To display all information under the cBus controller card including the capabilities of the card and reports controller-related
failures, use the
showcontrollerscbus command in privileged EXEC mode on the Cisco 7500 series routers.
Syntax Description
This command has no arguments or keywords.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC
Command History
This command was introduced.
This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.
This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends
on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.
showcontrollerscbus command output display was modified to allow users to monitor IPC buffer limits when
debugcbusipc is enabled. The
showcontrollerscbus command output display on the 7500 will now have a new line added under each VIP slot that begins with
ipcacc . The status line indicates the current ipc accumulator value and its initial limit assigned.
The following is a partial output from the
showcontrollerscbus command on a Cisco 7500 series router with one Versatile Interface Processor version 2 (VIP2) card. This example does not
show output from additional interface processors that are usually installed in a Cisco 7500 series router.
Router# show controllers cbus
MEMD at 40000000, 2097152 bytes (unused 2752, recarves 1, lost 0)
RawQ 48000100, ReturnQ 48000108, EventQ 48000110
BufhdrQ 48000138 (2849 items), LovltrQ 48000150 (42 items, 1632 bytes)
IpcbufQ 48000158 (32 items, 4096 bytes)
3570 buffer headers (48002000 - 4800FF10)
pool0: 15 buffers, 256 bytes, queue 48000140
pool1: 368 buffers, 1536 bytes, queue 48000148
pool2: 260 buffers, 4544 bytes, queue 48000160
pool3: 4 buffers, 4576 bytes, queue 48000168
slot1: VIP2, hw 2.2, sw 200.50, ccb 5800FF30, cmdq 48000088, vps 8192
software loaded from system
FLASH ROM version 255.255
Fast Ethernet1/0/0, addr 0000.0c41.6c20 (bia 0000.0c41.6c20)
gfreeq 48000148, lfreeq 480001D0 (1536 bytes), throttled 0
rxlo 4, rxhi 30, rxcurr 0, maxrxcurr 0
txq 48001A00, txacc 48001A02 (value 0), txlimit 20
Ethernet1/1/0, addr 0000.0c41.6c28 (bia 0000.0c41.6c28)
gfreeq 48000148, lfreeq 480001D8 (1536 bytes), throttled 0
rxlo 4, rxhi 30, rxcurr 0, maxrxcurr 0
txq 48001A08, txacc 48001A0A (value 0), txlimit 20
Ethernet1/1/1, addr 0000.0c41.6c29 (bia 0000.0c41.6c29)
gfreeq 48000148, lfreeq 480001E0 (1536 bytes), throttled 0
rxlo 4, rxhi 30, rxcurr 0, maxrxcurr 0
txq 48001A10, txacc 48001A12 (value 0), txlimit 20
Ethernet1/1/2, addr 0000.0c41.6c2a (bia 0000.0c41.6c2a)
gfreeq 48000148, lfreeq 480001E8 (1536 bytes), throttled 0
rxlo 4, rxhi 30, rxcurr 0, maxrxcurr 0
txq 48001A18, txacc 48001A1A (value 0), txlimit 20
Ethernet1/1/3, addr 0000.0c41.6c2b (bia 0000.0c41.6c2b)
gfreeq 48000148, lfreeq 480001F0 (1536 bytes), throttled 0
rxlo 4, rxhi 30, rxcurr 0, maxrxcurr 0
txq 48001A20, txacc 48001A22 (value 0), txlimit 20
Ethernet1/1/4, addr 0000.0c41.6c2c (bia 0000.0c41.6c2c)
gfreeq 48000148, lfreeq 480001F8 (1536 bytes), throttled 0
rxlo 4, rxhi 30, rxcurr 0, maxrxcurr 0
txq 48001A28, txacc 48001A2A (value 0), txlimit 20
Ethernet1/1/5, addr 0000.0c41.6c2d (bia 0000.0c41.6c2d)
gfreeq 48000148, lfreeq 48000200 (1536 bytes), throttled 0
rxlo 4, rxhi 30, rxcurr 0, maxrxcurr 0
txq 48001A30, txacc 48001A32 (value 0), txlimit 20
Ethernet1/1/6, addr 0000.0c41.6c2e (bia 0000.0c41.6c2e)
gfreeq 48000148, lfreeq 48000208 (1536 bytes), throttled 0
rxlo 4, rxhi 30, rxcurr 0, maxrxcurr 0
txq 48001A38, txacc 48001A3A (value 0), txlimit 20
Ethernet1/1/7, addr 0000.0c41.6c2f (bia 0000.0c41.6c2f)
gfreeq 48000148, lfreeq 48000210 (1536 bytes), throttled 0
rxlo 4, rxhi 30, rxcurr 0, maxrxcurr 0
txq 48001A40, txacc 48001A42 (value 0), txlimit 20
The following is a partial output from the
showcontrollerscbus command for a Packet-Over-SONET Interface Processor (POSIP) in slot 0; its single Packet OC-3 interface is Posi0/0.
