Smart Licensing


Cisco Smart Licensing using Policy is a software licensing model that provides visibility of ownership and usage through the Cisco Smart Software Manager (CSSM) portal. CSSM is a central license repository that manages licenses across all Cisco products that you own, including CUBE. Devices send license usage to CSSM either directly or use an on-premises application. Your Smart Account Administrator controls your access to CSSM. Use your Cisco credentials to access the CSSM portal through htttp://

Smart Licensing applies to all platform technology (UCK9, Security, DNA) and CUBE feature licenses that the platform uses.

CSSM shows license usage across all devices that are registered to a virtual account. A Virtual Account License Inventory displays the quantity of licenses that are purchased, those licenses in use, and a balance. An Insufficient Licenses alert is displayed if the license balance is below 0.

For example, consider a smart account in CSSM with 50 CUBE trunk session licenses. If you have a single registered CUBE router using 20 trunk sessions, the CSSM licenses page shows Purchased as 50, In Use as 20, and Balance as 30.

For more information on Smart Software Manager, see the Cisco Smart Software Manager User Guide.

Smart License Operation

Smart Licensing using Policy introduces a new paradigm for tracking license usage across your business. In earlier releases, license authorization was forward- looking, binding licenses to a device until the next authorization request. Actual license use during the proceeding reporting period is now sent to CSSM, allowing you to plan ongoing license requirements based on historical usage data.

Each time a change in license usage is detected, the account policy defines how soon this should be reported to CSSM. Typically, this means that CUBE must send a report at least every 90 days, although it is recommended that reports are sent more frequently. CSSM acknowledges each submitted Resource Utilization Monitoring (RUM) report to ensure that the use is recorded reliably. If the router does not receive an acknowledgment within the minimum reporting period, call processing may be disabled. Call processing is resumed when a valid acknowledgment is received.

Submit the reports to CSSM directly or through a Smart Software Manager On-Prem server. The Cisco Smart Licensing Utility (CSLU) application can also collect usage reports, providing more flexibility in managing your license usage. When a device is not able to communicate directly with a licensing server, a signed usage report can be generated and manually uploaded to CSSM. The CSSM generated acknowledgment must be uploaded to the device within the license reporting policy period to ensure continued use.


Cisco routers configured to process calls between voice ports and IP destinations will report the use of these sessions to CSSM, where they are listed as a "CUBE v14 Voice Gateway Session". This usage is reported using the CUBE_T_VGW Smart entitlement tag, which may also be viewed using the show license all command and is provided for your information only. This reporting feature does not enforce voice port or IP sessions and there would be no service interruption if the router is not registered to CSSM.

A quantity of purchased licenses equal to the number of reported sessions is automatically displayed in CSSM to avoid compliance warnings. There is no requirement or option to purchase CUBE v14 Voice Gateway Session licenses.


Cisco Smart Software Manager On-Prem Version 8 Release 202102 or later is required for any device using SLP. Refer to the SLP feature documentation for further information (Smart Licensing Using Policy for Cisco Enterprise Routing Platforms).


When using any of the following Smart Licensing using Policy releases, CUBE shuts down if the router does not receive a report acknowledgment from CSSM before the acknowledgment deadline set by the account policy: 17.3.2, 17.3.3, 17.3.4a, 17.6.1a, or any 17.4 or 17.5 release. CUBE does not shut down in this way with later releases.

License usage is calculated dynamically in the same way as earlier releases, with measurements recorded periodically based on the periodicity timer. Measurements are stored locally until they are submitted to CSSM. This historical usage reporting allows for more accurate aggregation of use across multiple devices over time. The minimum value for the periodicity timer is increased to 8 hours.

The system records the changes every eight hours. It reports these changes to CSSM as soon as it detects any variations from the previous value. However, note that this report is limited to a maximum frequency of once per 24 hours.

If the peak license usage for the current period is different by more or less than 25% of the previously reported value, it is reported and periodicity interval is reset. Use of CUBE Standard Trunk and CUBE Enhanced Trunk licenses are monitored separately.


