Monitor Alarms and Events

What Are Alarms and Events?

An event is a distinct incident that occurs at a specific point in time, such as a port status change, or a device becoming unreachable. Events can indicate an errors, failures, or exceptional conditions in the network. Events can also indicate the clearing of those errors, failures, or conditions. Event have associated severities (which you can adjust as described in Change Event Severity Levels).

An alarm is a Cisco EPN Manager response to one or more related events. Only certain events generate alarms. Alarms have a state (cleared or not cleared) and a severity (Critical, Major, Minor, and so forth). An alarm inherits the severity of its most recent event. Alarms remain open until a clearing event is generated (or if the alarm is manually cleared).

How are Alarms and Events Created and Updated?

The Cisco EPN Manager processes SNMP traps, syslogs, and TL1 messages from both IPv4 and IPv6 devices. It maintains an event catalog that determines how it should respond to these events. The flowchart below represents the manner in which these alarms and events are processed:

Figure 1. Alarm processing flowchart

Cisco EPN Manager performs the following general steps when it processes an event:

  1. Checks the event catalog to see if higher level processing is necessary (as opposed to just generic processing) for the incoming SNMP trap, syslog, or TL1 message (by examining the raw event for predefined patterns).
    • If it cannot match the raw event to the catalog, the event is considered a generic event and it undergoes generic processing. Generic events are displayed events in the GUI and can be forwarded in notifications. (Generic event handling can be disabled; see Disable and Enable Generic Trap and Syslog Handling). This is done so that none of the traps and syslogs received by Cisco EPN Manager is discarded i.e., they either go through generic processing to create generic events or higher level processing to create alarms/processed events.
    • If it can match the raw event to the catalog, the raw event is considered for higher level processing and Cisco EPN Manager creates a processed event with a severity and potentially an alarm.
  2. Identifies the device and device component that is causing the event (localizes the event).
  3. Checks whether the supported event triggers inventory collection.

    Some events have specific rules that instruct Cisco EPN Manager what information it should collect. For more information, see How Is Inventory Collected?

  4. Checks whether the event severity is INFO or CLEARED.
    • If it is INFO or CLEARED, Cisco EPN Manager saves the event and displays it in the GUI.

    • If it is any other severity, Cisco EPN Manager evaluates whether a new alarm should be opened (next step).

  5. Checks whether an alarm already exists or a new alarm should be created.
    • If an alarm does exist, Cisco EPN Manager associates the event to the existing alarm. The alarm severity is changed to match the severity of the new event, and the alarm time stamp is updated. If it is a clearing event (for example, a link up event), the alarm will be cleared.


      In some cases, a device may not generate a clearing alarm. The administrator should set the alarm auto-clearing interval as described in Change Alarm Auto-Clear Intervals.
    • If an alarm does not exist, Cisco EPN Manager creates a new alarm and assigns it the same severity as the event.
  6. Checks whether the new or existing alarm can be correlated to any other alarms. (Note that here, alarms are being correlated with other alarms, not with events.) If they can be correlated, Cisco EPN Manager does the following:
    • Identifies the causing alarm as the root cause alarm.

    • Identifies the resulting alarm as a symptom alarm.

    You can identify uncleared correlated alarms by checking the Correlated Alarms tab in the Alarms and Events table. For more information on these kinds of alarms, see View Root Cause and Correlated Alarms.

Example: Link Down Alarm

In this example, Cisco EPN Manager receives a Link Down trap that it receives from a device. Cisco EPN Manager generates a Link Down event and, because the port is operationally down, it also generates a Link Down alarm.

When Cisco EPN Manager receives a Link Up trap from the device, it generates a Link Up event and clears the alarm.

Flapping Events and Flow Controllers

Flapping is a flood of consecutive event notifications related to the same alarm. It can occur when a fault causes repeated event notifications (for example, a cable with a loosely fitting connector.) An event is identified as a flapping event if multiple events are of the same type, are associated with the same source, and recur in a short period of time. Cisco EPN Manager will generate an alarm for flapping events. This alarm is generated when there are five occurrences of the same event within 300 seconds. The five occurrences could be of a sequence such as, Interface Down, Interface Up, Interface Down, Interface Up, Interface Down, and so on.

When an alarm is generated for a flapping event, the devices often go into a continuous synchronization state. This can prevent deployment of device configuration such as service provisioning, OAM, etc, on the device. However, in Cisco EPN Manager, when a monitored device raises a Flapping alarm, Cisco EPN Manager detects this alarm and stops further updates of the alarm until the flapping condition on the device is cleared.

