Hybrid Cloud Connectivity Deployment for Cisco NX-OS
Bias-Free Language
The documentation set for this product strives to use bias-free language. For the purposes of this documentation set, bias-free is defined as language that does not imply discrimination based on age, disability, gender, racial identity, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and intersectionality. Exceptions may be present in the documentation due to language that is hardcoded in the user interfaces of the product software, language used based on RFP documentation, or language that is used by a referenced third-party product. Learn more about how Cisco is using Inclusive Language.
Setting Up the Infra Configuration for Hybrid Cloud and Multi-Cloud Connectivity Deployment
Example Topology of Infra Configuration for Hybrid Cloud and Multi-Cloud Connectivity Deployment
The following figure shows one of the supported topologies that could be used for the infra configuration for hybrid cloud
and multi-cloud connectivity deployment.
Figure 1.
The procedures in this document will use this topology as a specific use case, which is based on Option 1 in Supported Topologies with IPsec (Multi-Cloud), and will describe how to configure the hybrid cloud connectivity options specifically for this topology use case.
In this deployment procedure, you will configure multi-cloud connectivity with IPsec, where you will make certain configurations
in each of these hybrid cloud connectivity areas. The overall configuration steps are as follows:
In this section, you will set up the two on-premises NDFC fabrics:
NDFC external fabric
Complete the procedures in the following sections to set up the two on-premises NDFC fabrics.
Create an NDFC VXLAN Fabric
In this procedure, you will be configuring the part of the example topology highlighted below.
Figure 2.
The VXLAN fabric must contain one or more Border Gateway (BGW) devices, which are used to build VXLAN Multi-Site connectivity
between on-premises fabrics and the cloud sites.
Complete the procedures in the following sections to configure an NDFC VXLAN fabric.
Create an NDFC VXLAN Fabric
Step 1
Log into the Nexus Dashboard where you have NDFC installed.
Step 2
Log into your NDFC account.
Step 3
Navigate to LAN > Fabrics.
The LAN Fabrics window appears.
Step 4
Click Actions > Create Fabric.
The Create Fabric window appears.
Step 5
Begin the process of creating an NDFC VXLAN fabric using the Easy_Fabric template.
In the Fabric Name field, enter a name for the NDFC VXLAN fabric.
In the Pick a Template area, click Choose Template.
The Select Fabric Template window appears.
Locate and click the Easy_Fabric template.
Click Select.
Figure 3.
Step 6
Complete the necessary general VXLAN fabric parameter configurations.
The following parameter tabs in the Easy_Fabric template must be completed, but they do not contain parameters that are specific to this hybrid cloud topology use case:
For example, using the information in the example topology, you would enter 65084 in the BGP ASN field in the General Parameters page.
Figure 4.
Step 7
In the Advanced parameter tab, make the necessary configuration specifically for this hybrid cloud topology use case.
Locate the Anycast Border Gateway advertise-pip field and check the box to enable this option. This advertises the Anycast Border Gateway PIP as VTEP.
This is required when Layer 3 only connectivity (for example, no Layer 2 extension) is established across sites, which is
always the case for hybrid cloud and multi-cloud deployments.
Complete the remaining configurations in the Advanced parameter tab as you normally would.
Figure 5.
Step 8
Click the Resources parameter tab and enter the necessary values in this page.
Enter the appropriate information in the following fields specifically for this hybrid cloud use case:
Underlay Routing Loopback IP Range: This is typically the loopback0 IP address range.
Underlay VTEP Loopback IP Range: This is typically the loopback1 IP address range.
Underlay RP Loopback IP Range: The Anycast or Phantom Rendezvous Point (RP) IP address range.
Underlay Subnet IP Range: The address range to assign numbered and peer link SVI IP addresses.
VRF Lite Subnet IP Range: The address range to assign P2P inter-fabric connections.
Complete the remaining configurations in the Resources parameter tab as you normally would.
Figure 6.
Step 9
Complete the necessary general VXLAN fabric parameter configurations in the Manageability and Bootstrap parameter tabs.
The configurations in the Manageability and Bootstrap parameter tabs might need to be completed, but they do not contain parameters that are specific to this hybrid cloud topology
use case.
Step 10
Click the Configuration Backup parameter tab and check the box in the Hourly Fabric Backup field to enable that feature.
Complete the remaining configurations in the Configuration Backup parameter tab as you normally would.
Step 11
Click Save when you have completed the necessary configurations in the Create Fabric window for the VXLAN fabric.
You are returned to the LAN Fabrics window, with the VXLAN fabric that you just created displayed.
What to do next
Add the switches to the VXLAN fabric and set the necessary role for the switches using the procedures provided in Add Switches to the VXLAN Fabric.
Add Switches to the VXLAN Fabric
In this procedure, you will add the switches to the VXLAN fabric and set the necessary role for the switches.
In the LAN Fabrics window, click the VXLAN fabric that you just created.
The Overview window for this fabric appears.
The following steps describe how to manually enter the necessary information to allow NDFC to discover switches. You could
also use the Power On Auto Provisioning (POAP) feature in NDFC instead, which is useful if you do not already have certain
parameters, such as the management IP address, default route, and start up configurations, already configured on the switches
that need to be discovered. POAP automates the process of installing configuration files on devices that are deployed on the
network for the first time and allows devices to be brought up without performing any manual configuration. See Inband POAP Management in External Fabrics and LAN Classic Fabrics and Zero-Touch Provisioning of VXLAN Fabrics using Inband POAP with NDFC for more information on POAP.