Smart License Reservation (SLR) for CUBE licenses is not compatible with SLP. Even if a reservation is in place when upgrading, license use reporting will still be required in accordance with the device policy. Reservations should therefore be returned immediately before or after upgrading to a release that uses SLP.


From Cisco IOS XE Bengaluru 17.6.1a onwards, calls that are forked using WebSockets are marked as consuming an Enhanced session license.

Smart Software Licensing Task Flow

IOS XE license use reports may either be pushed to or pulled by a licensing server. Refer to the workflows in Smart Licensing Using Policy for Cisco Enterprise routing Platforms for more details.

Obtain the Registration ID Token

Detailed Steps

  1. Log in to your Smart Account in either CSSM or satellite.

  2. Navigate to the Virtual Account to register the CUBE.

  3. Generate a registration ID token.

Configure Smart Licensing Transport Settings


Step 1

hostname hostname


Device(config)# hostname cube

Ensure that hostname and the PID of the platform are not the same. For example, if the hostname of an ASR1006 router is configured as "ASR1006," registration is unsuccessful.

Step 2

ip name-server IP Address


cube(config)#  ip name-server

Configures valid DNS servers to ensure the correct resolution of the CSSM hostname.

Step 3

ip http client source-interface interface name


cube(config)#  ip http client source-interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0

Binds the platform HTTP client to the interface used to access the CSSM.

Step 4

license smart transport smart


cube(config)#  license smart transport smart

Smart transport is the preferred method for sending usage reports.

Step 5

license smart proxy address host-name


cube(config)#  license smart proxy address

If necessary, configure a proxy-server for the platform when a direct HTTP connection to CSSM is not permitted.

Step 6

license smart proxy port port-number


cube(config)# license smart proxy port 80

If using an internet proxy, configure a proxy-server port number.

Step 7

license smart url default


cube(config)# license smart url default

Use the default URL for sending reports to CSSM.

Associate the Host Platform with CSSM

From Cisco IOS XE Everest 16.11.1a to Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.1a, you must register the host platform to either CSSM or SSM On-Prem to report license usage. From Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.3.2 onwards, license use must be reported to CSSM or SSM On-Prem in accordance with the Smart Account reporting policy.

Before you begin

  1. Obtain the registration ID token from your Smart Account.

  2. Configure Smart Licensing transport settings.


Use the following command to register the CUBE platform with CSSM.

license smart trust id_token id_token...local [force]


Router# license smart trust id_token ZDEwZDFiODktNWF.............

Configure CUBE Licensed Features


Step 1

voice service voip


Device(config)# voice service voip

Enters global VoIP cofiguration mode.

Step 2

mode border-element [ license periodicity {hours <8-23> | days <1-30> }]

The periodicity keyword configures the CUBE measurement interval for license usage. If you do not configure the periodicity keyword, license usage is measured once every 7 days.

Verify Smart License Operation

This section shows CUBE license usage status and license usage history.

Use the following commands to verify the platform license usage:

  • show cube status —Displays CUBE license status.

    cube#show cube status
    CUBE-Version : 14.4
    SW-Version : 17.6.1a, Platform ISR4321/K9
    HA-Type : none
  • show license status —Displays the license policy and reporting status.


    The acknowledgment deadline is presented in this output. Ensure that an acknowledgment is received before this time to ensure continued operation of the SIP service.