The alarm detected as a Flapping Event is cleared based on an exit condition, which is that when there is no occurrence of the same event within the next 300 seconds, the alarm is cleared. This helps control the flow of events to avoid unnecessary triggering of device synchronization.

Set Alarm and Event Management Preferences


Advanced users can also use the Cisco EPN Manager Representational State Transfer (REST) API to access device fault information. For information on the API, click at the top right of the Cisco EPN Manager window and choose Help > API Help.

Set Up Your Alarm and Event Display Preferences

In the Alarms and Events tables, Cisco EPN Manager displays the last 4000 alarms or events, by default. Cisco EPN Manager can only display what is available in the cache (which may be less than 4000). If you want to see more than 4000 alarms or events, click Show All above the table.


The list of 4000 alarms and events also includes cleared alarms which are not displayed. Click Show All to see all the open alarms.

You can customize the following alarm and event display by clicking at the top right of the Cisco EPN Manager window and choosing My Preferences. After you make your changes, click Save to apply your new settings. Other settings, such as whether acknowledged, cleared, and assigned alarms are displayed, are controlled globally by the administrator. (see Configure Global Display and Search Settings for Acknowledged, Cleared, and Assigned Alarms).

User Preference Setting


Automatically refresh Alarms & Events page

Enables or disables automatically refreshing of the Alarms and Events page. If enabled, the page is refreshed according to the setting in Refresh Alarm count in the Alarm Summary.

Refresh Alarm count in the Alarm Summary every ___ minutes/seconds

Sets the refresh interval for the alarm count in the Alarm Summary (1 minute by default) (see Customize the Alarm Summary).

Enable Alarm Badging on Alarms & Events page

When user enables Alarm Badging, alarm severity icons are displayed next to the device groups on the Monitor > Monitoring Tools > Alarms & Events page.

Disable Alarm Acknowledge Warning Message

This setting is only configurable if Hide Acknowledged Alarms is also enabled; that setting is disabled by default (see the previous table).

Disables the following message from displaying when user selects an alarm and chooses Change Status > Acknowledge:

Warning: This alarm will not be generated, if the original event recurs again, within next 7 days, as it is acknowledged now. Clearing the alarm instead of acknowledging will cause the alarm to be generated if the event recurs again. Proceed with alarm acknowledgment?

Disable confirmation prompt for “Clear all of this condition”

Disables the following message from displaying when user selects an alarm and chooses Change Status > Clear all of this condition:

Are you sure you want to clear all alarms of this condition?

(Disabled by default)

Disable “Set severity to information” prompt for “Clear all of this condition”

Disables the following message which is displayed when user selects an alarm and chooses Change Status > Clear all of this condition:

Do you want to set the severity for the selected alarm's condition to Information?

WARNING: This is a system-wide change that will prevent creation of future alarms of this condition. You can undo this change on the Severity Configuration page under System Settings.

(Disabled by default)

Users with sufficient privileges can reset the severity to its original value using the procedure in Configure Global Display and Search Settings for Acknowledged, Cleared, and Assigned Alarms.

Select alarm categories for Alarm Summary Toolbar

Controls what is displayed in the Alarm Summary (see Customize the Alarm Summary).

When clearing all alarms of a condition, always set the condition's severity to Information

When user selects and alarm and chooses Change Status > Clear all of this condition. (Disabled by default)

Enable New Critical Alarm Count Notifications

Enables the notification pop-up that displays the count of critical alarms.The count gets updated once the alarm interval is refreshed depending on the interval set in Refresh Alarm count in the Alarm Summary (see Customize the Alarm Summary). Only the outstanding critical alarms are displayed.

View Critical Alarm Notifications

The count of the critical alarms in the network is displayed as a notification pop-up in every page. The count gets refreshed every 1 minute or some interval depending on the interval set in the My Preferences page.

Click the Show Details hyperlink to view the list of critical alarms in the Monitor > Monitoring Tools > Alarms and Events > Alarms page.


Only the outstanding critical alarms are taken count and displayed.

The notification is not enabled by default and needs to be enabled from the My Preferences page. For details on how to enable the critical alarm count notification, see Set Up Your Alarm and Event Display Preferences.

Customize the Alarm Summary

You can specify what alarm categories are displayed:

  • In the Cisco EPN Manager title bar alarm count (bell). This gives you a quick visual count of alarms you are interested in.

  • In the Alarm Summary pop-up window that is launched when you click the alarm count. The pop-up window gives you a quick look at alarm counts with their severity, as shown in the following figure.

To customize this information:


Step 1

Click Edit at the top left of the Alarm Summary pop-up window. This opens your My Preferences page. You can also open this page by clicking at the top right of web GUI window and choosing My Preferences.

Step 2

Click the Alarms & Events tab.

Step 3

To change the Alarm Summary refresh interval, select a number from the Refresh Alarms & Events page and Alarm count in the Alarm Summary every drop-down list.

Step 4

To specify what is included in the Alarm Summary, Go to the Alarm Categories area. Select Alarm Summary from the Default category to displaydrop-down list. Enable or disable the required Alarm Category by selecting or deselecting the corresponding checkbox.

Step 5

Click Save to confirm the changes made in the My Preferences window.

Interpret Event and Alarm Badges and Colors

When there is a problem in the network, Cisco EPN Manager flags the problem by displaying an alarm or event icon with the element that is experiencing the problem. Alarm Severity Icons lists the icons and their colors.

Alarm Severity Icons

The table below lists the alarm colors and their respective severity levels for the icons displayed in various parts of the web GUI.

Severity Icon



Critical alarm


Major alarm


Minor alarm


Warning alarm

Light Blue

Alarm cleared; normal, OK


Informational alarm

Medium Blue

Indeterminate alarm

Dark Blue

Find and View Alarms

To view alarms, go to Monitor > Monitoring Tools > Alarms and Events. From the displayed alarms table, you can search for specific alarms, as described in the table below. You can also create and save customized (preset) filters as described in the procedure that follows the table. To get more information about an alarm, see View an Alarm's Details.


By default, acknowledged and cleared alarms are not included for any search criteria. This behavior is controlled by the system administrator. See Configure Global Display and Search Settings for Acknowledged, Cleared, and Assigned Alarms

To find these alarms:

Choose Monitor > Monitoring Tools > Alarms and Events and:

Alarms generated by specific device

For active alarms, click the “i” icon next to the device name to open the Device 360 view, then click the Alarms tab. For cleared alarms, refer to the Alarms and Events table.

For cleared alarms or correlated alarms, click the appropriate tab and enter the device name or component in the Location column. You can use wild cards.

For certain devices, you can also use the Chassis View to check device alarms. See View Alarms in the Chassis View.

Alarms generated by a specific circuit/VC

  1. Click the “i” icon next to the device name to open the Device 360 view, then click the Circuit/VC tab.

  2. Click the “i” icon next to the Circuit/VC name to open the Circuit/VC 360 view, then click the Alarms tab.

See Check Circuits/VCs for Faults for information on other ways to get circuit/VC alarm information.

All alarms in the network

Click the Show All link.

Alarms assigned to you

Click the Show drop-down filter list and choose Assigned to me. You can also use this filter in the Cleared/Correlated alarms tabs.

Unassigned alarms

Click the Show drop-down filter list and choose Unassigned Alarms. You can also use this filter in the Cleared/Correlated alarms tabs.

Cleared Alarms

Click the Show drop-down filter list and choose Cleared Alarms Alarms. You can also use this filter in the Cleared/Correlated alarms tabs.

Latest alarms according to the Cisco EPN Manager timestamp

For active alarms:

  • Alarms in the last 30 minutes—Click the Show drop-down filter and choose the last 5, 15, or 30 minutes (CEPNM timestamp).

  • Alarms in the last 24 hours—Click the Show drop-down filter and choose the last 1, 8, or 24 hours (CEPNM timestamp).

  • Alarms in the last 7 days—Click the Show drop-down filter and choose the last 7 days (CEPNM timestamp).

You can use these same filters for cleared and correlated alarms. The filters do not have the (CEPNM timestamp) suffix because filtering by device timestamps is not supported for cleared and correlated alarms. For more information on (CEPNM timestamp) and (Device timestamp), see Device Timestamp and CEPNM Timestamp.

Latest alarms according to the device timestamp

Follow the same instructions as in the previous row, but choose the filters with the suffix (Device timestamp) This filter is not supported when searching for cleared or correlated alarms.

All alarms generated by a device group, series, or type

Choose a group from the navigation pane on the left. You can also use this filter for cleared and correlated alarms.

Alarms using customized filters

Create and save the advanced filter (see the procedure that follows this table).

You can also filter the data to find specific alarms using a quick filter or an advanced filter from the Show drop-down list. For information about how to filter the data, see Filter Data in the Detailed Tables.

