This log module enables the ncs-0-0.log, nms_sys_error.log, usermgmt.log, and XmpUserMgmtRbac.log files. The logs are printed
when the user logs in. The AAA mode changes like local, tacacs, radius, and sso mode changes are performed.
This log module enables the ifm_apic.log file which captures the log that occurs when a PNP profile gets synced against APIC.
This log module enables the apic_pi_integration.log file that captures the logs when the profiles are synced in APICEM as
This log module enables the appNav.log file to capture the logs when saving the ACL configuration in a template, deleting
ACL from a template, creating and updating WAAS interface, and when creating, updating, and deleting the service node group
and controller group.
Assurance AppClassifier
This log module enables the assurance_appclassifier.log file that captures information related to NBAR classification on incoming
AVC/Wireless Netflow data. This is for application classification/identification for flow record, as a part of the netflow
processing in Cisco EPN Manager.
Assurance Netflow
This log module enables the assurance_netflow.log file that captures information pertaining to the processing of incoming
Netflow data being sent from various Netflow devices to Cisco EPN Manager. It logs information related to netflow processing performed on flow exports received on UDP port 9991.
Assurance PfR
This log module enables the assurance_pfr.log file that captures information related to the PfRMonitoring process.
Assurance WirelessUser
This log module enables the assurance_wirelessuser.log file that captures the information when the WirelessUser job runs to
read the user data and populate it in the memory caches that are added by the WIRELESS_ASSURANCE trigger.
Assurance WSA
This log module enables the wsa_collector.log, access_log , assurance_wsa.log, and error_log files that captures information
while WLC processes data from device to Cisco EPN Manager. Logs are generated as a part of the Wireless Controller data collection.
AVC Utilities
This log module enables the aems_avc_utils.log file. The AVC configuration feature-specific utility flow logs are generated
as a part of this component.
CIDS Device Logs
This log module captures information related to device pack operation of few devices that are not migrated to XDE.
Operations Center Logs
This log module enables the cluster.core.log file that captures information related to management Cisco EPN Manager servers.
This log module captures the information of the dashlet that is launched to check the readiness of a device.
Common Helper
This log module captures the XMP common related information.
This log module enables the ifm_config.log file when the templates such as CLI, Composite, and MBC are deployed to the devices.
The service business logic execution debug logs are captured.
Configuration Archive
This log module enables the ifm_config_archive.log and ifm_config_archive_core.log files. The logs are captured based on the
selected log level in GUI and logs are logged for all the Configuration Archive module supported operations like Configuration
Archive Collection, Configuration Archive Overwrite, Configuration Archive Rollback, and Configuration Archive Deploy.
Configuration Archive Core
This log module enables the ifm_config_archive_core.log file which captures the information on the interaction between service
layer and device pack while performing the operations like Configuration Archive Collection, Configuration Archive Overwrite,
Configuration Archive Rollback, and Configuration Archive Deploy.
Configuration Templates
This log module enables the ifm_config.log and ifm_template.log files. These files are logged when a System template, Composite
template, or Feature template is deployed to a device and the deploy job is created. The logs are captured based on the selected
log level [INFO, ERROR, TRACE] in the GUI and are logged for all the Configuration templates that are deployed to the devices.
Container Management
This log module enables the logs for ifm_container.log file. This file is logged when the container management performs the
life cycle operations (Install, Activate, Uninstall, and Deactivate) of the virtual appliances.
Credential Management
This log module enables the logs from NMS_SysOut.log file.
Credential Profile
This log module enables the ifm_credential_profile.log file that captures the profile creation, deletion, and profile update
This log module enables the ifm_da.log and da_daemon.log files.This module captures the information such as SNMP polling,
NAM polling and Packet Capture work flows.
This log module enables the rman.log and db_migration.log files.
This log module enables the datacenterevent.log and ifm_datacenter.log files. These files contain debug information while
adding, editing, and deleting devices (Discovery Sources, UCS, Nexus). Inventory module logs also contain the debug information
about Datacenter devices.
Device Credential Verification
This log module enables the XDE.log file.
This log module enables the ifm_discovery.log and existenceDiscovery.log files that captures logs while creating, editing,
and deleting discovery settings or discovery job, and running discovery job.
This log module captures the information related to Virtual Inventory Discovery Source Manager.
Fault Management
This log module enables the ifm_fault.log, xmp_correlation.log, and xmp_syslog.log files.