Step 2
Click Actions > Add Switches.
The Add Switches window appears.
Step 3
Add the necessary information to discover the switches.
Fill in the necessary information in this page to discover the switches, including the Seed IP, username, and password.
Determine if you want to preserve the existing configuration on the switches:
If this is a brownfield deployment where you want to keep the existing configurations on the switches, check the Preserve Config checkbox to preserve those existing configurations.
If this is a greenfield deployment, uncheck the Preserve Config checkbox to clean up the configurations on the switches.
Step 4
Click Discover Switches.
Click Confirm in the confirmation popup window that appears.
Step 5
Once the switches have been discovered, add the switches to the NDFC VXLAN fabric.
In the Discovery Results area, choose the appropriate switches (click the box next to each of the appropriate switches).
As an example, the figure below shows two leaf switches and one spine switch being added to the fabric.
Figure 7.
Step 6
Click Add Switches.
If the Preserve Config option is checked, the switches will go through a reboot after being added to the NDFC VXLAN fabric.
Step 7
Set the role for the appropriate switch to Border Gateway Spine.
In these example procedures, one spine switch plays the dual role of spine switch and border gateway spine switch, so we will
be changing the role of the spine switch to border gateway spine switch in these example procedures. However, in your environment,
you might have two separate switches, one with the role of spine switch and the other with the role of border gateway.
Click the Switches tab in the NDFC VXLAN fabric overview window.
The switches that have been added to this fabric are displayed.
Click the box next to the spine switch to choose that switch, then click Actions > Set Role.
Figure 8.
Locate and select the Border Gateway Spine role in the Select Role list, then click Select.
Figure 9.
Step 8
Navigate to LAN > Fabrics and select the NDFC VXLAN fabric that you created.
The Overview page for this NDFC VXLAN fabric appears.
Step 9
Click the Switches tab to verify that the switches that you just added appear correctly.
Step 10
Click Actions > Recalculate and Deploy.
Figure 10.
As described earlier, for these procedures, one spine switch plays the dual role of spine switch and border gateway spine
switch, so we changed the role of the spine switch to border gateway spine switch in these example procedures, as shown below.
In these example procedures, a vPC pair has also been configured already for the two leaf switches, as shown in the figure
below. For more information on configuring a vPC pair, see the Cisco NDFC-Fabric Controller Configuration Guide, release 12.1.2e or later.
In this procedure, you will be configuring the part of the example topology highlighted below. In the example figure below
and throughout the use case procedures, a Cisco Catalyst 8000V is used as the IPsec device in the external fabric, but there
could be many different types of devices in the external fabric, as long as they support IPsec and can be managed by NDFC
(for example, ASR 1000 and Catalyst 8000V).
Figure 12.
An NDFC-managed external fabric contains one or more IPsec devices. The IPsec devices have connectivity to cloud networks
either via the internet (public) or by a private connection, such as Direct Connect (AWS) or ExpressRoute (Azure). If public
internet is used to connect to the cloud sites, IPsec tunnels are established between on-premises IPsec devices and Catalyst
8000Vs in the cloud sites.
Complete the procedures in the following sections to configure an NDFC external fabric.
Log into your NDFC account, if you are not logged in already.
Step 2
Navigate to LAN > Fabrics.
Step 3
Click Actions > Create Fabric.
The Create Fabric window appears.
Step 4
Begin the process of creating an external fabric using the External_Fabric template.
The External_Fabric template is used to build traditional LAN fabrics using Nexus as well as non-Nexus devices, such as Catalyst 8000Vs.
In the Fabric Name field, enter a name for the external fabric.
In the Pick a Template area, click Choose Template.
The Select Fabric Template window appears.
Locate and click the External_Fabric template.
Click Select.
Figure 13.
Step 5
In the General Parameters tab, make the necessary configuration specifically for this hybrid cloud topology use case.
In the BGP ASN field, define the BGP ASN.
For example, using the information in the example topology, you would enter 65080 in the BGP ASN field for this use case.
Determine if you want the external fabric to be monitored or not:
If the on-premises IPsec device is going to be managed by NDFC, uncheck the box next to the Fabric Monitor Mode field to unselect this option.
If the on-premises IPsec device is not going to be managed by NDFC (such as a non-Cisco, third-party firewall), check the
box next to the Fabric Monitor Mode field if the fabric is going to be monitored only.
Figure 14.
Step 6
Complete the necessary general external fabric parameter configurations.
The following parameter tabs in the External_Fabric template must be completed, but they do not contain parameters that are specific to this hybrid cloud topology use case:
Configuration Backup
Flow Monitor
For example, in the Configuration Backup parameter tab, you might check the box in the Hourly Fabric Backup field to enable that feature.
In this section, you will be configuring the part of the example topology highlighted below.
Figure 24.
Based on the example hybrid cloud topology, these procedures assume that we will be setting up two cloud sites through the
Cloud Network Controller (AWS and Azure cloud sites). We will therefore refer to the following documents throughout these
Complete the procedures in the following sections to deploy the Cloud Network Controller on the cloud sites.
Deploy the Cloud Network Controller on the AWS Cloud Site
Follow the procedures in these sections to deploy the Cloud Network Controller on the AWS cloud site.
Configure the Necessary Parameters in Advanced Settings for AWS
In this section, you will make the necessary configurations for the AWS cloud site in Advanced Settings area in the Cloud Network Controller Setup page specifically for this example hybrid cloud topology.