Device Timestamp and CEPNM Timestamp

While Device timestamp is the information embedded inside the syslogs message, CEPNM timestamp is the time at which that message from the device is received at Cisco EPN Manager end.

The following configuration is recommended on the device:

service timestamps log datetime show-timezone msec year

Note that these are the default formats supported in case of a Device timestamp:
  • yyyy MMM dd HH:mm:ss.SSS z

  • yyyy MMM dd HH:mm:ss z

  • MMM dd HH:mm:ss z

  • yyyy MMM dd HH:mm:ss.SSS

  • yyyy MMM dd HH:mm:ss

  • MMM dd HH:mm:ss

Where z in the format implies a time zone.


Only 3 letter time zones are supported and time zones with hour/minute offsets are not supported.

Track and Monitor Alarms

You can track and monitor alarms by setting the alarm auto-refresh interval to 10 seconds from the Refresh drop-down list. The list of alarms is refreshed and the latest 4000 alarms are displayed, along with the corresponding Alarm ID

Clicking an Alarm ID displays the alarm's information in a new tab.

View a Specific Alarm in the Topology Map

From the Alarms table, you can select a specific alarm and launch the topology map to see the alarm on the map.


Step 1

To display the Alarms table, choose Monitor > Monitoring Tools > Alarms and Events.

Step 2

In the Alarms tab, locate and select the required alarm.

Step 3

Choose Troubleshoot > Network Topology.

The view switches to the topology map and the device with the alarm is highlighted in the map.

View Root Cause and Correlated Alarms

The Cisco EPN Manager correlation process determines the causality for alarms and alarm sequences. Alarms that support the correlation process are:

  • A root cause alarm—An alarm that causes other alarms (the "correlating" alarm).

  • A symptom alarm—An alarm that is the result of another alarm (the "correlated to" alarm).

Root cause and symptom alarms are displayed in a hierarchical manner to help you easily identify impacted network elements. The following figure is an example of an uncleared link down alarm that is the root cause for two other link down symptom alarms. To display an alarm tooltip in the hierarchy, hover your mouse over an alarm.

This view is especially helpful when alarm sequence has multiple hierarchies. All alarm sequences, regardless of the number of hierarchies, have only one root cause alarm.

To view uncleared correlated alarms,


Step 1

Choose Monitor > Alarms and Events.

Step 2

Click the Correlated Alarms tab.

Step 3

Click in the Correlation Type column to display more information about the alarm in a new view.

You can also view uncleared correlated alarms in the main Alarms and Events table. Click in the Correlation Type column to view more information about the alarm in a new view.

In this view, you can:

  1. Perform actions such as Acknowledge and Clear the alarms. For more information, see Acknowledge and Clear Alarms

  2. Filter the list based on the severity, status and time stamp.

  3. Choose the list of columns to be displayed by clicking at the top right corner of the table.

Cleared correlated alarms are displayed in the Cleared Alarms tab. Like uncleared alarms, the Correlation Type column will identify it as a cleared root cause alarm or symptom alarm.

Get Troubleshooting and Detailed Alarm Information

View an Alarm's Details

To get more details about an alarm, expand it. You can do this from the Alarms list (by choosing Monitor > Monitoring Tools > Alarms and Events, or by clicking Details in the Alarm Summary pop-up). When you expand an alarm , the auto refresh of the table is paused. The circled areas are explained in the table that follows this figure.

Figure 2. View an Alarm's details

General Information —When alarm was found and last updated, current and last severity, alarm ID and how it was detected

Device Details —Managed device name, address, uptime, reachability status, collection status, and so forth

Messages —Trap, syslog, or TL1 message

Device Events —Recent device events from past hour (of any type, in chronological order)

Impacted Circuits/VCs —Carrier Ethernet or Optical circuits/VCs affected by alarm

Find Troubleshooting Information for an Active Alarm

Use this procedure to get an explanation for why an active alarm occurred, and the recommended response to the alarm.


Not all alarms have this information. Users with sufficient privileges can add or change the information that is displayed in the popup window. See Customize the Troubleshooting Text for an Alarm.


Step 1

Choose Monitor > Monitoring Tools > Alarms and Events, then click the Alarms tab. (For interface alarms, you can also get this information from the Interface 360 view under the Alarms tab.)

Step 2

Locate the alarm, then click the "i" icon in the Severity column to open the popup window that provides the explanation and the recommended action that can be taken to troubleshoot the alarm.