    cube#show license status
      Status: DISABLED
    Data Privacy:
      Sending Hostname: yes
        Callhome hostname privacy: DISABLED
        Smart Licensing hostname privacy: DISABLED
      Version privacy: DISABLED
      Type: Callhome
      Policy in use: Merged from multiple sources.
      Installed Time: Jan 01 05:30:00 1970 IST
      Reporting ACK required: yes
      Perpetual Attributes:
        First report requirement (days): 365 (CISCO default)
        Reporting frequency (days): 90 (CISCO default)
        Report on change (days): 90 (Product default)
      Subscription Attributes:
        First report requirement (days): 90 (CISCO default)
        Reporting frequency (days): 90 (CISCO default)
        Report on change (days): 80 (Product default)
      Enforced License Attributes:
        First report requirement (days): 90 (Customer Policy)
        Reporting frequency (days): 90 (Customer Policy)
        Report on change (days): 80 (Customer Policy)
      Export License Attributes:
        First report requirement (days): 90 (Customer Policy)
        Reporting frequency (days): 90 (Customer Policy)
        Report on change (days): 90 (Customer Policy)
      Custom Id: <empty>
    Usage Reporting:
      Last ACK received: <none>
      Next ACK deadline: May 26 08:24:45 2020 IST
      Reporting Interval: 30 
      Next ACK push check: <none>
      Next report push: Jun 15 08:24:45 2020 IST
      Last report push: <none>
      Last report file write: <none>
      Last report pull: <none>
    Trust Code Installed: <none>
  • show voice sip license stats —Displays CUBE trunk license usage history.

    License usage is recorded in tabular and graphical format for all the three types of trunk call count (Enhanced, Standard, and Aggregate). Usage is recorded based on the peak value of concurrent calls for a defined interval of time:

    • Seconds Table—This table stores concurrent calls at every second for the last 60 seconds.

    • Minutes Table—This table stores regularized peak value of concurrent calls at every minute for the last 60 minutes. Regularized peak for a minute is the average of top 3 peak values that occurs in a minute.

    • Hours Table—This table stores peak value for each hour for the last 72 hours.

    • Days Table—This table stores peak value for each day for the last 72 days.

    The following example outputs are truncated to display 60-second and 60-minute tables only.

    cube#show voice sip license stats table 
            02:50:16 PM Wednesday Nov 13 2019 UTC
    CUBE Trunk License Usage  (last 60 seconds)
    Period     Average       Max
     1-5           0          0
     6-10          0          0
    11-15          0          0
    16-20          0          0
    21-25          0          0
    26-30          0          0
    31-35          0          0
    36-40          0          0
    41-45          0          0
    46-50          0          0
    51-55          0          0
    56-60          0          0
    CUBE Trunk License Usage  (last 60 minutes)
    Period     Average       Max
     1-5           0          0
     6-10          0          0
    11-15          0          0
    16-20          0          0
    21-25          0          0
    26-30          0          0
    31-35          0          0
    36-40          0          0
    41-45          0          0
    46-50        324        900
    51-55        343        899
    56-60        292        600
    cube#show voice sip license stats 
              11:01:01 AM Thursday Aug 29 2019 IST                                                        
                   0    5    0    5    0    5    0    5    0    5    0
              CUBE Trunk License Usage (last 60 seconds)         
      910                                                  **         
      820                                                  #*         
      730                                                  ##         
      640                                                 *##*   **   
      550                                                 ###*   ##   
      460                                                 ####  *##*  
      370                                                *####  *##*  
      280                                                #####* ####  
      190                                                ###### ####  
      100                                               *######*####* 
       10                                               ############# 
                   0    5    0    5    0    5    0    5    0    5    0
              CUBE Trunk License Usage (last 60 minutes)
              * = maximum     # = average                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
  • show voice sip license status —Displays the license status.

    Router#show voice sip license status
    Host Name: Router
    Current Time: Mar 30 2021 00:32:35 UTC
    SIP service: Up
    License use recorded every: 8 Hour(s)
    Next record at: Mar 30 2021 07:00:00 UTC
    Recent use of license(s) for CUBE Standard Trunk
    Verify Smart License Operation
    Timestamp Count
    Mar 29 2021 23:00:00 UTC 0
    Mar 29 2021 22:00:00 UTC 9
    Mar 29 2021 21:00:00 UTC 24
    Mar 29 2021 20:00:00 UTC 13
    Mar 29 2021 11:00:00 UTC 0
    Mar 29 2021 09:00:00 UTC 2
    Recent use of license(s) for CUBE Enhanced Trunk
    Timestamp Count
    Mar 29 2021 21:00:00 UTC 0
    Mar 29 2021 20:00:00 UTC 2
    Mar 29 2021 11:00:00 UTC 0
    Mar 29 2021 09:00:00 UTC 8
  • show license usage —Displays the license usage.