Use the procedures provided in the "Configuring Cisco Cloud Network Controller Using the Setup Wizard" chapter in the Cisco Cloud Network Controller for AWS Installation Guide, but note that there are two areas in the Cloud Network Controller Setup page that you will have to configure specifically for this example hybrid cloud topology:
Contract-based routing: Cloud Network Controller supports two types of modes:
Contract-based routing
Route map-based routing
Contract-based routing means that a contract between the EPGs will drive the routing between VRFs, but this type of contract-based
routing is not available through NDFC, so for this specific example hybrid cloud topology, you will turn off contract-based
routing and will use route map-based routing instead. For more information, see the "Routing Policies" and "Configuring the
Global Inter-VRF Route Leak Policy" sections in the Cisco Cloud Network Controller for AWS User Guide, Release 25.1(x) or later.
Cloud Network Controller Access Privilege: By default, the Cloud Network Controller has Routing & Security access privilege, which means that the Cloud Network Controller
can automate not only networking, it can also automate and configure security groups on the cloud. If the Cloud Network Controller
automates and configures the security groups, it also has to configure the EPGs and contracts; however, EPGs and contracts
are not applicable to NDFC end users who only need routing automation. To integrate well with NDO and NDFC, you should set
the Cloud Network Controller Access Privilege option to Routing Only.
Step 1
Log into your Cisco Cloud Network Controller for AWS.
Step 2
Begin the process of setting up the first cloud site, the AWS cloud site, for this example hybrid cloud topology.
The first few chapters in the Cisco Cloud Network Controller for AWS Installation Guide, Release 25.1(x) or later, contain generic information that is not specific to this hybrid cloud topology use case, so complete
the procedures in these chapters in that document, then return here:
Preparing for Installing the Cisco Cloud Network Controller
Configuring the Cloud Formation Template Information for the Cisco Cloud Network Controller
Step 3
In the Cisco Cloud Network Controller GUI, click the Intent icon ( ) and select Cloud Network Controller Setup.
The Let's Configure the Basics page appears.
Step 4
Locate the Advanced Settings area and click Edit Configuration.
Step 5
In the Advanced Settings page, set the following configurations:
Contract Based Routing: Verify that the box is unchecked (that this feature is not enabled). This turns off contract-based routing and uses route
map-based routing instead
Cloud Network Controller Access Privilege: Choose the Routing Only option.
Step 6
Click Save and Continue.
You are returned to the Let's Configure the Basics page.
Configure the Necessary Parameters in Region Management for AWS
In this section, you will make the necessary configurations for the AWS cloud site in the Region Management area in the Cloud Network Controller Setup page specifically for this example hybrid cloud topology.
Locate the Region Management area and click the appropriate button.
Click Begin if this is your first time setting up the Cloud Network Controller, or Edit Configuration if you had already configured region management in this Cloud Network Controller previously.
Specifically for this example hybrid cloud topology use case, in the Use Transit Gateway area, click the checkbox next to Enable to use AWS Transit Gateway. This will allow you to add a hub network later in these procedures, which is necessary to enable
TGW Connect.
Step 3
In the Regions to Manage area, verify that the Cisco Cloud Network Controller home region is selected.
The region that you selected when you first deployed the Cisco Cloud Network Controller in AWS is the home region and should
be selected already in this page. This is the region where the Cisco Cloud Network Controller is deployed (the region that
will be managed by Cisco Cloud Network Controller), and will be indicated with the text Cloud Network Controller deployed in the Region column.
Step 4
Select additional regions if you want the Cisco Cloud Network Controller to manage additional regions, and to possibly deploy
Cisco Catalyst 8000Vs to have inter-VPC communication and Hybrid-Cloud, Hybrid Multi-Cloud, or Multi-Cloud connectivity on
those other regions.
The Cisco Catalyst 8000V can provide hybrid cloud and multi-cloud connectivity for up to four regions, including the home
region where Cisco Cloud Network Controller is deployed.
Step 5
To deploy cloud routers locally to a region, click to place a check mark in the Catalyst 8000Vs check box for that region.
You must have at least one region with Catalyst 8000Vs deployed. However, if you choose multiple regions in this page, you
do not have to have Catalyst 8000Vs in every region that you choose.
Step 6
If you want to use AWS Transit Gateway statistics, check the box in the TGW Stats column for one or more regions.
Checking the check box enables collection of AWS Transit Gateway traffic statistics for infra tenants for the specified regions.
You also need to create flow logs in order to collect AWS Transit Gateway statistics. See the section "Enabling VPC Flow Logs"
in the chapter "Cisco Cloud APIC Statistics" of the Cisco Cloud APIC for AWS User Guide, release 25.1(x) or later.
Specifically for this example hybrid cloud topology use case:
Place a check mark in the check boxes next to the US East (N. Virginia) and US West (N. California) regions (the us-east-1 and us-west-1 regions).
Place a check mark in the check boxes in the Catalyst 8000Vs and TGW Stats columns for the Cisco Cloud Network Controller home region.
Figure 25.
Step 7
When you have selected all the appropriate regions, click Next at the bottom of the page.
The General Connectivity page appears.
Step 8
Make the necessary configurations in the General Connectivity page.
Specifically for this example hybrid cloud topology use case, add a hub network using the procedures in the following steps.
In Cisco Cloud Network Controller, a collection of two or more AWS Transit Gateways is called a hub network. A hub network provides network isolation for VRFs. A group of VRFs can be attached to a hub network to isolate the group
of VRFs from other VRFs that are attached to other hub networks. A hub network creates at least two AWS Transit Gateways for
each region.
