Setting ESC in a Maintenance Mode
ESC must be put to maintenance mode to backup and restore ESC database. To do so, use the escadm tool as specified in the below section.
Before you begin
Note |
From ESC release 4.4, ESC continues to be in maintenance mode after HA switch over or DB restoration, if ESC was in maintenance mode before HA switch over or DB restoration. |
During maintenance mode,
Northbound requests are blocked by ESC and ESC responds with maintenance mode notification.
Only REST requests receive response that ESC is unavailable temporarily. ConfD requests get the maintenance mode rejection message, or an OK message for all idempotent request such as create tenant request when the tenant already exists.
Monitoring actions are paused.
All ongoing requests and transactions continue to progress.
Using the escadm Tool
ESC can be put to maintenance mode using the escadm tool.
Step 1 |
Put ESC to maintenance mode from the VM shell:
Step 2 |
To query operation mode at any time,
Step 3 |
Set maintenance mode when there is no in-flight transaction. Using the ipt_check flag with the escadm tool, you can choose to set ESC in the maintenance mode only if there are no ongoing transactions in ESC. Set the flag to true, if you do not want ESC to set in the maintenance mode, if there are ongoing transactions in ESC.
With the ipt_check option set to true, escadm tool checks if there is any on going operation, if so, the escadm tool will not set ESC to maintenance mode. |
Setting ESC in an Operation Mode
sudo escadm op_mode set --mode=operation
Response is as follows:
Set mode to OPERATION
Operation Mode = OPERATION
sudo escadm op_mode show