Manage Reports

Reports Overview

Cisco EPN Manager reports provide information about system and network health as well as fault information. You can customize and schedule reports to run on a regular basis. Reports can present data in a tabular, or graphical format (or a mixture of these formats). You can also save reports in CSV or PDF format. The CSV or PDF files can be saved on the Cisco EPN Manager server for later download, or sent to an e-mail address.

Cisco EPN Manager provide the following type of data:

  • Current—Provides a snapshot of data that is not time-dependent.
  • Historical—Periodically retrieves data from the device and stores it in the Cisco EPN Manager database.
  • Trend—Generates a report using aggregated data, which is collected and summarized as minimums, maximums, and averages.

With Cisco EPN Manager, you can filter these reports based on a specific criteria. For example, IPSLA Y.1731 reports can be filtered based on probes and PWE3 reports can be filtered based on Virtual Connection Identifier (VCID). You can also export reports, sort reports into logical groups, and archive reports for long-term storage.

Available Reports

The Reports Launch Pad provides access to the following Cisco EPN Manager reports:

Carrier Ethernet Performance Reports

This section lists the Carrier Ethernet (CE) Performance reports supported by Cisco EPN Manager. It also includes the monitoring policies that must be enabled so that the proper report data is collected. For more information about monitoring policies, see How Device Health and Performance Is Monitored: Monitoring Policies.

Report Type


Monitoring Policies That Must Be Enabled

Parameters That Must Be Activated

IPSLA Graphs

Graphical representation of average delay backward, average delay forward, average delay two-way, jitter forward, jitter backward, average backward packet loss ratio, average forward packet loss ratio, and availability.


For details about the IPSLA monitoring policy, see IP SLA Monitoring Policy.

Response Time Avg, Response Time Max,Response Time Min, Jitter Neg DS Avg, Jitter Neg SD Avg, Jitter Pos DS Avg, Jitter Pos SD Avg, Packet Loss Overall Util Avg, Packet Loss DS Util Avg, Packet Loss SD Util Avg, Latency One Way SD Avg, Latency One Way SD Max, Latency One Way SD Min, Latency One Way DS Avg, Latency One Way DS Max, Latency One Way DS Min

IPSLA Statistics

Tabular representation of probe index, IPSLA probe type, TOS, target IP, VRF name, average delay two-way, average delay forward, average delay backward, packet loss ratio forward, packet loss ratio backward, average jitter forward, average jitter backward, average backward packet loss ratio, average forward packet loss ratio, and availability.


For details about the IPSLA monitoring policy, see IP SLA Monitoring Policy.

Jitter Neg DS Avg, Jitter Neg SD Avg, Jitter Pos DS Avg, Jitter Pos SD Avg, Packet Loss Overall Util Avg, Packet Loss DS Util Avg, Packet Loss SD Util Avg, Latency One Way SD Avg, Latency One Way SD Max, Latency One Way SD Min, Latency One Way DS Avg, Latency One Way DS Max, Latency One Way DS Min


Tabular representation of probe index, IPSLA probe type, TOS, target IP, VRF name, average delay two-way, maximum delay two-way, minimum delay two-way, average delay forward, maximum delay forward, minimum delay forward, average delay backward, maximum delay backward, minimum delay backward, average forward packet loss ratio, average backward packet loss ratio, jitter forward, jitter backward and availability.


For details about the IPSLA monitoring policy, see IP SLA Monitoring Policy.

Response Time Avg, Response Time Max,Response Time Min, Jitter Neg DS Avg, Jitter Neg SD Avg, Jitter Pos DS Avg, Jitter Pos SD Avg, Packet Loss Overall Util Avg, Packet Loss DS Util Avg, Packet Loss SD Util Avg, Latency One Way SD Avg, Latency One Way SD Max, Latency One Way SD Min, Latency One Way DS Avg, Latency One Way DS Max, Latency One Way DS Min

IPSLA Y.1731 Graphs

Graphical representation of average delay backward, average delay forward, jitter two-way, jitter forward, jitter backward, average backward frame-loss ratio, average forward frame-loss ratio, and availability of the Y.1731 probe.

IPSLA Y.1731

For details about the IPSLA Y.1731 monitoring policy, see IP SLA Y.1731 Monitoring Policy.

Average Delay Two Way, Average Delay Forward, Average Delay Backward, Average Positive Jitter Forward, Average Negative Jitter Forward, Average Positive Jitter Backward, Average Negative Jitter Backward, Average Forward Frame Loss Ratio, Average Backward Frame Loss Ratio

IPSLA Y.1731 Statistics

Tabular representation of operation type, CFM domain, source, destination, frame type, average delay two-way, average delay forward, average delay backward, average jitter, forward frame loss ratio, backward frame loss ratio, average forward jitter, average backward jitter, and availability of the Y.1731 probe.