Step 9
In the Hub Network area, click Add Hub Network.
The Add Hub Network window appears.
Step 10
In the Name field, enter a name for the hub network.
Step 11
In the BGP Autonomous System Number field, enter a zero for AWS to choose a number, or enter a value between 64512 and 65534, inclusive, for each hub network,
and then click the check mark next to the field.
For example, using the information in the example hybrid cloud topology, you would enter 65091 in this field.
Step 12
In the TGW Connect field, click the checkbox next to Enable to enable the AWS Transit Gateway Connect feature.
This will be the AWS Transit Gateway Connect CIDR block, which will be used as the connect peer IP address (the GRE outer
peer IP address) on the Transit Gateway side.
In the Region field, click Select Region and select the appropriate region.
In the CIDR field, enter the CIDR block that will be used as the connect peer IP address on the Transit Gateway side.
Figure 26.
Click the checkmark to accept these values for this CIDR block.
For every managed region that will be using the AWS Transit Gateway Connect feature, repeat these steps to add CIDR blocks
to be used for each of those managed regions.
Figure 27.
Step 14
Complete the remaining configurations as you normally would.
Complete the remaining configurations in the General Connectivity page as you normally would, then click Save and Continue.
Complete the necessary configurations in the Smart Licensing page as you normally would.
At this point in the process, you have completed the basic configurations for the first cloud site for the Cisco Cloud Network
Controller (in this example hybrid cloud topology, the AWS cloud site). Proceed with the following steps to complete the basic
configurations for the second cloud site for the Cisco Cloud Network Controller (in this example hybrid cloud topology, the
Azure cloud site).
Step 15
Configure Direct Connect for AWS, if necessary.
Configure Direct Connect if you want private connections for the connectivity for the Catalyst 8000V routers to the cloud
networks. For information on configuring Direct Connect for AWS, see the Cisco Cloud Network Controller for AWS User Guide, release 25.1(x) or later.
Deploy the Cloud Network Controller on the Azure Cloud Site
Follow the procedures in these sections to deploy the Cloud Network Controller on the Azure cloud site.
Configure the Necessary Parameters in Advanced Settings for Azure
In this section, you will make the necessary configurations for the Azure cloud site in Advanced Settings area in the Cloud Network Controller Setup page specifically for this example hybrid cloud topology.
Make the same configurations for the Azure cloud site as you did for the AWS cloud site.
Use the procedures provided in the "Configuring Cisco Cloud Network Controller Using the Setup Wizard" chapter in the Cisco Cloud Network Controller for Azure Installation Guide, but note that there are two areas in the Cloud Network Controller Setup page that you will have to configure specifically for this example hybrid cloud topology:
Contract-based routing: Cloud Network Controller supports two types of modes:
Contract-based routing
Route map-based routing
Contract-based routing means that a contract between the EPGs will drive the routing between VRFs, but this type of contract-based
routing is not available through NDFC, so for this specific example hybrid cloud topology, you will turn off contract-based
routing and will use route map-based routing instead. For more information, see the "Routing Policies" and "Configuring the
Global Inter-VRF Route Leak Policy" sections in the Cisco Cloud Network Controller for AWS User Guide, Release 25.1(x) or later.
Cloud Network Controller Access Privilege: By default, the Cloud Network Controller has Routing & Security access privilege, which means that the Cloud Network Controller
can automate not only networking, it can also automate and configure security groups on the cloud. If the Cloud Network Controller
automates and configures the security groups, it also has to configure the EPGs and contracts; however, EPGs and contracts
are not applicable to NDFC end users who only need routing automation. To integrate well with NDO and NDFC, you should set
the Cloud Network Controller Access Privilege option to Routing Only.
Log into your Cisco Cloud Network Controller for Azure.
Step 2
Begin the process of setting up the second cloud site, the Azure cloud site, for this example hybrid cloud topology.
The first few chapters in the Cisco Cloud Network Controller for Azure Installation Guide, Release 25.1(x) or later, contain generic information that is not specific to this hybrid cloud topology use case, so complete
the procedures in these chapters in that document, then return here:
Preparing for Installing the Cisco Cloud Network Controller
Deploying the Cisco Cloud Network Controller in Azure
Step 3
In the Cisco Cloud Network Controller GUI, click the Intent icon ( ) and select Cloud Network Controller Setup.
The Let's Configure the Basics page appears.
Step 4
Locate the Advanced Settings area and click Edit Configuration.
Step 5
In the Advanced Settings page, set the following configurations:
Contract Based Routing: Verify that the box is unchecked (that this feature is not enabled). This turns off contract-based routing and uses route
map-based routing instead
Cloud Network Controller Access Privilege: Choose the Routing Only option.
Step 6
Click Save and Continue.
You are returned to the Let's Configure the Basics page.
Configure the Necessary Parameters in Region Management for Azure
In this section, you will make the necessary configurations for the Azure cloud site in the Region Management area in the Cloud Network Controller Setup page specifically for this example hybrid cloud topology.
Locate the Region Management area and click the appropriate button.
Click Begin if this is your first time setting up the Cloud Network Controller, or Edit Configuration if you had already configured region management in this Cloud Network Controller previously.
Step 2
Verify that the Virtual Network Peering in the Connectivity for Internal Network area is automatically enabled.
