%MX-6-NOMEM : [chars] bufhdr allocation failure, MSGDEF_LIMIT_MEDIUM | |
Explanation | An attempt to allocate memory failed. This could cause features that manage packets in multiple pieces, or that directly export data, not to work properly in some cases. |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
%MX-3-CARVE : [chars]: size [int] too small | |
Explanation | A software error resulted in an attempt to create buffers in an area of memory that was too small. |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
%MX-3-RESIZE : [chars]: non-contiguous resize: orig [hex]/[hex], new [hex]/[hex], MSGDEF_LIMIT_MEDIUM | |
Explanation | A software error was detected during a resize operation on the specified memory region. |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
%MX-6-NOBUFHDR : [chars] | |
Explanation | An attempt to add buffers within a memory region failed. |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
%MX-3-MAXPOOLS : too low | |
Explanation | A source code inconsistency was detected. |
Recommended Action | Increase the number of pools allowed. |
%MX-3-INITBUFHDR : [chars]: mgmt memory allocation failure (size [int]) | |
Explanation | insufficient mgmt memory provided for initialization of the external memory manager, which will cause features that manage packets in multiple pieces, or that directly export data, not to work properly. |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
%MX-3-BADSTART : [chars]: [hex] (current [hex], size [int]) | |
Explanation | A software error was detected during an attempt to increase the size of an external memory region. |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
%MX-3-BADPOOL : [chars]: [int] | |
Explanation | Software detected the use of an invalid pool index, which may be the result of incompatible software versions on different system components. |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
%MX-3-BADFEAT : [chars]: [dec] | |
Explanation | Software detected the use of an invalid feature enumeration, which may be the result of incompatible software versions on different system components. |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
%MX-3-BADMAGIC : [chars]: [hex] in [hex], MSGDEF_LIMIT_MEDIUM | |
Explanation | A data structure inconsistency was detected in a buffer header, perhaps as the result of memory corruption. A buffer has been dropped because of this, resulting in a memory leak and potential system unreliability. |
Recommended Action | Please report the problem Cisco technical support, along with the text of the error message. If the system becomes unstable, restarting or reloading the affected component should correct the instability. |
%MX-3-SUBRGNINDX : [chars]: Subregion Index allocation failure | |
Explanation | Unable to obtain a sub region index so unable add sw managed memory |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
Explanation | A request exceeded for memory allocation failed |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
%NAT-3-RMAP_OP_FAIL : Routemap hash table not set up (attempted [chars]), MSGDEF_LIMIT_MEDIUM | |
Explanation | An operation was attempted on the route map hash table, but the hash table hash not yet been initialized. |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
Explanation | The mapping reference count is below zero. This indicates that the reference count incrementing and decrementing operations are out of sync |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
Explanation | The add or update of a dynamic pat mapping failed with the assoicated return code. This will generally mean that the IOS configuration is now out of sync with the data plane. The mapping should be removed from the configuration to try to get things back in sync. |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
Explanation | The memory provided by the client to the datapath initilization is NULL |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
%NAT-3-CHUNK_ID_MISMATCH : id [int] not found, MSGDEF_LIMIT_MEDIUM | |
Explanation | The chunk ID provided by the client doesn't match any of the available chunk IDs. Hence a valid chunk could not be found for the given chunk ID. |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
Explanation | There was not enough memory to send the HA record |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
%NAT-3-HA_BULK_SYNC_FAIL : flags [hex] rg [dec], MSGDEF_LIMIT_MEDIUM | |
Explanation | There was a failure such that NAT Bulk Sync did not occur |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
%NAT-3-HA_COULD_NOT_FIND_SESS : in_orig adr [hex] port [hex] out_trans adr [hex] port [hex] vrf [hex] prot [hex] cook [hex] [hex], MSGDEF_LIMIT_MEDIUM | |
Explanation | Standby could not find the session indicated by the HA message |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