IPSLA Y.1731

For details about the IPSLA Y.1731 monitoring policy, see IP SLA Y.1731 Monitoring Policy.

Average Delay Two Way, Average Delay Forward, Average Delay Backward, Average Forward Frame Loss Ratio, Average Backward Frame Loss Ratio, Average Jitter

IPSLA Y.1731 Top N

Tabular representation of operation type, CFM domain, source, destination, frame type, average delay two-way, maximum delay two-way, minimum delay two-way, average delay forward, maximum delay forward, minimum delay forward, average delay backward, maximum delay backward, minimum delay backward, average forward frame loss ratio, maximum forward frame loss ratio, minimum forward frame loss ratio, average backward frame loss ratio, maximum backward frame loss ratio, minimum backward frame loss ratio, jitter forward, jitter backward, and availability of the devices that are configured using the Y.1731 technology.

IPSLA Y.1731

For details about the IPSLA Y.1731 monitoring policy, see IP SLA Y.1731 Monitoring Policy.

Average Delay Two Way, Average Delay Forward, Average Delay Backward, Average Positive Jitter Forward, Average Negative Jitter Forward, Average Positive Jitter Backward, Average Negative Jitter Backward, Average Forward Frame Loss Ratio, Average Backward Frame Loss Ratio

Interface Availability

Displays the interface details for the devices in the network.

Interface Health

For details about the Interface Health monitoring policy, see Interface Health Monitoring Policy.


Interface Graphs

Graphical representation of the interface traffic statistics over time: in traffic, out traffic, in utilization and out utilization.

Interface Health

For details about the Interface Health monitoring policy, see Interface Health Monitoring Policy.


Interface Top N

Tabular representation of Top N reports of interface traffic statistics: maximum in traffic, average in traffic, maximum out traffic, average out traffic, maximum in utilization, maximum out utilization and current in utilization, current out utilization, in errors, out errors, in discards, out discards and interface availability.

Interface Health

For details about the Interface Health monitoring policy, see Interface Health Monitoring Policy.


Interface Traffic

Tabular representation of interface traffic statistics: in traffic rate, out traffic rate, in utilization, out utilization, in errors, out errors, in discards, out discards, in packets rate, out packets rate (including L3 packets), CRC errors and percentage.

Interface Health

For details about the Interface Health monitoring policy, see Interface Health Monitoring Policy.

Statistics and CRC

Link Optical SFP Power Level Reports

Tabular representation of the A end device, A end interface, Z end device, Z end interface, and their Tx and Rx power levels.


The prerequisite for this report is to have CDP/LLDP enabled links in the network.

Optical SFP

For more details about the Optical SFP monitoring policy, see Optical SFP Monitoring Policy.

Optical Tx Power, Optical Rx Power

Link Utilization

Tabular representation of A end device, A end interface, A member of, A end in utilization, A end out utilization, Z end device, Z end interface, Z member of, event time, and the interface utilization of the interfaces participating in the link, including the link aggregate group they belong to.


The prerequisite for this report is to have CDP/LLDP enabled links in the network.

Interface Health

For details about the Interface Health monitoring policy, see Interface Health Monitoring Policy.


MPLS Link Statistics

Representation of link delay and jitter in MPLS segment routing.

MPLS Link Performance

For more details about the MPLS monitoring policy, see MPLS Link Performance Monitoring Policy.

Average Delay, Min Delay, Max Delay, RX Packets, TX Packets

Optical SFP interface report

Tabular representation of transmit/receive power levels of the devices for interfaces. Includes device name, interface name, RxPower, TxPower, EVENTTIME.

Optical SFP

For more details about the Optical SFP monitoring policy, see Optical SFP Monitoring Policy.

Optical Tx Power, Optical Rx Power

PWE3 Statistics

Tabular representation of PWE3 traffic and availability statistics including device name, IP address, VC ID, peer address, VC type, current in bit rate, current out bit rate, current in byte rate, current out byte rate, current in packet rate, current out packet rate, global availability, in availability and out availability.

Pseudowire Emulation Edge to Edge

For details about the Pseudowire Emulation Edge to Edge monitoring policy, see Pseudowire Emulation Edge to Edge Monitoring Policy.

PW VC Perf Total In HC Packets Rate,PW VC Perf Total In HC Bytes Rate, PW VC Perf Total Out HC Packets Rate, PW VC Perf Total Out HC Bytes Rate, PW VC Oper Status Up, PW VC Inbound Oper Status Up, PW VC Outbound Oper Status Up, PW VC Oper Status Down, PW VC Perf Total In HC Packets, PW VC Perf Total In HC Bytes, PW VC Perf Total Out HC Packets, PW VC Perf Total Out HC Bytes, PW VC Inbound Oper Status Down, PW VC Outbound Oper Status Down

PWE3 Top N

Tabular representation of Top N reports of PWE3 statistics including device name, IP address, VC ID, peer address, VC type, average in byte rate, average out byte rate, maximum in byte rate, maximum out byte rate, average in bit rate, average out bit rate, maximum in bit rate, maximum out bit rate, average in packet rate, average out packet rate, maximum in packet rate, maximum out packet rate, global inbound availability and global outbound availability.