Router# show controllers cbus
slot0: POSIP, hw 2.1, sw 200.01, ccb 5800FF30, cmdq 48000080, vps 8192
software loaded from flash
FLASH ROM version 160.4, VPLD version 2.2
Posi0/0, applique is SONET
gfreeq 48000148, lfreeq 48000158 (4480 bytes), throttled 0
rxlo 4, rxhi 226, rxcurr 0, maxrxcurr 186
txq 48000160, txacc 48000082 (value 150), txlimit 150
The following is partial output from the
showcontrollerscbus command for a Multichannel Interface Processor (MIP). Not all of the 23 channels defined on serial interface 1/0 are shown.
Router# show controllers cbus
slot1: MIP, hw 1.1, sw 205.03, ccb 5800FF40, cmdq 48000088, vps 8192
software loaded from system
T1 1/0, applique is Channelized T1
gfreeq 48000130, lfreeq 480001B0 (1536 bytes), throttled 0
rxlo 4, rxhi 360, rxcurr 0, maxrxcurr 3
Serial1/0:0, txq 480001B8, txacc 48000082 (value 3), txlimit 3
Serial1/0:1, txq 480001B8, txacc 4800008A (value 3), txlimit 3
Serial1/0:2, txq 480001B8, txacc 48000092 (value 3), txlimit 3
Serial1/0:3, txq 480001B8, txacc 4800009A (value 3), txlimit 3
Serial1/0:4, txq 480001B8, txacc 480000A2 (value 3), txlimit 3
Serial1/0:5, txq 480001B8, txacc 480000AA (value 3), txlimit 3
Serial1/0:6, txq 480001B8, txacc 480000B2 (value 3), txlimit 3
Serial1/0:7, txq 480001B8, txacc 480000BA (value 3), txlimit 3
The table below describes significant fields in the per-slot part of these displays.
Table 17.
Command--Per-Slot Field Descriptions
Slot location of the specific interface processor (in this case Packet-over-SONET Interface Processor).
Version number of the card.
Version number of the card’s internal software (in ROM).
software loaded from
Source device and file name from which the router software was loaded.
FLASH ROM version VPLD version
Version of Flash ROM.
Pos1/0, applique is SONET
Location of the specific interface and the hardware applique type (in this case a Packet OC-3 interface).
Location of the global free queue that is shared among similar interfaces.
Location of the local free queue, which is a private queue of MEMD buffers.
Number of times input packet processing has been throttled on this interface.
Minimum number of MEMD buffers held on local free queue. When idle, the interface returns buffers from its local queue to
the global free queue until only this number of buffers remain in the local queue.
Maximum number of MEMD buffers that the interface can remove from the global free queue in order to populate its local queue.
Number of MEMD buffers currently on the local free queue.
Maximum number of MEMD buffers that were enqueued on the local free queue.
Address of the transmit queue.
Address of the transmit queue accumulator.
Maximum number of buffers allowed in the transmit queue.
The following is sample output from the
showcontrollerscbus command on a Cisco 7500 series router:
Router# show controllers cbus
cBus 1, controller type 3.0, microcode version 2.0
128 Kbytes of main memory, 32 Kbytes cache memory
40 1520 byte buffers, 14 4484 byte buffers
Restarts: 0 line down, 0 hung output, 0 controller error
HSCI 1, controller type 10.0, microcode version 129.3
Interface 6 - Hssi0, electrical interface is Hssi DTE
5 buffer RX queue threshold, 7 buffer TX queue limit, buffer size 1520
ift 0004, rql 2, tq 0000 0000, tql 7
Transmitter delay is 0 microseconds
MEC 3, controller type 5.1, microcode version 130.6
Interface 18 - Ethernet2, station address 0000.0c02.a03c (bia 0000.0c02.a03c)
10 buffer RX queue threshold, 7 buffer TX queue limit, buffer size 1520
ift 0000, rql 10, tq 0000 0000, tql 7
Transmitter delay is 0 microseconds
Interface 19 - Ethernet3, station address 0000.0c02.a03d (bia 0000.0c02.a03d)
10 buffer RX queue threshold, 7 buffer TX queue limit, buffer size 1520
ift 0000, rql 10, tq 0000 0000, tql 7
Transmitter delay is 0 microseconds
The table below describes the fields shown in the following lines of output.