    cube#show license usage
      Status: DISABLED
    Data Privacy:
      Sending Hostname: yes
        Callhome hostname privacy: DISABLED
        Smart Licensing hostname privacy: DISABLED
      Version privacy: DISABLED
      Type: Callhome
      Policy in use: Merged from multiple sources.
      Installed Time: Jan 01 05:30:00 1970 IST
      Reporting ACK required: yes
      Perpetual Attributes:
        First report requirement (days): 365 (CISCO default)
        Reporting frequency (days): 90 (CISCO default)
        Report on change (days): 90 (Product default)
      Subscription Attributes:
        First report requirement (days): 90 (CISCO default)
        Reporting frequency (days): 90 (CISCO default)
        Report on change (days): 80 (Product default)
      Enforced License Attributes:
        First report requirement (days): 90 (Customer Policy)
        Reporting frequency (days): 90 (Customer Policy)
        Report on change (days): 80 (Customer Policy)
      Export License Attributes:
        First report requirement (days): 90 (Customer Policy)
        Reporting frequency (days): 90 (Customer Policy)
        Report on change (days): 90 (Customer Policy)
      Custom Id: <empty>
    Usage Reporting:
      Last ACK received: <none>
      Next ACK deadline: May 26 08:24:45 2020 IST
      Reporting Interval: 30 
      Next ACK push check: <none>
      Next report push: Jun 15 08:24:45 2020 IST
      Last report push: <none>
      Last report file write: <none>
      Last report pull: <none>
    Trust Code Installed: <none>
  • show license summary —Displays the license summary information.

    Device#show license summary
    License Usage:
      License                 Entitlement tag               Count   Status
      CUBE_T_STD              (CUBE_T_STD)                      5 IN USE
      uck9                    (ISR_4351_UnifiedCommun...)       1 IN USE
      CUBE_T_VGW              (CUBE_T_VGW)                      4 IN USE

Commands Related to Smart License

  • show license all —Displays all the information that is related to licensing.

  • show license tech support —Displays the license technical support information.

  • show call-home smart-licensing —Displays the destination URL that is configured.

Use the following commands to debug any issues that are related to your Smart License:

  • debug license feature cube all

  • Request successful for license_type:<license_type_int> and count <usage_count>.


    *May 18 10:12:45.178: //CUBE-SL/Info/cube_sl_send_entitlement_request: Request successful for license_type: 0 and count 9.
    Request successful for license <license_type_string>


    *May 18 10:15:45.181: //CUBE-SL/Info/cube_license_request: Request successful for license CUBE_T_STD

High Availability Configurations

Smart Licensing with Box-to-Box High Availability

Box-to-Box redundancy uses the Redundancy Group (RG) Infrastructure to form High Availability (high availability) pair of platforms.

For Smart License configurations on the High Availability pair of platforms, see Smart Software Licensing Task Flow. When reporting license usage, the Smart Agent includes details of its high availability group and, if it is in the active or standby state. Thus allowing the CSSM to group license requirements for the high availability pair.

Box-to-Box High Availability requires CUBE Trunk Redundant Session licenses. From Cisco IOS XE Amsterdam 17.2.1r onwards, license usage is based on dynamic call counting.

Before Failover

  • Establish a trust relationship for both platforms in the high availability configuration with the same CSSM Smart Virtual Account.

  • CSSM sets the reporting policy for each platform.

  • Only the active platform submits license usage reports to CSSM.

After Failover

  • The platform that switches to the active mode reports license usage to the CSSM.

  • The new active platform starts a new license measurement interval timer. For example, if a periodicity of five days is configured and failover occurs after three days, the next measurement will be recorded five days later.

Verify Smart License Operation for Box-to-Box High Availability

You can use all the commands that are given in the section Verify Smart License Operation to verify the licensing status in High Availability mode. The following commands reflect Smart License information that is related to Box-to-Box high availability for IOS XE releases 16.11.1a:

The following commands reflect Box-to-Box high availability licensing information.

  • show cube status—Displays CUBE license capacity and the high availability mode.

