the direction of traffic.

Port Tracking Dependencies

Field Description
Linked, Destination Interfaces The interfaces that are doing the tracking.
VSAN Type Whether a single VSAN or all VSANs are being tracked.
VSAN ID If a single VSAN is being tracked, the ID of that VSAN.

Port Tracking Force Shut

Field Description
Interface The interface of the port to be configured for the forced-shut mode.
Force Shut If true, the port is brought down administratively, and you must bring the port up manually. If false, the port is brought down operationally only, and is brought up again as soon as any one of the tracked ports comes up.

Port Guard

Field Description
Interface Name of the interface
Enable Specifies whether an interface can be stopped from changing between up and down states or allowed to change states continuously.
Duration (sec) Specifies the time duration in which a port is allowed to change states.
Number of Flaps Specifies the number of times the port can flap in the time specified in the Duration.
Oper Operational state of the interface.

Bandwidth Reservation: 48-Port 96-Gbps Fibre Channel module

RateMode Config Macro Description
Dedicated 4 Gbps on the first port of each group and the remaining ports 8 Gbps shared Allocates a rate mode and admin speed of 4 Gbps on the first port of each group and the remaining ports share 8 Gbps depending on the operational speed of the ports
Dedicated 8 Gbps on the first port of each group and the remaining ports 8 Gbps shared Allocates a rate mode and admin speed of 8 Gbps on the first port of each group and the remaining ports share 8 Gbps depending on the operational speed of the ports
Shared 8 Gbps on all ports (initial & default settings) Allocates a rate mode and admin speed of 8 Gbps on all the available ports. This is the default setting.

Bandwidth Reservation: 48-Port 48-Gbps Fibre Channel module

RateMode Config Macro Description
Dedicated 2 Gbps on the first port of each group and the remaining ports 4 Gbps shared Allocates a rate mode and admin speed of 2Gbps on the first port of each group and the remaining ports share 4 Gbps depending on the operational speed of the ports
Dedicated 8 Gbps on the first port of each group and the remaining ports 4 Gbps shared Allocates a rate mode and admin speed of 8 Gbps on the first port of each group and the remaining ports share 4 Gbps depending on the operational speed of the ports
Shared Auto with Maximum of 4 Gbps on all ports (initial & default settings) Allocates a maximum rate mode and admin speed of 4Gbps on all the available ports. This is the default setting.

Bandwidth Reservation: 24-Port 48-Gbps Fibre Channel module

RateMode Config Macro Description
Dedicated 8 Gbps on the first port of each group and the remaining ports 8G shared Allocates a rate mode and admin speed of 8Gbps on the first port of each group and the remaining ports share 8 Gbps depending on the operational speed of the ports
Shared Auto on all ports (initial & default settings) Allocates a rate mode and admin speed of 8 Gbps on all the available ports. This is the default setting.

Bandwidth Reservation: 48-Port 256-Gbps Fibre Channel module

RateMode Config Macro Description
Dedicated 8 Gbps on the first 4 ports in each 6-port port group and the remaining ports 8G shared Allocates a rate mode and admin speed of 8Gbps on the first 4 ports in each 6-port port group and the remaining ports share 8 Gbps depending on the operational speed of the ports.
Dedicated 8 Gbps on the first port of each group and the remaining ports 8G shared Allocates a rate mode and admin speed of 8 Gbps on the first port of each group and the remaining ports share 8 Gbps depending on the operational speed of the ports.
Shared 8G 0n all ports Allocates a rate mode and admin speed of 8 Gbps on all the available ports. This is the default setting.
Dedicated 4G 0n all ports Allocates a rate mode and admin speed of 4Gbps on all the available ports.

Dedicated 10G on following ports:

  • 4,5,6,7,8,10 (ports 1,2,3,9,11,12 disabled)
  • 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22 (ports 13,14,15, 21,23,24 disabled)
  • 28,29,30,31,32,34 (ports 25,26,27,33,35,36 disabled)
  • 40,41,42,43,44,46 (ports 37,38, 39 45, 47, 48 disabled)
Allocates a rate mode and admin speed of 10Gbps on the following ports.

Bandwidth Reservation: 32-Port 256-Gbps Fibre Channel module

RateMode Config Macro Description
Dedicated 8 Gbps on on all ports Allocates a rate mode and admin speed of 8 Gbps on all the available ports.
Shared 8 Gbps on on all ports — initial and default settings. Allocates a rate mode and admin speed of shared 8 Gbps on all the available ports.

Dedicated 10G on following ports:

  • 2,3,4,5,6,8 (ports 1 and 7 disabled)
  • 10,11,12,13,14,16 (ports 9 and 15 disabled)
  • 18,19,20,21,22,24 (ports 17 and 23 disabled)
  • 26,27,28,29,30,32 (ports 25 and 31 disabled)
Allocates a rate mode and admin speed of 10Gbps on the specified ports.

DS-X9448-768K9 (Luke) Line Card Bandwidth Reservation

RateMode Config Macro Description

Dedicated 10G on the following ports:

  • Ports 1-8
  • Ports 9-16
  • Ports 17-24
  • Ports 25-32
  • Ports 33-40
  • Ports 41-48
Allocates dedicated rate mode and admin speed of 10 Gbps on the specified ports.

Unconfigure 10G on the following ports:

  • Ports 1-8
  • Ports 9-16
  • Ports 17-24
  • Ports 25-32
  • Ports 33-40
  • Ports 41-48
Reverts to default rate mode and admin speed on the specified ports. Transceiver frequencey is set to FC. This operation is disruptive.


This section includes the following:

VSAN General

Field Description
Name The name of the VSAN. Note that default value will be the string VSANxxxx where xxxx is value of vsanIndex expressed as 4 digits. For example, if vsanIndex is 23, the default value is VSAN0023.
Mtu The MTU of the VSAN. Normally, this is 2112.

The type of load balancing used on this VSAN.

  • srcdst - use source and destination ID for path selection
  • srcdst 0xld - use source, destination, and exchange IDs

The interoperability mode of the local switch on this VSAN.

  • standard
  • interop-1
  • interop-2
  • interop-3
AdminState The state of this VSAN.
OperState The operational state of the VSAN.
InOrderDelivery The InorderDelivery guarantee flag of device. If true, then the inorder delivery is guaranteed. If false, it is not guaranteed.
DomainId Specifies an insistent domain ID.
FICON True if the VSAN is FICON-enabled.
Network Latency Network latency of this switch on this VSAN. This is the time interval after which the frames are dropped if they are not delivered in the order they were transmitted.

VSAN Membership

Field Description
Switch Name of the switch
Ports FC Ports in VSAN
Channels PortChannels in VSAN
FCIP FCIP Interfaces in VSAN
iSCSI iSCSI Interfaces in VSAN
FICON Interfaces in VSAN by FICON
FC Virtual Interface Virtual FC interfaces in VSAN

VSAN Interop-4 WWN

Field Description
VSAN ID The ID of the VSAN containing the McData switch.
WWN The WWN of the McData switch.

VSAN Timers

Field Description
VSAN Id The ID of the VSAN.
R_A_TOV The Resource_Allocation_Timeout Value used for FxPorts as the timeout value for determining when to reuse an NxPort resource such as a Recovery_Qualifier. It represents E_D_TOV plus twice the maximum time that a frame may be delayed within the Fabric and still be delivered. Note that all switches in a fabric should be configured with the same value of this timeout.
D_S_TOV The Distributed_Services_Timeout Value which indicates that how long a distributed services requestor will wait for a response.
E_D_TOV The Error_Detect_Timeout Value used for FxPorts as the timeout value for detecting an error condition. Note that all switches in a fabric should be configured with the same value of this timeout. Note that value must be less than value of D_S_TOV.
NetworkDropLatency Network latency of this switch on this VSAN.

VSAN Default Zone Policies

Field Description
Zone Behavior Represents the initial value for default zone behavior on a VSAN when it is created. If a VSAN were to be deleted and re-created again, the default zone behavior will be set to the value specified for this object.
Propagation Mode Represents the initial value for zone set propagation mode on a VSAN when it is created. If a VSAN were to be deleted and re-created again, the zone set propagation mode will be set to the value specified for this object.

IVR Local Topology

Field Description
VSAN List The list of configured VSANs that are part of IVR topology on this device.

IVR Fabric ID

Field Description
VSAN List The list of configured VSANs that are part of IVR topology on this device.

IVR Default Fabric ID

Field Description
Fabric Id The configured Default Autonomous Fabric ID of this switch.

IVR Action

Field Description
Activate Local Topology Setting this object to activate is a request for the configured IVR topology to be activated on this device. i.e., for the current configuration of IVR topology to be cloned, with the clone becoming the active IVR topology.
IsActive This object indicates of IVR topology is active or not. If true, the IVR topology is active. If false, the IVR topology is not active.
Activation Time When the IVR topology was most recently activated. If the IVR topology has not been activated prior to the last re-initialization of the local network management system, then this value will be N/A.
Enable IVR NAT Enable FCID and VSAN identifier translation across VSAN boundaries. If true, the VSAN identifier as well as the entire FCID of the end devices would be modified as frames cross VSAN boundaries.
Auto Discover Topology Enable automatic VSAN topology discovery. If true, automatic VSAN topology discovery is turned on. IVR processes would communicate with each other to provide a global view of the physical topology to all the IVR enabled switches. If false, automatic VSAN topology discovery is turned off.


Field Description
Add Virtual Domain to FC Domain List This object lists VSANs in which the virtual domains in a VSAN are added to the domain list in that VSAN.

IVR Active Topology

Field Description
VSAN List The list of VSANs that are part of IVR topology on this device.

IVR Zoneset Status

Field Description
Status Status of the active IV Zoneset on this VSAN.
  • idle - Idle
  • active - Active
  • deactive - Deactive
  • defaultZoneDeny - Activation failed because of default zone behavior is deny and there is no regular active zoneset.
  • activationFailed - Activation failed
  • deactivationFailed - Deactivation failed
  • activationNotInitiated - Activation not initiated
  • activationFailedFabricChgFailed - Activation failed because of fabric change failed.
  • deactivationNotInitiated - Deactivation not initiated.
  • deactivationFailedFabChgFailed - Deactivation failed because of fabric change failed.
  • deactivationNotInitiated - Deactivation not initiated.
  • deactivationFailedFabChgFailed - Deactivation failed because of fabric changing.
  • activating - Activation in progress.
  • activatingWaitForLowestSwwn - Activation in progress; waiting for the lowest switch WWN switch to add IV zoneset to the regular active zoneset.
  • activatingFabricChanging - Activation in progress; fabric is changing.
  • deactivating - Deactivation in progress.
  • deactivatingWaitForLowestSwwn - Deactivation in progress; waiting for the lowest switch WWN switch to delete IVR zoneset from the regular active zoneset.
  • deactivatingFabricChanging - Deactivation in progress; fabric is changing.
  • defaultZonePermit - Activation failed because of default zone behavior is permit.
  • defaultZonePermitNoForce - Activation failed because of default zone behavior is permit with no force option.
  • defaultZonePermitActZsNoForce - Activation failed because of default zone behavior is permit and with regular activate zoneset and no force option.
  • denyNoActiveZoneset - Activation failed because there is no active zoneset.
  • activationFailedLowestWwnWait - Activation failed waiting for the switch with lowest wwn to activate this zoneset.
  • deactivationFailedLowestWwnWait - Deactivation failed waiting for switch with lowest wwn to deactivate this zoneset.
  • activationFailedZoneNmCtnsIlChar - Activation fails because one of the zone names in zoneset that is being activated contains illegal character.