Pseudowire Emulation Edge to Edge

For details about the Pseudowire Emulation Edge to Edge monitoring policy, see Pseudowire Emulation Edge to Edge Monitoring Policy.

PW VC Perf Total In HC Packets Rate,PW VC Perf Total In HC Bytes Rate, PW VC Perf Total Out HC Packets Rate, PW VC Perf Total Out HC Bytes Rate, PW VC Oper Status Up, PW VC Inbound Oper Status Up, PW VC Outbound Oper Status Up, PW VC Oper Status Down, PW VC Perf Total In HC Packets, PW VC Perf Total In HC Bytes, PW VC Perf Total Out HC Packets, PW VC Perf Total Out HC Bytes, PW VC Inbound Oper Status Down, PW VC Outbound Oper Status Down

PWE3 Traffic Graphs

Graphical representation of PWE3 traffic including average in bit rate, average out bit rate, average in byte rate, average out byte rate, average in packet rate, average out packet rate, global availability, in availability and out availability.

Pseudowire Emulation Edge to Edge

For details about the Pseudowire Emulation Edge to Edge monitoring policy, see Pseudowire Emulation Edge to Edge Monitoring Policy.

PW VC Perf Total In HC Packets Rate,PW VC Perf Total In HC Bytes Rate, PW VC Perf Total Out HC Packets Rate, PW VC Perf Total Out HC Bytes Rate, PW VC Oper Status Up, PW VC Inbound Oper Status Up, PW VC Outbound Oper Status Up, PW VC Oper Status Down, PW VC Perf Total In HC Packets, PW VC Perf Total In HC Bytes, PW VC Perf Total Out HC Packets, PW VC Perf Total Out HC Bytes, PW VC Inbound Oper Status Down, PW VC Outbound Oper Status Down

QoS Policing

Tabular representation of the details about the policy map: ClassMap. The details include, direction of the policy map, average exceed byte rate, maximum exceed byte rate, maximum exceed date, average violate byte rate, maximum violate byte rate, maximum violate date, average conformed byte rate, maximum conformed byte rate, maximum conformed date, CIR current rate and PIR current rate. Also, graphical representation of exceed, violate and conformed byte rates.

Quality of Service

For details about the Quality of Service monitoring policy, see Quality of Service Monitoring Policy.

Conformed Bytes Rate, Exceeded Bytes Rate, Violated Bytes Rate, Exceeded Packets, Violated Bytes, CIR, Conformed Bytes, Exceeded Bytes, PIR

QoS Policy

Graphical and tabular representation of the details about the policy map: ClassMap. The details include, direction of the policy map, average pre-policy byte rates, maximum pre-policy byte rates, average post-policy byte rates, maximum post-policy byte rates, maximum pre-policy dates, maximum post-policy dates, average drop in percentage, maximum drop in percentage, maximum drop date, average pre-policy of CIR, average interface speed in percentage, maximum pre-policy of CIR, maximum interface speed in percentage, average pre-policy of CIR, maximum pre-policy of CIR and interface speed date. Also, graphical representation of pre-policy, post-policy, drop bit rate, and drop percentage.

Quality of Service

For details about the Quality of Service monitoring policy, see Quality of Service Monitoring Policy.

Drop Bytes Rate, Drop Percent, Post-Policy Bytes Rate, Pre-Policy Bytes Rate, Pre-Policy Percent of CIR, Post-Policy Percent of CIR, CIR, Post-Policy Rate (Bytes/Sec),Pre-Policy Bytes

Optical Performance Reports

Table lists the Optical Performance reports supported by Cisco EPN Manager. For all the graphical reports, ensure that you select a maximum of four interfaces when you schedule or run these reports. For all the tabular reports, use the Show field to specify the number of records to be displayed in a page when you schedule or run these reports.

The performance data displayed when you generate these reports depend on the monitoring policy parameter that you activate when you enable the monitoring policy. For a detailed list of monitoring type and the associated performance counters, see Monitoring Policies Reference. For more information about monitoring policies, see Monitor Device and Network Health and Performance. For information about how to interpret the report results, see Report Output Examples: Web GUI Output and CSV File Output.


