Changing the ESC Password
You will be forced to change the default password on the first time login. Portal will not let you bypass this step and will keep returning you to this page until you change the default password. After the first time password change, you can change your password using the procedures described in this section. Also, if the user has multiple browsers or tabs or the SAME user is logged on by 2 or more computers and one of the user changes the password then everyone will be logged off and asked to re-enter the new password. The user session has an expiry of 1 hour so if the user is inactive on the portal for an hour then portal will expire the session and the user will have to re-login. If you forgot your password, you can also update or randomly generate the password.
This section discusses how to change the passwords.
Changing the ConfD Netconf/CLI Administrator Password Using the Command Line Interface
After you install ESC, to change the Confd admin password, do the following:
Step 1 |
Log in to the ESC VM.
Step 2 |
Switch to the admin user.
Step 3 |
Load the ConfD CLI:
Step 4 |
Set the new admin password:
Step 5 |
Save the changes.
Changing Linux Account Password
Step 1 |
Log in to ESC VM.
Step 2 |
To update or generate a random password, use the following command:
Changing the ESC Portal Password
The user can update or reset the default admin password.
Step 1 |
Log in to ESC VM. |
Step 2 |
Switch to the root user. |
Step 3 |
To update the default admin password or randomly generate a password, use one of the following method: