Data Collection and Purging

Control Data Collection Jobs

All data collection tasks (and data purging tasks) are controlled from the Jobs Dashboard. See Manage Jobs Using the Jobs Dashboard. Data collection jobs are listed under System Jobs .

About System Jobs

The following table describes the background data collection jobs Cisco EPN Manager performs.

Table 1. Inventory Data Collection Jobs

Task Name

Default Schedule


Editable options

Infrastructure jobs

Data Cleanup

2 hours

This job schedules daily data file cleanup.

Select Edit Schedule > Recurrence and select the appropriate settings to schedule the job.

Device Config Backup-External

15 minutes

This Job will Export all device configs (Text-Files in a Zip) to a predefined external repository. You can configure or create the repository using CLI commands and the supported repositories are FTP, SSH FTP (SFTP) and Network File System (NFS).

Select Edit Schedule > Recurrence and select the appropriate settings to schedule the job.

Click the edit icon, and check the Export only Latest Configuration check box, to transfer only the latest configuration.

You can edit the job properties based on the user permission set in Role Based Access Control (RBAC).

Index search Entities

3 hours

This Job schedules the Index Search Entities.

Select Edit Schedule > Recurrence and select the appropriate settings to schedule the job.

On Demand Reports Cleanup

6 hours

This job schedules reports cleanup when required.

Select Edit Schedule > Recurrence and select the appropriate settings to schedule the job.

Server Backup

1 day

This job schedules automatic Cisco EPN Manager server backups. The backups created are application backups.

Select Edit Schedule > Recurrence and select the appropriate settings to schedule the job.

Smart License Compliance Status


This job runs for Smart License for the default schedule.

Non Editable.

Inventory and Discovery Jobs

Switch Inventory

1 day

This job collects inventory for discovered devices which are reachable periodically as per given schedule.

Select Edit Schedule > Recurrence and select the appropriate settings to schedule the job.


30 minutes

This job collects inventory for the only failed features for devices in CWW and do a full sync for devices CF periodically, this job is suspended by default. Customers can enable it based on their choice.

Select Edit Schedule > Recurrence and select the appropriate settings to schedule the job.

Status Jobs

Autonomous AP Operational Status

5 minutes

This job schedules status polling of autonomous wireless access points.

Select Edit Schedule > Recurrence and select the appropriate settings to schedule the job.

Switch Operational Status

5 minutes

This job checks for the node reachability.

Select Edit Schedule > Recurrence and select the appropriate settings to schedule the job.

Third Party Access Point Operational Status

3 hours

This job schedules operational status polling of third party APs.

Select Edit Schedule > Recurrence and select the appropriate settings to schedule the job.

Third Party Controller Operational Status

3 hours

This job schedules operational status polling of third party Controllers.

Select Edit Schedule > Recurrence and select the appropriate settings to schedule the job.

Wireless AP Discovery

5 minutes

This job schedules Wireless AP discovery.

Select Edit Schedule > Recurrence and select the appropriate settings to schedule the job.

How Data Retention Settings Affect Web GUI Data

Changes you make on the Data Retention page determine the information that is displayed in the web GUI. You can open the data retention page by choosing Administration > Settings > System Settings, then choosing General > Data Retention.

For example, if you do not need any historical performance data older than 7 days, you can modify the performance data retention values as follows:

  • Short-term Data Retention Period—1 day

  • Medium-term Data Retention Period—3 days

  • Long-term Data Retention Period—7 days

If you specify these settings, all data displayed in performance reports and on performance dashboards will be for the previous 7 days only. When you generate a performance report, even if you select a reporting period longer than the last 7 days, the report will contain data from the last 7 days only (because that is all of the data you selected to retain).

Similarly, if you view a performance dashboard and select a time frame longer than one week, the dashboard will contain date from the last 7 days only.

When you create the monitoring policy for interfaces, you can define the polling interval for every 15 minutes or every 5 minutes or every 1 minute. According to the selected polling interval, the device data is polled and stored in Oracle Data base. The data is aggregated every 1 hour into the AHxxx table; once a day into the ADxxx table irrespective of the polling interval is set to1/5/15 minutes.

In the Interface Health Policy tab, if the frequency is set at 5 mins, you can view 12 samples for each hour. Every hour the data moves to the aggregated table and an average or mean interface statistics is calculated , and there will be one entry in the hourly aggregated table. The aggregation is the same for all the policies no matter what the polling interval is.

You can view data retention details and the age of the data storage, the event time in milliseconds and for each data base the entity ID and the event time.View the performance data and aggregate data in the Performance Dashlet, > Interfaces > Traffic Utilization tab.

Performance and System Health Data Retention


Cisco recommends you do not change the retention periods for trend, device health, system health, and performance data because the default settings are optimized to get the most helpful information from interactive graphs.