%NAT-3-HA_COULD_NOT_FIND_MATCHING_SESS : values (msg/sess): in_orig adr ([hex]/[hex]) port ([hex]/[hex]) out_trans adr ([hex]/[hex]) port ([hex].[hex]), MSGDEF_LIMIT_MEDIUM | |
Explanation | Standby could not find the matching session indicated by the HA message |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
Explanation | Standby failed trying to clear databased with indicated return code |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
%NAT-3-HA_COULD_NOT_CREATE_SESS : in_orig adr [hex] port [hex] out_trans adr [hex] port [hex] vrf [hex] prot [hex] cook [int] rg [dec], MSGDEF_LIMIT_MEDIUM | |
Explanation | Standby could not create the session indicated by the HA message |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
%NAT-3-HA_COULD_NOT_LOCK_PARENT : in_orig adr [hex] port [hex] out_trans adr [hex] port [hex] vrf [hex] prot [hex] cook [int], MSGDEF_LIMIT_MEDIUM | |
Explanation | Standby could not lock parent of the session; thus session not created |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
%NAT-3-HA_COULD_NOT_CREATE_BIND : idomain [dec] orig adr [hex] port [hex] trans adr [hex] port [hex] vrf [hex] prot [hex] rg [dec], MSGDEF_LIMIT_MEDIUM | |
Explanation | Standby could not create the bind indicated by the HA message |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
%NAT-3-HA_INVALID_MSG_RCVD : invalid value [dec] opcode [hex] version [hex], MSGDEF_LIMIT_MEDIUM | |
Explanation | Standby received an invalid NAT HA message |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
Explanation | Standby received an invalid NAT HA message |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
Explanation | An invalid HA state was received from the HA infrastructure. |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
Explanation | The standby NAT could not allocate the address requested by the active |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
Explanation | The standby NAT could find the pool indicated by the active |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
Explanation | High Speed logging memory allocation failed. When this happens the event will not be exported to the collector. This indicates a temporary condition when the system runs low on memory. The failure does not have any effects on the operation of NAT |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
%NAT-6-LOG_TRANSLATION : [chars] Translation [chars] %Ci:[dec] %Ci:[dec] %Ci:[dec] %Ci:[dec] [dec] | |
Explanation | A translation was created as a result of either a configuration or traffic flowing through the NAT subsystem |
Recommended Action | This message is for debugging purposes only and gets logged only when logging is turned on |
%NAT-3-STATIC_MAP_ADD_FAIL : local addr %Ci global addr %Ci [chars], MSGDEF_LIMIT_MEDIUM | |
Explanation | An add of a static NAT mapping failed due to listed reason. This mapping will be in the IOS configuration, but is not active in the data plane. It is recommended to remove the mapping from the configuration |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
%NAT-4-DEFAULT_MAX_ENTRIES : default maximum entries value [dec] exceeded; frame dropped, MSGDEF_LIMIT_MEDIUM | |
Explanation | This is an information message which occurs when NAT is configured and a frame is dropped due to the default maximum entries limit. Starting with release 5, XNE, NAT will use a default max-entries in the data plane based on the ESP type. This will not show in the configuration and is overriden by any user configuration of 'ip nat trans max-entries <value>'. The purpose of the default data plane limit is to protect the box from memory exhaustion which could occur if no limit is enforced. |
Recommended Action |
%NAT-6-ADDR_ALLOC_FAILURE : Address allocation failed; pool [dec] may be exhausted [[dec]], MSGDEF_LIMIT_MEDIUM | |
Explanation | This message indicates that an address could not be allocated from a pool because there were no free addresses in the pool at that time. |
Recommended Action |
%NAT-6-POOL_WATERMARK_HIGH : [chars] High watermark reached for pool [dec], MSGDEF_LIMIT_FAST/100 | |
Explanation | This message indicates that pool usage has crossed its high watermark. Pool may exhaust soon. |
Recommended Action |
Explanation | The requested clear failed because the transaction was in use. Some clear commands support a 'forced' keyword which allows you to override this. |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
Explanation | The attempt to turn on NAT HSL for a vrfid %d failed. Please remove configuration and try again. |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
%NAT-3-POOL_ADD_FAIL : pool-id [dec] rc [dec], MSGDEF_LIMIT_MEDIUM | |
Explanation | A request to the data plane to add or update a pool has failed To clean up remove pool configuration and try re-adding it |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
