database archive through dns


To configure the data interface type and number for a redundancy group, use the data command in redundancy application group configuration mode. To remove the configuration, use the no form of this command.

data interface-type interface-number

no data interface-type interface-number

Syntax Description


Interface type.


Interface number.

Command Default

No data interface is configured.

Command Modes

Redundancy application group configuration (config-red-app-grp)

Command History



Cisco IOS XE Release 3.1S

This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the data command to configure the data interface. The data interface can be the same physical interface as the control interface.


The following example shows how to configure the data Gigabit Ethernet interface for group1:

Router# configure terminal
Router(config)# redundancy
Router(config-red)# application redundancy
Router(config-red-app)# group 1
Router(config-red-app-grp)# data GigabitEthernet 0/0/0

database archive

To set the certification authority (CA) certificate and CA key archive format--and the password--to encrypt this CA certificate and CA key archive file, use the database archive command in certificate server configuration mode. To disable the auto-archive feature, use the no form of this command.

database archive {pkcs12 | pem} [password password]

no database archive {pkcs12 | pem} [password password]

Syntax Description


Export as a PKCS12 file. The default is PKCS12.


Export as a privacy-enhanced mail (PEM) file.

password password

(Optional) Password to encrypt the CA certificate and CA key. The password must be at least eight characters. If a password is not specified, you will be prompted for the password after the no shutdown command has been issued for the first time. When the password is entered, it will be encrypted.

Command Default

The archive format is PKCS (that is, the CA certificate and CA key are exported into a PKCS12 file, and you are prompted for the password when the certificate server is turned on the first time).

Command Modes

Certificate server configuration (cs-server)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You must configure the crypto pki server command with the name of the certificate server in order to enter certificate server configuration mode and configure this command.

Use this command to configure the autoarchive format for the CA certificate and CA key. The archive can later be used to restore your certificate server.

If autoarchiving is not explicitly turned off when the certificate server is first enabled (using the no shutdown command), the CA certificate and CA key will be archived automatically, applying the following rule:

  • The CA key must be (1) manually generated and marked “exportable” or (2) automatically generated by the certificate server (it will be marked nonexportable).


It is strongly recommended that if the password is included in the configuration to suppress the prompt after the no shutdown command, the password should be removed from the configuration after the archiving is finished.


The following example shows that certificate server autoarchiving has been enabled. The CA certificate and CA key format has been set to PEM, and the password has been set as cisco123.

Router (config)# crypto pki server myserver
Router (cs-server)# database archive pem password cisco123

database level

To control what type of data is stored in the certificate enrollment database, use the database level command in certificate server configuration mode. To return to the default functionality, use the no form of this command.

database level {minimal | names | complete}

no database level {minimal | names | complete}

Syntax Description


Enough information is stored only to continue issuing new certificates without conflict. This is the default functionality.


The serial number and subject name of each certificate are stored in the database, providing enough information for the administrator to find and revoke and particular certificate, if necessary.


Each issued certificate is written to the database. If this keyword is used, you should enable the database url command; see “Usage Guidelines” for more information.

Command Default


Command Modes

Certificate server configuration (cs-server)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You must configure the crypto pki server command with the name of the certificate server in order to enter certificate server configuration mode and configure this command.

The database level command is used to describe the database of certificates and certification authority (CA) states. After the user downgrades the database level, the old data stays the same and the new data is logged at the new level.

minimum Level

The ca-label .ser file is always available. It contains the previously issued certificate’s serial number, which is always 1. If the .ser file is unavailable and the CA server has a self-signed certificate in the local configuration, the CA server will refuse to issue new certificates.

The file format is as follows:

last_serial = 

names Level

The serial-number .cnm file, which is written for each issued certificate, contains the “human readable decoded subject name” of the issued certificate and the “der encoded” values. This file can also include a certificate expiration date and the current status. (The minimum level files are also written out.)

The file format is as follows:

subjectname_der = <
base64 encoded der value>
subjectname_str = <
human readable decode subjectname>
expiration = <
expiration date>
status = valid | revoked

complete Level

The serial-number .cer file, which is written for each issued certificate, is the binary certificate without additional encoding. (The minimum and names level files are also written out.)

The complete level produces a large amount of information, so you may want to store all database entries on an external TFTP server via the database url command unless your router does one of the following:

  • Issues only a small number of certificates

  • Has a local file system that is designed to support a large number of write operations and has sufficient storage for the certificates that are being issued


The following example shows how configure a minimum database to be stored on the local system:

Router#(config) ip http server
Router#(config) crypto pki server myserver
Router#(cs-server) database level minimum
Router#(cs-server) database url nvram:
Router#(cs-server) issuer-name CN = ipsec_cs,L = Santa Cruz,C = US

database url

To specify the location where database entries for the certificate server (CS) is stored or published, use the database url command in certificate server configuration mode. To return to the default location, use the no form of this command.

Storing Files to a Primary Location

database url root-url

Storing Critical CS Files to a Specific Location

database url [cnm | crl | crt | p12 | pem | ser] root-url [username username] [password [encrypt-type] password]

no database url [cnm | crl | crt | p12 | pem | ser] root-url [username username] [password [encrypt-type] password]

Publishing Noncritical CS Files to a Specific Location

database url {cnm | crl | crt} publish root-url [username username] [password [encrypt-type] password]

no database url {cnm | crl | crt} publish root-url [username username] [password [encrypt-type] password]

Syntax Description


Location where database entries will be written out. The URL can be any URL that is supported by the Cisco IOS file system (IFS).


(Optional) Specifies the certificate name and expiration file to be stored or published to a specific location.


(Optional) Specifies the DER-encoded certificate revocation list to be stored or published to a specific location


(Optional) Specifies the DER-encoded certificate files to be stored or published to a specific location.


(Optional) Specifies the CS certificate and key archive file in PKCS12 format to be stored to a specific location.


(Optional) Specifies the CS certificate and key archive file in privacy-enhanced mail format to be stored to a specific location.


(Optional) Specifies the current serial number to be stored to a specific location.


Specifies that the files will be made available to a published location.

username username

(Optional) When prompted, a username will be used to access a storage location.

password password

(Optional) When prompted, a password will be used to access a storage location.


(Optional) Type of encryption to be used for the password. If no password type is specified the password is sent as clear text.

  • Default is 0; specifies that the password entered will be encrypted.

  • 7; specifies that the password entered is already encrypted.

Command Default

The default file storage location is flash.

No default file publish location is specified.

Command Modes

Certificate server configuration (cs-server)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was modified. The following keywords and arguments were added cnm , crl , crt , p12 , pem , ser , publish, username username , encrypt-type and password password .


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

You must configure the crypto pki server command with the name of the certificate server in order to enter certificate server configuration mode and configure this command.

The database url command specifies a combined list of all the certificates that have been issued and the current command revocation list (CRL). The CRL is written to the certificate enrollment database with the name of the certificate server.


Although issuing the database url command is not required, it is recommended. Unless your router has a local file system that is designed for a large number of write operations and has sufficient storage for the certificates that are issued, you should issue this command.

Cisco IOS File System

The router uses any file system that is supported by your version of Cisco IOS software (such as TFTP, FTP, flash, and NVRAM) to send a certificate request and to receive the issued certificate. A user may wish to enable IFS certificate enrollment when his or her certification authority (CA) does not support Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP).

Specifying CS Storage and Publication Location by File Type

The CS allows the flexibility to store different critical file types to specific storage locations and publish non-critical files to the same or alternate locations. When choosing storage locations consider the file security needed and server performance. For instance, serial number files (.ser) and archive files (.p12 or .pem) might have greater security restrictions than the general certificates storage location (.crt) or the name file storage location (.cnm). Performance of your certificate server may be affected by the storage location(s) you choose, for example, reading from a network location would likely take more time than reading directly from a router’s local storage device.


The following example shows how to configure all database entries to be written out to a TFTP server:

Router#(config) ip http server
Router#(config) crypto pki server myserver
Router#(cs-server) database level complete
Router#(cs-server) database url tftp://mytftp

The following example shows the configuration of a primary storage location for critical files, a specific storage location for the critical file serial number file, the main CS database file, and a password protected file publication location for the CRL file:

Router(config)# crypto pki server mycs
Router(cs-server)# database url 
% Server database url was changed. You need to move the 
% existing database to the new location.
Router(cs-server)# database url ser nvram:
Router(cs-server)# database url crl publish username myname password mypassword 
Router(cs-server)# end 

The following show output displays the specified primary storage location and critical file storage locations specified:

Router# show
Sep  3 20:19:34.216: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by user on console Router# show crypto pki server
Certificate Server mycs:
     Status: disabled
     Server's configuration is unlocked  (enter "no shut" to lock it)
     Issuer name: CN=mycs
     CA cert fingerprint: -Not found-
     Granting mode is: manual
     Last certificate issued serial number: 0x0
     CA certificate expiration timer: 00:00:00 GMT Jan 1 1970
     CRL not present.
     Current primary storage dir:
     Current storage dir for .ser files: nvram:
     Database Level: Minimum - no cert data written to storage 

The following show output displays all storage and publication locations. The serial number file (.ser) is stored in NVRAM. The CRL file will be published to with a username and password. All other critical files will be stored to the primary location,

Router# show running-config 
   section crypto pki server 
   crypto pki server mycs shutdown database url 
   database url crl publish username myname password 7 12141C0713181F13253920 
   database url ser nvram:



To ensure that the specified URL is working correctly, configure the database url command before you issue the no shutdown command on the certificate server for the first time. If the URL is broken, you will see output as follows:

Router(config)# crypto pki server mycs
Router(cs-server)# database url ftp://myftpserver
Router(cs-server)# no shutdown
% Once you start the server, you can no longer change some of 
% the configuration.
Are you sure you want to do this? [yes/no]: yes
Translating "myftpserver"

% There was a problem reading the file 'mycs.ser' from certificate storage.

% Please verify storage accessibility and enable the server again.

% Failed to generate CA certificate - 0xFFFFFFFF
% The Certificate Server has been disabled.

database username

To require a username or password to be issued when accessing the primary database location, use the database username command in certificate server configuration mode. To return to the default value, use the no form of this command.

database username username [password [encr-type] password]

no database username username [password [encr-type] password]

Syntax Description


When prompted, a username will be used to access a storage location.

password password

(Optional) When prompted, a password will be used to access a storage location.


(Optional) Type of encryption to be used for the password. If no password encryption type is specified, the password is sent as clear text.

  • Default is 0; specifies that the password entered will be encrypted.

  • 7; specifies the password entered is already encrypted.

Command Default

No username or password will be used to access the primary database storage location.

Command Modes

Certificate server configuration (cs-server)

Command History




This command was introduced.


The command name was changed from database (certificate server) to database username .

Usage Guidelines

You must configure the crypto pki server command with the name of the certificate server in order to enter certificate server configuration mode and configure this command.

All information stored in the remote database is public: there are no private keys stored in the database location. Using a password helps to protect against a potential attacker who can change the contents of the .ser or .crl file. If the contents of the files are changed, the certificate server may shut down, refusing to either issue new certificates or respond to Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP) requests until the files are restored.

It is good security practice to protect all information exchanges with the database server using IP Security (IPsec). To protect your information, use a remote database to obtain the appropriate certificates and setup the necessary IPsec connections to protect all future access to the database server.


