Cisco Container Platform is a fully curated, lightweight container management platform for production-grade environments, powered by Kubernetes, and delivered with Cisco enterprise-class support. It reduces the complexity of configuring, deploying, securing, scaling, and managing containers using automation along with Cisco's best practices for security and networking. Cisco Container Platform is built with an open architecture using open source components.
Feature |
Description |
Kubernetes Lifecycle Management |
Enables you to deploy Kubernetes clusters, add or removed nodes, and upgrade Kubernetes clusters to latest versions. |
Persistent Storage |
Allows you to persist data for containerized applications between upgrades and updates through HyperFlex storage driver. |
Monitoring and Logging |
Provides dashboards, alerts, and indexing to monitor resource usage and behavior of platform components through Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana (EFK) stack and Prometheus. |
Container Networking |
Provides container to container and container to non-containerized application layers communication with security policies. |
Load Balancing |
Offers software Ingress load balancing through NGINX and node port functionality of Kubernetes for containerized applications. |
Role Based Access Control |
Integrates with Active Directory and offers permission-based rules. |
Revision History
Release |
Date |
Description |
1.0 |
May 22, 2018 |
First release |
1.0.1 |
May 25, 2018 |
Updated the Fixed Issuesand Know Issues sections |
1.1.0 |
June 29, 2018 |
Added the What's New and Upgrading Cisco Container Platform sections Updated the Fixed Issuesand Know Issues sections |
1.4.0 |
July 31, 2018 |
Updated the What's New, Fixed Issues, and Known Issues sections |
1.4.1 |
August 6, 2018 |
Added the Fixed Issues, 1.4.1 section |
1.5.0 |
September 6, 2018 |
Updated the What's New, Fixed Issues, and Known Issues sections |
2.0.1 |
October 15, 2018 |
Updated the What's New, Fixed Issues, and Known Issues sections |
2.1.0 |
November 1, 2018 |
Updated the What's New, Fixed Issues, and Known Issues sections |
2.1.1 |
December 6, 2018 |
Added the Fixed Issues, 2.1.1 section |
2.2.2 |
December 13, 2018 |
Updated the What's New, Fixed Issues, and Known Issues sections |
3.0.0 |
February 7, 2019 |
Updated the System Requirements, Fixed Issues, Known Issues, and What's New sections |
3.0.1 |
February 21, 2019 |
Updated the Fixed Issues section |
3.1.0 |
March 20, 2019 |
Updated the System Requirements, Fixed Issues, Known Issues, and What's New sections |
3.2.0 |
April 29, 2019 |
Updated the System Requirements, Fixed Issues, Known Issues, and What's New sections |
3.2.1 |
May 6, 2019 |
Updated the Fixed Issues and Known Issues sections |
4.0.0 |
June 11, 2019 |
Updated the System Requirements, What's New, Fixed Issues, and Known Issues sections |
4.0.1 |
July 3, 2019 |
Updated the What's New and Known Issues sections |
System Requirements
Cisco Container Platform Installer OVA
Latest two versions of the tenant OVA
vCenter cluster with High Availability (HA) and Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) enabled
A DHCP server that provides IP addresses to the Cisco Container Platform installer VMs
A shared datastore that is mounted on all the ESXi hosts in the cluster
Cisco Container Platform Control Plane VMs need to have network access to the vCenter appliance API
Cisco Container Platform 1.3.0 and later requires hypervisor hosts to be running CPUs with an Ivy Bridge or newer microarchitecture.
Kubectl version within one minor version of target Kubernetes cluster
What's New
Support for Kubernetes 1.13
Note: Kubernetes 1.10 tenant clusters are no longer supported. Before upgrading to Cisco Container Platform 4.0, you must upgrade the tenant clusters that use Kubernetes 1.10 to a newer version.
Support for Multi-GPU configurations
Support for Hyperflex CSI driver
Enhanced the Cisco Container Platform web interface:
Improved error handling during cluster creation and viewing cluster details
Included progress indicators for all drop-down lists
Updated EFK to version 6.7.2
Updated Harbor to version 1.7.5
Included minor bug fixes
Installing Cisco Container Platform
For step by step instructions on installing Cisco Container Platform, refer to the Cisco Container Platform Installation Guide.