    CSR#sh cube status
    CUBE-Version : 14.4
    SW-Version : 17.6.1a, Platform  ISR4321/K9
    HA-Type : hot-standby-chassis-to-chassis
  • show license usage—Displays license usage.

    CSR#sh license usage
    License Authorization: 
      Status: Not Applicable
      Description: CUBE_T_RED
      Count: 100
      Version: 1.0
      Status: IN USE
      Export status: NOT RESTRICTED
      Feature Name: CUBE_T_RED
      Feature Description: CUBE_T_RED
      Enforcement type: NOT ENFORCED
      License type: Perpetual
  • show license summary—Displays the license summary information.

    Following is the sample output from the active instance of CUBE.

    CSR#sh license summary 
    License Usage:
      License                 Entitlement tag               Count Status
      CUBE_T_RED              (CUBE_T_RED)                      1 IN USE
  • show license all—Displays Active and Standby modes.

    c8kv#sh license all
    Smart Licensing Status
    Smart Licensing is ENABLED
    Export Authorization Key:
      Features Authorized:
      Status: DISABLED
    Smart Licensing Using Policy:
      Status: ENABLED
    Data Privacy:
      Sending Hostname: yes
        Callhome hostname privacy: DISABLED
        Smart Licensing hostname privacy: DISABLED
      Version privacy: DISABLED
      Type: Smart
        Not Configured
      Custom Id: <empty>
      Policy in use: Installed On Apr 20 13:26:18 2021 UTC
      Policy name: SLE Policy
      Reporting ACK required: yes (Customer Policy)
      Unenforced/Non-Export Perpetual Attributes:
        First report requirement (days): 30 (Customer Policy)
        Reporting frequency (days): 60 (Customer Policy)
        Report on change (days): 60 (Customer Policy)
      Unenforced/Non-Export Subscription Attributes:
        First report requirement (days): 120 (Customer Policy)
        Reporting frequency (days): 150 (Customer Policy)
        Report on change (days): 120 (Customer Policy)
      Enforced (Perpetual/Subscription) License Attributes:
        First report requirement (days): 0 (CISCO default)
        Reporting frequency (days): 90 (Customer Policy)
        Report on change (days): 60 (Customer Policy)
      Export (Perpetual/Subscription) License Attributes:
        First report requirement (days): 0 (CISCO default)
        Reporting frequency (days): 30 (Customer Policy)
        Report on change (days): 30 (Customer Policy)
    Usage Reporting:
      Last ACK received: Oct 08 13:56:07 2021 UTC
      Next ACK deadline: Dec 07 13:56:07 2021 UTC
      Reporting push interval: 1  days
      Next ACK push check: Oct 22 20:44:57 2021 UTC
      Next report push: Oct 23 16:24:52 2021 UTC
      Last report push: Oct 22 16:24:52 2021 UTC
      Last report file write: <none>
    Trust Code Installed: Apr 20 13:26:18 2021 UTC
    License Usage
    network-advantage_1G (ESR_P_1G_A):
      Description: network-advantage_1G
      Count: 1
      Version: 1.0
      Status: IN USE
      Export status: NOT RESTRICTED
      Feature Name: network-advantage_1G
      Feature Description: network-advantage_1G
      Enforcement type: NOT ENFORCED
      License type: Perpetual
    dna-advantage_1G (DNA_P_1G_A):
      Description: dna-advantage_1G
      Count: 1
      Version: 1.0
      Status: IN USE
      Export status: NOT RESTRICTED
      Feature Name: dna-advantage_1G
      Feature Description: dna-advantage_1G
      Enforcement type: NOT ENFORCED
      License type: Subscription
      Description: CUBE_T_STD
      Count: 121
      Version: 1.0
      Status: IN USE
      Export status: NOT RESTRICTED
      Feature Name: CUBE_T_STD
      Feature Description: CUBE_T_STD
      Enforcement type: NOT ENFORCED
      License type: Perpetual
    Product Information
    UDI: PID:C8000V,SN:93POM8FF9IZ
    Agent Version
    Smart Agent for Licensing: 5.1.21_rel/96
    License Authorizations
    Overall status:
      Active: PID:C8000V,SN:93POM8FF9IZ
          Status: SMART AUTHORIZATION INSTALLED on Sep 21 13:48:56 2021 UTC
          Last Confirmation code: 1fc54c75
    Purchased Licenses:
      No Purchase Information Available#      

Smart Licensing with Inbox High Availability

You can configure a Cisco ASR 1000 Series Router platform with two Route Processors for Inbox High Availability using Stateful Switchover (SSO). In this configuration, one Route Processor is active while the other is in standby mode.