The following example shows how to specify the username “mystorage” when the primary storage location is on an external TFTP server:

Router (config)# ip http server
Router (config)# crypto pki server myserver
Router (cs-server)# database level complete
Router (cs-server)# database url tftp://mytftp
Router (cs-server)# 
database username mystorage

deadtime (config-ldap-server)

To configure the duration during which no new transaction requests are sent to the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server, use the deadtime command in LDAP server configuration mode. To set the deadtime to 0 minutes, use the no form of this command.

deadtime minutes

no deadtime

Syntax Description


Length of time, in minutes, for which an LDAP server is skipped over by transaction requests. The range is from 1 to 1440.

Command Default

Deadtime is set to 0 minutes.

Command Modes

LDAP server configuration (config-ldap-server)

Command History

Release Modification


This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) client components make use of the DEAD and ALIVE states to keep track of each server state to handle protocol transactions effectively. If the state is DEAD, the client component applies a default set of policies to users or subscribers and allows them to access the default web content. If the state is ALIVE, the client component gets the actual policies from the LDAP server.

If the automate-tester command is configured along with the deadtime command, after every deadtime expiry, the AAA test APIs send a dummy bind request packet to the LDAP server.

  • If a bind response is received, the server state is updated as ALIVE and further dummy bind requests are not sent.

  • If a bind response is not received, the server state remains as DEAD and after every deadtime expiry, AAA test APIs send dummy bind request packets to the LDAP server.

If the deadtime command is configured and the automate-tester command is not configured when the server is not reachable, the server state remains DEAD until the deadtime expiry is reached, after which the state changes to ALIVE.


The following example specifies a one-minute deadtime for LDAP server server1 once it has failed to respond to transaction requests:

Device> enable
Device# configure terminal
Device(config)# username user1 password 0 pwd1
Device(config)# aaa new-model
Device(config)# ldap server server1
Device(config-ldap-server)# deadtime 1

deadtime (server-group configuration)

To configure deadtime within the context of RADIUS server groups, use the deadtime command in server group configuration mode. To set deadtime to 0, use the no form of this command.

deadtime minutes

no deadtime

Syntax Description


Length of time, in minutes, for which a RADIUS server is skipped over by transaction requests, up to a maximum of 1440 minutes (24 hours).

Command Default

Deadtime is set to 0.

Command Modes

Server-group configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS release 12.(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to configure the deadtime value of any RADIUS server group. The value of deadtime set in the server groups will override the server that is configured globally. If deadtime is omitted from the server group configuration, the value will be inherited from the main list. If the server group is not configured, the default value (0) will apply to all servers in the group.

When the RADIUS Server Is Marked As Dead

For Cisco IOS versions prior to 12.2(13.7)T, the RADIUS server will be marked as dead if a transaction is transmitted for the configured number of retransmits and a valid response is not received from the server within the configured timeout for any of the RADIUS packet transmissions.

For Cisco IOS versions 12.2(13.7)T and later, the RADIUS server will be marked as dead if both of the following conditions are met:

  1. A valid response has not been received from the RADIUS server for any outstanding transaction for at least the timeout period that is used to determine whether to retransmit to that server, and

  2. Across all transactions being sent to the RADIUS server, at least the requisite number of retransmits +1 (for the initial transmission) have been sent consecutively without receiving a valid response from the server with the requisite timeout.


The following example specifies a one-minute deadtime for RADIUS server group group1 once it has failed to respond to authentication requests:

aaa group server radius group1
 server auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646
 server auth-port 2000 acct-port 2001
 deadtime 1

debug cts sxp filter events

To log events related to the creation, deletion, update of filter-lists and filter-groups, and also to capture match actions that happen during filtering, use the debug cts sxp filter events command in privileged EXEC mode.

debug cts sxp filter events

no debug cts sxp filter events

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments

Command Default

Debugging is not enabled

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC mode (#)

Command History

Release Modification

This command was introduced.


Device# debug cts sxp filter events


To specify the default domain for the client to use, use the def-domain command in IKEv2 authorization policy configuration mode. To disable, use the no form of this command.

def-domain domain-name

no def-domain domain-name

Syntax Description


Domain name.

Command Default

The default domain is not specified.

Command Modes

        IKEv2 authorization policy configuration (config-ikev2-author-policy)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Before using the def-domain command, you must first configure the crypto ikev2 authorization policy command. This value set in this command is sent to the client via the nonstandard Cisco unity configuration attribute.


The following example show how to configure the def-domain command:

Router(config)# crypto ikev2 authorization policy policy1
Router(config-ikev2-profile)# def-domain cisco


default (cs-server)

To reset the value of the certificate server (CS) configuration subcommand to its default, use the default command in ca-trustpoint configuration mode.

default command-name

Syntax Description


Certificate server configuration subcommand.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Certificate server configuration (cs-server)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You must configure the crypto pki server command with the name of the certificate server in order to enter certificate server configuration mode and configure this command.


The following example shows how to remove the crl command from your configuration; the default of crl is off.

Router(cs-server)# default crl

default (ca-trustpoint)

To reset the value of a ca-trustpoint configuration subcommand to its default, use the default command in ca-trustpoint configuration mode.

default command-name

Syntax Description


Ca-trustpoint configuration subcommand.

Command Default

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Ca-trustpoint configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


The command mode was changed from default (ca-root) to default (ca-trustpoint) to support the crypto ca trustpoint command and all related subcommands.


The default (ca-root) command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(18)SXD.


The default (ca-root) command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.

Usage Guidelines

Before you can configure this command, you must enable the crypto ca trustpoint command , which enters ca-trustpoint configuration mode.

Use this command to reset the value of a ca-trustpoint configuration mode subcommand to its default.


The crypto ca trustpoint command deprecates the crypto ca identity and crypto ca trusted-root commands and all related subcommands (all ca-identity and trusted-root configuration mode commands). If you enter a ca-identity or trusted-root subcommand, the configuration mode and command will be written back as ca-trustpoint.


The following example shows how to remove the crl optional command from your configuration; the default of crl optional is off.

default crl optional

default (ca-trustpool)

To reset the value of a ca-trustpool configuration command to its default in the public key infrastructure (PKI) trustpool, use the default command in ca-trustpool configuration mode.

default command-name

Syntax Description


Ca-trustpool configuration subcommand with its applicable keywords.

Command Modes

        Ca-trustpool configuration (ca-trustpool)

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.

Usage Guidelines

Before you can configure this command, you must enable the crypto pki trustpool policy command, which enters ca-trustpool configuration mode.


Router(config)# crypto pki trustpool policy
Router(ca-trustpool)# default crl query


To associate a policy group with a SSL VPN context configuration, use the default-group-policy command in webvpn context configuration mode. To remove the policy group from the webvpn context configuration, use the no form of this command.

default-group-policy name

no default-group-policy

Syntax Description


Name of the policy configured with the policy group command.

Command Default

A policy group is not associated with a SSL VPN context configuration.

Command Modes

Webvpn context configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The policy group command is first configured to define policy group configuration parameters. This command is configured to attach the policy group to the SSL VPN context when multiple policy groups are defined under the context. This policy will be used as the default unless an authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) server pushes an attribute that specifically requests another group policy.


The following example configures policy group ONE as the default policy group:

Router(config)# webvpn context context1
Router(config-webvpn-context)# policy-group ONE
Router(config-webvpn-group)# exit
Router(config-webvpn-context)# policy-group TWO 
Router(config-webvpn-group)# exit
Router(config-webvpn-context)# default-group-policy ONE 


To set conditions in a named IP access list or object group access control list (OGACL) that will deny packets, use the deny configuration command in the appropriate configuration mode. To remove a deny condition from an IP access list or OGACL, use the no form of this command.

deny protocol {src-addr src-wildcard | object-group object-group-name | any | host {addr | name}} {dest-addr dest-wildcard | any | eq port | gt port | host {addr | name} | lt port | neq port | portgroup srcport-groupname | object-group dest-addr-groupname | range port | [dscp type | fragments | option option | precedence precedence | log | log-input | time-range time-range-name | tos tos | ttl ttl-value]}

no deny protocol {src-addr src-wildcard | object-group object-group-name | any | host {addr | name}} {dest-addr dest-wildcard | any | eq port | gt port | host {addr | name} | lt port | neq port | portgroup srcport-groupname | object-group dest-addr-groupname | range port | [dscp type | fragments | option option | precedence precedence | log | log-input | time-range time-range-name | tos tos | ttl ttl-value]}

Syntax Description


Name or number of a protocol; valid values are eigrp , gre , icmp , igmp , igrp , ip , ipinip , nos , ospf , tcp , or udp , or an integer in the range 0 to 255 representing an IP protocol number. To match any Internet protocol (including Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), TCP, and User Datagram Protocol (UDP), use the keyword ip . See the “Usage Guidelines” section for additional qualifiers.


Number of the source network or host from which the packet is being sent in a 32-bit quantity in four-part, dotted-decimal format.


Wildcard bits to be applied to source network in four-part, dotted-decimal format. Place ones in the bit positions you want to ignore.

object-group object-group-name

Specifies the source or destination name of the object group.


Specifies any source or any destination host as an abbreviation for the source-addr or destination-addr value and the source-wildcard or destination-wildcard value of

host addr

Specifies the source or destination address of a single host.

host name

Specifies the source or destination name of a single host.


Specifies the TCP protocol.


Specifies the UDP protocol.

object-group source-addr-group-name

Specifies the source address group name.


Number of the network or host to which the packet is being sent in a 32-bit quantity in four-part, dotted-decimal format.


Wildcard bits to be applied to the destination in a 32-bit quantity in four-part, dotted-decimal format. Place ones in the bit positions you want to ignore.

eq port

Matches only packets on a given port number; see the “Usage Guidelines” section for valid values.

gt port

Matches only the packets with a greater port number; see the “Usage Guidelines” section for valid values.

lt port

Matches only the packets with a lower port number; see the “Usage Guidelines” section for valid values.

neq port

Matches only the packets that are not on a given port number; see the “Usage Guidelines” section for valid values.

portgroup srcport-group-name

Specifies the source port object group name.

object-group dest-addr-group-name

Specifies the destination address group name.

portgroup destport-group-name

Specifies the destination port object group name.

dscp type

(Optional) Matches the packets with the given Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value; see the “Usage Guidelines” section for valid values.


(Optional) Applies the access list entry to noninitial fragments of packets; the fragment is either permitted or denied accordingly. For more details about the fragments keyword, see the “Access List Processing of Fragments" section in the “Usage Guidelines” section.

option option

(Optional) Matches the packets with the given IP options value number; see the “Usage Guidelines” section for valid values.

precedence precedence

(Optional) Specifies the precedence filtering level for packets; valid values are a number from 0 to 7 or by a name. See the “Usage Guidelines” section for a list of valid names.


(Optional) Causes an informational logging message about the packet that matches the entry to be sent to the console. (The level of messages logged to the console is controlled by the logging console command.)

The message for a standard list includes the access list number, whether the packet was permitted or denied, the source address, and the number of packets.

The message for an extended list includes the access list number; whether the packet was permitted or denied; the protocol; whether the protocol was TCP, UDP, ICMP, or a number; and, if appropriate, the source and destination addresses and source and destination port numbers.

For both standard and extended lists, the message is generated for the first packet that matches, and then at 5-minute intervals, including the number of packets permitted or denied in the prior 5-minute interval.

The logging facility might drop some logging message packets if there are too many to be handled or if there is more than one logging message to be handled in 1 second. This behavior prevents the router from reloading because of too many logging packets. Therefore, the logging facility should not be used as a billing tool or an accurate source of the number of matches to an access list.