This log module enables the ifm_fault.log, xmp_correlation.log, and xmp_syslog.log files.
Firewall and AVC Configuration
This log module enables the aems_config.log file that captures the AVC, ZBFW, QoS, and NAT configuration details.
Firewall and AVC Inventory
This log module enables the aems_zbfw_ice_post_processors.log file that catures the device inventory time read on AVC, ZBFW,
QoS, and NAT configuration.
Firewall and AVC REST API
This module enables the aems_config_access_layer.log file that captures the REST API call details for AVC, ZBFW, QoS, NAT,
and PPM features.
Firewall and AVC Utilities
This log module enables the aems_utils.log file that captures the common utility calls in AVC/ZBFW/QoS, NAT and PPM features.
Firewall Utilities
This log module enables the aems_zbfw_utils.log file that captures the ZBFW utility calls.
This log module enables the ifm_grouping.log, grouping-spring.log files. It captures data while adding, editing, and deleting
groups, and adding and deleting members. It also captures the log while importing or exporting groups in CSV format and creating
port groups, editing, and deleting port groups.
This log module enables the inventory.log, ifm_inventory.log,existenceInventory.log, and xde.log files. It captures the data
while adding, editing, and deleting devices and performing inventory collection.
This log module captures the information related to the mobility anchor devices that are added to the server.
This log module captures the information related to the APIs that appears while launching the monitor dashlets such as Top
N Memory and Top N CPU.
This log module enables the ncs.log file. It captures the data related to MSE High Avaliabilty actions such as Proxy configuration
and BBX configuration.
This log module enables the ncs.log file. It captures the data related to Mobility Service Engine actvities such as adding,
editing, and deleting MSE and Controller and SiteMap synchronization with MSE.
This log module allows you to change the logging level of the NBI API framework. You can view the information in the xmpNbiFw.log
This log module allows you to change the logging level of the Statistics NBI Services. You can view the information in the
ncs_nbi.log file.
Network Topology
This log module enables the nms-topology.log and xmptopology.log files. This log module captures logs related to the page. Information such as adding and deleting links between devices are captured.
This log module is used for tracking esa dna integration process.
This log module captures the topology related information after adding a device.
This log module captures information from the ncs-0-0.log, ncs_nb.log and alarm_notification_policy.log files.
This log module enables the ifm_sam.log and sam_daemon.log files. The information such as application and service, dashboard
and dashlet service API calls, NAM configuration, NAM polling, and Packet Capture feature work flow are captured.
This log module captures information related to network device polling interval job. Once the job is completed, each device
in the system receives a ping.
Plug and Play
You can enable this module to capture the information related to PNP profile creation and provisioning, bootstrap initial
configuration, APIC EM sync timeframe. The logs are captured in the ifm_pnp.log and ifm_apic.log files.
Protocol Pack Management
This module enables the aems_ppm_service.log , ifm_container.log , jobManager.log and ifm_jobscheduler.log files. This logs
the information related to protocol pack import, distribution of protocol packs, and the jobs details.
You can enable this module to view the report related queries, memory consumption, and time frame of report generation.
Smart Licensing
This log module enables the ifm_smartagent.log and smart_call_home.log files. The ifm_smartagent.log file contains licensing
logs related to smart licensing and smart_call_home.log contains call home logs that captures information transmitted to CSSM
(Cisco Smart Software Manager). These logs are captured in Periodic events and User action based events.
You can enable this module to log the Software Image Management module logs in the ifm_swim.log file. The logs will be captured
as per the selected log level in GUI. It logs the information related to the Software Image Management operations like Software
Image Recommendation, Software Image Upgrade Analysis, Software Image Import, Software Image Distribution, Software Image
Activation, and Software Image Commit.
System Monitoring
This log module enables the ifm_sysmon.log file. This logs information pertaining to the rule start time and end time as well
as the operations performed in between.
This log module enables the xmp _threadmanager.log file that captures the hybernate related information.
You can enable this module to view the details of the events processed by the Threshold Monitor.
You can enable this module to capture the TrustSec readiness devices, devices capable for enforcement, device classification,
and capable devices information. The list is displayed in Service-TrustSec-Readiness. You can view the logs in the ifm_trustsec.log
Wlan AVC Configuration
This log module enables the aems_config_wlan.log file to view the WLAN configuration work flow related information.
You can enable this module to capture the SOAP requests and responses. You can also view these logs in the ncs.log files.