IVR Discrepancies

Field Description
Discrepancy The checksum of the enforced (active) IV zoneset.
RegionID Identifies the CFS configuration supported region.

IVR Domains

Field Description
Domain Id The FC domain ID that will be used to represent the VSAN.


Field Description
FCID The FCID to be used by IVR to represent the device.

IVR Zoneset Active Zones

Field Description
Zone Active IVR zone name.
Fabric Id Autonomous fabric ID.
Switch Interface Switch interface to which the zone member is connected to.
Name Zone member name.
WWN Zone member WWN.
FcId Zone member FC ID.
LUNs Zone member LUN.
  • Not in Fabric: If zone member is not in the fabric.
  • Not in VSAN: If zone member is not present in the VSAN.
  • n/a: Cannot determine status.

Empty: Member is present in fabric and correct VSAN and can communicate with other members of the zone.

IVR Zoneset Active Zones Attributes

Field Description
Zone Active IVR zone name.
QoS True if QoS enabled, otherwise false.
QoS Priority QoS priority value (Low, Medium, or High).
Broadcast Specifies if broadcast zoning is enabled on this default zone on this VSAN. If true, then it is enabled. If false, then it is disabled.

IVR Zoneset Name

Field Description
Zone Active IVR zone name.
Fabric Id Autonomous fabric ID.
Switch Interface Switch interface to which the zone member is connected to.
Name Zone member name.
WWN Zone member WWN.
FcId Zone member FC ID.
Luns Zone member LUN.
  • Not in Fabric: If zone member is not in the fabric.
  • Not in VSAN: If zone member is not present in the VSAN.
  • n/a: Cannot determine status.

Empty: Member is present in fabric and correct VSAN and can communicate with other members of the zone.

DPVM Actions

Field Description
Action Helps in activating the set of bindings.
Result Indicates the outcome of the activation.
Status Indicates the state of activation. If true, then activation has been attempted as the most recent operation. If false, then an activation has not been attempted as the most recent operation.
CopyActive to Config When set to copy(1), results in the active (enforced) binding database to be copied on to the configuration binding database. The learned entries are also copied.
Auto Learn Enable Helps to learn the configuration of devices logged into the local device on all its ports and the VSANs to which they are associated.
Auto Learn Clear Assists in clearing the auto-learnt entries.
Clear WWN Represents the Port WWN (pWWN) to be used for clearing its corresponding auto-learnt entry.

DPVM Config Database

Field Description
Switch Name of the switch.
Type Specifies the type of the corresponding instance of device.
WWN or Name or MAC Represents the logging in device. The value depends on the corresponding device type (PWWN, NWWN or MAC).
VSAN Id Represents the VSAN to be associated to the port on the local device on which the device represented by cdpvmLoginDev logs in.
Switch Interface Represents the device alias.

DPVM Active Database

Field Description
Type Specifies the type of the corresponding instance of cdpvmEnfLoginDev.
WWN or Name or MAC Represents the logging in device. The value depends on the corresponding device type (PWWN, NWWN or MAC).
VSAN Id Represents the VSAN of the port on the local device through which the device represented by cdpvmEnfLoginDev logs in.
Interface Represents the device alias.
IsLearnt Indicates whether this is a learnt entry or not. If true, then it is a learnt entry. If false, then it is not.

Domain Manager Running

Field Description
State The state of the Domain Manager on the local switch on this VSAN.
DomainId The Domain ID of the local switch on this VSAN or 0 if no Domain ID has been assigned.
Local Switch WWN The WWN of the local switch on this VSAN.
Local Priority The running priority of the local switch on this VSAN.
Principal Switch WWN The WWN of the principal switch on this VSAN, or empty string if the identity of the principal switch is unknown.
Principal Priority The running priority of the principal switch on this VSAN.

Domain Manager Configuration

Field Description
Enable Enables the Domain Manager on this VSAN. If enabled on an active VSAN, the switch will participate in principal switch selection. If disabled, the switch will participate in neither the principal switch selection nor domain allocation. Thus, Domain ID needs to be configured statically.
Running DomainId

The configured Domain ID of the local switch on this VSAN or 0 if no Domain ID has been configured. The meaning depends on DomainIdType.

If Type is 'preferred', then domain ID configured is called 'preferred Domain ID'. The valid values are between 0 and 239. In a situation where this domain could not be assigned, any domain ID would be acceptable. The value '0' means any domain ID.

If Type is 'static' (insistent), then domain ID is called 'static Domain ID' and valid values are between 1 and 239. In a situation where this domain was non-zero but could not be assigned, no other domain ID would be acceptable.

If the Domain Manager is enabled on the VSAN, then a RDI (Request Domain ID) will be sent requesting this Domain ID. If no Domain ID can be granted in the case of 'preferred' or if the configured 'static' (insistent) domain ID cannot be not granted then, it is an error condition. When this error occurs, the E_ports on that VSAN will be isolated.

If the domain manager is not enabled, then the static (insistent) Domain ID is assumed to be granted, if it has been configured (to a valid number). If either of the domain IDs are not configured with a non-zero value on this VSAN and if the domain manager is not enabled, then - switch will isolate all of its E_ports on this VSAN.

DomainId Type Type of configured Domain ID.
FabricName The WWN that is used for fabric logins on this VSAN. This is used only if Enable is false. If Enable is true, then principal switch WWN is used. It is automatically set to the default value when set to zero-length value.
Priority Priority of the switch to be used in principal switch selection process.
Contiguous Allocation Determines how the switch behaves when elected as the principal switch. If true, switch won't accept non-contiguous domain IDs in RDIs and will try to replace all the Domain IDs in the list with contiguous domain IDs if a RDI for a contiguous Domain ID can not be fulfilled. If false, then the switch acts normally in granting the Domain IDs even if they are not contiguous.
Auto Reconfigure Determines how the switch responds to certain error conditions. The condition that can cause these errors is merging of two disjoint fabrics that have overlapping Domain ID list. If true, the switch will send a RCF (ReConfigureFabric) to rebuild the Fabric. If false, the switch will isolate the E_ports on which the errors happened.
Persistent FcId If true, then all the FC ID assigned on this VSAN are made persistent on this VSAN. If false, then all the entries on VSAN in PersistencyTable are deleted.
Purge FcIds? Tells the Domain Manager to purge the FC IDs on this VSAN in the FC ID persistency database.

Tells the Domain Manager to rebuild the Domain ID tree all over again. If 'disruptive', then a RCF (ReConfigure Fabric) is generated in the VSAN in order for the fabric to recover from the errors.

If nonDisruptive, then a BF (Build Fabric) is generated in the VSAN.


You need to click the field to select one of the following. To disable turbo mode, do not select anything.

  • Fast-Restart- Set the optimization type to fast restart.
  • Selective-Restart- Set the optimization type to selective restart.

Domain Manager Domains

Field Description
SwitchWWN The WWN of the switch to which the corresponding value of DomainId is currently assigned for the particular VSAN.

Domain Manager Statistics

Field Description
Prin. Sel Total The number of principal switch selections on this VSAN.
Prin. Sel Local The number of times the local switch became the principal switch on this VSAN.
Fabric Builds (BF) The number of BuildFabrics (BFs) that have occurred on this VSAN.
Fabric Reconfigures (Rcf) The number of ReconfigureFabrics (RCFs) that have occurred on this VSAN.
FcIds Free The number of FC IDs that are unassigned on this VSAN.
FcIds Assigned The number of FC IDs that are assigned on this VSAN.
FcIds Reserved The number of FC IDs that are reserved on this VSAN.

Domain Manager Interfaces

Field Description

One of the following:

  • nonPrincipal - non-principal interface
  • principalUpstream - upstream principal interface
  • principalDownsteam - downstream principal interface
  • isolated - isolated interface
  • down - down interface unknown
  • unknown - unknown interface
RcfReject Determines if the incoming ReConfigure Fabric (RCF) messages on this interface on this VSAN is accepted or not. If true, then the incoming RCF is rejected. If false, incoming RCF is accepted. Note that this does not apply to the outgoing RCFs generated by this interface.

Domain Manager Persistent FcIds

Field Description
FcId The FC ID assigned for this WWN on this VSAN. The third octet must be 0x00 if value of PersistencyNum is area.
Mask The number of FC IDs starting from PersistencyFcId which are assigned either statically or dynamically for this WWN on this VSAN. The value one means just one FC ID is assigned. The value area means all the FC IDs in the area that is specified in the second octet of FcId are assigned. Typically, 256 FC IDs are assigned for an area. This value cannot be changed if the value of Used is true.
Used Indicates if this FC ID is used or not.
Assignment The type of persistency of this FC ID.

Domain Manager Allowed DomainIds

Field Description
List Provides the lists of domains that are allowed. A domain is allowed in this VSAN if the corresponding bit has a value of 1. If it has a value which is less than 32 bytes long, then the domains which are not represented are not considered to be in the list. If this object is a zero-length string, then no domains are allowed in this VSAN.

Zoneset Active Zones

Field Description
Zone Zone name.
Type Zone member type.
Switch Interface Switch interface to which the zone member is connected to.
Name Zone member name.
WWN Zone member WWN.
FcId Zone member FC ID.
LUNs Zone member LUN.
  • Not in Fabric: If zone member is not in the fabric.
  • Not in VSAN: If zone member is not present in the VSAN.
  • n/a: Cannot determine status.
  • Empty: Member is present in fabric and correct VSAN and can communicate with other members of the zone.

Zoneset Unzoned

Field Description
Name Zone member name.
WWN Zone member WWN.
FcId Zone member FC ID.

Zoneset Status

Field Description
Status Indicates the outcome of the most recent activation/deactivation.
Activation Time When this entry was most recently activated. If this entry has been activated prior to the last re-initialization of the local network management system, then this value will be N/A.
FailureCause The reason for the failure of the zoneset activation/deactivation.
FailedSwitch The domain ID of the device in the fabric that has caused the Change Protocol to fail.
Active == Local? Indicates whether the enforced database is the same as the local database on this VSAN. If true, then they are the same. If false, then they are not the same.
Active Zoneset The name of the enforced IV zoneset.
Hard Zoning Indicates whether the hard zoning is enabled on this VSAN. Hard zoning is a mechanism by which zoning is enforced in hardware. If true, then hard zoning is enabled on this VSAN. If false, then hard zoning is not enabled on this VSAN.