(Optional) Matches the log against this entry, including the input interface.

time-range time-range-name

(Optional) Specifies a time-range entry name.

tos tos

(Optional) Specifies the service filtering level for packets; valid values are a number from 0 to 15 or by a name as listed in the “Usage Guidelines” section of the access-list (IP extended) command.

option option

(Optional) Matches packets with the IP options value; see the “Usage Guidelines” section for the valid values.


(Optional) Applies the access list entry to noninitial fragments of packets; the fragment is either permitted or denied accordingly. For more details about the fragments keyword, see the “Usage Guidelines” section.

ttl ttl-value

(Optional) Matches packets with a given Time-to-live (ttl) value.

Command Default

There is no specific condition under which a packet is denied passing the access list.

Command Modes

Standard access-list configuration (config-std-nacl)
Extended access-list configuration (config-ext-nacl)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command following the ip access-list command to specify conditions under which a packet cannot pass the access list.

The portgroup keyword appears only when you configure an extended ACL.

The address or object-group-name value is created using the object-group command.

The object-group object-group-name keyword and argument allow you to create logical groups of users (or servers), which you can use to define access policy using ACLs. For example, with one ACL entry you can permit the object group named engineering to access all engineering servers. Otherwise, you would need one ACL entry for every person in the engineering group.

If the operator is positioned after the source-addr and source-wildcard values, it must match the source port.

If the operator is positioned after the destination-addr and destination-wildcard values, it must match the destination port.

If you are entering the port number of a TCP or UDP port, you can enter the decimal number or name of a TCP or UDP port. A port number is a number from 0 to 65535. TCP and UDP port names are listed in the “Usage Guidelines” section of the access-list (IP extended) command. TCP port names can be used only when filtering TCP. UDP port names can be used only when filtering UDP.

The valid values for the dscp type keyword and argument are as follows:

  • 0 to 63--Differentiated services code point value.

  • af11 --Match packets with AF11 dscp (001010).

  • af12 --Match packets with AF12 dscp (001100).

  • af13 --Match packets with AF13 dscp (001110).

  • af21 --Match packets with AF21 dscp (010010).

  • af22 --Match packets with AF22 dscp (010100).

  • af23 --Matches the patches with the AF23 dscp (010110).

  • af31 --Matches the patches with the AF31 dscp (011010).

  • af32 --Matches the patches with the AF32 dscp (011100).

  • af33 --Matches the patches with the AF33 dscp (011110).

  • af41 --Matches the patches with the AF41 dscp (100010).

  • af42 --Matches the patches with the AF42 dscp (100100).

  • af43 --Matches the patches with the AF43 dscp (100110).

  • cs1 --Matches the patches with the CS1 (precedence 1) dscp (001000).

  • cs2 --Matches the patches with the CS2 (precedence 2) dscp (010000).

  • cs3 --Matches the patches with the CS3 (precedence 3) dscp (011000).

  • cs4 --Matches the patches with the CS4 (precedence 4) dscp (100000).

  • cs5 --Matches the patches with the CS5 (precedence 5) dscp (101000).

  • cs6 --Matches the patches with the CS6 (precedence 6) dscp (110000).

  • cs7 --Matches the patches with the CS7 (precedence 7) dscp (111000).

  • default --Matches the patches with the default dscp (000000).

  • ef --Matches the patches with the EF dscp (101110).

The valid values for the eq port keyword and argument are as follows:

  • 0 to 65535--Port number.

  • bgp --Border Gateway Protocol (179).

  • chargen --Character generator (19).

  • cmd --Remote commands (rcmd, 514).

  • daytime --Daytime (13).

  • discard --Discard (9).

  • domain --Domain Name Service (53).

  • echo --Echo (7).

  • exec --Exec (rsh, 512).

  • finger --Finger (79).

  • ftp --File Transfer Protocol (21).

  • ftp-data --FTP data connections (20).

  • gopher --Gopher (70).

  • hostname --NIC hostname server (101).

  • ident --Ident Protocol (113).

  • irc --Internet Relay Chat (194).

  • klogin --Kerberos login (543).

  • kshell --Kerberos shell (544).

  • login --Login (rlogin, 513).

  • lpd --Printer service (515).

  • nntp --Network News Transport Protocol (119).

  • pim-auto-rp --PIM Auto-RP (496).

  • pop2 --Post Office Protocol v2 (109).

  • pop3 --Post Office Protocol v3 (110).

  • smtp --Simple Mail Transport Protocol (25).

  • sunrpc --Sun Remote Procedure Call (111).

  • syslog --Syslog (514).

  • tacacs --TAC Access Control System (49).

  • talk --Talk (517).

  • telnet --Telnet (23).

  • time --Time (37).

  • uucp --Unix-to-Unix Copy Program (540).

  • whois --Nicname (43).

  • www --World Wide Web (HTTP, 80).

The valid values for the gt port keyword and argument are as follows:

  • 0-65535--Port number.

  • biff --Biff (mail notification, comsat, 512).

  • bootpc --Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) client (68).

  • bootps --Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) server (67).

  • discard --Discard (9).

  • dnsix --DNSIX security protocol auditing (195).

  • domain --Domain Name Service (DNS, 53).

  • echo --Echo (7).

  • isakmp --Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (500).

  • mobile-ip --Mobile IP registration (434).

  • nameserver --IEN116 name service (obsolete, 42).

  • netbios-dgm --NetBios datagram service (138).

  • netbios-ns --NetBios name service (137).

  • netbios-ss --NetBios session service (139).

  • non500-isakmp --Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (4500).

  • ntp --Network Time Protocol (123).

  • pim-auto-rp --PIM Auto-RP (496).

  • rip --Routing Information Protocol (router, in.routed, 520).

  • snmp --Simple Network Management Protocol (161).

  • snmptrap --SNMP Traps (162).

  • sunrpc--Sun Remote Procedure Call (111).

  • syslog --System Logger (514).

  • tacacs --TAC Access Control System (49).

  • talk --Talk (517).

  • tftp --Trivial File Transfer Protocol (69).

  • time --Time (37).

  • who --Who service (rwho, 513).

  • xdmcp --X Display Manager Control Protocol (177).

The valid values for the lt port keyword and argument are as follows:

  • 0-65535--Port number.

  • biff --Biff (mail notification, comsat, 512).

  • bootpc --Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) client (68).

  • bootps --Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) server (67).

  • discard --Discard (9).

  • dnsix --DNSIX security protocol auditing (195).

  • domain --Domain Name Service (DNS, 53).

  • echo --Echo (7).

  • isakmp --Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (500).

  • mobile-ip --Mobile IP registration (434).

  • nameserver --IEN116 name service (obsolete, 42).

  • netbios-dgm --NetBios datagram service (138).

  • netbios-ns --NetBios name service (137).

  • netbios-ss --NetBios session service (139).

  • non500-isakmp --Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (4500).

  • ntp --Network Time Protocol (123).

  • pim-auto-rp --PIM Auto-RP (496).

  • rip --Routing Information Protocol (router, in.routed, 520).

  • snmp --Simple Network Management Protocol (161).

  • snmptrap --SNMP Traps (162).

  • sunrpc --Sun Remote Procedure Call (111).

  • syslog --System Logger (514).

  • tacacs --TAC Access Control System (49).

  • talk --Talk (517).

  • tftp --Trivial File Transfer Protocol (69).

  • time --Time (37).

  • who --Who service (rwho, 513).

  • xdmcp --X Display Manager Control Protocol (177).

The valid values for the neg port keyword and argument are as follows:

  • 0 to 65535--Port number.

  • biff --Biff (mail notification, comsat, 512).

  • bootpc --Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) client (68).

  • bootps --Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) server (67).

  • discard --Discard (9).

  • dnsix --DNSIX security protocol auditing (195).

  • domain --Domain Name Service (DNS, 53).

  • echo --Echo (7).

  • isakmp --Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (500).

  • mobile-ip --Mobile IP registration (434).

  • nameserver --IEN116 name service (obsolete, 42).

  • netbios-dgm --NetBios datagram service (138).

  • netbios-ns --NetBios name service (137).

  • netbios-ss --NetBios session service (139).

  • non500-isakmp --Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (4500).

  • ntp --Network Time Protocol (123).

  • pim-auto-rp --PIM Auto-RP (496).

  • rip --Routing Information Protocol (router, in.routed, 520).

  • snmp --Simple Network Management Protocol (161).

  • snmptrap --SNMP Traps (162).

  • sunrpc --Sun Remote Procedure Call (111).

  • syslog --System Logger (514).

  • tacacs --TAC Access Control System (49).

  • talk --Talk (517).

  • tftp --Trivial File Transfer Protocol (69).

  • time --Time (37).

  • who --Who service (rwho, 513).

  • xdmcp --X Display Manager Control Protocol (177).

The valid values for the option option keyword and argument are as follows:

  • 0 to 255--IP Options value.

  • add-ext --Matches the packets with Address Extension Option (147).

  • any-options --Matches the packets with ANY Option.

  • com-security --Matches the packets with Commercial Security Option (134).

  • dps --Matches the packets with Dynamic Packet State Option (151).

  • encode --Matches the packets with Encode Option (15).

  • eool --Matches the packets with End of Options (0).

  • ext-ip --Matches the packets with the Extended IP Option (145).

  • ext-security --Matches the packets with the Extended Security Option (133).

  • finn --Matches the packets with the Experimental Flow Control Option (205).
    • imitd --Matches the packets with IMI Traffic Desriptor Option (144).
    • lsr --Matches the packets with Loose Source Route Option (131).
    • match-all --Matches the packets if all specified flags are present.
    • match-any --Matches the packets if any specified flag is present.
    • mtup --Matches the packets with MTU Probe Option (11).
    • mtur --Matches the packets with MTU Reply Option (12).
    • no-op --Matches the packets with No Operation Option (1).
    • psh --Match the packets on the PSH bit.
    • nsapa --Matches the packets with NSAP Addresses Option (150).
    • reflect --Creates reflexive access list entry.
    • record-route --Matches the packets with Record Route Option (7).
    • rst --Matches the packets on the RST bit.
    • router-alert --Matches the packets with Router Alert Option (148).
    • sdb --Matches the packets with Selective Directed Broadcast Option (149).
    • security --Matches the packets with Basic Security Option (130).
    • ssr --Matches the packets with Strict Source Routing Option (137).
    • stream-id --Matches the packets with Stream ID Option (136).
    • syn --Match the packets on the SYN bit.
  • timestamp --Matches the packets with the Time Stamp Option (68).

  • traceroute --Matches the packets with the Trace Route Option (82).

  • ump --Matches the packets with the Upstream Multicast Packet Option (152).

  • visa --Matches the packets with the Experimental Access Control Option (142).

  • zsu --Matches the packets with the Experimental Measurement Option (10).

The valid values for the tos value keyword and argument are as follows:

  • 0 to 15--Type of service value.

  • max-reliability --Matches the packets with the maximum reliable ToS (2).

  • max-throughput --Matches the packets with the maximum throughput ToS (4).

  • min-delay --Matches the packets with the minimum delay ToS (8).

  • min-monetary-cost --Matches packets with the minimum monetary cost ToS (1).

  • normal --Matches the packets with the normal ToS (0).

Access List or OGACL Processing of Fragments

The behavior of access-list entries regarding the use or lack of the fragments keyword are summarized in the table below:

Table 1. Access list or OGACL Processing of Fragments

If the Access-List Entry Has...

