Create a
To create a
- Choose
Service Designer > Services > Offer > Bundle.
- Select
bundle. The system automatically checks the “This
service cannot be included in a bundle” option because Service Designer does
not support bundled services within bundles.
The “Include
Service” button becomes enabled.
After you add
a service to a bundle (making it a child service), Service Designer disables
the two check boxes and instead displays a list of the bundles in which the
service is included.
- Click
Service. The “Select a service” dialog box
appears. This dialog box lists only services for which the “This service cannot
be included in a bundle” option is not checked.
- Choose the
service that you wish to include in the bundle, and click
Service. The child service appears in the
“Includes section on the Offer/Bundle” subtab. The child services appear in “My
Services” as part of the detailed information for the parent service (on the
Included Services subtab).
- Repeat
Steps 3 and 4 to add other child services to the bundle.
In Service
Designer, begin by choosing the service you wish to use as the parent service
or create a new service to act as the parent. Once you have chosen the service,
click the
Offer tab to
get started. The assumption is that you have already created the child services
that you wish to include in the bundle.
other services with a Bundle
To associate
other services with a bundle:
- Choose
Service Designer > Services > Offer > Bundle.
- Click Add
Pre-requisites in the Pre-requisites table.
- Select a
service and click Add
- Choose
Service Designer > Services > Offer > Bundle.
- Click Add
Accesories in Recommended Accessories table
- Select a
service and click Add
and Recommended Accessories allow service designers to associate additional
services with the current service. These options may be specified both for
bundled and nonbundled services.
- Prerequisites are other services that are required
before ordering this service. For example, a customer must have a computer
purchased and installed before ordering software installation.
- Recommended
Accessories are other services that are
recommended as add-ons to the service. For example, if the service is for a
cell phone, recommended accessories might be a headset and case.
If a service
has prerequisites or recommended accessories, the corresponding link appears to
the right of the service’s detailed description in My Services.
There is no
behavior associated with either the listed prerequisite services or accessories
that must be ordered individually. These are optional but can be helpful to the
end user.
To prevent
bundling a service:
- Choose the
service that you want to prevent from being bundled.
- Choose
Service Designer > Services > Offer >
- Choose the
bundle option.
If you want
to prevent other service designers from including a service in a bundle,
complete the following procedure. Services marked in this way do not appear in
the “Select a service” dialog box when choosing child services.
Order of Child Services
To Change
order of Child services:
- In the
“Includes” section, check the check box of the service that you want to move.
- Click
the Up- or Down-Arrow icon to move the service.
If desired,
you can make one of the subtasks conditional to effect an “opt-out” scenario.
In this case, the child service still appears to have been ordered (with all
tasks skipped).
Change an
Included Task Name
To change
an included task name:
- Choose
Service Designer > Services > Plan.
- Click
the task name. The General tab appears with information about the task. The
“Task Type” indicates the task is an Included Service. The “Service Name”
identifies the service that the included task represents. (This is important
information if you change the name of the included task.)
- Enter a
new task name in the “Task Name” field, and then click
Included Participants
To review
include participants in a bundle:
- Choose
the parent service.
- Click
Plan tab.
- Click
For each
child service you add to a bundle, Service Designer automatically assigns
participant information into the delivery plan of the parent service.
information on the Participants tab is taken from the Project Manager of the
child service. Service Designer automatically assigns both the Performer and
the Supervisor of the task using whatever is currently defined as the Project
Manager of the child. If you change the Project Manager of the child service,
the change is reflected dynamically for the included task.
Designer names the performer of the included task the Subplan Manager. It names
the supervisor the Plan Manager.
The price
of a Bundle includes the price of each included service, as defined in each
child service. You set the price of any service on the Pricing subtab of the
service's Offer tab. The price could potentially be adjusted by using the Set
Price action in an active form component rule, applied either to the bundle as
a whole or to its component services.
For your
convenience as you construct a bundled service, the price of each child service
is listed on the parent service's Offer tab, Bundle subtab. If a child
service’s price is defined as Pricing required, the system schedules a pricing
step for that service at the time a My Services user orders the bundle.