Enable the Optical 1 day, Optical 15 mins, or Optical 30 secs monitoring policies to populate data for these reports.
Table 1. Optical Performance Reports


Report Type


Monitoring Policy Parameters That Must Be Activated

Parameters That Must Be Polled


Ethernet Reports–NCS1K, NCS2K and NCS4K

Graphical and tabular reports that lists the total number of packets requested by the higher-level protocols to be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. The details also include total number of multicast frames transmitted error free, total number of packets requested by higher-level protocols, total number of transmitted octects, total number of octets received on the interface and number of received packets that were discarded because of errors.

To customize the report output for a new report, choose Reports > Report Launch Pad > Optical Performance > Ethernet, click New, and then click Customize in the Settings area .

To customize the report output for an existing report, choose Reports > Report Launch Pad > Optical Performance > Ethernet, click the required report link, and then click Customize in the Settings area.

Optical 1 day,

Optical 15 mins,

or Optical 30 secs

For details about the information collected by optical monitoring policies, see Monitoring Policies Reference.

For information about how to interpret the report results, see Report Output Examples: Web GUI Output and CSV File Output.



Section Monitoring NEnd & FEnd Reports- NCS1K, NCS2K and NCS4K

Graphical and tabular reports that list the OTN section monitoring details of devices and interfaces in the OTN circuit type. The details include number of background block errors and its ratio, number of errored seconds and its ratio, number of severely errored seconds and its ratio, number of unavailable seconds, and number of failure counts.

Optical 1 day,

Optical 15 mins,

or Optical 30 secs

For details about the information collected by optical monitoring policies, see Monitoring Policies Reference.

For information about how to interpret the report results, see Report Output Examples: Web GUI Output and CSV File Output.


DWDM Infrastructure1

Path Monitoring NEnd & FEnd Reports

Graphical and tabular reports that list the OTN path monitoring details of devices and interfaces in OTN circuit type. They provide details such as number of background block errors and its ratio, number of errored seconds and its ratio, number of severely errored seconds and its ratio, number of unavailable seconds, and number of failure counts.

Forward Error Correction Reports- NCS1K, NCS2K and NCS4K

Graphical and tabular reports that list the OTN forward error correction details of devices and interfaces in the OTN circuit type. The details include ECW, UCW, the number of bit errors corrected, number of uncorrectable words, and Pre-forward error correction based bit error counts detected during the performance monitoring time interval.

Tandem Connection Monitoring NEnd & FEnd Reports

Graphical and tabular reports that provide the tandem connection monitoring details for the devices and interfaces in the OTN circuit type. The details include number of background block errors and its ratio, number of errored seconds and its ratio, number of severely errored seconds and its ratio, number of unavailable seconds, and number of failure counts.


GFP Statistics Reports–NCS2K and NCS4K

Graphical and tabular reports that provide the generic framing procedure (GFP) statistics for the devices in the OTN circuit type. The GFP statistics include number of GFP frames and bytes received and transmitted, number of single and multiple bit errors received, number of packets received with CRC errors, invalid GFP type, and invalid CID, number of CMF frames received and transmitted, and number of cHEC and tHEC multiple bit errors.


DWDM Infrastructure1


Optical Power Reports-NCS1K, NCS2K, and NCS4K

Graphical and tabular reports that provide the average, minimum, and maximum percentage of optical input and output power of the received and transmitted signal for devices in a physical circuit type.

Optical 1 day,

Optical 15 mins,

or Optical 30 secs

For details about the information collected by optical monitoring policies, see Monitoring Policies Reference.

For information about how to interpret the report results, see Report Output Examples: Web GUI Output and CSV File Output.


DWDM Infrastructure1

Laser Bias Current Reports-NCS1K, NCS2K, and NCS4K

Graphical and tabular reports that provide the average, minimum, and maximum percentage of laser bias current. The laser bias current is the normalized value expressed as the integer percentage.

Optical Physical Report -NCS1K, NCS2K, NCS4K

Graphical and tabular reports that provide the average, minimum, and maximum value of optical power on the unidirectional port. The details include the average, minimum and maximum Optical Service Channel power level The details of average, minimum and maximum optical signal-to-noise ratio, optical power warning, chromatic dispersion, second order polarization mode dispersion, polarization dependent loss, differential group delay, polarization change rate, and phase noise.


SDH Regenerator Section Report

Graphical and tabular reports that provide the performance monitoring details of the SDH regenerator section layer for the devices in your network. The details include the number of background block errors and its ratio, number of errored seconds and its ratio, number of severely errored seconds and its ratio, number of unavailable seconds, number of errored block, and number of out-of-frame seconds.

Optical 1 day or

Optical 15 mins

For details about the information collected by optical monitoring policies, see Monitoring Policies Reference.

For information about how to interpret the report results, see Report Output Examples: Web GUI Output and CSV File Output.


DWDM Infrastructure1

SDH Multiplex Section NEnd & FEnd Reports - NCS2K

Graphical and tabular reports that provide the performance monitoring details of SDH multiplex section layer for the devices in your network. The details include number of background block errors and its ratio, number of errored seconds and its ratio, number of severely errored seconds and its ratio, number of unavailable seconds, number of errored blocks, number of failure counts, protection switching — Switching count, ring count, span count, working count, duration, ring duration, span duration and working duration.