VNet peering at the global level is set in the Connectivity for Internal Network area, which enables VNet peering at the Cisco Cloud Network Controller level, deploying NLBs in all the regions with a CCR.
For release 5.1(2) and later, VNet peering at the global level is enabled by default and cannot be disabled. See Configuring VNet Peering for Cloud APIC for Azure for more information.
Step 3
In the Regions to Manage area, verify that the Cisco Cloud Network Controller home region is selected.
The region that you selected when you first deployed the Cisco Cloud Network Controller in AWS is the home region and should
be selected already in this page. This is the region where the Cisco Cloud Network Controller is deployed (the region that
will be managed by Cisco Cloud Network Controller), and will be indicated with the text Cloud Network Controller deployed in the Region column.
Because Azure VNet peering is enabled automatically, you must also check the box in the Catalyst 8000Vs column for the Cisco Cloud Network Controller home region, if it is not checked already.
Step 4
Select additional regions if you want the Cisco Cloud Network Controller to manage additional regions, and to possibly deploy
Cisco Catalyst 8000Vs to have inter-VNet communication and Hybrid-Cloud, Hybrid Multi-Cloud, or Multi-Cloud connectivity on
those other regions.
The Cisco Catalyst 8000V can provide hybrid cloud and multi-cloud connectivity for up to four regions, including the home
region where Cisco Cloud Network Controller is deployed.
Step 5
To deploy cloud routers locally to a region, click to place a check mark in the Catalyst 8000Vs check box for that region.
You must have at least one region with Catalyst 8000Vs deployed. However, if you choose multiple regions in this page, you
do not have to have Catalyst 8000Vs in every region that you choose.
Specifically for this example hybrid cloud topology use case, place a check mark in the check box in the Catalyst 8000Vs column for the Cisco Cloud Network Controller home region.
Figure 28.
Step 6
When you have selected all the appropriate regions, click Next at the bottom of the page.
The General Connectivity page appears.
Step 7
Make the necessary configurations in the General Connectivity page.
Specifically for this example hybrid cloud topology use case, make the following configurations for the Cisco Catalyst 8000Vs
using the procedures in the following steps.
Step 8
Under the General area, in the Subnet Pools for Cloud Routers field, click Add Subnet Pool for Cloud Routers to add additional subnets for the Catalyst 8000Vs.
The first subnet pool is automatically populated (shown as System Internal). Addresses from this subnet pool will be used for inter-region connectivity for any additional regions that are added that
need to be managed by the Cisco Cloud Network Controller. Subnet pools added in this field must be a valid IPv4 subnet with
mask /24.
Add additional subnets for Catalyst 8000Vs in this step in these situations:
If you have a Catalyst 8000V deployed in the Cisco Cloud Network Controller home region, add one additional subnet pool in
addition to the System Internal subnet pool that is automatically generated.
If you selected additional regions to be managed by Cisco Cloud Network Controller in the previous page:
Add one additional subnet pool for every managed region with 2-4 Catalyst 8000Vs per managed region (if you enter 2, 3, or 4 in the Number of Routers Per Region field in this page)
Add two additional subnet pools for every managed region with five or more Catalyst 8000Vs per managed region (if you enter between
5 and 8 in the Number of Routers Per Region field in this page)
Specifically for this example hybrid cloud topology use case, add one additional subnet pool using as the subnet entry.
Figure 29.
Step 9
Under the Catalyst 8000Vs area, in the BGP Autonomous System Number for C8kVs field, enter the BGP autonomous system number (ASN) that is unique to this site.
The BGP autonomous system number can be in the range of 1 - 65534. See the "Configuring Cisco Cloud Network Controller Using
the Setup Wizard" chapter in the Cisco Cloud Network Controller for Azure Installation Guide, Release 25.1(x) or later, for additional restrictions.
Specifically for this example hybrid cloud topology use case, you would enter 65092 in the BGP Autonomous System Number for C8kVs field.
Figure 30.
Step 10
Click Next, then complete the remaining configurations as you normally would.
Complete the remaining configurations in the General Connectivity page as you normally would, then click Save and Continue.
Complete the necessary configurations in the Smart Licensing page as you normally would.
Configure ExpressRoute if you want private connections for the connectivity for the Catalyst 8000V routers to the cloud networks.
For information on configuring ExpressRoute for Azure, see the Cisco Cloud Network Controller for Azure User Guide, release 25.1(x) or later.
What to do next
Onboard the NDFC-managed sites (VXLAN fabric, external fabric, and cloud sites) into Nexus Dashboard (ND) and Nexus Dashboard
Orchestrator (NDO) using the procedures provided in Onboard the NDFC and Cloud Sites into ND and NDO.
Log into the Nexus Dashboard (ND) cluster with Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator (NDO).
Step 2
In Nexus Dashboard, click Sites > Add Site.
Figure 31.
The Add Site page appears.
Step 3
Click the NDFC box in the Add Site page.
Step 4
Enter the necessary information to add the NDFC site.
In the Hostname/IP Address field, enter the data interface IP address for your NDFC.
In the Username and Password field, enter the username and password login information for your NDFC.
Step 5
Click Select Sites.
Figure 32.
Step 6
Click the boxes next to the two NDFC sites that you added previously (the VXLAN fabric and external fabric sites), then click
Figure 33.
You are returned to the Add Site page.
Step 7
Verify that the two NDFC sites (VXLAN fabric and external fabric sites) appear correctly in the Nexus Dashboard Add Site page, then click Save.
Step 8
In Nexus Dashboard, click Sites > Add Site again to add the first cloud site.