Zoneset Policies

Field Description
Default Zone Behavior Controls the behavior of the default zone on this VSAN. If it is set to permit, then the members of the default zone on this VSAN can communicate with each other. If it is set to deny, then the members of the default zone on this VSAN cannot communicate with each other.
Default Zone ReadOnly Indicates whether SCSI read operations are allowed on members of the default zone which are SCSI targets, on this VSAN. If true, then only SCSI read operations are permitted. So, this default zone becomes a read-only default zone on this VSAN. If false, then both SCSI read and write operations are permitted.
Default Zone QoS Specifies whether the QoS attribute for the default zone on this VSAN is enabled. If true, then QoS attribute for the default zone on this VSAN is enabled. If false, then the QoS attribute for the default zone on this VSAN is disabled.
Default Zone QoS Priority Specifies the QoS priority value.
Default Zone Broadcast Specifies if broadcast zoning is enabled on this default zone on this VSAN. If true, then it is enabled. If false, then it is disabled.
Propagation Controls the way zoneset information is propagated during Merge/Change protocols on this VSAN
Read From Specifies whether the management station wishes to read from the effective database or from the copy database.

Zoneset Active Zones Attributes

Field Description
Name Zone name.
Read Only Indicates if only SCSI read operations are allowed on members of the default zone which are SCSI targets on this VSAN. If true, then only SCSI read operations are permitted. So, this default zone becomes a read-only default zone on this VSAN. If false, then both SCSI read and write operations are permitted.
QoS Specifies whether the QoS attribute for the default zone on this VSAN is enabled. If true, then QoS attribute for the default zone on this VSAN is enabled. If false, then the QoS attribute for the default zone on this VSAN is disabled.
QoS Priority Specifies QoS priority value (Low, Medium, or High).
Broadcast Specifies if broadcast zoning is enabled on this default zone on this VSAN. If true, then it is enabled. If false, then it is disabled.

Zoneset Enhanced

Field Description
Action When set to basic(1), results in the zone server operating in the basic mode as defined by FC-GS4 standards. When set to enhanced(2), results in the zone server operating in the enhanced mode as defined by FC-GS4 standards.
Result The outcome of setting the mode of operation of the local Zone Server on this VSAN.
Config DB Locked By Specifies the owner for this session.
Config DB Discard Changes Assists in committing or clearing the contents of the copy database on this session.
Config DB Result Indicates the outcome of setting the corresponding instance of czseSessionCntl to commitChanges(1).
Enforce Full DB Merge Controls the zone merge behavior. If this object is set to allow, then the merge takes place according to the merge rules. If set to restrict, then if the merging databases are not exactly identical, the Inter-Switch Link (ISL) between the devices is isolated.
Read From Specifies whether the management station wishes to read from the effective database or from the copy database.

Zoneset Read Only Violations

Field Description
Violations The number of Data protected Check Condition error responses sent by the local Zone Server.

Zoneset Statistics

Field Description
Merge Req Tx The number of Merge Request Frames sent by this Zone Server to other Zone Servers in the fabric on this VSAN.
Merge Req Rx The number of Merge Request Frames received by this Zone Server from other Zone Servers in the fabric on this VSAN.
Merge Acc Tx The number of Merge Accept Frames sent by this Zone Server to other Zone Servers in the fabric on this VSAN.
Merge Acc Rx The number of Merge Accept Frames received by this Zone Server from other Zone Servers in the fabric on this VSAN.
Change Req Tx The number of Change Requests sent by this Zone Server to other Zone Servers in the fabric on this VSAN.
Change Req Rx The number of Change Requests received by this Zone Server from other Zone Servers in the fabric on this VSAN.
Change Acc Tx The number of Change Responses sent by this Zone Server to other Zone Servers in the fabric on this VSAN.
Change Acc Rx The number of Change Responses received by this Zone Server from other Zone Servers in the fabric on this VSAN.
GS3 Rej Tx The number of GS3 requests rejected by this Zone Server on this VSAN.
GS3 Req Rx The number of GS3 requests received by this Zone Server on this VSAN.

Zoneset LUN Zoning Statistics

Field Description
INQUIRY The number of SCSI INQUIRY commands that have been received by the local zone server.
REPORT LUN The number of SCSI Report LUNs commands that have been received by the local zone server. Typically the Report LUNs command is sent only for LUN 0.
SENSE The number of SCSI SENSE commands that have been received by the local zone server.
Other Cmds The number of SCSI Read, Write, Seek, etc., commands received by the local zone server.
BadInquiry Errors The number of No LU error responses sent by the local zone server.
Illegal Errors The number of Illegal Request Check Condition responses sent by the local zone server.

Zoneset Members

Field Description
Zone Default zone.
Type FCID.
Switch Interface Switch interface to which the zone member is connected to.
Name Zone member name.
WWN Zone member WWN.
FcId Zone member FC ID.
Luns Zone member LUN.
  • Not in Fabric: If zone member is not in the fabric.
  • Not in VSAN: If zone member is not present in the VSAN.
  • n/a: Cannot determine status.

Empty: Member is present in fabric and correct VSAN and can communicate with other members of the zone.

Fabric Config Server Discovery

Field Description

The status of the discovery on the local switch. Initially when the switch comes up, this will be set to databaseInvalid state on all VSANs. This indicates that a discovery needs to be done. The state will be set to inProgress for this VSAN during the discovery. Once the discovery is completed on this VSAN, this will be set to completed. After the discovery is completed for the specified list of VSANs, the data is cached for an interval of time.

Once this interval of time expires, the data is lost and this will be set to databaseInvalid state for the specified list of VSANs.

CompleteTime When the last discovery was completed on this VSAN. This value is N/A before the first discovery on this VSAN.

Fabric Config Server Interconnect Elements

Field Description
Type The type of this Interconnect Element.
DomainId The Domain Id of this Interconnect Element. If the Domain Id has not been configured, then this value is 0.
MgmtId The management identifier of this Interconnect Element. If the Interconnect Element is a switch, then this will be the Domain Controller identifier of the switch.
FabricName The fabric name of this Interconnect Element.
LogicalName The logical name of this Interconnect Element.
Vendor, Model, Release, WWN The information list corresponding to this Interconnect Element.
MgmtAddrList The management address list corresponding to this Interconnect Element.

Fabric Config Server Platforms (Enclosures)

Field Description
Name The name of this platform.
Type The type of this platform.
ConfigSource The source of configuration of this entry. Note that an entry which is configured via GS3 cannot be deleted through SNMP.
NodeList The node name list corresponding to this platform.
MgmtAddrList The management address list corresponding to this Platform.

Fabric Config Server Fabric Ports

Field Description
Type The type of this port.
TXType The TX type of this port.
ModuleType The module type of this port.
Interface The physical number corresponding to this port entry.
State The state of this port.
AttachedPortList The attached port name list corresponding to this port.

FC Routes

Field Description
Preference The value used to select one route over another when more than one route to the same destination is learned from different protocols, peers, or static routes. The preference value is an arbitrarily assigned value used to determine the order of routes to the same destination in a single routing database (RIB). The active route is chosen by the lowest preference value.
LastChangeTime The last time a row was created, modified, or deleted in the FC route table.
DomainId The domain ID of next hop switch. However, when read, this value could be N/A if the value of fcRouteProto is local.
Metric The routing metric for this route. The use is dependent on fcRouteProto used.

The type of route.

  • local(1): refers to a route for which the next hop is the final destination.
  • remote(2): refers to a route for which the next hop is not the final destination. This is not relevant for multicast and broadcast route entries.


Field Description
Sn The serial number of this HBA.
Model The model of this HBA.
ModelDescr The model description.
OSInfo The type and version of the operating system controlling this HBA.
MaxCTPayload The maximum size of the Common Transport (CT) payload including all CT headers but no FC frame header(s), that may be send or received by application software resident in the host containing this HBA.

FDMI Ports

Field Description
SupportedFC4Type The supported FC-4 types attribute registered for this port on this VSAN.
SupportedSpeed The supported speed registered for this port on this VSAN.
CurrentSpeed The current speed registered for this port on this VSAN.
MaxFrameSize The maximum frame size attribute registered for this port on this VSAN.
OsDevName The OS Device Name attribute registered for this port on this VSAN.
HostName The name of the host associated with this port.

FDMI Versions

Field Description
Hardware The hardware version of this HBA.
DriverVer The version level of the driver software controlling this HBA.
OptROMVer The version of the Option ROM or the BIOS of this HBA.
Firmware The version of the firmware executed by this HBA.

Flow Statistics

Field Description
Type The matching criteria by which flows are selected to be included in the traffic which is instrumented by the ingress traffic counters.
VsanId The id of VSAN.
DestId The destination fibre channel address ID.
SrcId The source fibre channel address ID.
Mask The mask for source and destination fibre channel address ID.
Frames The number of received frames for the flow created by the network manager.
Bytes The number of received frame bytes for the flow created by the network manager.
CreationTime The timestamp indicating the time the row was created or modified.


Field Description
Enable Enable Fabric Congestion Control
Priority Specifies the priority level for the frames.
EdgeQuenchPktsRecd The number of Edge Quench packets received and processed on this port.
EdgeQuenchPktsSent The number of Edge Quench packets generated on this Port as result of congestion.
PathQuenchPktsRecd The number of Path Quench packets received and processed on this port.
PathQuenchPktsSent The number of Path Quench packets generated on this Port as result of congestion.
CurrentCongestionState The current FCC congestion state of this Port indicating the severity of the congestion.
LastCongestedTime When the congestion state of the Port changed to noCongestion from some other value. N/A if the congestion state of the Port has never transitioned to noCongestion since the last restart of the device.
LastCongestionStartTime When the congestion state of the port changed from noCongestion to some other value.
IsRateLimitingApplied If true, rate limiting is currently being applied on this port.


Field Description
Value Displays the most recent measurement seen by the sensor.


High and Low

Represents the severity level of the SFP diagnostic information of an interface for temperature, voltage, current, optical transmit and receive power. It ranges from 1 to 6, with 6 being highest severity.


High and Low

FSPF General

Field Description
AdminStatus The desired state of FSPF on this VSAN.
OperStatus State of FSPF on this VSAN.
SetToDefault Enabling this changes each value in this row to its default value. If all the configuration parameters have their default values and if the VSAN is suspended, then the row is deleted automatically.
RegionId The autonomous region of the local switch on this VSAN.
DomainId The Domain Id of the local switch on this VSAN.
SpfHoldTime The minimum time between two consecutive SPF computations on this VSAN. The smaller value means that routing will react to the changes faster but the CPU usage is greater.
SpfDelay The time between when FSPF receives topology updates and when it starts the Shortest Path First (SPF) computation on this VSAN. The smaller value means that routing will react to the changes faster but the CPU usage is greater.
MinLsArrival The minimum time after accepting a Link State Record (LSR) on this VSAN before accepting another update of the same LSR on the same VSAN. An LSR update that is not accepted because of this time interval is discarded.
MinLsInterval The minimum time after this switch sends an LSR on this VSAN before it will send another update of the same LSR on the same VSAN.
LsRefreshTime The interval between transmission of refresh LSRs on this VSAN.
LSRMaxAge The maximum age an LSR will be retained in the FSPF database on this VSAN. It is removed from the database after MaxAge is reached.
CreateTime When this entry was last created.
CheckSum The total checksum of all the LSRs on this VSAN.