Then... fragments keyword (the default behavior), and assuming all of the access-list entry information matches,

For an access-list entry containing only Layer 3 information:

  • The entry is applied to nonfragmented packets, initial fragments, and noninitial fragments.

For an access list entry containing Layer 3 and Layer 4 information:

  • The entry is applied to nonfragmented packets and initial fragments:
    • If the entry is a permit statement, the packet or fragment is permitted.
    • If the entry is a deny statement, the packet or fragment is denied.
  • The entry is also applied to noninitial fragments in the following manner. Because noninitial fragments contain only Layer 3 information, only the Layer 3 portion of an access-list entry can be applied. If the Layer 3 portion of the access-list entry matches, and
    • If the entry is a permit statement, the noninitial fragment is permitted.
    • If the entry is a deny statement, the next access-list entry is processed.



The deny statements are handled differently for noninitial fragments versus nonfragmented or initial fragments.

...the fragments keyword, and assuming all of the access-list entry information matches,



The access-list entry is applied only to noninitial fragments. The fragments keyword cannot be configured for an access-list entry that contains any Layer 4 information.

Be aware that you should not simply add the fragments keyword to every access list entry because the first fragment of the IP packet is considered a nonfragment and is treated independently of the subsequent fragments. An initial fragment will not match an access list permit or deny entry that contains the fragments keyword, the packet is compared to the next access list entry, and so on, until it is either permitted or denied by an access list entry that does not contain the fragments keyword. Therefore, you may need two access list entries for every deny entry. The first deny entry of the pair will not include the fragments keyword, and applies to the initial fragment. The second deny entry of the pair will include the fragments keyword and applies to the subsequent fragments. In the cases where there are multiple deny access-list entries for the same host but with different Layer 4 ports, a single deny access-list entry with the fragments keyword for that host is all that needs to be added. Thus all the fragments of a packet are handled in the same manner by the access list.

Packet fragments of IP datagrams are considered individual packets and each counts individually as a packet in access list accounting and access list violation counts.


The fragments keyword cannot solve all cases involving access lists and IP fragments.

Fragments and Policy Routing

Fragmentation and the fragment control feature affect policy routing if the policy routing is based on the match ip addres s command and the access list had entries that match on Layer 4 through 7 information. It is possible that noninitial fragments pass the access list and are policy routed, even if the first fragment was not policy routed or the reverse.

By using the fragments keyword in access list entries as described earlier, a better match between the action taken for initial and noninitial fragments can be made and it is more likely policy routing will occur as intended.

The portgroup srcport-groupname or portgroup destport-groupname keywords and arguments allow you to create an object group based on a source or destination group.


The following example creates an access list that denies all TCP packets:

Router> enable
Router# configure terminal

Router(config)# ip access-list extended my_ogacl_policy

Router(config-ext-nacl)# deny tcp any any

Router(config-ext-nacl)# exit

Router(config)# exit

deny (Catalyst 6500 series switches)

To set conditions for a named access list, use the deny configuration command in access-list configuration mode. To remove a deny condition from an access list, use the no form of this command.

deny protocol {src-addr src-wildcard | object-group object-group-name | any | host {addr | name}} {dest-addr dest-wildcard | any | eq port | gt port | host {addr | name} | lt port | neq port | portgroup srcport-groupname | object-group dest-addr-groupname | range port | [dscp type | fragments | option option | precedence precedence | log | log-input | time-range time-range-name | tos tos | ttl ttl-value]}

no deny protocol {src-addr src-wildcard | object-group object-group-name | any | host {addr | name}} {dest-addr dest-wildcard | any | eq port | gt port | host {addr | name} | lt port | neq port | portgroup srcport-groupname | object-group dest-addr-groupname | range port | [dscp type | fragments | option option | precedence precedence | log | log-input | time-range time-range-name | tos tos | ttl ttl-value]}

Syntax Description


Name or number of a protocol; valid values are eigrp , gre , icmp , igmp , igrp , ip , ipinip , nos , ospf , tcp , or udp , or an integer in the range 0 to 255 representing an IP protocol number. To match any Internet protocol (including Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), TCP, and User Datagram Protocol (UDP), use the keyword ip . See the “Usage Guidelines” section for additional qualifiers.


Number of the source network or host from which the packet is being sent in a 32-bit quantity in four-part, dotted-decimal format.


Wildcard bits to be applied to source network in four-part, dotted-decimal format. Place ones in the bit positions you want to ignore.

object-group object-group-name

Specifies the source or destination name of the object group.


Specifies any source or any destination host as an abbreviation for the source-addr or destination-addr value and the source-wildcard or destination-wildcard value of

host addr

Specifies the source or destination address of a single host.

host name

Specifies the source or destination name of a single host.


Specifies the TCP protocol.


Specifies the UDP protocol.

object-group source-addr-group-name

Specifies the source address group name.


Number of the network or host to which the packet is being sent in a 32-bit quantity in four-part, dotted-decimal format.


Wildcard bits to be applied to the destination in a 32-bit quantity in four-part, dotted-decimal format. Place ones in the bit positions you want to ignore.

eq port

Matches only packets on a given port number; see the “Usage Guidelines” section for valid values.

gt port

Matches only the packets with a greater port number; see the “Usage Guidelines” section for valid values.

lt port

Matches only the packets with a lower port number; see the “Usage Guidelines” section for valid values.

neq port

Matches only the packets that are not on a given port number; see the “Usage Guidelines” section for valid values.

portgroup srcport-group-name

Specifies the source port object group name.

object-group dest-addr-group-name

Specifies the destination address group name.

portgroup destport-group-name

Specifies the destination port object group name.

dscp type

(Optional) Matches the packets with the given Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value; see the “Usage Guidelines” section for valid values.


(Optional) Applies the access list entry to noninitial fragments of packets; the fragment is either permitted or denied accordingly. For more details about the fragments keyword, see the “Access List Processing of Fragments” and “deny” sections in the “Usage Guidelines” section.

option option

(Optional) Matches the packets with the given IP options value number; see the “Usage Guidelines” section for valid values.

precedence precedence

(Optional) Specifies the precedence filtering level for packets; valid values are a number from 0 to 7 or by a name. See the “Usage Guidelines” section for a list of valid names.


(Optional) Causes an informational logging message about the packet that matches the entry to be sent to the console. (The level of messages logged to the console is controlled by the logging console command.)

The message for a standard list includes the access list number, whether the packet was permitted or denied, the source address, and the number of packets.

The message for an extended list includes the access list number; whether the packet was permitted or denied; the protocol; whether the protocol was TCP, UDP, ICMP, or a number; and, if appropriate, the source and destination addresses and source and destination port numbers.

For both standard and extended lists, the message is generated for the first packet that matches, and then at 5-minute intervals, including the number of packets permitted or denied in the prior 5-minute interval.

The logging facility might drop some logging message packets if there are too many to be handled or if there is more than one logging message to be handled in 1 second. This behavior prevents the router from reloading because of too many logging packets. Therefore, the logging facility should not be used as a billing tool or an accurate source of the number of matches to an access list.


(Optional) Matches the log against this entry, including the input interface.

time-range time-range-name

(Optional) Specifies a time-range entry name.

tos tos

(Optional) Specifies the service filtering level for packets; valid values are a number from 0 to 15 or by a name as listed in the “Usage Guidelines” section of the access-list (IP extended) command.

option option

(Optional) Matches packets with the IP options value; see the “Usage Guidelines” section for the valid values.


(Optional) Applies the access list entry to noninitial fragments of packets; the fragment is either permitted or denied accordingly. For more details about the fragments keyword, see the deny and “deny” sections in the “Usage Guidelines” section.

ttl ttl-value

(Optional) Matches packets with a given Time-to-live (ttl) value.

Command Default

There is no specific condition under which a packet is denied passing the named access list.

Command Modes

Access-list configuration (config-ext-nacl)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command following the ip access-list command to specify conditions under which a packet cannot pass the named access list.

The portgroup keyword appears only when you configure an extended ACL

The address or object-group-name value is created using the object-group command.

The addrgroup object-group-name keyword and argument allow you to create logical groups of users (or servers), which you can use to define access policy using ACLs. For example, with one ACL entry you can permit the object group named engineering to access all engineering servers. Otherwise, you would need one ACL entry for every person in the engineering group.

If the operator is positioned after the source-addr and source-wildcard values, it must match the source port.

If the operator is positioned after the destination-addr and destination-wildcard values, it must match the destination port.

If you are entering the port number of a TCP or UDP port, you can enter the decimal number or name of a TCP or UDP port. A port number is a number from 0 to 65535. TCP and UDP port names are listed in the “Usage Guidelines” section of the access-list (IP extended) command. TCP port names can be used only when filtering TCP. UDP port names can be used only when filtering UDP.

The valid values for the dscp type keyword and argument are as follows:

  • 0 to 63--Differentiated services code point value.

  • af11 --Match packets with AF11 dscp (001010).

  • af12 --Match packets with AF12 dscp (001100).

  • af13 --Match packets with AF13 dscp (001110).

  • af21 --Match packets with AF21 dscp (010010).

  • af22 --Match packets with AF22 dscp (010100).

  • af23 --Matches the patches with the AF23 dscp (010110).

  • af31 --Matches the patches with the AF31 dscp (011010).

  • af32 --Matches the patches with the AF32 dscp (011100).

  • af33 --Matches the patches with the AF33 dscp (011110).

  • af41 --Matches the patches with the AF41 dscp (100010).

  • af42 --Matches the patches with the AF42 dscp (100100).

  • af43 --Matches the patches with the AF43 dscp (100110).

  • cs1 --Matches the patches with the CS1(precedence 1) dscp (001000).

  • cs2 --Matches the patches with the CS2(precedence 2) dscp (010000).

  • cs3 --Matches the patches with the CS3(precedence 3) dscp (011000).

  • cs4 --Matches the patches with the CS4(precedence 4) dscp (100000).

  • cs5 --Matches the patches with the CS5(precedence 5) dscp (101000).

  • cs6 --Matches the patches with the CS6(precedence 6) dscp (110000).

  • cs7 --Matches the patches with the CS7(precedence 7) dscp (111000).

  • default --Matches the patches with the default dscp (000000).

  • ef --Matches the patches with the EF dscp (101110).

The valid values for the eq port keyword and argument are as follows:

  • 0 to 65535--Port number.

  • bgp --Border Gateway Protocol (179).

  • chargen --Character generator (19).

  • cmd --Remote commands (rcmd, 514).

  • daytime --Daytime (13).

  • discard --Discard (9).

  • domain --Domain Name Service (53).

  • echo --Echo (7).

  • exec --Exec (rsh, 512).

  • finger --Finger (79).

  • ftp --File Transfer Protocol (21).

  • ftp-data --FTP data connections (20).

  • gopher --Gopher (70).

  • hostname --NIC hostname server (101).

  • ident --Ident Protocol (113).

  • irc --Internet Relay Chat (194).

  • klogin --Kerberos login (543).

  • kshell --Kerberos shell (544).

  • login --Login (rlogin, 513).

  • lpd --Printer service (515).

  • nntp --Network News Transport Protocol (119).

  • pim-auto-rp --PIM Auto-RP (496).

  • pop2 --Post Office Protocol v2 (109).

  • pop3 --Post Office Protocol v3 (110).

  • smtp --Simple Mail Transport Protocol (25).

  • sunrpc --Sun Remote Procedure Call (111).

  • syslog --Syslog (514).

  • tacacs --TAC Access Control System (49).

  • talk --Talk (517).

  • telnet --Telnet (23).

  • time --Time (37).