If you take any actions, we recommend you document your actions. Choose the alarm, click Annotation.

Find Out Which Events Are Associated With An Alarm

To view the events that have been correlated to an alarm, from the Alarms table, click the “i” icon next to the Severity.

Find Out If An Alarm Impacts Other Services or Network Elements

The Alarms table contains a Service Affecting column which tells you if an alarm affects other parts of the network:


Service-affecting information is displayed for optical devices only.
  • SA means it is a service-affecting alarm

  • NSA means it is not a service-affecting alarm

To identify all alarms that can affect services, choose Quick Filter from the Show drop-down list and enter SA in the field above the Service Affecting column.

To find out which services are affected, expand the alarm and check the details in the Impacted Circuits/VCs area of the alarm details.

Alternatively, you can view the list of all the Service Affecting Alarms from the Service Affecting tab on the Alarms and Events page. This list has the service-affecting information for all the devices managed by Cisco EPN Manager. To navigate to the Service Affecting tab, choose Monitor > Monitoring Tools > Alarms and Events, then click Service Affecting tab.


There is no "Showing Latest 4000 Alarms" option in this tab. By default, the entire list of alarms is displayed.

The Alarms table also contains a Correlation Type column which tells you if the alarm is causing other alarms (Root Cause Alarm), or if the alarm is a symptom of another alarm (Symptom Alarm). For more information, see View Root Cause and Correlated Alarms.

Acknowledge and Clear Alarms

An alarm can have a status of Not Acknowledged, Acknowledged, or Cleared.

Not Acknowledged

Not Acknowledged means the problem is not being worked on. It could indicate that a new fault condition in the network, or that a cleared fault condition that has recurred. Not Acknowledged alarms are not removed from the Alarms and Events tables until they are either acknowledged or cleared.


Acknowledged means a fault condition has either been recognized and is being worked on, or it can be ignored. Moving an alarm to the acknowledged status is a manual operation and changes the alarm Status to Acknowledged. An acknowledged event is still considered to be open (that is, not cleared), so if any related events recur, the events are added to the alarm.

By default, acknowledged alarms are not removed from the Alarms list. This behavior depends on the Hide Acknowledge Alarms setting that is controlled by the Administrator.

Acknowledged alarms can be moved back to the Not Acknowledged status (for example, if you acknowledged the wrong alarm).


Cleared means the fault condition no longer exists. If an alarm is cleared but an associated event recurs, Cisco EPN Manager opens a new alarm. An alarm can be cleared by a user or by the Cisco EPN Manager system. Cleared alarms are removed from the Alarms list (but you can still view them under the Cleared Alarms tab).

By default, cleared alarms will not be shown in the Alarms and Events page. To view the cleared alarms in the Alarms History table in the Alarms and Events page:


When FRU alarms are generated, if inventory lacks location parameters then, generated alarms will not have location parameters. When the FRU alarms are cleared, the alarms may not have inventory location parameters.

  • Choose Administration > Settings > System settings, then choose Alarms and Events.

  • Under Alarm Display Options, uncheck the Hide cleared Alarms check box.

You can also clear an alarm by choosing Clear all of this Condition , which will clear all alarms that are having the same problem. You may also be prompted to change all alarms with that condition to Informational severity. This means that if an associated event recurs, a new alarm will not be opened. You should use that setting with care.

To change the status of an alarm:


Step 1

Choose Monitor > Monitoring Tools > Alarms & Events .

Step 2

Select an alarm, then choose Change Status and the appropriate status (Acknowledge, Unacknowledge, Clear, Clear all of this Condition).

Clear all of this Condition triggers a clearing event for all alarms with the same condition as the alarm you selected. When you choose this status, Cisco EPN Manager displays a dialog asking if you want to change the severity for the selected alarm condition to Information. This prevents Cisco EPN Manager from issuing alarms for the specified condition. To later reset the condition’s severity, choose Administration > System Settings > Severity Configuration and modify the severity. See Change Event Severity Levels for more information.
Step 3

Click Yes to confirm that you want to clear all alarms of the specified condition.

What are the Supported Alarm Clearing Mechanisms

At times you may face a situation where there are so many alarms that are available irrespective of their events being cleared. If you encounter any such problems, here are some of the solutions supported in Cisco EPN Manager.