Upgrading Cisco Container Platform
Upgrading Cisco Container Platform is supported from the 2.2.2 release for deployments using Calico or ACI for CNI.
If an existing deployment uses Contiv for CNI, then upgrades to the current version are not supported.
Backing Up and Restoring Cisco Container Platform Data
The IP addresses required for the new Control Plane must be from the original IP address pool range of the Control Plane that was created during installation. If this is not possible, you must open a support case for assistance in creating a complete backup.
Fixed Issues
Cisco Container Platform web interface bug fixes
Security updates for containers
Known Issues
During a Cisco Container Platform upgrade, it is required to deregister and reregister the Cisco Container Platform instance.
Follow these steps:
Deregister your Cisco Container Platform instance.
Note: You can deregister from the Cisco Container Platform web interface before the upgrade or from the Cisco Smart Software Manager before or after the upgrade.
Register your Cisco Container Platform instance from the Cisco Container Platform web interface after the upgrade.
Mounting volumes fail when using pods with Persistent Volumes provisioned using HyperFlex CSI or HyperFlex.
As a result, the following errors may occur:
The pod remains in the
state. -
Viewing pod details results in errors.
For example:
kubectl describe pod <Pod name>
Warning FailedMount ... Unable to mount volumes for pod ...: timeout expired waiting for volumes to attach or mount for pod Warning FailedMount ... MountVolume.MountDevice failed for volume ... : rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = context deadline exceeded
The log file on the HyperFlex controller VM contains errors.
For example:
Error found in
:scvmclient[xxx:xxx]: USER: ALERT: ISTGT.ISTGT.GenericMessage: istgt_lu_disk_init:xxx: Retrying open for LU1: LUNxxx: retryCnt:1 scvmclient[xxx:xxx]: USER: ALERT: ISTGT.ISTGT.GenericMessage: istgt_lu_disk_init:xxx: LU1: LUNxxx: open error(errno=25000)
Follow these steps to reset the state of the HyperFlex FlexVolumes and CSI volumes:
Delete the Persistent Volume Claims and Persistent Volumes that are created using HyperFlex FlexVolume or CSI provisioners.
kubectl delete pvc <Persistent volume claim name> kubectl delete pv <Persistent volume name>
Log in to the HyperFlex controller VM with the HyperFlex Management IP address.
On the zkCli console, run the following commands:
rmr /hxVolumeInv exit
To clear the HyperFlex Persistent Volume state, run the following commands on each HyperFlex controller VM:
rm /nfs/SYSTEM/istgt.conf restart scvmclient restart hxSvcMgr
Verify if the volume is mounted.
ls /nfs/SYSTEM
If the volume is not mounted, run the following command to mount it:
initctl emit --no-wait system-datastore-created
Deploying tenant clusters with GPU requires manual configuration.
After cluster creation, run the following command to manually install the Nvidia Device Plugin on the tenant cluster:
kubectl apply -f
You cannot modify the size of the repository of a Harbor tenant cluster in the 3.2.0 and 3.2.1 version of Cisco Container Platform.
Provision a Harbor tenant using Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0.
When you upgrade from the Cisco Container Platform 3.0 version, the managed IP addresses that belong to the old clusters not properly released.
In the Cisco Container Platform web interface, the EKS clusters are visible only to Admin users.
vSphere folders are not supported.
cert-manager is now deployed in tenant clusters. It is supported as Tech Preview.
Cisco Container Platform upgrade from a version earlier than 2.2.2 fails when the cluster name contains uppercase letters.
