Event Receiving, Forwarding, and Notifications
Cisco EPN Manager processes syslogs and SNMPv1, v2, and v3 traps that it receives from devices. The server automatically listens for these events on UDP port 162. You do not have to perform any event listening configuration on the server, but you do have to configure devices to forward traps and syslogs to Cisco EPN Manager on the appropriate port.
Notifications are forwarded in SNMPv2 or SNMPv3 format. They are also forwarded to email recipients when you setup corresponding Notification Policies. If you are adding a notification receiver with the notification type UDP, the receiver you add should be listening to UDP on the same port on which it is configured. Only INFO level events are processed for the selected category and alarms are processed with critical, major, minor and warning levels.
Cisco EPN Manager can forward alarms and events that are generated by the processing of received syslogs, traps, and TL/1 alarms to northbound notification receiver. Alarms of any severity can be forwarded, but only events with INFO severity can be forwarded. Information can be forwarded in :
E-Mail format. See Configure Default Settings for E-Mail Notifications
SNMP trap format. See Forward Alarms and Events as SNMP Trap Notifications
You can also use the SNMP trap notification mechanism to forward SNMP traps that indicate server problems.
Alerts and events are sent as SNMPv2.
Forward Alarms and Events as Email Notifications (Administrator Procedure)
When you configure an e-mail notification, e-mail is sent to the configured receivers when an alarm matching the criteria is created or updated. By default, the subject line includes the alarm severity and category. These settings, along with the message mode, are controlled from the system settings page for alarms and events. For more information, see Configure Default Settings for E-Mail Notifications.
If you want to forward generic (unsupported) events, make sure generic event handling is enabled. (To check the setting, see Disable and Enable Generic Trap and Syslog Handling.)
You can also forward alarms and events as SNMP trap notifications. For more information, see Forward Alarms and Events as SNMP Trap Notifications.
Users can also configure email notifications from the Alarms and Events page. Users are allowed to pick the event and severity, and specific a receiver's email address.
Before you begin
If you have not configured the mail server, perform the instructions in Set Up the SMTP E-Mail Server. Otherwise notifications will not be sent.
Step 1 |
Choose , then choose . |
Step 2 |
In the Sender and Receivers area, add the receivers. You can specify multiple recipients as a comma-separated list.
Step 3 |
Click Test. to send a test email using the parameters you configured. The results of the test operation appear on the same page. The test feature checks connectivity to both primary and secondary mail servers by sending an email with a "Cisco EPN Manager test email" subject line. |
Step 4 |
Click Save to save the new notifications. |
Configure Default Settings for E-Mail Notifications
If you have not configured the mail server, perform the instructions in Set Up the SMTP E-Mail Server. Otherwise notifications will not be sent.
You can configure certain default settings that are applied across all alarm and event e-mail notifications. These settings can be overwritten when users configure individual notifications and receivers.
By default, the email subject line will include the alarm severity and category. The following settings are also available but are disabled by default.
Subject line—Include the prior alarm severity or add custom text. Alternatively you can replace all of the subject line with custom text.
Body of the email—Include custom text, the alarm condition, and a link to the alarm detail page.
Secure message mode—Enabling this mode masks the IP address and controller name.
To enable, disable, or adjust these settings, choose Alarm Email Options area.
, then . Make your changes in theFor information on configuring an e-mail notification, see Forward Alarms and Events as Email Notifications (Administrator Procedure).
Forward Alarms and Events as SNMP Trap Notifications
Cisco EPN Manager can forward alarms and events in EPM-NOTIFICATION-MIB format as an SNMPv2c and SNPv3 trap notifications. You can specify:
A specific alarm or event category, such as System for internal server SNMP traps.
Alarms of a specific severity. Only INFO events are forwarded; you cannot specify other severities for events.
Before a notification is sent, Cisco EPN Manager pings the receiver to ensure it can be reached. If it does not respond, an alarm is generated to notify that the device is unreachable.
Note |
Cisco EPN Manager sends traps to notification receivers on port 162. |
You can also forward alarms and events as email notifications. For more information, see Forward Alarms and Events as Email Notifications (Administrator Procedure).
Step 1 |
As a user with Admin privileges, choose , then choose |
Step 2 |
Select Add Notification Receiver from the Select a command drop-down list, then click Go. |
Step 3 |
Configure the new notification receiver. |
Step 4 |
Specify the category and (for alarms) severity of the alarms and events you want to forward.
Step 5 |
When you are finished, click Save. |