  • Default clearing of alarms—The fault is resolved on the device and an event is triggered for the same. For example, a device-reachable event clears the device-unreachable event. This in-turn, clears the device-unreachable alarm.
  • Auto-clearing of alarms—In some cases, a device may not generate a clearing alarm. In such cases, Cisco EPN Manager waits for 24 hours (default interval) and then auto-clears the alarm. You need to have administrator privileges to change the auto-clear duration and to know how to set that interval, see Change Alarm Auto-Clear Intervals .
  • Clearing alarms based on inventory status of ports— When a device is rebooted, a card is reloaded or a RSP failover happens, the inventory collection is triggered for that device. During this inventory synchronization, Cisco EPN Manager clears several types of alarms located on some specific ports based on the operational status of that particular port of the device. For example, when Cisco EPN Manager receives a Link Down trap from a device, it generates a Link Down alarm on the specific port since it is operationally down. After a device reboot, if the operational status of the port changes to up, then the Link Down alarm is cleared automatically by Cisco EPN Manager.
  • Syncing device to clear alarms—Here, the devices are synced so that Cisco EPN Manager gets the list of the outstanding active alarms and the events that does not exist are cleared. This is a different mechanism when compared to the event based alarm/event reporting (over traps/syslogs). Once the sync is over, the Alarms Table is refreshed to display only the outstanding active alarms.


    This feature is supported only for certain devices or for certain device functionalities. For example, this feature is supported for optical devices/optical part of devices such as NCS 4K, NCS 1K.


    This feature is also supported for certain packet devices such as NCS 42xx. See the Cisco Evolved Programmable Network Manager Supported Syslogs spreadsheet for the list of syslogs that are supported on the NCS 42xx devices. For the NCS 42xx devices, the alarm severity that is configured on the device will overwrite the alarm severity that is configured in the Cisco EPN Manager (Administration > System Settings > Alarms and Events > Alarm Severity and Auto Clear). This feature is not supported for other packet devices such as ASR 9K and 9xx.

  • Manual clearing of alarms—In situations where the clearing event is missing, you can manually clear an alarm by choosing the particular alarm, and changing its status to Clear. For more information, see the Cleared section under Acknowledge and Clear Alarms.

Add Notes To an Alarm

The annotation feature allows you to add free-form text to the alarm, which is displayed in the Messages area of the alarm details. To add text to an alarm, choose the alarm in the Alarms and Events table, click Annotation, and enter your text. As with acknowledging, when you annotate an alarm, Cisco EPN Manager adds your user name and the annotation time stamp to the Messages area of the alarm details.

Manage How Alarms are Triggered (Alarm Thresholds)

You can customize how often information is gathered (polling interval), the threshold value that indicates a problem, and whether Cisco EPN Manager should generate an informational event or an alarm (of an severity) when a problem is detected. Not all policies have all of these settings; for example, a policy may only collect statistics, so it would not have any thresholds or alarms associated with it.


Step 1

Choose Monitor > Monitoring Tools > Monitoring Policies > My Policies and select the policy you want to edit.

Step 2

Locate the parameter you want to change. You can search for the parameter by entering a string in the Parameter text box.

Step 3

To adjust the polling interval, select the new interval from the Polling Frequency drop-down list. To disable polling, choose No Polling . Note that some polling frequencies are applied to groups of parameters. Changing the group interval will change the polling for all settings in the group. If a policy does not have any thresholds or events associated with it, Cisco EPN Manager prompts you to save the changes.

Step 4

To change a threshold value, expand the parameter and choose a value from the parameter’s drop-down list.

Step 5

To specify what Cisco EPN Manager should do when the threshold is surpassed, choose an alarm value from the parameter’s drop-down list. You can configure Cisco EPN Manager to generate an alarm of a specified severity, generate an informational event, or do nothing (if no reaction is configured).

Step 6


  • Save and Activate to save and activate the policy immediately on the selected devices.

  • Save and Close to save the policy and activate it at a later time.

View Events (Including Generic Events)

The Events tab displays supported and generic (unsupported) events. Supported events are events that Cisco EPN Manager generates based on information about the network. It receives this network information either through syslogs and traps generated by devices, or through polling and inventory collection. This process is described in How are Alarms and Events Created and Updated?. Generic events are events that Cisco EPN Manager does not recognize. Rather than drop the events, Cisco EPN Manager assigns the events a Minor severity (this severity is applied to all generic events; to change it, see Change Event Severity Levels). If desired, you can customize the information displayed by generic events; see Customize Generic Events That Are Displayed in the Web GUI. For information about supported events, see Which Events Are Supported?.

Generic event processing is disabled by default. Users with Administrator privileges can disable or re-enable it.