FSPF Interfaces

Field Description
SetToDefault Enabling this changes each value in this row to its default value. If all the configuration parameters have their default values and if the interface is down, then the row is deleted automatically.

The administrative cost of sending a frame on this interface on this VSAN. The value 0 means that the cost has not been configured. Once the value has been configured, the value can not again be 0; so, obviously the value can not be set to 0. If the value is 0 and the corresponding interface is up, the agent sets a value calculated using the ifSpeed of the interface. Otherwise, the value is used as the cost.

Note that following formula is used to calculate the link cost.

Link Cost = { fspfIfCost if fspfIfCost > 0 {(1.0625e12 / Baud Rate) if fspfIfCost == 0 where Baud Rate is the ifSpeed of the interface.

AdminStatus The desired state of FSPF on this interface on this VSAN.
HelloInterval Interval between the periodic HELLO messages sent on this interface on this VSAN to verify the link health. Note that this value must be same on both the interfaces on each end of the link on this VSAN.

Maximum time for which no HELLO messages can be received on this interface on this VSAN. After this time, the interface is assumed to be broken and removed from the database.

Note that this value must be greater than the HELLO interval specified on this interface on this VSAN.

RetransmitInterval Time after which an unacknowledged link update is retransmitted on this interface on this VSAN.
Neighbour State The state of FSPF's neighbor state machine, which is the operational state of the interaction with the neighbor's interface which is connected to this interface.
Neighbour DomainId The Domain ID of the neighbor on this VSAN.
Neighbour PortIndex The index, as known by the neighbor, of the neighbor's interface which is connected to this interface on this VSAN.
CreateTime When this entry was last created.

FSPF Interface Stats

Field Description
CreateTime When this entry was last created.
ErrorRxPkts Number of invalid FSPF control frames received on this interface on this VSAN since the creation of the entry.
InactivityExpirations Number of times the inactivity timer has expired on this interface on this VSAN since the creation of the entry.
LsuRxPkts Number of Link State Update (LSU) frames received on this interface on this VSAN since the creation of the entry.
LsuTxPkts Number of Link State Update (LSU) frames transmitted on this interface on this VSAN since the creation of the entry.
RetransmittedLsuTxPkts Number of LSU frames retransmitted on this interface on this VSAN since the creation of the entry.
LsaRxPkts Number of Link State Acknowledgement (LSA) frames received on this interface on this VSAN since the creation of the entry.
LsaTxPkts Number of Link State Acknowledgement (LSA) frames transmitted on this interface on this VSAN since the creation of the entry.
HelloTxPkts Number of HELLO frames transmitted on this interface on this VSAN since the creation of the entry.
HelloRxPkts Number of HELLO frames received on this interface on this VSAN since the creation of the entry.

SDV Virtual Devices

Field Description
Name Represents the name of this virtual device.
Virtual Domain The user preference for a persistent Domain ID for this virtual device to indicate a specific partition (domain) of the fabric that this virtual device should belong to.
Virtual FCID The user preference for a persistent FCID for this virtual device.
Port WWN The assigned PWWN for this virtual device. The agent assigns this value when the configuration is committed.
Node WWN The assigned NWWN for this virtual device. The agent assigns this value when the configuration is committed.
Assigned FCID The assigned FCID of this virtual device. The agent assigns this value when the configuration is committed and the real device that this virtual device virtualizes is on-line.
Real Device Map List The set of real device(s) that this virtual device virtualizes in this VSAN.

SDV Real Devices

Field Description
Type The type of real device identifier represented by the value of the corresponding instance of cFcSdvVirtRealDeviceId that this virtual device virtualizes to.
Name Represents a real device(s) identifier that this virtual device virtualizes.
Map Type The mapping association type of the real device(s) (initiator/target).

LUN Discover

Field Description
StartDiscovery If Local, then only the directly attached SCSI target devices/ports and LUNs associated with them on all VSANs will be discovered. If Remote, then all SCSI target devices/ports and LUNs associated with them on all VSANs in the whole fabric, except the directly attached ones, will be discovered.
Type Selecting targets results in only targets being discovered, without the NS results in both targets and LUNs being discovered.
OS Specifies the operating system on which the LUNs need to be discovered.

Indicates the outcome of the LUN discovery on the local switch. Contains the status of the most recent discovery.

  • inProgress(1) - indicates that the discovery is still in progress.
  • completed(2) - indicates that the discovery is complete.
  • failure(3) - indicates that the discovery encountered a failure.
CompleteTime When the last discovery was completed. The value will be zero or N/A, if discovery has not been performed since the last system restart.

LUN Targets

Field Description
VsanId The VSAN to which this target belongs to.
Port WWN The name of this authorized/discovered target device or port.
DevType The device type of the SCSI target.
VendorId The vendor Id of the SCSI target.
ProductId The product Id of the SCSI target.
RevLevel The product revision level of the SCSI target.
OtherInfo The bytes from 0 to 7 in the INQUIRY command response data.


Field Description
Id The number of this LUN.
Capacity (MB) The capacity of this LUN.
SerialNum The serial number of this LUN.
OS The operating system for which this LUN was discovered.
FC ID The Fibre Channel ID for this LUN.

Device Alias

Field Description
Alias The device alias of this entry. A device can have only one alias configured.
WWN The Fibre Channel device which is given a device alias.

Device Alias Configuration

Field Description
Device Alias The device alias of this entry. A device can have only one alias configured.
WWN The Fibre Channel device which is given a device alias.

Device Alias Mode

Field Description
ConfigMode Specifies the mode in which the device aliases can be configured. When it is set to basic, the device aliases operate in basic mode of operation. When basic mode is turned on, all MIBs which are using device aliases should internally convert them to their equivalent pWWNs and use the pWWNs. The mechanism to be followed for this conversion is implementation specific. When it is set to enhanced, the Device aliases operate in enhanced mode of operation. When enhanced mode is turned on, all MIBs which are using device aliases should use them as is without any conversion. Since the device aliases are used directly without any conversion, this is the native mode of operation of device aliases.

Device Alias Discrepancies

Field Description
Discrepancy Represents the checksum computed over the database represented by cfdaConfigTable and the cfdaConfigMode object. This object is used by a network manager to check if the above mentioned objects have changed on the local device. The method used to compute the checksum is implementation specific.

Name Server General

Field Description
VSAN Id / FcId The ID of the VSAN or FC.
Type The port type of this port.
PortName The fibre channel Port_Name (WWN) of this Nx_port.
NodeName The fibre channel Node_Name (WWN) of this Nx_port.
FC4Type/Features The FC-4 Features associated with this port and the FC-4 Type. Refer to FC-GS3 specification for the format.
FC4 Features The FC-4 Features associated with this port.
ProcAssoc The Fibre Channel initial process associator.
FabricPortName The Fabric Port Name (WWN) of the Fx_port to which this Nx_port is attached.

Name Server Advanced

Field Description
ClassOfSvc The class of service indicator.
PortIpAddress Contains the IP address of the associated port.
NodeIpAddress The IP address of the node of this Nx_port, as indicated by the Nx_Port in a GS3 message that it transmitted.
SymbolicPortName The user-defined name of this port.
SymbolicNodeName The user-defined name of the node of this port.
HardAddress Extended Link Service (FC-PH-2). Hard Address is the 24-bit NL_Port identifier which consists of - the 8-bit Domain Id in the most significant byte - the 8-bit Area Id in the next most significant byte - the 8-bit AL-PA(Arbitrated Loop Physical Address) which an NL_port attempts acquire during FC-AL initialization in the least significant byte. If the port is not an NL_Port, or if it is an NL_Port but does not have a hard address, then all bits are reported as 0s.
ProcAssoc The Fibre Channel initial process associator (IPA).
PermanentPortName The Permanent Port Name of this Nx port. If multiple port names are associated with this Nx port via FDISC (Discover F Port Service Parameters), the Permanent Port Name is the original port name associated with this Nx port at login.

Name Server Proxy

Field Description
PortName Name of the proxy port which can register/de-register for other ports on this VSAN. Users can enable third party registrations by setting this value.

Name Server Statistics

Field Description
Queries Rx The total number of Get Requests received by the local switch on this VSAN.
Queries Tx The total number of Get Requests sent by the local switch on this VSAN.
Requests Rx Reg The total number of Registration Requests received by the local switch on this VSAN.
Requests Rx DeReg The total number of De-registration Requests received by the local switch on this VSAN.
RSCN Rx The total number of RSCN commands received by the local switch on this VSAN.
RSCN Tx The total number of RSCN commands sent by the local switch on this VSAN.
Rejects Tx The total number of requests rejected by the local switch on this VSAN.

Preferred Path Maps and Routes

Field Description
VSAN Id, Route Id The VSAN ID of this FC route map. An arbitrary integer value that identifies a route in this FC route map.
Map Active Allows the activation/de-activation of all the routes within an FC route map. If true, then all the routes within this FC route map will be activated. If false, then all routes within this FC route map will be de-activated.
Route Strict Preference Allows changes to the way the preferred path selection logic will select the preferred path. Setting it to true makes the preferred path to select the outgoing interface strictly based on the preference set using the cPrefPathRMapSetIntfPref. When it is set to false, then the preferred path selection logic only performs selection only when the current outgoing interface goes down.
Route Active Allows the activation/de-activation of the route within an FC route map. If true, then the route will be activated. If false, then the route will be de-activated.
RouteActive Allows the activation/de-activation of the route within an FC route map. If true, then the route will be activated. If false, then the route will be de-activated.

Preferred Path Maps Active

Field Description
VSAN Id The VSAN ID of this FC route map.
GlobalActive Allows the activation/de-activation of all the routes within an FC route map.

Preferred Path All Match Criteria

Field Description
VSAN Id, Route Id The VSAN ID of this FC route map. An arbitrary integer value that identifies a route in this FC route map.
Source FcId The FC ID that needs to be matched with a source address in a frame for flow classification.
Source Information Represents the mask associated with the source address.
Source Serial Number Represents the source serial number.
Source Unit Type The unit type of the source.
Source Tag Unique identifier for the source address.
Dest FcId The FC ID that needs to be matched with a destination address in a frame for flow classification.
Dest Information Represents the mask associated with the destination address.
Dest Serial Number Represents the destination serial number.
Dest Unit Type The unit type of the destination.
Dest Tag Unique identifier for the destination address.

