Scripts for JBoss Cluster Application Server
Cluster setup for JBoss can be configured in All Components Setup or Separate Component topology.
- VM 1 is Domain Controller, Host Controller, and Service Link for Host 1
- VM 2 is Host Controller for Host 2
- VM 1 is Domain Controller
- VM 2 is Service Link
- VM 3 is Host Controller for Host 1
- VM 4 is Host Controller for Host 2
Adding Subsequent Host Nodes Manually in JBoss Cluster
1. Run the GUI Installer for the host controller setup on the subsequent node, vm<N>, where N is the number of the node.
2. Select the Host Controller in the Node Type Selection panel followed by Host1 as the cluster node.
3. Do not run any of the startup-scripts.
Step 1 Rename host1.xml to host<N>.xml. The file, host1.xml is present under the InstallationDirectory/jboss-eap-7.0/domain/configuration directory .
Step 2 Follow the below steps to create a new user:
a. Execute or add-user.bat script from InstallationDirectory/jboss-eap-7.0/bin location.
b. Enter a to select the Management User.
c. Provide HOST<N> as the Username.
d. Provide HOST<N> as the Password.
e. Enter yes to use the entered password.
f. Re-Enter HOST<N> for Password confirmation.
g. Press Enter to pass the management group information
h. Enter yes to add the user 'HOST<N>' for realm 'ManagementRealm'.
i. Enter no for the interconnection of AS process.

Note • The new user needs to be created in the machine having host Controller(host<N>) and domain controller (host1) as well.
- Verify that the user is added in the InstallationDirectory/jboss-eap-7.0/domain/configuration/
Step 3 Perform the following changes in host<N>.xml:
a. Change the name of Host from HOST1 to HOST<N>.location for host<N>.xml. This file is available in the C:\Installation_directory\jboss-eap-7.0\domain\configuration
b. Change the secret value in the <server-identities> section. The secret value can be obtained from the website :
Enter the URL
•Enter HOST<N> in the text box (without any extra space or newline).
•Click on Convert the Source Data button.
c. Change the name of the server instance from server-host1-RC to server-host<N>-RC to avoid name conflicts:
d. Change the CONTROLLER_TYPE from host1 to host<N> in setEnv.cmd script in InstallationDirectory/bin directory .
e. Delete the logs and servers directories from InstallationDirectory/jboss-eap-7.0/domain , if exists.
Step 4 The following changes need to be done in startServiceCatalogCluster.cmd script in InstallationDirectory/bin directory .
a. Add the following code snippet in BOLD in the script file:
b. Add the following code snippet in BOLD in the script file:
Step 5 Start the server with startServiceCatalogCluster.cmd or sh and once it is up, verify from the JBoss EAP admin server console under the domain whether the host<N> is registered.
Step 6 Addition of scripts for both 4-VM Cluster and 2-VM Cluster in the VM-1 machine (machine containing the domain controller)
a. Copy shutdownAllOnHC1.cmd and rename the copied script as shutdownAllOnHC<N>.cmd
b. Copy startServiceCatalogOnHC1.cmd and rename the copied script as s tartServiceCatalogOnHC<N>.cmd
c. Copy stopServiceCatalogOnHC1.cmd and rename the copied script as stopServiceCatalogOnHC<N>.cmd

Note In the Linux platform if new scripts does not have the read/write permission, you should manually assign the read/write permission before executing.
d. Perform the below operations in the stopServiceCatalogOnHC<N>.cmd script file cautiously:
Configuring Plugin for IIS Web Server
This section provides information on how to configure the plugin for IIS web server (version 8.x) on a Windows Server 2012 R2 machine to redirect to clustered JBoss EAP application servers (version 10.1.0.Final).
To configure plugin got IIS Web Server:
Step 1 Add Web Server Role for IIS.
Step 2 Install Tomcat Plugin.
Step 3 Copy WAR Directories.
Step 4 Create Virtual Directories for IIS.
Step 5 Modify Plugin Properties.
Step 6 Configure Instance-ID for JBoss EAP.
Step 7 Test IIS.
Add Web Server Role for IIS
Step 1 Navigate to Service Manager Dashboard > Manage Tab > Add Roles and Features.
Step 2 Add the role Web Server (IIS) on your Windows Server 2012 R2 operating system.
Make sure you select the ISAPI Extensions and ISAPI Filters role services when adding IIS.
Step 3 After adding the Web Server (IIS) Role, start the World Wide Web Publishing Service.
Step 4 Launch a browser and connect to URL = http://localhost.
You should see the Welcome IIS 8.x page.
Install Tomcat Plugin
Step 1 Download the PSC 12.x software package from and extract it.
Step 2 Cd to <PSC_Software_Extract_Dir>\isapi directory.
Step 3 Copy file to your IIS web server machine and extract it under the C:\inetpub\isapi directory.