The following table describes the information shown on the Data Retention page.

Type of Data


Default Retention Settings

Trend Data Retain Periods

Device-related historical information. Trend data is gathered as a whole and summarized as minimums, maximums, or averages.

Hourly data retain period: 15 (days)

Daily data retain period: 90 (days)

Weekly data retain period: 54 (weeks)

Device Health Data Retain Periods

SNMP-polled device data such as device reachability, and utilization for CPU, memory, and interfaces.

Hourly data retain period: 15 (days)

Daily data retain period: 90 (days)

Weekly data retain period: 54 (weeks)

Performance Data Retain Periods

Assurance data such as traffic statistics.

  • Short-term data is aggregated every 5 minutes.

  • Medium-term data is aggregated every hour.

  • Long-term is aggregated daily.

Short term data retain period: 7 (days)

Medium term data retain period: 31 (days)

Long term data retain period: 378 (days)

Network Audit Data Retain Period

Audit records for configurations triggered by users, and so on.

Audit data retain period: 90 (days)

System Health Data Retain Periods

Includes most data shown on the Admin dashboards

Hourly data retain period: 1 (days)

Daily data retain period: 7 (days)

Weekly data retain period: 54 (weeks)

For example, these are the retention settings for optical performance data:

  • Optical 30 seconds performance data (short-term) is saved for 1 hour.

  • Optical 15-minute performance data (short-term) is saved for 7 days.

  • Optical 1-day performance data (medium-term) is saved for 30 days.

Specifying Data Retention By Database Table

Administrators can use the “Other Data Retention Criteria” section of the Data Retention page to configure retention periods for specific Cisco EPN Manager database tables. You specify the retention period using the following attributes:

  • Age (in hours) : Specifies the maximum data retention period in hours for all records in the database.

  • Max Records : Specifies the maximum number of records to retain in a particular database table. A Max Records value of NA means that the only retention criteria considered is the Age attribute.

The section is categorized into multiple subsections. Each subsection list each database table name, along with the current Age and Max Records used to determine whether an individual record in the table will be retained or discarded. The page also lists the table Age Attribute used to compute the age of the data in the table.

Cisco strongly recommends that you consult with Cisco Technical Assistance Center before changing the values for any of the tables in this section. Doing so without help may affect system performance negatively.


Step 1

Choose Administration > Settings > System Settings > General > Data Retention.

Step 2

Expand the Other Data Retention Criteria section.

Step 3

Expand the database table subsection for which you want to specify Age and Max Records values.

Step 4

Click on the database table listing and enter the new values as needed.

Step 5

Click Save.

Alarm, Event, and Syslog Purging


These default purging settings are provided to ensure optimal performance. Use care when adjusting these settings, especially if Cisco EPN Manager is managing a very large network (where increasing these settings may have an adverse impact).

Cisco EPN Manager stores a maximum of 8000000 events and 2000000 syslogs in the database.

To protect system performance, Cisco EPN Manager purges alarms, events, and syslogs according to the settings in the following table. All of these settings are enabled by default. Data is deleted on a daily basis. Alarm tables are checked hourly, and if the alarm table exceeds the 300,000 limit, Cisco EPN Manager deletes the oldest cleared alarms until the alarms table size is within the limit.

Data Type

Deleted after:

Default Setting

Alarms—Cleared security alarms

30 days


Alarms—Cleared non-security alarms

7 days



60 days



30 days



30 days


To change the settings, choose Administration > Settings > System Settings, then choose Alarms and Events > Alarms and Events and modify the settings in the Alarm and Event Cleanup Options area.

Log Purging

You can adjust the purging settings for logs by choosing Administration > Settings > Logging . Logs are saved until the reach the maximum size. At that point, a number is appended to the log file and a new log is started. When the number of logs exceeds the maximum, the oldest log is deleted.

The following table lists the default purging values for General and SNMP logs.

Log Type

Size of Logs

Number of Logs

To change the setting, see:


10 MB


Adjust General Log File Settings and Default Sizes


10 MB


View and Manage General System Logs

Report Purging

By default, reports are stored in a repository named /localdisk/ftp/reports and are deleted after 31 days from that directory. Reports filters that you set from the filters page are saved in the database and are not purged.


Step 1

Choose Administration > Settings > System Settings, then choose General > Reports.

Step 2

If required, adjust the location for the reports repository on the server. The repository must reside under the FTP root partition.

Step 3

If you want to change the default purging age, enter a new value in the File Retain Period field.

Step 4

Click Save.

Device Configuration File Purging

For each device, 5 configuration files are saved in the configuration archive. Any file that is older than 30 days is purged. Device configuration files cannot be manually deleted. For more information on device configuration files, see Manage Device Configuration Files.