  • uucp --Unix-to-Unix Copy Program (540).

  • whois --Nicname (43).

  • www --World Wide Web (HTTP, 80).

The valid values for the gt port keyword and argument are as follows:

  • 0-65535--Port number.

  • biff --Biff (mail notification, comsat, 512).

  • bootpc --Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) client (68).

  • bootps --Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) server (67).

  • discard --Discard (9).

  • dnsix --DNSIX security protocol auditing (195).

  • domain --Domain Name Service (DNS, 53).

  • echo --Echo (7).

  • isakmp --Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (500).

  • mobile-ip --Mobile IP registration (434).

  • nameserver --IEN116 name service (obsolete, 42).

  • netbios-dgm --NetBios datagram service (138).

  • netbios-ns --NetBios name service (137).

  • netbios-ss --NetBios session service (139).

  • non500-isakmp --Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (4500).

  • ntp --Network Time Protocol (123).

  • pim-auto-rp --PIM Auto-RP (496).

  • rip --Routing Information Protocol (router, in.routed, 520).

  • snmp --Simple Network Management Protocol (161).

  • snmptrap --SNMP Traps (162).

  • sunrpc--Sun Remote Procedure Call (111).

  • syslog --System Logger (514).

  • tacacs --TAC Access Control System (49).

  • talk --Talk (517).

  • tftp --Trivial File Transfer Protocol (69).

  • time --Time (37).

  • who --Who service (rwho, 513).

  • xdmcp --X Display Manager Control Protocol (177).

The valid values for the lt port keyword and argument are as follows:

  • 0-65535--Port number.

  • biff --Biff (mail notification, comsat, 512).

  • bootpc --Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) client (68).

  • bootps --Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) server (67).

  • discard --Discard (9).

  • dnsix --DNSIX security protocol auditing (195).

  • domain --Domain Name Service (DNS, 53).

  • echo --Echo (7).

  • isakmp --Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (500).

  • mobile-ip --Mobile IP registration (434).

  • nameserver --IEN116 name service (obsolete, 42).

  • netbios-dgm --NetBios datagram service (138).

  • netbios-ns --NetBios name service (137).

  • netbios-ss --NetBios session service (139).

  • non500-isakmp --Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (4500).

  • ntp --Network Time Protocol (123).

  • pim-auto-rp --PIM Auto-RP (496).

  • rip --Routing Information Protocol (router, in.routed, 520).

  • snmp --Simple Network Management Protocol (161).

  • snmptrap --SNMP Traps (162).

  • sunrpc--Sun Remote Procedure Call (111).

  • syslog --System Logger (514).

  • tacacs --TAC Access Control System (49).

  • talk --Talk (517).

  • tftp --Trivial File Transfer Protocol (69).

  • time --Time (37).

  • who --Who service (rwho, 513).

  • xdmcp --X Display Manager Control Protocol (177).

The valid values for the neg port keyword and argument are as follows:

  • 0 to 65535--Port number.

  • biff --Biff (mail notification, comsat, 512).

  • bootpc --Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) client (68).

  • bootps --Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) server (67).

  • discard --Discard (9).

  • dnsix --DNSIX security protocol auditing (195).

  • domain --Domain Name Service (DNS, 53).

  • echo --Echo (7).

  • isakmp --Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (500).

  • mobile-ip --Mobile IP registration (434).

  • nameserver --IEN116 name service (obsolete, 42).

  • netbios-dgm --NetBios datagram service (138).

  • netbios-ns --NetBios name service (137).

  • netbios-ss --NetBios session service (139).

  • non500-isakmp --Internet Security Association and Key Management Protoc (4500).

  • ntp --Network Time Protocol (123).

  • pim-auto-rp --PIM Auto-RP (496).

  • rip --Routing Information Protocol (router, in.routed, 520).

  • snmp --Simple Network Management Protocol (161).

  • snmptrap --SNMP Traps (162).

  • sunrpc --Sun Remote Procedure Call (111).

  • syslog --System Logger (514).

  • tacacs --TAC Access Control System (49).

  • talk --Talk (517).

  • tftp --Trivial File Transfer Protocol (69).

  • time --Time (37).

  • who --Who service (rwho, 513).

  • xdmcp --X Display Manager Control Protocol (177).

The valid values for the option option keyword and argument are as follows:

  • 0 to 255--IP Options value.

  • add-ext --Matches the packets with Address Extension Option (147).

  • any-options --Matches the packets with ANY Option.

  • com-security --Matches the packets with Commercial Security Option (134).

  • dps --Matches the packets with Dynamic Packet State Option (151).

  • encode --Matches the packets with Encode Option (15).

  • eool --Matches the packets with End of Options (0).

  • ext-ip --Matches the packets with the Extended IP Option (145).

  • ext-security --Matches the packets with the Extended Security Option (133).

  • finn --Matches the packets with the Experimental Flow Control Option (205).
    • imitd --Matches the packets with IMI Traffic Desriptor Option (144).
    • lsr --Matches the packets with Loose Source Route Option (131).
    • match-all --Matches the packets if all specified flags are present.
    • match-any --Matches the packets if any specified flag is present.
    • mtup --Matches the packets with MTU Probe Option (11).
    • mtur --Matches the packets with MTU Reply Option (12).
    • no-op --Matches the packets with No Operation Option (1).
    • psh --Match the packets on the PSH bit.
    • nsapa --Matches the packets with NSAP Addresses Option (150).
    • reflect --Creates reflexive access list entry.
    • record-route --Matches the packets with Record Route Option (7).
    • rst --Matches the packets on the RST bit.
    • router-alert --Matches the packets with Router Alert Option (148).
    • sdb --Matches the packets with Selective Directed Broadcast Option (149).
    • security --Matches the packets with Basic Security Option (130).
    • ssr --Matches the packets with Strict Source Routing Option (137).
    • stream-id --Matches the packets with Stream ID Option (136).
    • syn --Match the packets on the SYN bit.
  • timestamp --Matches the packets with the Time Stamp Option (68).

  • traceroute --Matches the packets with the Trace Route Option (82).

  • ump --Matches the packets with the Upstream Multicast Packet Option (152).

  • visa --Matches the packets with the Experimental Access Control Option (142).

  • zsu --Matches the packets with the Experimental Measurement Option (10).

The valid values for the tos value keyword and argument are as follows:

  • 0 to 15--Type of service value.

  • max-reliability --Matches the packets with the maximum reliable ToS (2).

  • max-throughput --Matches the packets with the maximum throughput ToS (4).

  • min-delay --Matches the packets with the minimum delay ToS (8).

  • min-monetary-cost --Matches packets with the minimum monetary cost ToS (1).

  • normal --Matches the packets with the normal ToS (0).

Access List Processing of Fragments

The behavior of access-list entries regarding the use or lack of the fragments keyword are summarized in the table below:

Table 2. Access list Processing of Fragments

If the Access-List Entry Has...

Then... fragments keyword (the default behavior), and assuming all of the access-list entry information matches,

For an access-list entry containing only Layer 3 information:

  • The entry is applied to nonfragmented packets, initial fragments, and noninitial fragments.

For an access list entry containing Layer 3 and Layer 4 information:

  • The entry is applied to nonfragmented packets and initial fragments:
    • If the entry is a permit statement, the packet or fragment is permitted.
    • If the entry is a deny statement, the packet or fragment is denied.
  • The entry is also applied to noninitial fragments in the following manner. Because noninitial fragments contain only Layer 3 information, only the Layer 3 portion of an access-list entry can be applied. If the Layer 3 portion of the access-list entry matches, and
    • If the entry is a permit statement, the noninitial fragment is permitted.
    • If the entry is a deny statement, the next access-list entry is processed.



The deny statements are handled differently for noninitial fragments versus nonfragmented or initial fragments.

...the fragments keyword, and assuming all of the access-list entry information matches,



The access-list entry is applied only to noninitial fragments.The fragments keyword cannot be configured for an access-list entry that contains any Layer 4 information.

Be aware that you should not simply add the fragments keyword to every access list entry because the first fragment of the IP packet is considered a nonfragment and is treated independently of the subsequent fragments. An initial fragment will not match an access list permit or deny entry that contains the fragments keyword, the packet is compared to the next access list entry, and so on, until it is either permitted or denied by an access list entry that does not contain the fragments keyword. Therefore, you may need two access list entries for every deny entry. The first deny entry of the pair will not include the fragments keyword, and applies to the initial fragment. The second deny entry of the pair will include the fragments keyword and applies to the subsequent fragments. In the cases where there are multiple deny access-list entries for the same host but with different Layer 4 ports, a single deny access-list entry with the fragments keyword for that host is all that needs to be added. Thus all the fragments of a packet are handled in the same manner by the access list.

Packet fragments of IP datagrams are considered individual packets and each counts individually as a packet in access list accounting and access list violation counts.


The fragments keyword cannot solve all cases involving access lists and IP fragments.

Fragments and Policy Routing

Fragmentation and the fragment control feature affect policy routing if the policy routing is based on the match ip addres s command and the access list had entries that match on Layer 4 through 7 information. It is possible that noninitial fragments pass the access list and are policy routed, even if the first fragment was not policy routed or the reverse.

By using the fragments keyword in access list entries as described earlier, a better match between the action taken for initial and noninitial fragments can be made and it is more likely policy routing will occur as intended.

The portgroup srcport-groupname or portgroup destport-groupname keywords and arguments allow you to create an object group based on a source or destination group.


The following example creates an access list that denies all TCP packets:

Router(config)# ip access-list extended my-pbacl-policy

Router(config-ext-nacl)# deny tcp any any

Router(config-ext-nacl)# exit

Router(config)# exit

deny (IP)

To set conditions in a named IP access list that will deny packets, use the deny command in access list configuration mode. To remove a deny condition from an access list, use the no form of this command.

[sequence-number] deny source [source-wildcard]

[sequence-number] deny protocol source source-wildcard destination destination-wildcard [option option-name] [precedence precedence] [tos tos] [ttl operator value] [log] [time-range time-range-name] [fragments]

no sequence-number

no deny source [source-wildcard]

no deny protocol source source-wildcard destination destination-wildcard

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)

[sequence-number] deny icmp source source-wildcard destination destination-wildcard [icmp-type [icmp-code] | icmp-message] [precedence precedence] [tos tos] [ttl operator value] [log] [time-range time-range-name] [fragments]

Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP)

[sequence-number] deny igmp source source-wildcard destination destination-wildcard [igmp-type] [precedence precedence] [tos tos] [ttl operator value] [log] [time-range time-range-name] [fragments]

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)

[sequence-number] deny tcp source source-wildcard [operator port [port] ] destination destination-wildcard [operator [port] ] [established {match-any | match-all} {+ | - } flag-name | precedence precedence | tos tos | ttl operator value | log | time-range time-range-name | fragments]

User Datagram Protocol (UDP)

[sequence-number] deny udp source source-wildcard [operator port [port] ] destination destination-wildcard [operator [port] ] [precedence precedence] [tos tos] [ttl operator value] [log] [time-range time-range-name] [fragments]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Sequence number assigned to the deny statement. The sequence number causes the system to insert the statement in that numbered position in the access list.


Number of the network or host from which the packet is being sent. There are three alternative ways to specify the source:

  • Use a 32-bit quantity in four-part dotted-decimal format.

  • Use the any keyword as an abbreviation for a source and source-wildcard of

  • Use host source as an abbreviation for a source and source-wildcard of source


Wildcard bits to be applied to the source . There are three alternative ways to specify the source wildcard:

  • Use a 32-bit quantity in four-part dotted-decimal format. Place 1s in the bit positions that you want to ignore.

