You can display SIP statistics, including SIP INFO method statistics, by using the
statistics and
status commands in privileged EXEC mode. See the following fields for SIP INFO method statistics:
OkInfo 0/0, under SIP Response Statistics, Success, displays the number of successful responses to an INFO request.
Info 0/0, under SIP Total Traffic Statistics, displays the number of INFO messages received and sent by the gateway.
The following is sample output from the
statistics command:
Device# show sip-ua statistics
SIP Response Statistics (Inbound/Outbound)
Trying 1/1, Ringing 0/0,
Forwarded 0/0, Queued 0/0,
SessionProgress 0/1
OkInvite 0/1, OkBye 1/0,
OkCancel 0/0, OkOptions 0/0,
OkPrack 0/0, OkPreconditionMet 0/0
OkSubscibe 0/0, OkNotify 0/0,
OkInfo 0/0, 202Accepted 0/0
Redirection (Inbound only):
MultipleChoice 0, MovedPermanently 0,
MovedTemporarily 0, SeeOther 0,
UseProxy 0, AlternateService 0
Client Error:
BadRequest 0/0, Unauthorized 0/0,
PaymentRequired 0/0, Forbidden 0/0,
NotFound 0/0, MethodNotAllowed 0/0,
NotAcceptable 0/0, ProxyAuthReqd 0/0,
ReqTimeout 0/0, Conflict 0/0, Gone 0/0,
LengthRequired 0/0, ReqEntityTooLarge 0/0,
ReqURITooLarge 0/0, UnsupportedMediaType 0/0,
BadExtension 0/0, TempNotAvailable 0/0,
CallLegNonExistent 0/0, LoopDetected 0/0,
TooManyHops 0/0, AddrIncomplete 0/0,
Ambiguous 0/0, BusyHere 0/0,
BadEvent 0/0
Server Error:
InternalError 0/0, NotImplemented 0/0,
BadGateway 0/0, ServiceUnavail 0/0,
GatewayTimeout 0/0, BadSipVer 0/0
Global Failure:
BusyEverywhere 0/0, Decline 0/0,
NotExistAnywhere 0/0, NotAcceptable 0/0
SIP Total Traffic Statistics (Inbound/Outbound)
Invite 0/0, Ack 0/0, Bye 0/0,
Cancel 0/0, Options 0/0,
Prack 0/0, Comet 0/0,
Subscribe 0/0, Notify 0/0,
Refer 0/0, Info 0/0
Retry Statistics
Invite 0, Bye 0, Cancel 0, Response 0, Notify 0
The following is sample output from the
Device# show sip-ua status
SIP User Agent Status
SIP User Agent for UDP : ENABLED
SIP User Agent for TCP : ENABLED
SIP User Agent bind status(signaling): DISABLED
SIP User Agent bind status(media): DISABLED
SIP max-forwards : 6
SIP DNS SRV version: 2 (rfc 2782)
SDP application configuration:
Version line (v=) required
Owner line (o=) required
Session name line (s=) required
Timespec line (t=) required
Media supported: audio image
Network types supported: IN
Address types supported: IP4
Transport types supported: RTP/AVP udptl