SDH Multiplex Section NEnd & FEnd Reports - NCS4K

Graphical and tabular reports that provide the performance monitoring details of SDH multiplex section layer for the devices in your network. The details include number of background block errors and its ratio, number of errored seconds and its ratio, number of severely errored seconds and its ratio, number of unavailable seconds, and number of errored blocks.

SONET Section Report

Graphical and tabular reports that provide performance monitoring details of SONET section layer for the devices in your network. The details include number of coding violations, number of errored seconds, number of severely errored seconds, and number severely errored frame seconds.

SONET Line NEnd & FEnd Reports - NCS2K

Graphical and tabular reports that provide performance monitoring details of SONET line layer for the devices in your network. The details include number of coding violations, number of errored seconds, number of severely errored seconds, number of unavailable seconds, number of failure counts, protection switching— Switching count, ring count, span count, working count, duration, ring duration, span duration and working duration.

SONET Line NEnd & FEnd Reports - NCS4K

Graphical and tabular reports that provide performance monitoring details of SONET line layer for the devices in your network. The details include number of coding violations, number of errored seconds, number of severely errored seconds, number of unavailable seconds, and number of failure counts.

1. You must activate this parameter for all Cisco Optical Networking Services (ONS) and Cisco Network Convergence System (NCS) 2000 series devices.

Performance Reports

This section lists the basic performance reports supported by Cisco EPN Manager. It also lists the monitoring policies and parameters that must be enabled for each of the report type. These reports are applicable for both Optical and Carrier Ethernet technologies.


These reports are not supported for Cisco NCS 2000 devices.

For more information about monitoring policies, see Monitor Device and Network Health and Performance.

Report Type


Monitoring Policies That Must Be Enabled

Parameters That Must Be Activated

Application Summary

Representation of the application configuration details.




Displays the conversation details.



End User Summary

Displays the end user summary reports for each client.



Environmental Temperature

Tabular representation of Device IP Address, name, Sensor Name, Sensor Type, Maximum Inlet Temp, Maximum Other Temp, and Eventtime for network devices.

Device Health

For details about the Device Health monitoring policy, see Device Health Monitoring Policy.

Environment Temperature

Summarized Temperature Report

Tabular representation of Device IP Address, Device Name, Sensor Name, Sensor Type, Max Time Stamp, Maximum (Celsius), Min Time Stamp, and Minimum (Celsius) for network devices.

Device Health

For details about the Device Health monitoring policy, see Device Health Monitoring Policy.

Environment Temperature

Current Temperature Report

Tabular representation of Device IP Address, Device Name, Sensor Name, Sensor Type, Temp (Celsius), and Current Time Stamp for network devices.

Device Health

For details about the Device Health monitoring policy, see Device Health Monitoring Policy.

Environment Temperature

Site Summary

Displays the site summary reports in the network.



Threshold Violations

Lists the threshold violation alarms data (source, event type, category and description) for your network in a table.

Interface Health

For details about the Device Health monitoring policy, see Device Health Monitoring Policy.

Admin Status Up/Down

Operational Status Up/Down

Admin Status Up and Operational Status Down Percentage

Voice Video Summary

Lists the voice video summary reports in the network.



WAN Performance Analysis

Lists the WAN Application Performance Analysis in the network.



WAN Traffic Analysis Summary

Displays the WAN traffic details.



Network Summary Reports

This section lists the Network Summary reports supported by Cisco EPN Manager. These reports provide information about the health of the network.

Report Type


Monitoring Policies That Must Be Enabled

Parameters That Must Be Polled

Link Flap Report

Tabular representation of the A end device, A end interface, Z end device, Z end interface, link name and the number of flaps.



Device Reports

This section lists the device reports supported by Cisco EPN Manager. It also lists the monitoring policies and parameters that must be enabled for each of the report type. These reports are applicable for both Optical and Carrier Ethernet technologies.


Device reports are not supported for Cisco NCS 2000 devices.

For more information about monitoring policies, see Monitor Device and Network Health and Performance.

Report Type


Monitoring Policies That Must Be Enabled

Parameters That Must Be Activated

Alarm Report

List of alarms for devices in the network. Includes severity, message, status, failure source, time stamp, creation time, device timestamp, owner, category, condition, location, service affecting, satellite ID.



CPU Utilization

Table listing all devices with their average CPU usage for a specified time period.

Device Health

For details about the Device Health monitoring policy, see Device Health Monitoring Policy.

CPU Utilization

Detailed Hardware

Hardware information for the entire inventory or device types (for example, Switches and Hubs, Routers, and Optical Transport).