%NAT-3-HA_COULD_NOT_CLR : Standby temporarily unable to process clear; please retry, MSGDEF_LIMIT_MEDIUM | |
Explanation | A request from the active to process a clear translation failed. Please retry. |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
%NAT-3-SHOW_TRANS_FAIL : unable to show [dec] entries from bucket [int], MSGDEF_LIMIT_MEDIUM | |
Explanation | Unable to show some entries from session database. If using verbose, try using non-verbose. Otherwise situation is likely to be temporary. Or it may be wise to do 'clear ip nat trans *' as a very odd session distribution has occurred. |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
%NAT-3-SHOW_LIMIT_FAIL : unable to show [int] entries from bucket [int], MSGDEF_LIMIT_MEDIUM | |
Explanation | Unable to show some entries from limit database. The situation is likely to be temporary. Or it may be wise to do 'clear ip nat trans *' as a very odd limit entry distribution has occurred. |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
%NAT-4-SHOW_BIND_NOT_COMPLETE : Unable to show all of NAT binds due to internal error; try again, MSGDEF_LIMIT_MEDIUM | |
Explanation | This is an information message which occurs when NAT is unable to show all address binds due to an internal error. Please try operation again. |
Recommended Action |
%NAT-3-STATIC_MAP_ADD_FAILED : local addr %Ci global addr %Ci [chars], MSGDEF_LIMIT_MEDIUM | |
Explanation | An add of a static NAT mapping failed due to listed reason. This mapping will be in the IOS configuration, but is not active in the data plane. It is recommended to remove the mapping from the configuration |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
Explanation | The add of a dynamic mapping failed. This will generally mean that the IOS configuration is now out of sync with the data plane. The mapping should be removed and then re-added to try to get things back in sync. |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
%NAT-4-FORCED_DEL_BIND_FAILED : Unable to find bind to forcibly delete, MSGDEF_LIMIT_MEDIUM | |
Explanation | This is an information message which occurs when NAT is unable to find a bind even though IOS thinks the bind exists. Please try other methods of clearing transaction. |
Recommended Action |
%NAT-3-DP_REL_FAIL : DP REL FAIL, retry count [dec] exceeded max, MSGDEF_LIMIT_MEDIUM | |
Explanation | The dp release fail due to too many retry on freeing session chunk |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
%NAT-4-SEQ_DELTA_LIST_CORRUPT : Sequence Delta list tail pointer null in error, MSGDEF_LIMIT_MEDIUM | |
Explanation | For unknown reasons, sequence delta list tail pointer is null |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_ACTION |
%NAT64-3-EINVAL : NULL | |
Explanation | An unexpected input value to a function was incorrect |
Recommended Action | Copy the error message exactly as it appears on the console or in the system log. Perform a search of the Bug Toolkit ( If you still require assistance, open a case with the Technical Assistance Center via the Internet (, or contact your Cisco technical support representative and provide the representative with the gathered information. |
%NAT64-3-UNINITIALIZED : NAT64 feature is not properly initialized | |
Explanation | A function call was made when the system was not properly initialized. |
Recommended Action | Copy the error message exactly as it appears on the console or in the system log. Perform a search of the Bug Toolkit ( If you still require assistance, open a case with the Technical Assistance Center via the Internet (, or contact your Cisco technical support representative and provide the representative with the gathered information. |
%NAT64-3-INIT_FAILED : An initialization failed, rc([chars]) | |
Explanation | An initialization in the system has failed. |
Recommended Action | Copy the error message exactly as it appears on the console or in the system log. Perform a search of the Bug Toolkit ( If you still require assistance, open a case with the Technical Assistance Center via the Internet (, or contact your Cisco technical support representative and provide the representative with the gathered information. |
%NAT64-3-ENOENT : NULL | |
Explanation | A lookup failed unexpectedly. |
Recommended Action | Copy the error message exactly as it appears on the console or in the system log. Perform a search of the Bug Toolkit ( If you still require assistance, open a case with the Technical Assistance Center via the Internet (, or contact your Cisco technical support representative and provide the representative with the gathered information. |
%NAT64-3-EEXIST : NULL | |
Explanation | An item unexpectedly exists already. |
Recommended Action | Copy the error message exactly as it appears on the console or in the system log. Perform a search of the Bug Toolkit ( If you still require assistance, open a case with the Technical Assistance Center via the Internet (, or contact your Cisco technical support representative and provide the representative with the gathered information. |
