Upgrading the Cisco Prime Service Catalog Virtual Appliance

You can upgrade from 11.0, 11.1, and 11.1.1 to 12.0. Only these two upgrade paths are supported.

To upgrade to Cisco Prime Service Catalog Virtual Appliance 12.0, you must perform a migration process rather than an in-place upgrade. This is because many third-party components have changed in version 12.0, such as the Operating System and so on. Therefore, you must deploy a new 12.0 virtual appliance prior to migrating the existing 11.0, 11.1, or 11.1.1 virtual appliance. For instructions to deploy Cisco Prime Service Catalog Virtual Appliance 12.0, see Installing Prime Service Catalog Virtual Appliance.

At a high level, the upgrade procedures are as follows:

Table 1 High-Level Upgrade Procedures

Step 1

Disable the UCS Director automatic polling flag. This setting should be disabled on the Prime Service Catalog 11.0, 11.1, or 11.1.1 virtual appliance set up .

Go to Administration > Settings and disable the UCSD Scheduler option.

Step 2

Back up the database on 11.0, 11.1, or 11.1.1 virtual appliance.

See Backing Up the Database on 11.0 or 11.1 Virtual Appliance

Step 3

Installing a new 12.0 Virtual Appliance.

See Installing Prime Service Catalog Virtual Appliance

Step 4

Upgrade the database from 11.0, 11.1, or 11.1.1 virtual appliance to 12.0 virtual appliance. You can either manually copy the database from the backup in Step 2 or you can let the system copy it from the remote location using the shell menu option.

See Upgrading to the latest Virtual Appliance Database

Step 5

Perform the post upgrade steps to complete the upgrade/migration process.

See Performing the Post-upgrade Tasks

Backing up the Database on Cisco Prime Service Catalog Virtual Appliance 11.0, 11.1, or 11.1.1


If you plan to use your own database and choose not to install the database node. You can download the factory default dump CPCSUSER__factory_default.dmp from the cisco.com website and import the dump into your oracle. For more information on Importing, see Exporting Cisco Prime Service Catalog Schema and Importing to the External Oracle Database.

    Step 1   Login to the Virtual Appliance as the shelladmin user and the password that you had provided while Installing Prime Service Catalog Virtual Appliance 11.0, 11.1 or 11.1.1. Once logged in, you will see the Shell Menu.
    Step 2   Back up database. Select Manage Databases > Backup Prime Service Catalog Database. While taking the backup of the database, you will be prompted for the following values:
    1. Do you want to proceed:Enter y to proceed with the database backup.
    2. Enter the desired name for the backup file CPSCUSER_backup_<timestamp>.dmp. For example:
    After the value for the last prompt is entered, the VM will perform a series of tasks to backup the Oracle database. This process will take a few minutes to complete. Wait until you see the message on the screen, which says that the Backup performed successfully. After the backup is done, the system will ask you whether you want to start all Prime Service Catalog services. You can start the services on 11.0, 11.1, or 11.1.1 virtual appliance.
    Step 3   Ensure database backup was successful.
    Step 4   Login as the root user. From the Shell Menu, select Login as Root.
    Step 5   Access the Oracle Backup Directory by executing the following command:
    cd /opt/cisco/.backups/oracle/cpscuser

    What to Do Next

    Install the 12.0 virtual appliance. For more information, see Installing Prime Service Catalog Virtual Appliance

    Exporting Cisco Prime Service Catalog Schema and Importing to the External Oracle Database