Figure 34.
The Add Site page appears.
Step 9
Click the Cloud Network Controller box in the Add Site page, then enter the necessary information to add the first cloud site (the AWS site in this example topology).
In the Hostname/IP Address field, enter the IP address of the Cloud Network Controller (CNC) for the first cloud site.
In the Username and Password field, enter the username and password login information of the Cloud Network Controller (CNC) for the first cloud site.
For Cloud Network Controller (CNC), Enable Proxy if the CNC is reachable via a proxy. Proxy must be already configured in your Nexus Dashboard’s cluster settings. If the
proxy is reachable via management network, a static management network route must also be added for the proxy IP address.
For more information about proxy and route configuration, see Nexus Dashboard User Guide for your release.
Figure 35.
Step 10
Click Save to add the first cloud site.
Step 11
In Nexus Dashboard, click Sites > Add Site again to add the second cloud site.
Figure 36.
The Add Site page appears.
Step 12
Click the Cloud Network Controller box in the Add Site page, then enter the necessary information to add the Cloud Network Controller (CNC) for the second cloud site (the Azure
site in this example topology).
Repeat the previous set of steps, this time entering the necessary information in the Hostname/IP Address, Username, and Password fields for the Cloud Network Controller (CNC) for the second cloud site, and clicking Enable Proxy if the CNC for the second cloud site is reachable via a proxy.
Figure 37.
Step 13
In Nexus Dashboard, click Sites and verify that the four sites appear correctly:
The two sites from NDFC (the VXLAN fabric and external fabric sites)
The cloud sites with Cloud Network Controller deployed (for this example hybrid cloud topology, the AWS and Azure cloud sites)
Figure 38.
Step 14
Access the Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator (NDO).
In Nexus Dashboard, at the top of the window, click One View > Orchestrator.
Figure 39.
Step 15
In NDO, click Sites.
The four sites that you added in ND appear but are shown in the Unmanaged state.
Figure 40.
Step 16
From NDO, manage the four sites.
Perform the following steps for each site in NDO:
For the first site listed in NDO, under the State column, change the state from Unmanaged to Managed.
Figure 41.
Provide a site ID that is unique to this particular site (a site ID that does not conflict with site IDs for any other site
being managed through this NDO), then click Add.
Figure 42.
Repeat these steps for the remaining sites in NDO to change each site to the Managed state and provide a unique site ID for each site.
The following figure shows an example of all four sites (the two NDFC sites and the two cloud sites) with their states changed
to Managed and a unique site ID provided for each site.
In NDO, navigate to Infrastructure > Site Connectivity.
Figure 44.
At this point, you will see the sites on the world map but they will not have any links in between, which means that there
is no connectivity between the sites at this point.
Figure 45.
Step 2
In the upper right area in the Site Connectivity window, click Configure.
The General Settings area of the Site Connectivity window appears.
Step 3
In the General Settings area, click the Control Plane Configuration tab, then make the necessary configurations in this page.
Figure 46.
Note that BGP is used for underlay connectivity between on-premises and cloud sites, whereas OSPF is used for cloud-to-cloud
underlay connectivity.
These general BGP settings apply to the use of BGP for both underlay and overlay connectivity and normally should not be changed,
with the exception of the BGP Peering Type option in the next step that only applies to overlay peering.
Step 4
For overlay connectivity between on-premises and cloud sites, in the BGP Peering Type field in the BGP area, choose either full-mesh or route-server.
See Supported Topologies to see the topologies that use full mesh or route server connectivity.
Define any remaining parameters in the BGP area, if necessary.
Step 6
For cloud-to-cloud underlay connectivity, in the OSPF area, enter the appropriate value in the OSPF Area ID field.
This configuration is necessary for cloud-to-cloud connectivity because the underlay routing between two cloud sites use OSPF.
For this example, enter OSFP Area ID in this field.
Step 7
Under Data Path, locate the Encapsulation Type area and select VXLAN.
By default, NDO uses standard VXLAN in data-plane for Hybrid Cloud for NDFC based on-premises fabrics. The other option is
iVXLAN, which should be used when building Hybrid Cloud connectivity for ACI sites (since ACI uses iVXLAN).
Add the On-Premises IPsec Device and IPsec Tunnel Subnet Pools
In this section, you will add the on-premises IPsec device (the Cisco Catalyst 8000V in the NDFC external fabric site) and
configure the IPsec tunnel pool.
In the same General Settings page, click the On Premises IPsec Devices tab.
Step 2
Click Add On Premises IPsec Device.
Figure 47.
The Add On Premises IPsec Device page appears.
Step 3
In the Type field, choose either Unmanaged or Managed.
Both the Unmanaged and Managed options are supported for the on-premises IPsec device.
If you choose the Unmanaged option for the on-premises IPsec device, you must enter the necessary information for this unmanaged on-premises IPsec device,
such as the Name, IP Address, and Next Hop Address. Use the Unmanaged when the on-premies IPsec device is not being managed by NDFC (either that device is not supported by NDFC or it's a third-party
device). NDO then generates the required configuration for the unmanaged IPsec device, which can be downloaded and applied
on the on-premises IPsec devices manually.
Figure 48.
If you choose the Managed option for the on-premises IPsec device, the Site field becomes available below the Managed option. The sites available in the Site field is based on information that NDO pulls from NDFC for the external fabrics configured in NDFC.
Figure 49.
Choose the NDFC external fabric with the managed on-premises IPsec device. The ASN field is automatically populated in this case based on the site that you chose.