Preferred Path Active Match Criteria

Field Description
VSAN Id, Route Id The VSAN ID of this FC route map. An arbitrary integer value that identifies a route in this FC route map.
Source FcId The FC ID that needs to be matched with a source address in a frame for flow classification.
Source Information Represents the mask associated with the source address.
Source Serial Number Represents the source serial number
Source Unit Type The unit type of the source.
Source Tag Unique identifier for the source address.
Dest FcId The FC ID that needs to be matched with a destination address in a frame for flow classification.
Dest Information Represents the mask associated with the destination address.
Dest Serial Number Represents the destination serial number.
Dest Unit Type The unit type of the source.
Dest Tag Unique identifier for the destination address.

Preferred Path All Sets

Field Description
VSAN Id, Route Id, Preference The VSAN ID of this FC route map. An arbitrary integer value that identifies a route in this FC route map. Preference level, which indicates the metric or cost of the preferred path. The lower the number the higher the preference.
Interface Represents an interface on the local device on which the matched or classified frame will be forwarded.
IVR Nexthop VSAN Represents the IVR next hop VSAN ID.

RSCN Nx Registrations

Field Description

Indicates the type of registration desired by the subscriber.

  • 'fromFabricCtrlr' indicates RSCNs generated by the Fabric Controller.
  • 'fromNxPort' indicates RSCNs generated by Nx_Ports.
  • 'fromBoth' indicates RSCNs generated by Fabric Controller and Nx_Ports.

RSCN Multi-PID Support

Field Description
Enable Specifies whether the multi-pid option is enabled on this VSAN.

RSCN Event

Field Description
TimeOut (msec) The time (in seconds) before the RSCN event times out.

RSCN Statistics

Field Description
SCR Rx The number of SCRs received from Nx_Ports on this VSAN.
SCR RJT The number of SCR rejected on this VSAN.
RSCN Rx The number of RSCNs from Nx_Ports received on this VSAN.
RSCN Tx The total number of RSCNs transmitted on this VSAN.
RSCN RJT The number of RSCN requests rejected on this VSAN.
SW-RSCN Rx The number of Inter-Switch Registered State Change Notifications (SW_RSCN) received on this VSAN from other switches.
SW-RSCN Tx The number of Inter-Switch Registered State Change Notifications (SW_RSCN) transmitted on this VSAN to other switches.
SW-RSCN RJT The number of SW_RSCN requests rejected on this VSAN.

Multicast Root

Field Description
DomainId The domain ID of the multicast root on this VSAN.
ConfigMode The configured multicast root mode on this VSAN.
OperMode The operational multicast root mode on this VSAN.

QoS Policy Maps

Field Description
Name The name of this classifier entry. The name should be unique.

QoS Class Maps

Field Description
Name The name of this filter entry. The name should be unique.
Match Specifies how the filter should be applied. If true, then all the match statements associated with this filter must be satisfied in order for this filter match to be considered successful. If false, then even if any one of the criteria associated with this filter is satisfied, then the filter match is considered successful.

QoS Match Statements

Field Description
SrcAddr An FC address that needs to be matched with the source address in a FC frame.
DstAddr An FC address that needs to be matched with the destination address in a FC frame.
Interface An FC interface on the local device on which a frame should arrive in order to be classified by this filter. A value of zero indicates that no interface is configured.
WildCard Specifies whether the wild-card option has been set. If true, then the wild-card option is set and all the FC traffic will be considered to match the corresponding multi-field classifier. If false, then the wild-card option is not set.

QoS Class Maps by Policy Maps

Field Description
Class Map ID Identifies a Fibre Channel filter.
Priority Specifies priority value.

QoS Policy Maps by VSAN

Field Description
VSAN Id, Direction Specifies the direction of traffic flow on this VSAN.
Policy Map Id Selects the first Differentiated Services Classifier Element to handle traffic on this VSAN.


Field Description
Weight The weight associated with this queue.

QoS Rate Limit

Field Description
Percent Specifies the rate-limit factor on this interface.

Timers and Policies

Field Description
R_A_TOV The Resource_Allocation_Timeout Value used for FxPorts as the timeout value for determining when to reuse an NxPort resource such as a Recovery_Qualifier.
D_S_TOV The Distributed_Services_Timeout Value which indicates how long a distributed services requester will wait for a response.
E_D _TOV The Error_Detect_Timeout Value used for FxPorts as the timeout value for detecting an error condition.
F_S_TOV The Fabric_Stability_Timeout Value used to ensure that fabric stability has been achieved during fabric configuration.
Network Drop Latency Network latency of this switch. This is the time interval after which the frames are dropped if they are not delivered in the order they were transmitted. Note that network latency is always greater than switch latency.
Switch Drop Latency The switch latency of this switch. This is the time interval after which a switch drops the undelivered frames on a link which went down after delivering some frames to the next hop. This way the undelivered frames can be transmitted on a new link if there is one available.
InOrderDelivery The InOrderDelivery guarantee flag of device. If true, then the InOrder Delivery is guaranteed. If false, it is not guaranteed.
TrunkProtocol Enables or disables the trunking protocol for the device. The trunking protocol is used for negotiating trunk mode and calculating operational VSANs on an EISL link. It also performs port VSAN consistency checks. On non-trunking ISL links, if the port VSANs are different, the E ports will be isolated. To avoid this isolation, this should be set to disable.

WWN Manager

Field Description
SwitchWWN The World-Wide Name of this fabric element. It's a 64-bit identifier and is unique worldwide.
Type 1 WWNs
Max Maximum number of NAA Type 1 WWNs that are available for assignment to internal entities.
Available Number of NAA Type 1 WWNs that are currently available for assignment to internal entities.
Reserved Number of NAA Type 1 WWNs that are reserved for internal purposes.
Type 2 & 5 WWNs
Max Maximum number of total WWNs of types NAA Type 2 and Type 5 WWNs available for assignment to internal entities.
Available Sum of number of NAA Type 2 and Type 5 WWNs currently available for assignment to the internal entities.
Reserved Number of total WWNs of types NAA Type 2 and Type 5 WWNs reserved for internal purposes.
Enable Secondary when more WWWNs needed
BaseMacAddress The first MAC address used for generating World Wide Names (WWNs) when the default range of WWNs generated from supervisor MAC address are exhausted.
MacAddressRange The number of secondary MAC Addresses starting from and including the wwnmSecondayBaseMacAddress.

NPV Traffic Map

Field Description
Switch Name of the switch
Server Interface Name of the server interface.
External Interface List The list of interfaces to which the traffic needs to be mapped to.

NPV Load Balance

Field Description
Switch Name of the switch.
Enable Enable or disable displaying NPV related per server interface information

NPV External Interface Usage

Field Description
Switch Name of the switch
Server Interface Interface on the NPV Device that connects to end devices such as hosts or disks. It is also known as F-port, as it operates in F port mode.
External Interface In Use Interface on the NPV Device that connects to the NPV Core Switch. It is also known as NP-port as it operates in NP port mode.

NP Link

Field Description
NPIV (core) Name of the NPIV core switch.
F port The F port that is connected to the NPIV core switch
NPV Name of the NPV switch
Speed An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in units of 1,000,000 bits per second. If this object reports a value of `n' then the speed of the interface is between `n-500,000' to `n+499,999'.
Rx Util% Received traffic Utilization %, total number of octets received on the interface over the speed configured on the interface, including framing characters
Rx Bytes The total number of octets received on the interface, including framing characters.
Tx Util% Recetransmittedived traffic Utilization %, total number of octets transmitted out of the interface over the speed configured on the interface, including framing characters.
Tx Bytes The total number of octets transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters.



Field Description
FC Map The FCoE Mac Address Prefix used to associate the FCoE Node (ENode).
Default FCF Priority The default FCoE Initialization Protocol (FIP) priority value advertised by the Fibre Channel Forwarder (FCF) to ENodes.
FKA Adv. Period (sec) The time interval at which FIP Keep Alive (FKA) messages are transmitted to the MAC address of the ENode.



This table applies only to N5k switches running version 4.0(1a) and greater.

Field Description
VSAN Id The ID of the VSAN.
VLAN Id The ID of the VLAN.
Oper State Shows the operational state of this VLAN-VSAN association entry.


Field Description
VSAN Id The ID of the VSAN.
VLAN Id The ID of the VLAN.
Oper State Shows the operational state of this VLAN-VSAN association entry.

FCoE Statistics

Field Description
Alignment Errors The count of frames received on a particular interface that are an integral number of octets in length but do not pass the FCS check.
FCS Errors The count of frames received on a particular interface that are an integral number of octets in length but do not pass the FCS check. This count does not include frames received with frame-too-long or frame-too-short error.
Single Collision Frames The count of successfully transmitted frames on a particular interface for which transmission is inhibited by a single collision.
Multiple Collision Frames The count of successfully transmitted frames on a particular interface for which transmission is inhibited by more than one collisions.
SQE Test Errors The number of times the PLS sublayer generated the SQE TEST ERROR message for a particular interface.
Deferred Transmissions The count of the number of frames for which the first transmission attempt on a particular interface is delayed because the medium is busy.
Late Collisions The number of times that a collision is detected on a particular interface later than one slot time into the transmission of a packet.
Excessive Collisions The count of the number of frames for which transmission on a particular interface failes because of excessive collisions. This counter does not increment when the interface is operating in full-duplex mode.
Internal Mac Transmit Errors The count of the number of frames for which transmission on a particular interface fails because of an internal MAC sublayer transmit error.
Carrier Sense Errors The number of times that a carrier sense condition was lost or never asserted when attempting to transmit a frame on a particular interface.
Frame Too Longs The count of number of frames received on a particular interface that exceed the maximum permitted frame size.
Internal Mac Receive Errors The count of number of frames for which reception on a particular interface fails because of an internal MAC sublayer receive error.
Symbol Errors For an interface operating at 100 Mb/s, the number of times there was an invalid data symbol when a valid carrier was present



Field Description
VSAN ID Uniquely identifies a VSAN within a fabric.
Host Can Offline SW If true, it allows the host to put the system offline.
Host Can Sync Time If true, the host can set the system time.
Port Control by Host If true, the host is allowed to alter FICON Director connectivity parameters.
Port Control by SNMP If true, SNMP manager is allowed to alter FICON director connectivity parameters.
CUP Name The name of the Control Unit Device.
CUP Enable Indicates whether the Control Unit Device is enabled.
Domain ID Specifies the domain ID of the switch.
CodePage The Code Page used in this VSAN.
Character Set Character set for the code page used in this VSAN.
Active=Saved If true, the active to saved mode is enabled. All changes will be saved to NVRAM.
User Alert Mode If true, FICON management stations will prompt on changes.
Device Allegiance If CUP is in allegiance state with a channel, it cannot accept any commands from any logical paths. A CUP goes in an allegiance state when it accepts command from a channel and forms 'an allegiance' with it until the successful completion of the channel program, at which point the CUP goes in a an 'unlocked' mode.
VSAN Time The system time in the VSAN. This could be set either by the host or be the default global time in the FICON Director. The default global time is the local time in the FICON Director.
VSAN State Controls the state of the ports belonging to a VSAN in the context of the FICON functionality.
VSAN Serial Number The serial number of the FICON director for this VSAN.