SSH to the Cisco Container Platform Control Plane master VM and change the cluster name to lowercase in the `ccp-appdata` table:
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y jq kubectl exec -it mysql-0 -- mysql -p$(kubectl get secret mysql -o json | jq -r '.data["mysql-root-password"]' | base64 -d) ccp-appdata -e "update keyvalues_keyvalue set value = replace(value, 'CCP-CLUSTER-NAME', lower('CCP-CLUSTER-NAME')) where instr(value, 'CCP-CLUSTER-NAME') > 0;" kubectl exec -it mysql-0 -- mysql -p$(kubectl get secret mysql -o json | jq -r '.data["mysql-root-password"]' | base64 -d) ccp-appdata -e "select * from keyvalues_keyvalue;"
If you are using a localized version of vSphere, follow these steps to rename the datastore folder for the cluster data:
In the vSphere web client, click vCenter.
Click the Storage tab.
From the left pane, choose the datastore that is used to create the cluster.
Select the folder with the cluster name that you want to change.
For example:
Rename the folder to the lowercase of the same name.
For example:
Follow these steps to ensure that any existing disk path uses lowercase names:
Click the Virtual Machines tab, choose the VM named
, and then click Edit settings. -
Remove Harddisk 2.
Click the Manage Other Disks tab and remove Harddisk.
Click Add Existing Hard Disk and choose the disk from
datastore/<your cluster name>/etcd.disk
. -
Click Add Existing Hard Disk and choose the disk from
datastore/<your cluster name>/cert.disk
Start the upgrade of Cisco Container Platform using the same cluster name in lowercase.
On Upgrading to HyperFlex 3.5.2, volume traffic disruption occurs.
Note: This section is applicable only if you are using the HyperFlex Flex Volume plugin for Kubernetes.
In HyperFlex 3.5.1 or earlier, the IP address used by the vSwitch on ESXi hosts was The HyperFlex clusters whose Storage Hypervisor Network addresses are in the range conflicted with To work around this IP conflict issue, in HyperFlex 3.5.2, the default IP address is changed to Due to this change, the Flex Volume configuration on the Kubernetes nodes will no longer be correct after an upgrade.
Note: You must use only one of the following two options to workaround this issue.
Option 1: Change Configuration on HyperFlex Controller VMs
You can use this option when there are no existing HyperFlex clusters that use the range on ESXi. This avoids the need to change the Kubernetes node configuration for these clusters.
After upgrading HyperFlex to 3.5.2, follow these steps to change the default IP address to
Run the following command to find iscsiTargetAddress = "" and replace it with iscsiTargetAddress = "" in the application.conf file:
sed -i -e 's/iscsiTargetAddress**' /opt/springpath/storfs-mgmt/hxSvcMgr-1.0/conf/application.conf
Run the following command to find istgtConfTargetAddress = "" and replace it with istgtConfTargetAddress = "" in the application.conf file:
sed -i -e 's/istgtConfTargetAddress**' /opt/springpath/storfs-mgmt/hxSvcMgr-1.0/conf/application.conf
Run the following commands to restart the following services:
restart hxSvcMgr restart stMgr
Option 2: Change Configuration on all Kubernetes VMs
You can use this option when there are existing HyperFlex clusters that use the range on ESXi. After a Kubernetes cluster operation such as scale up or upgrade, this step must be repeated on the new VMs. For this reason, we recommend option 1 as the preferred solution.
After upgrading HyperFlex to 3.5.2, run the following command for every Kubernetes VM to find "targetIp": "" and replace it with "targetIp": "" in the hxflexvolume.json file:
ssh -l <ssh user> -i <private key file> <VM IP> -- sed -i -e 's/' /etc/kubernetes/hxflexvolume.json
<ssh user>
must match the ssh user that you specified during cluster creation.The
<private key file>
must correspond to the public key that you specified during cluster creation. -
The Upgrade button on the Cluster Details screen of the Cisco Container Platform web interface is not working currently.
You can upgrade a tenant cluster from the Clusters screen.
During a Control Plane upgrade, if you change the SUBNET CIDR field on the Verify Network screen, the IP ADDRESS RANGE is updated.
Note: You must use only one of the following two options to workaround this issue.
Option 1:
Go to the Authenticate CCP screen, enter the necessary data, and then click NEXT.
The original IP address range is restored.