      Step 1   Back up the database. For detailed procedure, see section Backing up the Database on Cisco Prime Service Catalog Virtual Appliance 11.0, 11.1, or 11.1.1.
      Step 2   Login as the root user on the Prime Service Catalog 12.0 Virtual Appliance.
      Step 3   Go to the Oracle Backup Directory by executing the following command:
      cd /opt/cisco/.backups/oracle/cpscuser
      Step 4   Execute the following command to copy the backup files from previous Virtual Appliance to the external Oracle database:
      scp CPSCUSER_backup_<timestamp>.dmp root@{IP_of_external oracle database}:/<external oracle directory>
      Step 5   Enter the password of the external oracle database.
      Step 6   Execute the following command on the external oracle to create the directory in the external oracle database by logging in as system user:
      SQL> create or replace directory CPSC_BACKUPS as ‘opt/cisco/.backups/oracle/cpscuser’
      Step 7   Execute the following command on the external oracle to verify the location of the dump file in the specified directory:
      SQL> select directory_name,directory_path from dba_directories
      Step 8   Execute the following command on the external oracle to import the backup files:
      impdp <systemuser>_schemas=cpscuser directory=CPSC_BACKUPS	 dumpfile=CPSCUSER_backup_<timestamp>.dmp

      Upgrading to the Latest Virtual Appliance Database

      Before You Begin

        Step 1   Login to the Virtual Appliance as the shelladmin user and the password that you had provided while Installing Prime Service Catalog Virtual Appliance 12.0. Once logged in, you will see the Shell Menu.
        Step 2   Select Manage Database > Restore Prime Service Catalog Database. You will be prompted for the following values:
        1. Do you want to proceed:Enter y to proceed with the database upgrade.
        2. Select the location from where the database file should be retrieved: You can either manually copy the database from the backup or you can let the system copy it from the remote location using the shell menu option. Choose remote if you want system to copy the database files from a remote machine. Choose local if you want to manually copy the database from some location to your local folder . To manually copy, do the following on the 12.0 Virtual Appliance prior to proceeding with this "Upgrade Previous Version of Prime Service Catalog Database" shell menu:
          1. Login as the root user on the 12.0 Virtual Appliance.

          2. Go to the Oracle Backup Directory by executing the following command:

            cd /opt/cisco/.backups/oracle/cpscuser

          3. Execute the following command to copy the backup files from previous Virtual Appliance to the new 12.0 Virtual Appliance :

            scp root@{IP_of_11.1_VA}:/opt/cisco/.backups/oracle/cpscuser/CPSC_11.1_backup.dmp .

          4. Change the backup file ownership and permissions:

            chown oracle.oracle CPSCUSER_11.0_backup.dmp

            chmod a+r CPSCUSER_11.0_backup.dmp

          If you have selected remote option, the following options are displayed:

          1. Enter the IP address of the Virtual Appliance node where the database backup files can be retrieved:

          2. Enter the root password of the Virtual Appliance node:

          3. Select the database backup file from the list of backup files:


        At the end of the restore process, you will be prompted for starting Prime Service Catalog services. Enter n to proceed with the upgrade process.

        Step 3   Select Manage Database > Upgrade Prime Service Catalog Database from Earlier Appliance from the Prime Service Catalog node. You will be prompted for the following values: Do you want to proceed:Enter y to proceed with the database upgrade.
        Step 4   Ensure database upgrade was successful.

        What to Do Next

        Perform the post upgrade steps to complete the upgrade/migration process. For more information, see Performing the Post-upgrade Tasks.

        Performing Post-upgrade Tasks for the Virtual Appliance

          Step 1   Log in to the Service Catalog application as a Site Administrator user.
          Step 2   Update UCSD users, groups, infrastructure templates, containers.
          1. From the main menu, navigate to Advanced Configuration > Integrations.
          2. Select the UCSD connection and import data into Prime Service Catalog using click Import all Objects option from Manage Integration drop-down.
          Step 3   (Optional) This step is applicable only if the Docker app was used in 11.0. After the upgrade, select an application template with Docker software, click on the software and do the following:
          1. Change the Docker version from 1.4.1 to the latest.

          2. Set the Docker registry to private registry or a public docker hub (for example: https://hub.docker.com/login/).

          3. Enter the values for RegistryUsername, RegistryPassword, and RegistryUserEmail .

          4. Click Save after updating the Docker configuration.

          5. Rebuild the Docker application service.