Field Description
Description Configuration file description.
CUP Name The name of the Control Unit Device.
Status Locked indicates no change allowed. Unlocked indicates change allowed.
LastAccessed The time this file was last accessed.
UserAlertMode If true, director user alert mode is enabled.


Field Description
Default Port Prohibited Check this option to block the default port.

FICON Port Attributes

Field Description
TypeNumber The type number for this FICON Director.
SerialNumber The sequence number assigned to this FICON Director during manufacturing.

This is the identifier of the peer port.

  • If the peer port's unit type is channel, then PortId will be the CHPID (Channel Path Identifier) of the channel path that contains this peer port.
  • If the peer port is controlUnit, then PortId will be 0.
  • If the peer port is fabric, then PortId will be port address of the interface on the peer switch.
FcId The fabric Id of the other side port (initiator /target). This will be filled only in the case of Fabric ports.

'valid' - if this information is current.

'old' - if this information is cached.

Click Clear Old Attributes to clear the cache.

Name The FICON port name.
Manufacturer The name of the company that manufactured this FICON Director.
ModelNumber The model number for this FICON Director.
PlantOfMfg The plant code that identifies the plant of manufacture of this FICON Director.
UnitType The peer type of the port that this port is communicating. ==Channel - host ==Control Unit - disk == Fabric - ISL

Displays one of the following:

  • bitErrThreshExceeded,
  • lossOfSignalOrSync,
  • nosReceived,
  • primitiveSeqTimeOut,
  • invalidPrimitiveSeq

    Click Clear to acknowledge and clear this alert.

FICON Port Configuration

Field Description
Show Installed Ports Only If true, only physically available ports will be listed in the table.
ESCON Style ESCON Style Port Configuration display is the Port Configuration table in DM displaying the ESCON Style Ports. In the table, A represents the available ports and P represents the prohibited ports.
Port/ Prohibit Enter the FICON address of the port and the prohibited list. (This is an alternative to the table grid.)
Name The port name of this port.
Block If true, this port will be isolated.
Prohibit Grid Click on the grid to add or remove the ability of ports to communicate with each other.

FICON Port Numbers

Field Description
Module The number of the module in the chassis.
Reserved Port Numbers (Physical) The reserved port numbers for the module.
NumPorts The number of ports reserved for that module.
Module Name The name of the module.
Reserved Port Numbers (Logical) Chassis slot port numbers. Reserved port numbers for one chassis slot. There can be up to 64 port numbers reserved for each slot in the chassis.

FICON VSANs Director History

To view the latest FICON information, you must click the Refresh button.

Field Description
KeyCounter The key counter.
Ports Address Changed The list of ports that have configuration change for a value of KeyCounter.

Fabric Binding Actions

Field Description
VSANId Specifies the unique identifier for a VSAN within a fabric.
  • activate - results in the valid fabric bindings on this VSAN/VLAN being activated.
  • force activate - results in forced activation, even if there are errors during activation and the activated fabric bindings will be copied to the active database.
  • deactivate - results in deactivation of currently activated valid fabric bindings (if any), on this VSAN/VLAN. Currently active entries (if any), which would have been present in the active database, will be removed.
  • no-selection -
Enabled The state of activation on this VSAN/VLAN. If true, then an activation has been attempted as the most recent operation on this VSAN/VLAN. If false, then an activation has not been attempted as the most recent operation on this VSAN/VLAN.
Result Indicates the outcome of the most recent activation/deactivation.
LastChange When the valid fabric bindings on this VSAN/VLAN were last activated. If the last activation took place prior to the last re-initialization of the agent, then this value will be N/A.
CopyActToConfig If enabled, results in the active fabric binding database to be copied on to the configuration database on this VSAN/VLAN. Note that the learned entries are also copied.

Fabric Binding Config Database

Field Description
VSAN Id Specifies the unique identifier for a VSAN within a fabric.
Peer WWN (Name) Specifies the switch WWN of a switch that can be part of the fabric.
DomainId Specifies an insistent domain ID.

Fabric Binding Active Database

Field Description
VSAN Id Specifies the unique identifier for a VSAN within a fabric.
Peer WWN Specifies the switch WWN of a switch that can be part of the fabric.
DomainId Specifies the insistent domain ID of the switch represented by the corresponding instance of the WWN of a switch.

Fabric Binding Database Differences

Field Description
VSAN From the drop down list, select the number VSANs to be compared.
Compare With

Choose the database for comparison:

  • Active - compares the fabric bind active database with respect to configuration database on this VSAN/VLAN. So, the configuration database will be the reference database and the results of the difference operation will be with respect to the configuration database.
  • Config - compares the fabric bind configuration database with respect to active database on this VSAN/VLAN. So, the active database will be the reference database and the results of the difference operation will be with respect to the active database.
VSAN Id Specifies the unique identifier for a VSAN within a fabric.
Peer WWN Specifies the device WWN of a device that can be part of the fabric.
DomainId Specifies the insistent domain ID of the switch represented by the corresponding instance of the WWN of a switch.
Reason Indicates the reason for the difference between the databases being compared, for this entry.

Fabric Binding Violations

Field Description
VSAN Id Specifies the unique identifier for a VSAN within a fabric.
Peer WWN The sWWN (switch WWN) of the device that was denied entry into the fabric on one of the local device's ports.
DomainId The domain ID of the device that was denied entry into the fabric on one of the local device's ports. A value of zero indicates that the switch WWN of the device was not present in the enforced fabric bindings.
DenialTime When the denial took place.
DenialCount The number of times this switch has been denied entry into the fabric on one of the local device's ports.
DenialReason The reason for which the device was denied entry into the fabric on one of the local device's ports.

Fabric Binding Statistics

Field Description
AllowedReqs The number of requests from switches to become part of the fabric that have been allowed on this VSAN/VLAN.
DeniedReqs The number of requests from switches to become part of the fabric that have been denied on this VSAN/VLAN.
Clear When set to clear, it results in fabric bind statistic counters being cleared on this VSAN/VLAN.

Fabric Binding EFMD Statistics

Field Description
TxMergeReqs The number of EFMD Merge Requests transmitted on this VSAN by the local device.
RxMergeReqs The number of EFMD Merge Requests received on this VSAN by the local device.
TxMergeAccs The number of EFMD Merge accepts transmitted on this VSAN by the local device.
RxMergeAccs The number of EFMD Merge accepts received on this VSAN by the local device.
TxMergeRejs The number of EFMD Merge rejects transmitted on this VSAN by the local device.
RxMergeRejs The number of EFMD Merge rejects received on this VSAN by the local device.
TxMergeBusys The number of EFMD Merge Busys transmitted on this VSAN by the local device.
RxMergeBusys The number of EFMD Merge Busys received on this VSAN by the local device.
TxMergeErrs The number of EFMD Merge Errors transmitted on this VSAN by the local device.
RxMergeErrs The number of EFMD Merge Errors received on this VSAN by the local device

IP Storage

FCIP Profiles

Field Description
IP Address The Internet address for this entity.
Port A TCP port other than the FCIP well-known port on which the FCIP entity listens for new TCP connection requests.
SACK Whether the TCP Selective Acknowledgement Option is enabled to allow the receiver end to acknowledge multiple lost frames in a single ACK, enabling faster recovery.
KeepAlive (s) The TCP keep alive timeout for all links within this entity.
ReTrans MinTimeout (ms) The TCP minimum retransmit timeout for all the links on this entity.
ReTrans Max The Maximum number of times that the same item of data will be retransmitted over a TCP connection. If delivery is not acknowledged after this number of retransmissions then the connection is terminated.
Send BufSize (KB) The aggregate TCP send window for all TCP connections on all Links within this entity. This value is used for Egress Flow Control. When the aggregate of the data queued on all connections within this entity reaches this value, the sender is flow controlled.
Bandwidth Max (Kb) This is an estimate of the Bandwidth of the network pipe used for the B-D product computation, which lets us derive the TCP receive window to advertise.
Bandwidth Min (Kb) The minimum available bandwidth for the TCP connections on the Links within this entity.
Est Round Trip Time (us) This is an estimate of the round trip delay of the network pipe used for the B-D product computation, which lets us derive the TCP receive window to advertise.
PMTU Enable The path MTU discovery.
PMTU ResetTimeout (sec) The time interval for which the discovered pathMTU is valid, before MSS reverts back to the negotiated TCP value.
CWM Enable If true, congestion window monitoring is enabled.
CWM BurstSize (KB) The maximum burst sent after a TCP sender idle period.
Max Jitter The maximum delay variation (not due to congestion) that can be experienced by TCP connections on this interface.

FCIP Tunnels

Field Description
Interface This identifies the interface on this FCIP device to which this link pertains.
Attached The interface on which this FCIP link was initiated.
B Port Enable If true, the B port mode is enabled on the local FCIP link.
B Port KeepAlive If true, a message is sent in response to a (Fibre Channel) ELS Echo frame received from the peer. Some B Port implementations use ELS Echo request/response frames as Link Keep Alive.
Remote IP Address The Internet address for the remote FCIP entity.
Remote TCP Port The remote TCP port to which the local FCIP entity will connect if and when it initiates a TCP connection setup for this link.
Spc Frames Enable If true, the TCP active opener initiates FCIP special frames and the TCP passive opener responds to the FCIP special frames. If it is set to false, the FCIP special frames are neither generated nor responded to.
Spc Frames RemoteWWN The World Wide Name of the remote FC Fabric Entity. If this is a zero length string then this link would accept connections from any remote entity. If a WWN is specified then this link would accept connections from a remote entity with this WWN.
Spc Frames Remote Profile Id The remote FCIP entity's identifier.

FCIP Tunnels (Advanced)

Field Description
Interface The interface on which this FCIP link was initiated.
Timestamp Enable If true, the timestamp in FCIP header is to checked.
Timestamp Tolerance The accepted time difference between the local time and the timestamp value received in the FCIP header. By default this value will be EDTOV/2. EDTOV is the Error_Detect_Timeout Value used for Fibre channel Ports as the timeout value for detecting an error condition.
Number Connections The maximum number of TCP connections allowed on this link.
Passive If false, this link endpoint actively tries to connect to the peer. If true, the link endpoint waits for the peer to connect to it.
QoS Control The value to be set for the ToS field in IP header for the TCP control connection.
QoS Data The value to be set for the ToS field in IP header for the TCP Data connection.
IP Compression What algorithm is used, if any.
Write Accelerator The Write accelerator allows for enhancing SCSI write performance.
Tape Accelerator If true, the tape accelerator (which allows for enhancing Tape write performance) is enabled.
Tape Accelerator Oper Write Acceleration is enabled for the FCIP link.
TapeRead Accelerator Oper Enabled automatically when the Tape Accelerator Oper is active.
FlowCtrlBufSize Tape (KB) The size of the flow control buffer (64K to 32MB). If set to 0, flow control buffer size is calculated automatically by the switch.
IPSec Indicates whether the IP Security has been turned on or off on this link.
XRC Emulator Check to enable XRC Emulator. It is disabled by default.
XRC Emulator Oper Indicates the operational status of XRC Emulator.