For this use case example, we will choose Managed for the type for the on-premises IPsec device.
In the Device field, select the on-premises IPsec device that you want to use for this deployment.
The devices available in the Device field is based on information that NDO pulls from NDFC for the on-premises IPsec devices configured in the NDFC site that
you selected above. The ASN field is then automatically populated based on the on-premises IPsec device that you selected in the Device field.
In the Interface field, select the appropriate interface that you want to use for the on-premises IPsec device.
The IP Address field for this interface is then automatically populated based on the interface that you selected in the Interface field.
In the Next Hop Address field, enter the address to be used for the route that you want to be configured on IPsec.
Figure 50.
Step 4
When you have finished entering the necessary information in the Add On Premises IPsec Device page, click Ok.
You are returned to the On Premises IPsec Devices page, which now shows the configured on-premises IPsec device.
Step 5
Click the IPsec Tunnel Subnet Pools tab to configure the IPsec tunnel subnet pools.
The IPsec Tunnel Subnet Pools information is required for the cloud tunnel IP assignment.
Step 6
In the External Subnet Pool area, click Add IP Address.
Figure 51.
Step 7
Enter the IP subnet pool that you will use for the IPsec tunnels.
Define the IP subnet pool, using public or private IP addresses, for the IPsec tunnels. This is the pool of IP addresses for
the IPsec tunnel addressing between the on-premises external device to the Cisco Catalyst 8000V, and between the Cisco Catalyst
8000Vs deployed in the cloud sites.
A /30 subnet is required for each IPsec tunnel.
The pool size should be able to accommodate all the IPsec tunnels.
The minimum allowed pool size is of 512 addresses (/23 subnet) .
Use a range of IP addresses (public or private) that does not overlap with other IP addresses in your environment.
Figure 52.
Step 8
Click the checkbox to accept the IP subnet pool that you entered.
The IP subnet pool appears under the External Subnet Pool area.
Figure 53.
Step 9
Click the NDFC Settings tab and enter the necessary information in the Auto Route Target Prefix, if necessary.
Figure 54.
Under NDFC settings in NDO, the Route Target Prefix for the Route Target generation is set with a default value of 23456 for NDFC (Cloud Network Controller has different values for this setting), so you can change this value in the Auto Route Target Prefix field if required to avoid any possible duplication. Setting the value in this field allows NDO to push this value out to
Add Ports for the External Devices in the NDFC External Fabric
In this section, you will add and configure the necessary ports for the external devices in the NDFC external fabric. These
are the interfaces connecting the core router to the BGW nodes.
In the left pane under General Settings: Sites, click the NDFC external fabric (the ext-fab-1 site in this example).
Step 2
In the middle pane, click on the first external device in the NDFC external fabric.
Step 3
In the right pane, click Add Port.
Figure 55.
Step 4
Enter the necessary information for the port configuration, including the IP address, remote IP address, and remote ASN.
The Towards Cloud Router option is only applicable for border gateways in a hub site. You will not enable this option in this window for the following
Because the topology that we're using for this example use case does not use a hub site, you will not enable the Towards Cloud Router for this example use case.
Add the Port for the BGW Spine Device in the NDFC VXLAN Fabric
In this section, you will add and configure the necessary port for the BGW spine device in the NDFC VXLAN fabric facing towards
the on-premises IPsec device.
In the left pane under General Settings: Sites, click the NDFC VXLAN fabric site.
Step 2
In the middle pane, click on the spine device.
Step 3
In the right pane, click Add Port.
Figure 61.
Step 4
Enter the necessary information in this page.
Define the port parameters in this page.
Figure 62.
In the Ethernet Port ID field, select the interface that is facing toward the on-premises Cisco Catalyst 8000V.
In the IP Address field, enter the IP address for this interface. Later in these procedures, Nexus Dashboard Orchestrator will configure this
IP address for this interface on the BGW spine switch residing in the VXLAN fabric.
In the Remote Address field, enter the IP address of the gigabit 4 interface of the on-premises IPsec device.
In the Remote ASN field, enter the ASN for the on-premises IPsec device. For example, for this example use case, we would enter 65080 as the ASN for the on-premises IPsec device.
The Towards Cloud Router option is only applicable for border gateways in an on-premises hub site. This option would need to be enabled in topologies
where you are using a hub site, such as Option 3 in Supported Topologies with IPsec (Multi-Cloud).
Because the topology that we're using for this example use case does not use a hub site, you will not enable the Towards Cloud Router for this example use case.
Step 5
Click Ok.
The port for the BGW spine device is now added in the NDFC VXLAN fabric
In the left pane under General Settings: Sites, click the first cloud site (for example, the AWS site).
Step 2
In the right pane, click Inter-Site Connectivity, then check the box under Multi-Site to enable that feature.
This feature is required for building VXLAN Multisite overlay tunnels between the sites.
Step 3
In the right pane, click Add Site.
Figure 64.
The Add Site page appears.
Step 4
In the Add Site page, click Select a Site.
Figure 65.
The Select a Site page appears.
Step 5
Select the NDFC VXLAN fabric (the Sydney site in this example), then click Select.
Figure 66.
You are returned to the Add Site page.
Step 6
In the Add Site page, in the Connection Type field, choose the type of connection that you will use from the first cloud site to the NDFC VXLAN fabric site.
Figure 67.
You can select Public Internet, or you can select a Private Connection if you are using Direct Connect with AWS or ExpressRoute with Azure.