Detailed Software

Software information for the entire inventory or device types (for example, Switches and Hubs, Routers, and Optical Transport).



Device Availability

Table listing all the available devices in the network and their reachability percentage.



Device Credential Verification

The credential status of the devices in your network. Includes the login, reachability, and protocol statuses of each device. Also, includes the last modified date and time for the device.



Device Health

CPU utilization, memory utilization, and availability information of the network devices for a specified time period. Includes minimum, maximum, and average for all CPU modules and memory pools on a device.

Device Health

For details about the Device Health monitoring policy, see Device Health Monitoring Policy.

CPU Utilization

DMVPN Reports

DMVPN information for the devices in the network.



Event Report

List of events for devices in your network. Includes description, failure source, time stamp, device timestamp, severity, category, condition.



GET VPN Network Status

VPN Network Status for the devices in the network.



Identity Capability

Identity capability summary information for the switches in the network.



Interface Detail

Interface details for the devices in your network. Includes device name, port name, port description, MAC address, admin status, operational status.




Basic inventory data for the devices in your network. Includes count of controllers by model, count of controllers by software version, controller inventory, count of APs by model, count of APs by software version, AP inventory, disassociated AP(s), autonomous AP inventory, maintenance mode AP(s), count of MSEs by version, MSEs, count of switches by model, count of switches by version, switch inventory, switch devices software images, count of routers by model, count of routers by version, router inventory, router devices software images, count of Cisco Interfaces and Modules devices by model, count of Cisco Interfaces and Modules devices by software version, Cisco Interfaces and Modules devices inventory, Cisco Interfaces and Modules - software images, count of storage networking devices by model, count of storage networking devices by software version, storage networking devices inventory, storage networking devices - software images, count of security and VPN by model, count of security and VPN by software version, security and VPN inventory.



Link Report

Link Utilization for OTU, OTS, ODU, OMS enabled link in network.

Device Health

For details about the Device Health monitoring policy, see Device Health Monitoring Policy.


Memory Utilization

Memory utilization information for a specified time period. Includes information for all memory pools/modules.


Memory Pool Utilization

Port Capacity

Interface utilization percentages for the devices in the network.



PTP State

PTP Clock Class, PTP Servo, Port Index and PTP Boundary Clock data.

PTP/SyncE Monitoring Policy

For details about the PTP/SyncE Monitoring Policy, see PTP/SyncE Monitoring Policy.


PWID Inventory

Displays and exports the PWID of the local device and peer device. Lists all PWID for all services per domain and per router.

Device Health

For details about the Device Health monitoring policy, see Device Health Monitoring Policy.



VLAN information for the switches in the network.



Wired Detailed Device Inventory

Detailed inventory data for the wired devices in your network. Includes system information, chassis information, module information, module port interfaces, VLAN interfaces, software image information, memory pool information, flash devices, flash partition, flash file.


Up to 5 devices can be selected if you want to run the report immediately without saving it. To include more than 5 devices, save or schedule the report.



Wired Device Availability

List of wired devices with highest availability in your network. Includes device name, average availability (%).



Wired Module Detail

Table listing detailed module information for wired devices in the network including device name, device IP, equipment name, number of ports, operational status, vendor equipment type, manufacturer, serial number, and UDI.



Wired Port Attribute

Port attribute information such as admin status, operational status, mac address, etc. Includes VLAN ID, access mode VLAN, device IP address, Interface IP address, description, MAC address, Admin status, operational status, type, MTU, speed, duplex, IsTrunk, trunk encapsulation

Device Health

For details about the Device Health monitoring policy, see Device Health Monitoring Policy.


Create, Schedule, and Run a New Report

The Report Launch Pad provides access to all Cisco EPN Manager reports from a single page. From this page, you can perform all report operations: Create, save, view, schedule, and customize.

To see more report details, hover the cursor over the tooltip next to the report type.

To create, schedule, and run a new report:


Step 1

From the left sidebar, choose Reports > Report Launch Pad.

Step 2

Locate the report you want to launch, then click New.

A new text box, Last, is added as part of the Reporting Period field which allows users to generate reports for the last 24 hours.

You must enter a value between 1 to 24, i.e. for the last 24 hours.

Step 3

In the Report Details page, enter the report title.

You can edit the Report Title field.
Step 4

Choose the appropriate Report By category from the drop down list.

Step 5

The Report Criteria field allows you to sort your results depending on the previous Report By selection made.

If you select the virtual domain checkbox at the top, edit button is enabled when one or more values present in the report criteria filter.
Step 6

Click Edit to open the device selection wizard and select the required device. Click on Preview tab to confirm the selected devices and click Ok. You can also remove the selected devices.

The parameters shown in the Report Details page depend on the report type you chose. With some reports, you are required to customize the report results. For more information about how to customize a report result, see Customize Report Results.