  • Use the any keyword as an abbreviation for a source and source-wildcard of

  • Use host source as an abbreviation for a source and source-wildcard of source


Name or number of an Internet protocol. The protocol argument can be one of the keywords eigrp , gre , icmp , igmp , ip , ipinip , nos , ospf , tcp , or udp , or an integer in the range from 0 to 255 representing an Internet protocol number. To match any Internet protocol (including ICMP, TCP, and UDP), use the ip keyword.



When the icmp , igmp , tcp, and udp keywords are entered, they must be followed with the specific command syntax that is shown for the ICMP, IGMP, TCP, and UDP forms of the deny command.


Denies only ICMP packets. When you enter the icmp keyword, you must use the specific command syntax shown for the ICMP form of the deny command.


Denies only IGMP packets. When you enter the igmp keyword, you must use the specific command syntax shown for the IGMP form of the deny command.


Denies only TCP packets. When you enter the tcp keyword, you must use the specific command syntax shown for the TCP form of the deny command.


Denies only UDP packets. When you enter the udp keyword, you must use the specific command syntax shown for the UDP form of the deny command.


Number of the network or host to which the packet is being sent. There are three alternative ways to specify the destination:

  • Use a 32-bit quantity in four-part dotted-decimal format.

  • Use the any keyword as an abbreviation for the destination and destination-wildcard of

  • Use host destination as an abbreviation for a destination and destination-wildcard of destination


Wildcard bits to be applied to the destination. There are three alternative ways to specify the destination wildcard:

  • Use a 32-bit quantity in four-part dotted-decimal format. Place 1s in the bit positions that you want to ignore.

  • Use the any keyword as an abbreviation for a destination and destination-wildcard of

  • Use host destination as an abbreviation for a destination and destination-wildcard of destination

option option-name

(Optional) Packets can be filtered by IP Options, as specified by a number from 0 to 255 or by the corresponding IP Option name, as listed in the table in the “Usage Guidelines” section.

precedence precedence

(Optional) Packets can be filtered by precedence level, as specified by a number from 0 to 7 or by a name.

tos tos

(Optional) Packets can be filtered by type of service (ToS) level, as specified by a number from 0 to 15, or by a name as listed in the “Usage Guidelines” section of the access-list (IP extended) command.

ttl operator value

(Optional) Compares the TTL value in the packet to the TTL value specified in this deny statement.

  • The operator can be lt (less than), gt (greater than), eq (equal), neq (not equal), or range (inclusive range).

  • The value can range from 0 to 255.

  • If the operator is range , specify two values separated by a space.

  • For Release 12.0S, if the operator is eq or neq , only one TTL value can be specified.

  • For all other releases, if the operator is eq or neq , as many as 10 TTL values can be specified, separated by a space. If the TTL in the packet matches just one of the possibly 10 values, the entry is considered to be matched.


(Optional) Causes an informational logging message about the packet that matches the entry to be sent to the console. (The level of messages logged to the console is controlled by the logging console command.)

time-range time-range-name

(Optional) Name of the time range that applies to this deny statement. The name of the time range and its restrictions are specified by the time-range and absolute or periodic commands, respectively.


(Optional) The access list entry applies to noninitial fragments of packets; the fragment is either permitted or denied accordingly. For more details about the fragments keyword, see the “Usage Guidelines” section.


(Optional) ICMP packets can be filtered by ICMP message type. The type is a number from 0 to 255.


(Optional) ICMP packets that are filtered by ICMP message type can also be filtered by the ICMP message code. The code is a number from 0 to 255.


(Optional) ICMP packets can be filtered by an ICMP message type name or an ICMP message type and code name. The possible names are listed in the “Usage Guidelines” section of the access-list (IP extended) command.


(Optional) IGMP packets can be filtered by IGMP message type or message name. A message type is a number from 0 to 15. IGMP message names are listed in the “Usage Guidelines” section of the access-list (IP extended) command.


(Optional) Compares source or destination ports. Operators include lt (less than), gt (greater than), eq (equal), neq (not equal), and range (inclusive range).

If the operator is positioned after the source and source-wildcard arguments, it must match the source port. If the operator is positioned after the destination and destination-wildcard arguments, it must match the destination port.

The range operator requires two port numbers. Up to ten port numbers can be entered for the eq (equal) and neq (not equal) operators. All other operators require one port number.


(Optional) The decimal number or name of a TCP or UDP port. A port number is a number from 0 to 65535. TCP and UDP port names are listed in the “Usage Guidelines” section of the access-list (IP extended) command.

TCP port names can be used only when filtering TCP. UDP port names can be used only when filtering UDP.


(Optional) For the TCP protocol only: Indicates an established connection. A match occurs if the TCP datagram has the ACK or RST bit set. The nonmatching case is that of the initial TCP datagram to form a connection.



The established keyword can be used only with the old command-line interface (CLI) format. To use the new CLI format, you must use the match-any or match-all keywords followed by the + or - keywords and flag-name argument.

match-any | match-all

(Optional) For the TCP protocol only: A match occurs if the TCP datagram has certain TCP flags set or not set. You use the match-any keyword to allow a match to occur if any of the specified TCP flags are present, or you can use the match-all keyword to allow a match to occur only if all of the specified TCP flags are present. You must follow the match-any and match-all keywords with the + or - keyword and the flag-name argument to match on one or more TCP flags.

+ | - flag-name

(Optional) For the TCP protocol only: The + keyword allows IP packets if their TCP headers contain the TCP flags that are specified by the flag-name argument. The - keyword filters out IP packets that do not contain the TCP flags specified by the flag-name argument. You must follow the + and - keywords with the flag-name argument. TCP flag names can be used only when filtering TCP. Flag names for the TCP flags are as follows: urg , ack , psh , rst , syn , and fin .

Command Default

There are no specific conditions under which a packet is denied passing the named access list.

Command Modes

Access list configuration

Command History




This command was introduced.


The time-range time-range-name keyword and argument were added.


The fragments keyword was added.


The igrp keyword was removed because the IGRP protocol is no longer available in Cisco IOS software.


The sequence-number argument was added.


The sequence-number argument was added.


The option option-name keyword and argument were added. The match-any , match-all, + , and - keywords and the flag-name argument were added.


Command functionality was modified to allow up to ten port numbers to be added after the eq and neq operators so that an access list entry can be created with noncontiguous ports.


The ttl operator value keyword and arguments were added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(27)SBC.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command is supported in the Cisco IOS Release 12.2SX train. Support in a specific 12.2SX release of this train depends on your feature set, platform, and platform hardware.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command following the ip access-list command to specify conditions under which a packet cannot pass the named access list.

The time-range keyword allows you to identify a time range by name. The time-range , absolute , and periodic commands specify when this deny statement is in effect.

log Keyword

A log message includes the access list number, whether the packet was permitted or denied; the protocol, whether it was TCP, UDP, ICMP, or a number; and, if appropriate, the source and destination addresses and source and destination port numbers. The message is generated for the first packet that matches, and then at 5-minute intervals, including the number of packets permitted or denied in the prior 5-minute interval.

Use the ip access-list log-update command to generate logging messages when the number of matches reaches a configurable threshold (rather than waiting for a 5-minute-interval). See the ip access-list log-update command for more information.

The logging facility might drop some logging message packets if there are too many to be handled or if there is more than one logging message to be handled in 1 second. This behavior prevents the router from crashing because of too many logging packets. Therefore, the logging facility should not be used as a billing tool or an accurate source of the number of matches to an access list.

If you enable Cisco Express Forwarding (CEF) and then create an access list that uses the log keyword, the packets that match the access list are not CEF-switched. They are fast-switched. Logging disables CEF.

Access List Filtering of IP Options

Access control lists can be used to filter packets with IP Options to prevent routers from being saturated with spurious packets containing IP Options. To see a complete table of all IP Options, including ones currently not in use, refer to the latest Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) information that is available from its URL:

Cisco IOS software allows you to filter packets according to whether they contain one or more of the legitimate IP Options by entering either the IP Option value or the corresponding name for the option-name argument as shown in the table below.

Table 3. IP Option Values and Names

IP Option Value or Name


0 to 255

IP Options values.


Match packets with Address Extension Option (147).


Match packets with any IP Option.


Match packets with Commercial Security Option (134).


Match packets with Dynamic Packet State Option (151).


Match packets with Encode Option (15).


Match packets with End of Options (0).


Match packets with Extended IP Options (145).


Match packets with Extended Security Option (133).


Match packets with Experimental Flow Control Option (205).


Match packets with IMI Traffic Descriptor Option (144).


Match packets with Loose Source Route Option (131).


Match packets with MTU Probe Option (11).


Match packets with MTU Reply Option (12).


Match packets with No Operation Option (1).


Match packets with NSAP Addresses Option (150).


Matches the packets on the PSH bit.


Match packets with Router Record Route Option (7).


Creates reflexive access list entry.


Matches the packets on the RST bit.


Match packets with Router Alert Option (148).


Match packets with Selective Directed Broadcast Option (149).


Match packets with Base Security Option (130).


Match packets with Strict Source Routing Option (137).


Match packets with Stream ID Option (136).


Matches the packets on the SYN bit.


Match packets with Time Stamp Option (68).

Filtering IP Packets Based on TCP Flags

The access list entries that make up an access list can be configured to detect and drop unauthorized TCP packets by allowing only the packets that have very specific groups of TCP flags set or not set. Users can select any desired combination of TCP flags with which to filter TCP packets. Users can configure access list entries in order to allow matching on a flag that is set and on a flag that is not set. Use the + and - keywords with a flag name to specify that a match is made based on whether a TCP header flag has been set. Use the match-any and match-all keywords to allow the packet if any or all, respectively, of the flags specified by the + or - keyword and flag-name argument have been set or not set.

Access List Processing of Fragments

The behavior of access list entries regarding the use or lack of use of the fragments keyword can be summarized as follows:

If the Access-List Entry Has...

Then... fragments keyword (the default behavior), and assuming all of the access-list entry information matches,

For an access list entry that contains only Layer 3 information:

  • The entry is applied to nonfragmented packets, initial fragments, and noninitial fragments.

For an access list entry that contains Layer 3 and Layer 4 information:

  • The entry is applied to nonfragmented packets and initial fragments.
    • If the entry is a permit statement, then the packet or fragment is permitted.
    • If the entry is a deny statement, then the packet or fragment is denied.
  • The entry is also applied to noninitial fragments in the following manner. Because noninitial fragments contain only Layer 3 information, only the Layer 3 portion of an access list entry can be applied. If the Layer 3 portion of the access list entry matches, and
    • If the entry is a permit statement, then the noninitial fragment is permitted.
    • If the entry is a deny statement, then the next access list entry is processed.



The deny statements are handled differently for noninitial fragments versus nonfragmented or initial fragments.

...the fragments keyword, and assuming all of the access-list entry information matches,

The access list entry is applied only to noninitial fragments. The fragments keyword cannot be configured for an access list entry that contains any Layer 4 information.

Be aware that you should not add the fragments keyword to every access list entry because the first fragment of the IP packet is considered a nonfragment and is treated independently of the subsequent fragments. An initial fragment will not match an access list permit or deny entry that contains the fragments keyword. The packet is compared to the next access list entry, and so on, until it is either permitted or denied by an access list entry that does not contain the fragments keyword. Therefore, you may need two access list entries for every deny entry. The first deny entry of the pair will not include the fragments keyword and applies to the initial fragment. The second deny entry of the pair will include the fragments keyword and applies to the subsequent fragments. In the cases in which there are multiple deny access list entries for the same host but with different Layer 4 ports, a single deny access list entry with the fragments keyword for that host is all that needs to be added. Thus all the fragments of a packet are handled in the same manner by the access list.