For Smart License configuration, see Smart Software Licensing Task Flow. Only the active Route Processor in the SSO configuration reports license usage, so CSSM reserves one set of licenses for the platform.

Inbox High Availability requires CUBE Trunk Standard Session licenses.

Before Failover

  • Smart License configuration is synchronized between the two Route Processors. Only the active Route Processor registers with CSSM or satellite.

  • The CSSM or satellite authorizes license usage requests for the active Route Processor.


For Smart License using Policy, the CSSM or satellite license usage requests for the active Route Processor.

After Failover

  • The Route Processor that switches to active mode, reports license usage to the CSSM or satellite.

  • As the new report appears to come from the same device, the CSSM or satellite retains the original reservation for the platform.

Verify Smart License Operation for Inbox High Availability

You can use all the commands that are given in the section Verify Smart License Operation to verify the licensing status in the High Availability mode.

The following commands reflect Inbox High Availability (HA) licensing information:

  • show cube status—Displays CUBE license capacity and the high availability mode.

    cube-1#sh cube status
    CUBE-Version : 14.4
    SW-Version : 17.6.1a, Platform ASR1006-X
    HA-Type : hot-standby-card-to-card
    cube-2#sh cube status
    CUBE-Version : 14.4
    SW-Version : 17.6.1a, Platform ASR1006-X
    HA-Type : hot-standby-card-to-card
  • show redundancy states—Displays the redundancy state of the Route Processors.

    cube-1#sh redundancy states
           my state = 13 -ACTIVE 
         peer state = 8  -STANDBY HOT 
               Mode = Duplex
               Unit = Primary
            Unit ID = 48
    Redundancy Mode (Operational) = sso
    Redundancy Mode (Configured)  = sso
    Redundancy State              = sso
         Maintenance Mode = Disabled
        Manual Swact = enabled
     Communications = Up
       client count = 135
     client_notification_TMR = 30000 milliseconds
               RF debug mask = 0x0   
    Gateway monitoring interval  = 0 secs
    cube-2#sh redundancy states 
           my state = 8  -STANDBY HOT 
         peer state = 13 -ACTIVE 
               Mode = Duplex
               Unit = Secondary
            Unit ID = 49
    Redundancy Mode (Operational) = sso
    Redundancy Mode (Configured)  = sso
    Redundancy State              = sso
         Maintenance Mode = Disabled
        Manual Swact = cannot be initiated from this the standby unit
     Communications = Up
       client count = 135
     client_notification_TMR = 30000 milliseconds
               RF debug mask = 0x0   
    Gateway monitoring interval  = 0 secs
  • show license summary—Displays license summary information.

    cube-1#sh license summary (active) 
    License Usage:
      License                 Entitlement tag               Count Status
      adventerprise           (ASR_1000_AdvEnterprise)          1 IN USE
      ipbase                  (ASR_1000_Ipbase)                 1 IN USE
      CUBE_Standard_Session   (CUBE_T_STD)                     10 IN USE
    cube-2#sh license summary (standby)
    License Usage:
      License                 Entitlement tag               Count Status
      adventerprise           (ASR_1000_AdvEnterprise)          1 IN USE
      ipbase                  (ASR_1000_Ipbase)                 1 IN USE

Syslog Messages

  • In B2BHA mode, syslog messages are generated by the active CUBE router and not the standby router. The following is a syslog output for an active CUBE router in B2BHA mode:

    %CUBE-5-LICENSE_INFO: Requesting for 3 CUBE Enhanced trunk licenses