Note Create the isapi sub-directory under C:\inetpub first if necessary.
Step 4 Cd to C:\inetpub\isapi and rename the file isapi_redirect-1.2.37-win64.dll to isapi_redirect.dll.
Copy WAR Directories
If you have JBoss EAP installation and your IIS is on a separate machine from JBoss EAP, then perform the following steps to copy WAR directories:
Clustered JBoss EAP installation with Separate Component Topology
Step 1 On the JBoss EAP machine where one of the cluster nodes for RequestCenter is running, cd to the <PSC_Install_Dir>\jboss-eap-7.0\content directory.
Step 2 Copy the entire RequestCenter.war sub-directory from this machine to the IIS machine and place it under the C:\inetpub\WAR\ directory.
Step 3 On the JBoss EAP machine where the ServiceLink server is running, cd to the <PSC_Install_Dir>\jboss-eap-7.0\ServiceLinkServer\deployments directory.
Step 4 Copy the entire ServiceLink.war sub-directory from this machine to the IIS machine and place it under the C:\inetpub\WAR\ directory.
Clustered JBoss EAP installation with All Components Topology
Step 1 On the JBoss EAP machine that is the primary cluster node for RequestCenter, cd to the <PSC_Install_Dir>\jboss-eap-7.0\content directory.
Step 2 Copy the entire RequestCenter.war sub-directory from this machine to the IIS machine, and place it under the C:\inetpub\WAR\ directory.
Step 3 On the same JBoss EAP machine, cd to the <PSC_Install_Dir>\jboss-eap-7.0\content directory.
Step 4 Copy the entire ISEE.war sub-directory from this machine to the IIS machine and place it under the C:\inetpub\WAR directory.
Step 5 Rename the folder to C:\inetpub\WAR\ServiceLink.war.
Create Virtual Directories for IIS
Step 1 On the IIS machine, launch Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
Step 2 Choose Hostname > Sites > Default Web Site.
Step 3 Right click on the Default Web Site and select Add Virtual Directory.
Step 4 On the pop up window, enter the following values, and then click OK:
Step 5 Right click on Default Web Site and select Add Virtual Directory to add another directory.
Step 6 On the pop up window, enter the following values, and then click OK:
Step 7 Right click on Default Web Site and select Add Virtual Directory to add another directory.
Step 8 On the display window, enter the following values, and then click OK:
Step 9 Click on Default Web Site node. And on the right pane, double click ISAPI Filters.
Step 10 Click Add link under the Actions column on the right pane.
Step 11 On the pop up window, enter the following values, and then click OK:
Step 12 Click on Default Web Site node. And on the right panel, double click Handler Mappings.
Step 13 Click the Edit Feature Permissions link under the Actions column on the right pane.
Step 14 On the pop up window, select all Read, Script and Execute check boxes, and then click OK.
Step 15 Click on the Hostname node. On the right panel, double click on ISAPI and CGI Restrictions.

Note The Hostname node is the parent node of sites.
Step 16 Click the Add link under the Actions column on the right most pane.
Step 17 On the display window, enter the following values, and then click OK:
Modify Plugin Properties
Step 1 Modify the file C:\inetpub\isapi\ as follows:
Step 2 Modify the file C:\inetpub\isapi\conf\ as follows:
Step 3 If you have a clustered JBoss EAP installation (regardless of 4-VM Topology or 2-VM Topology), then modify the file C:\inetpub\isapi\conf\ as follows:

Note The following is an example for a JBoss EAP installation with 2 cluster nodes of RequestCenter.
- That is there are 2 RequestCenter servers running on two separate VM’s.
- If you have 3 or 4 cluster nodes, you just need to follow this example and add a section for rcnode3 and for rcnode4 appropriately.
Step 4 Restart World Wide Web Publishing Service.

Note If you have clustered JBoss EAP installation, continue to the next section Configure instance-id for JBoss EAP.
For Separate Component Topology
You must perform the following steps for clustered JBoss EAP installation with Separate Component topology:
Step 1 Log on to the JBoss EAP Domain Controller machine, and stop all JBoss EAP servers.
Step 2 Open file <PSC_Install_Dir>\jboss-eap-7.0\domain\configuration\domain.xml and search for the following line:
Replace it with the following value:

Note This should be replaced at two places in domain.xml file.
Step 3 Log on to the Host Controller 1 for RequestCenter, and stop all JBoss EAP servers.
Step 4 Open file <PSC_Install_Dir>\jboss-eap-7.0\domain\configuration\host1_backup.xml, and search for the following section:
Replace it with the following:
Step 5 Log on to the Host Controller 2 for RequestCenter, and stop all JBoss EAP servers.
Step 6 Open file <PSC_Install_Dir>\jboss-eap-7.0\domain\configuration\host2_backup.xml, and search for the following section:
Replace it with the following:
Step 7 Login to SL Node for Service Link and stop all JBoss EAP Servers.
Step 8 Open File \PSC_install_Dir\jboss-eap-7.0\domain\configuration\hostsl_backup.xml and search for following section:

Note If you have more than 2 cluster nodes, then repeat Step 5 through Step 8 for each subsequent node. For example,
- On the 3rd node, you need to modify the file host3_backup.xml and add the system-properties for rcnode3.
- On the 4th node, you need to modify the file host4_backup.xml and add the system-properties for rcnode4.
Step 9 Start up JBoss EAP servers on the Domain Controller machine and on each Host Controller machine.
Go to the section Test IIS.
For All Components Topology
Perform the steps in this section only if you have a clustered JBoss EAP installation with All Components topology:
Step 1 Log on to the JBoss EAP Domain Controller machine, and stop all JBoss EAP servers.
Step 2 Open file <PSC_Install_Dir>\jboss-eap-7.0\domain\configuration\domain.xml and search for the following line:
Replace it with the following value:

Note This should be replaced at two places in domain.xml file.
Step 3 Open file <PSC_Install_Dir>\jboss-eap-7.0\domain\configuration \hostva_ backup.xml, and search for the following section:
Replace it with the following:
Step 4 Log on to the Host Controller 2 for RequestCenter, and stop all JBoss EAP servers.
Step 5 Open file <PSC_Install_Dir>\jboss-eap-7.0\domain\configuration\host2_backup.xml, and search for the following section:
Replace it with the following:

Note If you have more than 2 cluster nodes, then repeat Step 4 and Step 5 for each subsequent node. For example,
- On the 3rd node, you need to modify the file host3_backup.xml and add the system-properties for rcnode3.
- On the 4th node, you need to modify file host4_backup.xml and add the system-properties for rcnode4.
Step 6 Start up JBoss EAP servers on the Domain Controller machine and on the Host Controller 2 machine.
Go to the section Test IIS.
Test IIS
The following section provides information on verifying the connection to Prime Service Catalog.
Step 1 Verify by connecting to the URL http://<IP_Address_of_IIS_Host>/RequestCenter.
If you connected you can see the Login Page of Prime Service Catalog.
Step 2 For clustered JBoss EAP installation with 2 nodes, stop one of the nodes.
And verify that you can still connect to the URL http://<IP_Address_of_IIS_Host>/RequestCenter.
Configuring Data Source for SQL in JBoss EAP
Step 1 Log on to the JBoss EAP Admin console (URL example below) with you credentials and click OK. This will take you to JBoss EAP Application administrator console.
<hostname> = The fully qualified domain hostname or the IP address of the computer where you
installed the JBoss EAP server for Service Catalog.
<port> =The HTTP Port number assigned to the JBoss EAP server for Service Catalog. The default value
Step 2 Click on Configuration tab > Profiles > HA > Data sources > Non XA, to be able to edit and make changes.
Step 3 Click Add to add a new data source.
Step 4 Choose driver as Custom from the list.
Step 5 Enter Name: SERVICECATALOGDS and JNDI Name: java:/<Name of the data source>
Step 7 Select driver from the Detected Drivers tab as “Microsoft” and click Next.
Step 8 Enter the connection URL: jdbc:sqlserver://<db_server>:1433;DatabaseName=VM236_RCDB_RC4
Step 9 Enter your credentials.
Step 10 Fill up the various fields under different tabs as mentioned in the table below:
Minimum size is 20, maximum size is 80 and other values set to False. |
Step 11 Click Enable > Confirm.

Note (Applicable only for JBoss EAP cluster) If the datasource is still disabled, set the datasoure to <enabled = true> in domain.xml file and restart the domain.
Step 12 In the Connection Tab test the connection and you will see the confirmation message: “Successfully created the JDBC connection.”
Step 13 Restart the JBoss EAP server.
Configuring Data Source for Oracle in JBoss EAP
Step 1 Log on to the JBoss EAP Admin console (URL example below) with you credentials and click OK. Click on Configuration tab to be able to edit and make changes.
<hostname> = The fully qualified domain hostname or the IP address of the computer where you
installed the JBoss EAP server for Service Catalog.
<port> =The HTTP Port number assigned to the JBoss EAP server for Service Catalog. The default value
Step 2 Click on Configuration tab > Profiles > HA > Data sources > Non XA, to be able to edit and make changes.
Step 3 Click Add to add a new data source.
Step 4 Enter Name: SERVICECATALOGDS and JNDI Name: java:/<Name of the data source>
Step 6 Choose driver from the list as Custom.
Step 7 Select driver from the detected drivers tab as “oracle-thin” and click Next.
Step 8 Enter the connection URL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<db_server>:1433;DatabaseName=VM236_RCDB_RC4
Step 9 Enter your credentials.
Step 10 Fill up the various fields under different tabs as mentioned in the table below:
Minimum size is 20, maximum size is 80 and other values set to False. |
Step 11 Click Enable > Confirm.

Note (Applicable only for JBoss EAP cluster) If the datasource is still disabled, set the datasoure to <enabled = true> in domain.xml file and restart the domain.
Step 12 In the Connection Tab test the connection and you will see the confirmation message: “Successfully created the JDBC connection.”
Step 13 Restart the JBoss EAP server.