Packet fragments of IP datagrams are considered individual packets, and each counts individually as a packet in access list accounting and access list violation counts.


The fragments keyword cannot solve all cases that involve access lists and IP fragments.

Fragments and Policy Routing

Fragmentation and the fragment control feature affect policy routing if the policy routing is based on the match ip address command and the access list has entries that match on Layer 4 through 7 information. It is possible that noninitial fragments pass the access list and are policy-routed, even if the first fragment is not policy-routed.

By using the fragments keyword in access list entries as described earlier, a better match between the action taken for initial and noninitial fragments can be made, and it is more likely that policy routing will occur as intended.

Creating an Access List Entry with Noncontiguous Ports

For Cisco IOS Release 12.3(7)T and later releases, you can specify noncontiguous ports on the same access control entry, which greatly reduces the number of access list entries required for the same source address, destination address, and protocol. If you maintain large numbers of access list entries, we recommend that you consolidate them when possible by using noncontiguous ports. You can specify up to ten port numbers following the eq and neq operators.


The following example sets conditions for a standard access list named Internetfilter:

ip access-list standard Internetfilter
! (Note: all other access implicitly denied.)

The following example denies HTTP traffic on Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:

time-range no-http
 periodic weekdays 8:00 to 18:00
ip access-list extended strict
 deny tcp any any eq http time-range no-http
interface ethernet 0
 ip access-group strict in

The following example adds an entry with the sequence number 25 to extended IP access list 150:

ip access-list extended 150
 25 deny ip host host

The following example removes the entry with the sequence number 25 from the extended access list example shown above:

 no 25

The following example sets a deny condition for an extended access list named filter2. The access list entry specifies that a packet cannot pass the named access list if it contains the Strict Source Routing IP Option, which is represented by the IP option value ssr.

ip access-list extended filter2
 deny ip any any option ssr

The following example sets a deny condition for an extended access list named kmdfilter1. The access list entry specifies that a packet cannot pass the named access list if the RST and FIN TCP flags have been set for that packet:

ip access-list extended kmdfilter1
 deny tcp any any match-any +rst +fin

The following example shows several deny statements that can be consolidated into one access list entry with noncontiguous ports. The show access-lists command is entered to display a group of access list entries for the access list named abc.

Router# show access-lists abc
Extended IP access list abc
 10 deny tcp any eq telnet any eq 450
 20 deny tcp any eq telnet any eq 679
 30 deny tcp any eq ftp any eq 450 
 40 deny tcp any eq ftp any eq 679

Because the entries are all for the same deny statement and simply show different ports, they can be consolidated into one new access list entry. The following example shows the removal of the redundant access list entries and the creation of a new access list entry that consolidates the previously displayed group of access list entries:

ip access-list extended abc
 no 10
 no 20
 no 30
 no 40
 deny tcp any eq telnet ftp any eq 450 679

The following examples shows the creation of the consolidated access list entry:

Router# show access-lists abc
Extended IP access list abc
 10 deny tcp any eq telnet ftp any eq 450 679

The following access list filters IP packets containing Type of Service (ToS) level 3 with TTL values 10 and 20. It also filters IP packets with a TTL greater than 154 and applies that rule to noninitial fragments. It permits IP packets with a precedence level of flash and a TTL not equal to 1, and sends log messages about such packets to the console. All other packets are denied.

ip access-list extended canton
 deny ip any any tos 3 ttl eq 10 20
 deny ip any any ttl gt 154 fragments
 permit ip any any precedence flash ttl neq 1 log

deny (IPv6)

To set deny conditions for an IPv6 access list, use the deny command in IPv6 access list configuration mode. To remove the deny conditions, use the no form of this command.

deny protocol {source-ipv6-prefix/prefix-length | any | host source-ipv6-address | auth} [operator [port-number] ] {destination-ipv6-prefix/prefix-length | any | host destination-ipv6-address | auth} [operator [port-number] ] [dest-option-type [doh-number | doh-type]] [dscp value] [flow-label value] [fragments] [hbh] [log] [log-input] [mobility] [mobility-type [mh-number | mh-type]] [routing] [routing-type routing-number] [sequence value] [time-range name] [undetermined-transport]

no deny protocol {source-ipv6-prefix/prefix-length | any | host source-ipv6-address | auth} [operator [port-number] ] {destination-ipv6-prefix/prefix-length | any | host destination-ipv6-address | auth} [operator [port-number] ] [dest-option-type [doh-number | doh-type]] [dscp value] [flow-label value] [fragments] [hbh] [log] [log-input] [mobility] [mobility-type [mh-number | mh-type]] [routing] [routing-type routing-number] [sequence value] [time-range name] [undetermined-transport]

Internet Control Message Protocol

deny icmp {source-ipv6-prefix/prefix-length | any | host source-ipv6-address | auth} [operator [port-number] ] {destination-ipv6-prefix/prefix-length | any | host destination-ipv6-address | auth} [operator [port-number] ] [icmp-type [icmp-code] | icmp-message] [dest-option-type [doh-number | doh-type]] [dscp value] [flow-label value] [fragments] [hbh] [log] [log-input] [mobility] [mobility-type [mh-number | mh-type]] [routing] [routing-type routing-number] [sequence value] [time-range name]

Transmission Control Protocol

deny tcp {source-ipv6-prefix/prefix-length | any | host source-ipv6-address | auth} [operator [port-number] ] {destination-ipv6-prefix/prefix-length | any | host destination-ipv6-address | auth} [operator [port-number] ] [ack] [dest-option-type [doh-number | doh-type]] [dscp value] [established] [fin] [flow-label value] [fragments] [hbh] [log] [log-input] [mobility] [mobility-type [mh-number | mh-type]] [neq {port | protocol}] [psh] [range {port | protocol}] [routing] [routing-type routing-number] [rst] [sequence value] [syn] [time-range name] [urg]

User Datagram Protocol

deny udp {source-ipv6-prefix/prefix-length | any | host source-ipv6-address | auth} [operator [port-number] ] {destination-ipv6-prefix/prefix-length | any | host destination-ipv6-address | auth} [operator [port-number] ] [dest-option-type [doh-number | doh-type]] [dscp value] [flow-label value] [fragments] [hbh] [log] [log-input] [mobility] [mobility-type [mh-number | mh-type]] [neq {port | protocol}] [range {port | protocol}] [routing] [routing-type routing-number] [sequence value] [time-range name]

Syntax Description


Name or number of an Internet protocol. It can be one of the keywords ahp , esp , icmp , ipv6 , pcp , sctp , tcp , udp , or hbh , or an integer in the range from 0 to 255 representing an IPv6 protocol number.

source-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length

The source IPv6 network or class of networks about which to set deny conditions.

This argument must be in the form documented in RFC 2373 where the address is specified in hexadecimal using 16-bit values between colons.


An abbreviation for the IPv6 prefix ::/0.

host source-ipv6-address

The source IPv6 host address about which to set deny conditions.

This source-ipv6-address argument must be in the form documented in RFC 2373 where the address is specified in hexadecimal using 16-bit values between colons.

operator [port-number ]

(Optional) Specifies an operand that compares the source or destination ports of the specified protocol. Operands are lt (less than), gt (greater than), eq (equal), neq (not equal), and range (inclusive range).

If the operator is positioned after the source-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length argument, it must match the source port.

If the operator is positioned after the destination-ipv6/prefix-length argument, it must match the destination port.

The range operator requires two port numbers. All other operators require one port number.

The optional port-number argument is a decimal number or the name of a TCP or UDP port. A port number is a number from 0 to 65535. TCP port names can be used only when filtering TCP. UDP port names can be used only when filtering UDP.

destination-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length

The destination IPv6 network or class of networks about which to set deny conditions.

This argument must be in the form documented in RFC 2373 where the address is specified in hexadecimal using 16-bit values between colons.

host destination-ipv6-address

The destination IPv6 host address about which to set deny conditions.

This destination-ipv6-address argument must be in the form documented in RFC 2373 where the address is specified in hexadecimal using 16-bit values between colons.


Allows matching traffic against the presence of the authentication header in combination with any protocol.


(Optional) Matches IPv6 packets against the hop-by-hop option extension header within each IPv6 packet header.


(Optional) Integer in the range from 0 to 255 representing an IPv6 destination option extension header.


(Optional) Destination option header types. The possible destination option header type and its corresponding doh-number value are home-address—201.

dscp value

(Optional) Matches a differentiated services code point value against the traffic class value in the Traffic Class field of each IPv6 packet header. The acceptable range is from 0 to 63.

flow-label value

(Optional) Matches a flow label value against the flow label value in the Flow Label field of each IPv6 packet header. The acceptable range is from 0 to 1048575.


(Optional) Matches non-initial fragmented packets where the fragment extension header contains a non-zero fragment offset. The fragments keyword is an option only if the operator [port-number ] arguments are not specified.


(Optional) Specifies a hop-by-hop options header.


(Optional) Causes an informational logging message about the packet that matches the entry to be sent to the console. (The level of messages logged to the console is controlled by the logging console command.)

The message includes the access list name and sequence number, whether the packet was denied; the protocol, whether it was TCP, UDP, ICMP, or a number; and, if appropriate, the source and destination addresses and source and destination port numbers. The message is generated for the first packet that matches, and then at 5-minute intervals, including the number of packets denied in the prior 5-minute interval.


(Optional) Provides the same function as the log keyword, except that the logging message also includes the input interface.


(Optional) Extension header type. Allows matching of any IPv6 packet including a mobility header, regardless of the value of the mobility-header-type field within that header.


(Optional) Mobility header type. Either the mh-number or mh-type argument must be used with this keyword.


(Optional) Integer in the range from 0 to 255 representing an IPv6 mobility header type.


(Optional) Name of a mobility header type. Possible mobility header types and their corresponding mh-number value are as follows:

  • 0—bind-refresh

  • 1—hoti

  • 2—coti

  • 3—hot

  • 4—cot

  • 5—bind-update

  • 6—bind-acknowledgment

  • 7—bind-error


(Optional) Matches source-routed packets against the routing extension header within each IPv6 packet header.


(Optional) Allows routing headers with a value in the type field to be matched independently. The routing-number argument must be used with this keyword.


Integer in the range from 0 to 255 representing an IPv6 routing header type. Possible routing header types and their corresponding routing-number value are as follows:

  • 0—Standard IPv6 routing header

  • 2—Mobile IPv6 routing header

sequence value

(Optional) Specifies the sequence number for the access list statement. The acceptable range is from 1 to 4294967295.

time-range name

(Optional) Specifies the time range that applies to the deny statement. The name of the time range and its restrictions are specified by the time-range and absolute or periodic commands, respectively.


(Optional) Matches packets from a source for which the Layer 4 protocol cannot be determined. The undetermined-transport keyword is an option only if the operator [port-number ] arguments are not specified.


(Optional) Specifies an ICMP message type for filtering ICMP packets. ICMP packets can be filtered by ICMP message type. The ICMP message type can be a number from 0 to 255, some of which include the following predefined strings and their corresponding numeric values:

  • 144—dhaad-request

  • 145—dhaad-reply

  • 146—mpd-solicitation

  • 147—mpd-advertisement


(Optional) Specifies an ICMP message code for filtering ICMP packets. ICMP packets that are filtered by ICMP message type can also be filtered by the ICMP message code. The code is a number from 0 to 255.