%NAT64-3-ENOMEM : Memory allocation failed | |
Explanation | A attempt to allocae memory has failed. |
Recommended Action | Copy the error message exactly as it appears on the console or in the system log. Perform a search of the Bug Toolkit ( If you still require assistance, open a case with the Technical Assistance Center via the Internet (, or contact your Cisco technical support representative and provide the representative with the gathered information. |
%NAT64-3-NAT64_REGISTRY_RC : A NAT64 registry call failed with rc([chars]) | |
Explanation | The return code from a NAT64 registry call indicates an error. |
Recommended Action | Copy the error message exactly as it appears on the console or in the system log. Perform a search of the Bug Toolkit ( If you still require assistance, open a case with the Technical Assistance Center via the Internet (, or contact your Cisco technical support representative and provide the representative with the gathered information. |
%NAT64-3-BAD_MAGIC : Invalid magic number(%#10x) | |
Explanation | An internal data structure is corrupt. |
Recommended Action | Copy the error message exactly as it appears on the console or in the system log. Perform a search of the Bug Toolkit ( If you still require assistance, open a case with the Technical Assistance Center via the Internet (, or contact your Cisco technical support representative and provide the representative with the gathered information. |
Explanation | A call to the API of another component has indicated an error. |
Recommended Action | Copy the error message exactly as it appears on the console or in the system log. Perform a search of the Bug Toolkit ( If you still require assistance, open a case with the Technical Assistance Center via the Internet (, or contact your Cisco technical support representative and provide the representative with the gathered information. |
Explanation | A loop has exceeded the expected number of iterations. |
Recommended Action | Copy the error message exactly as it appears on the console or in the system log. Perform a search of the Bug Toolkit ( If you still require assistance, open a case with the Technical Assistance Center via the Internet (, or contact your Cisco technical support representative and provide the representative with the gathered information. |
%NAT64-5-ALIAS_NOT_FOUND : Unable to find alias, address([IP_address]) table_id([int]) | |
Explanation | An attempt was made to remove an IP alias for a NAT64 address and the alias does not exist. This is a notification that such an event happened and should not have any functional impact. This could happen under heavy load if, for example, a previous best effort message to add the alias was dropped. |
Recommended Action | Copy the error message exactly as it appears on the console or in the system log. Perform a search of the Bug Toolkit ( If you still require assistance, open a case with the Technical Assistance Center via the Internet (, or contact your Cisco technical support representative and provide the representative with the gathered information. |
%NAT64-6-HA_RELOAD : Reloading [chars], reason([chars]) | |
Explanation | A synchronization attempt between the active and standby RP peers has failed with the reason indicated. The standby peer is reloaded in an attempt to resynchronize when operating in a stateful redundant mode. |
Recommended Action | Copy the error message exactly as it appears on the console or in the system log. Perform a search of the Bug Toolkit ( If you still require assistance, open a case with the Technical Assistance Center via the Internet (, or contact your Cisco technical support representative and provide the representative with the gathered information. |
%NAT64-6-HA_RELOAD_DISABLED : Standby reload has been disabled, NAT64 RP state is out of sync and the standby should be reloaded manually | |
Explanation | The active and standby RPs are out of sync and the standby RP would have been reloaded, but this reload was suppressed based on the configured environment. |
Recommended Action | Copy the error message exactly as it appears on the console or in the system log. Perform a search of the Bug Toolkit ( If you still require assistance, open a case with the Technical Assistance Center via the Internet (, or contact your Cisco technical support representative and provide the representative with the gathered information. |
Explanation | The synchronization attempt for the message has determined that the transport has lost communication with its peer. This is a normal situation which indicates that the standby route-processor is currently out of service implying a simplex redundancy mode. |
Recommended Action |
