Table Of Contents
Cisco uBR-MC88V Cable Interface Line Card - Quick Start Guide
Installing the Cisco uBR-MC88V Cable Interface Line Card
Cabling the Cisco uBR-MC88V Cable Interface Line Card
Removing the Cisco uBR-MC88V Cable Interface Line Card
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
Cisco uBR-MC88V Cable Interface Line Card - Quick Start Guide
Revised: February 15, 2010, OL-26627-01Contents
This document includes procedures for installing and removing the Cisco uBR-MC88V Cable Interface Line Card.
Installing the Cisco uBR-MC88V Cable Interface Line Card
Cabling the Cisco uBR-MC88V Cable Interface Line Card
Removing the Cisco uBR-MC88V Cable Interface Line Card
The Cisco uBR-MC88V cable interface line card serves as the radio frequency (RF) interface between the cable headend and the Data over Cable Service Interface Specifications (DOCSIS)-compliant cable modems, EuroDOCSIS-compliant cable modems, or set-top boxes (STBs). The uBR-MC88V cable interface line cards have eight RF upstream (US) and two downstream (DS) physical connectors. Each downstream physical connector includes four DS channels. uBR-MC88V is a DOCSIS 3.0 line card for the uBR7246VXR and uBR7225VXR universal broadband router family. Figure 1 shows the Cisco uBR-MC88V cable interface line card faceplate.
Figure 1 Cisco uBR-MC88V Cable Interface Line Card Faceplate
Installing the Cisco uBR-MC88V Cable Interface Line Card
To install a Cisco uBR-MC88V cable interface line card in the Cisco uBR7200 series router, complete the following steps:
CautionMake sure that you are grounded using an ESD-preventive wrist or ankle strap.
Step 1
Use both hands to grasp the card by its metal carrier edges and align the left and right edges of the card with the guides in the card slot. The component side of the card must be facing up.
Step 2
With the metal carrier aligned in the slot guides (see Figure 2), gently slide the card into the slot until you feel the card seat in the midplane.
If the card is inserted properly, the enabled LED turns green when the host router recognizes the line card. If the enabled LED does not turn green, see the Troubleshooting section for details.
Figure 2 Installing the Cisco uBR-MC88V Cable Interface Line Card
Figure 2 shows the chassis with only one line card being installed and the other available card slots are shown as empty, thus revealing the inside of the chassis. This representation is only for illustrative purpose. You should never operate the Cisco uBR7200 series universal broadband router with open card slots. You must fill all card slots either with Cisco cable interface line cards or with blank cards provided by Cisco, to ensure proper airflow through the chassis.
Step 3
Tighten the captive installation screws on the card. If the captive screws on the card do not tighten all the way, the card is not completely seated in the midplane. Carefully pull the card out of the slot, reinsert it, and tighten the captive installation screws.
CautionA partially seated card can cause the Cisco uBR7200 series universal broadband router to reboot.
Step 4
Connect all the required coaxial cables to the front of the cable interface line card. For more information on cabling, see the Cabling the Cisco uBR-MC88V Cable Interface Line Card section.
After you install the Cisco uBR-MC88V cable interface line card, you must configure the upstream (US) and downstream (DS) ports on the card. For more details on line card configuration, see the Configuring the Cisco uBR-MC88V Cable Interface Line Card document at
Cabling the Cisco uBR-MC88V Cable Interface Line Card
To cable the Cisco uBR-MC88V cable interface line card, connect the downstream and upstream ports to a combiner. The card uses coaxial cable F-connectors, as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3 Attaching Cable to the F-Connectors
Removing the Cisco uBR-MC88V Cable Interface Line Card
To remove a Cisco uBR-MC88V cable interface line card from the Cisco uBR7200 series universal broadband router, complete the following steps:
CautionMake sure that you are grounded using an ESD-preventive wrist or ankle strap.
Step 1
Disconnect all cables from the front of the card.
Step 2
Unscrew the captive installation screws.
Step 3
Grasp the handle on the front of the card and carefully pull the card from the chassis.
CautionAlways handle the card by its carrier edges and handle. Do not touch the card components or connector pins. (See Figure 4.)
Figure 4 Removing the Card from the Chassis
If the card is inserted properly, the enabled LED (Figure 5) turns green when the host router recognizes the line card. See Table 1 for LED description.
Figure 5 LEDs
Table 1
LED/Status DescriptionENABLED—green
ENABLED—offCard operating normally
Card not enabledUS—green
US—offUpstream enabled
Upstream not enabledDS—green
DS—offDownstream enabled
Downstream not enabled
LED Description
If the enabled LED does not turn green, check the following:
Verify that the card is properly seated in the chassis.
Release the captive screws.
Slide the card partially out of the chassis and then slide it back in, making sure that it is properly seated in the midplane.
Tighten the captive screws.
Verify that the captive screws are secure on the faceplate.
Verify that the card has been configured for that slot.
If the enabled LED remains off after the above checks, it is likely that the system has detected a processor hardware failure. Go to the Cisco TAC website for further information and help.
Technical Specifications
Table 4 Output Power Level
Related Documentation
For safety information, refer to:
Regulatory Compliance and Safety Information for Cisco uBR7200 Series Universal Broadband Routers
For additional hardware installation and software configuration information, go to:
For fan tray and power supply replacement instructions, go to:
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
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