V150.1 MER Support in SDP Passthrough Mode

The Cisco V.150.1 Minimum Essential Requirements (MER) feature complies with the requirements of the National Security Agency (NSA) SCIP-216 Minimum Essential Requirements for V.150.1 recommendation, which provides for four states: audio, voice-band data (VBD), modem relay, and T.38. This feature is added in CUBE (IP-IP gateway) for  V.150.1 calls to traverse a CUBE in SDP passthrough flow-through mode.

Finding Feature Information

Your software release may not support all the features documented in this module. For the latest caveats and feature information, see Bug Search Tool and the release notes for your platform and software release. To find information about the features documented in this module, and to see a list of the releases in which each feature is supported, see the feature information table.

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to https://cfnng.cisco.com/. An account on Cisco.com is not required.

Information About VER.150.1 MER Support in SDP Passthrough Mode

V.150.1 MER Support in SDP Passthrough Mode

V.150.1 is an ITU standard for relaying modem or fax transmission that uses state signaling event (SSE) packets to trigger the transition from audio to modem-relay mode or fax-relay mode. The SSE headers are carried in the RTP packet. After call setup, in-band signaling through Simple Packet Relay Transport (SPRT) and SSE messages is used to transition from one state to another. SPRT packets (non-RTP packets) carry the data after the digital signal processor (DSP) transitions into modem relay mode. UDPTL packets carry the data after the DSP transitions into fax-relay mode.

This feature is added in CUBE (IP-to-IP gateway) to support the  V.150.1 MER modem relay in SDP passthrough mode. This is of importance when CUBE is in the media path between V.150.1 MER supported gateways and needs to handle non-RTP packets (such as SPRT packets).

Modem Relay Topology

Figure 1. Topology—Modem Relay

How to Configure V.150.1 MER Support for SDP Passthrough

Configuring V.150.1 MER Support for SDP Passthrough


  1. enable
  2. configure terminal
  3. Set passthrough SDP mode to non-RTP:
    • voice-class sip pass-thru content sdp mode non-rtp in the dial-peer configuration mode.
    • pass-thru content sdp mode non-rtp in the global VoIP SIP configuration mode.
  4. end


  Command or Action Purpose
Step 1



Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode. Enter your password if prompted.

Step 2

configure terminal


Device# configure terminal

Enters global configuration mode.

Step 3

Set passthrough SDP mode to non-RTP:

  • voice-class sip pass-thru content sdp mode non-rtp in the dial-peer configuration mode.
  • pass-thru content sdp mode non-rtp in the global VoIP SIP configuration mode.
In dial-peer configuration mode

!Setting passthrough SDP mode for one dial peer only
Device (config)#dial-peer voice 20 voip
Device (config-dial-peer)#voice-class sip pass-thru content sdp mode non-rtp 
Device (config-dial-peer)#end
In global VoIP SIP mode

!Setting passthrough SDP mode globally
Device(config)#voice service voip
Device (conf-voi-serv)#sip
Device (conf-serv-sip)#pass-thru content sdp mode non-rtp
Device (conf-serv-sip)#end 
Step 4


Exits to privileged EXEC mode.

Verifying V.150.1 MER Support in SDP Passthrough Mode


  1. enable
  2. debug ccsip verbose


Step 1


Device> enable

Enables privileged EXEC mode.

Step 2

debug ccsip verbose

Device# debug ccsip verbose

010362: *Jan 31 12:34:00.148: //31/14B4F1000000/SIP/Function/sipSPI_ipip_SetSdpPthruCfg:
010363: *Jan 31 12:34:00.148: //31/14B4F1000000/SIP/Function/sipSPI_ipip_IsSDPPassthruEnabled:
010364: *Jan 31 12:34:00.148: //31/14B4F1000000/SIP/Info/critical/8192/sipSPI_ipip_IsSDPPassthruEnabled:  - 1
010365: *Jan 31 12:34:00.148: //31/14B4F1000000/SIP/Function/sipSPI_ipip_SetSDPPassthruMode:
010366: *Jan 31 12:34:00.148: //31/14B4F1000000/SIP/Info/info/128/sipSPI_ipip_SetSDPPassthruMode: SDP Passthru Mode is set to – 1

011365: *Jan 31 12:34:02.604: //31/14B4F1000000/SIP/Function/sipSPIGetStream:
011366: *Jan 31 12:34:02.604: //32/14B4F1000000/SIP/Info/info/128/sipSPI_ipip_UpdatePthruStreamRtcpInfo: Setting stream xmit function to voip_udp_xmit
011367: *Jan 31 12:34:02.604: //32/14B4F1000000/SIP/Function/sipSPIGetRSVPIPTos

Feature Information for V.150.1 MER Support for SDP Passthrough

The following table provides release information about the feature or features described in this module. This table lists only the software release that introduced support for a given feature in a given software release train. Unless noted otherwise, subsequent releases of that software release train also support that feature.

Use Cisco Feature Navigator to find information about platform support and Cisco software image support. To access Cisco Feature Navigator, go to www.cisco.com/go/cfn. An account on Cisco.com is not required.
Table 1. Feature Information for V.150.1 MER Support for SDP Passthrough

Feature Name


Feature Information

V.150.1 MER Support for SDP Passthrough

Cisco IOS XE Release 3.12S

The Cisco V.150.1 Minimum Essential Requirements (MER) feature complies with the requirements of the National Security Agency (NSA) SCIP-216 Minimum Essential Requirements for V.150.1 recommendation, which provides for four states: audio, voice-band data (VBD), modem relay, and T.38. This feature is added in CUBE (IP-IP gateway) for  V.150.1 calls to traverse a CUBE in SDP passthrough flow-through mode.

The following commands were introduced or modified: pass-thru content sdp mode non-rtp and voice-class sip pass-thru content sdp mode non-rtp