%NAT64-6-HA_FLOW_CTRL_TIMEOUT : Bulk sync is flow controlled by [chars] | |
Explanation | The bulk synchronization of the NAT64 configuration to the standby RP has encountered a flow control condition which has effected a timeout awaiting the condition to clear. This will result in a reload of the standby RP to allow the bulk synchronization to restart. |
Recommended Action | Copy the error message exactly as it appears on the console or in the system log. Perform a search of the Bug Toolkit ( If you still require assistance, open a case with the Technical Assistance Center via the Internet (, or contact your Cisco technical support representative and provide the representative with the gathered information. |
%NATMIB_HELPER-3-NOCREAT : NATMIB Helper Process not created - NAT MIB will not work properly | |
Explanation | Attempt to start NATMIB Helper Process failed whenthe natmib subsystem was initialised. |
Recommended Action | The NATMIB Helper process was notcreated,possibly due to lack of memory. If you want to use the NATMIB, reconfigure the box so that less memory is used byother features, or add more memory to the system. Reload the boxafter reconfiguring. |
%NCS4200IM-3-INCOMPATIBLE : [chars]-[dec] | |
Explanation | P1D and onwards, Cu IM.... is not backward compatible with P1A/P1B/P1C Cu IM, use the same build of Cu IM or reload the router to use the new build. |
Recommended Action |
%NCS4200IM-3-UNSUPPORTED : This Interface Module is not supported in subslot [dec] | |
Explanation | The inserted IM is not supported in the specified subslot. Kindly check the supported slots for the IM type. |
Recommended Action |
%NCS4200IM-3-UNSUPPORTED_PLATFORM : This Interface Module is not supported in [chars] platform | |
Explanation | The inserted IM is not supported in the specified platform |
Recommended Action |
%NCS4200IM-3-DIFF_IM_INSERTED : [chars] - [chars] in bay [dec] | |
Explanation | A different IM type has been inserted in the bay which previously had another IM type. If the interfaces were set to default before swap, the IM will boot up fine. If not, IM will goto Out-of-service state. Kindly insert the previous IM type, use hw-module subslot 0/x default and then proceed with the IM swap. If not, might need to reload the box for recovery |
Recommended Action |
%NCS4200IM-3-INVALID_COMBINATION : [chars] is not allowed in bay [dec], can be supported only in bay(s) [chars] | |
Explanation | The inserted IM is not supported in the specified subslot given the combination of existing IMs in the chassis. |
Recommended Action |
%NCS4200IM-3-INVALID_MODE : [chars] with mode [chars] is not allowed in bay [dec], can be supported only in bay(s) [chars] | |
Explanation | The inserted IM is not supported in the specified subslot given the combination of existing IMs in the chassis. |
Recommended Action |
%NCS4200INTF-3-UNSUPPORTED : Interface [chars] is not supported in subslot [dec] by the [chars] module | |
Explanation | The Interface specified in the error message is not supported in the specified Subslot by the version of the operating system currently running on the system. |
Recommended Action |
%NCS4200_RP_ATM_SPA-3-ATM_PER_SPA_MAX_VC_LIMIT_REACHED : total active atm vc per ATM SPA reached limitation of [dec] | |
Explanation | total number of active atm vc per ATM SPA has reached max limit |
Recommended Action | Copy the error message exactly as it appears on the console or in the system log. Perform a search of the Bug Toolkit ( If you still require assistance, open a case with the Technical Assistance Center via the Internet (, or contact your Cisco technical support representative and provide the representative with the gathered information. |
Explanation | All data providers active. |
Recommended Action | Informational only. No action required. |
Explanation | At least one data provider has stopped. |
Recommended Action | Informational only. No action required. |
%NETCLK-5-NETCLK_CHANGE : Network clock source transitioned from priority [dec] [chars] to priority [dec] [chars] | |
Explanation | This notice indicates a change in the clock source. |
Recommended Action | No action required. |
%NETCLK-5-NETCLK_MODE_CHANGE : Network clock source not available. The network clock has changed to [chars] | |
Explanation | |
Recommended Action | No action required |
%NETCLK-5-NETCLK_PHASE_LOST : Network clock source not available. Phase-lost on clock priority [dec] [chars] | |
Explanation | |
Recommended Action | No action required |
Explanation | This message indicates that a network clock command from RP to IOS-SR or SPAs has failed |
Recommended Action | The message can be ignored if the carrier card was reloaded or powered down. Otherwise, LOG_STD_SH_CMD_ACTION(show logging and show network-clocks) |
%NETCLK-6-SRC_REM : Synchronization source [chars] is removed from [chars] selection process. | |