The Events tab provides a variety of filters that you can use to find the information you are looking for. You can also create and save customized (preset) filters using the same procedure described in Find and View Alarms. The following table lists some of the ways you can filter events.

To find these events:

Select Monitor > Monitoring Tools > Alarms and Events, click the Events tab, and:

All events in the network

Click the Show All hyperlink

Latest 4,000 Events

Click the Show Latest 4000 Events hyperlink

All events generated by a device group, series, type, location group, or user-defined group

Choose a group from the left sidebar menu

Events in last x minutes, hours, or days

Click the Show drop-down filter list and choose the appropriate filter

Non-informational events generated in the last hour

From the Show drop-down filter list, choose Non-info events in last hour

Events using customized filters

Create and save an advanced filter (see Find and View Alarms)

View Syslog Policies

To view a Syslog policy:


Step 1

Navigate to Monitor > Monitoring Tools > Syslog Policies. All the syslog policies are listed in the Syslog Policies page.

Step 2

Click the Expand icon to view details of a specific policy.

Create a New Syslog Policy

To create a new Syslog policy:


Step 1

Choose Monitor > Monitoring Tools > Syslog Policies.

Step 2

Click the Add icon. The Create New Syslog Policy window appears.

Step 3

In the Policy Attributes page, enter the unique Name, Description (optional), and choose the type of action that the policy will perform.

Step 4

Click Next.

Step 5

Based on the policy action chosen in the Policy Attributes window, you can view either the Send Email option or Run Script option.

  • Send Email Option
    • Click Create New Email Recipient and enter the Name and Email Address to create new recipient.

    • Alternatively, select a recipient and notification time range from the drop-down list.

    • Click the Add icon to specify multiple recipients. Send Email will notify one or more recipients by email when matching syslogs are received during corresponding certain times period.

  • Run Script Option
    • Click the Upload scripts button to upload a new script from your system. Cisco EPN Manager accepts all types of syslog scripts and parameters. Hence, you can upload scripts of any type and provide parameters pertaining to those scripts. The scripts that you upload will be listed in the Script file drop-down list. You can select any one of the uploaded scripts from the drop-down list and create a new syslog policy.

By default Run Script option is disabled. To enable Run Script option, go to Administration > Settings > System Settings > Alarms and Events > Syslog Policies. You must have Syslog Policies Settings access privilege to access the Syslog Policies system settings page.

Step 6

Click Next.

Step 7

In the Device Groups window, choose the Device Groups to which you want to apply the syslog policy. If you do not select any device groups the policy will be applied to all the devices.

Step 8

In the Syslog Fields window, configure the following filters for the syslog fields

  • All Messages - The policy will activate for any syslog that meets its other conditions (such as device groups). The content of the syslog message will not affect whether the policy is activated or not.
  • Message Types: - The policy will apply only for syslogs that match certain message types such as specific combinations of facility, severity, and mnemonic fields.
  • Advanced Filters - To create more complex filters on the facility, severity, and mnemonic fields.
    • Choose a field (facility, severity, or mnemonic).

    • Chose a filter operation. Most filters will also require a value. The “Match” radio buttons above the list of filters determines whether all given conditions must be true, or if at least one must be true.

Step 9

Click Summary to view the details of the syslog policy. If you wish to change the settings, navigate to the respective window and do the necessary changes.

Step 10

Click Finish.

Edit a Syslog Policy

To edit a Syslog policy:


Step 1

Choose Monitor > Monitoring Tools > Syslog Policies.

Step 2

Choose the policy and then click the Edit icon. The Edit Syslog policy wizard appears.

Step 3

In the Policy Attributes window, check and modify the Description if required.

The policies name and action type cannot be changed once the policy is created.
Step 4

Make changes to the policy as necessary. (The steps in the Edit Syslog Policy wizard are same as that of Create a New Syslog Policy Wizard)

Step 5

Click Finish to save the changes or click Cancel to discard.

Delete Syslog Policy

To delete a Syslog Policy:


Step 1

Choose Monitor > Monitoring Tools > Syslog Policies.

Step 2

Choose the syslog policy which you want to delete and click the Delete icon.

Step 3

Click Yes in the Delete Confirmation dialog box to delete, or No to cancel.

View Syslogs (Historic)

Cisco EPN Manager logs all syslogs from severity 0 through 7 (emergency through debugging messages) generated by all devices that are managed by Cisco EPN Manager. Syslogs from devices that are not managed are not logged or displayed. Cisco EPN Manager also logs all SNMP messages.