In Client reports, SSIDs are listed only if their Wireless LAN Controllers are mapped to a Virtual Domain.
Step 7

If you plan to run this report later or as a recurring report, enter the required Schedule parameters.

Step 8

To run the report, choose one of the following options:

  • Run—Runs the report without saving the report setup.

  • Save—Saves this report setup without immediately running the report. If you have entered Schedule parameters, the report runs automatically at the scheduled date and time.

  • Run and Save—Saves this report setup and runs the report immediately.

  • Save and Export—Saves the report, runs it, and exports the results to a file. You will be prompted to:
    • Select the exported report’s file format (CSV or PDF). Exported CSV file is a single .csv file which has capability to hold one million records. If the number of records exceeds one million, then another CSV file will be generated accomodating the remaining records. Finally, both the CSV files will be provided in zip format.


      Above mentioned condition is applicable only for the reports listed under Reports Launchpad which is called as simple reports, while the custom reports will not have this conditional check.

    • In Export Delimiter field, enter any one of the following characters * # @ % ^ & | , ! $ to view the exported data separated by a delimiter.

      The Export Delimiter field is available only when the selected export file format is CSV.
    • Choose whether to send an email when the report has been generated. If you choose this option, you must enter the destination email address and the email subject line content, and choose whether you want the exported file included as an attachment to the email.

    When you are finished, click OK.

  • Save and Email—Saves the report, runs it, exports the results as a file, and emails the file. You will be prompted to:
    • Select the exported report file format.

    • Enter the destination email address and the email subject line content.

      In Cisco EPN Manager, selecting the Export Format as CSV and clicking the Save and Email option will send the CSV file in the zip format, if the file holds more than 15k records. A file with less than 15k records will be sent as a plain CSV file.

    When you are finished, click OK.

  • Cancel—Returns to the previous page without running or saving this report.

Customize Report Results

Many reports allow you to customize their results, letting you include or exclude different types of information. Reports that support this feature display a Customize button. Click this button to access the Create Custom Report page and customize the report results.

To customize a report result:


Step 1

Choose the report you want to customize:

  1. Create a new report. Click Reports > Report Launch Pad.

  2. Customize a recurring report. Click Reports > Saved Report Templates and, then click the report name hyperlink.

Step 2

In the Report Details page, click Customize.

Step 3

On the Create Custom Report page, complete the required information, then click Apply to confirm the changes.

Step 4

Click Save in the Report Details page.

Filter and Customize Report Data Using User Defined Fields

You can create custom attributes and assign values to them. See Create User Defined Fields for Custom Values for information about how to create user defined fields (UDF). You can then use the UDFs to filter and customize the report results.

Cisco EPN Manager scans the values of UDFs created every two minutes and generates a UDF.json file, in which the metadata are saved. You can access this file from the /opt/CSCOlumos/conf/rfm/classes/com/cisco/server/reports/conf/UDF.json location.

Here is an example of how the metadata for the UDFs are displayed in the UDF.json file:

    "label": "internal",
    "hidden": true,
    "displayName": "Internal",
    "fixedColumn": false
    "label": "location",
    "hidden": true,
    "displayName": "Location",
    "fixedColumn": false
    "label": "quality",
    "hidden": true,
    "displayName": "Quality",
    "fixedColumn": false

In this example:

  • the attribute, label is the user defined field created in the Administration > Settings > System Settings > General > User Defined Fields page.

  • the attribute, hidden is set to True, by default. If this attribute is set to False, the UDF is hidden on the Reports page. You need to set this attribute to False so that the UDF is available for selection when you customize the report results.

  • the attribute, displayName is used to change the UDF name that will be displayed in the report results.

  • The attribute, fixedColumn is applicable only when the hidden attribute is set to False.

After you have made the required changes in the UDF.json file, you can customize the report results. See Customize Report Results.

You can filter and customise reports based on UDFs for the following reports:

Report Category

Report Name

Report Type

CE Performance

Interface Graphs

Interface In Utilization Graph

Interface In Traffic Graph

Interface Out Utilization Graph

Interface Out Traffic Graph

Interface Top N

Interface TopN In Utilization

Interface TopN In Traffic

Interface TopN Out Utilization

Interface TopN Out Traffic

Interface Bottom N Availability

Interface Traffic

Interface Errors and Discards

Interface Traffic Report

Interface CRC Errors Report


Environmental Temperature

Summarized Environmental Temperature

Current Environmental Temperature



CPU Utilization

CPU Utilization

Top CPU Utilization

Bottom CPU Utilization

Memory Utilization

Memory Utilization

Top Memory Utilization

Bottom Memory Utilization

Wired Module Detail

Wired Module Detail Report Details

Wired Detailed Device Inventory

Wired Detailed Device Inventory Report Details

You can also change the filter type of the UDF in the UDF.json file. The default filter type is String.