Price of a Bundle
To discount
a bundle:
- Choose
Service Designer > Services > Offer >
- From
Services panel, click the parent service.
- Click
Offer tab,
and then the
- Enter a
negative value for the price. For example, to discount the service bundle by
$1000.00, enter –1000.00.
- Click
The price
of a bundle can be discounted in either of two ways:
- Use
dynamic pricing, via the Set Price action available in active form component
rules, to reduce the price of a service when it is used in a bundle.
- Use the
Pricing subtab of the parent service. There you can set a negative price for
the parent service, which is subtracted against the total cost of the included
example, if the cost of all child services adds up to $5,000 and you enter a
negative price of $1000 for the parent service, the net cost for the bundle
becomes $4000. By doing this, you encourage the end user to order the bundled
service rather than each service individually.
can see that the price has been discounted only after they've clicked Order for
the bundle. To let them know about the discount up front, you can use the
service's Description field on the General tab, or the Description field on the
Offer tab/Pricing subtab, to briefly highlight the financial advantage of
choosing the bundled service.
Display Parameters on the Order Form
Administration > Home > Personallize your Site> Customizations >
Service Manager > Show Bundle Data
When the
system creates the composite order form for a bundled service, any duplicate
dictionaries are eliminated. This means that if a dictionary is associated with
a parent service and one of the parent's child services (or multiple child
services), the system will display only the first instance of that dictionary
on the bundled service order form.
There are
two options to display service form data:
- ShowBundleData
On (default) shows service performers the
composite order form for the bundle when processing work items within any of
the child services.
- ShowBundleData
Off shows service performers only the dictionaries
from the child service they are working on. The system ensures that the data
for the bundled service duplicates the data entered for one dictionary in all
instances of that dictionary. So if a dictionary from a child service was
suppressed on the original order form (because it duplicated a dictionary in
the parent service), any service performer processing just the child service
will still see the data entered by the customer.
Included Tasks
To review
included tasks in a bundle:
- From the
Service panel, choose the parent service.
- Choose
Service Designer > Services > Plan .
The child
services are automatically named following this convention: “Deliver Included
service-name .” For example, a service might appear as
Deliver Included Service Phones.”
For each
service you add to a bundle, Service Designer automatically inserts a task into
the delivery plan of the parent service. This task is referred to as an
included task.
service tasks behave like most delivery-plan tasks, with the following
- You
cannot delete an Included Service task. The Delete button on the Plan tab is
disabled. To delete this task, remove the corresponding child service from the
- You
cannot set Duration values. These are calculated as the total Duration from the
child service’s delivery plan.
- You
cannot edit the Task Type. This is set to “Included Service” by default.
- You
cannot create or associate checklists. There is no Checklist tab for the task.
- You
cannot edit the information on the Participants tab.
the task is automatically named “Deliver Included Service
service-nam e,” you
change the task name if desired.
You can
also arrange included tasks in a task/subtask relationship by indenting one
under another. However, the delivery of both services will start at the same
Cancellation of Child Services in a Bundle
To ensure
that the customer cannot cancel the service after a task in the service bundle
has started
- Choose
Service Designer > Service > Plan.
- Select a
task from the task table.
- Click
the “Do not allow cancellation of service after task starts” check box on the
General subtab.
A customer
can cancel a bundle once it has been ordered. Canceling a bundle cancels all
included services. The option to cancel individual child services is disabled
for the end user on the Edit Requisition page. Service Designer essentially
defines “the point of no return” for the customer to cancel a service. This
option can be checked for the entire bundle of service or for individual
subtasks within. However, once this point has been reached for
any of
the services within the bundle, the customer cannot cancel the bundle.
The “Do not
allow cancellation of service after task starts” check box on the service's
Plan tab, General subtab in Service Designer essentially defines “the point of
no return” for the customer to cancel a service. This option can be checked for
the entire bundle or for individual child services within, but once this point
has been reached for any of the services within the bundle, the customer cannot
cancel the bundle.
Additionally, when “the point of no return” has been reached for any service or
subtask within the bundle, the Cancel button is removed for the service order.