Field Description
Interface A unique value that identifies the interface on this FCIP device to which this link pertains.
VSAN List Admin The list of VSANs for which FICON Tape Acceleration is configured.
VSAN List Oper The list of VSANs for which FICON Tape Acceleration is operationally on.

FCIP Tunnels Statistics

Field Description
Interface A unique value that identifies the interface on this FCIP device to which this link pertains.
Rx IPCompRatio The IP compression ratio for received packets on the FCIP device. The value of this object will be presented as a floating point number with two digits after the decimal point.
Tx IPCompRatio The IP compression ratio for transmitted packets on the FCIP device. The value of this object will be presented as a floating point number with two digits after the decimal point.

FCIP XRC Statistics

Field Description
ProfileId Unique ID of the profile.
Interface Name of the interface.
RRSAccelerated The number of read record set IUs accelerated.
RRSForwarded Number of read record set IUs forwarded.
BusyStatus Number of instances of busy status received from the control unit.
UnitCheckStatus Number of instances of unit check status received from the control unit.
cfmFcipLinkExtXRCEStatsSelReset Number of selective resets processed.
BufferAllocErrors Number of buffer allocation errors.

iSCSI Connection

Field Description
LocalAddr The local Internet Network Address used by this connection.
RemoteAddr The remote Internet Network Address used by this connection.
CID The iSCSI Connection ID for this connection.

The current state of this connection, from an iSCSI negotiation point of view.

  • login - The transport protocol connection has been established, but a valid iSCSI login response with the final bit set has not been sent or received.
  • full - A valid iSCSI login response with the final bit set has been sent or received.
  • logout - A valid iSCSI logout command has been sent or received, but the transport protocol connection has not yet been closed.
MaxRecvDSLen The maximum data payload size supported for command or data PDUs in use within this connection. Note that the size of reported in bytes even though the negotiation is in 512k blocks.
SendMarker Indicates whether or not this connection is inserting markers in its outgoing data stream.
HeaderDigest The iSCSI header digest scheme in use within this connection.
DataDigest The iSCSI data digest scheme in use within this connection.

iSCSI Initiators

Field Description
Name or IP Address A character string that is a globally unique identifier for the node represented by this entry.
VSAN Membership The list of configured VSANs the node represented by this entry can access.
Dynamic If true, then the node represented by this entry is automatically discovered.
Initiator Type Indicates whether the node is a host that participates in iSCSI load-balancing.
Persistent Node WWN If true, then the same FC address is assigned to the node if it were to be represented again in the FC domain with the same node name. Note that the node FC address is either automatically assigned or manually configured.
SystemAssigned Node WWNN If true, the FC address is automatically assigned to this node. If false, then the FC address has to be configured manually.
Node WWN The persistent FC address of the node.
Persistent Port WWN If true, then the same FC address is assigned to the ports of the node if it were to be represented again in the FC domain with the same node name.
Port WWN All the FC port addresses associated with this node.
AuthUser This is the only CHAP user name that the initiator is allowed to log in with.
Target UserName (Optional) The user name to be used for login. If you do not supply a username, the global user name is used.
Target Password (Optional) The password to be used for login. If you do not supply a password, the global password is used.
Load Metric A configured load metric of this iSCSI initiator for the purpose of iSCSI load balancing.
Auto Zone Name The zone name that is used when the system creates automatic zone for this initiator's specific list of targets.

iSCSI Session Initiators

Field Description
Name or IP Address The name or IP address of the initiator port.
Alias The initiator alias acquired at login.

Module Control

Field Description
Module Id ID of the module.
Admin Status Enables or disables the iSCSI feature for the module.
OperStatus Shows whether the iSCSI interface is enabled or disabled for the module.

iSCSI Global

Field Description
AuthMethod The authentication method.
InitiatorIdleTimeout The time for which the gateway (representing a FC target) waits from the time of last iSCSI session to a iSCSI initiator went down, before purging the information about that iSCSI initiator.
iSLB ZonesetActivate Checking this option performs automatic zoning associated with the initiator targets
DynamicInitiator This field determines how dynamic iSCSI initiators are created. Selecting the iSCSI option (default) creates dynamic iSCSI initiators. If you select iSLB then the an iSLB dynamic initiator is created. Selecting the deny option does not allow dynamic creation of the initiators.
Target UserName The default user name used for login. If an initiator user name is specified, that user name is used instead.
Target Password The default password used for login. If an initiator password is specified, that password is used instead.

iSCSI Session Statistics

Field Description
PDU Command The count of Command PDUs transferred on this session.
PDU Response The count of Response PDUs transferred on this session.
Data Tx The count of data bytes that were transmitted by the local iSCSI node on this session.
Data Rx The count of data bytes that were received by the local iSCSI node on this session.
Errors Digest Authentication errors.
Errors CxnTimeout Connection timeouts.

iSCSI Targets

Field Description
Dynamically Import FC Targets Check this option to dynamically import FC targets into the iSCSI domain. A target is not imported if it already exists in the iSCSI domain.
iSCSI Name The iSCSI name of the node represented by this entry.
Dynamic Indicates if the node represented by this entry was either automatically discovered or configured manually.
Primary Port WWN The FC address for this target.
Secondary Port WWN The optional secondary FC address for this target. This is the FC address used if the primary cannot be reached.
LUN Map iSCSI The configured default Logical Unit Number of this LU.
LUN Map FC Primary The Logical Unit Number of the remote LU for the primary port address.
LUN Map FC Secondary The Logical Unit Number of the remote LU for the secondary port address.
Initiator Access All If true, then all the initiators can access this target even those which are not in the initiator permit list of this target. If false, then only initiators which are in the permit list are allowed access to this target.
Initiator Access List Lists all the iSCSI nodes that are permitted to access the node represented by this entry. If AllAllowed is false and the value of List is empty, then no initiators are allowed to access this target.
Advertised Interfaces Lists all the interfaces on which the target could be advertised.
Trespass Mode The trespass mode for this node. Every iSCSI target represents one or more port(s) on the FC target. If true, the node instructs the FC node to present all LUN I/O requests to secondary port if the primary port is down.
RevertToPrimaryPort Indicates if it is required to revert back to primary port if the FC target comes back online.


Field Description
VrId, IpVersion The virtual router number and the IP version (IPv4, IPv6, or DNS).
Load Balance Indicates whether load balancing is enabled.

iSCSI Initiator Access

Field Description
Initiator Name The iSCSI node name.

Initiator Specific Target

Field Description
Name A globally unique identifier for the node.
Port WWN(s) Primary The Fibre-Channel target's port addresses associated with this iSCSI initiator-specific target.
Port WWN(s) Secondary The Fibre-Channel target's port addresses associated with this iSCSI initiator-specific target.
LUN Map (Hex) iSCSI The Fibre-Channel target's port addresses associated with this iSCSI initiator-specific target.
LUN Map (Hex) FC Primary The Fibre-Channel target's port addresses associated with this iSCSI initiator-specific target.
LUN Map (Hex) FC Secondary The Fibre-Channel target's port addresses associated with this iSCSI initiator-specific target.
No AutoZone Creation Indicates if a FibreChannel zone is automatically created for this iSCSI initiator-target and the iSCSI initiator. If true the zone is not automatically created. If false (default) the zone is automatically created.
Trespass Mode The trespass mode for this node. If true the FC node instance presents all LUN I/O requests to the secondary port (fcSecondaryAddress) if the primary port (fcAddress) is down.
Revert to Primary Port The revert to primary mode for this node. If true the FC node instance presents all LUN I/O requests to the primary port fcAddress) when the primary port comes back online.
Primary PWWN VSAN Indicates the VSAN into which the auto zone is placed for this initiator target. If this object is not set then the VSAN is determined by querying the name server.
Secondary PWWN VSAN Indicates the VSAN into which the auto zone is placed for this initiator target. If this object is not set then the VSAN is determined by querying the name server.

iSCSI Initiator PWWN

Field Description
Port WWN The FC address for this entry.

iSCSI Sessions

Field Description

Type of iSCSI session:

  • normal - session is a normal iSCSI session
  • discovery - session is being used only for discovery.
TargetName If Direction is Outbound, this will contain the name of the remote target.
Vsan ID The VSAN to which this session belongs to.
ISID The initiator-defined portion of the iSCSI Session ID.
TSIH The target-defined identification handle for this session.

iSCSI Sessions Detail

Field Description
ConnectionNumber The number of transport protocol connections that currently belong to this session.
ImmediateData Whether the initiator and target have agreed to support immediate data on this session.
Initial If true, the initiator must wait for a Ready-To-Transfer before sending to the target. If false, the initiator may send data immediately, within limits set by FirstBurstSize and the expected data transfer length of the request.
MaxOutstanding The maximum number of outstanding Ready-To-Transfers per task within this session.
First The maximum length supported for unsolicited data sent within this session.
Max The maximum number of bytes which can be sent within a single sequence of Data-In or Data-Out PDUs.
Sequence If false, indicates that iSCSI data PDU sequences may be transferred in any order. If true indicates that data PDU sequences must be transferred using continuously increasing offsets, except during error recovery.
PDU If false, iSCSI data PDUs within sequences may be in any order. If true indicates that data PDUs within sequences must be at continuously increasing addresses, with no gaps or overlay between PDUs.

IP Services

IP Routes

Field Description
Routing Enabled When this check box is enabled, the switch is acting as in IP router.
Destination, Mask, Gateway The value that identifies the local interface through which the next hop of this route should be reached.
Metric The primary routing metric for this route.
Interface The local interface through which the next hop of this route should be reached.
Active Indicates whether the route is active.

IP Statistics ICMP

Field Description
InParmProbs The number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages received.
OutParmProbs The number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages sent.
InSrcQuenchs The number of ICMP Source Quench messages received.
InRedirects The number of ICMP Redirect messages received.
InEchos The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages received.
InEchoReps The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages received.
InTimestamps The number of ICMP Timestamp (request) messages received.
InTimestampReps The number of ICMP Timestamp Reply messages received.
InAddrMasks The number of ICMP Address Mask Request messages received.
InAddrMaskReps The number of ICMP Address Mask Reply messages received.
InDestUnreachs The number of ICMP Destination Unreachable messages received.
InTimeExcds The number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages received.
OutSrcQuenchs The number of ICMP Source Quench messages sent.
OutRedirects The number of ICMP Redirect messages sent. For a host, this value will always be N/A, since hosts do not send redirects.
OutEchos The number of ICMP Echo (request) messages sent.
OutEchoReps The number of ICMP Echo Reply messages sent.
OutTimestamps The number of ICMP Timestamp (request) messages sent.
OutTimestampReps The number of ICMP Timestamp Reply messages sent.
OutAddrMasks The number of ICMP Address Mask Request messages sent.
OutAddrMaskReps The number of ICMP Address Mask Reply messages sent.
OutDestUnreachs The number of ICMP Destination Unreachable messages sent.
OutTimeExcds The number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages sent.