Explanation | Synchronization source is removed from synchronization source selection process(es), i.e. T0 or selection process per T4. Source Removal is always through configuration. |
Recommended Action | No action is required. |
%NETCLK-6-ALL_SRC_REM : All synchronization sources have been removed from [chars] selection process. | |
Explanation | All synchronization sources are removed from synchronization source selection process(es), i.e. T0 or selection process per T4. Source Removal is always through configuration. |
Recommended Action | No action is required. |
%NETCLK-6-SRC_ADD : Synchronization source [chars] is added to [chars] selection process. | |
Explanation | Synchronization source is added to synchronization source selection process(es), i.e. T0 or selection process per T4. Source Addition is always through configuration. |
Recommended Action | No action is required. |
%NETCLK-6-SRC_UPD : Synchronization source [chars] status [chars] is posted to all selection process. | |
Explanation | Synchronization source status (event) is updated to synchronization source selection process(es), i.e. T0 or selection process per T4. Status update is in the message. |
Recommended Action | No action is required. |
%NETCLK-6-SEL_CLOCK_SRC : Synchronization source [chars][chars] is selected by selection process(T0) to synchronize the system and generate [chars] output[chars] | |
Explanation | Synchronization source selection process has selected source q receive clock to synchronize the system and generate T0(transmit SEC clock). T0 clock is used as TX clock on all participating slots. |
Recommended Action | No action is required. |
%NETCLK-6-SEL_T4_CLOCK_SRC : Synchronization source [chars] is selected by selection process to synchronize the system and generate T4([chars]) output[chars] | |
Explanation | Synchronization source selection process for T4(external interface) has selected source q receive clock to synchronize external interface transmit clock. |
Recommended Action | No action is required. |
%NETCLK-6-ENTER_HOLDOVER : System Internal synchronization source is selected. | |
Explanation | System Internal synchronization source Internal is selected as all other nominated synchronization source are not valid for Synchronization selection process. |
Recommended Action | No action is required. |
%NETCLK-6-INV_QL : invalid QL [chars] received for [chars] on network option [chars]. | |
Explanation | The platform has notify RP the clock quality of an input source. But the value appears to be invalid based on the current configured network option. |
Recommended Action | No action is required. |
%NETCLK-4-FAIL : The Network Clock protocol has encountered the error: [chars]. | |
Explanation | The protocol has run into a failure condition. The reason should be given in the parenthesis. |
Recommended Action | LOG_STD_SH_CMD_ACTION( show network-clock synchronization and show network-clock synchronization detail and show module) |
%NETCLK-4-PD_REG : [chars] [dec] | |
Explanation | The platform has failed to provide the protocol one of the mandatory functions. |
Recommended Action | Copy the error message exactly as it appears on the console or in the system log. Perform a search of the Bug Toolkit ( If you still require assistance, open a case with the Technical Assistance Center via the Internet (, or contact your Cisco technical support representative and provide the representative with the gathered information. |
%NETCLK-6-QL_CHANGE : Input QL for [chars] is [chars] | |
Explanation | The input QL used for a network-clock input changed |
Recommended Action | No action is required. |
%NETCLK-3-ESMC_EVENT_CREATE_FAIL : Failed to create ESMC event. | |
Explanation | Failed to create an ESMC event to be queued. |
Recommended Action | No action is required. |
%NETCLK-3-ESMC_EVENT_ENQUEUE_FAIL : Failed to enqueue ESMC event. | |
Explanation | Failed to add an ESMC event to the event queue. |
Recommended Action | No action is required. |
%NETCLK-3-ESMC_EVENT_QUEUE_INIT_FAIL : Failed to initialize ESMC event queue. | |
Explanation | Failed to initialize the ESMC event queue. |
Recommended Action | No action is required. |
%NETCLK-3-ESMC_EVENT_QUEUE_ALLOC_FAIL : Failed to allocate memory for ESMC event queue. | |
Explanation | Failed to allocate memory for the ESMC event queue. |
Recommended Action | No action is required. |
%NETWORK_CLOCK_SYNCHRONIZATION-4-NETCLK_FAIL : Active network clock source [chars], priority [dec] failure | |
Explanation | This warning message indicates that there has been a failure of active clock source |
Recommended Action | No action required |
%NETWORK_CLOCK_SYNCHRONIZATION-6-NETCLK_ACTIVE : Active network clock source is [chars], priority [dec] | |
Explanation | This indicates the presence of an active network clock along with its priority |
Recommended Action | This is an informational message only, no action required. |