Both Public Internet and Private Connection options are available for the on-premises site, whereas only the Public Internet connection option is available for the cloud sites.
IPsec is mandatory for the Public Internet connection type and is automatically enabled for that connection type, whereas IPsec is optional for the Private Connection type.
Because the topology that we're using for this example use case does not use a hub site, you will not enable the Hub Site option for this example use case.
Step 7
When you have finished the configurations in this page, click OK.
In the left pane under General Settings: Sites, click the first cloud site (for example, the AWS site).
Step 2
In the right pane, click Inter-Site Connectivity.
Step 3
In the right pane, click Add Site.
Figure 68.
The Add Site page appears.
Step 4
In the Add Site page, click Select a Site.
The Select Site page appears.
Step 5
Select the second cloud site (for example, the Azure cloud site), then click Select.
Figure 69.
You are returned to the Add Site page.
Step 6
In the Add Site page, in the Connection Type field, choose the type of connection that you will use from the first cloud site to the second cloud site.
For some types of cloud-to-cloud connectivity, you might these options:
Public Internet
Cloud Backbone
Cloud Backbone can be used to establish connectivity between cloud sites of the same provider (for example, an AWS site 1 managed by one
Cloud Network Controller, and an AWS site 2 managed by a second Cloud Network Controller). However, between sites of different
cloud providers (for example, AWS to Azure), Public Internet is the only option, as shown in the following figure.
Figure 70.
When the Public Internet connection type is selected, the IPsec option is mandatory and is automatically enabled for that connection type, whereas IPsec is optional for the Cloud Backbone type.
You will not enable the Hub Site option for cloud-to-cloud connectivity, even if the topology uses a hub site (you would enable the Hub Site option when configuring connectivity between the cloud site and the NDFC VXLAN fabric site in that case).
Step 7
When you have finished the configurations in this page, click Ok.
For this section, you will be connecting the second cloud site to the NDFC VXLAN fabric site. Note that because you had already
configured connectivity between AWS and Azure in Connect the First Cloud Site to the Second Cloud Site, you do not have to configure connectivity from the second cloud site (Azure) back to AWS because that connectivity was already
configured in that previous section.
In the left pane under General Settings: Sites, click the second cloud site (for example, the Azure site).
Step 2
In the right pane, click Inter-Site Connectivity, then check the box under Multi-Site to enable that feature.
Step 3
In the right pane, click Add Site.
Figure 71.
The Add Site page appears.
Step 4
In the Add Site page, click Select a Site.
The Select a Site page appears.
Step 5
Select the NDFC VXLAN fabric (the Sydney site in this example), then click Select.
You are returned to the Add Site page.
Step 6
In the Add Site page, in the Connection Type field, choose the type of connection that you will use from the second cloud site to the NDFC VXLAN fabric site.
Figure 72.
Step 7
When you have finished the configurations in this page, click OK.
This option downloads a zip file that contains the necessary configuration information that you will use to configure the
on-premises IPsec device. A followup screen appears that allows you to select all or some of the configuration files to download.
Initiates communication with NDFC and the cloud sites (AWS and Azure) through the Cloud Network Controller to automate the
IPsec tunnels.
Configures OSPF between the Azure Catalyst 8000V and the AWS Catalyst 8000V.
Configures eBGP between the BGW spine switch, the on-premises IPsec device, and the Azure Catalyst 8000V and the AWS Catalyst
Establishes BGP-EVPN peering sessions between the sites.
Step 3
Verify that the configurations were done correctly in NDO.
In the left nav bar, click Infrastructure > Site Connectivity and verify the connectivity between sites in the Connectivity Settings area.
Figure 75.
In the same page, scroll down to the area for the first cloud site (for example, the AWS site), click Show Connectivity Status, then click Underlay Status in the Inter-Site Connections area to verify the underlay status.
In this example, there are six IPsec tunnels because there are two Cisco Catalyst 8000Vs on the first cloud site (AWS) that
have IPsec tunnels to two Cisco Catalyst 8000Vs on the second cloud site (Azure), and to one Cisco Catalyst 8000V for the
on-premises external fabric.
Figure 76.
Scroll down to the area for the second cloud site (for example, the Azure site), click Show Connectivity Status, then click Underlay Status in the Inter-Site Connections area to verify the underlay status.
In this example, there are six IPsec tunnels because there are two Cisco Catalyst 8000Vs on the second cloud site (Azure)
that have IPsec tunnels to two Cisco Catalyst 8000Vs on the first cloud site (AWS), and to one Cisco Catalyst 8000V for the
on-premises external fabric.
Figure 77.
Scroll down to the area for the NDFC external fabric site, click Show Connectivity Status, then click Underlay Status in the Inter-Site Connections area to verify the underlay status.
The external fabric's function is to provide underlay reachability from the on-premises IPsec devices to the VXLAN fabric
and the cloud sites. The underlay protocol uses eBGP.
Scroll down to the area for the NDFC VXLAN fabric site, click Show Connectivity Status, then click Underlay Status in the Inter-Site Connections area to verify the underlay status.
The underlay status shows the eBGP session status between the BGW spine switch and the on-premises IPsec device.
Figure 78.
In each of those screens, click Overlay Status to verify the overlay status for each.
Figure 79.
Return to the NDFC screen and verify the hybrid cloud connectivity in the Topology screen. In the following example, you can see the NDFC VXLAN fabric site (the Sydney site) connected to the first and second
cloud sites (the AWS and Azure cloud sites).