cBus 1, controller type 3.0, microcode version 2.0
128 Kbytes of main memory, 32 Kbytes cache memory
40 1520 byte buffers, 14 4484 byte buffers
Restarts: 0 line down, 0 hung output, 0 controller error
Table 18.
Field Descriptions--Part 1
cBus 1
Card type and number (varies depending on card).
controller type 3.0
Version number of the card.
microcode version 2.0
Version number of the card’s internal software (in ROM).
128 Kbytes of main memory
Amount of main memory on the card.
32 Kbytes cache memory
Amount of cache memory on the card.
40 1520 byte buffers
Number of buffers of this size on the card.
14 4484 byte buffers
Number of buffers of this size on the card.
0 line down
0 hung output
0 controller error
Count of restarts for the following conditions:
The table below describes the fields shown in the following lines of output:
HSCI 1, controller type 10.0, microcode version 129.3
Interface 6 - Hssi0, electrical interface is Hssi DTE
5 buffer RX queue threshold, 7 buffer TX queue limit, buffer size 1520
ift 0004, rql 2, tq 0000 0000, tql 7
Transmitter delay is 0 microseconds
Table 19.
Field Descriptions--Part 2
Card type and number (varies depending on card).
controller type 10.0
Version number of the card.
microcode version 129.3
Version number of the card’s internal software (in ROM).
Interface 6
Physical interface number.
Hssi 0
Logical name for this interface.
electrical interface is Hssi DTE
5 buffer RX queue threshold
Maximum number of buffers allowed in the receive queue.
7 buffer TX queue limit
Maximum number of buffers allowed in the transmit queue.
buffer size 1520
Size of the buffers on this card (in bytes).
ift 0004
Interface type code:
0 = EIP
1 = FSIP
4 = HIP
5 = TRIP
6 = FIP
7 = AIP
rql 2
Receive queue limit. Current number of buffers allowed for the receive queue. It is used to limit the number of buffers used
by a particular inbound interface. When equal to 0, all of that interface’s receive buffers are in use.
tq 0000 0000
Transmit queue head and tail pointers.
tql 7
Transmit queue limit. Current number of buffers allowed for transmit queue. It limits the maximum cBus buffers allowed to
sit on a particular interface’s transmit queue.
Transmitter delay is 0 microseconds
Transmitter delay between the packets.
The following is a sample output from the
showcontrollerscbus command for an ATM Interface Processor (AIP) installed in IP slot 4. The running AIP microcode is Version 170.30, the physical
layer interface module (PLIM) type is 4B/5B, and the available bandwidth is 100 Mbps:
Router# show controllers cbus
Switch Processor 5, hardware version 11.1, microcode version 170.46
Microcode loaded from system
512 Kbytes of main memory, 128 Kbytes cache memory
60 1520 byte buffers, 91 4496 byte buffers
Restarts: 0 line down, 0 hung output, 0 controller error
AIP 4, hardware version 1.0, microcode version 170.30
Microcode loaded from system
Interface 32 - ATM4/0, PLIM is 4B5B(100Mbps)
15 buffer RX queue threshold, 36 buffer TX queue limit, buffer size 4496
ift 0007, rql 12, tq 0000 0620, tql 36
Transmitter delay is 0 microseconds
The following is sample output from the
showcontrollerscbus command for the Service Provider MultiChannel Interface Processor (SMIP):
Router# show controllers cbus
SMIP 2, hardware version 1.0, microcode version 10.0
Microcode loaded from system
Interface 16 - T1 2/0, electrical interface is Channelized T1
10 buffer RX queue threshold, 14 buffer TX queue limit, buffer size 1580 ift 0001, rql
7, tq 0000 05B0, tql 14
Transmitter delay is 0 microseconds
The following example shows the current value of the IPC accumulator used for RSP-to-VIP communication along with the initial
value of the IPC accumulator assigned to that particular VIP. The IPC accumulator shows the buffers for IPC packets and is
analogous to the tx accumulator used for data packets.
Router# show controllers