IP Statistics IP

Field Description
InHdrErrors The number of input data grams discarded due to errors in their IP headers, including bad checksums, version number mismatch, other format errors, time-to-live exceeded, errors discovered in processing their IP options, etc.
InAddrErrors The number of input data grams discarded because the IP address in their IP header's destination field was not a valid address to be received at this entity. For entities which are not IP routers and therefore do not forward datagrams, this counter includes datagrams discarded because the destination address was not a local address.
InUnknownProtos The number of locally-addressed datagrams received successfully but discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.
InDiscards The number of input IP data grams for which no problems were encountered to prevent their continued processing, but which were discarded (e.g., for lack of buffer space). Note that this counter does not include any datagrams discarded while awaiting re-assembly.
OutDiscards The number of output IP datagrams for which no problem was encountered to prevent their transmission to their destination, but which were discarded (e.g., for lack of buffer space). Note that this counter would include datagrams counted in ipForwDatagrams if any such frames met this (discretionary) discard criterion.
OutNoRoutes The number of IP datagrams discarded because no route could be found to transmit them to their destination. Note that this counter includes any frames counted in ipForwDatagrams which meet this `no-route' criterion. Note that this includes any datagrams which a host cannot route because all of its default routers are down.
FragFails The number of IP datagrams that have been discarded because they needed to be fragmented at this entity but could not be, e.g., because their Don't Fragment flag was set.
ReasmFails The number of failures detected by the IP re-assembly algorithm (for whatever reason: timed out, errors, etc). Note that this is not necessarily a count of discarded IP fragments since some algorithms (notably the algorithm in RFC 815) can lose track of the number of fragments by combining them as they are received.
InReceives The total number of input datagrams received from interfaces, including those received in error.
InDelivers The total number of input datagrams successfully delivered to IP user-protocols (including ICMP).
OutRequests The total number of IP datagrams which local IP user- protocols (including ICMP) supplied to IP in requests for transmission. Note that this counter does not include any data grams counted in ipForwDatagrams.
ForwDatagrams The number of input datagrams for which this entity was not their final IP destination, as a result of which an attempt was made to find a route to forward them to that final destination. In entities which do not act as IP routers, this counter will include only those frames which were Source-Routed via this entity, and the Source-Route option processing was successful.
FragOKs The number of IP datagrams that have been successfully fragmented at this entity.
FragCreates The number of IP datagram fragments that have been generated as a result of fragmentation at this entity.
ReasmReqds The number of IP fragments received which needed to be reassembled at this entity.
ReasmOKs The number of IP datagrams successfully re-assembled.

IP Statistics SNMP

Field Description
BadVersions The total number of SNMP messages which were delivered to the SNMP entity and were for an unsupported SNMP version.
BadCommunityNames The total number of SNMP messages delivered to the SNMP entity which used a SNMP community name not known to said entity.
BadCommunityUses The total number of SNMP messages delivered to the SNMP entity which represented an SNMP operation which was not allowed by the SNMP community named in the message.
ASNParseErrs The total number of ASN.1 or BER errors encountered by the SNMP entity when decoding received SNMP messages.
TooBigs The total number of SNMP PDUs which were delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value of the error-status field is tooBig.
SilentDrops The total number of GetRequest-PDUs, GetNextRequest-PDUs, GetBulkRequest-PDUs, SetRequest-PDUs, and InformRequest-PDUs delivered to the SNMP entity which were silently dropped because the size of a reply containing an alternate Response-PDU with an empty variable-bindings field was greater than either a local constraint or the maximum message size associated with the originator of the request.
ProxyDrops The total number of GetRequest-PDUs, GetNextRequest-PDUs, GetBulkRequest-PDUs, SetRequest-PDUs, and InformRequest-PDUs delivered to the SNMP entity which were silently dropped because the transmission of the (possibly translated) message to a proxy target failed in a manner (other than a time-out) such that no Response-PDU could be returned.
NoSuchNames The total number of SNMP PDUs which were delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value of the error-status field is noSuchName.
BadValues The total number of SNMP PDUs which were delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value of the error-status field is badValue.
ReadOnlys The total number valid SNMP PDUs which were delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value of the error-status field is readOnly. It should be noted that it is a protocol error to generate an SNMP PDU which contains the value readOnly in the error-status field, as such this is provided as a means of detecting incorrect implementations of the SNMP.
GenErrs The total number of SNMP PDUs which were delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for which the value of the error-status field is genErr.
Pkts The total number of messages delivered to the SNMP entity from the transport service.
GetRequests The total number of SNMP Get-Request PDUs which have been accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol entity.
GetNexts The total number of SNMP Get-Next PDUs which have been accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol entity.
SetRequests The total number of SNMP Set-Request PDUs which have been accepted and processed by the SNMP protocol entity.
OutTraps The total number of SNMP Trap PDUs which have been generated by the SNMP protocol entity.
OutGetResponses The total number of SNMP Get-Response PDUs which have been generated by the SNMP protocol entity.
OutPkts The total number of SNMP Messages which were passed from the SNMP protocol entity to the transport service.
TotalReqVars The total number of MIB objects which have been retrieved successfully by the SNMP protocol entity as the result of receiving valid SNMP Get-Request and Get-Next PDUs.
TotalSetVars The total number of MIB objects which have been altered successfully by the SNMP protocol entity as the result of receiving valid SNMP Set-Request PDUs.

IP Statistics UDP

Field Description
InErrors The number of received UDP datagrams that could not be delivered for reasons other than the lack of an application at the destination port.
InDatagrams The total number of UDP datagrams delivered to UDP users.
OutDatagrams The total number of UDP datagrams sent from this entity.
NoPorts The total number of received UDP datagrams for which there was no application at the destination port.

mgmt0 Statistics

Field Description
InErrors Total number of received errors on the interface.
OutErrors Total number of transmitted errors on the interface.
InDiscards Total number of received discards on the interface.
OutDiscards Total number of transmitted discards on the interface.
TotalRxBytes Total number of bytes received.
TxBytes Total number of bytes transmitted.
RxFrames Total number of frames received.
TxFrames Total number of frames transmitted.


Field Description
State The state of this TCP connection.


Field Description
Port The local port number for this UDP listener.

VRRP General

Field Description
IP Address Type, VrId, Interface The IP address type (IPv4, IPv6, or DNS), the virtual router ID, and the interface.
Admin The admin state of the virtual router (active or notInService).

The current state of the virtual router. There are three defined values:

  • `initialize', which indicates that all the virtual router is waiting for a startup event.
  • `backup', which indicates the virtual router is monitoring the availability of the master router.
  • master', which indicates that the virtual router is forwarding frames for IP addresses that are associated with this router.
Priority Specifies the priority to be used for the virtual router master election process. Higher values imply higher priority. A priority of '0' is sent by the master router to indicate that this router has ceased to participate in VRRP and a backup virtual router should transition to become a new master. A priority of 255 is used for the router that owns the associated IP address(es).
AdvInterval The time interval, in seconds, between sending advertisement messages. Only the master router sends VRRP advertisements.
PreemptMode Controls whether a higher priority virtual router will preempt a lower priority master.
UpTime When this virtual router transitioned out of `initialized'.
Version The VRRP version on which this VRRP instance is running.
AcceptMode Controls whether a virtual router in Master state will accept packets addressed to the address owner's IPv6 address as its own if it is not the IPv6 address owner. If true, the virtual router in Master state will accept. If false, the virtual router in Master state will not accept.

VRRP IP Addresses

Field Description
Interface, VRRP ID, IP Address Interface, Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol ID, and associated IP address

VRRP Statistics

Field Description
IP Address Type, VrId, Interface The IP address type (IPv4, IPv6, or DNS), the virtual router ID, and the interface.
LastAdvRx The total number of VRRP advertisements received by this virtual router.
Protocol Traffic MasterIpAddr The master router's real (primary) IP address. This is the IP address listed as the source in VRRP advertisement last received by this virtual router.
Protocol Traffic BecomeMaster The total number of times that this virtual router's state has transitioned to MASTER.
Priority 0 Rx The total number of VRRP frames received by the virtual router with a priority of '0'.
Priority 0Tx The total number of VRRP frames sent by the virtual router with a priority of '0'.
AuthErrors InvalidType The total number of frames received with an unknown authentication type.
Other Errors dvIntervalErrors The total number of VRRP advertisement frames received for which the advertisement interval is different than the one configured for the local virtual router.
Other Errors IpTtlErrors The total number of VRRP frames received by the virtual router with IP TTL (Time-To-Live) not equal to 255.
Other Errors InvalidTypePktsRcvd The number of VRRP frames received by the virtual router with an invalid value in the type field.
Other Errors AddressListErrors The total number of frames received for which the address list does not match the locally configured list for the virtual router.
OtherErrors PacketLengthErrs The total number of frames received with a frame length less than the length of the VRRP header.
RefreshRate The interval of time between refreshes.

CDP General

Field Description
Enable Whether the Cisco Discovery Protocol is currently running. Entries in CacheTable are deleted when CDP is disabled.
MessageInterval sec The interval at which CDP messages are to be generated. The default value is 60 seconds.
HoldTime sec The time for the receiving device holds CDP message. The default value is 180 seconds.
LastChange When the cache table was last changed.
Supported DeviceId Format Indicates the Device-ID format capability of the device.
DeviceId Format An indication of the format of Device-ID contained in the corresponding instance of the supported device.

CDP Neighbors

Field Description
Switch The Internet address for this entity.
Local Interface A unique value that identifies the interface on this FCIP device to which this link pertains.
DeviceName The remote device's name. By convention, it is the device's fully qualified domain name.
DeviceID The device ID string as reported in the most recent CDP message.
DevicePlatform The version string as reported in the most recent CDP message.
Interface The port ID string as reported in the most recent CDP message.
IPAddress The (first) network-layer address of the device's SNMP-agent as reported in the address TLV of the most recently received CDP message.
NativeVLAN The remote device's interface's native VLAN, as reported in the most recent CDP message. The value 0 indicates no native VLAN field (TLV) was reported in the most recent CDP message.
PrimaryMgmtAddr Indicates the (first) network layer address at which the device will accept SNMP messages as reported in the most recently received CDP message.
SecondaryMgmtAddr Indicates the alternate network layer address at which the device will accept SNMP messages as reported in the most recently received CDP message.

iSNS Profiles

Field Description
Addr The address of the iSNS server.