Here are few examples of filter types and their definitions:

    "label": "internal",
    "displayName": "Internal",
    "hidden": false,
    "fixedColumn": false,
    "filterMetadata": {
      "sqlDataType": "Boolean",
      "attr": "internal",
      "label": "UDF: Internal Used",
      "filterType": "boolean"
    "label": "location",
    "displayName": "Location",
    "hidden": false,
    "fixedColumn": false
    "label": "quality",
    "displayName": "Quality",
    "hidden": false,
    "fixedColumn": false,
    "filterMetadata": {
      "sqlDataType": "Number",
      "selectItems": {
        "1": "High Quality",
        "2": "Mid Quality",
        "3": "Low Quality"
      "attr": "quality",
      "label": "UDF: Quality",
      "filterType": "enumeration"
    "label": "sapid",
    "displayName": "SAP ID",
    "hidden": false,
    "fixedColumn": true,
    "filterMetadata": {
      "sqlDataType": "Number",
      "attr": "sapid",
      "label": "UDF: SAP ID",
      "filterType": "numeric"
    "label": "startTime",
    "displayName": "Start Time",
    "hidden": false,
    "fixedColumn": false,
    "filterMetadata": {
      "sqlDataType": "Timestamp",
      "attr": "startTime",
      "label": "UDF: Start Time",
      "filterType": "datetime"
    "label": "vendor",
    "displayName": "Vendor",
    "hidden": false,
    "fixedColumn": true,
    "filterMetadata": {
      "sqlDataType": "String",
      "selectItems": {
        "huawei": "Hua Wei",
        "alu": "Alcatel Lucent",
        "cisco": "Cisco"
      "attr": "vendor",
      "label": "UDF: Vendor",
      "filterType": "enumeration"

After you have made the required changes in the UDF.json file, use the Advanced Filter option in the Report Details page to filter the report data.

Report Output Examples: Web GUI Output and CSV File Output

In this example, a section monitoring report is generated for Cisco NCS 2000 series devices that are available in the near end of the network. You can choose to view the result, either at the bottom of the Report Details page, or export the results to a CSV or PDF file. For more information about how to create and run a report, see Create, Schedule, and Run a New Report.

The following figure shows how the results are displayed at the bottom of the Report Details page.

If scheduling is enabled and you choose to export the result to a CSV file, the report is saved in the repository named /localdisk/ftp/reports. You can adjust the location of the report repository. For more information, see Report Purging.


If scheduling is disabled and you choose to export the result to a CSV file, the report is saved in the repository named /localdisk/ftp/reportsOnDemand.

The file naming convention for the CSV file is ReportTitle_yyyymmdd_hhmmss.csv, where yyyymmdd is the year, month, and date, and hhmmss is the hours, minutes, and seconds when the report result was exported.

The following figure shows how the results are displayed in a CSV file.

The following table explains how you can interpret the section monitoring report result.

Column Name


Device Name

Name of the device that is in the near end of the network.

Device IP Address

IP address of the device.


Interface name of the device.


Date and time when the section monitoring data was collected for the device. The value in this column depends on the report interval that you chose when you created the report. The report interval can be 15 minutes or 24 hours.


Number of background block errors for the device.


Background block error ratio for the device.


Number of errored seconds for the device.


Errored seconds ratio for the device.


Number of severely errored seconds for the device.


Severely errored seconds ratio for the device.


Number of unavailable seconds for the device.


Number of failure counts (AIS/RFI detected) for the device.

For detailed descriptions of performance counters that are displayed in the results of other optical performance reports, see Performance Counters for Optical Monitoring Policies .

Troubleshooting Tips for an Empty Report

If the report was run successfully but you do not have an output file that can be exported, you can try one of the following troubleshooting tips:

Check if you have...

For example:

...enabled the correct monitoring policy. For details on what monitoring policies must be enabled, see Monitoring Policies Reference.

For QoS reports, QoS monitoring policy must be enabled.

... enabled the periodic collection.

For any System Monitoring Periodic reports (CPU/Disk/Memory), the periodic collection must be enabled. Once enabled, the report must be generated after 12 hours to see the output.

Periodic collection can be enabled by clicking Periodic Collection Enable button under System Monitoring Setting in https://<Server IP>/webacs/

... chosen the correct device type for a particular report.

Do not choose NCS devices for generating CE Performance reports as they are optical devices.

... selected the correct time period while generating a report.

You cannot choose a 2-week time period if you enabled the policy only 2 days ago.

... configured the device properly. For more details, see Configure Devices So They Can Be Modeled and Monitored.

For QoS reports, QoS must be configured/enabled on the device.

... successful device inventory collection. For more details, see Find Devices With Inventory Collection or Discovery Problems

For the reports to have data, the inventory collection status must be Completed.