Cisco EPN Manager stores a maximum of 2,000,000 syslogs with the following display limits:

  • Live syslog streaming—Latest 2,000 syslogs. For more information on live syslogs, see View Live Syslogs.

  • Historic syslogs—Maximum of 200,000 syslogs.


Step 1

Choose Monitor > Monitoring Tools > Alarms and Events. Click the Syslogs tab.

You can also view the historic syslogs in the Historic tab in Monitor > Monitoring Tools > Syslog Viewer.

Step 2

Click Custom Syslog Events to enable Cisco EPN Manager to create events for particular syslogs. You can specify a syslog message identifier, event severity and message to use when the specified syslog is received. Cisco EPN Manager creates an event with the settings you specify.

Also, if there is an existing syslog for which you want to create an event, select the syslog, then click Custom Syslog Events.

Step 3

Click Add. Complete the required fields. If you selected an existing syslog in Step 2, the Message Type and Event Message fields are pre-populated with the values of the syslog you selected.

You can edit or delete the customized event that was created.

Step 4

Select a Default Severity level, then click OK. The Default Severity field controls the severity of the event that is created from the syslog. The syslog itself is not modified in any way.

Step 5

To export the syslogs to a CSV, click at the top right of the table/page on the particular syslog tab to open the Export dialog box.

Step 6

Click Export. The first 100000 records will be exported.

Step 7

Click to open a Support Case. See Open a Cisco Support Case.

View Live Syslogs

Cisco EPN Manager displays the live streaming of syslogs in Monitor > Monitoring Tools > Syslog Viewer.


However, this view is not recommended as it has a limitation of only 10 devices. Instead, you can view syslogs (historic) in the Syslogs tab in Monitor > Monitoring Tools > Alarms and Events. See View Syslogs (Historic).


Step 1

Choose Live tab in the Syslog Viewer page.

Step 2

Use the filters to locate different syslogs. You can enter regular expressions in the fields; for example: ^Auth, V|violation|$,^Sec*V|violation$

Step 3

If the data is excessive, click the Pause icon. You can click the Resume arrow at any time.

Step 4

If you do not want to see duplicates of a syslog, click De-duplicate. Cisco EPN Manager will aggregate the syslogs of that type into one line item and display the count in the Count field.

Step 5

To view older syslogs (syslogs that were received before you clicked the Live tab), click the Historic tab. See View Syslogs (Historic).

Step 6

To export the live syslogs to a CSV, click at the top right of the table/page on the particular syslog tab to open the Export dialog box.

Step 7

Click Export. The first 100000 records will be exported.

Step 8

Click to open a Support Case. See Open a Cisco Support Case.

Export Alarms, Events or Syslogs to a CSV or PDF File

Use this procedure to save alarms, events or syslogs as a CSV or PDF file.


Step 1

Navigate to the data you want to export.

  • Alarms—Choose Monitor > Monitoring Tools > Alarms and Events, then click the Alarms or Cleared Alarms or Correlated Alarms tab.

  • Events—Choose Monitor > Monitoring Tools > Alarms and Events, then click the Events tab.

  • Syslogs—Choose Monitor > Monitoring Tools > Alarms and Events, then click the Syslogs tab.

Step 2

If you have a very large amount of data, apply a filter; otherwise the export process may take some time.

Step 3

Click at the top right of the table to open the Export dialog box.

Step 4

Choose CSV or PDF, click OK, and save the file.

To export the events for a particular alarm, in the Alarms tab, hover the mouse over the "i" icon next to the particular alarm. In the pop-up window that opens, click at the top right corner to perform the export operation.

Alarms and Events Notification Policies

You can create policies for sending notifications on specific alarms of interest that are generated from particular device groups, to specific recipient groups.

For more information see the section Event Receiving, Forwarding, and Notifications in the chapter Fault Management Administration Tasks. .

Get Support from Cisco

If you receive an alarm in Monitor > Monitoring Tools > Alarms and Events for which you cannot find a resolution in the Cisco Support Community (click an alarm, then choose Troubleshoot > Support Forum .), you can use Cisco EPN Manager to open a support request (click an alarm, then choose Troubleshoot > Support Case ).

Respond to Problems Within Cisco EPN Manager

Cisco EPN Manager generates internal SNMP traps to monitor its own functions—such as server CPU and disk utilization, fan and power supply failures, and high availability (HA) state changes. For information on these types of events, see Troubleshoot Server Internal SNMP Traps.