Option 2:
In a Contiv or Calico deployment, find the original IP address range from the Network Editing screen.
In an ACI deployment earlier than the 2.2.x, the original start and end IP address is the existing Control Plane IP address.
In an ACI deployment 2.2.x and later, the original start and end IP address is the same as that which is configured during the Cisco Container Platform installation.
During an ACI tenant upgrade, you can safely ignore the Subnet field.
Cisco Container Platform must use the Kubernetes images that are associated with the current release. Older versions of the tenant base image are not supported.
ACI tenant cluster does not work with a link-local interface with Kubernetes 1.11.3.
You can use only the latest two versions of the tenant image that are associated with the current release. Use of older versions of the tenant image is not supported.
You will get errors when you scale up tenant clusters or add new node pools to clusters that were created using an older version of Cisco Container Platform.
You must upgrade Cisco Container Platform before attempting to scale up tenant clusters or add new node pools.
When using HyperFlex as the dynamic provisioner, mounting volumes may fail with the following error message:
MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "xxxxx" : mount command failed, status: Failed to mount volume xxxxx, reason:
Restart the scvmclient on the esx server using the following command:
/etc/init.d/scvmclient restart
Ensure that the status is running.
In an ACI environment, the link to a tenant cluster Kubernetes Dashboard from the Cisco Container Platform dashboard is not supported. To view the tenant cluster in the Kubernetes Dashboard, you need to obtain the Ingress IP of external IP address using
kubectl get svc
. -
The Cisco Container Platform web interface displays links to external pages such as Smart Licensing. You cannot launch these pages if you do not have access to them.
Virtual IP address is not released when cluster creation fails.
In a Contiv deployment, you should not use
for a NetworkPolicy. -
In a Contiv deployment, network policy does not work with the hostnetwork pod.
In a Contiv deployment, the pod CIDR must be at least a /14 network.
In a Calico deployment:
The network policy matching on labels will not block hostnetwork access to pods or services.
Host IP change may impact pod networking. To resolve the issue, you need to restart the Calico pods.
is not installed when you enable Istio.For more information on installing Istio, refer to the latest Istio documentation.
When upgrading Istio from the 0.8 version to the 1.0 version, the backend services stop responding and you need to manually restart them.
When you upgrade tenant clusters, the Prometheus and EFK components are purged before installing the new versions. If you want to save history, a manual backup and migration are required before a tenant cluster upgrade.
Taking a snapshot of the VMs managed by Cisco Container Platform is currently unsupported and results in failures during upgrades.
ACI deployments are only supported in online mode.
ACI deployments do not support Kubernetes security context.
Viewing Open and Resolved Bugs
The open and resolved bugs for this release are accessible through the Cisco Bug Search Tool. This web-based tool enables you to access the Cisco bug tracking system, which maintains information about bugs and vulnerabilities in this product and other Cisco hardware and software products. You can search for bugs using bug IDs or keywords.
Before you begin
Ensure that you have a Cisco username and password to log in to the Cisco Bug Search Tool. If you do not have a Cisco username and password, you can register for an account.
Step 1 |
Log in to the Cisco Bug Search Tool with your Cisco username and password. |
Step 2 |
To search for a specific bug, enter the bug ID in the Search For field and press the Enter key. |
Step 3 |
To search for the bugs that belong to the current release, enter Cisco Container Platform 4.0.0 in the Search For field, and then press the Enter key.
Step 4 |
To export the results to a spreadsheet, click the Export Results to Excel link. |
Related Documentation
The following table lists the documents that are available for Cisco Container Platform.
Document |
Description |
Cisco Container Platform Installation Guide |
Describes installing Cisco Container Platform on your deployment environment. |
Cisco Container Platform User Guide |
Describes administering and managing Kubernetes clusters, and deploying applications on them. |
Cisco Container Platform API Guide |
Describes the Cisco Container Platform APIs. |
These documents are available on
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request
For information on obtaining documentation, submitting a service request, and gathering additional information, see What’s New in Cisco Product Documentation.
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