(Optional) Specifies an ICMP message name for filtering ICMP packets. ICMP packets can be filtered by an ICMP message name or ICMP message type and code. The possible names are listed in the “Usage Guidelines” section.


(Optional) For the TCP protocol only: acknowledgment (ACK) bit set.


(Optional) For the TCP protocol only: Indicates an established connection. A match occurs if the TCP datagram has the ACK or RST bits set. The nonmatching case is that of the initial TCP datagram to form a connection.


(Optional) For the TCP protocol only: Fin bit set; no more data from sender.

neq {port | protocol }

(Optional) Matches only packets that are not on a given port number.


(Optional) For the TCP protocol only: Push function bit set.

range {port | protocol }

(Optional) Matches only packets in the range of port numbers.


(Optional) For the TCP protocol only: Reset bit set.


(Optional) For the TCP protocol only: Synchronize bit set.


(Optional) For the TCP protocol only: Urgent pointer bit set.

Command Default

No IPv6 access list is defined.

Command Modes

IPv6 access list configuration (config-ipv6-acl)#

Command History




This command was introduced.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(13)T.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(14)S.


The icmp-type argument was enhanced. The dest-option-type , mobility , mobility-type , and routing-type keywords were added. The doh-number , doh-type , mh-number , mh-type , and routing-number arguments were added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(28)SB.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(25)SG.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRA.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SXH.

Cisco IOS XE Release 2.1

This command was introduced on Cisco ASR 1000 Aggregation Series Routers.


The auth keyword was added.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 12.2(33)SRE.


This command was modified. Support was added for the hbh keyword.


This command was integrated into Cisco IOS Release 15.1(1)SY.

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.2SE

This command was integrated into Cisco IOS XE Release 3.2SE.


This command was implemented on the Cisco ASR 901 Series Aggregation Services Router.

Usage Guidelines

The deny (IPv6) command is similar to the deny (IP) command, except that it is IPv6-specific.

Use the deny (IPv6) command following the ipv6 access-list command to define the conditions under which a packet passes the access list or to define the access list as a reflexive access list.

Specifying IPv6 for the protocol argument matches against the IPv6 header of the packet.

By 1default, the first statement in an access list is number 10, and the subsequent statements are numbered in increments of 10.

You can add permit , deny , remark , or evaluate statements to an existing access list without retyping the entire list. To add a new statement anywhere other than at the end of the list, create a new statement with an appropriate entry number that falls between two existing entry numbers to indicate where it belongs.

In Cisco IOS Release 12.2(2)T or later releases, 12.0(21)ST, and 12.0(22)S, IPv6 access control lists (ACLs) are defined and their deny and permit conditions are set by using the ipv6 access-list command with the deny and permit keywords in global configuration mode. In Cisco IOS Release 12.0(23)S or later releases, IPv6 ACLs are defined by using the ipv6 access-list command in global configuration mode and their permit and deny conditions are set by using the deny and permit commands in IPv6 access list configuration mode. Refer to the ipv6 access-list command for more information on defining IPv6 ACLs.


In Cisco IOS Release 12.0(23)S or later releases, every IPv6 ACL has implicit permit icmp any any nd-na , permit icmp any any nd-ns , and deny ipv6 any any statements as its last match conditions. (The former two match conditions allow for ICMPv6 neighbor discovery.) An IPv6 ACL must contain at least one entry for the implicit deny ipv6 any any statement to take effect. The IPv6 neighbor discovery process makes use of the IPv6 network layer service; therefore, by default, IPv6 ACLs implicitly allow IPv6 neighbor discovery packets to be sent and received on an interface. In IPv4, the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), which is equivalent to the IPv6 neighbor discovery process, makes use of a separate data link layer protocol; therefore, by default, IPv4 ACLs implicitly allow ARP packets to be sent and received on an interface.

Both the source-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length and destination-ipv6-prefix / prefix-length arguments are used for traffic filtering (the source prefix filters traffic based upon the traffic source; the destination prefix filters traffic based upon the traffic destination).


IPv6 prefix lists, not access lists, should be used for filtering routing protocol prefixes.

The fragments keyword is an option only if the operator [port-number ] arguments are not specified.

The undetermined-transport keyword is an option only if the operator [port-number ] arguments are not specified.

The following is a list of ICMP message names:

  • beyond-scope

  • destination-unreachable

  • echo-reply

  • echo-request

  • header

  • hop-limit

  • mld-query

  • mld-reduction

  • mld-report

  • nd-na

  • nd-ns

  • next-header

  • no-admin

  • no-route

  • packet-too-big

  • parameter-option

  • parameter-problem

  • port-unreachable

  • reassembly-timeout

  • renum-command

  • renum-result

  • renum-seq-number

  • router-advertisement

  • router-renumbering

  • router-solicitation

  • time-exceeded

  • unreachable


The following example configures the IPv6 access list named toCISCO and applies the access list to outbound traffic on Ethernet interface 0. Specifically, the first deny entry in the list keeps all packets that have a destination TCP port number greater than 5000 from exiting out of Ethernet interface 0. The second deny entry in the list keeps all packets that have a source UDP port number less than 5000 from exiting out of Ethernet interface 0. The second deny also logs all matches to the console. The first permit entry in the list permits all ICMP packets to exit out of Ethernet interface 0. The second permit entry in the list permits all other traffic to exit out of Ethernet interface 0. The second permit entry is necessary because an implicit deny all condition is at the end of each IPv6 access list.

ipv6 access-list toCISCO
 deny tcp any any gt 5000
 deny ::/0 lt 5000 ::/0 log
 permit icmp any any
 permit any any
interface ethernet 0
 ipv6 traffic-filter toCISCO out

The following example shows how to allow TCP or UDP parsing although an IPsec AH is present:

IPv6 access list example1 
    deny tcp host 2001::1 any log sequence 5 
    permit tcp any any auth sequence 10 
    permit udp any any auth sequence 20 

deny (MAC ACL)

To set conditions for a MAC access list, use the deny command in MAC access-list extended configuration mode. To remove a condition from an access list, use the no form of this command.

deny {src_mac_mask | host name src_mac_name | any} {dest_mac_mask | host name dst_mac_name | any} [ {protocol_keyword | ethertype_number ethertype_mask} [vlan vlan_ID] [cos cos_value]]

no deny {src_mac_mask | host name src_mac_name | any} {dest_mac_mask | host name dst_mac_name | any} [ {protocol_keyword | ethertype_number ethertype_mask} [vlan vlan_ID] [cos cos_value]]

Syntax Description


Specifies the MAC address mask that identifies a selected block of source MAC addresses. A value of 1 represents a wildcard in that position.

host name src_mac_name

Specifies a source host that has been named using the mac host name command.


Specifies any source or any destination host as an abbreviation for the src_mac_mask or dest_mac_mask value of 1111.1111.1111, which declares all digits to be wildcards .


Specifies the MAC address mask that identifies a selected block of destination MAC addresses.

host name dst_mac_name

Specifies a destination host that has been named using the mac host name command.


(Optional) Specifies a named protocol (for example, ARP).


(Optional) The EtherType number specifies the protocol within the Ethernet packet.


(Optional) The EtherType mask allows a range of EtherTypes to be specified together. This is a hexadecimal number from 0 to FFFF. An EtherType mask of 0 requires an exact match of the EtherType.

vlan vlan_ID

(Optional) Specifies a VLAN.

cos cos_value

(Optional) Specifies the Layer 2 priority level for packets. The range is from 0 to 7.

Command Default

This command has no defaults.

Command Modes

MAC access-list extended configuration (config-ext-macl)

Command History




This command was introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command following the ip access-list command to define the conditions under which a packet passes the access list.

  • The vlan and cos keywords are not supported in MAC ACLs used for VACL filtering.

  • The vlan keyword for VLAN-based QoS filtering in MAC ACLs can be globally enabled or disabled and is disabled by default.

  • Enter MAC addresses as three 2-byte values in dotted hexadecimal format. For example, 0123.4567.89ab.

  • Enter MAC address masks as three 2-byte values in dotted hexadecimal format. Use 1 bits as wildcards. For example, to match an address exactly, use 0000.0000.0000 (can be entered as 0.0.0).

  • An entry without a protocol parameter matches any protocol.

  • Enter an EtherType and an EtherType mask as hexadecimal values from 0 to FFFF.

  • This list shows the EtherType values and their corresponding protocol keywords:
    • 0x0600--xns-idp--Xerox XNS IDP
    • 0x0BAD--vines-ip--Banyan VINES IP
    • 0x0baf--vines-echo--Banyan VINES Echo
    • 0x6000--etype-6000--DEC unassigned, experimental
    • 0x6001--mop-dump--DEC Maintenance Operation Protocol (MOP) Dump/Load Assistance
    • 0x6002--mop-console--DEC MOP Remote Console
    • 0x6003--decnet-iv--DEC DECnet Phase IV Route
    • 0x6004--lat--DEC Local Area Transport (LAT)
    • 0x6005--diagnostic--DEC DECnet Diagnostics
    • 0x6007--lavc-sca--DEC Local-Area VAX Cluster (LAVC), SCA
    • 0x6008--amber--DEC AMBER
    • 0x6009--mumps--DEC MUMPS
    • 0x0800--ip--Malformed, invalid, or deliberately corrupt IP frames
    • 0x8038--dec-spanning--DEC LANBridge Management
    • 0x8039--dsm--DEC DSM/DDP
    • 0x8040--netbios--DEC PATHWORKS DECnet NETBIOS Emulation
    • 0x8041--msdos--DEC Local Area System Transport
    • 0x8042--etype-8042--DEC unassigned
    • 0x809B--appletalk--Kinetics EtherTalk (AppleTalk over Ethernet)
    • 0x80F3--aarp--Kinetics AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol (AARP)


This example shows how to create a MAC-Layer ACL named mac_layer that denies dec-phase-iv traffic with source address 0000.4700.0001 and destination address 0000.4700.0009, but allows all other traffic:

Router(config)# mac access-list extended mac_layer
Router(config-ext-macl)# deny 0000.4700.0001 0.0.0 0000.4700.0009 0.0.0 dec-phase-iv
Router(config-ext-macl)# permit any any

deny (WebVPN)

To set conditions in a named Secure Sockets Layer Virtual Private Network (SSL VPN) access list that will deny packets, use the deny command in webvpn acl configuration mode. To remove a deny condition from an access list, use the no form of this command.

deny [url [any | url-string]] [ip | tcp | udp | http | https | cifs] [any | source-ip source-mask] [any | destination-ip destination-mask] [time-range time-range-name] [syslog]

no deny url [any | url-string] [ip | tcp | udp | http | https | cifs] [any | source-ip source-mask] [any | destination-ip destination-mask] [time-range time-range-name] [syslog]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Filtering rules are applied to the URL.

  • Use the any keyword as an abbreviation for any URL.


(Optional) URL string defined as follows: scheme://host[:port][/path]

  • scheme --Can be HTTP, Secure HTTPS (HTTPS), or Common Internet File System (CIFS). This field is required in the URL string.

  • host --Can be a hostname or a host IP (host mask). The host can have one wildcard (*).

  • port --Can be any valid port number (1-65535). It is possible to have multiple port numbers separated by a comma (,). The port range is expressed using a dash (-).